Appendectomy (1)

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  • 8/13/2019 Appendectomy (1)


    Appendectomy(A Case Study)

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    a. Current trends about the disease condition..4

    b. Reasons or choosin! such case or "resentation..#


    a. ersona *istory...'

    b. ertinent +a,iy *eath-Iness *istory.

    c. *istory o ast Iness../

    d. *istory o resent Iness..../

    e. hysica %0a,ination ..1

    f. Dia!nostic and 2aboratory rocedures..

    III.ANATO&5 and *5SIO2O$5(6ith 7isua aids)....4


  • 8/13/2019 Appendectomy (1)


  • 8/13/2019 Appendectomy (1)


    6hen the o"enin! ro, the a""endi0 into the cecu, beco,es boc?ed. The boc?a!e

    ,ay be due to a buid-u" o thic? ,ucus 6ithin the a""endi0 or to stoo that enters the

    a""endi0 ro, the cecu,. The ,ucus or stoo hardens< beco,es roc?-i?e< and boc?s

    the o"enin!. This roc? is caed a ecaith (iteray< a roc? o stoo). At other ti,es< the

    y,"hatic tissue in the a""endi0 ,ay s6e and boc? the a""endi0. =acteria 6hich

    nor,ay are ound 6ithin the a""endi0 then be!in to in7ade (inect) the 6a o the

    a""endi0. The body res"onds to the in7asion by ,ountin! an attac? on the bacteria< an

    attac? caed ina,,ation. (An aternati7e theory or the cause o a""endicitis is an initia

    ru"ture o the a""endi0 oo6ed by s"read o bacteria outside the a""endi0.. The cause

    o such a ru"ture is uncear< but it ,ay reate to chan!es that occur in the y,"hatic

    tissue that ine the 6a o the a""endi0.)

    I the ina,,ation and inections"read throu!h the 6a o the a""endi0< thea""endi0 can ru"ture. Ater ru"ture< inection can s"read throu!hout the abdo,en@

    ho6e7er< it usuay is conined to a s,a area surroundin! the a""endi0 (or,in! a "eri-

    a""endicea abscess).The treat,ent or a""endicitis is antibiotics and sur!ica re,o7a o the

    a""endi0 (a""endecto,y). A""endecto,y is the re,o7a by sur!ery o the a""endi0< the s,a

    6or,-i?e a""enda!e o the coon (the ar!e bo6e). An a""endecto,y is "eror,ed because o

    "robabe a""endicitis.

    Acute a""endicitis is the ,ost co,,on cause in the USA o an attac? o se7eree@ K %RR2A@ round< s,ooth border

    h. 7ision abe to read ne6s"rint@ sensiti7ity to i!ht


    a. !enera ,obie@ir,@ no tenderness@ "inna recois ater it is oded@ no inection

    b. e0terna ear cana "resence o hair oices@ "resence dischar!e


    a. e0terna sy,,etric and strai!ht@ not tender@ air ,o7es reey as the cient


    b. interna "resence o hair

    /O4T+ AN- O(O*+A(3N5

    a. i"s unior, "in? coor@ dry@ abiity to "ursue i"sb. teeth ,issin! teeth due to ca7ities@ discooration o ena,e

    c. ton!ue no esions@ 6ith thin 6hitish coatin!@ abe to ro the ton!ue u"6ard and

    side to side

    d. "aates and u7ua i!ht "in?@ "ositioned in the ,idde o sot "aate

    e. tonsis "in?@ no s6ein!


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    a. ,usces eua in si>e@ head centered@ eua stren!th

    b. ,o7e,ent coordinated s,ooth ,o7e,ents 6ithout disco,ort

    c .y,"h nodes not "a"abe

    d.thyroid !and not 7isibe


    a. e0terna sy,,etric@ s"ina cou,n is strai!ht@ s?in intact@ chest 6a intact@ no

    tenderness@ u sy,,etrica chest e0"ansion

    b. un!s nor,a breath sounds@ absence o DO=


    a. heart absence o heart sounds@ nor,a beatin! "attern


    a. !enera 6ith direct and rebound tenderness on the ri!ht o6er uadrant@ 6ith

    indirect tenderness@


    a. !enera eua si>e on both sides o the body@ no contractures@ no tre,ors@

    nor,ay ir,@ no deor,ities

    C"ania$ Ne",e#

    I. Oactory ha7e the sense o s,e

    II. O"tic nor,a 7isua acuity

    III. Ocuo,otor "ositi7e "a"iary ree0 and eye con7er!ence test

    I; Trochear "ositi7e "a"iary ree0 and eye con7er!ence test

    ;. Tri!e,ina can sense the sensation o "ain< touch< te,"erature and nor,a ,usce


    ;I. Abducens "ositi7e "a"iary ree0 and eye con7er!ence test

    ;II.+acia nor,a ,usce stren!th o acia e0"ressions

    ;III. ;estibuocochear nor,a 7oice tones audibe@ abe to hear tic?in! on the bothears.

    IG. $osso"haryn!ea (K) !a! ree0@ can s6ao6

    G. ;a!us (K) !a! ree0

    GI. Accessory nor,a ,usce stren!th

    GII. *y"o!ossa nor,a ton!ue ,o7e,ents


  • 8/13/2019 Appendectomy (1)


    F. -ia)no#tic and Labo"ato"y *"ocedu"e#


    -ate o"de"ed-ate "e#u$t

    Indication o"pu"po#e

    "e#u$t no"ma$ ,a$ue

    Ana$y#i# 7inte"p"etation of "e#u$t


    O :3-:-

    R :3-:-

    - to deter,ineurineco,"ositionsuch asbood

    R=C- *+

    5eo6< cearSu!ar ( - )h acidicS". $ra7ity.::3-.:3:us cesK: *+

    R=C:-3 *+


    Nu"#in) (e#pon#ibi$itie#:

    %0"ain the "rocedure and the "ur"ose to the cient.

    %0"ain to the cient the i,"ortance o the "rocedure

    %0"ain to the cient that urine sa,"e is needed


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    As? the cient i he9she had eaten< it can ater the resut

    As? the cient 6hat are the ,edication that he9she had ta?en.

    I there is inection< te the "atient that the test 6i be re"eated to ,onitor any



    -ate o"de"ed-ate "e#u$t in

    Indicationo" pu"po#e "e#u$t No"ma$ ,a$ue

    Ana$y#i# 7inte"p"etation of t&e"e#u$t


    O :3-:-

    R :3-:-

    -to indicateane,ia and"oycythe,ia




    *!b& 4:-/:!,92+ :-':!,92=C#.: 0 :92*ct& :.4:-:.#4292+ :.3-:.4292R=C& 4.#-'.3 0:92+ 4.-#.4 0:92

    hite boodce is abo7ethe nor,aran!e< thereis syste,icinection.2eu?ocytosis indicatesa""endicitis.


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    -ate o"de"ed-ate "e#u$t in

    Indicationo" pu"po#e "e#u$t No"ma$ ,a$ue

    Ana$y#i# 7inte"p"etation of t&e"e#u$t


    O :3-:-

    R :3-:-

    -to indicateane,ia and"oycythe,ia




    *!b& 4:-/:!,92+ :-':!,92=C#.: 0 :92*ct& :.4:-:.#4292+ :.3-:.4292

    R=C& 4.#-'.3 0:92+ 4.-#.4 0:92

    A decreaseinhe,o!obinindicatesane,ia.hite boodce is abo7ethe nor,aran!e< thereis syste,icinection.2eu?ocytosi

    s indicatesa""endicitis.

    Nu"#in) (e#pon#ibi$itie#

    %0"ain the "rocedure and the "ur"ose to the "atient.

    %0"ain to the "atient that it reuires bood sa,"e and it can cause "ain and

    disco,ort due to the neede "uncture.

    As? the "atient i he9she had eaten ood because it can ater the resut.

    As? the "atient i he9she had ta?en so,e dru!s because it can ater the resut.

    As? or the rei!ion and cuture o the "atient.

    III. Anatomy and *&y#io$o)y

    In a nor,a hu,an e,ae< the $I tract is a""ro0i,atey # eet or and a ha ,eters

    on! and consists o the oo6in! co,"onents

    /out& (Ora ca7ity9 =uca Ca7ity< incudes ton!ue< teeth< sai7ary !ands and


    The ,outh is the irst o the di!esti7e tract. It is the o"enin! throu!h


  • 8/13/2019 Appendectomy (1)


    6hich ta?es in ood. It is ined by stratiied sua,ous non-corniied

    e"itheiu,< e0ce"t the hard "aate< !in!i7a and iior, "a"iae o ton!ue 6hich

    are corniied.

    It is bound inront by the i"s< abo7e by the hard and sot "aate< beo6 by

    the oor o the ,outh incudin! the ton!ue and behind by the aucia isth,us.


    The "haryn0 is the "art o the di!esti7e syste, 6hich connects the ,outh

    6ith eso"ha!us. It is 6here the di!esti7e tract and the res"iratory tract crossy,es reuired or the di!estion o

    ceuose ro, "ant ,atter. The "artiay di!esti7e "ant ,atter "asses throu!h

    each o the sto,ach8s cha,bers in seuence< bein! re!ur!itated and reche6ed

    at east once in the "rocess.


    Sma$$ Inte#tine

    S,a intestine is the "ortion o the ai,entary tract bet6een the sto,ach

    and the ar!e intestines 6hose ,ain unction is or absor"tion. It is about '

    ,eters on! and consists o 3 "arts duodenu,@ eunu, and ieu,.


    Duodenu, is a hoo6 ointed tube that connects the sto,ach to the

    eunu,< it is the shortest< the 6idest and ,ost i0ed "art o the s,a intestine

    and is ar!ey retro-"eritonea cosey attached to the dorsa 6a.


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    Cecu, is the "ro0i,a end o the ar!e intestine and is 6here the ar!e

    and the s,a intestine ,eet at the ieoca unction. It is ocated in the ri!ht o6er

    uadrant o the abdo,en near the iiac ossa. It is a sac that e0tends ineriory

    about ' c,s. "ast ieoca unction. Attached to the cecu, is a tube about 1 c,s.

    on! caed the A%NDIG.


    The coon is about .#-./ ,eters on! and consists o our "arts

    Ascendin! coon

    Trans7erse coon

    Descendin! coon and si!,oid coon

    A#cendin) Co$on

    The ascendin! coon e0tends su"eriory ro, the cecu, to the ri!ht coic

    e0ure near the i7er< 6here it turns et

    T"an#,e"#e Co$on

    The trans7erse coon e0tends ro, the ri!ht coic e0ure to the et coic

    e0ure near the s"een< 6here the coon turns ineriory.

    -e#cendin) Co$on and Si)moid Co$on

    The descendin! coon e0tends ro, the et coic e0ure to the "e7is