Apheresis Anticoagulant Removal - c.ymcdn.com Outline Case presentation Factors associated with drug...

Apheresis Anticoagulant Removal Oluwatoyosi Onwuemene, MD MS May 6th, 2017

Transcript of Apheresis Anticoagulant Removal - c.ymcdn.com Outline Case presentation Factors associated with drug...

Apheresis Anticoagulant Removal

Oluwatoyosi Onwuemene, MD MS

May 6th, 2017

Talk Outline

Case presentation

Factors associated with drug removal

TPE’s effects on hematologic parameters

Anticoagulant properties

Studies of anticoagulant removal

TPE’s effects on warfarin

TPE’s effects on heparin

TPE-associated bleeding risk

Summary and conclusions

Case Presentation

Case Presentation

History of Present Illness

44 y.o female with tumefactive MS

Admitted with encephalopathy

Plasma exchange requested

Past Medical History

H/o FVL and recurrent strokes

Plasma cell dyscrasia

Pertinent Meds

Rivaroxaban, 20 mg PO once daily

TPE Course

Date TPE # Hgb Hct Plt FGN aPTT PT PRBC

10/08 9.6 29 133 36.8

10/09 1 10.5 32 139 330 83.4 13.5

10/10 2 10.8 31 128 167 49.5 16.1

10/11 10.1 30 112 66.2

10/12 8.9 26 136 34.2

10/13 3 7.5 22 154 379 110.7 12.3

10/14 7.1/11.1 20 173 99.8 2U

10/15 4 10.7 30 72 64.4

10/16 9.6 28 96

10/17 5 8.6 25 162

10/18 8.7 26 257 126 24.5 10.5

10/19 8.2/7.1 25/22

10/20 6 7.7 23 361 227

Heparin stopped

Hemoglobin Trends

1 2 3 4 5 6 2U PRBC

CT Showed RP Bleed

CT abdomen and pelvis

Right psoas hematoma

Right rectus abdominus hematoma

Clinical Question

Did TPE contribute to bleeding risk?

Factors Associated with TPE Drug Removal

TPE Characteristics

Plasma Volume Exchanged Plasma solutes removed (%)

1.0 63

1.5 78

2.0 86

Shelat. Am J Med 123:777-784, 2010

TPE-mediated Drug Effects

Direct removal of circulating drug

Drug action prolongation

Drug Characteristics TP






Volume of Distribution (VD)

Pharmacotherapy 27:1529-1549, 2007

Plasma Ther Transfus Technol 5:305-317, 1984

Protein Binding TP

E Dru

g Rem


Protein Binding

Pharmacotherapy 27:1529-1549, 2007

Plasma Ther Transfus Technol 5:305-317, 1984

Drug Removal Determinants


Time from dose to TPE initiation

Protein binding

Volume of distribution

Blood levels vs. biologic effect


Duration of TPE

Successive TPE sessions

Plasma volume removed

Seminars in Dialysis 2:176-189, 2012

TPE hematologic effects

TPE Hematologic Effects

Lab Parameter Pre Post 24 Hrs

Hgb (g/dL) 13.1 (6 – 16.5)

11.5 (4.9 – 17.8)

12.5 (5.5 – 16.0)

Platelets (x 109/L) 296 (146 – 595)

264 (131-482)

278 (187 – 483)

Prothrombin Index (% of normal)

88 (76 – 100)

35 (10 – 92)

80 (69 – 96)

PTT (s) 36 (30 - > 120)

59 (39 - > 120)

38 (55-32)

Fibrinogen (g/L) 3.6 (0.9 – 5.75)

0.86 (0.2 – 3.52)

2.17 (0.7 – 4.0)

ATIII 130 (91 – 146)

39 (27 – 45)

107 (68 – 160)

Factor VIII 144 (102 – 255)

25 (14 – 95)

89 (31 – 161)

Wood and Jacobs. J Clin Apher 3:l24-128 (1986)

TPE Effects on Clotting Assays

Flaum et al. Blood 1979 54:694-702

TPE Effects on Clotting Factors

Flaum et al. Blood 1979 54:694-702

All Factors Decreased

TPE Effects on Fibrinogen

Flaum et al. Blood 1979 54:694-702

TPE Effect on Fibrinogen

Zantek et al. J Clini Apher 29:75–82 (2014)

TPE Effect on Factor II

Zantek et al. J Clin Apher 29:75–82 (2014)


Anticoagulant Properties


AC R Mode of Action Vd

(L) Protein

Binding (%) t1/2α


Warfarin PO Blocks vitamin K oxide reductase to decrease factors II, VII, IX, X, C & S

10 99 35

Holford. Clin Pharmacokinet. 1986. Nov-Dec;11(6):483-504.


AC R Mode of Action Vd

(L) Protein

Binding (%) t1/2α


Heparin IV SC

Binds AT, HCII, & IXa to inactivate IIa, Xa, IXa, & XIIa

3.5-7 ⇡⇡ high 1.5

LMWH SC Inactivates Xa &,

to a lesser extent, IIa 3 80 4.5

Hirsh & Raschke. Chest 2004; 126:188S–203S

Xa Inhibitors

AC R Mode of Action Vd

(L) Protein

Binding (%) t1/2α


Fondaparinux SC Binds AT, inactivates Xa 7-11 94 17-21

Apixaban PO Inhibits free and clot-bound Xa 21 87 12

Edoxaban PO Inhibits free Xa & IIase activity & IIa-

induced platelet aggregation 107 55 10-14

Rivaroxaban PO Inhibits free, IIase-associated & clot-

associated Xa 50 92-95 5-13

Clin Pharmacokinet. 2002;41 Suppl 2:1-9

Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Feb;75(2):476-87

Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2014 Nov;70(11):1339-51

J Clin Pharmacol. 2014 Aug;54(8):917-27

Direct Thrombin Inhibitors

AC R Mode of Action Vd

(L) Protein

binding (%) t1/2α


Bivalirudin IV Inhibits free & clot-bound IIa & IIa-

mediated platelet activation/aggregation 14 ~0 0.4

Argatroban IV Direct thrombin inhibitor 12.18 54 0.7-0.9

Dabigatran PO Competitive direct IIa inhibitor 60-70 34-35 12-17

Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2010 Dec;8(12):1673-81 J Clin Pharmacol. 2011 Jun;51(6):805-18

J Thromb Haemost. 2011 Nov;9(11):2168-75

Anticoagulant properties

AC R Mode of Action Vd (L) Protein

Binding (%) t1/2α


Heparin IV SC

1) Binds AT, HCII, & IXa to inactivate IIa, Xa, IXa, & XIIa

3.5-7 ⇡⇡ high 1.5

Bivalirudin IV Inhibits free & clot-bound IIa & IIa-

mediated platelet activation/aggregation 14 ~0 0.4

Argatroban IV Direct thrombin inhibitor 12.18 54 0.7-0.9

LMWH SC Inactivates Xa &, to a lesser extent, IIa 3 80 4.5

Fondaparinux SC Binds AT, inactivates Xa 7-11 94 17-21

Warfarin PO Blocks vitamin K oxide reductase to decrease factors II, VII, IX, X, C & S

10 99 35

Apixaban PO Inhibits free and clot-bound Xa 21 87 12

Dabigatran PO Competitive direct IIa inhibitor 60-70 34-35 12-17

Edoxaban PO Inhibits free Xa & IIase activity & IIa-

induced platelet aggregation 107 55 10-14

Rivaroxaban PO Inhibits free, IIase-associated & clot-

associated Xa 50 92-95 5-13

Anticoagulant Removal Studies

Anticoagulant Removal studies

Author/Year (N)

AC Indication Procedure TPE effect Bleeding or Thrombosis

Rahawi 2017 (1)

Enoxaparin PE aTPE ↓ t1/2 from

7 to 1.6h CVC oozing Hematuria*

Lam 2017 (1)

Apixaban Afib pTPE Anti Xa ↓ 0.84-0.35

Hemorrhagic pericardial effusion

Zantek 2013 (8)

Warfarin - aTPE INR ↑

2.09-4.12 CVC oozing (n=1)

Fistula thrombosis

Kaplan 2016 (6)

Heparin - pTPE aTPE

aPTT ↑ Anti Xa ↓


TPE Effects on Warfarin

TPE Effects on INR

Zantek et al. J Clin Apher 29:75–82 (2014)

Zantek et al. J Clin Apher 29:75–82 (2014)

Zantek et al. J Clin Apher 29:75–82 (2014)

TPE Effects on INR

TPE Effects on Heparin

With Albumin Replacement

Kaplan et al. J Clin Apher 31:507–515 (2016)

With Plasma Replacement

Kaplan et al. J Clin Apher 31:507–515 (2016)

Unchanged infusion rate Infusion rate ↓ 25%

Infusion stopped Infusion rate ↑ 65%

Post-aTPE Anti Xa and aPTT

TPE# Infusion △ Anti Xa aPTT (s) AT(%)

Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

1 -- 0.16 0.10 29 41 92 34

2 ↑ 0.31 0.12 45 127 83 26

3 ↑↑ 0.29 0.36 41 >240 95 35

4 ↑↑ 0.18 0.19 37 139 95 34

5 ↑↑ 0.18 0.20 - 158 - 28

Kaplan et al. J Clin Apher 31:507–515 (2016)

The anti Xa Assay

Typically chromogenic

Known amounts AT & Xa added

Inhibitory complex inactivates Xa

Excess Xa measured

↑heparin levels = ↓intensity

Use endogenous/add exogenous AT

Results confounded

Factor deficiency

AC removal

Newall. Methods Mol Biol. 2013;992:265-72 Bates and Weitz. Circulation. 2005;112:e53-


TPE and Bleeding Risk

Studies of TPE Bleeding Risk

Author Year

N Albumin only replacement

Bleeding Precautions

Bleeding Complications

Sutton 1989

627 (5235)

69%* NR Bleeding (<1%)

Brain hemorrhage (1), groin hematoma (1)

Couriel 1994

63 (381)

NR NR Hemothorax (1.6%)

Brain hemorrhage (1.6%)

Yeo 2005

54 (568)

50% NR Mild bleeding (13%) Major bleeding (1%)

Shemin 2007

174 (1727)

57% Plasma for ↑ bleeding risk

Exit site bleeding (1.2%)

Cid 2014

317 (2730)

73% Plasma for ↑ bleeding risk

GI hemorrhage (1.5%)

Samanci 2014

110 (734)

11.8% NR Catheter-related hematoma (1%)

Summary and Conclusions

Summary and Conclusions

TPE affects anticoagulation

Removal of anticoagulant drugs

Removal of procoagulant proteins

Removal of coagulant proteins

Contribution to bleeding risk unclear

Other factors should be considered

Available data is limited

More prospective studies needed