AP Test Cases

SYSTEM TEST SCRIPT Oracle Payables Approvals:


AP test cases

Transcript of AP Test Cases

TE.040 System Test Script

Doc Ref: TE.040 System Test ScriptDecember 31, 2003

System Test Script

Oracle PayablesNote: Title, Subject, Last Updated Date, Reference Number, and Version are marked by a Word Bookmark so that they can be easily reproduced in the header and footer of documents. When you change any of these values, be careful not to accidentally delete the bookmark. You can make bookmarks visible by selecting Tools->OptionsView and checking the Bookmarks option in the Show region.Approvals:

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Overview1Century Date Compliance1System Test Sequences201 - System Test Specifications < Opening Payable Periods >302 - System Test Specifications < Defining Banks >403 - System Test Specifications < Defining Distribution Sets >504 - System Test Specifications < PO Invoice for Goods >605 - System Test Specifications < Prepayment (Supplier / Employee Advances) >76 - System Test Specifications < Prepaid Expenses, Rent & Other Advances >97 - System Test Specifications < Employee Expense Reports >118 - System Test Specifications < Debiting Suppliers Liability >139 - System Test Specifications < Create Invoice Not Matched To PO >1410 - System Test Specifications < Supplier / Employee Refund >1611 - System Test Specifications < Entering Payments >1712 - System Test Specifications < Cancel Unpaid Invoices >1813 - System Test Specifications < Invoice Distribution Correction >1914 - System Test Specifications < Void Payment >2015 - System Test Specifications < Payables Month-End Processing >2116 - System Test Specifications < Payables Close Period >23Defect Log24Open And Closed Issues For This Deliverable25Open Issues25Closed Issues25

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This System Test Script documents the steps needed to test the integration of application extensions with the target application system with respect to the Payables process.

System testing measures the quality of the entire application system, using system test sequences and scripts. You must create scripts for all business processes based on the Mapped Business Requirements (BR.030). You should be able to reuse the test scripts you created during Test Business Solutions (BR.080); however, the focus of business solution testing is confirming individual business processes, while business system testing focuses on confirming the collective application system. For more information, refer to Business Mapping Test Results (BR.080) as a basis for business system test specifications.

This system test will include the following types of testing:

Integrated Business Processes

Security Testing

Century Date Compliance

In the past, two-character date coding was an acceptable convention due to perceived costs associated with the additional disk and memory storage requirements of full four character date encoding. As the year 2000 approached, it became evident that a full four character-coding scheme was more appropriate.

In the context of the Application Implementation Method (AIM), the convention Century Date or C/Date support rather than Year2000 or Y2K support is used. It is felt that coding for any future Century Date is now the modern business and technical convention.

Every applications implementation team needs to consider the impact of the Century Date on their implementation project. As part of the implementation effort, all customizations, legacy data conversions, and custom interfaces need to be reviewed for Century Date compliance.

Testing activities need to make sure that all interfaces and application extensions are coded for Century Date compliance. System test scripts should include steps for testing Century Date compliance.

System Test Sequences

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Sequence #Payables TestDescriptionTesterTest StatusPass/FailNotes

1. Opening Payable PeriodsOpening Payable PeriodsActive

2. Defining BanksDefining BanksActive

3. Defining Distribution SetsDefining Distribution SetsActive

4. PO Invoice for GoodsPO Invoice for GoodsActive

5. Prepayment (Supplier / Employee Advances)Prepayment (Supplier / Employee Advances)Active

6. Prepaid Expenses, Rent & Other AdvancesPrepaid Expenses, Rent & Other AdvancesActive

7. Employee Expense ReportsEmployee Expense ReportsActive

8. Debiting Suppliers LiabilityDebiting Suppliers LiabilityActive

9. Create Invoice Not Matched To POCreate Invoice Not Matched To POActive

10. Supplier / Employee RefundSupplier / Employee RefundActive

11. Entering PaymentsEntering PaymentsActive

12. Cancel Unpaid InvoicesCancel Unpaid InvoicesActive

13. Invoice Distribution CorrectionInvoice Distribution CorrectionActive

14. Void PaymentVoid PaymentActive

15. Payables Month-End ProcessingPayables Month-End ProcessingActive

16. Payables Close PeriodPayables Close PeriodActive

01 - System Test Specifications < Opening Payable Periods >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

1.1Period StartOpen Payable PeriodAP Manager(N) Setup > Calendar > Accounting > AP Accounting Periods Select period to open.

Status: Open

Save your Work. The period status change to Open The user can use this period to Enter Invoices and Payments

02 - System Test Specifications < Defining Banks >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

2.1Defining Banks

(Functional Currency Bank Accounts)

AP Supervisor

Setup > Payments > Bank

(B) Bank Accounts

(B) Payment Documents Enter the required Bank Information:

Bank Name:

Bank Branch:

Save your Work

(B) Press Bank Accounts to enter the required Bank Accounts Information:

Bank Account Name:

Bank Account Number:

Account Use: (Internal)

Bank Account Currency: (Functional Currency)

Cash Account:

Cash clearing Account:

Save your Work

(B) Press Payable Doc. to enter the required information:

Enter a unique Document Name:

Select a Disbursement Type: (Combined)

Select a Payment Format: (Check)

Enter in the Last Used: (the last payment document number you used on a payment document)

Enter in the Last Available: (the last payment document number available for a payment document)

Save your Work Bank Account Saved

Bank Payables Document Saved

The bank account and the payables document are available for payments

03 - System Test Specifications < Defining Distribution Sets >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

3.1Defining Distribution SetsAP Supervisor

Setup > Invoice> Distribution Set Name your Distribution Set: Office Rent Expenses

Percentage: 100

Account: 01.0000.62601.001.0000.0000Save your Work Distribution Set is Saved and can be used

04 - System Test Specifications < PO Invoice for Goods >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

4.1Receive the Invoice, Receipt doc. and purchase orderCreate Standard Invoice (Match to PO)AP Invoice User(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches

Enter Batch Name:

(B) Press Invoices to enter standard Matched invoice

Type: PO Default

PO Number: Enter your PO Number Supplier Name: Supplier_Name (Defaulted)

Supplier Site: Select Supplier site (Defaulted)

Invoice Date:

Invoice Number:

Invoice Currency:

Invoice Amount:

Payment Terms:

Payment Method: (B) Match & Select Purchase Order (to match the invoice to your PO) (B) Distribution to review the created invoice lines after matching to PO

Save the Invoice Standard Invoice Saved

The invoice lines marked with Track as an Assets Check Box

4.2Validate Invoice and create accountingAP

Invoice(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches

Query on the Required Batch

(B) Invoices and Query on the Required Standard Invoice

Review the Standard Invoice

(B) Actions: Validate the Standard Invoice

(B) Actions: Create Accounting The Standard Invoice should pass validation

The Accounting Entries created

DR. Asset Acc 1000

DR. Asset Acc 300

CR. LC Account 300

CR. Supplier Lib. Acc 1000

05 - System Test Specifications < Prepayment (Supplier / Employee Advances) >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

5.1Receiving Request for Prepayment to SupplierEnter Prepayment to SupplierAP

Invoice(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches

Enter Batch Name:

(B) Invoices to enter the Prepayment Header Information:

Type: Prepayment

Supplier Name: Supplier_Name

Supplier Site: Select Supplier site

Prepayment Date:

Prepayment Number:

Prepayment Currency:

Prepayment Amount:

Payment Terms:

Payment Method:

Settlement Date: (the date which after you can apply the prepayment to standard invoice)

Enter Prepayment Distribution Information:

Type: Item

Line Amount:

Line Account: Accept the Default

Save the Prepayment

Prepayment Saved

5.2Validate Prepayment and create accountingAP

Invoice(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches

Query on the Required Batch

(B) Invoices and Query on the Required Prepayment

Review the Prepayment

(B) Actions: Validate the Prepayment

(B) Actions: Create Accounting The prepayment should pass validation

The Accounting Entries created

DR. Supplier Prepay. Acc 1000

CR. Supplier Lib. Acc 1000

5.3Print Invoice Register Standard ReportAP

Invoice(N) Other > Requests > Run Choose Single Request, then (B) Ok

Select Report Name from LOV: (Invoice Register)

Enter the mandatory report parameters and specific your report by using the optionally parameters

(B) Press Ok

(B) Press Submit

(M) View > Requests > (B) Find to review your request status and the view the output

The Invoice register printed

5.4Payment DueCreate Payment to SupplierAP

Payment(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches > (B) Actions > Pay in full Enter Payment Information:

Payment Type: Quick

Payment Bank Account: Select Bank Account

Payment Document: Select Payment Doc.

Document Number: Last available document

Payment Date:

Supplier Name: Appears by default

Supplier Site: Appears by default.

Save the Payment

(B) Actions: Choose Format

(B) Actions: Choose Create Accounting

(M) Tools: View Accounting The Payment saved

The GL Accounting Created and correct

DR. Supplier Lib. Acc 1000

CR. Bank cash clearing Acc 1000

6 - System Test Specifications < Prepaid Expenses, Rent & Other Advances >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

6.1Receiving Request for Prepayment to SupplierEnter Prepayment to SupplierAP Invoice(N) Invoice> Entry> Invoice Batch

Enter Batch Name (All Rent Prepayments will be entered in one batch in the beginning of each year using Macro Upload Excel sheet, which will be designed by Oratech)

Enter Prepayment Header Information:

Type: Prepayment

Supplier Name:

Supplier Site:

Prepayment Date:

Prepayment Amount:

Description: Prepaid expenses for 12 Months from MMM-YY to MMM-YY

Enter Prepayment Distribution Information:

Type: Item

Line Amounts:

Line Account: Prepaid Expense Account.

Save the Prepayment Prepayment Saved

Prepayment Status Never Validated

6.2Validate Prepayment & Create AccountingAP Invoice(N) Invoice> Entry> Invoice Batch

Query on the Required Batch

Query on the Required Prepayment

Review the Prepayment

(B) Actions: Validate the Prepayment

(B) Actions: Create Accounting Prepayment Saved

Prepayment Status unpaid

GL Accounting Created

6.3Payment to SupplierAP Payment(N) Invoice> Entry>Invoice Batch > (B) Actions > Pay in full Enter Payment Information:

Payment Type: Quick

Payment Bank Account:

Payment Document:

Payment Date:

Supplier Name: Appears by default

Supplier Site: Appears by default.

Save the Payment

(B) Choose Actions: Format

(B) Choose Actions: Create Accounting Prepayment Saved

Prepayment Status Available

GL Accounting Created

6.4Recurring Invoice CreationAP Supervisor(N) Invoice > Entry > Recurring Enter Supplier Name / Number:

Enter Supplier Site:

Payment Method

Recurring Calendar: No of periods:

First Period:

Invoice Number: Alphanumeric (The invoice number generated will contain this number concatenated with the period name)

Distribution Set: Rent Expenses

Enter the invoice Currency & Payment Term:

Enter the First Amount:

Save your Work Recurring Invoices Template saved with no error

6.5Recurring Invoice Periodical SettlementAP Supervisor(N) Invoice > Entry > Recurring Inquiry on your Recurring Invoice

Enter Number of Invoices to be created: (One)

(B) Press Create Recurring Invoices

Name your Batch

(B) Ok

Save your Work The Recurring Invoices created

No of remaining Periods in the Recurring Invoices Template decreases by one

6.6InvoicingAP Invoice(N) Invoice> Entry> Invoice Batch

Inquiry on the Batch Name (the one previously named during the recurring Invoice Creation)

Review the Invoice Created

Save the Invoice The Invoice Created Correctly

6.7Validate the InvoicesAP Supervisor(N) Invoice> Entry> Invoice Batch Query on the Required Batch

Query on the Required Invoices

Review the Invoices

(B) Actions: Validate the Invoices

(B) Actions: Create Accounting

If there is a number of invoices you can select more than invoice and (B) Press Actions, Choose Validate & Choose Create Accounting for the number of invoices at once The Invoices Validated

The Accounting created and correct

6.8Payment DueMatch the available prepayment to supplier invoiceAP Payment(N) Invoice> Entry> Invoice Batch Query on the Required Batch

Query on the Required Invoice

(B) Actions: Choose Apply/Unapply Prepayment

Mark the Check Box then enter the amount you want to Match. Then (B) press Apply button

(B) Actions: Create Accounting The Invoice is Fully Paid

The Prepayment Invoice is Partially Applied

The Accounting Created and correct

7 - System Test Specifications < Employee Expense Reports >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

7.1Receiving Request for Prepayment to EmployeeEnter Prepayment to EmployeeAP Invoice(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batch

Enter Batch Name

Enter Prepayment Header Information:

Type: Prepayment

Supplier Name: Select Employee name

Supplier Site: Office

Prepayment Date:

Prepayment Amount:

Description: Employee Traveling expenses

Enter Prepayment Distribution Information:

Line Type: Item

Line Amounts:

Line Account: Accept the Default

Save the Prepayment Prepayment Saved

Prepayment Status Never Validated

7.2Validate Employee PrepaymentAP Supervisor(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batch

Query on the Required Batch

Query on the Required Prepayment

Review the Prepayment

(B) Actions: Validate

(B) Actions: Create Accounting Prepayment Saved

Prepayment Status unpaid

GL Accounting Created and correct

7.3Payments to EmployeeAP Payment(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batch

(B) Actions > Pay in full Query on the Required Batch

Query on the Required Prepayment

(B) Actions: Pay in Full

Enter Payment Information:

Payment Type: Quick

Payment Bank Account:

Payment Document number:

Payment Date:

Supplier Name: Appears by default

Supplier Site: Appears by default.

Save the Payment

(B) Actions: Format

(B) Actions: Create Accounting Prepayment Saved

Prepayment Status Available

GL Accounting Created and correct

7.4Receiving Employee Expense ReportEmployee Expense Report Entry

AP Invoice(N) Invoice > Entry > Expense Reports Enter the Employee Name or Number

Enter the GL Account: Defaulted from the HR setup for employees, this account combination used to default the missing segments for your expense report template Cost Center

Enter the invoice Number, Date & Currency:

Enter the invoice Description:

Optionally enter the Prepayment Number to be applied to this invoice (limited to the exp. Report amount)

Select the Expense Template: Travel Exp

Select Meals: Enter Amount & Select Account

Transportation: Enter Amount & Select Account

Hotel: Enter Amount & Select Account

Save your work Expense report is saved

7.5Employee Expense Reports createAP Supervisor(N) Others > Requests> Run Select Request Name: Expense Report Import

Enter Report Parameters:

Batch Name:

Source Payables Expense Reports

GL Date:

(B) Ok, (B) Submit Expense report converted to invoice correctly

7.6Validate the InvoiceAP Supervisor(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches > (B) Actions Query on the Required Batch

Query on the Required Invoice

Review the Invoice

(B) Actions: Validate Invoice

(B) Create Accounting

(M) Tools > View Accounting The Invoice Validated

The Accounting Entry Created

7.7Payment DuePayments to EmployeeAP Payment(N) Payments > Entry > Payments Enter Payment Information:

Payment Type: Quick

Payment Bank Account:

Payment Document:

Payment Date:

Supplier Name:

Supplier Site:

(B) Press Enter / Adjust Invoices

Select the required Invoices to be paid

Only the Remaining unpaid Amount Appears for this Employees invoices

Save the Payment

(B) Press Actions: Format

(B) Press Actions: Create Accounting The Payment saved

The Accounting Entry Created

8 - System Test Specifications < Debiting Suppliers Liability >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

8.1Receiving credit note from supplier Debiting Suppliers Liability

AP Invoice

(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches

Enter Batch Name

Enter Credit Memo Header Information:

Type: Credit Memo

Supplier Name:

Supplier Site:

Credit Memo Date:

Credit Memo Amount: (Negative Amount)

(B) Press Match to Invoice, then chooses the required Invoice you need to match this credit memo to, by matching to Invoice the Credit Memo distribution lines will be created automatically

Save the Invoice The Credit Memo Distribution Created from the Original Matched Invoice Lines

The Credit Memo Saved

8.2Validate Credit Memo & Create AccountingAP Supervisor(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches Query on the Required Batch

Query on the Required Credit Memo

Review the Credit Memo

(B) Actions: Validate the Credit Memo

(B) Actions: Create Accounting

(M) Tools > View Accounting The Credit Memo Validated

The Accounting Entry Created

8.3Payment DuePayments to SupplierAP Payment(N) Payments > Entry > Payments Enter Payment Information:

Payment Type: Manual

Payment Bank Account:

Payment Document:

Payment Date:

Supplier Name:

Supplier Site:

(B) Press Enter / Adjust Invoices

Select the required Standard Invoices with the Credit Memo to be paid (the Net Amount will be paid)

Save the Payment

(B) Actions: Format

(B) Actions: Create Accounting

(M) Tools > View Accounting The Payment Amount will be the Net of the Invoice and the Credit Memo

The Payment saved

The Accounting Entry Created

9 - System Test Specifications < Create Invoice Not Matched To PO >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

9.1Receive Supplier InvoiceCreate Standard InvoiceAP Invoice(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches

Create New batch or (M) View > Find search for the batch by batch Name

(B) Invoices to enter standard Matched invoice for Supplier invoice

Type: Standard

Supplier Name: Supplier_Name

Supplier Site: Select Supplier site

Invoice Date:

Invoice Number:

Invoice Currency:

Invoice Amount:

Payment Terms:

Payment Method: (B) Distribution to Enter the invoice lines, the total of invoice lines must equal to the Invoice Amount you entered for the invoice header information

Save the Invoice Standard Invoice Saved

9.2Validate Invoice and create accountingAP

Invoice(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches

Query on the Required Batch

(B) Invoices and Query on the Required Standard Invoice

Review the Standard Invoice

(B) Actions: Validate the Standard Invoice, if there are any holds you have to release the hold before the revalidation. If the invoice amount is not equal to the total of invoice lines, the invoice will be hold until you both equal

(B) Holds to release the invoice hold, select from LOV the reason and save

(B) Actions: Validate Invoice, the invoice will be validated successfully

(B) Actions: Create Accounting The Standard Invoice should pass validation

The Accounting Entries created

DR. Expense Acc 500

CR. Supplier Lib. Acc 500

9.3Print Invoice Register Standard ReportAP

Invoice(N) Other > Requests > Run Choose Single Request, then (B) Ok

Select Report Name from LOV: (Invoice Register)

Enter the mandatory report parameters and specific your report by using the optionally parameters

(B) Press Ok

(B) Press Submit

(M) View > Requests > (B) Find to review your request status and the view the output

The Invoice register printed and matching the invoice data


Payment DueApply available Supplier Prepayment to invoiceAP


(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches Query on the Required Batch

(B) Invoices and Query on the Required Invoice

Review the Standard Invoice (B) Actions: Choose Apply/Unapply Prepayment

Select the prepayment you want to use (in case there is more than one prepayment)

Choose the Check Box then enter the amount you want to apply to invoice

(B) Press Apply (B) Actions: Create Accounting The Invoice is Fully Paid

The Prepayment is Fully Applied

The Accounting Entry Created

DR. Supplier Lib. Acc 1000

CR. Supplier Prepay. Acc 1000

10 - System Test Specifications < Supplier / Employee Refund >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

10.1Receiving Credit Note & Payment from supplier

Or Employee pay back

Entering Supplier Credit MemoAP Invoice

(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches

Enter Batch Name

Enter Credit Memo Header Information:

Type: Credit Memo

Supplier Name:

Supplier Site:

Credit Memo Date:

Credit Memo Amount: (Negative Amount)

Enter Credit Memo Distribution Lines Information:

Line Type: Item

Line Amount:

Line Accounts:

Save the Invoice The Credit Memo Saved

10.2Validate Credit Memo & Create AccountingAP Supervisor(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches

Query on the Required Batch

Query on the Required Credit Memo

Review the Credit Memo

(B) Actions: Validate the Credit Memo

(B) Actions: Create Accounting

(M) Tools > View Accounting The Credit Memo Validated

The Accounting Entry Created

10.3Payment DueCreate Negative Payment (Refund)

AP Payment(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches >

(B) Action > Pay in Full Query on the Required Batch

Query on the Required Credit Memo

(B) Press Action: Choose Pay in Full

Enter Payment Information:

Payment Type: Refund

Payment Bank Account:

Payment Document Number:

Payment Date:

Save the refund

(B) Actions: Create Accounting

(M) Tools > View Accounting The Payment Amount is Defaulted

The Supplier is Defaulted

The Payment Saved

The Accounting Entry Created

11 - System Test Specifications < Entering Payments >Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

11.2Enter a QuickCheckAP Payment

Payments > Entry > Payments

Enter a QuickCheck (a single computer-generated check) by selecting "Quick" in the Type field of Manual Payment window

Select Payment Type Quick

Select the bank account

Select Payment Document Enter the Payment document Date

Enter the Supplier Name or Number

Enter the Supplier Site (B) Enter an validated invoice that is not on hold by clicking Enter/Adjust Invoice button

(B) Click Action button to navigate to the Payment Actions window.

(B) Action > Choose Format the check

(B) Actions > Create Accounting The invoice should quick pick in the Manual Payment window. If it does not, compare the payment method of the bank account used in the Manual Payment window with that of the payment method in the Invoice Entry form (This defaults from the vendor)

Format options should be available in the Action window

The Accounting Entry Created

12 - System Test Specifications < Cancel Unpaid Invoices >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

12.1Invoice CancellationInvoice CancellationAP

Supervisor(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches

Query on the Required Batch

(B) Invoices and Query on the Required Standard Invoice

Review the Standard Invoice

(B) Actions: Cancel Invoice

(B) Actions: Create Accounting The Standard Invoice reversed / cancelled The Accounting Entries cancelled

The Invoice Status Invoice Cancelled

DR. Supplier Lib. Acc. 500

CR. Expense Acc 500

12.2Print Invoice Register Standard ReportAP

Supervisor(N) Other > Requests > Run Choose Single Request, then (B) Ok

Select Report Name from LOV: (Invoice Register)

Enter the mandatory report parameters and specific your report by using the optionally parameters

(B) Press Ok

(B) Press Submit

(M) View > Requests > (B) Find to review your request status and the view the output

The Invoice register printed

12.3End of Period (Month)Payables Transfer to General LedgerAP


(N) Other > Request > Run

Choose Single Request

Select Request Name: (Payable Accounting Process)

Enter the Request Parameters:

Enter the Period From & To Period

Select Document Class: (All)

Submit Transfer to GL: Yes Submit Journal Import: Yes Validate Accounts: Yes Summarize Report: Yes (B) Ok to return to main form (B) Submit to run the request (N) View > Requests (review the request status) GL Accounting Entries created for all invoices

All AP transactions for the period range specified posted successfully to the General ledger

13 - System Test Specifications < Invoice Distribution Correction >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

13.1Transmit AP journal entries to GLAP Supervisor(N) Other > Request > Run Select Request (Payables Transfer to General Ledger)

Enter the request parameters

(B) Ok > (B) Submit An unposted journal batch will be created for AP transactions

13.2Update to the Invoice Distribution LinesAP Invoice

(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoices > (B) Distributions Select an invoice validated and transferred to GL

Adjust the invoice distribution to go to a different expense account than was originally entered in the PO distribution for the shipment

Reverse the existing distribution line

Create a new distribution line

Update the invoice amount header information

Save the invoice

(B) Actions > Choose Validate

(B) Actions > Create Accounting The user should not be able to change the distribution in the normal invoice entry screen, because the original distributions were already posted to the GL

13.3View invoice statusAP Invoice

(N) Invoice > Inquiry Query the updated invoice Invoice changes should have been applied properly

13.4Run Invoice Register ReportAP Invoice

(N) Other > Request > Run Select Request (Invoice Register Report)

Enter Request Parameters

(B) Ok > (B) Submit Corrections to the invoice should be reflected in the Invoice Register Report

14 - System Test Specifications < Void Payment >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

14.1Void PaymentAP Payment(N) Payments > Entry > Payments Summary

(B) Actions Select a payment created in the above steps

Void this check

Run Void Payment Register to confirm void

Transmit AP journal entries to GL

Confirm adjusting void entries in GL

Try to record a manual payment for this invoice

Cancel the invoice The void Payment should show up on the Void Payment Register report

Adjusting void entries should show in GL

The invoice should be available for the re-issuance of payment again

15 - System Test Specifications < Payables Month-End Processing >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

15.1End of Period (Month)Get a list of invoices on holdAP Supervisor(N) Other > Request > Run Select Request (Invoice On Hold Report),

Enter the request parameters

(B) Ok > (B) Submit

Get a list of invoices that will not post to the current GL period due to posting holds; re-run if necessary to clear holds

15.2Reviews invoice distributions before postingAP Supervisor

(N) Other > Request > Run Select Request (Payables Accounting Entries Report)

Enter the request parameters

GL Transfer Status (All Accounting Entries not transferred to GL)

(B) Ok > (B) Submit Reviews invoice distributions before posting. Flag any accounts needing correction.

15.3Payables Transfer to General LedgerAP


(N) Other > Request > Run

Choose Single Request

Select Request Name: (Payable Accounting Process / Payables Transfer to General Ledger)

Enter the Request Parameters:

Enter the Period From & To Period

Select Document Class: (All)

Submit Transfer to GL: Yes Submit Journal Import: Yes Validate Accounts: Yes Summarize Report: Yes (B) Ok to return to main form (B) Submit to run the request (N) View > Requests (review the request status) GL Accounting Entries created for all invoices and payments

All AP transactions for the period range specified posted successfully to the General ledger

15.4Generate Mass Addition CreateAP


(N) Other > Request > Run

Choose Single Request

Select Request Name: (Payables Transfer to General Ledger)

Enter the Request Parameters:

(B) Submit Request

Select Another Request Name: (Mass Additions Create) to transfer AP Assets lines from Oracle Payables to Oracle Assets

Enter the Request Parameters:

GL Date:

Select Asset Book Name:

(B) Submit Request

Select Another Request Name: (Mass Additions Create Report) to review the result of Mass addition you previously submitted

Enter the Request Parameters:

Select Asset Book Name:

(B) Submit Request

(N) View > Requests (review the request status) Assets Lines transferred to Oracle Assets Correctly

15.5View Mass Additions LinesFA


(N) FA> Mass Addition > Prepare Mass Addition Select the book you want to query lines in

Select NEW in the queue field

If you want to check some specific lines, enter other criteria to limit your search

Invoice Number:

Line Number:

Supplier Name:

Supplier Number:

Source Batch:

Creation Date:

Invoice Date:

(B) Press Find to your asset lines Lines transferred from AP with Status of NEW

15.6Submit Month-End ReportsAP Supervisor

Other > Requests > Run

Select Request (All Month End Reports)

Enter the request parameters (B) Ok > (B) Submit Important reports include:

1- Posted Invoice Register

2- Posted Payments Register3- Accounts Payable Trial Balance The Reports Printed and available for Reviewing in report set for errors

16 - System Test Specifications < Payables Close Period >

Note: A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test3) Role: Step/Sequence owner4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

ScenarioStepEventTestStepRoleActionor PathTest Step DetailsExpected ResultsActual ResultsStatus

16.1End of Period (Month)Close Current PeriodAP Manager

(N) Setup > Calendar > Accounting > AP Accounting Periods Select period to Closed

The period status change to Closed

16.2AP Manager

Other > Requests > Run

(N) Setup > Calendar > Accounting > AP Accounting Periods

Run The Unaccounted Transactions Sweep Program, use this program to redate accounting date of the open transactions to the first day of the next open period, that in case your business allow to change the transaction date (the opened transactions couldnt be transfer to GL because there is unrealizable hold) The Invoice Sweep Report should show the newly-entered invoice

16.3AP Manager

(N) Setup > Calendar > Accounting > AP Accounting Periods Close the current period

Open the next period The previous period has a status of Closed

The New opened period has a status of "Open"

Payables Transactions entry and posting should be allowed to the open accounting period

Defect Log

Defect ID NumberTest Step ReferenceModule NameDefect DescriptionResolutionRe-Test ByRe-Test DatePass/FailStatus (open, closed, in process)

Open And Closed Issues For This Deliverable

Note: Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.

When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.050) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.050). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.

Open Issues

IDIssueResolutionResponsibilityTarget DateImpact Date

Closed Issues

IDIssueResolutionResponsibilityTarget DateImpact Date

Document Control 1 If > 1 1 of 28 = - Sec1 27 ii ii

Payables Implementation File Ref: TE040-Test-Script-AP