Anxious Minds

Anxiety Awareness By: Melissa Mild

Transcript of Anxious Minds

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Anxiety AwarenessBy: Melissa Mild

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Anxiety AwarenessBy: Melissa Mild

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Anxious Minds

Melissa Mild

P.O Box 510284

Saint Louis, MO 63151-0452

Copyright ©2014 by Melissa Mild

All right reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced, in any form or by any means, without

the permission in writing from the publisher except

in the case of brief quotations. For information or

request please be directed to the above address.

Printed in the United States of America

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This book is dedicated to the millions of people who

suffer from anxiety and will suffer in the future. Also

to all the family and friends that supported me in the

creation of this book.

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Table of ContentsGeneralized Anxiety Disorder

Panic Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder

Specific Phobia Anxiety Disorder





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What is Anxiety?Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease,

typically about an imminent event or something

with an uncertain outcome. When anxiety interferes

with day-to-day activities, normal anxiety can become

an anxiety disorder. Anxiety can develop from many

complex risk factors that include genetics, brain

chemistry, personality and life events.

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Generalized anxiety disorder or GAD is the excessive

and unrealistic worry about everyday things, such

as money, health, family, work and other day-to-day

issues. People with this disorder often experience

worry and tension for no apparent reason. GAD is

diagnosed when a person suffers from excessive worry

and tension about many different everyday problems

for a least 6 months. Sometimes the thought of just

making it through the day can produce anxiety for

GeneralizedAnxiety Disorder

people who suffer from GAD. They don’t know how

to stop the worry cycle and feel that it is beyond their

control. This disorder comes on gradually and can

begin across the life cycle, however the risk is highest

in childhood and middle age. The exact cause for this

anxiety is unknown. However there is evidence that

biological factors, family background and life

experiences play a role in who suffers.

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SymptomsMuscle tension



Difficulty Sleeping




Gastrointestinal discomfort

People with anxiety disorders are just worrywarts

or neurotic and there is nothing that can make

a difference in their life.

My th #1





6.8 millionsuffer fromGeneralized Anxiety Disorder

Daily Anxiety:

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Who have anxiety

at work alsosay it interferes withtheir lives moderately


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Panic anxiety disorder is diagnosed in people who

experience spontaneous out-of-the-blue panic attacks.

Many people with this disorder are preoccupied with

the fear of a recurring attack. A panic attack or sudden

burst of severe anxiety can last a couple of minutes to

a half an hour or more. The average panic attack lasts

10 minutes. During a panic attack many experience

thoughts such as: “I’m going mad, I’m going to die,

I’m having a heart attack and I’m losing control.”

Attacks are often linked to a specific place or activity.

One in three adults that have panic anxiety disorder

also suffer from Agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is when a

person stops going to places in which they previously

had a panic attack, in anticipation it will happen again.

Many with the disorder avoid public places where they

feel immediate escape is difficult.

PanicAnxiety Disorder

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SymptomsShortness of breath

Heart palpitations



Chest pain or discomfort

Nausea and abdominal discomfort

Dizziness or light-headedness

Chills or heat flush

One way to get rid of bad or anxious thoughts

is to snap a rubber band on your wrist every time

you have the thought of worry.

My th #2

6 millionsuffer fromPanic Anxiety Disorder

During a Panic Attack:

I’m going to die.

I’m having a heart attack.

I’m losing control.

I’m going mad.

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more likelyto visit the

emergency room5x


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SocialAnxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is the extreme fear of being

scrutinized, watched and judged by others in social

or performance situations. Social anxiety can be

severely disabling and can interfere with daily routine

activities. The anxiety can make it very difficult to

complete school, interview for jobs and have a social

life. Many people with this disorder have none or very

few social and romantic relationships which makes

them feel powerless, alone and ashamed. The majority

of people with this disorder are also diagnosed with

major depression. Social anxiety usually begins in

childhood or adolescence, often after a humiliating

experience. The average age of onset for social anxiety

is age 13. However 36 percent of people with social

anxiety report having symptoms for 10 or more years

before seeking help.

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Profuse Sweating



Rapid heartbeat

Shortness of breath

Dizziness or light-headedness


If you eat right, exercise, avoid caffeine and live

a healthy lifestyle, your anxiety will just go away.

My th #3

15 millionsuffer fromSocial Anxiety Disorder

Interferes with:


Social Life


Daily Routines

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If untreated50% never finishhigh school

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Specific PhobiaAnxiety Disorder

Specific phobia anxiety disorder is the uncontrollable

and excessive fear in the presence or in anticipation

of a specific object, place or situation. New places,

high bridges, elevators, and spiders can make us all

a little nervous. Most of us can manage to control our

fears and carry out the day without incident. However

if a person suffers from a specific phobia the excessive

fear can make them feel powerless. Having a phobia

can disrupt daily routines, limit work efficiency, reduce

self-esteem and place strain on relationships. Specific

phobias commonly focus on animals, insects, germs,

heights, thunder, driving, public transportation, flying,

medical procedures and elevators. While some

phobias develop in early childhood and adolescence,

most seem to arise unexpectedly in life. The onset

is sudden and may occur in situations that previously

did not cause any anxiety.

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SymptomsFeeling of imminent danger

Heart palpitations

Shortness of breath



Nausea or abdominal discomfort

Chest pain or discomfort

Tingling sensation

Causes of anxiety disorders are always rooted

in your childhood, so effective therapy must focus

on that time period.

My th #4

19 millionsuffer fromSpecific Phobia Anxiety Disorder





Phobia Types:

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Arachnophobia or fear of spiders

30% Of people suffer from

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Anxious Minds was designed by Melissa Mild and

the information used in the creation of this book

came from:

Anxiety and Depression Association of America. 2013.

Anxiety and Panic Disorders Health Center. 2013.

Illuman, John. Beat Panic & Anxiety. Britain: Octopus

Publishing Group Limited, 2004.

National Institute of Mental Health. 2013.

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