Apple Inc Ad Campaign

By: Jeffrey Geil, Lizzy Silber, Alyssa Kaplan, Steve Cartoccio, Julia Goldwasser


An ad campaign for Apple Inc. made in college

Transcript of Apple Inc Ad Campaign

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By: Jeffrey Geil, Lizzy Silber,

Alyssa Kaplan, Steve Cartoccio, Julia Goldwasser

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Key FactsKey People: – Steve Jobs- CEO and Key Founder– Steve Wozniak- Co-Founder– Phillip Schiller- SVP Marketing– Tony Fadell- SVP iPod Division

17,787 employees full-timeOperating website: apple.comIndustry: Computer Hardware, computer software, consumer electronics

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Apple Incorporated: Background Information

Apple Inc. is an American consumer electronics multinational corporation With worldwide annual sales of 19.3 billion (ending September 30, 2006)Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple develops, sells, and supports a series of personal computers, portable media players, computer software, and computer hardware accessoriesApple most well known lines are Mac computers and the iPod line of portable media players

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Apple Inc.: Background Information Continued

For the iPod and its related iTunes software, Apple sells audio books, games, music, music videos, TV shows, and movies in its online iTunes StoreJanuary 9, 2007, Apple Computer Inc. (as it was formerly known) dropped the “computer” from its nameThis name change, which followed Apple's announcement of its new iPhone and Apple TV digital video system, is representative of the company's ongoing expansion into the consumer electronics market in addition to its traditional focus on personal computers

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Our Focus: The iPodBefore its introduction, MP3 players were limited to small companies with restrictive budgets so their features were primitiveAfter the iPod, the entire industry has evolved and grown to the point where the largest computer companies in the world have major interests in the digital music industryTony Fadell wanted to deliver a small hard drive-based player that was linked with a content delivery system where users could legally obtain and download musicHe was hired in early 2001 and was given a development team of around thirty people and a deadline of one year to release a successful product

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Our Focus Continued: iPodThe first iPod a 5GB system, complete with a spin wheel made this innovative creation the new wave of technologyThe spin wheel was an attribute never seen before and it allowed for easier navigation of the actual deviceThe most popular accessory was a utility to allow users to sync a iPod's playlists with a Windows PC

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iPod Advertising: In the PastApple has used a variety of distinctive advertising campaigns to promote its iPod portable digital music playerThe campaigns include television commercials, print ads, posters in public places, and wrap advertising campaignsAll of these advertising techniques are unified by a distinctive, consistent styleThe more famous commercials and print advertising featured dark silhouetted characters against bright-colored backgroundsOther ads featured different songs like “Hey Mama,” and “Vertigo” from both U2 and Black Eyed Peas

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iPod Advertising Continued

The style of Apple Advertising has always been simple imagery, strong wording and usually minimal wordingiPod as a central iconLastly, the Apple Inc. icon which features an apple somewhere within the adSometimes the ads also feature music of the times that show Apple Inc. in connection with the celebrity world, a good selling point

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Why Advertise?

iPods are already at their mature stage of the product life cycleWe have learned that iPod has become a college student and young adult staple and we wanted to reinforce the already huge demand for iPodsWe want to increase our sales and strengthen an already strong brand loyalty

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Our Vision: iPodPresently, based on the popularity and impressive sale performance of the iPod, our team feels that it necessary to target the 18-25 age group, more specifically college studentsTarget segment: East coast college students, ages 17-25 both male and female

They want a product that is long lasting, easy to use, typically in style, and fits the demands of a busy scheduleYoung people want a product that caters to an active lifestyle and therefore needs a product that is easy to use, hassle-free, and entertaining

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Our Vision: iPod ContinuedWe have chosen to concentrate our research on this age group due to the fact that many characteristics and features of the iPod reflect the lifestyle demands of this demographicWe have reviewed and extensively researched Apple Inc. and we have generated three original ideas for ad campaigns that will increase revenue among the consumer base of our age group while simultaneously remaining true to Apple consumers as a whole

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ObjectivesWe want to increase brand awareness for iPods, since Apple is still known for there computers and then iPodsStrengthen the pre-existing brand loyaltyCreate a company image that depicts quality, convenience, reliability and valueCreate advertisements that effectively capture the target audienceIncrease Ipod sales by 5% in the next fiscal year

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We decided to play off of the brand name, “Apple Inc.” and use the actual fruit in many of our adsIn doing so we created three ads, one print and two TV commercial adsSales, sales, salesFrequency, frequency, frequencyAnd since our product is the iPod, well known and respected, to continue to sell to existing consumers while informing and capturing new consumers

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Media StrategyOur team feels our campaign would benefit the most from placing our print ad into magazines that have daily readers (this is key because frequency for Apple means everyday and repetition) and an age group appropriate reader base both men and women ages 18-25These magazines will include, Maxim, and CosmopolitanFor the other two ads our team will be placing them on air at approximately 7-9 pm on channels like MTV, and in or around the time of Grey’s Anatomy, and Fox- in or around the times of 24

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Media Strategy Continued

We chose these channels and shows due to the common knowledge that students are usually home from class around this timeIn addition, these shows are during the week when most students are not out partying so we will retain more consumersIn surveying fellow colleagues most were in agreement that this time and these shows were the best for our campaign to air

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Message StrategyOur team took the creative approach of endorsing the same style as Apple Inc. in their advertisementsLimited wording, effective wording, strong black and white simplicity, and Apple’s tagline for being witty at the same timeWe chose advertisements that were very unique yet supported the key elements that sustain Apple Inc. and its successWe implemented our creativity with the same features the ads Apple has had beforeThese ads though, will target our college aged audience both male and female while at the same time zeroing in on all other Apple consumers

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Message Strategy Continued

We chose to execute both print ad and TV adsThis is due to the fact that our team believes the percentage of college students watching TV and reading trendy magazines is higher then listening to radio or pop onlineThe reasons are that we feel if your online and receive a pop up as a college student you often are doing something where you don’t want to be botheredYour thinking about other things as well so you don’t give your undivided attention the way you might through a magazine ad or TV ad

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Message Strategy ContinuedWe also believe college students spend a lot of time watching TV shows like Greys Anatomy and 24 so we thought that would be a good time to showcase our adsAlso, now that there are MP3’s and iPods no one really listens to the radio it seems anymore We also believe college students spend a lot of time watching TV shows like Greys Anatomy and 24 so we thought that would be a good time to showcase our adsAlso, now that there are MP3’s and iPods no one really listens to the radio it seems anymore

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Please direct your attention to our colleagues for further details on our ad campaigns for a brief moment…

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This is our Print ad for iPod based on the Story of Adam and Eve.

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Summary Of Advertisements• For our creative strategy we chose to play off the company name

of Apple. To do this we began brainstorming ideas that used the actual fruit as the basis of the advertisement. When the ideas were developed we ended up with one print advertisement and two storyboards that would later be turned into short television commercials.

• The first ad we developed was a print advertisement. The ad shows the scene of Adam and Eve reaching for the forbidden apple. Instead of picking the apple, Eve is reaching above it attempting to grab an ipod that is hanging on the branch above. The headline on the top reads “Real Temptation”. I believe this ad would work best in a magazine like Maxim because it has an element of sex appeal. Eve could be posed for by a beautiful model and the ad would be very eye catching especially to the male audience.

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• For our second ad we came up with a storyboard for a television commercial. The ad takes place in a supermarket and shows numerous people checking fruits and being dissatisfied with the quality. Finally there is a scene of ipods stacked like fruit and a women picking one up. There is then a close up of the woman’s mouth smiling and the text “Always in Season.” This ad doesn’t specifically cater to any one group therefore it can basically be placed on any station, at any time. Although since we are trying to market to the demographic of 17-25 it may be best to place it on a station that would support that target audience

• Finally our third ad is another storyboard. The commercial is set in an old time classroom and shows children passing the teacher’s desk and leaving an apple. Finally the last student comes in and places down an ipod. The teacher smiles and the slogan reads

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• “Think Different.” Similar to the other commercial, this ad could be run at basically anytime, any channel.

• Although these ads do not tell anything about the products specific features or price we hope to just reinforce brand awareness for Apple products. We believe that these advertisements will be memorable and will keep Apple’s ipod fresh in the consumer’s mind.

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Works Cited• Apple Inc.. (2007, May 6). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:27, May 5, 2007, from• Carlton, Jim, Apple: The inside story of intrigue, egomania, and business blunders, New York: Random

House, 1997. Retrieved April 29, 2007.• Goodell, Jeff. "The Rise and Fall of Apple Inc." Rolling Stone issues 731, 732. Retrieved April 15, 2007• Google Finance. (2007, May 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:26, May 5, 2007,

from• Hormby, Thomas (2006-02-22). Growing Apple with the Macintosh: The Sculley years. Low End Mac.

Retrieved on 2007-03-07.• Joshua, Coventry (2007-04-11). Apple III Chaos: What Happened When Apple Tried to Enter the

Business Market. Low End Mac. Retrieved on 2007-03-07.• Leaver, Tama, 'iPodium: Student Podcasting and Participatory Pedagogies', Association of Internet

Researchers Conference, October 2006. Retrieved May 1, 2007.• Levy, Steven, Insanely Great: The life and times of Macintosh, the computer that changed everything.

New York: Viking, 1994. Retrieved April 15, 2007.• Mitchell, Lisa, "iPods cast a wide net for learning" The Age, October 30 2006, Retrieved April 29, 2007.

• Moritz, Michael, The Little Kingdom: The Private Story of Apple Computer. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1984. Retrieved May 1, 2007.

• Silverstein, Marc. “A Clinical Decision Analysis Program for the Apple Computer” Med Decision Making, 1983; 3: 29 - 37. Retrieved May 1, 2007.

• Wozniak, Stephen, "Homebrew and How the Apple Came to Be", Digital Deli. Retrieved on 2007-03-07• Young, Jeffrey S., Steve Jobs: The journey is the reward, London: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1988.

Retrieved April 29, 2007.••