Appendix A: Selected core photographs-photo...

HTGCD Technical Report 2017-1227 Pg. 29 Appendix A: Selected core photographs-photo descriptions on next page.

Transcript of Appendix A: Selected core photographs-photo...

HTGCD Technical Report 2017-1227 Pg. 29

Appendix A: Selected core photographs-photo descriptions on next page.

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Selected Core Photograph Descriptions:

A) (340 ft)-Top of Core 1, Lower Glen Rose. Anhydrite nodule embedded in burrowed, calcareous mudstone with scattered shell fragments and wispy laminae.

B) (358 ft)-Base of Core 2, Lower Glen Rose. Flood of Orbitolina; silty, calcareous mudstone with scattered quartz grains, burrowed

C) (372 ft)-Top of Core 4, Lower Glen Rose/Hensel Contact. Burrowed, silty, skeletal micritic limestone over dolomitic siltstone with wavy, dark brown laminae (plant material).

D) (387 ft)-Base of Core 5, Hensel. Burrowed dolomitic mudstone and siltstone.

E) (395 ft)-Core 6, Hensel. Irregular contact with siltstone, fine-grained sand, & pyrite over micritic peloid limestone

F) (412 ft)-Top of Core 8, Hensel. Very coarse mollusks, grainstone-packstone matrix, yellow gray, moldic porosity (see video snapshot 419’).

G) (430 ft)-Top of Core 10, Hensel. Unsorted, fine-very coarse irregular clasts in sandy mudstone matrix; coal and woody fragments present.

H) (434 ft)-Core 10, Hensel/Paleosol contact. Disrupted fine-very coarse solution breccia with large tear-up clasts (silt and mudstone laminae with coal fragments).

I) (448 ft)-Base of Core 11, Paleosol. Crystalline dolomite breccia with green clay and off-white caliche (calcrete); fine “box-work” lattice.

J) (463 ft)-Top of Core 13, Cow Creek. Mollusk coquina-hash, medium-coarse grained, with quartz grains, spar cement, very good moldic and vuggy porosity.

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Appendix B: Scanned geophysical log annotated with geologic interpretation.

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Appendix C: Selected downhole camera screen captures. Descriptions on next page.

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Downhole cameral screen capture descriptions:

A) (70.9 ft)-Upper Glen Rose. Cavities in Upper Glen Rose.

B-C) (230.1, 233.4 ft)-Lower Glen Rose/Hensel Contact. Dolomite and evaporite nodules; laminated mudstone; burrowed skeletal limestone.

D-E) (245.6, 249.3 ft)- Lower Glen Rose. Burrows and wavy laminae (stromatolitic) in wackestone, off-white, soft matrix.

F) (267.0 ft)-Lower Glen Rose. Burrows, nodules in dolomitic mudstone.

G-H) (307.1, 311.2 ft)-Lower Glen Rose. Wispy laminae, organic material, burrows, skeletal fragments.

I) (312.2 ft)-Lower Glen Rose. Monopleura Sp. (rudist).

J) (359.9 ft)-Lower Glen Rose. Small bedding-plane cavity in silty limestone.

K) (419.1 ft)- Hensel. Coarse mollusks with moldic porosity in grainstone-packstone matrix (see core at 412’-same interval).

L) (430.9 ft)-Hensel/Paleosol contact. Cavity near bottom Hensel contact; caliper log indicates void along same interval.

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Appendix D-Skipton well pumping test curve-fitting analysis.

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Appendix E-Descriptions of Skipton well cuttings samples.

Surface: Upper Glen Rose Unit 6

0-10’: (weathered sample) limestone, dolomitic, buff-pl yel orange, micr-pel, rubbly, fragmented, prt chalky, f-crse broken shell frags (gastropod, pelecypod, sponge), f fractures, solution features.

10-20’: limestone, dolo, blu gry, argl, pckstn, pel-detr-skel, rnd-irreg, med-crse, slty, prly srtd, w/blk rnd pel, gastropod; w/ interlayered mudstone, gry; & ls, a.a., buff, weathered, solution feat & calc mdst.

20-30’: limestone, dolo, pckst, skel-micr-pel, buff, common miliolids, argl; & siltstone, calc, blu gry,w/abund f rnd gs (miliolids?) interlayered w/ ls, slty, blu gry, micr-pel, abund rnd gs.

30-40’: limestone, dolo, pckst, buff, skel-micr, vf-fg common miliolids & skel frags in micr mtrx w/scat crse- v crse skel, w/rnd elong f-mg “pellets”, internal molds of gastropods, algae, burrows, iron staining along bedding planes, x lam, slty.

40-50’: mudstone, blu gry, firm, calc, w/scat f-mg drk gry-blk skel & plant frags;& w/interbdd ls, blu gry, vf-f xln, w/scat f-crse skel frags, drk gry-blk, r v crse rudist frag, prly srtd;& dolomitic ls,pckst, buff, skel-micr-pel,crse straight gastropods, f intraclast breccia, stromatolite lam, r external clast, rnd, scat slt & f dol xls, elong tubes (serp, microbial/algae); smpl w/ minor solution features.

50-60’: mudstone, dolo, yel gry-blu gry, w/scat f-crse drk gry-brn plant frags, echnoid;& ls, pckstn, f xln mtrx w/f-crse drk gry grn & yel brn skel-detr frags, hrd, yel gry, slty, detr-skel-micr, gastropod.

60-70’: dolomite, f xln, yel gry, excel moldic porosity, voids lined w/f calcite,r v crse brn blk plant frag; & ls, dolo, lt yel gry, f-crse skel-ctdg-pel in f xln mtrx, scat miliolids, subangl-rnd skel frags, tite,w/m-crse scat plant frags, minor vug & interxln porosity,grades to skel-ctdg coquina, w/thn stromatolite lams;& ls, micr-skel-detr, vf micr pl gry mtrx w/f-crse blk to lt brn skel & detr frags, tite, v sml straight gastropods.

70-80’: limestone, yel gry, grnst-pckst, skel-ctdg-micr, prt f xln mtrx, f-crse gs in micr & f xln mtrx, hash of skel frags & gs, tite, miliolids, oyster frags, slty,interclasts, plant frags.

80-90’: limestone, dolo, grnst, skel-ctdg, f-v crse, scat moldic porosity, abund gastropods, rudist, bryozoan frags, v prly srtd, w/ stromatolite wvy lam, ctd filaments & rndd clasts; & ls, dolo, pckst, skel-ctdg-micr, m-crse clasts in f micr mtrx: & ls, dolo, gry, pckst, skel-micr w/scat ctdg, f-crse subrnd-subangl skel gs in vf calc mtrx, abund gastrop, coral, intraclasts;& mdstn, dolo, gry grn w/scat f-m buff skel frags.

90-100’: limestone, pckst, gry grn, skel-micr-detr, drk clasts in lt micr mtrx- vf peloidal, scat drk grn gs, tite, intraclasts; & ls, dolo, buff, a.a.

102-160’: Upper Glen Rose Unit 3

100-110’: (First appearance Orbitolina) limestone, gry brn-pl gry grn, pckst-wckst, skel-micr (f xln), slty, w/f sd, spar cmt, Orbitolina, serpulid (chalky wht); & ls, ctdg-skel, grnst, r miliolids, buff, aragonite xls.

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110-120’: limestone, dolo, pl yel gry, pckst, micr-skel, f xln mtrx w/ abund miliolids & w/f-m skel frag, slty, argl: & mudstone, dolo, drk blu gry w/ skel frags, few Orbitolina, serpulid, oyster frag: & ls, dolo, gry-brn, f xln brn mtrx, skel-micr, off wht m-crse skel frags, minor vugs.

120-130’: limestone, pl yel gry-off wht mtrx w/blk & drk gry gs, pckst-wckst, micr (micr xln) – skel- detr, f-crse skel frags & v large gastr steinkerns w/ lenses of vf-f ctdg, grnst, fract, brecciated, calcite xls fill voids, lenses w/ blk lam, styl;& ls, gry brn, f xln, micr mtrx-skel, prly srtd, f-crse frags in spar cmt w/ intraclasts, slty; common Orbitolina, oysters;& mudstone, calc, drk gry, packed w/ shell frags.

130-140’: limestone, pckst-grnst, yel gry, micr-skel, f-v crse drk gry & blk skel frags, gastropod, common oysters,Orbitolina, rudist frags, complete clam steinkern (8x6 mm), tite;& ls, yel gry, f xln-skel, f-crse skel frags, slty, f blk clasts, tite; & mudstone, gry grn, calc, w/f skel gs, r crse, slty.

140-150’: claystone, calc, pl gry grn, sticky w/ vf thn shell frags.

150-160’: (smpl w/abund clyst a.a. & skel frags,oysters, gastropods, Orbitolina) limestone, pl yel gry, pckst, micr (vf pelloid)-skel-detr, lt color mtrx w/drk f-crse skel frags & scat Orbitolina, tite, f healed fract, minor plant mat;& mudstone, pl gry grn w/com skel frags, calc, m-crse;& ls, micr, argl, slty, gry grn, wspy lam, wckst; & clystn a.a.

160-170’: limestone, dolo, grnst, oolith-ctdg-skel, pl yel gry, minor vug porosity,f-mg w/scat m-crse skel (calc algae), well srtd, low angle ripple & x lam, scat qtz gs; interlay w/ ls, dolo, pckst, skel-micr, m-crseg, pr srtd, tite; & ls, detrital, m-crse interclasts (4mm), pyrite xls, (oolith ls, skel-micr), green xls, pel-grain, vf micr off wht calc cmt;& calcarenite, lt yel gry, f, sme mg, ctdg-rndd skel gs, ctd forams, ctd filaments, stromatolite thn lam, qtz gs, xln calc cmt, fair srtd.

170-180’: (mixed lith) sandstone, crse (.5-1.0 mm) rndd qtz gs, crse-vcrse drk gry-blk dolo skel frags in calc muddy cmt/mtrx, prly consolidated, (lose qtz clast 5.0mm);& ls, micr-detr-skel, v sdy, drk gry & lt tan, micr mtrx/cmt w/ f-crse detr & skel gs, qtz clasts, hrd; & mudst, calc pl gry-buff, thn bdd, chunky w/ ls, off wht, wckst, micr w/scat f gs;& sltst, gry grn, hrd, calc; loose Orbitolina.

180-190’: (abund cly in smpl) limestone, dolo, pl gry grn, micr w/common crse-v crse Orbitolina, skel frags, qtz gs, argl w/thn slt & sd lam;& ls, dolo, wckst, off wht tite micr cmt/mtrx w/ f-mg blk grn pel-rndd skel gs w/v crse interclast, hrd, tite, rndd qtz gs: ls, yel gry, skel-f xlm mtrx.

190-200’: limestone, dolo, grnst-wckst, drk gry brn, f-crse blk gs, skel-pel-ctdg, lt gry micr mtrx, scat rndd gs, argl, prly srtd, forams w/thn sd lam.

200-210’: dolomite, pl yel gry & gry grn, vf-f xln, hrd, tite w/scat drk gry grn slt lam & f-mg pel, ctdg; & ls, grnst,w/ v thn (1-2mm) bdg, brn gry, skel f frags (plates)-forams-pel, low angl X lam, interlam w/ dolomite, argl, vf-f xln, gry grn.

210-220’: mudstone, med gry, calc, stiff w/f lam blk slt,sd gs; & w/ thn interbedded ls, micr, argl, slty.

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220-230’: (mixed lith w/ loose anhy/gyp xls, xl face striated) limestone, grnst, pl brn, fg (ostracods, calc algae) & ctd elong filaments in clr calcite cmt w/scat mg off wht skel frags, compound intraclast ctd w/ stromatolite, f healed fract; & ls, gry, miliolid pckst, v thn bdd, xln mtx, lam w/ mudst;& ls, wckst, drk gry brn, m-crse xln spar, scat elong f-mg orange gs, voids w/ calc xls & pyrite, crse intraclast of ostracod pckst, slt sized pyrite xls scat, pyrite coats intraclast; ls, dolo, lt gry, micr-faint peloidal w/scat f skel frags (drk gry), anhydrite intraclast, scat crse-v crse bivalve frags, tite, sml styl, few yel grn gs, sol collapse feature, com gastropod steinkerns, w/ interbdd mudst, sft,w/ skel frags, gypsiferous.

231’: Top Lower Glen Rose

230-240’: (com loose crse gypsum xls, xl face striated) limestone, pl gry brn & pl gry grn, micr-skel; interbdd w/ls,miliolid skel-micr & skel-micr-detr, drk f – v crse skel gs in micr mtrx, lam slt,f sd w/f ctdg-skel-micr, oysters;& mdst, pl gry - drk gry brn, calc, slty w/vf skel gs.

240-250’: (loose gypsum xls) dolomite, f xln, gry grn, minor slt lam, hrd, tite w/sev v thn xls anhy;& ls, wckst, off wht- pl gry, micr sft mtrx w/scat drk f-m gs, r plant mat w/ gastropod & complete clam steinkern (3x5mm); & r corbula (dolomite).

250-260’: ( r gypsum xl) limestone, gry brn –buff, grnst-pckst, skel- grain-micr, f-crse skel frags, prly srtd hash in slty vf xln mtrx, common miliolids, rudist frag, r pyrite, gastropod;& mdst, gry grn, calc, stiff, prts slty, scat vf blk gs;& dol a.a.

260-270’: (r gypsum xl) mudstone, lt olive gry, dolo, lam w/ blk slt, v low angle foreset lam, stiff;& dol, lt olive gry, vf xln, hrd, chunky;& ls, dolo, buff, micr w/ skel, scat vf-f skel frags & occas v crse mollusk frag, brn stain lam;w/ pckts of ls, grnst, buff, ctdg-pel-skel, vf-f rndd gs w/scat crse skel frags.

270-280’: limestone, gry grn, pckst, micr-skel-detr w/ scat f ctdg, scat miliolid, f-v crse skel frags (oysters, rudists) in f-vf xln mtrx, intraclast frags, plant mat, sme slt stringers;& ls, buff, grnst-pckst, m-crse skel frags, prly srtd, miliolids, skel- grain-micr w/ sev intraclasts, stromatolite coating sme skel gs, slty, r pyrite assoc w/ shells; w/minor dolo mudst.

280-290’: (r Orbitolina, r anhy xl) limestone, yel gry-pl tan, wckst-pckst, micr f xln mtrx w/ scat f skel, r crse skel, ctdg, slty; & r drk gry grn calc mudst & r drk gry dolo mudst.

290-300’: limestone, dolo, wckst-pckst, micr(vf xln) w/scat f skel frags, sme gs, brn plant frags,hrd, tite;& ls, drk brn, m-crse g, rnd-sub angl, skel- detr-w/ctdg in xln mtrx – spar, hrd, tite, pr srtd,low angl x lam.

300-310’: (v common anhy/gyp xls- flat & elong; com shell frags-amber-pl brn) limestone, dolo, pl-med gry brn, pckst, fxln mtrx w/v crse shell frags, f pelloid & skel,com brn organic prtngs, coating; & ls, dolo, yel gry, f xln mtrx-scat m-crse skel-r ctdg- r miliolid, thn bdd; & ls, dolo, f xln, wckst, mttld lt & drk gry, scat brn relic tx (plant mat); & r dolomite , f xln, drk gry grn.

310-320’: (loose com shell frags, Orbitolina, anhy xls) siltstone, yel gry, calc, xln mtrx, sme scat f blk gs & off wht relic skel frags, r miliolid; & ls, dolo, f xln mtrx, slty.

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320-330’: (r anhy xls) mudstone, drk gry grn, dolo, some v drk mttlng, scat slt & occas pyrite xl, scat blk gs; & mudstone, sft, lt gry, calc; & mdst, mttld drk gry& pl gry, calc, slty, r plant frag; & sltst, calc, pl grn- yel grey, sft w/f skel frags; & ls, pckst, lt yel gry, f xln mtrx, f-m skel hash, sft: & ls, grnst-pckst, hrd,lt yel gry, miliolids-pelloid, slty, scat crse skel frags.

330-340’: siltstone, calc, gry grn, xln mtrx, prly consolidated; & ls, micr, lt gry-off wht, sft, chalky; & ls, micr-skel, Orbitolina in xln mtrx, buff-pl gry grn, prly consol, slty.

Cored interval: 340’-470’ (separate core description); sample description from reamed interval.

340-350’: (Core 1) limestone, f xln,buff w/ blu gry lam, thn bdd,; & ls, f xln, gry brn, w/ scat poorly preserved skel frags (Orbitolina), plant mat, tite; & large ls frag (piece of core?), f xln, gry-brn, porous, w/crse skel frags (Orbitolina, pelecypods, r miliolid) w/ blk & wht, v thn lam, calc, disrupted.

350-360’: (Core 2) limestone, buff-pl gry grn, burrowed, f xln, slty,w/ scat f qtz gs, v thn bdd, low angl x bd, argl; & mudstone, calc.

360-370’: (Core 3) limestone, vfg, blu gry mttld buff, v slty w/scat skel frags, sft, thn bdd; grades to siltstone, calc, scat blk frags; & ls, pckstn,f xln, micr-skel,buff & blu gry w/ blk & wht skel frags, scat Orbitolina, f-crse, v slty, breaks easily;& ls, wckst, vf xln, buff-pl brn w/blu blk scat irrg lam, burrows filled w/ drk brn, vf – crse skel-micr frags, slty; & ls, grnst, drk blu brn, fg, pel-skel frags, r ctd g, slty- v f sd, well srtd, tite, hrd.

372’: Top Hensel

370-380’: (Core 4) sandstone, f-mg clasts in f xln dolo mtrx, angl-subrnd, fair srtng, drk gry brn, abundant m-crse subrnd qtz gs, sev blk lam prt disturbed, burrowed, lined w/blk slt, sev brn crse thn clasts (plant mat), hrd tite; & ls, pckst-wckst, micr-skel, buff-pl gry, v sdy, f skel debris in f xln mtrx, occas irreg blk lam, prly def off wht skel frags, vf pelloidal, r styl.

380-390’: (Core 5) (mixed lithology) sandstone, pl grn gry, qtz clasts in dolo cly cmt, f-crse, angl-subrnd, w/v sft cly layers; grds to sltst- vfg ss; & limestone, dolo, wckst, micr w/sme vf skel frags, pl tan, vugs; & mudstone, calc, blk, v slty w/ abund qtz sd gs,sft.

390-400’: (Core 6) (mixed lithology) mudstone, drk gry grn, calc, abnd sd & slt, vf-crse, qtz gs to 2.0 mm, subrnd; grds to sandstone, calc, argl mtrx, drk gry grn, f-m qtz gs; & ss, calc, hrd, vf-fg, pl brn; & ls, micr-pelw/sme skel, pl tan, w/qtz gs, minor vugs, pyrite, contact at styl w/ ss, calc, hrd, buff.

400-410’: (Core 7) limestone, pl gry yel, grnst-pckst, calcarentite, pelloid (slt/sd nucleous)- micr w/ vf skel frags, slty, hrd, minor vugs, fr inter g porosity, r moldic porosity; & r ls, micr-buff, solution breccia in fract, gastropod & pelecypod molds; & ls, f xln, wckst, lt gry brn, micr w/scat f qtz gs & f skel frags, sharp contact w/ micr non-xln ls.

410-420’: (Core 8) limestone, dolo, yel gry, grnst, v crse skel frags packed w/ f-m ctdg, ctd elong algae clasts m-crse, crse molds & casts,com blk styl with sml slickoliths, r rnd qtz clasts, dolo fills voids, gd

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moldic por, sme vugs, fractured, rudists, gastropods, oysters; & interlayered ls,dolo, grnst, f ctdg w/ styl;& ls, f xln, drk gry grn, pckst, Orbitolina, gastropods, tite, steinkerns, off wht & blk clasts, slty, algal lam, sme mttld drk blu gry, wvy irreg lam;& ls,grnst, buff, calcarenite, fg, slt & vf sd ctdg nucleous, vugs.

420-430’: (Core 9) (mixed lithology) sandstone, f-crse g in vf calc cmt, r v pl grn clast, angl-subrnd, abund crse qrtz clasts, com f-crse skel frags, lt gry grn, hrd, tite, minor vugs; & ls, skel-detr-micr, w/ abund f-crse sd clasts, scat vugs;& mudstone, v stiff, hard, slty, drk gry grn, dolo; w/ solution features.

433’: Top Cow Creek

430-440’: (Core 10) dolomite-evaporite, off wht-pl grn-buff, brec, fract,w/ sft grn cly, “chicken wire” anhydrite, f box work & solution feat, thn lam stromatolite, algal mat, f dol xls line voids, thn f lam tubes stacked in layers, sme f-m qtz gs, thn disturbed lam w/f breccia, vf slt size pyrite assoc w/ brn lam, interclasts;& ls, pl yel brn, pckst, f xln mtrx, f-crse wht skel frags, Orbitolina, bryozoan, ostracods, w/ wht anhydrite intraclast, scat qtz gs, prts slty, calc algae lam, minor ctdg, r blk lam:& ss, calc, hrd, f subangl qtz w/ scat m-crse subrnd qtz gs w/ v crse oyster & scat f skel frags in yel gry calc cmt;& r sltst, calc, lt-drk gry lam, scat skel frags, burrowed;& clystn, calc, lt- v drk gry grn, slty, sdy,m-crse qtz gs.

440-450’: (Core 11) dolomite, buff, vf xln, fract, brecciated, f pyrite xls, sme vugs, few m qtz gs, interlayered w/sft wht-pl grn anhydrite, solution feat, r smpl w/moldic por-f box work, lam,skel gs; & dol,w/ wht evap, off wht-pl grn- pl tan, breccia, solution feat, dol xls line voids, grn cly, f ctdg & xls in breccia fract.

450-460’: (Core 12) limestone, dolo, coquina, translucent, crse skel cmtd in xln spar, dol xls, sme clasts, vugs lined w/ calcite, qtz & rk (gry grn) gs,v gd moldic porosity, rnd m-crse skel frags in mtrx, off wht-pl gry;& ls, dolo, pel-skel, grnst, f-mg, off wht, com qtz gs, w/ rk gs, fair moldic por, dol gs in calc cmt, spar;& ls, dolo, bi modal, m-crse rnd skel gs cmtd w/ wht vf xln calc cmt w/ abund f-mg subangl qtz gs.

460-470’: (Core 13) limestone, dolo, off wht-pl gry, prly srtd, m-crse, skel hash, coquina, qtz gs f-crse, sub rnd, detr gs, moldic porosity, dolo xls & gs, spary cmt fills voids; & ls, m gry, v sdy, sub rnd qtz gs, micr-skel, scat crse skel (oysters); & ls, pl brn, skel-ctd g- micr, scat detr gs, tite; & mdst, grn, calc, scat slt & sd gs, r skel.

470-480’: dolomite, f xln, slty-f sd, pl-med brn, tite, scat blk frags (plant mat), sev drk gry lam.

480-490’: dolomite, f xln, drk gry grn, brittle, tite, occas blk lam, sme f blk brn gs; & dolomite, f-m xln, brn, tite, occas blk brn gs.

490-500’: dolomite, f-m xln, med gry-brn, gd inter xln porosity, moldic porosity w/ sharp imprints skel, gastropod cast, r crse drk brn frags (plant mat).

500-505’: mudstone, dolo, stiff, prt slty, drk gry grn w/thn bdd dolo, vf xln, r skel frags, argl, drk gry grn; & dol, med gry-brn, slty, sme sd gs, com skel frags (oysters, serpula), low angle x bdd. (Rig shut down)

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505-510’: siltstone, dolo, med gry brn,w/ com f-v crse prly srtd skel frags, rnd, wht & drk gry, oysters, w/ v thn dol, slty, scat sd gs; & mudstone, dolo, drk gry grn,mod stiff-sft, w/slt, f-m qtz sd gs, pyrite; & minor sandstone, drk brn, fg, scat skel gs, coal (v sft), plant frags, lam.

510’: Top Hammett

510-520’: claystone, gry grn, dolo, sticky, scat slt & v f pyrite; w/ oyster frags v thn blk: & siltstone, v thn bdd , argl, lt gry w/ scat f blk frags.

520-530’: claystone, gry grn, dolo, w/ vf slt gs, sticky.

530-540’: claystone, a.a. w/ thn layers of ss, dolo cmt, cly, vf-f qtz gs, pl gry blu, sub rnd, well srtd.

540-550’: dolomite, brn gry, m-crse xln, skel frags (oysters, long slender brn xln), in f-crse dolo cmt, spar, prt slty-vfg sd; & mudstone, dolo, gry grn, w/scat sd gs & bands of pyrite (in place?); & sandstone, fg, dolo, hrd thn bdd,r pyrite cluster; sev sml styl & skel frags w/ pyrite coating.

552’: Top Sligo

550-560’: Mixed lithology (smpl with tint of v lt brn cly) mudstone, gry grn, dolo, & dolo ls, skel, crse frags in micr/ f xln mtrx; limestone, crse shell hash, oysters, gastropods, serp, multi colors; smpls w/curved surfaces (pbls); caving clyst.

560-570’: limestone, dolo, blu gry-off wht, pckst-grnst, f-crse, skel-micr-detr, drk skel gs in off white micr mtrx, skel hash, prly srtd, hrd, tite, scat silt; & mudstone, dolo, brn & gry grn; r clyst, rd brn, dolo, sft.

570-580’: limestone, grnst-pckst, skel-detr-pel, drk gry, f xl slty mtrx, f-crse g,w/scat rnd qtz gs, blk “tar” pelloids,m-crse scat plnt frags, hrd,minor porosity, broken skel frags, r miliolids, prt slty;& ls, drk brn, grnst, skel-ctdg-detr,m-crse,gastr steinkern, f-ctdg, scat qtz gs, drk gs in lt brn mtrx, plant frags, hrd, tite. Xtra smpl: ls, dolo, buff-pl tan, wckst, micr, v slty w/sev crse skel frags, v thn bdd, blocky, low relief rppl, dolo xls fill sml voids,;& ls, dolo, pckst, drk gry blu, m-crse, skel hash in micr re xln slty mtrx, sub rnd detr gs; mollusk imprint.

580’: Top Hosston

580-590’: sandstone, dolo, qtz, mg, well srtd, gd intr g porosity, sub angl-sub rnd, w/scat f grn gs, buff-off wht,w/r (lrge sampl) m-crse qtz & detr ss w/ f dolo cmt in contact w/v slty dolo, pl tan, vf lam;& sltst, pl grn &buff, dolo; r rd brn clyst,dolo; r ss w/ vf blk disrupted lam,plnt mat, qtz gs in dolo cmt,5mm band.

590-600’: siltstone, dolo, hrd, off wht-pl grn, w/few drk rd brn irreg lam, r grn g ;& dolomite, v slty, rd brn mottled off wht, hrd; prob w/ clyst.

600-610’: (poor sample) sltst, rd brn, dolo; & ss, qtz g, dolo cmt, fg, rd brn; & mdstn, rd brn, dolo; & pbbl drk orange qrtzte,ctd w/ fg ss-sltst, lt brn & off wht; & pbbl (pea gravel) coated w/ crse qrtz ss, prly srtd.

610-620’: (good sample) sandstone, dolo, qtz, detr gs, pl rd brn w/off white, f-m g, prt w/ good inter g porosity, dolo cmt, sub rnd-sub angl, rnd clear qtz gs.

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620-630’: dolomite, rd brn, vf xln, brittle, hrd, slty; & sandstone, a.a., pl rd brn, dolo & qtz xls in dolo mtrx; & mudstone, pl gry, dolo, sft, mttld drk rd brn & yel.

630-640’: (sev xls, translucent, sft , flat, striated, gypsum) sandstone, dolo clasts & cmt, f-m g, xln, tite, prly consolidated;& ss, mg, rd brn, mttld lt grn; & mudstone, dolo, rd brn, stiff; & siltstone, dolo, sft, pl grn-off wht-rose; dolomite, v hrd, brittle, a.a., rd brn mttld pl grn. (pbbls noted during onsite discr.)

640-650’: sandstone, dol clasts & cmt, pl brn, f-mg, sub angl-sub rnd, tite, layered w/ ss, dolo, off white, vf-f clasts; r lam sltst, yel brn; ss w/ scat qtz gs; quest pbbls dolomite, fractured tan & ss, crse; r blk chert, splintered.

650-660’: (pl brn & gry grn cly coats cuttings) dolomite, pl gry grn, splintrd, micr, v slty, hrd w/ sft grn cly;& clyst, v sft, wht, silty, dolo;& ss, dolo, w/ qtz gs, hrd, well indurated, vf-mg, angl-sub angl, minor vug por, rd brn- gry; pbbls: dol, micr, hrd, gry brn w/ f coating off wht cly & vfg ss; dol, drk orange brn.

660-670’: (pbbls 1.5 cm or less) pebbles consist of: dolomite, micr, fract, rd brn w/hrd dolo ss encased in sdy slty rd brn mudstone; sltst, dolo, hrd, rd brn mttld grn; ss, dolo, v hrd, tite , gry grn (all pbls from Hosston, some aggregate, all coated w/ drk rd brn mudst, slty.

670-680’: conglomerate, clasts from pbbl to cobble; mstly v hrd xln dol & xln ss, rd brn, drk brn, gry grn; w/ qtzite, wht banded, vf xln; r smpl coated w/ qtz grit, angl clasts, prly srtd, in yel mtrx.

680-690’: conglomerate, multicolored, pbbl (1 cm) – cobble, smooth, curved surf; dolomite, crse, xln, hrd,lt brn, gry w/ rose tint,qrtz fill voids, drk rd brn;& dol, crse xln, hrd, off wht-rose, coated (cmtd) w/ss, dolo & qrtz clasts in dolo cmt, f-grit, sub angl-angl, rd; & dol, vf xln, pl gry, off wht-rse, coated w/ fg qrtz ss, dolo cmt, pl rd brn;& dol, vf xln, pl gry brn w/ wht chert , crse dol xls, v hrd;& chert, wht & drk rd brn, hrd;& ls, off wht, micr, dolo, fract w/ vf qtz gs; qtz off wht; & gritst, angl qrtz gs in rd & yel dolo cmt;sev anhydrite xls ( in place ?); pbbl w/ vf band qrtz xls.

690-700’: conglomerate, lrge, multicolor frags, sme curve surf; dolomite, f & crse xln, pink, coated w/ sdy grit, qtz & dol gs, dolo cmt, prly srtd, sub rnd-angl, rd brn; qtzite, off wht, v hrd, w/ open fractures; & qrtz pl tan, crse xln & vf xln w/ scat crse xls; chert, fract, wht, rd & yel; weathered qrtzite, vugs, yel gry, pbbl; weathered v crse qrtzite, drk yel w/ wht chert; drk brn translucent qtz w/f, rnd siliceous ooides, mttld drk rd brn & gry; wht chalky frag, calc, v sft (in place?).

700-710’: conglomerate, pea grvl (13x8mm) smooth, elong, faceted, dol; & (10x5mm)dol, stream pbble; (15x8mm) wht qrtzite pbbl;qrtzite, drk gry, lam, pl gry veins pckd w/ f qtz ooides; & ss, drk rd brn, dolo cmt, qtz & rk clasts, prly srtd, hrd- prly consolidated, f-crse, grit,rnd-angl; & lt gry qrtzite pbbl, lam, coated w/sd; lrge brkn qrtzite pbble, mttld rd brn; ss, f rnd circular qrtz ooides in qtz cmt, v well srtd, pl gry; dol, vf xln, mttld rd brn & pl gry grn; multicolored chert; f & crse xln hrd, dol; dol xln, lrge vugs (boxwork), buff; minor mudst, drk gry brn, sdy.

710-720’: (color change while drilling) sandstone, brick rd, calc, qtz gs f-crse, subrnd-angl, in muddy calc mtrx; wht qrtzite, ctd w/ red dolo ss & mudst, rd brn, sdy, calc; ls, v thn bdd, vf xln, off wht mttld rd brn, sme vugs, f-m subrnd qtz gs, brittle; & clyst, drk gry brn-blk, calc, v sft , slty w/ qtz gs interlayered w/ ls,

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skel-micr, gun-metal gry, v thn bdd;& dol, vf –crse xln, hrd ;qtz & qrtzite pbls (in place ?); qrtzite, wht, w/ f lam; qtzite, drk brn w/ siliceous ooides.

720-730’: (smpl w/ abund Kha cly & lrge cobble frags: f xln dol & qrtzite) claystone, drk chocolate brn, dolo, slty, v sft; & ls, v slty & sdy, gry brn, drk skel frags, r ostracods, thn bdd, grades to sltstn & drk gry ss, hrd, skel frags; & ss, f-crse qrtz gs, subangl-angl, slty, dolo, prly srtd, prts argl & prt to sltst, rd brn sme mttld yel; frags of dol, wht, chalky, wthrd & dol, crse xln, hrd, pl gry w/ red tint; sml frags blk chert.

735’: Top Paleozoic (Pennsylvanian, Smithwick Fm.?)

730-740’: (smpl w/ abund Kha cly, poor smpl) sandstone, qtz, tite, f -mg (grn), mstly brn-rd brn, vf rd brn argl slty cmt;& mudst, chocolate brn, dolo, v sft, slty; lrge frag anhydrite, v thn crinkled lam; sltst, dolo, off wht, thn bdd. (color change at 735’)

740-750’: mudstone, choc brn, slty, siliceous, scat lam, abund f-m qtz gs, rd brn-clear-v drk grn, firm, lenses v sdy, sme mttld grn & rd brn, v low angl x lam (hematite);& ss, xln qtz, v hrd, mg.

750-760’: sandstone, xln qtz, f-m xls, drk gry grn, stain rd brn, v hrd, tite;& mudst, blu gry, siliceous, v f blk lam, slt & vfg sd lam, abund f qtz clasts,iron stain, r thn hematite lam, slty; & mdst, choc brn a.a.

761.5’ (total depth) mudstone, gry grn, siliceous, thn prtngs ochre iron stain, slt lam, sft;& ss, drk gry grn, qtz , siliceous, f-mg, subrnd, srtd, sme staining, xln qtz cmt, sme rd brn gs, coating or lam w/ iron stain, blk plant frags; & ss, qtz, hrd, tite, xln, subrnd-subangl qtz gs in vf qrtz mtx, drk gry grn & brn, sme rd gs & iron stain; r sltst, iron stained, thn, blky.

October, 2017 A.S. Broun, P.G. 4845 HTGCD