Antique Golden Vase Book_02 May 2005-1




Transcript of Antique Golden Vase Book_02 May 2005-1



01.09.2005 - Ankara

Why Did We Write This Book?

We saw, examined, and investigated the ”Antique Golden Vase”.

This examinations and investigations led us to the conclusion that the vase was ordered by Louis XV, King of France, in the eighteenth century to be presented to the Ottoman Sultan Mahmut I.

During these examinations, we also found that the history of the Golden Vase has been never examined up to now.

We could not stand the idea that this unique and magnificent vase that was ordered by a very important king to be excluded from ”Art History”.

Therefore, we decided to write this book, and wrote it. We, thus, believe that we have fulfilled an important task, and made a

significant contribution to the “Art History”.

We are happy, and peaceful in mind.

01.09.2005 2005Examination and Investigation Committee

of the Antique Golden Vase


How was this examination and investigation performed?

This examination and investigation was performed in 3 sections.

Section One : History of the VaseSection Two : Whether the vase is a work of art or notSection Three : Whether the vase is a rarity or not Were examined and investigated. In order to perform these examinations and investigations,

First;All the findings on the golden vase and its leather holder case were determined.(Motifs, stamps, embellishments, ornamentations, type, cut, polishing and mounting of the diamonds, design, size and style of the golden vase and its case)

Then;Domestic and foreign archives, books, documents, records, and Internet were investigated.

By this way, the historical significance and meaning of each of the findings were investigated and determined, and were evaluated. Information and assessments obtained were passed through the filter of reason and logic.

Oral and written communication and cooperation were ensured with;

- The most famous museums of the world,

- International Antique Auction Firms,

- Art Historian Antique Experts,Apart from these examinations and investigations that we have performed.

Our purpose was to remove the secrecy covering the vase.The secrecy was removed.

1st March 2005Examination and Investigation Committee

of the Antique Golden Vase

Value of the Antique Golden Vase?In order to determine and estimate the value of an antique object;

First, the history of the object is examined.

Then, it is examined that whether the object is an artwork or not.

And then, it is considered that whether the object is rare or not.

History of the Antique Golden Vase

The Antique Golden Vase was ordered by Louis XV, King of France, in the eighteenth century to be presented to the Ottoman Sultan Mahmut I.

And it was presented to the Sultan in 1742.

It is obvious that “the Antique Golden Vase” has a “Very Significant History”.

Whether the Antique Golden Vase is an Artwork or not

In addition to the statements written in “Section I” of this book that the Antique Golden Vase is a rare object without “Any Counterpart in the World”, we can say that:

Since the death of the King Louis XV, it has passed more than 230 years.

All of the objects remaining from the King Louis XV have disappeared during this 230-year period.

That is to say;

1- “The Precious Objects” which should be delivered to the museums according to the laws and customs were delivered to the museums and were withdrawn.

2- Also the objects subject to private property were purchased by private collection owners, and thus, were taken to their places and withdrawn.

Today, no “Precious Object” is being remained from the King Louis XV and is being under the private property apart from the “Antique Golden Vase”.

The “Only” precious antique object being remained from the King Louis XV up to now is the “Antique Golden Vase”.

Value of Antique Golden Vase

This vase fascinated us as well as others.

It is no more possible for us to “estimate the value” of the vase.

Because, the value of this vase cannot be estimated.

Examination and Investigation Committee


Section One (Pages 11-88)

History of the Antique Golden Vase

Section Two (Pages 89-99)

Is the Antique Golden Vasea Real Artwork?

Section Three (Pages 101-109)

Is the Antique Golden Vasea Rear Object?Or a Unique Object?



Subjects to be handled in this section and questions to be answered.





We will submit and explain our examinations and investigations concerning the four subjects given above.


The Antique Golden Vase was ordered in the eighteenth century by Louis

XV, the King of France.

During the examinations and investigations concerning both the “Antique

Golden Vase” and the “Leather Holder Case” we have identified;

VII VERY IMPORTANT FINDINGS showing that the Antique Golden Vase

was ordered by Louis XV, the King of France, in the eighteenth century.

We submit those VII FINDINGS in significance order below.

I- SIGNATURE and EMBLEM of Louis XV, the King of France, on the Antique Golden Vase.

II- “LILY FLOWER MOTIFS” on the Antique Golden Vase and the Leather Holder Case.

III- “SIMILARITY” between the Antique Golden Vase and the Royal Crown.

IV- Similarity between “HOLDER CASES” of the Antique Golden Vase and the Royal Crown.

V- The Same Quantity of “DIAMONDS” on the Antique Golden Vase and the Royal Crown.

VI- “PARROT” Motifs on the Antique Golden Vase.

VII- “ROCOCO” Style of the Antique Golden Vase.

We will submit and explain those aforementioned VII FINDINGS respectively

- SIGNATURE and EMBLEM of the King Louis XV on the Antique Golden Vase.

There are SIGNATURE and EMBLEM of the King Louis XV on the Antique Golden Vase.

We will submit and explain our examinations and investigations concerning these signature and emblem under 4 headings below.

1- There is SIGNATURE of the King Louis XV “on the Body” of the Antique Golden Vase (Photograph No: 3A).

2- There is EMBLEM of the King Louis XV “on the Lid” of the Antique Golden Vase (Photograph No: 4A).

3- SIGNATURE and EMBLEM of the King Louis XV on the Golden Vase are CONCEALED

A- How are they concealed?

B- Why are they concealed?

4- The King Louis XV did not want his SIGNATURE and EMBLEM on the Golden Vase to be concealed completely.

We will submit and explain those aforementioned 4 subjects respectively.

1- There is SIGNATURE of the King Louis XV“on the Body” of the Antique Golden Vase (Photograph No: 3A)

We will submit and explain our examinations and investigations;In the following pages 21-22 and 23Along with the photographs.

NOTE:How are the SIGNATURE and EMBLEM of the King Louis XV

Ornamented with Diamonds on the Golden Vase?

In order to understand well how the signature and emblem of the King Louis XV are ornamented with diamonds on the vase, firstly it must be known how other Diamonds are ornamented (mounted) on the vase.

Therefore we will explain first how other diamonds are ornamented on the vase.

How are Diamonds ornamented on the Golden Vase?The diamonds ornamented on the Golden Vase are not directly

ornamented on the Golden Vase.

Ornamentation steps are as follows:

1- First of all, “ Jade ” is ornamented on the Golden Vase.

2- Then “Silver Beds” are mounted on the jade.

3- And then, ”diamonds” are placed within these Silver Beds.

All diamonds of the vase are ornamented on the vase in such way.

All the DIAMONDS constituting the SIGNATURE and EMBLEM are also ornamented in the same way.

1- There is EMBLEM of the King Louis XV “on the Lid”of the Antique Golden Vase (Photograph No: 4A).

We will submit and explain our examinations and investigations; In the following pages 27-28 and 29 Along with the photographs.

1- SIGNATURE and EMBLEM of the King Louis XV on the Golden Vase are CONCEALED.

A- How are they concealed?

B- Why are they concealed?

Now we will submit and explain those aforementioned 2 subjects respectively.

A- How are the SIGNATURE and EMBLEM of the King Louis XV on theGolden Vase CONCEALED?

The signature and emblem on the golden vase are concealed with;“ARTISTIC FIGURES” which were made while the diamonds in “Silver Beds” were ornamented on the vase.

We want to clarify, to explain this paragraph;

The SIGNATURE and EMBLEM on the golden vase are;

Ornamented on the vase with “Silver Beds” in which diamonds are placed.

While “Silver Beds” were ornamented on the vase, SIGNATURE and EMBLEM were concealed with some ARTISTIC FIGURES (Photo No: 3B and Photo No: 4B).

B- Why are the SIGNATURE and EMBLEM of the King Louis XV on the Golden Vase CONCEALED?

The golden vase was ordered by the King Louis XV to be presented to the Ottoman Sultan Mahmut I.

At that time, kings did not put their uncovered identity on the precious objects, which they ordered to be presented.

Because, putting uncovered identity on the presents was perceived as bad-manner, impoliteness and arrogance, and was ashamed.

The golden vase is also considered as a “Diplomatic Present”.

Therefore, signature and emblem of the King are not uncovered and apparent, but CONCEALED (Photograph No: 3C and Photograph No: 4C)

In many famous museums and collections all over the world, there are lots of precious works on which the uncovered identity is not placed or is concealed.

1- The King Louis XV did not want his SIGNATURE and EMBLEM on the Golden Vase to be concealed completely.

The King Louis XV did not want it to be completely concealed that such unique and magnificent vase was ordered by himself.

The master artisans of the vase did realise the King’s wish skilfully. Thanks to this mastery, SIGNATURE and EMBLEM on the vase is ornamented in a

skilful way that;

It is not clearly and easily seen and known who ordered the vase, And it can be determined by researchers and experts (Photo No: 3C and Photo No: 4C).

Very Important PointThanks to that wish of the King Louis XV and to that mastery of the artisans of the vase;

We have explored and identified that the signature and emblem on the vase belong to the King Louis XV, so there is no doubt and hesitation.

Finally we want also to state that;

1- Had the King Louis XV not wished it,2- And had the artisans of the vase not reflected the King’s wish on the vase,The Antique Golden Vase would have been disappeared in the darkness of the history.

But now, it has taken its place with its entire majesty and magnificence in the brilliant pages of the art history as a unique and wonderful vase ordered by the King of Louis XV France.

II- “LILY FLOWER MOTIFS” on the Antique Golden Vase and Leather Holder Case.

We will submit our examinations and investigations on this subject under 3 headings.

1- “Lily Flower” and “Lily Flower Motifs” on the Antique Golden Vase.

2- “Lily Flower Motifs” on the Leather Holder Case.

3- The place and importance of the Lily Flower Motifs in the “French Kingdom”.

We will submit and explain those aforementioned 3 subjects respectively.

NATUREL Fleur de lys


* The first instance of the word “lis”, plural of an unattested “lil” from Latin lilium, is around 1150 for the flower. The word is often found as metonymy for the lily flower.

1- “Lily Flower” and “Lily Flower Motifs”on the Antique Golden Vase.

There are;

A- “Lily Flower”

B- “Lily Flower Motifs”

on the Antique Golden Vase.

We will shortly submit and explain them.

A- “Lily Flowers” on the Antique Golden Vase

There are “Lily Flowers” on the Antique Golden Vase where the body meets the base (Photograph No: 5).

These “Lily Flowers” are made by hand symmetrically on the front- and backsides of the vase.

“Lily Flower” was also made on many objects belonging to the King (Photograph No:6)

Museum: Châteaux de Versailles et de TrianonFunds:PeinturesTitle: Reine MarieLeczinska, reine de France(1703-1768) vers 1730, tenant une branche de lys, suivie d'une servante vêtue àla polonaise portant sa traine, au bas un chien portant un collier sur lequel on lit "Je suis à la Reine"Artist: Belle Alexis Simon Period: 18e siècleDate:1730


Foto no : 6 - A

Queen Marie leczinska and her natural fleur de lys

A- “Lily Flower Motifs” on the Antique Golden Vase

There are “Lily Flower Motifs” on the both sides of the Antique Golden Vase below the handles where the body meets the base (Photograph No: 7)

“Diamonds” are mounted in these Motifs.Therefore, these motifs are called “Diamond-Mounted Lily Flower Motifs”.These motifs are made by hand symmetrically on the both sides of the vase.

1- “LILY FLOWER MOTIFS”on the Leather Holder Case.

“Lily Flower Motifs” are made on the entire surface of the “Leather Holder Case” (Photograph No:8).

This motif is not painted or drawn on the surface,but put as a “Stamp”.

“Leather Holder Case” is made to protectthe Antique Golden Vase (Photo No:9).

1- The place and importance of the Lily Flower Motifsin the “French Kingdom”

We will submit this subject under 2 headings.A- Place and importance of the Lily Flower Motifs in “the history of the French


B- Place and importance of the Lily Flower Motifs in the period of “the King Louis XV”.

Now we will submit and explain those aforementioned 2 subjects.

A- Place and importance of the Lily Flower Motifs in the history of “the French Kingdom”.

“Lily Flower Motifs” had a very special and very important place and meaning in the history of the French Kingdom.

“Lily Flower Motifs” were unchangeable “Royal Symbols” of the French Kingdom between 1160 and 1791.


“Lily Flower Motifs” were used on many Royal places and objects.

“Lily Flower Motifs” were used on;

· Royal Navy and Royal Costumes and Flags,

· Hand protectors of swords, (Photograph No: 10)

· Collars and buttons of the Royal Uniforms,

· Royal Coins,

· Flags of the Knights and the Armies,

There are also “Lily Flower Motifs” on the State Flag of the French Kingdom(Photograph No: 11)

A- Place and importance of the Lily Flower Motifs“in the period of the King Louis XV”.

The King Louis XV had a special interest and sympathy and gave a specialimportance to “Lily Flower Motifs”, the symbol of the Kingdom in France for ages.

Therefore; “Lily Flower Motifs” have been intensively used on many places and objects related to himself.

That is to say;

· On Costumes of the King, (Photograph No: 12)

· On Costumes of the Queen, (Photograph No: 13)

· On Golden Cigarette Cases of the King and the Queen,

“Lily Flower Motifs” were used.

Also,· On the Top of the Royal Crown of the King Louis XV, (Photograph No: 14)· On the Royal Sceptre,

There were “Lily Flower Motifs” .

The entire surface of “the Leather Holder Case” of the Royal Crown was also ornamented with “Lily Flower Motifs” (Photograph No: 15).

There are only “Lily Flower Motifs” on the flag of the King Louis XV.

It is apparent that;“Lily Flower Motifs” became the “Royal Symbol” of the King Louis XV.

CONCLUSIONThe presence of “Lily Flower Motifs” on the “Antique Golden Vase”

and the “Leather Holder Case”; is a very important “PRIMA-FACIE EVIDENCE” that these 2 objects were ordered by the King Louis XV.

Plaque de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit Milieu du XVIIIe siècle ParisArgent ; diamants ; rubis

Muse de louvre

Plaque de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit Milieu du XVIIIe siècle Paris Argent ; diamants ; rubis


Portraits de Louis XV et de Marie Leczinska Or, écaille, diamants

Offerte par Louis XV à Cornélis Hop, ambassadeur de Hollande 1725 - 1726.

II- “SIMILARITY” between the Antique Golden Vase and the Royal Crown.

On the Antique Golden Vase

there are “Diamond-Mounted Lily Flower Motifs” (Photograph No: 14).

On the top of the “ROYAL CROWN” of the King Louis XV

there is “Diamond-Mounted Lily Flower Motifs” (Photograph No: 14).

If the photograph 14 is examined it will be seen that;

“Diamond-Mounted Lily Flower Motifs” on those 2 objects are very similar.


The presence of the “Diamond-Mounted Lily Flower Motifs” on the “Antique Golden Vase” as the same as those on the top of the Royal Crown is,a very important finding on the fact that the Antique Golden Vase was ordered by the King Louis XV.


1- The King Louis XV was born in 1710. He became a King at his 5 in 1715.ROYAL CROWN was specially made for the King Louis XV by the artisans, “Augustin DUFLOS and Claude RONDE”, in 1722.

2- The King Louis XV rigned from 1715 to 1774.

3- The Antique Golden Vase ordered by the King Louis XV, under the responsibility of the artisan, Thomas GERMAIN.

II- Similarity between the “LEATHER HOLDER CASES”of the Antique Golden Vase and the Royal Crown.

“Royal Crown” of the King Louis XV has an original “Leather Holder Case” (Photograph No: 15).

Also “Antique Golden Vase” has an original “Leather Holder Case”as that of the Royal Crown (Photograph No: 15).

There are great similarities between the both Holder Cases.

We submit those similarities below shortly.

1- The entire surface of the both Leather Holder Cases is ornamented with “Lily Flower Motifs” (Photograph NO: 15).

NOTE: “Lily Flower Motifs” have several designs. But all of them are “Lily Flower Motifs”.

2- There is a great similarity on

A- Substance and technique of manufacture,

B- Artistic aspects,of the both “Holder Cases”.

A- Substance and Technique of Manufacture

Both Holder Cases are made of leather. Both Holder Cases were manufactured with “Relief Press Technique”

In the eighteenth century.

A- Artistic Aspect

Both Holder Cases are artwork and precious Antique Objects.Despite the centuries, none of the Holder Cases have been damaged and deteriorated.

CONCLUSION:This great similarity between the “Leather Holder Cases” proves that

the “Antique Golden Vase” and the “Leather Holder Case” were ordered by the King Louis XV in the eighteenth century

II- The Same Quantity of “DIAMONDS”On the Antique Golden Vase and the Royal Crown.

There are 282 precious diamonds on the Crown of the King Louis XV.There are 282 precious diamonds on the Antique Golden Vase, too.

For correct assessment of the numbers of 282 diamonds on each object,we would like to submit “some short information on the diamonds”.

Short History of the Diamond:

We will submit and explain some subjects identified in our examinations and investigations on diamond “and diamond market” in the eighteenth century.

· The first entrance of the diamond to France was in the early eighteenth century between 1720 and 1730.

In the beginning, Brazilian Diamond entered as well as Indian Diamond.

· The Diamond was much more “Rare” and more “Expensive” in the eighteenth century than today.

Becuase; at that time, it was very rudimentary and very difficult to operate the diamond mines and it was made in very hard conditions.

Thus, the diamond has newly entered in the European and French markets. Europe and France got newly introduced with this precious stone “Diamond”.

European Diamond Market:

In the eighteenth century, “European Diamond Market” was managed at “Royal Level” by France, which was the most powerful European state at that time. (*)

• quote taken from the book ;



At that time, regardless of how rich they were, it was impossible for everyone, except the King, to obtain 282 diamonds and to ornament a Golden Vase with them.

At that time, only the King Louis XV had the power and opportunity to order a golden vase ornamented with 282 precious diamonds.

The King Louis XV ordered the Antique Golden Vase ornamented with 282 precious diamonds, as the same as on his own Royal Crown;

1- To show that he gave a present as precious as his own Royal Crown to Sultan Mahmut I.

2- He also did make it clear that the golden vase could be ordered by a King as great as himself.

Reference on the number of diamonds:

1- It has been referred to the records of the “Louvre Museum”that the number of diamonds on the Crown of the King Louis XV is 282.

2- The number of diamonds of the Antique Golden Vase has been counted on the original vase by our committee.

II- “PARROT” Motifs on the Antique Golden Vase.

There are “Parrot Motifs” symmetrically ornamented on the front- and back-sides of on the Antique Golden Vase (Photograph No: 16).

Those “Parrot Motifs” are ornamented with diamonds placed in silver beds.

We will submit and explain some points identified in our examinations and investigations on “Parrot” in Royal Palace of the eighteenth century France shortly.

A- The King Louis XV and the Royal family liked the birds and especially the “Parrots” very much and were very interested in.

B- Many Palace Objects, tableaux, porcelains and furniture belonging to the King Louis XV and the Kingdom were ornamented with “Parrot Motifs” (Photograph No: 16)


The King Louis XV ordered “Parrot Motifs” to be put on the Golden Vase; In order to show that the “Antique Golden Vase” was ordered by himself.

and the Parrot motifs on the golden vase

Museum: Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon Funds Cabinet en ebene de LOUIS XV. Date: 1745

Louvre Museum

parrot motifs on the cloakroom and painting of King louis XV.

Typique exemple de la belle production décorative et souvent à destination royale de Desportes,

avec une significative insistance sur les orfèvreries (compotier dans le style de Thomas Germain, aiguière louis-quatorzienne vers 1670).Tableau déposé au XIXe siècle à Fontainebleau et rentré au Louvre en 1929.

II- “ROCOCO” Style of the Antique Golden Vase.

The dominant artistic movement of the Antique Golden Vase is Rococo (Photograph No: 1 and 2)

“Rococo” Artistic movement reminds the French King Louis XV in all aspects.

Because; Rococo Artistic Movement has developed and spread with the protection and promotions of the King Louis XV in the eighteenth century France.

Therefore, “Rococo Style” has been called as “Louis XV Style” in the history.

In our opinion, the King Louis XV ordered the Antique Golden Vase in ROCOCO style, to show that the vase was ordered by himself.


All findings and documents submitted and explained up to now show that;“Antique Golden Vase” and “Leather Holder Case” were ordered in the eighteenth century by the King of France, Louis XV.


The Antique Golden Vase was ordered by Louis XV, King of France in the eighteenth century to be presented to the Ottoman Sultan Mahmut I.

Our examinations and investigations on the Golden Vase have led us to this aforementioned conclusion.

We will submit our examinations and investigations under 2 main headings.



We will submit and explain our examinations and investigations respectively.

The Royalty Sunflower motifs on the Turban of Ottoman sultan Mahmut I.


In our examinations and investigations on the Golden Vase;

We have identified 5 important findings that the Golden Vase was ordered byLouis XV, King of France in the eighteenth century;

to be presented to the Ottoman Sultan Mahmut I.

Those findings are;

1- “Sunflower motifs” on the Golden Vase,

2- Solid gold substance of the vase,

3- Frequency and magnificence of the diamonds on the vase,

4- Similarity of the diamonds on the Golden Vase and the royal crown,

5- Rococo style of the Golden Vase.

Now we will submit and explain “those 5 findings” respectively.

1- “Sunflower Motifs” on the Golden Vase,

The entire surface of the Golden Vase ordered by the King of France, Louis XV in the eighteenth century, has been ornamented with “Sunflower Motifs”(Photograph No: 17 and 18).

Why was the Golden Vase ornamented with “Sunflower Motifs”, not with any other flower motif?

In our investigations on the Ottoman history, we identified the fact that;

“Sunflower Motif” is a motif appreciated and used in many places by the Ottomans.

So that;There is a “Sunflower Motif” in the centre of the “State Coat of Arms“

and “State Stamp” of the Ottoman Empire (Photograph No: 19 and 20).

There are numerous Sunflower Motifs integrated with the Rococo style on the main entry of Topkapı Palace and on the ornamentations inside the Palace.

There are Sunflower Motifs on both sides of the main gate of DolmabahçePalace (Photograph No: 21).

“Sunflower Motif” became the symbol of Ottoman Sultans and Ottoman Palaces. The “Sunflower Motif” in the Ottoman world symbolizes the love and affection of the Ottoman to her subjects, and also the bright future of the state.

Louis XV, King of France, who knew and assessed all these very well, ornamented the entire surface of the Golden Vase with “Sunflower Motifs”, and placed a very valuable diamond in the centre of each motif, in order to obtain friendship, admiration, and appreciation of the Ottoman Sultan Mahmut I.

Photo no :17

Every detail in an artist’s creation has been thought of carefuly and meticulously before a final decisoin is made. The creator of a masterpiece always has a good reason for the details that he incorporates in his work.”

E.H. GOMBRICH, in his book “The Story of Art” makes an interesting observation;

Sunflower Motifs on the golden vase

1- Solid gold substance of the vase

Our investigations on the decorative objects of the Royal family of France in the eighteenth century show that;

The preferential metal in France in that period is silver.

Metal objects belonging the Kings were made from silver generally.

However, the majority of the objects in the Ottoman Palace in the same period were made of gold.

Ottomans had a kind of passion for objects made of gold.*

Louis XV, King of France, who knew this passion of the Ottomans, ordered the Antique Golden Vase to be made of “Solid Gold”, in order to be presented to the Ottoman Emperor Sultan Mahmut I.

Many objects of the Ottoman Palaces in the Turkish Museums are made of solid gold.

2- Frequency and magnificence of the diamonds on the vase

Ornamentation style of diamonds is different on objects of the West and the East. In the Western culture, the use of precious stones is very rare and unpretentious.But in Ottoman culture, use of precious stones is very frequent and magnificent.Louis XV, King of France knew this preference and characteristic of the Ottomans

and ordered very precious 282 diamonds to be mounted on the vase.

The findings and conclusions given above also show that,The Antique Golden Vase was ordered to be made of Solid Gold in order to gain

the appreciation of the Ottoman Sultan Mahmut I.

∗ Topkapı Palace Publications: Author: Emine Bilirgen, Treasury Department Expert. Book Title: (Golden Object Passion in the Ottomans)

1- Similarity of diamonds on the Antique Golden Vase and the Royal Crown

Type, way of cutting, polishing, mounting, design, and workmanship of the diamonds on the “Royal Crown” of Louis XV, King of France, and on the “Golden Vase”,

Display a great similarity (Photograph No: 9).

“Royal Crown” was made especially for “the King Louis XV” by the artisans Augustin DUFLOS and Claude RONDE in 1722.

By decorating the entire surface of the Golden Vase with 282 precious and rare diamonds, like his own crow, the King Louis XV;

· Tried to show his esteem and respect to the Sultan, and the importance he attributed to the Sultan,

· And tried to gain appreciation of the Sultan, and his friendship and alliance,

· Wanted to show that the Vase was as worthy as for Sultans,· And tried to show, though indirectly, that the Golden Vase was ordered by himself (Photograph No: 9).

2- Rococo style of the Antique Golden Vase

Rococo style is known as Louis XV style in the history.Rococo style dominates on the Antique Golden Vase (Photograph No: 1 and

2).It is a reality that Rococo style was frequently used in the Ottoman Palaces,and the Ottomans were very impressed by Rococo movement. The Ottoman Empire was very impressed from the Rococo movement in the

eighteenth century.

We clearly see the Rococo examples in the decoration and objects of theOttoman Palaces (Photograph No: 22).

The Antique Golden Vase was ordered in the Rococo style by the King Louis XVin order to touch the taste of the Sultan.

CONCLUSION:All the findings submitted and explained above indicate that;The Antique Golden Vase was manufactured in a way to gain the appreciation of the Ottoman Palace in the eighteenth century. And it was presented by Louis XV, King of France, to the Ottoman Emperor Sultan Mahmut I.


1- Presents given to the Sultan Mahmut l,2- Why were those presents given to the Sultan Mahmut I?

Now we will submit and explain those aforementioned 2 points respectively.

1- Presents given to the Sultan Mahmut I.

The well-known historian “HAMMER” in his book “Great Ottoman History” says that;Louis XV, King of France, sent very precious presents to the Sultan Mahmut I by envoys twice.

The first party of presents was sent in 1742.

In order to give an idea about the presents sent to the Sultan,

We cite below the last paragraph of the 42nd page in the 8th volume of

Hammer’s book named “Great Ottoman History”.

“In the year 1742, Paris Ambassador of the Ottoman Empire, SAİD

MEHMED, went back to Turkey by two French battle ships and the

presents sent by the King to the Sultan.

The presents consisted of

Small and large carpets worked with gold,

Tea and coffee sets ornamented with gold,

Pearl inlaid tables,

Priceless vases, and cups of solid silver and gold,

Sixty sofa cushions manufactured in the Lyon factory,

And numerous golden and silver jugs”.

In our opinion, the Antique Golden Vase was among this first party of presents sent by Louis XV, King of France, to the Sultan Mahmut I in 1742.









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Museum: Louvre, Louis XV à l'ambassadeur de Turquie, en 1742




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1- Why were those presents given to the Sultan Mahmut I. ?

Those precious presents made of gold and diamonds were given to the Sultan Mahmut I. for the following very important 3 reasons.

A- To improve the Ottoman-French friendship and co-operation,

B- To thank for the capitulations granted to the French in 1740,

C- To enable the participation of the Ottoman Empire in “Defence,friendship, and co-operation” agreement between France,

Prussia, and Sweden.


The Antique Golden Vase was ordered by Louis XV, King of France in the eighteenth century, especially to be presented to the Ottoman Sultan Mahmut I and was given to the Sultan in 1742.

Europe 1740

Hammer in his book “Great Ottoman History”pages 132 & 139.

“ Sultan Mahmut I like his predecessor enjoyed constructing buildings, but more importantly he enjoyed receiving presents from foreign ambassadors” “Never has it been seen in history before that ambassadors were rushing to outdo each other regarding the presents given to the Sultan so that they could draw his admiration and respect plus his comments regarding the artistic style and workmanship ”


Sultan Mahmut I

Did not only like to “get presents”, but ;

“to give presents” as well.

Now let us explain this point with an important historical example.

The Ottoman Sultan MAHMUT I ordered the “Topkapı Dagger” in 1740 in order to be presented to the Iranian Monarch NADİR SHAH (Photograph No:23)

And he sent this dagger and many other precious presents to Nadir Shah by a private Ambassador.

When the Ambassador was on his way, Nadir Shah was killed in a revolt.

Therefore, the Ottoman Ambassador was called back, and all presents sent to Nadir Shah and the “Topkapı Dagger” were placed in the Topkapı Palace Treasury Department.

Value of the Topkapı Dagger?The value of the world-famous Topkapı Dagger was estimated by

international authorities of antique objects as 50 million American Dollars.

The aforementioned dagger has been insured by the Japanese State for 50 million dollars and has been taken to “Tokyo Metropolitan Museum” for exhibition since 1st August 2003.

*The director of treasury department of Topkapi Palace states “No, royalty do not put direct signatures on significant gifts but leave a symbol that indirectly indicates it is from royalty, for example there is no signature or stamp on “Topkapi Dagger a gift that was meant for Nadir Shah from Sultan Mahmut I”




The Antique Golden Vase was made by many artisans under the responsibility of manufacture and management of the French RoyalArtisan Thomas GERMAIN in the eighteenth century.

Our examinations and investigations on the Antique Golden Vase has brought us to the aforementioned conclusion.

We will submit those examinations and investigations under 3 main headings below.

1- The Golden Vase was made as a present for the Ottoman Emperor Sultan Mahmut I.

2- Findings on the Golden Vase.

3- Relation and closeness of Thomas GERMAIN with the findings on the Golden Vase.

Now we will submit and explain those aforementioned 3 points respectively.

Musée: Châteaux de Versailles 18 siècle , Date: 1729 - 1734

Musée: Châteaux de Versailles et de TrianonFonds: Objets d'artTitre: Suitede l'Histoire du Roi, 6e série 14e pièce supplémentaire : "Visite de Louis XIVà la Manufacture des Gobelins, le 15 octobre 1667" d'après les cartons de Saint André (d'après Ch. Lebrun au musée de Versailles MV 2098)Période:début 18e siècleDate: 1729 - 1734Technique: basse lisse à orType objet:tapisserieHauteur: 3.750Largeur: 5.800Site: France, Manufacture des Gobelins: Le Blond (atelier de)Mots-clés: métier; travail; artisan; ouvrierDétail: détail : Claude de Villiers, orfèvre, et un des ses fils, présentant un grand vase en vermeil devant un tableau présenté par le peintreBaudon Yvart ; ouviers de la manufacture présentant un vase en argent ciseléà figures de tritons soutenant des cornesPhotographe: Jean ; Schormans

The Artists of French Kingdom presents to the themselves handmade objects to King and Queen in Goblens Manufactory

Thus a query comes to ones mind, in the court of King Louis XV of France who had the ability to build such a masterpiece of art? To answer this questionwe must first establish the fact that which artist of the court had the necessary

qualifications to embark on such an important project. We now know the importance of the Ottoman Empire to the French Empire, “ The union of the lily and the crescent” became one of the fixed points in European politics as one French noble called it. When one gives a present to another, the given present’s attributes, in a not so conscious manner talks about the importance, respect and regard they have for each other. Eighteenth century Europe saw two of the biggest powers in our world, the French & Ottoman empires, the Golden Vase played a significant role towards the relationship between both ofthese powers by representing the French kingdom with its ostentatious being.Therefore who did Louis XV trust The most in his court to build this important object?Obviously there were many goldsmiths active in the court of King Louis XV, upon closer examination of these masters the below artists come forward as possible candidates responsible for the Golden Vase:Juste- Aurele Meissonner, Thomas Germain, Nicolas Besnier, Claude II Ballin, Henri-Nicolas Cousinet, Antoine-Sebastian Durand, Louis Regnard, Guillaume Egee, Charles Spire, Louis-Joseph Lenhendrick, Alexis III Loir, Guillaume le Doux, Jean Fauche, Edme-Pierre Balzac, Antoine Bailly, Etienne-Jacques Marcq and Eloi Guerin who was possibly named after St. Eloi, the patron saint of French Goldsmiths.

One of the aforementioned names, in our opinion, was the master responsiblefor the Golden Vase. The Golden Vase is an collaborative effort, involving draughtsman, gem cutters and setters, goldsmiths, enamellers, Engravers and polishers. History tells us that the most important jewelers supplying and designing Louis XV’s jewels was the Bapts family whom retained this privilege for over a century. Our opinion is that Thomas Germain is the best candidate responsiable for the Golden Vase for the below reasons:

Although it is difficult to prove this opinion without having Germain’ seal on the Golden Vase, but as mentioned before gifts of this stature are not known to have the artisits signiture.

1- The Golden Vase was made as a present for the Ottoman Emperor Sultan Mahmut I.

In the previous pages of our book, we have submitted and explained that;

“the Antique Golden Vase was ordered by the King of France, Louis XV;to be presented to the Ottoman Emperor Sultan Mahmut I in the eighteenth


Given that the Antique Golden Vase was ordered by the King Louis XV and the receiver was the Ottoman Emperor Sultan Mahmut I;

It could not be expected that the Antique Golden Vase was ordered to an ordinary artisan.

It could not be possible that such a magnificent and unique vase was made by only one person, either.

The vase should be made by the most famous and the most qualified artisans of the palace.

At that time, there were very valuable and talented artisans in the French Royal Palace.

But one of the very famous of those artisans was Thomas GERMAIN and he had a great prestige for the King Louis XV.

Thus, the King Louis XV gave “the responsibility of manufacture and management of the Antique Golden Vase” to that famous and prestigious artisan, Thomas GERMAIN.

2- Findings on the Golden Vase.

We would like also to indicate that;Like every famous and master artisan, Thomas GERMAIN mounted some of hisfindings, he liked and admired, on the Golden Vase.

Those findings are as follows:

A- ROCOCO style of the Antique Golden Vase,

B- “SUNFLOWER MOTIFS” on the Antique Golden Vase

C- “DESIGN” and “SIZES” of the Antique Golden Vase.

D- SYMMETRICAL STRUCTURE of the Antique Golden Vase.

1- Relation and closeness of Thomas GERMAIN with the findings on the Golden Vase.

We will submit our explanation in respective order of the aforementioned findings as A-B-C-D.

A- ROCOCO Style of the Antique Golden Vase

The Antique Golden Vase is a real and elite Rococo artwork. It entirely contains all characteristics and the beauty of Rococo art (Photograph No: 1 and 2).

During the reign of the King Louis XV, there were many artisans processing gold for the Kingdom.

Thomas GERMAIN was among those artisans, and especially, was themost famous and the most qualified artisan in the Rococo art.

Louis XV, King of France, awarded especially that artisan with the title of master of Rococo art for his masterpieces in the Rococo style.


Due to the ROCOCO style of the Antique Golden Vase, we have been inspired that the responsibility of manufacture and management of the vase was given to Thomas GERMAIN.

C- DESIGN and SIZES of the Antique Golden Vase

DESIGN of the Antique Golden Vase

The design of the Antique Golden Vase made in 1742 and

DESIGNS of other vases made in 1746 – 47 by Thomas GERMAIN

are identical (Photograph No: 24).

SIZES of the Antique Golden Vase

The sizes of lids, bodies, heights, bases, and other parts of the

Antique Golden Vase and the vases made by Thomas GERMAIN

are identical (Photograph NO. 25)

B- “Sunflower Motifs” on the Antique Golden Vase

The entire surface of the Antique Golden Vase is ornamented with“Sunflower Motifs” (Photograph NO: 1 and 2 ).

Thomas GERMAIN was very familiar with “Sunflower Motif”and one of the artisans applying this motif frequently.

Thus he did intensively apply the Sunflower Motif on the “Golden Candlestick Set”, which he made in 1748.

In our opinion, Thomas GERMAIN ornamented “Sunflower Motifs” on the Antique Golden vase and thus revealed his close relation with the Golden vase.

Sunflower motifs over of Thomas Germain’s gold candellebra,


( Source: Michel Beazley, elements od design, page 116 )

Sunflower motifs over of Thomas Germain’s silver object.


D- SYMMETRICAL STRUCTURE of the Antique Golden Vase.

Thomas GERMAIN is famous with his symmetrical work and masterpieces.

The Antique Golden Vase is a magnificent object with its dominant symmetrical style.

This symmetry of the Golden Vase is the best indicator that the vase was made under Thomas GERMAIN’s responsibility of manufacture and management.


1- Thomas GERMAINDeux flambeaux1732 - 1733 Argent

2-Thomas GERMAINÉcuelle aux armes du cardinal da Motta 1733 - 1734 Argent doré

3- Thomas GERMAINÉcritoire aux armes du cardinal da Cunha 1746 - 1747 Argent doré

4- Thomas GERMAINFlambeau de bureau 1747 - 1748 Argent doré

5- Thomas GERMAINMaître à Paris en 1720Plat 1733 - 1734 Argent

Cooperation under Thomas GERMAIN’s Responsibility of Manufacture and Management

The Antique Golden Vase is a masterpiece of art, made under Thomas, GERMAIN’s responsibility of manufacture and management with “Cooperation” of numerous famous and qualified artisans.

In this cooperation;1- Thomas GERMAIN did the following works:

A- Handmade BODY and LID of the Vase,

B- “ROCOCO STYLE” of the Golden Vase.

C- Ornamentation of “SUNFLOWER MOTIFS” on the vase,

D- SIZES and DESIGN of the vase, (Photograph No: 24 and 25)


2- Cut, mounting and polishing of the excellent diamonds on the vase were performed in Dresden.

3- Ornamentation of the diamonds on the vase was performed by “BaptsFamily”, ornamenting jewellery for the French Royal Family for 150 years.

4- “ jade Mounting” on the Golden Vase was performed by master level artisans.

OVERALL CONCLUSIONThe above-submitted and explained “Cooperation”, the

“Findings” on the vase and Thomas GERMAIN’s relation and closeness with those findings and our comprehensive “Examinations and Investigations” on the subject show that;

The Antique Golden Vase was made by numerous master artisans under the responsibility of manufacture and management of the French Royal Artisan Thomas GERMAIN


The vase underwent 3 historical phases till today.

1st PhaseTransfer of the Antique Golden Vase from France to Ottomans.

2nd PhaseTransfer of the Antique Golden Vase back to France from Ottomans

3rd PhaseSecond Entry of the Antique Golden Vase in Turkey.

Now we will submit and explain these 3 phases respectively.

If one examines the leather case, in the inside cover one can find a reference number written in the Ottoman language ( photo 26), which in Latin translates to “45”. This fact which indicates the address where the vase was being kept at is as important as the reason for the manufacture of the vase. Having inspected the Ottomans way of inventory, we noticed that objects kept at the treasury were given a number. 84

Sourse book : Garo Kürkman, Book name : Ottoman silver arts.

Foto no: 32

The ’45’ stamp’s mean on Ottoman Silver workmanship ;

It is royalty stamp and used together with sultan’s monogram always.

Foto no: 40

‘’ The Ottoman Empire had a certainprotocol ceremony for receiving gifts fromforeign ambassadors and visitors, this was an important occasion for them. One day before the ceremony the gifts would be taken to a place close to Topkapı Palace, early in the morning prior the start of the ceremony some time would be allocated to the Sultan for the inspection of the gifts. ”

2nd Phase Transfer of the Antique Golden Vase back to France from Ottomans

The vase that had come in the Ottoman land (Istanbul) in 1742 stayed in the Palaces of the Sultans for at least 150 years.

The Vase returned to France after the year 1893.

We have no information about by whom, why, and for what reason the Vase was taken back to France.

(We know that the Vase entered France after the year 1893 from the stamps on the Vase).

The Vase went to London after staying in France for some time. (We know that because the Vase was put on sale by Sotheby’s auction firm in London in 1954 and was sold.)

Stamps put on the Vase while entering France:

The Vase has four parts, namely; the body, the lid, and two handles. “Owl and Swan’ stamps were put on each of these parts while entering France.

Why were the Stamps put?

According to the books on French stamps, these stamps are,Stamps indicating the “Guarantee of State” put after 1893 on objects made of gold and silver entering France for reasons other than trade.

Owl stamp was put on objects made only of gold.

Swan stamp was put on objects made only of silver.

Both Owl and Swan stamps were put on object made of gold and silver.

Although the Antique Golden Vase is made of solid gold, the diamonds on it are mounted within silver beds.

That is why both Owl and Swan stamps were put on all 4 parts of the Vase while entering France. (Photograph No: 27)

3rd Phase

Second Entry of the Antique Golden Vase in Turkey.

The Antique Golden Vase was put on sale in 1954 in London by Sotheby’s Auction Firm in a public auction and was sold.

The Vase changed its owner by that sale and went under possession of new owner.

The Vase was brought back to Turkey after 1954 by the new owner.The Vase is still in Turkey.

NOTE: Mr. Daniel Packer, one of the managers of Sotheby’s Auction Firm, wrote inhis e-mail message of 4th March 2004 that,the Antique Golden Vase was sold by Sotheby’s firm about 50 years ago in London in a public auction.

The Auction codes on the antique golden vase



In order to consider an object as a valuable antique object, it must be a “Real Artwork”.

Is the Antique Golden Vase a real artwork?We will answer this question through examinations and investigations of two

separate sources.

I- Our personal examinations and investigations.

1- Examinations and investigations on the Leather Holder case

2- Examinations and investigations on the Golden Vase

II- Examinations and investigations by sources other than us.

1- Examinations and opinions of gold and diamond handwork masters,

2- Opinions of Museums,

3- Examinations and opinions of Antiques Auction firms.

Now we will submit and explain the issues mentioned above.

I- Our personal examinations and investigations.

We will submit our examinations and investigations under 2 headings.

1- Examinations and investigations on the leather holder case

2- Examinations and investigations on the Golden Vase

Now we will submit and explain aforementioned 2 points respectively.

1- Examinations and investigations on the leather holder caseA- Physical characteristics of the leather holder case,

The outer side of the holder case is made of leather, while inner side is suede with

the fineness of silk. (Photograph No: 11)

On the front side, there are 2 “Clip Style Locks”, and 2 hinges on the sides.The holder case consists of merging of 6 separate parts.

As a whole, it has the shape of a woman’s body, and has a feminine ambience.It is manufactured with “Relief press technique” of the eighteenth century.

B- Artistic characteristics of the leather holder case

The leather holder case is unique with its design and feminine aesthetic.

It is a very important artwork even without the Antique Golden Vase.

The entire surface of the leather holder case is ornamented with “Lily Flower


These motifs are not painted or drawn, but stamped.

It is obvious that the leather holder case is a separate artwork, and a preciousantique object.

It has not suffered even slightest structural damage despite the centuries.

The Antique Golden Vase has been kept within this leather holder case as if new for centuries.

1-Examinations and investigations on the Golden Vase

We will submit our examinations and investigations under 4 headings below.

A- Physical structure and artistic characteristics of the Golden Vase

B- Sunflower motifs on the Golden Vase.

C- The artistic period and movement of the Golden Vase.

D- Diamonds on the Golden Vase and diamond workmanship.

Now we will submit and explain aforementioned 4 points respectively.

A- Physical structure and artistic characteristics of the Golden Vase

The Golden Vase is original and handmade.

The Golden Vase is made up of 4 parts. Body, lid, and 2 handles

All the 4 parts are made of 18 carat gold.

The height of the vase is 15 cm., and its weight is 300gr.

The outer part of the Vase is ornamented with 282 precious diamonds of high quality, Rose-Cut with different facets, and excellent cutting.

Diamonds are not mounted directly on gold.

First, jade is ornamented on the Golden Vase.

Then, “Silver Beds” are ornamented (mounted) on the jade.

And then, diamonds are placed within those “Silver Beds”.

The level of workmanship is very high.

The handmade design and motifs worked on the Vase are marvellous both with their workmanship and symmetry.

It belongs to the Rococo artistic movement.

In addition, the Vase carries the magnificence of Renaissance and the soul of Rococo.

The Vase has a marvellous and unique beauty with this multi-sided structure.During our investigations, we did not meet any equivalent or any peer that could be

accepted as equivalent to it in any museum or any private collection.

B- Sunflower motifs on the Golden Vase.

“Sunflower motifs” are used on the entire surface of the Golden Vase.We have never seen any sunflower motif on metal works in Europe in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

We have never seen any object in Europe or any artists who worked Sunflower motif covering the entire surface as a style.

It is obvious that this was made to meet A TASTE based on sunflower motifs.(We have already mentioned in Section I that “Sunflower Motif” was the symbol

of Ottomans.)

Another interesting point is that the sunflower motifs are entirely ornamented with diamonds, including the leaves.

It is obvious that the Vase is a real artwork with this aspect also.

A- The artistic period and movement of the Golden Vase.

All the designs on the Golden Vase consist of flower motifs.

All the areas worked with jade on the front- and backsides and on the upper surface are encircled with lines of Louis XV style.

This framework and motifs belong to the ROCOCO period.

Rococo style is known as the “Louis XV style” in the history.

The basic characteristic of the Rococo period, which emerged in France between 1720 and 1760 and then influenced the whole Europe is the extensive use of nature and love figures.

Rococo is not really a style, but an understanding of ornamentation. It covers the period that Europe was at its richest and the most spendthrift point.

All designs on the vase reflect soothing movements of water and nature in harmony. The vase, thus, tells nature and reflects the characteristics of the Rococo period (Photograph No: 1 and 2).

A- Diamonds on the Golden Vase and diamond workmanship.

Entry of the diamond to the European continent is accepted as 1725-1726.

At the beginning, Brazilian diamonds were used as well as Indian diamonds.

The diamonds are not directly ornamented on the Golden Vase.

First, the jade is ornamented on the Golden Vase.

Then, “Silver Beds” are mounted on the jade.

And then, diamonds are inserted within these silver beds.

Diamonds ornamenting the vase are cut in “Rose Cut” style.

Facet cuts are applied at several parts and different surfaces depending on carat.

The characteristics of the cutting style called “Rose Cut” are cuts up to 3, 6,12,18, and 24 facets. “Rose Cut” style was frequently used in the eighteenth century.

In general, flower motifs were used on the Golden Vase.

Characteristics of Rose Cut and Rococo artistic movement are merged on the Vase. It is obvious that the Antique Golden Vase is a rare and unique artwork even with respect to the “diamonds and diamond workmanship”. (Photograph No: 29)

Our Final Word:We have never seen the grace, art, and magnificence of the Antique Golden Vase on

another antique object all over the world.

CONCLUSION:The Antique Golden Vase is a unique and marvellous “masterpiece of art” with a beauty

impossible to meet elsewhere.

II- Examinations and investigations of sources other than us.

1- Examinations and opinions of golden and diamond handwork masters.

A- Aruz TaşBaroccoHandmade golden and silver objects expert

“This vase is not cast”. “This vase is a real work of art made of 22 carat gold by hand”.

B- Arman CendereciDiamond and precious stones expert

According to my examination of the diamonds and diamond workmanship on the vase itself:

The workmanship of diamonds on the vase is an artwork that can be described as marvellous. Because;

Diamonds are not directly inlaid on the vase.First, green JADE ornamented on the Golden Vase.Then, diamonds are mounted on the green jadel within golden and silver beds.This type of workmanship is a superior and marvellous diamond workmanship unique

for eighteenth century (Photograph No: 30).

This marvellous workmanship is the reason for the undamaged state of the vase in terms of being shed, worn, scratches, or damages in spite of the 250-300 years past.

MY CONCLUSION:This handmade Antique Golden Vase is a real masterpiece of art.

1- Opinion of the Museums:A- Examination and opinion of the “Kunsthistorisches Museum” in Vienna

Herr Dr. Helmut Trenk, Director of the above-mentioned Museum,In his letter reporting the examination of 18.08.2003 says that,

“This vase is a unique, marvellous, and magnificent vase”.

B- Opinion of the Topkapı Palace Museum in Istanbul

Ms. Emine Bilirgen, Art Historian Expert in Treasury Department of Istanbul Topkapı Palace Museum, says that;

“This Antique Golden Vase is a marvellous work of art with both golden workmanship and diamond workmanship.”

C- Opinion of the “Musée du Louvre”, Paris

Mr. Daniel Alcouffe, Director of the world-famous Louvre Museum, says that;

“I am grateful to you for reporting the existence of such a vase”.

2- Examinations and opinions of antique auction firms.A- Opinion of Christie’s, the world’s greatest international antique auction firm

Mr. Philipps Antony, Antiques Expert of the above-mentioned firm, saysIn his e-mail massage sent from New York on 30th March 2004:

“I apologize for being late in answering you in a matter concerning such a beautiful and extraordinary object”.

B- Opinion of Sotheby’s, one of the foremost antique auction firms in the worldMr. Daniel Packer, Chief Antiques Expert of the above-mentioned firm, says in his e-mail message of 4th March 2004 sent from London:

“Thank you so much for the information about the vase and its holder case. Your vase is extraordinary and beautiful.”



For any object to be considered as a valuable antique object,

It must either be a rare object, orIt must be unique.

Is the Antique Golden Vase a rare object?Or, is it unique?

We will answer this question through the examinations and investigations of two separate


ur personal examinations and investigations.

1- The Antique Golden Vase is “multi-period”

2- The Antique Golden Vase is “multi-country”

2- Examinations and investigations of sources other than us.

1- Opinions of the Museums

2- Opinions of the Antiques Experts

Now we will submit and explain the aforementioned issues.

I- Our personal examinations and investigations.

In the Section One of our book,

We have already submitted and explained that the Antique Golden Vase was specially and uniquely ordered by Louis XV, King of France, in the eighteenth century, in order to be presented to the Ottoman Sultan Mahmut I.

In the Section Two of our book,

We have already submitted and explained reasonably and in details that the Antique Golden Vase was a unique “Masterpiece of art” with no other equivalent all over.

Now, in this Section Three,

We will submit and explain that the Antique Golden Vase is unique with its,

1- “Diamonds”

2- “Multi-period” characteristic, and

3- “Multi-country” characteristic.

We will submit and explain that it is unique also with its prestige all over the world.

1- “Diamonds” on the Antique Golden Vase

Marvellous and precious 282 diamonds are mounted on the Antique Golden Vase.

Because of those marvellous and precious 282 diamonds, the Antique Golden Vase is a unique golden vase with no equivalent all over the world.

1- The Antique Golden Vase is “Multi-period”.

The reason for this belief is;

The “Renaissance”* period with its glamour, splendor and extravagance, esthetic carvings of Sunflower Motifs

embedded with diamonds laid over jade show this,

“Rococo” period with its beauty, softness and feminine air.

Thus, one of the aspects that make the Antique Golden Vase“UNIQUE AND WITHOUT EQUIVALENT” is that it

represents different design periods.

2- The Antique Golden Vase is “Multi-Country”.

Design of the Golden Vase represents a certain style present in eighteenth century Western European artistic culture, as

well as this attribute it also has Eastern artistic culture since it was produced having Ottomanian sense of beauty in mind.

“Paris, France” for its beauty, grace, glamour and craftsmanship

“Ottomans” for their love of gold and precious gems.

The “Multicultural” features of the Antique Golden Vase not only contribute to its unique essence but also the rarity of it.

*Fabergé sought inspiration in many sources, from antiquity, Oriental art and the Louis XV period/rococo which ultimately enabled him to resurrect the Renaissance in the nineteenth century. The Golden Vase has an diminutive stature but grandeur in designand essence, just like the masterpieces of Fabergé.

Reneıssance arts


The Czarevich egg (1912) was Alexandra's most cherished.


Foto No : 45


Foto No : 46

Sir Gilbert Collection



II- Examinations and investigations of sources other than us.

1- Opinions of Museums

A- Topkapı Palace Museum, Department of TreasuryArt Historian Expert of Antique Jewellery Ms Emine BİLİRGEN

The Vase is original and made as a single object.It is not possible to see its peer even in world’s most famous museums and collections.

B- Examination of Kunsthistorisches Museum in ViennaMuseum Director Herr Dr. Helmut Trenk

This vase is a unique masterpiece of art in the world.

2- Examinations and opinions of Antique Experts

A- Peker Jewellery Industry and Trade Inc. Co.Antique Jewellery Expert Serdar DAMAT

The vase is manufactured single and is original.It is not possible to find its equivalent.


This Antique Golden Vase that inspires and impresses everybody whether they are well informed about antiques or not, is a magnificent and marvellous vase with its;

Creator and owner of the order,

Vase and holder case,

Handles and lid,

Golden parts and diamonds,

jade and emerald,

Lily and sunflower,

Colour and shape;

with no equivalent in the world (Photograph No: 30).


The Antique Golden Vase is a masterpiece of art. No equivalent can be shown.

Beauty of this masterpiece of art is really bewitching for everyone who has a sense of art.

Also all the experts and collection owners, whom we have contacted, share our assessment with the same admiration and praise.

During our examinations, we have never seen anything that could be accepted as an equivalent to the vase in any museum or private collection.The vase is unique.

It was a great deficiency in “Art History” that “historical” examination had not been made for such a masterpiece vase, which had such magnificent beauty and was unique.

We believe that we have filled this gap with this book. We are happy and feel peaceful.

1st March 2005Examination and Investigation Committee

of the Antique Golden Vase


1- Examinations and investigations on hundreds of information and documents on the Internet

2- Silver History: Author: Claude Blair, Publisher: Little, brown and Company (UK),

Publishing date: 20003- Gold Stempel aus aller Welt; Author: Jan Divis, Publisher: Dusien,

Publish. date: 20014- Poinçons d’or de platine et de palladium: Author: Tardy, Publishing

date: 19975- La Revue du Louvre (1984-3): Louvre Müzesi yayını, Publishing date:

19846- Dünya Sanat Tarihi: Author: Adnan Turani, Publisher: Remzi Kitabevi,

Publishing date: 20037- Osmanlı Tarihi: Author: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Maksudoğlu, Publisher: Elif

Kitabevi, Publishing date: 20038- Büyük Osmanlı Tarihi: Author: Joseph Von Hammer, Publisher: Üçdal

Neşriyat, Publishing date: 19949- Lale Devrinin Bir Görgü Tanığı, Jean-Baptiste Vanmour: Koçbank

Yayınları, Editors: Eveline Sint Nicholas: Duncan Bull, Günsel Renda, Gül İrepoğlu10- İttihat ve Terakki: Author: Feroz Ahmad, Publisher: Kaynak yayınları,

Publishing date: 200211- Osmanlılarda Altın Eşya Tutkusu: Author: Emine Bilirgen, Publisher:

Topkapı Müzesi, Publishing date:12- Diamonds, a Century Spectacular Jewels: Author: Penny Proddow,

Marion Fassel, Publishing date: 199813- Salname-i Nezaret-i Hariciyye: Author ve Publisher: İşaret Yayınları,


14- Babam Abdülhamid: Author: Ayşe Osmanoğlu, Publisher: GüvenYayınları,

Publishing date: 1962

15- Paris, Londra, Viyana-Abdülaziz’in Avrupa Seyahati: Author: Dr. Nihat Karaer,

Publisher: Phoenix Yayınları, Publishing date: 2003

16- İttihatçılar ve Masonlar: Author: Orhan Koloğlu, Publisher: GürYayınları,

Publishing date: 1991

17- The Huguenot Legacy: Author: Cristopher Hartop, Publishing date:

18- 20. Century Day by Day: Author: Jeremy Paxman, Publisher: Dorling Kindersley,

Publishing date: 2000

19. Topkapı Sarayı: Author: İlhan Akşit, Publisher: AkşitYayınları,Publishing date:

20- Muvafakatnameler: Author:Necati Gültepe, Publisher: Elif Yayınevi, Publish. date: 2003