April 2013 “But we

April Anniversaries 4/19 Bob & Donna Masterson Happy Anniversary P.O. Box 61698 San Angelo, Texas 76901-1698 (325) 949-6260 www.anglicanchurchofthegoodshepherd.com Reaching Individuals and Families of the Concho Valley with the Transforming Love of Jesus Christ! Copyright: No portion of this publication may be copied or stored electronically without prior written permission of the Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd. April Birthdays 4/4 Corey Peddy 4/5 Daniel Dube 4/5 Nauwusa Dube 4/13 Tiana Thornton 4/23 Sharon Weber 4/26 Dallas Christian If you would like to have your birthday published in the Agnus Dei please email April at [email protected] Happy Birthday!!! Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! He is Alive indeed! Alleluia! So many of our brothers and sisters have been “going on their way … conversing with each other” (Luke 24:13, 15) about the tragedies they or someone close were facing recently. None of us is a stranger to unrealized expectations, disappointment when our hopes seem dashed, or unfulfilled dreams. Around you and I are any number of downcast and dejected people. You can read it in their faces, detect it in their posture, and hear it in their conversations. How often in just this last week or two I shared some of those feelings. The two disciples walking to Emmaus were not unaware of the man who joined them in their travel. What is surprising is that they didn’t recognize him. I can see them plodding along, gazing at the ground, their crushed souls caught up in despair. Jesus joins them, the very one they are conversing about, and they don’t even look up to see who is speaking to them. The pain and tragedy of life can focus our attention on taking the next step, on surviving. Have you experienced this? With two deaths facing my family as I write this letter, it’s tempting to just plod along, downcast, wondering why our hopes were dashed, our prayers unanswered. Eileen shared she believed that once we experience a miracle, or a miraculous recovery, the very possibility for others causes our expectations to soar. When they aren’t met, we spiral into grief, wonder, and doubt. But look up. The Risen Jesus is walking beside us. He’s speaking, asking us to clarify our disappointment, to put our grief into words. At the root of our despair may be our disappointment or anger that Jesus hasn’t responded as we hoped. Join Him at table, look up as you receive the broken Bread, and see the nail pierced hand that presents it to you. I pray that this Resurrection Season your awareness of the Risen Jesus will grow and abound. May all of our hearts “burn within us” as He opens the Scriptures to us in real, down to earth, experience. Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! He is Alive indeed! Alleluia! Go and tell it! The hope deprived are waiting for us to share the Good News with them. Fr Stan+ “But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel…” Luke 24:21 3355 W. Beauregard San Angelo, Texas 76904 (325) 949-6260 www.anglicanchurchofthegoodshepherd.com Send articles, announcements and feed back to [email protected] A G N U S D E I April 2013 Reaching Individuals and Families of the Concho Valley with the Transforming Love of Jesus Christ!

Transcript of April 2013 “But we

Reaching Individuals and Families of the Concho Valley with the Transforming Love of Jesus Christ!
Copyright: No portion of this publication may be copied or stored electronically without prior written permission of the Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd.
April Birthdays 4/4 Corey Peddy
4/5 Daniel Dube
4/5 Nauwusa Dube
4/13 Tiana Thornton
4/23 Sharon Weber
4/26 Dallas Christian
published in the Agnus Dei please email
April at [email protected]
Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! He is Alive indeed! Alleluia!
So many of our brothers and sisters have been “going on their way … conversing with each other” (Luke 24:13, 15) about
the tragedies they or someone close were facing recently. None of us is a stranger to unrealized expectations, disappointment when
our hopes seem dashed, or unfulfilled dreams. Around you and I are any number of downcast and dejected people. You can read it in their faces, detect it in their posture, and hear it in their
conversations. How often in just this last week or two I shared some of those feelings.
The two disciples walking to Emmaus were not unaware of the man who joined them in their travel. What is surprising is that they didn’t recognize him. I can see them plodding along, gazing
at the ground, their crushed souls caught up in despair. Jesus joins them, the very one they are conversing about, and they
don’t even look up to see who is speaking to them. The pain and tragedy of life can focus our attention on taking the next step, on surviving. Have you experienced this? With two deaths facing my
family as I write this letter, it’s tempting to just plod along, downcast, wondering why our hopes were dashed, our prayers
unanswered. Eileen shared she believed that once we experience a miracle, or a miraculous recovery, the very possibility for others causes our expectations to soar. When they aren’t met, we spiral
into grief, wonder, and doubt. But look up. The Risen Jesus is walking beside us. He’s
speaking, asking us to clarify our disappointment, to put our grief into words. At the root of our despair may be our disappointment or anger that Jesus hasn’t responded as we hoped. Join Him at
table, look up as you receive the broken Bread, and see the nail pierced hand that presents it to you. I pray that this Resurrection
Season your awareness of the Risen Jesus will grow and abound. May all of our hearts “burn within us” as He opens the Scriptures to us in real, down to earth, experience.
Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! He is Alive indeed! Alleluia! Go and tell it! The hope deprived are waiting for us to share the Good
News with them.
A G N U S D E I April 2013
Reaching Individuals and Families of the Concho Valley with the Transforming Love of Jesus Christ!
Do you have an announcement, article or photo you would like in the Agnus Dei?
Please email your announcement, article and/or photos to the church secretary April Wilson at [email protected]
Deadline for the May Agnus Dei is:
April 14
Deacon’s Letter Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We will celebrate Easter for 50 days, through Ascension Day and right up until Pentecost.
So April will see the majority of the Easter season. The Lord has done a new thing in the history
of humanity, and now death leads to a new life in Christ for all who believe in the name of
On the second Sunday of Easter, Jesus’ first words to the disciples is, “Peace be with
you!” He then tells us to receive the Holy Spirit, that if we forgive the sins of anyone—they are
forgiven and if we retain the sins of anyone—they are retained.
This can be confusing, so I want to write about that this month. When we tell the Gospel
story, if the words of the Gospel are heard and received by those who hear the Gospel (that is,
if they hear our message of forgiveness and accept the Lord Jesus), then their sins are forgiven
because of their belief in Jesus’ name. If, on the other hand, we tell them of the Gospel and
they do not receive it (that is, they reject the Lord Jesus), then their sins are not forgiven
because they haven’t believed.
We are charged to spread the Gospel, but the power to receive forgiveness lies with
those who hear. Let us speak in love to prepare for the most favorable hearing of the Gospel.
As a way of illustration of how this might happen in our ministries, and in this same reading,
Thomas hears the other disciples tell him that they have seen Jesus, but he doesn’t believe:
“Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my
hand into his side, I will not believe.”
What a true hard-headed rejection of the Gospel! But Thomas repents when the Lord
comes again about a week later, and declares to Jesus, “My Lord and my God.” So, in this first
reading after Easter we learn our Easter (and always) task: Spread the Gospel, be consistent in
your faithfulness to the Lord, and pray that the Lord Jesus will make Himself known to all those
to whom we speak. Do not be discouraged if folks don’t immediately accept the Gospel, but
believe. If Thomas, who had walked with Jesus and the rest of the disciples, would reject the
testimony of his brothers and sisters until physically seeing the risen Lord with his own eyes,
how much more possible is it that those around us who have never seen Jesus will at first
reject the news? But, when they do believe, they will earn forgiveness and the blessing of God,
as Jesus told Thomas, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who
have not seen and yet have believed.”
Blessed are you, brothers and sisters, for you have not seen, and yet have believed.
Deacon June.
“What Difference Does The Resurrection Make?” by Leslie Brown
As we draw closer on our Lenten journey to the day of Resurrection, what difference
does the Resurrection make historically, in our life, marriage, and understanding of Christian community and discipleship?
I began reading through the Bible “some time ago”. I’m not nearly as far as I should be (I should be on my second or third time through by now), but I would encourage everyone to
join me! We don’t buy a house or car without reading the agreement or contract first, so why the heck would we ascribe to a life and more tellingly, recommend it to others when we our- selves have not read the “manual”? Yes, the Old Testament is tedious at times (oy, Leviticus),
but I’m realizing its importance as well. The take-home message is that we fallen people are a big FAIL! No, we are not “getting better every day in every way” as secular humanism chirps.
In my reading, I have literally lost track of how many times the Jews turned their backs on God even after witnessing miracles (such as the parting of the Red Sea or the raining down of manna from Heaven) with their OWN dang eyes! The Creator chose the nation of Israel to be
a unique people that would witness to His reality. The reality is we CAN’T fulfill the law. For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. After providing the chosen
people to show us how pathetically hopeless we are; we were given the ultimate blood sacrifice in the Lord Jesus Christ. The blood is not the end of the story though; Resurrection tells us the rest. If Christ had stayed in the tomb, we would have no hope. Jesus would be just another
Confucius, Buddha or Gloria Steinem leading to another “ism”. It is “By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone
should boast.” Eph 2:8-9. If we’re all helpless losers without His Grace, maybe we should cut people some slack? How can I withhold forgiveness from anyone when I consider how much I have been forgiven?
Jesus talks about this scenario in the parable about the man who was forgiven a very large debt, but was then killed because he turned around and would not forgive the miniscule debt he
was owed. This forgiveness should have HUGE ramifications for our life, marriage and in social circles
beyond. Sort of makes that lid left off of the toothpaste for the MILLIONTH time seem pretty
insignificant huh? * ALL sin keeps us from God; it is us who have established an ersatz sin caste-system so we can look down on those who have committed a “worse” sin. God sees the
heart. Gee, if we can all forgive each other, in the words of Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?” We Christians should have marriages that make people want what we have. Do your
kids want it? Do your coworkers want what you have? We’re all broken and “sunk” (“sunk” sounds a lot nicer than doomed to Hell) without the
Resurrection. We’re also called members of one body. Let’s work as one. There are already too many divisions and denominations among the Church. Can we express opinions? Sure, but our touchstone needs to always be the Bible. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God or it’s not.
Period. If it is inerrant, then we have the “rule book”; if it’s not, then you might as well be a “Cafeteria Catholic” and pick what you like and make it up as you go along. Did God really say
that? Just take notice; “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth” Rev. 3:16. That means no gray, it’s black and white.
Have you brought anyone in to the church? Your mission field can be as near as your apartment building. We all love to rave about our favorite restaurant/book/song/T.V. show et- cetera to our friends. Eternal salvation? Not so much.
* (It’s me who doesn’t close the toothpaste properly)
The Great House Retreat April 19-21
From Friday evening through Sunday lunch time, we will gather at the Great House Ranch, 10 miles south of Junction, TX, for an all parish retreat. Donation of $45/person
Is being requested, but if you would like scholarship help, please see Fr. Stan or Deacon June. There are brochures available on the table in the Narthex of the church,
as well as a registration signup sheet. Register as soon as possible so we know how to plan. Saturday from 11 AM - 7 PM will be open time to relax and enjoy the ranch, the
river, the ranges, fishing, or riding around the Hill Country.
Feeding the Homeless April 21
Our feeding the homeless ministry has really taken off these past 2 months. Those who volunteer get more out of it than the folks we feed. The group has decided that the 3rd
Sunday of the month will be the designated Sunday to serve. The next date will be April 21st. Many people have asked what they could donate to help out with the project. Here
is a list of items needed for the April lunch. Flour tortillas, briskets, frozen hash browns, small bags of snacks,
individually wrapped candy, water, money and volunteers. We will be serving brisket tacos at the April lunch. Volunteers will be needed to prepare
and wrap the tacos on Sat. morning April 20th. Please contact Pam or Jackie Jennings
for more information. (325) 234-7829 or [email protected]
Special Synod April 26-27
The Diocese of the Southwest in Formation will hold a special Synod at St Clements Church, El Paso, for the purpose of approving the final draft of our Canons, receiving
information from the Search Committee appointed by the Standing Committee to facilitate the search for nominees for Bishop of the Diocese, as well as other
“housekeeping” chores. Fr Stan and Deacon June are clergy delegates, Nan Holloway is our Lay Delegate, and we are praying for the Lord to raise up an alternate to serve in
place of George Butler who has stepped away for health reasons.
Bishop’s Visit & Confirmation May 11-12
Bishop Winfield Mott, Vicar General of the Diocese of the Southwest in Formation, will
be with us for Parish Visitation and Confirmation and Reception of new members. More details will be forthcoming. Watch you Sunday Bulletins and the May newsletter.
Mark your calendars for
Lifewalk 2013 to benefit the Pregnancy Help Center! May 4
9:00 am by the Freedom Fellowship Church Watch the Sunday bulletins and the April Agnus Dei for details!
Vestry Notes
The Vestry met in the church library. Teddye Read was excused; all other members
present. The meeting opened with evening prayer. The January minutes were read and
approved. Judy Holik presented a proposal for a new accounting system Parish Soft. The
proposal was discussed and approved. It will be much more user friendly and will
incorporate all reporting systems of the parish. Classical Conversations was given permission
to hold a garage sale in the church parking lot. Date to be determined.
Upcoming Events: Parish retreat April 19-21 at the Great House near Junction, the
concert for Angelo Global Health Initiative July 4 at the Pecan Pavilion, Easter Breakfast, and
a Picnic for Bishop Win’s visit in May. Good Shepherd will host the Diocesan Synod
convocation at Christ the King Retreat Center November 1 and 2. Budgeted money to
Winning Families (they are moving) will be given to Good Shepherd Amarillo. Budgeted
money to Christ Church Odessa (they have disbanded) will be given to Grace Church Lubbock
for their life skills program.
The meeting adjourned with prayer.
Holy Baptism - Easter Vigil March 30
At the Great Vigil of Easter Service, Eva Bartl, Amber Woolard and Alex Woolard were Baptized in
the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and sealed as Christ’s own forever.
Now it’s up to us to teach them all that the Lord Jesus has commanded us so that they might grow
with us as disciples of the Risen Lord!
Gift Card Shower April 7
Wedding Bells are ringing for Joe Nieves and his fiancé Erica. They will tie the knot on May 25th in Jacksonville, FL. Joe has been attending the 10:30 and Wed. evening
services while stationed at Goodfellow AFB. We would like to “shower” the soon–to-be newlyweds with gift cards to be collected at the church on Sunday,
April 7th. The couple is registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target. Their first duty station will be Ramstein AB, Germany. May God grant them safe travels as they begin
their life together. God grant them many years of health and happiness.
Concert Committee Meeting April 7
Sunday, April 7th at Noon in the church library we will gather to check our progress in
planning the Rose Chisowa Clinic, Malawi Benefit Concert. Tentatively, it is scheduled
for Thursday, July 4th at the Pecan Pavilion at Lake Nasworthy. Gates will open for
church members at 8 AM, and the public at Noon. We will have various bands playing
until 9:00 PM when we will break to watch the fireworks display at the lake. This is in
the earliest stages of planning, and we welcome you to share your ideas, lend your ex-
pertise, and find out how you can support this worthwhile fundraising activity for the
Angelo Global Health Initiative, Dr Daniel Dube, Founder.
Mission Partner’s Current Project’s & Update’s The Emmanuel Development Center Costa Rica Update
This week Alekcey and Judith at Centro Emanuel hosted eight finance and busi-
ness students from University of Texas, San Antonio. The group was accompanied by their professor and trip sponsor, Ron Sweet.
For the past few years, under the supervision of Professor Sweet, UTSA students have been actively involved in managing Project Emmanuel's Agribusiness Partnership
Program. This program exists to help the local farmers and small business owners by providing low-interest microloans as part of a partnership. Many of the farmers in our
area cannot afford to purchase fertilizer and basic supplies. Through these loans, they are able to increase their crop yield and their quality of life. In addition, this program
has allowed us to develop relationships with many in the community, and thereby share the love of Christ in a tangible way.
The students (all but one of whom are fluent Spanish speakers) have spent this week speaking to school children about saving and investing, teaching locals budgeting
skills, assisting potential loan candidates in creating business plans, offering financial
consultations to the community, and visiting the farms of partners in the program. It has also been a unique experience for students from a secular university to see the
love of Christ in action through the ministry of Centro Emanuel. It is our prayer that they would be refreshed as they refresh others through their service to our community.
~ Rolly Dunteman
Mission Partner’s Current Project’s & Update’s Mission Trip to the Netherlands,
I thank God for you and your support, prayers and encouragement, which enabled me to take
part in the renewal mission in Holland. Despite numerous obstacles the enemy tried to use to discour-
age me/us from going, (he tired pulling out all the stops, finances, depression, my thyroid problems,
Stan’s hospitalization, our granddaughter, Jessie’s surgery, connecting flights, fear, and on and on), but
ALLULIA, no weapon formed against us prevailed! Darla (our daughter) Martha Sue, and I, as well as
the rest of the US Team were able to go, and be a part of the most amazing time with our Dutch broth-
ers and sisters in the LORD.
Once we made it to the retreat center, we were immediately overwhelmed by the Spirit, by the
urgency of our mission there. We met with other members of the team on Wednesday night, and real-
ized through numerous words of knowledge, and visions, from the team, and prayer warriors back here
in the States, that we didn’t have time to waste “warming up”. We sensed that God was moving and
that we could not sit back, we had to plunge right in and minister, without hesitation. The needs were
great, but as Corrie Ten Boom says, “God’s love is greater still.”
Beginning Thursday night at the repentance service, following through until Eucharist
Sunday afternoon, we witnessed such a mighty outpouring of God’s love on His people. I do not know of
a single person who did not go forward for prayer. Many received deliverance, physical healing, healing
of emotions, forgiveness, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Others were set free from bondages they
have carried for years, grief issues, un-forgiveness, anger and healing of deep wounds. Both the Dutch
team and the American team were busy ministering to people who needed “hands on prayer”. We also
shared in small groups of six which met three separate times and had extensive prayer for each other
during the hour set aside for that very purpose.
One of the most exciting things for me to witness, was the number of young people that attended.
They were eager to be a part of everything. They ate with us, sang with us, worshiped with us, prayed
with us and for us and most of all inspired us with their enthusiasm. There wasn’t a separate worship
place, or special teachings for them, we were one, all learning and growing together, gleaning knowledge
from each other. We were and are the body of Christ, and I thank God for each member of that body
from the youngest to the oldest. God used each and everyone for His plan and purpose for the retreat,
but I also know it will extend way beyond what we can hope for or imagine.
We went to minister, but we brought home far more than we gave. (I have found that is always
the case, you cannot out give God. I thought I was being sent to give, and I was, but I really received so
much more).
Again, Thank you so much and I pray the seeds that you have planted by your support, love, and
prayers will grow and flourish, and many will be added to God’s everlasting kingdom.
Love and Blessings, Eileen Burdock
The women – RICM, Netherlands - 2013
The Men – RICM, Netherlands -2013