Apii Te Uki Ou Newsletter · Apii Te Uki Ou Newsletter 26.5.16 ... The need to close the school due...


Transcript of Apii Te Uki Ou Newsletter · Apii Te Uki Ou Newsletter 26.5.16 ... The need to close the school due...

Apii Te Uki Ou Newsletter 26.5.16 IMPORTANT NOTICES FROM THE PRINCIPAL Kia orana parents and caregivers,

Update contact details and ethnicity.

The need to close the school due to lack of water several weeks back highlighted a few issues that need addressing

regarding the contacting of parents, or emergency contacts, urgently. For this reason I have attached to this news-

letter a form for parents/caregivers to complete and return to school by TUESDAY 31st MAY. This is crucial infor-

mation to do with the health and safety of your child (ren) so I cannot stress enough the importance of complying

with this request. Even if we were able to contact YOU without issue in this instance, upon reviewing our files we

noted that, in a lot of cases, emergency contact details have not been loaded for you.

I am also taking this opportunity to clarify your child(ren)’s ethnicity as I believe our records are incomplete in this


A phone tree will be created using the above contact information so that in the case of an emergency where chil-

dren need to go home or be evacuated, teachers will in the first instance, text the parents/caregivers on their

phone tree with specific requests. Upon receipt of this text, parents/caregivers are asked to simply respond by

text with ‘ok’, to advise receipt, and it WILL BE IMPLIED BY YOUR RESPONSE THAT YOU WILL COME AND COLLECT

YOUR CHILDREN IMMEDIATLEY from either school or the evacuation meeting point detailed in the text. Teachers

will note their records of your response. If no response received within 5 minutes, teachers will try to call you on

each and every number we have listed for you. Should contact still not be made within 10 minutes, the emer-

gency contact details will be utilized. If these methods fail than the school staff will take matters into their own

hands to ensure the safety of themselves and the children in their care.

If upon receiving a text you cannot comply with our request please contact the school as soon as possible on ei-

ther 23509 or 53500 to make alternative arrangements.

Lateness to School

It has been noted that a significant number of children are arriving late to school. This is not ideal and I would ask

that you please ensure your child(ren) arrive at school before 8:00am.

Car Park The car park is an extremely busy place at the end of the day with children and vehicles having to share

the driveway to exit the school. PLEASE, PLEASE, be vigilant and keep an eye out for children at all times, espe-

cially when reversing, and keep to 5 kilometers an hour in school grounds at all times.

Meitaki maata e kia manuia

Brendon Fiebig – Principal

For all upcoming events, newsletters and school info visit:



Fundraising Team Kia orana Parents and School Community

Fundraising efforts to date:


. Flyers have been distributed to

several places around the island and the

feedback has been awesome. CI Sun will be

doing a story on the fundraiser in the next is-

sue, so please stock up on the Magazine and

distribute where possible. DON’T FORGET –



Thank you to the McKegg Family for a large donation to our library and re-sources. The Rent-A-Plate stall is going great guns but we STILL NEED HELP. Please put your hand up for one evening this year. It will be much appreciated.

We would like to start an Alumni Support program where ex-stu-dents can contribute a small amount each month or year that will go into a scholarship and new innovation program. If you know of a young person who has left the school who would be interested in driving something like this for the school please have them contact Nadine Newnham through the school office.

Apii Te Uki Ou Newsletter 26.5.16 Inspirational Quote: "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it

happened." —Dr. Seuss

Office Hours 7:30 to 2:30 daily

Phone Tina on 23509 or e mail her on

[email protected]

Goals 2016 Raised To Date

School Break Even $40,000.00 $13,592.00 School Camp 2016 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 School Camp 2017 $7,500.00 $2,140.00 Total $50,000.00 $18,232.10


Principal Certificates

On Friday 03rd June at our Assembly, starting at 1:00pm

the following students will receive Principal Certificates:

Pepai Katoa

Ethan Breed

Michael Jansen

Otis Harrison

Jonathan File



Kopea David

Jaselle Areora

Max Heuze

Dillon Hunter

Kanoa Kermode

Te Ava Sword-


Darcy Flay

Mila Lyon

Jannamai Tu-


Vaihere Mitchell

Helena Dalgaard

Noah Sugarman-Hal-


Temana Bates

Ruby Nixon

Anais Quirke

Kaden Phillips

Cooper Tere

Leilani Upoko

Arianah Pekepo

Alana Breed

Freya Dalgaard

Riley Doel

Tehina Hunt

Athena Napa-Nich-


Our Core Value for the holidays


The qualities of Caring includes;

To feel and show concern for


To be loving

To be warm hearted

Helping others

Showing sympathy

Apii Te Uki Ou Way

We DO what we are asked

We CARE for our people - our


We USE winning words

We STAY within school


“It’s How We Roll!”

2014 Term Dates

Term 1 - 27th Jan to 17th Apr

Term 2 - 5th May to 25th July

Term 3 -11th Aug to 3rd Oct

Term 4 - 20th Oct to 11th Dec

Meitaki Maata…almost

Christmas and summer holidays

everyone. Thank you for your

on-going support of our school,

students and staff. We really

appreciate it.

Simon Drewery Principal


My Anti-Bullying Essay

Everyone is different and that’s just fine. I mean imagine if we were all the same, the world would be a very boring place. Yet there are

so many people who take advantage of our differences to make themselves stand out. This is called bullying. It comes in so many dif-

ferent ways. It could be physical bullying, where people punch, kick and push you. If you see this don’t just stand and watch go tell a

teacher or go stand by the other person and help them. This is a very recognizable kind of bullying others are not so easily seen. Like

Verbal bullying. This kind of bullying is the most common, it is name-calling and saying mean things. You have probably done this

yourself yet haven’t even realized it and if you see a note or hear these things, report it to a teacher or stand up to the bully. There are

a lot more than just those 2 kinds of bullying though. There is also Cyberbullying. This kind of bullying is also very hard to recognize as

it is bullying online and through text messages. Bully’s use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other kinds of Social Media to bully

people by posting bad or offensive photos of the victim and by commenting mean things on the victim’s photo, to prevent this bully

from continuing his/her mean work, report them, block them or stop them. Different kinds of bullying include social bullying, where

you purposely leave someone out and extortion bullying which is where the Bully steals your stuff. So if you have ever recognized

yourself doing any of these things STOP. If you have seen anyone else doing any of these, make them stop. Stay strong, stay together,

and STOP the bullying!! By: Alana Breed.

Be a buddy not a bully

STOP BULLYING… we are all different in our own way and we do not deserve to be bullied for who we are! I once knew

this girl who was being bullied because she had big glasses. Every day as she walked to school the same group of

boys would push her around and knock her glasses of so she couldn’t see. There are so many types of bullying such as

physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying, extortion bullying and cyber bullying. This girls name was Alex and she

was always being physically bullied. No person in the whole wide world should be bullied. I really like the saying don’t

judge a book by its cover. You have probably bullied someone before and not have noticed it. When you’re being

bullied you should walk away, tell someone you trust, take the initiative to get someone’s help, NEVER let a bully see

you are scared. There are many more things you can do to get away from your bully, but I’m not going to name them

all. It is not a nice feeling when your being bullied it’s just horrible. I for one think that bullying is the worst and think that

you should always have someone you trust to talk to. If you’re being bullied report to a teacher, parent or a friend.

And always remember be a buddy not a bully. By: Mia Claire Bullivant

How to prevent bullying - Bullying is not nice!!! Here’s a narrative story ill share with you.

1.”Bye, Mum” said Lisa as she was walking out the door. As Lisa was walking to school these 2 mean girls pushed Lisa to the ground. Lisa

quickly shot up off the ground and said in a proud voice ”Hey, you can’t just push me like that” Both the girls stepped up and sobbed at her

and just kept walking to school like nothing had happened. Lisa was so MAD she just wanted to push them to the ground’ but she just

calmed down and kept walking to school.

2. Lisa hung her bag up and walked into the classroom. She was surprised to see everyone laughing at her. “What are you all laughing about”

she said awkwardly. “YOU” Zoe said laughing like crazy. Lisa was confused she looked at herself and do you know what she saw. HER DRESS

WAS COVERED IN MUD. Uh, oh it was probably from when the mean girl pushed her over Thought Lisa. She was so embarrassed she ran

home. “What’s wrong darling” asked Lisa’s mum .Lisa didn’t answer, her mum went into the room and said, “it’s okay you can tell me any-

thing”. “It’s the mean girl Violet she pushed me to the ground and called me FAT” Lisa said as she started to cry. “It’s alright just go to school

tomorrow be strong, tell them they’re the bully or walk away”, “Okay I’ll do that.

3. Lisa walked to school feeling happy and strong. She hung her bag and walked into the classroom. “Hey FATTY” said Violet, Lisa ignored her

and just kept walking. 1 month later

4.”hey Lisa, Do you want to go to the park after school” called Violet. “Sure” exclaimed Lisa.

Be strong and carry on. By: Isabel James

Apii Te Uki Ou Newsletter

Meitaki Maata

Mr __________ who provided our

marquees for our Parents Day

Prize Giving.

Mr _______________ who pro-

vided the sound system and mi-

crophone for our Parents Day

Prize Giving.

Everyone who contributed to the

Kaikai for our Parents Day Prize

Giving...it was delicious!

To everyone who attended our

Board of Governors Strategic

Planning Consultation on Tues-

day night. We appreciated your

feedback and views.

A Warm Welcome…Kia

Orana! We welcome the following students

to our school in recent months:

Anyone please Rebecca

Upcoming Events/Dates

School viewing ‘Frozen’ at the

movies please pick them up

from there at 11:30am Friday

13th Dec. Meitaki!

Junior Fishing Competition Sat

14th Dec 8:30am Avana Wharf

School Office Opens Monday

20th Jan 2014 - 8am to 2pm.

Term 1 starts at Apii Te Uki Ou

(smile) Monday 27th Jan 2014.


From Aunty Sheryl

Apii Te Uki Ou Newsletter 26.5.16

Interesting title here

Maybe use this area to talk abou

Anti-Bullying Day – Pink Day

Speak up Stand together Stop the Bullying!

By Athina Karika

Bullying is not cool!!!!!!

Any kind of bullying is bad, for example

Punching, hitting, kicking & pushing! Physical

bullying is not the only kind of bullying, verbal

bullying is one too. Saying words can hurt people,

calling names is as bad as hitting and punching!

How would you feel if someone called you a

weirdo, just because you’re different? Another

kind of bullying is CYBER BULLYING! cyber

bullying is when people post photos of you and

comment rudely on facebook,messenger,Insta-

gram,e-mail,g-mail,zapya,line app,twitter,reddit

and so many more. Gossip is another form of bul-

lying. (Some people call it backstabbing) This is

one of the worst types of bullying, talking behind

your friends back is so not okay!!!! Extortion can

be another way to bully people, taking their money

or stealing their stuff. This is the last form of bul-

lying I know… social bullying is when you leave

someone out of a game or group. That’s all I know,

now help me prevent it! How can we prevent it

you ask, the victim can be helped, how can we

help you ask, these are some suggestions.

1. We can stand beside the victim

2. We can tell the bully to stop

3. Be kind to the victim

4. Lead the victim away from the situation

5. Stand together

If you’re a bully, try these!!!!!

1. Talk to a teacher

2. Stop it

3. Think before acting

Be a buddy not a bully

If you are a bully that just means

you’re SUPER-Insecure on the inside

or your heart is two sizes to Speak up

Stand together Stop the


Apii Te Uki Ou Newsletter 26.5.16 Important Dates:


27.05.16 Mufti Day – Gold Coin Donation Please – Meitaki Maata Pre-School Development Day at Apii Te Uki Ou Elective Day for Year 5 to Year 8

31.05.16 Technology Day for Year 7/8 – 10am to 12pm at Titikaveka Col-lege – Transport Needed for drop off please. 01.06.16 Board Of Governors Meeting 5.30pm 03.06.16 School Assembly 1pm – Please Join Us – Presentation of the Principals Certificates will be made, come and listen to our great singing. 03.06.16 Mufti Day – Gold Coin Donation – Meitaki Maata

2016 Term Dates:

Term 1 – 01st Feb to 15th Apr (11 weeks) Term 2 – 02nd May to 22nd Jul (12weeks) Term 3 – 01st Aug to 13th Oct (10weeks) Term 4 – 31st Oct to 15th Dec (7 weeks)