“A place at the table, a place for all”...Sep 22, 2017  · No. 15 22 September 2017 “A place...

No. 15 22 September 2017 “A place at the table, a place for all” The Clarion St Clare's College Waverley 41-51 Carrington Road, Waverley 2024 02 8305 7100 www.stclares.nsw.edu.au Farewell and God bless you Year 12!

Transcript of “A place at the table, a place for all”...Sep 22, 2017  · No. 15 22 September 2017 “A place...

Page 1: “A place at the table, a place for all”...Sep 22, 2017  · No. 15 22 September 2017 “A place at the table, a place for all” The Clarion St Clare's College Waverley 41-51 Carrington

No. 15 22 September 2017

“A place at the table, a place for all” The ClarionSt Clare's College Waverley 41-51 Carrington Road, Waverley 2024 02 8305 7100 www.stclares.nsw.edu.au

Farewell and God bless you Year 12!

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St Francis's Peace Prayer

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, pardon;where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;where there is darkness, light;where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal

life. Amen.

St Clare and St Francis pray for us.

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Staff,

Farewell to the Graduating Class of 2017

This week we had the pleasure of celebrating the successes and achievements of the Graduating Class of 2017. It was a wonderful time to stop and reflect on the Year 12s’ past six years and a chance to look towards the future. As such we gathered to acknowledge and acclaim this important occasion in their lives which marks the end of their formal secondary education and their shared journey. Together they have certainly shared many memories which have included laughing, crying, borrowing, colluding, protecting and avoiding mischievous detection, and now they are on the verge of spreading their wings and going on their separate journeys.

Every year this time always proves to be emotional and sad; as we farewell the seniors especially as for many of them it is the end of a six year association with St Clare’s and each other. The ritual of celebrating this moment is well deserved, as their Graduation Day is recognition of their success in completing their schooling at the highest level and to excellent standards. I trust that they leave St Clare’s knowing that they were always known and cared for and while there may have been moments of tension, they are leaving an overwhelmingly positive legacy in the history of College.

During my three years here I have admired their bodacious array of talent, their kindness and the level of genuine warmth shared with each other, other year groups, their teachers and the support staff. I have truly valued the way they have seized the opportunities to make their mark in this College and to not only enrich their lives but also enrich the lives of others. From a College perspective, they have challenged us to be responsive, to trust them and to embrace their youthful exuberance. I can honestly say that on balance this has allowed us to build a mutual respect and bond that we can all be very proud of.

So as Year 12 prepare to enter the world outside St Clare’s, I reminded them that success is not absolute. Each of them will have her own vision of what it means to succeed; success in the coming months maybe measured by receiving their ATAR, qualifying for university, commencing TAFE, entering the workforce, taking a gap year or even travelling. Regardless of what their endeavours may be, the future is theirs to take advantage of, to make a difference and to understand what great opportunities exist for the taking.

The very fact that they are here is testimony to their success. By the end of Year 12 at St Clare’s, my vision is that we learn to see each other, not through the false lens of unrealistic and ultimately shallow and unsustainable

success. We know Year 12 as young women who have worked hard in different ways to develop and nuance their understanding of themselves, others and our world.

Year 12 have been most privileged to be educated in the Clarion and Franciscan traditions, they have faced many challenges and successes thus far, with many more trials and tribulations to come. I believe we have instilled in them an openness to the world; the ability to critically discern yet trust uncertainties beyond their control so that they are prepared for whatever comes their way.

We are grateful to the parents and carers of our Year 12 students for their unwavering support in working with us to ensure that we have provided the best possible opportunities for their daughters. To all their teachers, we thank them for the exceptional job in teaching, supporting and guiding them.

Finally, I challenged our Year 12s to exceed not only our expectations but their expectations as well, as they prepare for the next adventurous chapter in their book, to make a difference in all that they do, to not settle for mediocrity and to hold close to their hearts the words from St Clare:

What you hold, may you always hold.What you do, may you do and never abandon.But with swift pace, light step, unswerving feet,so that even your steps stir no dust,go forward securely, joyfully, and swiftly,on the path of prudent happiness,believing nothingagreeing with nothingwhich would dissuade you from this resolution

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or which would place a stumbling block for you on the way,so that you may offer your vows to the Most Highin the pursuit of that perfectionto which the Spirit of the Lord has called you.

Congratulations Year 12 – “If you are all that you should be, you will set the world on fire.” May God bless you all.

Student Leadership 2017/2018

Before the official celebration for the Year 12 farewells began, we had a moving ceremony where the outgoing Year 12 leaders handed their leadership to the new student leadership team. The Year 12s also announced an addition to the existing student leadership structure to allow a stronger voice from the students in Years 7 to 10. Whilst this is something different and new, it will certainly give students in the younger years the opportunity to build their leadership skills and capabilities. There will be a student representative

College Captain Kate Noack

College Vice Captains Aneska Bonaventure Ortolana

Abby Simos Katie Kershaw Kate Darby

Prefects Elissa MatoukEmily Van Dam

Jeylan RizaVeronica Wenn

Bianca FarrugiaAlyssa Valenzuela

House Leaders Claverie Deakin Keady Reid

House Captains Kate Argy Laila Rich India Hodgson Aaliyah Kidwell

House Vice Captains Sophie Barnes Brodie Booth Shannen Marquez Sailor Kennard

from each year group in each of the touchstones – Aneska, Bonaventure and Ortolana. This is exciting and we are looking forward to working with all the girls.

Being a leader is certainly no easy feat. Leadership is about having the ability to inspire or influence others to a greater good. This in itself involves passion, commitment, respect, resilience and responsibility. We had many competent and willing Year 11 students eager to take up this challenge which is a credit to our community. Hence, I am sure you will join me in congratulating the following students on their substantive appointment.

On behalf of our College community, I congratulate our newly elected Year 11 School Leaders and Year 10 House Leaders for 2017/2018. The Year 10 leaders will be badged next term. I would also like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the outgoing school leaders for all that they have done in leading St Clare’s during 2016/2017. They have been exemplary in their leadership.

Blessing the new Student Leaders

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Social Justice Statement for 2017 - 2018

Social Justice Sunday is celebrated on Sunday 24 September. This year, the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement for 2017-2018 is titled ‘Everyone’s Business: Developing an inclusive and sustainable economy’. The statement calls for an economy that is founded on justice and offers dignity and inclusion to every person. The Statement was launched on the 7 September. For further details about the Social Justice Statement, please visit the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council website www.socialjustice.catholic.org.au

Staff Farewells & Leave

Toni Rivers joined us this year in the English Faculty as Mrs Jenny Leaver’s replacement whilst on leave. Toni instantly felt a part of the College community. Toni has made a positive contribution during the three terms that she spent with us. We thank Toni for all her hard work and wish her all the best for the future.

Shannon Bryne joined our staff this term as a replacement teacher whilst Ms Anne Murphy was on leave. We thank Shannon for her hard work and wish her all the best for the future.

Sharyn Coleman has been at St Clare’s as a member of the School Support Staff for the past 6 years. Sharyn has been the Curriculum Secretary during this time working

for a number of Directors of Learning and Teaching. She has also assisted in other areas around the office. No task has been too small or too great for Sharyn, always fulfilling these duties with grace. Sharyn’s caring and considerate nature will be greatly missed. We wish Sharyn all the best as she begins a new role at St Catherine’s Waverley early next term.


This term has been unbelievably busy and I sincerely thank the staff for all their determined, diligent and tireless hard work this term. Thank you to the students for their efforts and I hope that these will continue right through to the end of the year. Thank you to you the parents and carers for your continued assistance and support of the College in all that we do.

The upcoming holidays will be a time of rest, refreshment and rejuvenation for all members of our community. I remind all the girls to remain focused and return in Term 4 prepared to do all they can to make a difference in their final semester report. I wish everyone an enjoyable and relaxing holiday.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Blessings on you and your families.

Antoinette McGahan

On Thursday morning before making my way to St Clare’s to begin another day, I made a slight detour to Sydney International Airport to ‘bon voyage’ our students and staff who are heading off to the USA for a study tour. The USA Study Tour has been designed to give the girls once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and experiences whilst taking on new challenges, new learning environments and making new friends. The destinations have been chosen to maximise unique learning opportunities and provide a taste of what the USA has to offer. This is extremely

USA Study Tour

exciting especially as the entire group have spent a long time counting down to this day.

I was met with excited but emotional parents, staff who were just as excited as the students, and students who just couldn’t wait to board the plane. I found myself a little envious that I wasn’t going with them. Anyway, I know they will have an absolutely tremendous time. I wish them a safe trip and I ask our God, St Clare and St Francis to keep a watchful eye over them and bring them back home safe and sound!

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From the Deputy Principal

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Staff,

This has been an exciting and most successful term. There have been a number of events that have occurred that have demonstrated just how amazing our girls and the sense of community is here at St Clare’s. I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate our Year 12 students for their contribution to the College and for the way in which they conducted themselves during their graduation week.

Some RemindersUniform

This is just a reminder that students need to return to school in their Summer uniform. Please make sure they have been checked as the length of the uniform should be on the knee.

No Year 10 student will be permitted to wear the Senior uniform in Term 4. If their Summer uniform is too small I encourage parents to consider a second hand option for the Term.

A reminder that students are not permitted to wear their Sports uniform to school unless they have Sport or a PASS lesson. If they do wear the wrong uniform they will be given a Tuesday detention. Only in exceptional circumstances should they wear their Sports uniform outside of these times. A note must be brought to school to state why they are wearing this uniform, however please be aware that trivial excuses will still result in detention. Students need to be organised and responsible for their uniform.

Attendance, Punctuality And Sick Bay

Learning time is something that we work very hard to protect at the College. As such we want to ensure our students are out of class for as little time as possible. Can I ask that you discuss the following with your daughter so we can ensure a consistent message is being sent and that students are maximising the learning opportunities that are given to them.

The school day commences at 8.40am when the first Warning Bell rings. It is important that students arrive at school on time. Homeroom begins at 8.45am and is compulsory for all students. If students are late to Homeroom they will be sent to the Office and marked as late for the day. After three instances of being late the student will be placed on detention.

All students are expected to maintain 85% attendance. Those students who fall below this will be required to contact the College to discuss the matter with the Dean. Poor attendance will result in students being restricted from attending excursions and camps.

Students must attend every lesson when at school. Student are not permitted to sit in Sick Bay for the duration of one lesson. Sick Bay is a place where students go while parents are called and they wait to go home. If a student is sick enough to be out of class they will be sent home

Students in Years 7-10 will need to be picked up and signed out of the College by a parent or guardian if they are sick. They will not be permitted to go home on their own.


Remember if you are picking your daughter up from school early for an appointment a note must be handed in to the Dean in the morning. Phone calls on the day are strongly discouraged and should only occur in the case of an emergency. Students will not be called out of class and lessons disrupted unless the situation is an emergency. Parents/Carers need to come into the school to sign their daughters out.

Leave Requests

Just a reminder that from the beginning of 2015, family holidays and travel are no longer considered under the Exemption from School-Procedures. Travel outside of a holiday period is now counted as an absence for statistical purposes. As such, parents are required to complete an A1 form: Application for Extended Leave, Including travel (Leave 10 days or over). Information provided in this form will be used in accordance with the College Privacy Policy. Similarly, if your daughter requires leave for exceptional circumstances, employment in entertainment industry or for participation in elite arts/sporting event parents need to complete an A2 form. These forms can be found on the College website under College Links.

Please note that it is also the student’s responsibility to follow up on assessment if leave is taken. We actively discourage parents to request leave during assessment or exam periods. If leave is taken please note the following student responsibilities:

• The Student Leave Assessment form must be completed by students who have had leave approved by the Principal. The completed form must be returned to the Director of Learning and Teaching at least one week before departure.

• It is the student’s responsibility to inform each of her course teachers about the leave she has been granted. For any course that has an assessment task during the time leave is granted the Head of Department of each course may request that a task be done before departure, while away or on return to school.

• It is the student’s responsibility to also look at any tasks that may be due as they return.

Thank you for your support and co-operation.

Kerrie McDiarmid

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'Green Thumb Project' is up and running!

The 'Green Thumbs Project' is up and running with a couple of worm farms having arrived this week. These are located between the Hall and the Egan Building.

There is now a green waste bucket in the Staff Common Room which will be emptied into the worm gardens. Any fruit (except citrus) or vegetable scraps should be placed in this bucket. A guide to other items will be on a sticker on the side of the bucket.

Nothing should be put directly into the worm farms - we need to monitor the levels of what goes in there to ensure the worms are handling what is being provided!

Green Thumb Project

Important DatesMonday 9 October Students return

Year 8 Allwell TestingWednesday 11 October Years 8 & 10 Archdiocesan RE TestMonday 16 October HSC Exams beginWed-Fri 18-20 October Year 9 CampMon-Wed 23-25 October Senior RetreatFriday 17 Nomember Parents' Association End of Year Function 7pm Light Bragade HotelTuesday 12 December Student's last dayTuesday 19 December College Closes

Our Spring Garden!

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From the Religious Education Coordinator

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Staff,

Year 12 Reflection Day

On Thursday 7 September, Year 12 and their Religion teachers enjoyed a day of spiritual renewal at Bronte Surf Life Saving Club with presenter Chris Doyle who is a musician from Karis Ministry.

The theme of the day was ‘Hope for the Future’ and through prayer, song, stories, games and reflection the girls were able to spend time thinking about their relationships with God and others and the importance of maintaining their spirituality and faith life once they leave school.

Year 12 Reflection Day

Religious Education Test

On Wednesday 11 October 2017, all students in Years 8 and 10 throughout the Archdiocese of Sydney will sit the annual Religious Education Test.

This test consists of 50 multiple–choice items based on material studied in class over the course of the year. Students will have one hour to complete the test.

While a letter has been sent home about the test, students are reminded that they are to bring to the test a 2B or B pencil, eraser, sharpener and blank paper on Wednesday of Week 1, Term 4. Results shall be made available to parents at the end of the school year.

Deus Meus et Omnia (My God in all Things)

Susan Farrugia

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From the Director of Learning & Teaching

Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the St Clare’s Community,

Class of 2017 Farewell

We farewelled the Class of 2017 on Wednesday 20 September 2017. It was a joyous and memorable occasion and a fitting farewell to 13 years of schooling. All the girls were presented to family, friends, staff and guests as they were awarded with their Graduation Certificate.

The Graduation Ceremony also included the Academic Awards for First in Course, Contribution to KLAs and Special Awards. All award winners are provided on the next page.

Congratulations to the Class of 2017 on their contribution to the St Clare’s community. We wish them all the very best in the future.

The girls now face their final hurdle… the HSC Examinations! The HSC examinations begin on Monday 16 October.

Staff Professional Development 2017

This year much of our professional development has focused on developing a school-wide vision for learning. This can also be described a shared vision of the St Clare’s community focused on the learning of students. The staff have been engaged on one full day of professional learning and three subsequent extended twilight meetings to develop a shared and inclusive vision of teaching and learning here at St Clare’s. We have used input from staff, students and the broader community to help shape our ideas. We are now working to developing these ideas into a cohesive whole.

Last week at the twilight session staff began synthesizing the information gathered over the previous meetings. Staff worked in groups to develop statements that can underpin our key ideas of Faith in Action, Fostering Growth, Inclusive Community and Learning for Life. These key tenets that underpin teaching and learning at St Clare’s will be further developed in term four and the final product will be launched to the College Community.

We wish all families a safe holiday break and we look forward to term four with anticipation.

Chris Maoudis

Director of Learning and Teaching

Staff Professional Development

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Year 12 Academic Awards

Genevieve Bell Academic Application Visual ArtsMadeline Black Academic Application Studies of Religion 2 UnitEve Coleman Academic Application Modern HistoryAlly Darragh Academic Application Food TechnologyParis Dillon-Baker First in Course Ancient History First in Course Extension HistoryGenevieve Fagan First in Course English Extension 1 First in Course Modern History Academic Application BiologyMadeleine Garratt Academic Application Business Studies Academic Application English Advanced Academic Application English Extension 1 Academic Application Legal Studies Academic Application Mathematics General 2Vaiata Halaholo Academic Application Community & Family Stud-iesChloe Hildebrand First in Course Society and CultureBronte Hilder First in Course English Studies Academic Application Music 1 Academic Application Music 1Allegra Keady First in Course Catholic Studies Academic Application English StandardTamara Lee First in Course Chemistry First in Course English Advanced First in Course Mathematics First in Course Mathematics Ext 1 UnitDanika Luichareonkit First in Course PhysicsRuby Lynch First in Course DramaNatasha Maragoudakis Academic Application Society and CultureElla Marshall Equal First in Course Music 1Sarah Ng First in Course Food Technology First in Course Personal Development, Health & Physical Education First in Course Studies of Religion 2 UnitHana Numazawa Academic Application Chemistry First in Course Design TechnologyKodie Parry Academic Application DramaEmmi Payten Academic Application English Extension 1Jacqueline Ricamara Equal First in Course Legal StudiesJennifer Ricamara First in Course Biology First in Course Business Studies First in Course Studies of Religion 1 Unit Equal First in Course Legal Studies Academic Application MathematicsJosephine Robertson Academic Application Ancient History Academic Application Extension HistoryOlivia Simpkins Academic Application English StudiesRebecca Smith First in Course Community & Family Stud-ies Academic Application Mathematics General 2Sophie Smith First in Course Mathematics General 2 Academic Application Catholic StudiesAnna Spasovska First in Course English Standard Academic Application Mathematics Ext 1 UnitBeatrice Tekiko First in Course Visual Arts Academic Application English StandardSian Whalen Academic Application Personal Development, Health & Physical Education Academic Application Studies of Religion 1 UnitMackenzie Whillier Academic Application Design TechnologyCassandra Widjaja Equal First in Course Music 1Hayley Wong First in Course Mathematics Ext 2 Unit Academic Application Hospitality Academic Application PhysicsClaudia Zakher First in Course Hospitality

Year 12 KLA Awards

Sr Louise Hume osc Perpetual Award for Religious EducationMadeline Black

Sr M Gabriel Claverie osc Perpetual Award for EnglishTamara Lee

Sr M Catherine Boulton osc Perpetual Award for Mathematics

Tamara Lee

Sr M Francis Murphy osc Perpetual Award for ScienceDanika Luichareonkit

Sr M Joanne Fitzsimons osc Perpetual Award for Human Society and Its Environment

Jennifer Ricamara

Sr Janet Heath osc Perpetual Award for Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Madeline Black

Sr Josephine Egan osc Perpetual Award for Creative and Performing Arts

Cassandra Widjaja

Sr Pauline Mary Babicci osc Perpetual Award for Technological and Applied Studies

Mackenzie Whillier

Year 12 Special Awards

ADF Long Tan Award

Ruby Lynch

Ray Swan AwardRuby Lynch

Caltex All Rounder AwardEve Coleman

The Reuben F Scarf Memorial Foundation AwardSophie Smith

Pierre de Coubertin AwardElla Marshall

Sister Janet Heath Perpetual Trophy for Sportswoman of the Year

Anna Spasovska

Sr M Elizabeth Moens Young Writer AwardMadeleine Garratt

Senior Franciscan AwardMadeline Black

Archbishop’s Award for Student ExcellenceVaiata Halaholo

Bonaventure AwardMadeleine Garratt

Ex-Students’ Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement

Jennifer Ricamara

Principal’s Leadership AwardMarie Moffroid

Principal’s Award for Contribution to College LifeDeon Tsang, Jacqueline Ricamara, Beatrice Tekiko

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From the Director of Wellbeing


Parent Information Night: Anxiety, Depression and Suicide  Founder of Awaken Youth, Donna Redman, is deeply passionate about the work teachers do for the students in their care. She has a long passion for wellness and the promotion of mental health, particularly in young adults. In 2013 Donna was awarded a NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarship funded by the Anika Foundation, which enabled her to put together an international study tour itinerary to research proactive strategies for the prevention of depression and suicide in young adults.   Awaken Youth Pty Ltd was officially launched in 2015 as her research identified the need to train teachers and develop their confidence in talking with students about suicide, as well as recognising protective factors, risk factors, warning signs of suicidal ideation and strategies in how to have safe conversations with young people.  Since launching Awaken Youth, Donna has delivered the workshops at a number of schools around NSW. She has also presented her findings at the 2015 Suicide Prevention Australia Conference in Hobart and the IEU Women’s Conference in 2016. Donna is a member of the Macarthur Suicide Prevention Network and currently works for Lifeline as a Crisis Supporter, assisting callers who ring to access this service. 


What’s behind the name ‘AWAKEN’ Youth? The word AWAKEN is actually an acronym. Each letter has a unique and significant meaning… It goes like this:  

A = Awareness getting real about where you’re at right now 

W = Wellness the importance of looking after your overall wellbeing 

A = Aspirations getting clear on what it is you want from life 

K = Kindness the benefit of doing good for others 

E = Energy focussing time, effort and resources into creating your life   

N = Now realising the value and potential of every single moment 

St Clare’s College  

Parent Workshop on Anxiety, Depression and Suicide 

 Where: St Clare’s College  41-51 Carrington Rd, Waverley  When: Tuesday 24 October 2017  RSVP: Tuesday 17 October 2017 


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The Holdsworth Ball

On Saturday 2 September 2017, the annual Holdsworth Community Ball was held in the San Damiano Hall at St Clare’s with the theme of Masquerade. Planned by Year 11, St Clare’s students and Years 10/11 Waverley boys, the event aims to provide a fun, unique and energetic environment where people from the Holdsworth Community have a chance to meet new people within their community as well as the extended area. Holdsworth House is a local organisation that works with intellectually disabled children and adults, and aims to provide support and encouragement to these individuals.

The Ball is open to everyone in the Holdsworth Community who are 18 years and older, as well as their families and/or carers. Everyone involved from both schools and the representative from Holdsworth, Mr Harry Rutner, worked collaboratively for more than a term to ensure all aspects of the ball were catered for and ran smoothly on the night.

The night went off without a hitch! It was so great to see everyone smiling, dancing and having a marvellous time whether it was the Holdsworth members, carers, teachers or students. The famous MC’s, Jeylan Riza (St Clare’s) and Dom Augoustis (Waverley College) did a fabulous job in keeping the night running smoothly and the crowd beyond entertained. It was definitely a night none of us will ever forget.

As part of the event, there were prizes for attendees win through raffles and various competitions including Best Dressed, Best Mask and Best Dancer. The amount of donations received was more than the committee ever expected! We were very grateful for the generosity shown from both school communities, especially our St Clare’s Community. Thank you so much to everyone who donated to the event, whether it was through the Bake Sale or donation of a prize - you all made a significant and positive impact for the people on the night!

But of course, behind every successful event there is huge amounts of hard work behind the scenes. The Holdsworth Ball Committee 2017 would like to thank Ms Courtney McNally, Ms Taryn Smith, Ms Joe McNally and the Hospitality students, who took time out of their Saturday to prepare the food for the night - which was a huge crowd pleaser might I say! A big thank you to the night’s photographers Bea Tekiko and Sophie Smith (Year 12), the photos are spectacular! Also, to Mr Andrew D’Archy and Mr Brian Peakall, who assisted in setting up the Hall during the day. A very big thank you to Ms Antoinette McGahan and Ms Kerrie McDiarmid for allowing the event to happen at the College and for attending on the night. And of course, a very special thank you goes to Ms Vanessa Mark, for giving up her Wednesday afternoons to ensure the planning of the event and the night all ran to plan. Which it most certainly did.

The Holdsworth Ball Team 2017

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Our Exchange Student from France

At the beginning of this term, St Clare’s welcomed Manon Denis - an exchange student from Lyon, France into the community for three weeks. As part of an external immersion program, Manon was staying with the Simos family (Abby, Hannah and Lily) for five weeks to improve her English speaking and understanding. Before beginning school she had been in Sydney for two weeks and had many adventures during that time - from climbing the Harbour Bridge to experiencing a Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser.

The night before school, Manon was extremely nervous - she had never worn a uniform to school, was terrified she would not understand anything and was very surprised at how short Australian school days are (in France, they usually start at 8:00am and can finish anywhere between 4:30pm-6:30pm).

Her first lesson was Maths, and as it is her favourite subject, she had no trouble in understanding the concepts straight away!

As the weeks and time progressed, Manon began to speak and understand more, and was very excited by our school community. Manon found the following aspects of the Australian school system fascinating:

Abby Simos and Manon Denis

• She was able to participate in sport at school. Students in the French system play sport outside school hours.

• She enjoyed Hospitality as she could cook at school. Students in the French system don't have this subject.

• Our school is divided into ‘Houses’ (Claverie, Deakin, Keady and Reid.)

• Lockers, laptops and projectors.

• Students get to choose their subjects in senior years

Manon attended three Year 8 French classes during her time, discussing her life in France and how it differed to what she had experienced here.

The whole experience, whilst being extremely difficult at times, was also very rewarding. Manon was very grateful for the compassion, kindness and warmth shown towards her by our school community during her time here.

Many thanks to Mrs Antoinette McGahan and Mrs Kerrie McDiarmid for approving the process to take place, as well as Mrs Virginia Black and Ms Vanessa Mark for looking after Manon at school.

Abby Simos

Year 11

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Photographic Success!

Congratulations to Kate Argy, Year 10, who received a "Special Mention" in the Senior Category of the annual Woollahra Council's Youth Photography and Short Film Competition.

Kate received her prize for her photograph entitled "Falcon View" which was chosen, in part, due to her creative use of primary colours.

Kate is a St Clare's Media Representative and has had many of her photographs published in the Clarion over the last two years. Well done Kate!

If you would like to vote for Kate's photograph in the "People's Choice Award" follow this link to https://woollahra.wufoo.eu/forms/w15k1foo0rxr9vh/ Voting closes Sunday 24 September.

Kimberley Freed

Clarion Rex Dupain, award winning photographer and competition judge and Deputy Mayor Susan Wynne with Kate Argy

at the prize giving.Falcon View by Kate Argy

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CGSSSA Athletics

On Friday 18 August 39 of our students travelled to Sydney International Athletics Centre at Olympic Park to compete in the annual CGSSSA Athletics carnival.

Unfortunately for the girls this day clashed with our St Clare’s Day celebrations so I was extremely proud of the girls to show up and represent their school on this day.

All girls competed well and did their best on the day. Their behaviour was outstanding and they showed strong support of each other.

There were a number of athletes who did extremely well, either receiving medals or just missing out on places in both field and track events.

Neena Harrison, Claudia Craboledda, Siobhan Edwards, Madison Scott, Sophie Hoban, Annabelle Wendler all made the 200m finals which was a super effort.

Other standouts on the day were:

• Sharna-Lea Chandler 3rd place 400 metre run

• Anais Bouchier-Kotey 3rd place Triple Jump

• Siobhan Edwards 3rd place 100m Final

• Paris Tier 1st place 800 metre run, 1st place 1500 metre walk and 2nd place 1500 metre run

Paris now will represent NSWCCC in her three events. Well done Paris.

Thank you to all girls who competed on the day, your efforts were much appreciated. A special thank you to all the students who competed in a number of events as well as the girls who filled in girls who were away - you certainly showed the St Clare’s spirit. Thank you.

A final thank you to the parents that supported their daughters and our school on the day.

Louise Winchester PDHPE Teacher

Paris Tier Sharna-Lea Chandler & Siobhan Edwards

Page 15: “A place at the table, a place for all”...Sep 22, 2017  · No. 15 22 September 2017 “A place at the table, a place for all” The Clarion St Clare's College Waverley 41-51 Carrington

Synchronised Swimming

Pam Kurosawa - Our Synchronised Swimming Champion

In August, our very own Pam Kurosawa of Year 8 represented Australia at the International Synchronised Swimming Competition held in Portugal.

Pam started synchronised swimming at the young age of eight years old and fell in love with the sport in an instant.

Last year at the Australian Melbourne National Age Group Championships, Pam was selected as one of the members of the 13-15 National team out of 70 competitors. The team consists of two Perth girls, three Brisbane girls, two Melbourne girls and Pam our NSW member.

After this competition the team attended two training camps which were held in Perth and Brisbane for two weeks. Then, Pam and her team travelled to Portugal where the Synchronised Swimming Comen Cup was held. They competed against the strongest girls in the Mediterranean federations like Russia, Spain and Italy. There were 21 competitors in the Free Team event and even though they unfortunately placed last, it was an incredible effort for the girls and for Pam. Furthermore, it was truly an amazing experience for Pam who is striving to become a member of the Junior Age National Team and in the future become an athlete of the Senior Olympic Team!

We wish you all the best in reaching your goals Pam, we are very proud of you!

Louise Winchester PDHPE Teacher

Pam Kurosawa with her Team Mates. Pam is in the front row in the middle.

Page 16: “A place at the table, a place for all”...Sep 22, 2017  · No. 15 22 September 2017 “A place at the table, a place for all” The Clarion St Clare's College Waverley 41-51 Carrington

Netball Success!


28 CENTRAL, Wednesday, August 30, 2017 CCOE01Z01MA - V1

COMETS SOAR INTO NATIONALSTHE Sydney Comets 14-years boys’ and girls’ basketball teams have rewritten the club’s history books, becoming the first to qualify for the national championships.

It’s the first time the Comets have qualified for the Australian Helloworld Under 14 Club Championships in both the boys’ and girls’ divisions in the same year.

The Comets boys cemented their statusas top competitors by winning the NSW Metro Junior League division one grand final 66-24 over Camden Valley Wildfire at Penrith on Sunday, August 6.

The girls’ team were also victorious inthe division final for their age, beating Manly Warringah Sea Eagles 40-29.

Development manager Paul Mellett said

the teams were selected in October, meaning they will have been preparing for almost a year by the time they get to the event in Dandenong, Victoria, in October.

“These are exciting times for the program and a credit to the teams and the coaches who have put in an enormous amount of work over a long period of time to achieve this goal,” Mr Mellett said.

The Under 14 Club Championships arean important first step within Basketball Australia’s elite junior pathway and provide an opportunity for players to represent their clubs at a national level.

Both teams have also qualified for theState Championship titles, to be held in Newcastle this month.

finalshopefadesTHE GWS Giants will take on the Adelaide Crows at Adelaide Oval on September 7 after losing to Geelong in the final round of the AFL home and away season. The Giants’ 44 point loss to the Cats on Saturday night saw them drop to fourth on the AFL Premiership Ladder and ended any chance of a home final. Giants co-captain Phil Davis (pictured) said while the loss was disappointing, the team was ready for the Crows. “It’s disappointing not to be playing our qualifying final in Sydney but we’ve travelled pretty well this season and are ready for the challenge,” he said. “It doesn’t matter who or where we play, we’ve worked hard to earn a top four finish and a double chance so we’ll be going out there to do our fans proud. ”


Roosters eye finals ahead of Titans clashHayne set to be overlooked for Roos’ Cup runRikki-Lee ArnoldTravis Meyn

JARRYD Hayne has con-ceded that his World Cupdreams with the Kangaroosare over, as the Titans’ sea-son continues to fall intodisarray.

The Sydney Roosters andGold Coast Titans will faceoff in the final regular sea-son round of the NRL com-petition at Allianz Stadiumon Saturday afternoon.

While the Roosters lookto hit the ground runningahead of their finals cam-paign, the already under-fire Gold Coast weredelivered a number ofblows on Sunday, with for-ward Jarrod Wallace citedfor a grade three shouldercharge and hooker NathanPeats ruled out of the team’sfinal game of the year with adislocated shoulder.

Wallace is facing a mini-mum of three weeks on thesideline even with the earlyguilty plea, while Peats mayhave to have surgery, withthe NSW State of OriginNo.9 set to see a specialist.

Centre Dale Copley is alsoin doubt for the clashagainst the Roosters at Alli-anz Stadium and was goingfor scans on his groin dur-ing the week.

With skipper Ryan Jamesracing the clock to prove hisfitness, the Titans willstruggle to end their troub-led season on a high noteagainst the second-placedRoosters on Saturday.

The bad news follows atumultuous week for theclub, after coach Neil Henrywas sacked before the teamsuffered another loss, goingdown 26-14 to the Bulldogs

at Cbus Super Stadium inRobina on the Gold Coast onSaturday.

Hayne, who has coppedplenty of criticism in recentweeks, was one who failedto fire in the club’s lasthome game for the season.

The clash comes after theRoosters’ 16-14 win overCronulla at the weekend.

With the game locked upwith two minutes left on theclock, Paul Gallen of theSharks was penalised for aleg pull on rival skipperBoyd Cordner. The penaltyallowed Michael Gordon toboot the Roosters home.

Boyd Cordner of the Roosters.

The details›› The Sydney Roostersplay the Gold Coast Titanson Saturday at Allianz Sta-dium›› Gates open at 10.30am,play kicks off at 3pm›› For details and trans-port options visit www.sydneycricket-ground.com.au/events-lib/nrl-sydney-roosters-v-gold-coast-titans/

The Comets’ 14-years girls’ team is off to the national titles.

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Reproduced with the permission of "Sydney Central" (30th August 2017) http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/central-sydney

Tenayah Logan, Year 8, is currently playing competitive basketball for the Sydney Comets.

The Under 14 Club championships are an important first step within Basketball Australia's elite junior pathway giving players the opportunity qualify at a national level.

The St Clare's Community congratulates Tenayah her for qualifying for the State Championship titles in Newcastle that will be played next month!

Tenayah Logan, is on the left in the second row.