AP World History Writing the DBQ: Thesis Statement.

AP World History Writing the DBQ: Thesis Statement

Transcript of AP World History Writing the DBQ: Thesis Statement.

Page 1: AP World History Writing the DBQ: Thesis Statement.

AP World History

Writing the DBQ:

Thesis Statement

Page 2: AP World History Writing the DBQ: Thesis Statement.

Document Based Question (DBQ) Essay

You will have 40 minutes to write the essay.– 10 minute reading period

group and analyze the documents.

You will be given between 4 to 10 documents.– Documents may include maps, pictures, and


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What does a good thesis statement do?

Answers the question Takes a stand Previews the argument

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Write a thesis statement that outlines what you plan to address in your essay.

The thesis statement is not a restating of the question.

It is an introduction lays out what you will write about.

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Thesis Statement

Thesis can be in the introduction or conclusion

If you begin to write your essay in the introductory paragraph, you have NOT written a good thesis statement.

If your thesis statement stated, “some things are similar and some things are different;”– that is not a thesis statement– VAGUE is BAD!

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Thesis Statement

Example of a good thesis statement:– The Green Revolution, which began after World War

II, has had many successes and consequences, however, the consequences far out weigh any of the successes and it is continuing to threaten the world’s welfare because instead of the threat of starvation, people now face the overpowering threats of harmful foods, disease, unfailing pests and a lack of sufficient water. The constant advance of technology and pressure caused the Green Revolution to fail miserably.

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Thesis Activity

Decide which statement is an appropriate thesis statement.


Analyze factors that shaped the modern Olympic movement from 1892 to 2002. Identify and explain what additional type of document(s) or sources would help you assess these factors.

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Writing the Thesis Statement and DBQ Essay

Day 2

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7 Steps to the DBQ

1. Read the directions

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1. Read directions Read directions

• Mark rubric

• Has relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence

from the documents.

• Uses all documents.

• Analyzes the documents by grouping them in as many

ways as possible. Does not simply summarize the

documents individually.

1 2



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1. Read directions Read directions

• Takes into account the sources of the documents

and analyzes the author’s point of view.

• Explains the need for at least one additional type

of document.



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1. Read directionsRead directions

• In margin, create list of document numbers to check off after you use each one.

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7 Steps to the DBQ

2. Read and Analyze the prompt– Underline what the prompt is asking you to do.– Read the historical background provided

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7 Steps to the DBQ

3. Write a preliminary thesis– Thesis MUSTMUST haves:

AP – answer the prompt Time/Place 3 Categories/Groups

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7 Steps to the DBQ

4. Read and analyze the documents

a. SOAPStone

b. POV

c. Categorize/group

d. Additional Document

- Why?

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7 Steps to the DBQ

5. Re-evaluate thesis and plan essay

- Write introduction paragraph– 1 sentence thesis– Must be in dark blue or black ink

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7 Steps to the DBQ

6. Write the essayBody paragraphs X 3

– Topic sentenceIdentify the groupingMay list the documents in this group

EX: Documents 6, 7, and 9 present the idea of how the Green Revolution led to changes in cultural lifestyles.

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7 Steps to the DBQ

6. Body paragraphs– Explain the document

Show your understanding of what the document means

– Use the document as evidence of the prompt

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7 Steps to the DBQ

Doc. 1 Understanding– In doc. 1, a Han government official talks about flood

prevention and requests the establishment of conservation offices in each district to help with flooding.

Doc. 1 Evidence– This technology was important to Chinese society

because it was extremely beneficial in preventing crop loss due to devastating floods.

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7 Steps to the DBQ

6. Body paragraphs– POV

Template idea:

– " It makes sense that _________ (person) believes this because he/she is ______________."

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7 Steps to the DBQ

6. Body paragraphs– Additional Document

Must help answer the promptExplain why you need this document

EX: An additional document that would help is a graph showing how much water farmers have used over the past 100 years. It is important because if what Dr. Shiva has said about water shortages is true, then the graph will show just how much water is being used.

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7 Steps to the DBQ

7. Conclusion– Rewrite thesis

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Rule of THREERule of THREE

1. THREE Groups


3. THREE Additional Documents

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Point of View

You must look for and state three (3) points of view (POV’s).

POV’s are identified the following ways:– Who– What– When– Where– Why

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Document POV’s

What is the main idea or topic being said in the document?

Why would this person be saying/creating this document at this time and place?

How does the document help me answer the question that is being asked?

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Scoring the DBQ

There are a total of 9 points for the DBQ. The basic core consists of 7 points. The expanded core will make up the rest of



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Components of the DBQ Essay – Core Points (MANDATORY)

Thesis statement that is not just a restating of the question.

Using all of the documents in your essay. Grouping and thoughtfully analyzing the documents.

DON’T LIST DOCUMENTS! Stating the point of view/perspective on minimum of

three (3) of the documents Using the documents to support your thesis. Adding an additional document that would help

support your thesis.

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Components of the DBQ Essay – Expanded Core

Extremely strong thesis statement. Adding more than one additional document

to your essay. Completely and thoroughly answering the

question. Remember, you must score all basic points

in order to receive expanded core.