AP US HISTORY Mr. Long. Election of 1824 ◦ Andrew Jackson won the Popular Vote in a landslide...


Transcript of AP US HISTORY Mr. Long. Election of 1824 ◦ Andrew Jackson won the Popular Vote in a landslide...



1. John Q. Adams2. Henry Clay3. William Crawford4. Andrew Jackson

All Republicans

Very much like his father Successful Sec. Of State but not


◦ REASONS:1. Corruption2. He is a minority president3. Wouldn’t remove his enemies

from office4. Nationalist

If the government could meddle in local concerns like education, roads, etc it might look to do something about the peculiar Institution. (South hated this aspect)

Two New Parties◦ National Republicans: John Q. Adams◦ Democratic Republicans: Andrew


Andrew Jackson◦ Campaign began immediately after 1824◦ Portrayed as a frontiersman and

champion of the common man (Remind you of anyone?)

◦ Election is marked by “mudslinging”

Voting Clearly split on SECTIONAL lines

1.Jackson = West and South2.Adams = NE3.They split the Middle and Northwest

We see Political Power Shift from the eastern seaboard towards new states in the West.

First President from the West

First nominated by formal convention (1832)

Jackson’s inauguration seemed to symbolize the ascending of the masses but he was really not one of the masses.

He was a western aristocrat

Spoils System◦ Rewarding political supporters w/ political office

Used by Jackson and the Democrats Reality: Washington was in need of change

Politics now becomes about “what have you done for the party”

IMPORTANCE: Brings about true party loyalty

Tariff is a BIG ISSUE

◦ REASON: Yes it protected American

industry against European competition but it drove up prices on all Americans and brought similar tariff on American agricultural exports.

Believed the Tariff discriminated against them

◦ North = boom in wool/manufacturing

◦ West= prospering from land prices/people

◦ Southwest = prospering from cotton

◦ South = tax on agricultural exports form other nations in relation to tariff = hard times (tariff was the scapegoat) Bigger Issue:

If the government could interfere with trade/imports they may try to interfere w/ slavery

John C. Calhoun and S.C took the lead on trying to nullify the tariff

Showdown = Jackson v. Nullies (Disunity)

Nullies try to get 2/3 vote in S.C legislature to nullify tariff but unionist “submission men” block it.

S.C Elections = nullies v. unionists◦ Nullies take majority and have 2/3 vote in


Legislative convention nullified tariff ◦ S.C also threatened to leave the Union if forced to

collect customs duties.◦ Jackson sent military and issued

proclamation against nullification

To avoid Civil War a COMPROMISE needed to be reached!

Compromise Tariff of 1833 (Henry Clay)

1. Gradually decreased tariff of 1832 by 10% over 8yrs = By 1842 they would be back to 1816 levels (American System)

2. Force Bill- passed by Congress at the same time it authorized the president to use navy and army to collect federal tariff duties when necessary.

After Thought: Clay is great hero again w/ Compromise

Jackson’s Controversial Decisions

At this time the Federal Gov had recognized tribes as separate nations and said they could get land through formal treaty.◦ Jacksonian’s (and Americans in general) where all

about westward expansion = confrontation

Indian Removal Act 1830 (moving Indians)◦ This is Jackson’s Native American Policy◦ Trial of Tears 1838- refers to the route taken by NA

as they were relocated to Indian territory in Oklahoma.

Worchester v Georgia (1832)◦ Jackson’s relations with Indians = hate◦ Didn’t enforce Marshall’s decision or recognize it.

Beginning of Reservation system 100,000 east of Mississippi moved west ¼ Died

Jackson Hated Big Business/Monopolistic Banks.

REASONS:1. Paper money: printed by private banks and value

fluctuated giving banks a lot of power (West relied on these loans) Bank of US = Most powerful

2. Bank of US not accountable to people only wealthy investors

3. Bank Foreclosed on many Western Farmers He is the champion of common man

Jackson vs. BANK

Bank War of 1832

◦ Daniel Webster and Henry Clay proposed bill to renew charter of Bank (4yrs early) to make it an election issue.

Clay was Jackson’s biggest competition

◦ GOAL: If Jackson let bill go through= Lose western support If he vetoed it = lose eastern support.

Either way it seemed it would give Clay the election


◦ Jackson VETOD the Bill

He said the bank was unconstitutional (McCullough v. Maryland said it was) Jackson practically says Executive branch is more

important than Judicial branch.

Clearly increasing the Presidential Power: It was his agenda not the peoples.

Election of 1832

Features of Election

1.3rd Party (Anti-Masonic)2.National nomination

conventions3.National Republicans had a

formal platform

Jackson wins b/c he has people

Jackson believed that people wanted the bank dead b/c they elected him.

Plan:◦ Jackson took federal deposits from the bank (1833)

Complications:◦ Possibly unconstitutional

◦ Closest advisors didn’t agree he should do it

◦ Biddle called in loans trying to create financial panic and prove the banks worth

◦ Kicked off booms and busts all over the country. Federal Funds placed in “pet banks” (supporters of Jackson)

Election of 1836

◦ Democrats (Van Buren) v. Whigs (William Henry Harrison)

◦ Van Buren beats all Whigs combined

8th President: First born in US

Inheritance:1. Resentment of democrat’s

b/c he was machine made candidate

2. Inherited Jackson’s enemies

3. Economic Depression

Panic of 1837◦ Caused mainly by the over speculation of lands in

the West (get rich quick)

People borrowed to much High Grain Prices Specie Circular War on Bank Britain called in foreign loans b/c of bank failures of its


Result: American banks foreclosed by hundreds Including “pet banks” which held Federal funds

Texas belonged to Spain per Florida Purchase Treaty◦ Mexico won independence in 1821, before

Spain could settle territory.

In an effort to get people there they grant Stephen F. Austin land (1823) 300 families (Roman Catholic to be Mexicanized)

By 1835 30,000 Texan Americans = Friction with Mexicans (slavery) Santa Anna raises army to suppress Texans

Texas is a BIG Problem for US

1836 Texans declared their Independence◦ Santa Anna 6,000 troops suppress Texans


◦ April 21, 1836 Houston and his men attacked Mexican troops during their siesta at San Jacinto and capture Santa Anna Forced him to sign two treaties

1. Southern boundary of Texas now Rio Grande2. Mexico had to withdraw troops from Texas

PROBLEM: The Texans could not have won their independence w/op men/supplies from US and the US was supposed to be neutral

◦ American people sided with Texans and openly nullified legislation of neutrality (LAND HUNGRY)

US Recognizes the Independence of Texas!

1837 the Texans officially petition to be annexed to the US (Want to join Union)

◦ BIG ISSUE = SLAVERY! Northern Abolitionists claimed the whole process was a

scheme by southern “slaveacracy” to unbalance the political power

◦ ACTUAL: Most immigrants to Texas were Southern slave apologists b/c geographically they are closer.

◦ REALITY: Admitting Texas would spread slavery in the US, and politically would be an issue.

Rematch of 1836 Election (Van Buren v Harrison)

Political Views

Whigs (Harrison) Expand and Stimulate the Economy

Democrats (Van Buren) Retrenchment and end to banks and corporations

Election of 1840 demonstrated two things

1.Triumph of populist democratic style (people had power) Politicians needed to connect w/ people (log cabin/

hard cider) Aristocracy over, democracy respected

2.Vigorous Two-Party System They hated each other and became loyal to their
