April 2009Cathedral Record

1 April Edition , 2009 Holy Week/ Eastertide Our Worship Life Sundays Holy Eucharist 8:30 AM, Rite 1 10:30 AM, Rite 2 Church School Classes meet at 10:30 AM Wednesday 12:10 PM, Holy Eucharist T h e N e w s l e t t e r o f T h e E p i s c o p a l C a t h e d r a l o f S a i n t J o h n A Word From Our Dean... Dear Cathedral Family, Easter is at hand!!! And of all the things which change and challenge us, especially these days, this celebration always and in all ways marks the same, changeless truth: the victory of Christ over death and sin, over the things which distract and confound us, over the many ways in which we fall short or overdo it. Easter is a mighty crescendo of what the theologians call “salvation history”, the wondrous record of God looking out for us and bailing us out again and again. But Easter amounts to little unless we offer ourselves to it. What do I mean? Simply this, that unless we participate in the whole of Holy Week, we are missing the point and perhaps our Easter celebration will end up being hollow. We begin with Palm Sunday, a jolly romp which ends quietly as Jesus goes to contemplate his awful end. Then there is the Triduum, or The Three Days, when each day we gather at 7:00pm to mark on Thursday the establishment of the Holy Eucharist, followed with Good Friday which takes us, as if we were in fact there, to the foot of the Cross and lastly, The Vigil on Saturday when we rehearse the stories in the Old Testament of God saving us, the renewal of our baptism vows and the first Eucharist of Easter. This drama is a continuous liturgy through which you can enjoy a fresh start and a chance for renewal, both spiritual and physical. On Easter morning, of course, we will have a mighty festal Eucharist at both 8:30am and 10:30 am. This Spring is filled with enormous economic challenges to everyone around the world. We have been forced to look at how we gain, use and spend our wherewithal. We have been forced to remember the things which really count and which really are valuable. For the family of Faith the only way in which to meet this challenge and indeed, opportunity, is to start by giving ourselves to Jesus in the holy commemorations which are offered here. I look forward to joining with you in these exciting liturgies and continue to pray for the well-being and safety of you all. Faithfully, Harry Krauss


Easter is at hand!!! And of all the things which change and challenge us, especially these days, this celebration always and in all ways marks the same, changeless truth: the victory of Christ over death and sin, over the things which distract and confound us, over the many ways in which we fall short or overdo it. Our Worship Life Dear Cathedral Family, Harry Krauss April Edition , 2009 Holy Week/ Eastertide Faithfully, The Newsletter ofThe Episcopal Cathedral of John Saint 1

Transcript of April 2009Cathedral Record

Page 1: April 2009Cathedral Record


April Edition , 2009 Holy Week/ Eastertide

Our Worship Life

Sundays Holy Eucharist 8:30 AM, Rite 1 10:30 AM, Rite 2

Church School Classes meet at 10:30 AM

Wednesday 12:10 PM,

Holy Eucharist






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A Word From Our Dean...

Dear Cathedral Family, Easter is at hand!!! And of all the things which change and challenge us, especially these days, this celebration always and in all ways marks the same, changeless truth: the victory of Christ over death and sin, over the things which distract and confound us, over the many ways in which we fall short or overdo it. Easter is a mighty crescendo of what the theologians call “salvation history”, the wondrous record of God looking out for us and bailing us out again and again. But Easter amounts to little unless we offer ourselves to it. What do I mean? Simply this, that unless we participate in the whole of Holy Week, we are missing the point and perhaps our Easter celebration will end up being hollow. We begin with Palm Sunday, a jolly romp which ends quietly as Jesus goes to contemplate his awful end. Then there is the Triduum, or The Three Days, when each day we gather at 7:00pm to mark on Thursday the establishment of the Holy Eucharist, followed with Good Friday which takes us, as if we were in fact there, to the foot of the Cross and lastly, The Vigil on Saturday when we rehearse the stories in the Old Testament of God saving us, the renewal of our baptism vows and the first Eucharist of Easter. This drama is a continuous liturgy through which you can enjoy a fresh start and a chance for renewal, both spiritual and physical. On Easter morning, of course, we will have a mighty festal Eucharist at both 8:30am and 10:30 am. This Spring is filled with enormous economic challenges to everyone around the world. We have been forced to look at how we gain, use and spend our wherewithal. We have been forced to remember the things which really count and which really are valuable. For the family of Faith the only way in which to meet this challenge and indeed, opportunity, is to start by giving ourselves to Jesus in the holy commemorations which are offered here. I look forward to joining with you in these exciting liturgies and continue to pray for the well-being and safety of you all. Faithfully, Harry Krauss

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From The Deacon’s Bench

Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The LORD is Risen, indeed! Alleluia!! What wonderful words to hear, as Easter becomes reality once again and life begins itself anew in the deeper understanding of our Christian faith. I sometimes grow weary of always hearing the bad stuff or the hard things or the reasons why we don’t think God is with us anymore. You know what I mean; something happens to us and we are convinced that we have fallen off God’s radar. We loose something precious or long-worked for and we think that God is just interested in someone or something else. We need a good shake sometimes to remember that, at the core of our belief is that God gave ALL for us, and that’s why we have life and purpose. But God didn’t do the “Big Fix” so that we never have to worry about being in a bind ever again. In fact, more often than not, we, in our daily lives find ourselves in some situation or another where we are given a choice— lay down and surrender or get up and fight! I believe in the latter of these choices and though all of us, myself very much included, lay down and surrender sometimes, the difference is that we have wonderful opportunities to get up and try again, bolstered by a God who, in fact, never leaves us, never has other interest that steal Him away from us and our needs, and who, indeed, has our love and life at His very core all the time. Our responsibility is to respond to God with our own hands and energy and will— for ourselves and for those we know to be in need or trouble. As Resurrection Christians, we are called to be the daily Christ to one another, to bind each other’s wounds, and to make all things new, no matter how many times we need to do it. Believe me, God gives us what we need. We just have to decide to take it, and do something with it. Jesus died for our sins, and they are many, but they are all taken care of. Our new life comes from God’s forgiveness and from the Resurrection. This comes with a plea for us to engage, even when we feel like life has defeated us or played us badly, to be at one with the God who has never forsaken us and never will. Alleluia! Christ is risen! The LORD is risen, indeed! Alleluia!!

Your sister in Christ,

Deacon BarbaraDeacon BarbaraDeacon BarbaraDeacon Barbara

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I just thought that I would take this time to check in with you and to ask how your Lent is going. I know this might seem a little “strange” but then again, it would be far from the first time that something that I’ve done has been labeled as such! I guess I just want to know because I’m well aware that Lent can often be a hard time for many of us. We often think that Christmastide is the time when many of us need to be healed, but I find that, especially this year; the weight of the world may be weighing just that much heavier during this Lenten season. Face it, we’re being hit with a “multiple whammy;” the job situation here in our fair state is perilous, many of us have seen our retirements decrease or disappear, our 401K’s becoming 201K’s, some question whether our leadership is on the right track, and to top it off, our faith asks us to dig deep and examine our lives! This is really a tough time! I don’t want to appear to be overtly trite, but I just ask you to remember this: the days are getting longer and warmer, employment is cyclical and, believe it or not will return, Easter with all its hope and rebirth is just around the corner, and lastly, you have a faith community that loves and supports you. Please don’t take the last for granted. This is not the time to withdraw into ourselves, but rather the time to reach out and allow our friends and clergy to be present with us; to share our burdens. What better gift can we give one another this holy season than to enable us to fulfill our baptismal covenant by allowing each other into our lives? We are here for you.

Deacon Mark

In their honor…

During Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day, cards to support the Food Pantry were purchased to honor the following people:

Audrey & Milton Gebler Sandra J. Motley Gertrude & Bob Jordan Alfred A. Martin Helen Graves

Lucy Rossi Dorothy Burrows Dolores McGowan Joyce Bertrand Bernice Belt Barbara Spencer

Family of Gailia & Joseph Annaldo Peter & Susan Nastast Peter & Marissa Nastasi Lori & Josie

Deanserio Susan Holmes Tim & Baechy Whelan Kath & Eric All my Grandchildren In memory of Steven LoPresti Geri Bilotta Sylvia Ciavatta Emily Jane Etherton Gertrude Jordan

Rebecca, Mark, Jessica & Sean Nancy & Edward Meehan, Judith Gabriel, Betty Walker Sarah Walker

In memory of James Alleu Felicia McBorough

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Monday, April 6, 2009 Holy Eucharist at 12:10PM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Holy Eucharist at 12:10PM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Holy Eucharist at 12:10PM

Maundy Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holy Eucharist at 7:00PM

Good Friday, April 10, 2009 Holy Eucharist at 7:00PM

Holy Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Great Easter Vigil and Holy Eucharist at 7:00PM

Easter Day April 12, 2009

Holy Eucharist at 8:30AM and 10:30AM Easter Egg Hunt for the children following the 10:30AM service

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Meet The Chapter (Editor’s Note: This column is an opportunity for the members of the Chapter to tell us a little bit about themselves and a chance for all of us to get to know the Chapter members better. The column is in Q & A format.)

Introducing: The Rt. Rev. David Joslin, Bishop’s Appointee

1. What made you decide to become a member of the Chapter? The Bishop appoints certain members of the Chapter and I was glad to accept her appointment because of my enthusiasm for the Cathedral, its Dean, and Staff. 2. Why do you think it is important for parishioners to be active in the church? How does being on the Chapter

help you to be an active member of the community? I believe every Christian has a responsibility to do all he or she can to advance the ministries of Christ's Church. There are thousands of ways we can carry out that responsibility and I see many examples in the way people serve Christ in the Cathedral and in their daily lives. 3. What gifts and talents do you bring to your work as a Chapter Member? As a bishop? Bishops bring experience of the wider church and can often share ways that other congregations have dealt with challenges. Sometimes the example is something you want to emulate and at other times the example is something you want to avoid like the plague! 4. What kind of church background do you have? (i.e. are you a lifelong Episcopalian? Other churches you may

have belonged to? Past work done on committees or vestries? Actually I grew up in the United Methodist Church and still have a great deal of affection for that church. But I found myself drawn to the liturgy and sacramental life of the Episcopal Church and ended up here. I have served on the staff of several congregations and as Rector of three before becoming a bishop. As a bishop, one of my great concerns has been to help congregations enhance their ministries and move toward more fully carrying out the call Christ has given us to be his body in today's world. 5. Do you have any experience working on committees or commissions for the Diocese? In the 1970s and 1980s I was a Rector in the Diocese of Rhode Island and served on many diocesan committees and commissions during thse years. I have served on similar commissions and committees in other dioceses. 6 What is your favorite activity in the church events? Why? The heart of the church is always in worship. That gives focus and context to all its other ministries of education, service and fellowship. I get great enjoyment out of all of them. 7. What books have you read lately? What did you like about them? Dislike? Would you recommend them to

others? Why or why not? Right now I am reading a heavy book on the Lost History of Christianity. This tells the story of the Church in the Middle East and the East before the Muslim religion took over those lands. It blows my mind to think that places like Iraq, Iran, and Syria were dominantly Christian at one time. Christian - Muslim relationships and tensions are at the center of our world and this book gives some background. A very different book is N.T. Wright's little book, Simply Christian. This book is a very readable account of the faith that is in us and helps us explain that faith to others. I cruise the internet for articles and balance the BBC news with Aljazeera (the Arabic version of CNN) and all kinds of articles that pertain to science and religion, history, politics, art and culture. 8. What do you do for fun? My wife and I have become murder mystery fans and watch a movie together on most nights. We also like to attend concerts and music recitals. I am a "motor head" and enjoy tinkering with my 1931 Ford.

(Continued on page 5)

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The Sunday School Update

Dear Cathedral of St. John Family, A Hugful of News from the Church School: In the season of Lent, Miss Santana and Deacon Barbara will be sharing a project with the children. It is called, “Read to Feed” and is a sponsorship program for our children to read books about children all over the developing world, to increase their knowledge of how children live their daily lives in other cultures, go to school (or not!) and help their families survive in sometimes harsh environments. The children will ask for sponsors, to pledge an amount per book as they work toward “pooling” the money that they will “earn” during Lent, and then purchase whatever animal(s) they can buy through Heifer International once they have completed this project. When they approach you, please consider helping the children to broaden their horizons to learn, to have fun, and to be “ever mindful of the needs of others.” In this edition of The Record you will find pictures and information on the “Read to Feed” Program. Please take a look at it and consider what you would like to do with our children as they start their Lenten program. They will, of course, be asking family and friends to help, too.

Read To Feed!

Meet The Chapter, (Continued from page 4) 9. What would people say is your best quality? I won't live forever. 10. What do YOU think is your best quality? Humor helps lubricate life and helps keep things in perspective. 11. What is the best thing that you have learned about The Cathedral and its members since you have been here? The best? How about many? The congregation is great. They come from many backgrounds which makes things exciting. The building has some exceptional beauty - I think of the wood carving especially. I like the sense of outreach the cathedral and the growing sense that it is a church for the whole diocese with a special relationship to the Bishop and a house of prayer for all people. 12. What do you think is the Cathedral’s biggest challenge? The need to deal with the financial crisis is surely number one challenge. We may have to make some radical changes to enable God's ministry through the Cathedral to continue in the days ahead. One of the things history teaches us is the way Christians have faced over whelming difficulties and have through imaginative adaptation found new ways for the ministry to continues and flourish. I believe God is asking the Cathedral of St. John to do just such a radical adaptation to new circumstances. I'm betting that the Cathedral will do it!

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Mark you calendar for A very special event at the Cathedral of St. John, Providence

Sunday, May 24, 2009 Featuring

Mr. Brink Bush soloist organ recital at 3:30 PM Followed by

Solemn Evensong at 4 PM presented by

MagnificatBoston at 4 PM Reception to follow.


Brink Bush

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News and Notes

Bake Sale

On Sunday, April 19, ECW will have their Bake Sale. Please plan to come and buy something wonderful and tasty for your enjoyment. The Bake sale will go on during both coffee hours. If you would like to donate baked goods for the sale, please see Arlene Walker.

May Breakfast ECW will have its much anticipated May Breakfast on Saturday, May 2, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM. Tickets are available and are $6 for adults and $3 for children under 10 years of age. As we all know, the cooking skills of our ECW are fantastic, so you won’t want to miss this great event! Please see Arlene Walker, Marcia Lima or Bernice Belt for tickets.

Scholarship Awards for 2009

The Deaconess Frances Semle Scholarship has been awarded this year to Lydia Dorbor, who is currently attending CCRI, pursuing a degree in Nursing. It was also awarded to Joyce Thorne, who is currently finishing her second year in the Formation Program for Deacons. The Inez Lopez Scholarship has been awarded to Sam Dorbor, Jr., who is studying Computer Sciences at Rutgers University, and to Len Walker III, who is studying Business Administration at UMASS, Dartmouth. Applications are received for these scholarships each year and are available in the church office from September through December. Awards are announced at the Annual Meeting in January.

Bernice Belt Will Walk in the Parkinson’s Unity Walk on April 25

Bernice Belt will again be participating in the Parkinson's Unity Walk in memory of her husband, The Rev. Don Belt. The walk is held in Central Park in New York City on April 25th. All proceeds go toward Parkinson's disease research. If you would like to sponsor her, please make a check, payable to: Parkinson's Unity Walk and send it or give it to her by April 15. If you want to mail it to her, Bernice’s address is: 37 Shepard Ave, Providence, RI 02904 or you can call her at 272-2991. **The APDA Walk-A-Thon is the world's largest grassroots fund-raiser dedicated to Parkinson's Disease research. Expenses are kept at a minimum, so 100% of the money sent to the national office is used for research. Many individuals who do not regularly donate to APDA take this opportunity to directly fund research to find cause and cure for Parkinson's disease.**

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Date: Saturday, November 21, 2009

Time: 10 AM to 4PM

Location: 271 North Main Street

Providence, RI

Applications for vendors are

available. Please email

[email protected] Or

[email protected]

Page 11: April 2009Cathedral Record


Musical Notes

Dear Cathedral Friends, The month of March has delivered to us some exciting musical events. I thought that the Phillips Exeter Academy and Orchestra was a stunning event and well attended by our congregation. I want to thank all those who worked so hard to make the reception a successful event. Special thanks to Winston Lima and Deacon Barbara and all the hard working folks of the Cathedral parish. What a musical and worship extravaganza to have St. Stephen’s choir and clergy to do Evensong! Also, thanks again for making the St. Stephen’s church and choir feel so welcome. Again, special thanks to Dean Krauss, Deacon Barbara and Winston Lima for the reception, along with all the many helpers of the parish who brought in refreshments and attended. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for May 24th. I play a rectal at 3:30pm and the choral group “Magnificat of Boston” perform choral evensong at 4pm. Reception to follow. I wish for you all a blessed Holy Week and Easter. Brink Bush

DEADLINES FOR The RECORD The Record, our parish newsletter, is published monthly and is available by email, hard copy and on the Cathedral website. If you would like to receive the Record electronically, please give your email address to our Parish Administrator, Miss Tinker or call the church office at (401) 331-4622. Please send articles to Deacon Barbara at [email protected]. The deadlines for submission to The Record are as follows:

April 23 for the May Edition May 23 for the June Edition

June 23 for the Summer Edition

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One of my very favorite things here at the cathedral for the past few years has been the Lenten Series held on Wednesday evenings. Each year we have focused on a different book or movie, done our “homework” by reading the assigned material, and discussed it the following week after sharing a light supper, prepared by one or two members of the group.

This year the book we’re discussing is ‘EARS TO HEAR – Recognizing and Responding to God’s Call’ by Bishop Edward S. Little. It details this process for various Biblical figures and also for some present day acquaintances of the author. It then asks us to consider our own responses when God calls. Dean Harry and Deacon Barbara are both excellent facilitators and always elicit discussions that are thought-provoking, heartfelt, serious, and at the same time laced with good humor. This year, the group is pretty consistently numbering sixteen and it would be wonderful if others would like to join us. I feel it’s a great opportunity not only to study and discuss God’s way for us, but to also learn more about each other and God’s influence in our lives in a more intimate setting. Sometimes chatting for a couple of minutes at coffee hour on Sundays just isn’t enough. God’s Peace To All, Leah

-Thoughts from the Senior Warden-

Quilt Project for Blue Denim Ministries

A new ministry opportunity has formed at The Cathedral of St. John. On the first Tuesday of each month,

from 12 Noon to 6:00 PM in the Crooker Room a group will meet to learn quilting patterns and techniques

in order to make baby quilts for Blue Denim Ministries.

PLEASE BRING: A portable sewing machine if you have one

Snack or lunch if you plan to stay for a while Your spirit of fun, learning and adventure!!

United Thanks Offering

The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a program of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole Church, founded by and administered by women since 1889. The UTO Committee is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings and to distribute the UTO monies through grants. The Committee awards and administers these grants within the framework of the policies and procedures of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) of The Episcopal Church. The parish UTO Ingathering will be collectedon May 3 & 10. Watch for more information in the May Record.

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Cathedral of St. John Providence, RI

Junior Warden’s Report: March 2009 Blessings all! The “Weekend Warriors” will be back at it on Saturday April 4th. Work planned for this Installment includes final preparations of the Sacristy hallway for painting. At our last meeting the crew tackled refrigerator and stove cleaning along with repair / clean up of protective plexi-glass window covering that had fallen off of the large stained glass windows. Don Atkinson of Energy Efficiency Systems has the new furnace installation tentatively scheduled for April 20 th (weather permitting). He had hoped to get it in before Easter, but it’s been too cold to shut down the heat. At this point they’ve completed as much work in advance as possible including installation of; the outdoor sensor, new Honeywell thermostats (as needed) and partial furnace control updates. Furnace removal and install completion is expected to take ~10 days. I am continuing to seek roofing quotes to repair leaks in the bell tower and Sacristy hall roofs. Robinson Roofing was here last week, but declined the work as they are not equipped to handle the height. I have contacted M. Barboza & Sons and Roofing Concepts for additional quotes. Last Sunday I enlisted the help of a friend who is a retired Fire Alarm Officer to go over the alarm system quotes we have received. In his estimation the items that are listed do meet requirements based upon his knowledge. While pricing the work is not in his area of expertise he was able to offer several additional companies that are reputable and suggested we get more quotes. I plan to contact them in the coming weeks. See you in church! Andy

REMINDER!! St. John’s Weekend Warriors

will be attacking more items on “The List” 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Saturday April 4th

Save the date: Your Warriors are planning a Spring Clean Up and Cookout on Saturday June 6th (rain day June 13th). We’d like this to be a “family affair” that in-cludes parents and their children. The work plan includes; cleaning up the gardens, planting flowers and repairing walls. Please join us for this “hoedown” of an event! Burgers, hot dogs & soda will be provided along with any side dishes you care to contribute. The sign up sheet will be in Synod Hall next week for all interested.

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Diocesan Altar Guild Visits Cathedral The Diocesan Altar Guild met at the Cathedral of St. John on Saturday, March 28. Holy Eucharist was celebrated By The Rt. Rev. Geralyn Wolf and assisted by the Dean, The Very Rev. Harry E. Krauss. The event was well attended, with over 65 participants, representing over a dozen churches from the Diocese. Rhode Island Altar Guild Directress, Shelley Dziedzik, from St. Augustine’s parish, North Kingstown was the convener. Guest speaker was Provincial Directress Nancy Feid of North Attelboro, Massachusetts. A lovely tea was enjoyed by all and Dean Krauss gave a very informative tour to the participants, many of whom were making their first visit to the Cathedral.

Photo credits: Shelley Dziedzik

Phillips Exeter Students Offer Spring Concert 2009 at Cathedral On Sunday afternoon, March 15, the orchestra and choir of Phillips Exeter Academy offered their Spring Tour 2009 performance for a large and appreciative audience at the Cathedral of St. John. Many parish members welcomed and provided enthusiastic support to the students and their faculty and staff. Dinner was provided by parish members and all agreed that it was a wonderful experience that they would like to see happen again!

Photo credits: Mr. Al Martin

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April 2


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The Episcopal Cathedral of Saint John 271 North Main Street

The Record

Mailing Address

Goes Here

The Very Rev. Harry E. Krauss, Dean The Rev. Barbara Mays-Stock, Deacon

The Rev. Mark Warter, Deacon Mr. Brink Bush, Music Director/Organist

Leah Nastasi, Senior Warden Andy Costa, Junior Warden

Church Office Hours 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Monday through Friday Office closed on Saturday

Office Phone: (401) 331-4622

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

The Newsletter of

At the Cathedral of St. John

The recordThe recordThe recordThe record