APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA · We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the...

APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA FAITH FORMATION P.O. Box. 266, Safat, 13003, Kuwait. Web: http//www.avona.org. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] Page1 Day of Prayer, Fasting and Charity (14 May 2020_for the Coronavirus Pandemic) Things needed: - Dining table - Crucifix - Candle and lighter - Bible - Basket or a plate with a loaf of bread or slice of bread Hymn: We are gathering together unto Him Introduction: [head of the family] In every religion Prayer, Fasting and Charity are an integral practice of faith. Today in a special way we are called as one Human Family to unite in pray for this common pandemic situation the world is facing. We are called to spend this day to set aside everything; our differences, our personal agenda, and longings to come to God our loving Father to have mercy on us and the whole world and above all to bring us a comfort and medical remedy to this pandemic. Prayer, Fasting and Charity; we hear this very often in the holy season of Lent. We are called to do these three because we want to overcome sin. Sin in the individual, family, society, a country and of the world. We are able to overcome sin and have grace into our hearts only when we allow God to take control over our lives and give us His Peace. ‘Where two or three are gathered in His name, The Lord Jesus is truly present in our midst’. Let us spend time feeling the Lord’s presence among us. Activity: [As we remain in a few moments of silence, let the head of the family light the candle that is placed on the table, as a sign of Jesus presence amongst us.] [Light the candle]

Transcript of APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA · We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the...

Page 1: APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA · We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the Lord constantly assures his disciples of His Peace. The Peace which only He can give



P.O. Box. 266, Safat, 13003, Kuwait. Web: http//www.avona.org. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]



Day of Prayer, Fasting and Charity

(14 May 2020_for the Coronavirus Pandemic)

Things needed:

- Dining table - Crucifix - Candle and lighter - Bible - Basket or a plate with a loaf of bread or slice of bread

Hymn: We are gathering together unto Him

Introduction: [head of the family]

In every religion Prayer, Fasting and Charity are an integral practice of faith. Today in a special way we are called as one Human Family to unite in pray for this common pandemic situation the world is facing. We are called to spend this day to set aside everything; our differences, our personal agenda, and longings to come to God our loving Father to have mercy on us and the whole world and above all to bring us a comfort and medical remedy to this pandemic.

Prayer, Fasting and Charity; we hear this very often in the holy season of Lent. We are called to do these three because we want to overcome sin. Sin in the individual, family, society, a country and of the world.

We are able to overcome sin and have grace into our hearts only when we allow God to take control over our lives and give us His Peace. ‘Where two or three are gathered in His name, The Lord Jesus is truly present in our midst’. Let us spend time feeling the Lord’s presence among us.

Activity: [As we remain in a few moments of silence, let the head of the family light the candle that is placed on the table, as a sign of Jesus presence amongst us.] [Light the candle]

Page 2: APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA · We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the Lord constantly assures his disciples of His Peace. The Peace which only He can give



P.O. Box. 266, Safat, 13003, Kuwait. Web: http//www.avona.org. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]



Prayer for Peace

The beginning of all healing, be it individual, community, country and the world begins with peace. Inner peace, with each other and nature. When peace is destroyed, the pain is faced by all humanity and nature.

We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the Lord constantly assures his disciples of His Peace. The Peace which only He can give and not the world. The frightened disciples were experiencing a lockdown situation post Good Friday and the Lord knew what they wanted most; His presence and Peace.

The Lord is present in our midst right now. Let each one of us sitting around this candle that represent Jesus, the Light of the World and Peace, take in us this peace and light that He wants to share.

Activity: Each one will extend their palm towards the Light, that is Christ, and bring it back towards their head and heart, as a symbol of getting the peace of the Risen Lord in us. [Each one extends their hand towards the light and brings it to their head and heart].

Prayer of St Francis of Assisi, is a beautiful prayer that expresses not just peace, but the theme of the day that is called for by our Holy Father. This prayer truly sums up the gospels and Christian life. It is this prayer that when said with true meaning and understanding will help us in the process of prayer, fasting and charity. Let us together in the true spirit of this prayer as a family make it our own.

[Say the below prayer together, or repeat line by line]

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace Where there is hatred, let me sow love

Where there is injury, pardon Where there is doubt, faith Where there is despair, hope

Where there is darkness, light And where there is sadness, joy

O Divine Master, grant that I may Not so much seek to be consoled as to console

To be understood, as to understand To be loved, as to love

For it is in giving that we receive And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned

And it's in dying that we are born to Eternal Life Amen

Page 3: APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA · We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the Lord constantly assures his disciples of His Peace. The Peace which only He can give



P.O. Box. 266, Safat, 13003, Kuwait. Web: http//www.avona.org. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]



Dear Lord, in this pandemic situation we truly ask you in prayer to bring, peace, love, pardon, faith, hope, light and joy. To help each one of us to go out to give, consolation, understanding, love, charity, forgiveness, to die to oneself; in doing so to bring new life, new healing, new remedy to our brothers and sisters and above all ETERNAL LIFE.

GOSPEL: JOHN 6;1-14 (5 loaves and 2 fish) [Read by the Mother]

Please stand for the gospel reading.

[After reading the Gospel, pause 1 minute of prayerful silence]

[For our reflection we shall divide this gospel passage into three section: Prayer, Fasting and Charity]

1. PRAYER [Father of the family]

In the reading, Jesus sees the hunger in the community that has gathered. The hunger he saw that day was for food to eat. Today in our community and in the world, people are hungry for many things- food, shelter, security, friendship.

What are the hungers you see in this community and the world today?

The world and we today are facing the hunger of peace, health, community life, spiritual life and especially medical relief through a vaccine for this pandemic. What are we praying for? Jesus always prayed for the needs of others. This evening the world is hungry in a special way for a relief in this medical situation and its varied implication we are in.

The people gathered along with Jesus witnessed that He prayed. Prayed to His Father to satisfy their hunger and they prayed along with Him. Let us now bring our prayers to Jesus, bring our hungers so that He will bless them and in His time, satisfy our needs and wants.

[Child to read]

Let our response be: Lord, listen to your family praying.

1. For our Holy Father and all Heads of Religion in the World, who today have come together as one in prayer that you bring about unity, love and understanding; that we are all your loving children, and help them to bring about your love and peace. Response.

Page 4: APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA · We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the Lord constantly assures his disciples of His Peace. The Peace which only He can give



P.O. Box. 266, Safat, 13003, Kuwait. Web: http//www.avona.org. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]



2. We pray for the world leaders, that they will break down all their differences and personal agenda to bring about peace and to consolidate all their efforts to bring about a solution to this pandemic. Response

3. We pray for the World Health Organization and all medical institution and staff. They are the frontline warriors who are day in and day out helping those infected with this coronavirus, putting their lives at risk. Lord we ask you to give them your power and grace to sustain them and their families and above all to keep them from all harm. Response

4. We implore your wisdom dear Lord on all scientist and experts involved in finding a vaccine for this pandemic. Guide them to come out with a breakthrough at the earliest, so that many people lives will be saved and we can be rejoined to community life. Response

5. Every country runs on its government and various official who bring about law and order and relief to its citizens, Lord, we lift up to your Kingly majesty all these officials. Give them your wisdom and your charitable heart to deal with all citizen and situation so as to bring hope and relief. Response

6. Lord Jesus, we ask you to look graciously on all hospitals and its staff; the doctors, nurses, caregivers, volunteers. They are the ones who are physically there with the ones infected with this virus. We ask you to protect them with your precious blood, so that no harm comes to them and their families. Give them your strength, as many of them have to spend hours and days at a stretch to bring healing. Response

7. ‘Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do unto me’. We pray for the various volunteers and nonprofit organization who have come forward with their 5 loaves and 2 fish, to give basic needs to all those who are standard, lost jobs and away from their families. We ask you dear Lord, to reward them in the way you know best. Bless them dear Lord. Response

8. While on earth dear Lord you too faced the difficulties of family life; of being separated, of isolation, of migrating, of being in fear, of uncertainties. We bring the many families to your heart Lord, especially those who are struggling and separated due to this pandemic. They are many who are not able to see their love ones even in hospital and at death. Just as you brought comfort to Joseph and Mary, bring your comforting presence to all families. Response

9. Let little children come to me! We pray for the many children and youth who due to this lockdown situation are not able to live good social life and even intellectual life. They are full of energy, wanting to do something. Dear Lord, we ask you send them your patience and understanding, so that they will be able to develop in these days the various talents you have given them. Response

Page 5: APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA · We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the Lord constantly assures his disciples of His Peace. The Peace which only He can give



P.O. Box. 266, Safat, 13003, Kuwait. Web: http//www.avona.org. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]



10. Lord Jesus you worked as a carpenter; we lift up to you all the employers and employees who are struggling these days to run various business so as to sustain their families. Give them your bounty and to satisfy all their needs. Response

11. Lord, you went about bring healing to all those who were sick and brought them back to normal life. Bring down your healing touch on all those who are sick, especially those sick due to this pandemic, extend to them your healing touch and strengthen them, so as to continue to give you praise and glory. Response

12. Lord you wept at the death of Lazarus, you showed love and pity towards those who mourned their loved ones. We commend to you all our dear departed sisters and brothers. We pray in a special way for all those who have died due to this pandemic, who could not be given a fitting farewell and for their family members who could not be there in their last earthly moments. Lord, give them Eternal life and to us here your comfort and peace. Response

Let us now pray for our own personal needs.

[After a short pause]

Let us turn with confidence that the good Lord will hear our prayers say the prayer He taught us.

Activity: [Let all the members of the family hold each other hands and say the OUR FATHER together]

Our Father….


We have heard this passage so often and this evening the Lord is inviting you and me to not just listen and pray, but to do something. Christ did not just speak, he was also concerned for his people. He was their provider. Our faith without deeds is incomplete and thus we need to share this to others even beyond our family, parish and community. We are called to go beyond our community to share what we have to others. Today in a special way the world and people are waiting for medical relief through the vaccine and also bread that is food itself. Jesus came to give us life and life in its fullness. This is charity. It is in giving that we receive. The Lord today, is asking each one of us for our 5 loaves and 2 fish, so that along with him we can reach out to many more in this pandemic moment. Jesus and the Church is inviting us to practice our corporal works of mercy.

Page 6: APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA · We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the Lord constantly assures his disciples of His Peace. The Peace which only He can give



P.O. Box. 266, Safat, 13003, Kuwait. Web: http//www.avona.org. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]



One way this can be done is through our sharing and avoiding the waste culture. In these pandemic situation, tendency to hoard for ourselves is there, we our concern about our security. However, today we are challenged through this passage and the theme to share, to show more charity towards others, especially the less fortunate.

Share the little that we have;

- our resources - our talents, that will make others happy - our well-being.

Share so that even others can be happy.

Charity calls for sharing our responsibilities in family and society. We are called to lend a helping hand at home and in society to obey the rules and regulations.

As our family [name your family]

- Let us share today and the coming days a meal with the less fortunate - Go out to help the poor and elderly - To keep in touch with the senior citizens - To help the week and those with illness, with some assistance.

Activity: [As a sign of our willingness the mother takes from the basket one loaf of bread or a slice and break it and share with each other. (pause)

(next) Each one then HOLDS the piece of bread in your hands, look at it and in silence pray for the many people who will go today to bed without even this small piece of bread. (pause)

Then as a sign of your commitment to do something in charity slowly eat the morsel]

Hymn: We are happy Christians all united with the Lord, we belong to one family

3. FASTING [Eldest Child]

Prayer and charity can take place when we are able to fast. This is the third action that our Holy Father has called us to do. What does fasting really means in this pandemic situation?

- Fast from feeding our own senses

- Fast from all negative feelings, talks and news

Page 7: APOSTOLIC VICARIATE OF NORTHERN ARABIA · We are in this beautiful season of EASTER, wherein the Lord constantly assures his disciples of His Peace. The Peace which only He can give



P.O. Box. 266, Safat, 13003, Kuwait. Web: http//www.avona.org. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]



- Fast from grumbling at the inconveniences caused in these moments.

- Fast even physically and materially, so that it leads me to rely on God’s providence

- Fast that will rushes me to spend time in prayer and reflection

- Fast that will urge me to reach out and think of my neighbors.

- Fast and penance so that it will bring about some good in the world especially in finding a vaccine.

Action: Let us as a family, today and in the coming days fast in some way and together accompanied by prayer will help in bringing an end to this pandemic. As a family sitting together with the Lord, let us now discuss one concrete way you will fast. [Spend some time discussing what will you do as a family and could also contemplate as individual]. [Pause]


We are called to do all this in secret. As Jesus tells us, in doing this in secret, in our own homes together as a family, His Heavenly Father will reward us. This reward is not just for us a as a family, but for all the families in the world.

However today on this day of public prayer, fasting and charity, that Pope Francis has called for, we are called to manifest this even publically, not to show and tell others, rather to be more sensitive to all that is happening around us in this pandemic situation.

We are called to be like our Blessed Mother who kept all these things deep in her heart. She was the one who was strengthened and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to go out to be a blessing to others in need. She gave to the world the prince of peace and the master healer, that through her powerful intercession, she will pleads our cause to her Son.

Let us together before we conclude, turn to our Blessed Mother, the mediator of all graces and blessings, to protect us all with her mantle of love, especially those who are sick and the caregivers. Let us together say, 3 Hail Holy Queen.

Activity: [Recite three times the prayer ‘Hail Holy Queen’,

Then sing the Hymn: No man can live as a island].

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P.O. Box. 266, Safat, 13003, Kuwait. Web: http//www.avona.org. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]



Final prayer and blessing: [head of the family]

Loving God, We believe our lives are touched by you, that you want something for us, and something of us.

Give us ears today to hear you, eyes to see the tracing of your finger, and a heart quickened by the motions of your Spirit.

Help us through our prayers, fasting and charity to make your love and mercy be felt to all around us and our family.

We ask this as we continue to pray and live our family life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

May almighty God bless us and protect us from all evil. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.

Activity: [End the prayer service sitting at table and sharing your spiritual experience and blessing each other with the holy water and tracing the sign of the cross on the forehead]

God bless.

Fr Franco Pereira sdb AVONA Catechetical Director 14 May 2020