Application Announcement: Becoming a Person Centered...

1 Application Announcement: Becoming a Person Centered Thinking (PCT) Trainer As part of its commitment to person-centered supports, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has contracted with the Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota to develop Person Centered Thinking Trainers in 2017. Up to 16 applicants will be selected to be trained as PCT Trainers. Applications are open to lead agencies (counties/tribes), provider agencies of any size and service type, advocacy organizations and/or individuals who receive services. We encourage applications from those who support diverse communities. The application is due December 16, 2016 We will offer 3 conference calls to answer questions about the application and the process of becoming a trainer: applicants are welcomed, but not required to attend. These calls will be on December 6, 8 th and 12 th at 12 noon. The call in number is: 1-866-865-2157 When prompted, enter code 2271382843 Selection committee will include DHS staff as well as Mentors from The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices. Selection criteria will balance existing person centered thinking and training skills with priorities for capacity building in the state (including geographic, cultural and linguistic diversity of trainers). Training will begin January 2017. An outline of training dates is included in the application on Page 11. For those not selected to participate through this grant opportunity, there are other opportunities to contract with a Mentor privately. Please direct questions and submit applications to [email protected]

Transcript of Application Announcement: Becoming a Person Centered...

Page 1: Application Announcement: Becoming a Person Centered… · Prerequisites for becoming a Trainer Candidate Participation


Application Announcement: Becoming a Person Centered Thinking (PCT) Trainer As part of its commitment to person-centered supports, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has contracted with the Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota to develop Person Centered Thinking Trainers in 2017.

• Up to 16 applicants will be selected to be trained as PCT Trainers. • Applications are open to lead agencies (counties/tribes), provider agencies of any size

and service type, advocacy organizations and/or individuals who receive services. We encourage applications from those who support diverse communities.

• The application is due December 16, 2016 • We will offer 3 conference calls to answer questions about the application and the

process of becoming a trainer: applicants are welcomed, but not required to attend. These calls will be on December 6, 8th and 12th at 12 noon. The call in number is: 1-866-865-2157 When prompted, enter code 2271382843

• Selection committee will include DHS staff as well as Mentors from The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices. Selection criteria will balance existing person centered thinking and training skills with priorities for capacity building in the state (including geographic, cultural and linguistic diversity of trainers).

• Training will begin January 2017. An outline of training dates is included in the application on Page 11. For those not selected to participate through this grant opportunity, there are other opportunities to contract with a Mentor privately.

• Please direct questions and submit applications to [email protected]

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PCT Trainer Application Index

Summary of Certification Process …………………………….Page 2 Prerequisites to becoming a PCT Trainer …………………….Page 3 Maintenance of Annual Trainer Credentialing………………… Page 4 Lapses in credentialing & Contact for Questions ...…………..Page 4 Application & Signatures …………………………………… Page 5 Appendix 1: Training Schedule: Important Dates ……….….. Page 11 Appendix 2: PCT Trainer Level Definitions…………………….Page 12 Appendix 3: TLC PCT Trainer Credentialing Details………….Page 14

Summary of Certification Process: Appendix 1 outlines the roles of trainers and mentors. Anyone who has participated in a 2-day PCT session and has experience using PCT skills can request to become a trainer. Requests are made through this application process, or to a Learning Community on Person Centered Practices (TLC PCP) Certified Mentor directly. The steps to becoming a certified PCT trainer include

1. Full day orientation: this covers trainer materials, expectations, support offered, and a curriculum review with TLC Mentor in preparation for leading

2. Observation of the full 2-day PCT, led by a TLC Mentor; meet with Mentor throughout day

3. Self-Study (estimated at 40 hours). Additional observations encouraged but not required

4. Co-lead a full 2-day PCT with a partner (or with a mentor). This is observed by TLC Mentor, feedback provided

5. Co-lead a secondfull 2-day PCTwith a partner (or a mentor). This is observed by TLC Mentor, feedback provided

6. Submit completed plan for review/feedback– a full PCD for someone who requires support (must be submitted no later than 1 month after the second mentor-observed session, step 5)

7. Submit completed one page profile – FOR SELF as a trainer (must be submitted no later than 1 month after the second mentor-observed session)

8. Once certified by mentor, Trainers must submit their own Trainers Lounge fee/web site listing fee directly to TLC, with support from Mentor.

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Please see a detailed description of the process in The Learning Community document “Trainer Credentialing” 2008, Appendix 2, Page 14. Questions about this process can be directed to Anne Roehl at [email protected]

Prerequisites for becoming a Trainer Candidate

Participation in a 2-day PCT session and experience with the PCT skills is a first requirement. Candidates also need a recommendation from a member of The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices (TLC PCP), such as a trainer or mentor. When making a request, candidates should consider their experience in four areas:

• Developing and growing plans

• Bringing PC work into your teams/organization

• Training groups of adults

• Managing group dynamics

Candidates are also encouraged to consider their ability to commit the time and effort needed. This includes time to master the skills as well as time to develop the ability to teach them effectively. Your passion is important; your Mentor will work with you to develop a training plan that supports you to become an effective trainer.

The application process is a helpful process for matching trainer candidates with a Mentor. Whether engaging with a mentor through this grant or privately, the process is the same.

Who should be a PCT Trainer?

Skilled trainers have a variety of backgrounds. We look forward to welcoming new trainers

who bring their own unique experiences, gifts and talents to the training community.

Participants tell us they love trainers who have –

Passion for their work

Real experience using the skills

Energy, enthusiasm about PCT


A knack at telling a story!

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Maintaining PCT Trainer Certification in Minnesota:

To maintain annual TLC PCT Trainer Certification, the Trainer agrees to

1. Train (or co-train) 3 times in the calendar year

o In the first three years of certification, to train at least 1 x outside of your agency/business, as requested by ICI and/or DHS

o Post training sessions and/or report rosters into shared web site once developed (statewide tracking system)

o Submit evaluations (scanned/emailed copies) to MN Mentor for at least 3 sessions per calendar year to communicate intention to maintain certification

o Co-train 1x/year with someone outside of your organization who is also a TLC-Approved PCT trainer (recommended but not required)

2. Submit new or updated PCD for someone who requires support to Mentor annually

3. Submit new or updated One Page Profile (for self as a trainer) to Mentor annually

4. Update TLC Web Site Listing and coordinate your payment of the Trainers Lounge fee/web site listing fee directly with TLC

5. Engage with the Minnesota Community of Practice

What if I can’t stay within these timeframes and my certification lapses?

If any candidate or a trainer falls outside the timelines listed above, please talk with your Mentor. Discuss with your TLC Mentor what support you need to feel confident facilitating the PCT 2-day training; create a plan with your TLC Mentor to maintain certification.

Depending on the lapse of time and experience of the trainer, TLC Mentors may request a lapsed trainer to review curriculum updates, observe another trainer, co-lead with a certified trainer, etc. There are costs associated with recertification, which vary based on circumstance.

Please review the certification process carefully, considering the time required.

If you have questions about the benefits of having a trainer in your organization, the credentialing process, or the time commitment, please contact Anne Roehl at [email protected] or 612-310-4661

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Person Centered Thinking (PCT) Trainer Application


Job Title:






1) Why are you interested in becoming a Trainer? Why do you want to teach PCT specifically?

2) Where do you plan to train PCT after being certified?

In your agency, parents/community members, other lead agencies, other service providers, ethnic/cultural groups, etc.

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3) Does your organization specialize in providing services to culturally and/or linguistically diverse communities? ☐ No ☐ Yes If yes, please describe:

4) Does your agency include training on cultural and/or linguistic diversity and related issues?

☐ No ☐ Yes If yes, please describe your approach/audiences:

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Please rate your experience: check the box that best describes your experience in each area. In addition, describe your experience in these areas in the “comments” sections below.

1 – None 2 – A little 3 – Some Experience 4 – Good Experience 5 – Strong Experience/Skilled

Ratings: 1 2 3 4 5 Experience using PCT Skills


Experience developing Person Centered Descriptions (PCD)


Experience developing other PC Plans (PATH, WRAP, etc.)


Experience “growing” or implementing plans


Experience Training Adults


Managing Group Dynamics


Implementing PC Practices in Teams/Orgs


Experience working with diverse groups of adults


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Acknowledgement & Signatures

In summary, the steps to becoming a certified PCT trainer include:

1. Full day orientation: this covers trainer materials, expectations, support offered, and a curriculum review with TLC Mentor in preparation for leading

2. Observation of the full 2-day PCT, led by a TLC Mentor; meet with Mentor throughout day

3. Self-Study (estimated at 40 hours). Additional observations encouraged but not required

4. Lead with a cotrainer (or with a mentor) for the first of two required training sessions. This 2-day PCT is observed by TLC Mentor, feedback is provided

5. Lead a second time with a cotrainer (or a mentor). Observed by TLC Mentor, feedback provided

6. Submit completed plan for review/feedback: a full PCD for someone who requires support (must be submitted no later than 1 month after of the 2nd mentor-observed session, step 5)

7. Submit completed one page profile for review/feedback: a profile for SELF as a trainer (must be submitted within 1 month of the second mentor-observed session, step 5)

8. Once certified by mentor as having successfully completed all the steps above, all trainers must submit their own Trainers Lounge fee/web site listing fee directly to TLC. Your mentor will give you the link to pay your fee and assist to coordinate your TLC web listing.

Please see a detailed description of the process in The Learning Community document “Trainer Credentialing,” 2008. Direct any questions about the process to Anne Roehl at [email protected].

Once certified, to maintain annual TLC PCT Trainer Certification, the Trainer agrees to

1) Train (or co-train) 3 times in the calendar year

In the first three years of certification, to train at least 1 x per year outside of your agency/business, as requested by ICI and/or DHS

Co-train 1x/year with another MN TLC Approved PCT Trainer who is outside of your organization (recommended but not required)

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Submit evaluations (scanned/emailed copies) to MN Mentor for at least 3 sessions per calendar year to communicate intention to maintain certification

Once developed, enter available trainings and attendance into shared PCT web site (this allows for statewide tracking of all PCT sessions and a contact list for Community of Practice purposes)

2) Submit new or updated PCD for someone who requires support to Mentor, annually

3) Submit new or updated One Page Profile (for self as a trainer) to Mentor, annually

4) Update TLC Web Site Listing and coordinate your payment of the Trainers Lounge fee/web site listing fee ($25) directly with TLC

I understand the above process and time commitment required to become a PCT trainer. I understand and am able to fulfill the expectations, both during and after certification.

Signature of Trainer Candidate Applicant Date


Signature of Applicant’s Supervisor Date

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Appendix 1: Tentative 2017 Training Schedule Outlined for 16 Candidates, labeled persons A-P

Type Date Location Mentor/Candidate Group Description Room #1: PCT Trainer #1

Room #1: PCT Trainer #2

Room #2: PCT Trainer #1

Room #2: PCT Trainer #2

_Orientation PCT 1/13/17 TBD Orietnation for ALL Candidates Orientation to Process - - - -

2-day PCT 1/23/2017 TBD Anne, Betsy, Rick lead; all candidates can observe

Mentor led PCT: Candidates Observe - - - -

2-day PCT 1/26/2017 TBD Larry, Anne lead; all candidates can observe

Mentor led PCT: Candidates Observe - - - -

2-day PCT 2/1/2017 TBD Rick, Anne lead; all candidates can observe

Mentor led PCT: Candidates Observe - - - -

2-day PCT 2/14/2017 TBD Betsy, Rick: Group 1, PCT #1 Candidate led PCT Group 1 Person A Group 1 Person B Group 1 Person C Group 1 Person D

2-day PCT 2/21/17 TBD Larry, Anne: Group 1, PCT #1 Candidate led PCT Group 1 Person E Group 1 Person F Group 1 Person G Group 1 Person H

2-day PCT 3/15/2017 TBD Larry, Anne Mentor led PCT; Candidates Observe - - - -

2-day PCT 3/22/2017 TBD Betsy, Rick: Group 1, PCT #2 Candidate led PCT Group 1 Person A Group 1 Person B Group 1 Person C Group 1 Person D

2-day PCT 3/28/17 TBD Larry, Anne: Group 1, PCT #2 Candidate led PCT Group 1 Person E Group 1 Person F Group 1 Person G Group 1 Person H

2-day PCT 4/18/2017 TBD Betsy, Rick: Group 2, PCT #1 Candidate led PCT Group 2 Person I Group 2 Person J Group 2 Person K Group 2 Person L

2-day PCT 4/26/17 TBD Larry, Anne: Group 2, PCT #1 Candidate led PCT Group 2 Person M Group 2 Person N Group 2 Person O Group 2 Person P

2-day PCT 5/17/17 TBD Betsy, Rick: Group 2, PCT #2 Candidate led PCT Group 2 Person I Group 2 Person J Group 2 Person K Group 2 Person L

2-day PCT 5/24/17 TBD Larry, Anne: Group 2, PCT #2 Candidate led PCT Group 2 Person M Group 2 Person N Group 2 Person O Group 2 Person P

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Appendix 2: Overview: Types of Trainer Certifications This is a summary of the types of Trainer certifications as part of Person Centered Thinking initiatives, through The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices (TLC PCP). Below is a very basic definition of each trainer and/or mentor level and the process for both certification and maintenance of certification in each area; please review the more detailed processes for each area, which can be provided by TLC PCP Mentor. PCT Trainers: lead the 2-day Person Centered Thinking (PCT) Training To become a PCT Trainer: Candidates must attend a one-day orientation to get initial questions answered and begin developing a learning plan. A learning log is also used to help candidates develop PCT skills and incorporate experience into training. Candidates then observe a mentor leading the 2-day PCT. After practice, the candidate then leads the PCT twice, while supported by/observed by the mentor (candidates may also co-train with either a mentor or another trainer candidate). Time commitment is 7 days in training plus 40+ hrs self-study/practice To finalize PCT Trainer Certification: In addition to leading twice while observed, candidates must submit a completed Person Centered Description (PCD) to their mentor for feedback as well as a One Page Profile for themselves as a trainer. We encourage candidates to do this early in their learning, and it is required no later than one month following their 2nd observed lead. Once finalized, a candidate is added to The Learning Community (TLC) web site’s list of trainers. To remain certified as a PCT trainer: commitment to lead 3x/year. Develop and maintain a PCD and your own One Page Profile (as a trainer). Submit developed PCDs to mentor, as requested, for review and debrief opportunities. PCP Trainers: lead the 2-day Picture of a Life/Person Centered Plan Trainings To become a PCP/PoL Trainer: Candidates must attend orientation and/or have discussion with mentor to begin developing a learning plan (prerequisite: being a PCT 2-day Trainer). Candidates observe a mentor leading the 2-day PCP. After practice, the candidate is then observed by the mentor while leading, twice (candidates may also co-train with either a mentor or another trainer candidate). Each plan developed in the PCP/PoL session is reviewed by the mentor twice: after Day 1 drafts are complete and after being finalized. Time commitment is 7 days in training, 1 day prep/plan development and 20+ hours self-study/practice To finalize PCP Trainer Certification: Once certified as a PCP trainer by the PCP Mentor, this can be added to the trainers profile on The Learning Community Trainers Page. To remain certified as a PCP trainer: commitment to lead 3x/year. Submit developed PCDs, Action Plans, Picture of a Life documents to mentor, as requested, for review and debrief opportunities.

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Coach Trainer: A coach trainer leads the 6-session coach sessions, which are tied to Person Centered Organization (PCO) work. To become a Coach Trainer: A Coach trainer must first be a PCT Trainer who is keeping his/her certification up to date. Coach trainers observe sessions and are supported by mentors and an experienced coach trainer to prepare for leading The process varies See detailed description starting on Page 4. To remain certified to train Coach Sessions: Coaches must lead sessions one a year to maintain certification. If it has been over a year since leading sessions, the trainer should connect with an experienced coach trainer to prepare, before leading sessions. Mentor: A Mentor develops and supports new trainers. A PCT Mentor can train PCT candidates to lead the PCT, a PCP Mentor can train PCP candidates to train the PCP/Picture of a Life format, etc. To become a Mentor: The Mentor Candidate will develop 2 individual Trainer Candidates, from the start to the end of the process they are training for (i.e. PCT Mentor, PCP Mentor), with support from the Mentor Trainer. They will observe the orientation being led by the Mentor Trainer, before leading an orientation to PCT Trainer candidates.

The Mentor Candidate receives support throughout from a primary Mentor Trainer as well as a second Mentor Trainer. This design helps to ensure fidelity and it provides the candidate with rich feedback. For example, the candidate’s primary Mentor Trainer might observe the orientation and first 2-day session, while the second Mentor Trainer observes the final 2-day session (note: sessions observed are those led by the Trainer Candidates being coached by the Mentor Candidate). To finalize PCP Trainer Certification: Once certified as a Mentor, the Trainer can add this to his/her trainers profile on The Learning Community Trainers Page. Mentors should specifically state what they are certified to mentor (i.e. PCT, PCP/PoL, etc). To remain certified as a PCT Mentor: commitment to support existing trainers, informally as well as through the Community of Practice and MN Gatherings, and develop at least 2 Trainers per year. Mentor Trainer: A Mentor Trainer is someone who trains and supports existing trainers to become Mentors and develop new trainers. A PCT Mentor Trainer can train PCT Trainers to become Mentors. A PCP Mentor Trainer can train PCP Trainers to become Mentors, etc. To become a Mentor Trainer: The Mentor Trainer Candidate will develop at least one individual Mentor Candidate, from the start to the end of the process outlined for Mentors. The Mentor Trainer Candidate receives support throughout from an existing Mentor Trainer. To finalize PCP Trainer Certification: Once approved as a Mentor trainer, the Mentor Trainer can add this to his/her trainers profile on The Learning Community Trainers Page. Mentor Trainers should specifically state what they are certified to mentor (i.e. PCT, PCP, etc). To remain certified as a PCT Mentor Trainer: commitment to support existing trainers and Mentors, informally as well as through the Community of Practice – both in Minnesota and as active participant in The International Learning Community on Person Centered Practices (TLC PCP).

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Appendix 3:

The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices

Board Approved Credentialing Process

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The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices Inc. July 2008 First edition

Person Centered Thinking

Trainer Credentialing Process

Board Approved: July 2008

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The Learning Community for Person Centered Practice Person Centered Thinking Trainers

Requirements and Process

The following describes the requirements and the process for becoming a Trainer for the two day Person Centered Thinking workshops. Becoming an effective trainer requires mastery of the material as well as demonstration of skills in training adults and facilitating/managing group dynamics. In addition, one needs motivation and time for studying and learning the material. This process is in place for all trainers recognized through The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices. (TLC PCP) Trainer candidates need to demonstrate skills and effectiveness in teaching the material and supporting a positive learning experience for training participants. Each trainer candidate will be supported by and have access to a mentor trainer from TLC PCP. It is the trainer candidate’s responsibility to complete all the steps outlined below and to demonstrate the skills needed to be credentialed as a Person Centered Thinking Trainer. Person Centered Thinking Trainer certification is required to also train Person Centered Thinking Coaches, or to be certified as a Person Centered Plan Facilitator Trainer. The first step in the process requires attending Person Centered Thinking Training as a participant, and then using the tools in your day to day work. For those who are interested in becoming a trainer, contacting a Mentor Trainer via The Learning Community for Person Centered Practice (TCL PCP) is the next step. This Certification process is intended to describe, for both Trainer Candidates and Mentor Trainers, the expectations and process required to become a certified Trainer. Please address any questions you may have to either a board member of the Learning Community for PCP, or your Mentor.

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Prior To Becoming a Trainer Candidate Before becoming a Person Centered Thinking Trainer you need:

Extended experience with using person centered tools in your work Participation in the full Person Centered Thinking Training Demonstrated experience training groups of adults. Demonstrated experience with managing group dynamics. Demonstrate competence in developing and growing plans. Recommendation to become a trainer from a member of The Learning

Community for Person Centered Practice. Commitment to the time and effort needed to master the skills and develop

the ability to train effectively Demonstrate a passion for supporting people in a person centered manner, and

communicating that passion to others

Training Requirements Developing and Demonstrating


Action: Attendance at complete Person Centered Thinking Training as an observer. Purpose:

observation of techniques used by Mentor Trainer; note specific quotes/stories/examples/exercises to use; observe methods used to answer questions from audience; Note and observe time management techniques and needs

Time Required: Two full days, with discussion and review of learning and questions after session. Action: Meet with Mentor Trainer to prepare for first training demonstration. Purpose:

to discuss and develop a learning plan; receive support on how to prepare for first training demonstration; get answers to questions and review all logistics requirements

Time Required: One full day. Action: Self Study of materials and notes and logistic needs Purpose:

Expand knowledge of material, sequence, learning objectives and timeframes. Organize materials for use during training

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Acquire familiarity with information on The Learning Community website and history of the Learning Community’s role and purpose.

Strengthen skills in leading discussions and have mastery of material for at least two exercises per day of training. (Note: for those going through the training with other Trainer- Candidates only half the exercises may be practiced in the first round, however knowledge of all exercises is recommended.) Discuss with mentor trainer prior to training.

Record list of questions for discussion with mentor trainer. Time Required: Minimum of twenty hours for person centered thinking Action: Deliver Person Centered Thinking with a mentor trainer OR with another trainer candidate with a mentor trainer observing. Purpose:

Demonstrate knowledge of material and presentation methods; Experience the need to manage group dynamics; Demonstrate skills at specific communication of instructions to groups; Discover/discuss the skills needed to adjust material according to background

and interests of the audience; Demonstrate awareness of time management needs.

Time Required: Two full days, with discussion and review at end of each session (or as needed) with mentor trainer Action: Self Study of materials and notes and methods. Purpose:

Develop mastery of material, order, learning objectives and timeframes. Organize materials in a manner that improves learning outcomes for audience. Develop mastery of at least two additional exercises per day of training. Record list of questions for discussion with mentor trainer.

Time Required: Minimum of twenty hours for person centered thinking training. Action: Deliver Person Centered Thinking with a Trainer candidate partner or alone with observation by mentor trainer for 2nd time. Purpose:

Demonstrate mastery of PCT material to be presented in trainings; Demonstrate skill in managing group dynamics; Demonstrate improved skill at delivering instructions to groups; Demonstrate ability to adjust material according to background/interests of

the audience, and explain to mentor-trainer when, how and why adjustments were made.

Demonstrate ability to cover material within time limits. Demonstrate skill at understanding learning style differences of adult learners

and need to present material in multiple methods. Demonstrate changes and adjustments to your training skills based on feedback

received from Mentor Trainer. Time Required: Two full days, with lunch discussion and review at end of each session;

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Action: Submit two person centered descriptions to the mentor trainer for review: one is a person centered description for you and the second is one for a person who uses services. Purpose:

Demonstrate knowledge of the process for using person centered thinking tools Demonstrate sensitivity to the personal information gathered through the use

of Person Centered Thinking tools Demonstrate an appreciation for feedback and open to learning

Time Required: Six to ten hours to gather information, and develop a description for each. Action: Meet with Mentor Trainer to review activities and evaluate the process. Purpose:

to discuss current status of Candidate and any additional steps required; receive support on registration with Trainers List serve and receiving

certification; Review person Centered Descriptions submitted. Review requirements and plan for delivering training and Review requirements for ongoing certification

Time Required: One full day. Criteria

Evaluation of Trainers

New trainers are evaluated across three criteria. They are: 1. Knowledge of the material; 2. Presentation skills; and 3. Skills in facilitating learning.

Knowledge of the material is demonstrated in presentation, in response to questions, and in assisting with learning. More specifically, the following questions will be used by the Mentor Trainer when observing the Trainer Candidate:

• Does the Trainer Candidate present the material in a manner which demonstrates understanding by the trainer and facilitates understanding by the participants?

• Does the Trainer Candidate explain the material and respond to questions in a manner which increases the participant’s comprehension and is helpful to the participants?

• Can the Trainer Candidate explain, when asked, how information of person centered thinking and the tools apply to the context in which the trainees work/live?

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Presentation skills will be observed by the Mentor Trainer in response to the following questions:

• Does the Trainer Candidate present the material in the framework in which it was designed? Is the material presented in a way that is and demonstrates the trainer candidate’s ability to not get lost in the training sequence?

• Is the trainer candidate’s style of presentation engaging for the participants? • Does the presentation approach facilitate learning and not interfere with

learning? This includes clear, concise instructions and delivery methods. • Does the Trainer Candidate cover the material with consistent timing (not

rushed or slow)? • Does the Trainer Candidate demonstrate the necessary organizational skills to

keep materials, supplies, and room set up orderly so as to contribute to the smooth flow of the training?

Skills in facilitating learning are observed by Mentor Trainers in the following manner:

• Does the Trainer Candidate proactively monitor the learning taking place among the trainees and intercede when people need assistance?

• Does the trainer demonstrate the ability to – o Notice when participants need assistance o Intervene in a manner that is respectful and begins with where the

participants are in their learning (as opposed to where they “should be”)?

o Help participants learn – give them the information that they need to move forward in a positive manner – does not do the work for them nor appear to be critical?

o Provide encouragement to build the audience’s confidence, and provides inspiration to help the audience develop their skills?

Feedback and Support To begin the Trainer Credentialing process, each Trainer Candidate will meet with a Mentor Trainer, either alone or as a group, to set a plan for learning, review all requirements and agree on the logistics for the process. At this time, Mentor Trainers will discuss the Trainer Candidates’ needs for support, and an agreement will be reached on how the Mentor Trainer will be accessible to the Candidates. Following each training demonstration, Trainer candidates receive written feedback on each of the above criteria from the Mentor Trainer who observed their practice trainings. Each of the criteria above is qualitatively evaluated using clear statements of demonstrated ability, described in specific terms of what worked and what did not work within the identified area of the training.(see attached Trainer Candidate Feedback format). Mentors may or may not observe every aspect of the training (e.g., the morning of day one may be completed by candidate A, which does not allow

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for observation of candidate B). All Trainer Candidates will receive written feedback through the attached Trainer Candidate Feedback Format. Following each morning and afternoon session, Trainer Candidates meet with their Mentor Trainer to receive direct feedback on how the training has progressed and to receive support and guidance on technical aspects of the training in real time. Trainer candidates are asked to self evaluate their skills at the end of the first presentation for person centered thinking. The self evaluation will include two questions:

What are your skills and talents related to training in Person Centered Thinking? and

What are your opportunities to improve your skills related to Training in Person Centered Thinking?

To answer these questions, the Trainer Candidate will think about what worked/didn’t work about their demonstration training, and record specific examples under each criterion. (See attached Self Evaluation format). At the same time, the Mentor Trainer will respond to each question for the trainer candidates, and provide them written feedback on their skills and opportunities to improve. After the two demonstration trainings completed by the Trainer Candidate, the Mentor Trainer and Candidate(s) will meet again to share evaluation views of the process, determine next steps, and to share support needed within any areas of learning. Certification of Trainers Following successful completion of the two sets of training demonstration, (if not completed sooner) the trainer candidate must submit their person centered description. This is reviewed by the mentor trainer, with feedback provided in writing. For PCT Trainer Candidates, submission of the description, and discussion of any feedback from the Mentor Trainer, is sufficient to meet this criterion. The Mentor Trainer will inform the Trainer Candidate if they have successfully met all of the criteria for recognition as a certified Trainer. If the Trainer has not successfully met all of the criteria, the Mentor Trainer will explain the steps necessary for the Trainer Candidate to meet the criteria. Following successful completion of all required steps, the Mentor Trainer will notify the board of TLC PCP that the Trainer Candidate has met all criteria required to be certified as a PCT Trainer. Mentor Trainer will then issue the certificate recognizing the candidate as a PCT Trainer. At this time, the Trainer’s name will be submitted to the Trainer’s List serve for inclusion, and posted on the website. The new Trainer will need to contact the website manager with accurate contact information to be included on the site.

Page 22: Application Announcement: Becoming a Person Centered… · Prerequisites for becoming a Trainer Candidate Participation

Ongoing Certification Requirements All trainers who desire to maintain their certification as a Person Centered Thinking Trainer must:

• Write at least one living description per year that meets Best Description Criteria

• Deliver the full two days of Person Centered Thinking Training at least three

times per year

• Attend one of the following o Annual Gathering endorsed by The Learning Community for Person

Centered Practices. o Updated training sessions delivered by a mentor-trainer, and discussions

with mentor trainer on changes to material/supplies/etc. • And agree to:

o Participation on the Trainer’s list serve o Share with The Learning Community knowledge gained through

experience, innovation and learning throughout the year. o Contribute to requests for comment on new exercises/trainings/learning

methods developed. o Acquire, evaluate and submit (when requested) evaluation information

from at least two trainings completed in the past year.