Antropologi Filosofis

Antropologi Filosofis (MK Wajib) Humanisme Dari Renaisance sampai Postmodern Nama : Cornel Kaban NIM : 02160812 Romo Sastro ______________________________________________________________________ _______________ 1. Setelah Anda membaca orasi Pico della Mirandola, tunjukkan unsur-unsur humanistik dalam orasi tersebut dengan mengutip teks yang terkait ! Gagasan Pico della Mirandola tentang kemampuan manusia untuk memilih menjadi inspirasi penting untuk para pemikir di babakan modern. Modernitas berhutang pada Pico untuk dua topik kunci martabat dan kebebasan manusia dan individualisme i . Pico pun dianggap pionir bagi kebebasan berpikir yang dipuja pada masa modern. Ia telah memulai berpikir secara aktif dan mandiri, lepas dari kungkungan dogma dan ajaran para Bapa Gereja dan klerus. Beberapa gagasa Renaissance philosopher Pico della Mirandola spoke the Oration on the Dignity of Man through which he called into question the primacy of the human creature. He held that God endowed man with the ability to choose his own destiny and his own perspective with which to view life and everything around.His contention was that those abilities distinguished man from all other beings. He further argued in the Oration, that animals come into the world with everything they can ever possess. Similarly, he believed that angels and other astral beings likewise come into existence as complete beings that do not continue to develop. Only the human creature is bestowed "with all possibilities."Mirandola purports that the glory of humanity is that it has an ever-changing nature. He goes on to explain that the philosopher is prime among men for his reason-based outlook on life, and even more so if he transcends thoughts of the body and immerses completely into contemplation.He cites philosophers and intellectuals from a variety of faiths and cultures, so as not to appear hypocritical, and suggests that any human has the potential for pondering existence. He calls into question the "well-worn doctrines" of some of his compatriots, urging his audience to look deeper, past the usual reasons given for human primacy such as the philosophical study of arithmetic and arts. He urges others to enter into a realm of comparative reason: man alone can choose his own path. His theory advances the idea that a description of natural magic and wonder challenges people who become angry at the idea of magic and wonder because, similar to dogs barking at strangers, they do not understand it.The Oration on the Dignity of Man concludes with a promise to continue speaking out in favor of the pursuit of knowledge and personal development, and a challenge to the audience to do the same and "join battle. “A sacred pride should grip us of not being satisfied with the mediocre but to strive (for we can do it, if we want to) with the exertion of all our strength to attain the highest. Let us scorn what is of this earth, let us ignore what is of heaven, let us leave absolutely everything worldly behind us in order to hasten to the abode out of this world, in the proximity of the sublime deity. We do not need to think of stepping

Transcript of Antropologi Filosofis

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Antropologi Filosofis (MK Wajib)Humanisme Dari Renaisance sampai Postmodern

Nama : Cornel KabanNIM : 02160812

Romo Sastro_____________________________________________________________________________________

1. Setelah Anda membaca orasi Pico della Mirandola, tunjukkan unsur-unsur humanistik dalam orasi tersebut dengan mengutip teks yang terkait !Gagasan Pico della Mirandola tentang kemampuan manusia untuk memilih menjadi inspirasi penting untuk para pemikir di babakan modern. Modernitas berhutang pada Pico untuk dua topik kunci martabat dan kebebasan manusia dan individualisme i. Pico pun dianggap pionir bagi kebebasan berpikir yang dipuja pada masa modern. Ia telah memulai berpikir secara aktif dan mandiri, lepas dari kungkungan dogma dan ajaran para Bapa Gereja dan klerus. Beberapa gagasa

Renaissance philosopher Pico della Mirandola spoke the Oration on the Dignity of Man through which he called into question the primacy of the human creature. He held that God endowed man with the ability to choose his own destiny and his own perspective with which to view life and everything around.His contention was that those abilities distinguished man from all other beings. He further argued in the Oration, that animals come into the world with everything they can ever possess. Similarly, he believed that angels and other astral beings likewise come into existence as complete beings that do not continue to develop. Only the human creature is bestowed "with all possibilities."Mirandola purports that the glory of humanity is that it has an ever-changing nature. He goes on to explain that the philosopher is prime among men for his reason-based outlook on life, and even more so if he transcends thoughts of the body and immerses completely into contemplation.He cites philosophers and intellectuals from a variety of faiths and cultures, so as not to appear hypocritical, and suggests that any human has the potential for pondering existence. He calls into question the "well-worn doctrines" of some of his compatriots, urging his audience to look deeper, past the usual reasons given for human primacy such as the philosophical study of arithmetic and arts. He urges others to enter into a realm of comparative reason: man alone can choose his own path. His theory advances the idea that a description of natural magic and wonder challenges people who become angry at the idea of magic and wonder because, similar to dogs barking at strangers, they do not understand it.The Oration on the Dignity of Man concludes with a promise to continue speaking out in favor of the pursuit of knowledge and personal development, and a challenge to the audience to do the same and "join battle.

“A sacred pride should grip us of not being satisfied with the mediocre but to strive (for we can do it, if we want to) with the exertion of all our strength to attain the highest. Let us scorn what is of this earth, let us ignore what is of heaven, let us leave absolutely everything worldly behind us in order to hasten to the abode out of this world, in the proximity of the sublime deity. We do not need to think of stepping back. Of being satisfied with second rank, let us strive for dignity and glory. To attain the highest.” ― Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola5 people liked it


“To [man] it is granted to have whatever he chooses, to be whatever he wills.” ― Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola3 people liked it


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“Considering that we are born with this condition, that is, that we can become whatever we choose to become, we need to understand that we must take earnest care about this, so that it will never be said to our disadvantage that we were born to a privileged position but failed to realize it and became animals and senseless beasts.... Above all, we should not make that freedom of choice God gave us into something harmful, for it was intended to be to our advantage. Let a holy ambition enter into our souls; let us not be content with mediocrity, but rather strive after the highest and expend all our strength in achieving it.

Let us disdain earthly things, and despise the things of heaven, and, judging little of what is in the world, fly to the court beyond the world and next to God. In that court, as the mystic writings tell us, are the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones in the foremost places; let us not even yield place to them, the highest of the angelic orders, and not be content with a lower place, imitate them in all their glory and dignity. If we choose to, we will not be second to them in anything.

Berkat jiwa rasionalnya ditambah dengan kodrat rohaniahnya manusia selalu dapat memilih. Inilah keyakinan Pico. Kemampuan memilih menandai elastisitas manusia. Ia mahluk yang tak terkungkung oleh alam; ia tidak tunduk dan ditentukan semesta. Sebaliknya, ia bahkan dapat memilih dan menentukan posisinya di antara hirarki eksistensi. Pico menegaskan bahwa manusia dapat memilih untuk naik jenjang, ke tahap ilahi, yakni tahap malaikat. Kita dapat berkontemplasi, merenungkan tentang Tuhan melalui ciptaannya, atau merenungkan ciptaannya melalui Tuhan. Kontemplasi ditambah perwujudan hidup aktif dalam menguasai dan memelihara bumi ini akan membuat kita menjadi terbakar karena cinta ilahi seperti Serafim dan intelektualitas kita bersinar laksana Kerubimii.

2. Sejauh mana pengaruh humanisme Renaissance tercermin dalam humanism pencerahan pada :a. Kantb. Hegelc. Karl Marx

3. Apakah latar belakang munculnya humanism eksistensiil ? tunjukkan aspek-aspek J.P. Sartre. Apa maksudnya “Eksistensialisme adalah humanism” ?

4. Apa latar belakang tulisan M. Heidegger “Letter on Humanism”? Apa yang ditentang Heiddeger terhadap humanism ? Apa kelemahan humanisme menurut Heiddeger? Alternatif pandangan apa yang disodorkan Heiddeger ? Jawaban Anda hendak disertai kalimat-kalimat yang relevan dari Heiddeger.Tulisan M. Heidegger “Letter On Humanism” merupakan jawaban Heiddeger atas Jean Beaufret. Jean Beaufret (2 Mei 1907, Auzances – 7 Agustus 1982) adalah seorang filsuf Prancis dan seorang Germanis yang sangat berpengaruh dalam penerimaan karya Heidegger di Prancis. Pertanyaannya seputar bagaimana kita bisa mengembalikan makna humanism ? Tahun 1930, ia ikut Hittler, setelah hilang kepercayaannya kepada Filsafat.Tahun 1936, ia hilang kepercayaan pada Hitler dan segala isme-ismenya, lalu ia melamar ke freiburg university namun ditolak. Kondisi demikian yang membuatnya tertarik dengan puisi-puisi Holderlin ia merasa kerasan. Tahun 1946 ia linglung, ia stress berat karena rumahnya di Freiburg, ditinggali orang prancis

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Surat Tentang Humanisme yang dimaksud itu punya kisah saat menjelang perangdunia ke-2 berakhir. Waktu itu, filsuf Perancis, Jean Beaufret membacatulisan Heidegger, dan merasa bahwa dia akhirnya mengerti apa yang dimaksudHeidegger (hehehehe.... Heidegger ini emang kalo nulis kan bikin orangmumet...). Nah, waktu pasukan Perancis masuk ke Jerman, Beaufret menitipkansebuah surat pada seorang serdadu Perancis, untuk disampaikan padaHeidegger.

Setelah perang, d musim gugur tahun 1946, untuk pertama kalinya kedua filsufbertemu, dan mereka jadi sobat. Beaufret punya satu pertanyaan untukHeidegger: Bagaimana memaknai kata Humanisme ? Dan Heidegger pun menjawabpertanyaan itu dengan sebuah publikasi:: Surat Tentang Humanisme. Begituceritanya.

Surat inilah yang dijadikan titik berangkat oleh Sloterdijk, yang meneruskanpemikiran Heidegger dan 'menerjemahkannya' kepada situasi saat ini,sekaligus melemparkan beberapa pandangan provokatif baru, sehubungan denganperkembangan iptek.

Beberapa pernyataan Sloterdijk misalnya:

- apa yang mampu 'mengendalikan manusia', kalau Humanisme sebagai sekolah'membentuk manusia' telah gagal ?

- era neo-humanisme sebagai model pendidikan dan upaya 'memberadabkan'manusia sudah berakhir

- siapa yang saat ini mempertanyakan masda depan kemanusiaan dan mediamemanusiakan manusia, akan sampai pada pertanyaan, bagaimana manusia bisamengendalikan gejala-gejala 'makin tidak beradabnya' manusia

Kelemahan humanism menurut Heiddeger,

5. Apa perbedaan pandangan Levinas, Cassirer dan Heiddeger mengenai Humanisme ? Debat ketiganya berkisar pada masalah apa ?Levinas memberikan alternative pandangan apa dalam “Humanism of the other” ? Apa kritik Levinas terhadap pandangan filsafat Barat ?

6. Apa pandangan Lacan mengenai “subjek”? Apa implikasinya bagi humanisme ?7. Apa pandangan M. Foucault mengenai “subjek” ? Apa implikasinya bagi humanisme ?8. Apa pendapat Anda mengenai masa depan humanism ? Bagaimana humanism dapat menjadi

referensi kritik atas kecendrungan negatif budaya masa kini (konsumerisme, komodifikasi, kekerasan, fungsionalisme, positivism dll) ?


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i Ibid., hlm. 97ii Davies Tony, 1997, Humanism, London & New York: Routledge, hlm. 96. Pico menuliskannya demikian:

“If we also come to lead that life (for we have the power), we shall then equal their good fortune. The Seraph burns with the fire of love. The Cherub glows with the splendor of intelegence. ….. Therefore if, in giving ourselves over the active life, we have after due consideration undertaken the care of the lower beings, we shall be strengthened with the firm stability of Thrones. … considering the Creator in the creature and the creature in the Creator, we shall be ablace with the Cherubic light. If we long with love for the Creator himself alone, we shall speedily flame up with His consuming fire into a Seraphic likeness.” (Cassirer 1948: 227)

Jean-Marie Domenach

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Serangan terhadap Humanisme dalam Budaya Kontemporer

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