Antiplatelet Drugs

Antiplatelet drugs


Pharmacology Helpful Drugs

Transcript of Antiplatelet Drugs

  • Antiplatelet drugs

  • Introduction

    Affects platelet adhesion, aggregationProphylaxis of thromboembolic disordersAntiplatelet drugs - arterial thrombosisAnticoagulants- venous thrombosis
  • Introduction

    Platelet function is regulated by three categories of substances;

    First group consists of agents produced outside of the platelets and interact with the platelet membrane receptors e.g. catecholamines, collagen and prostacyclin.

    Second group agents produced inside the platelets and interact with the membrane receptors e.g. ADP. PGD2, PGE2 and serotonin.

    Third group agents produced within the platelets and act within the platelets e.g. thromboxane A2, cAMP, cGMP and calcium ion.

  • Classification

  • Mechanism of action

  • Aspirin

    It irreversibly inhibits platelet COX enzymes.Thus no thromboxane A2 is formed which causes platelets to change shape, secrete granules and aggregate.Its action lasts for 7-10 days
  • Mechanism of action

  • Aspirin in higher doses also inhibits endothelial COX thus decreasing the formation of prostacyclin PG I2 anti-coagulant.

    So aspirin is an anti-platelet agent in low doses only (325mg/day).

    FDA approved for both the primary and secondary prevention of vascular events in predisposed patients.

  • Side effects of aspirin

  • Dipyridamole

    Inhibits PDE, increase cAMP, potentiates PGI2, prevent platelet aggregation.Basically a vasodilator.Used with warfarin (for primary prevention of thromboemboli in patients with prosthetic heart valves) and aspirin (for sec prophylaxis of cerebrovascular diseases).

    Cilostazol: a new phosphodiestrase inhibitors that promote vasodilatation and inhibition of platelet aggregation.

  • Ticlopidine

    Irreversible blockade of ADP receptorInhibits ADP, fibrinogen induced platelet aggregationIncreased platelet survivalSynergistic action with aspirinPeak effect 8-10 daysEffect persists several days after discontinuationUse to prevent thrombosis in patients undergoing placement of a coronary stent.
  • Ticlopidine side effects

    Neutropenia (1%)Thrombocytopenia (5%)

    Haematological monitoring every 2 wks

    Diarrhoea, vomiting,dyspepsia and abdominal pain (20%)Headache, tinnitus, rashBleeding, jaundice

    Useful in patients who are resistant to aspirin and clopidogrel.

  • Clopidogrel

    Congener of ticlopidine, prodrugSafe, better toleratedAspirin + clopidogrelLess side effect than ticlopidineLess BM toxicity- neutropenia, thrombocytopeniaAction lasts up to 7 days, once daily dosing.
  • GP IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist

    Key receptor for platelet aggregationActivation of this receptor complex is the final common pathway for platelet aggregation.Receptor for fibrinogen, vWF through collagen, thrombin, TXA2 and ADP. Block aggregation induced by all agonists
  • Abciximab

    Chimeric monoclonal antibody against GP receptorApproved for PCI and in acute coronary syndromesNon antigenicCause thrombocytopenia, constipation ileus, arrhythmiasExpensive, used in PCI with stent placement
  • GP receptor antagonist

  • Uses of antiplatelet drugs

    Coronary artery disease- MI,unstable anginaPrimary and secondary prevention of MILow dose aspirin immediately after MIReduce mortality, prevent reinfarctionContinued indefinitely
  • Coronary artery disease

  • Coronary angioplasty, stents

    abciximab + aspirinLowers restenosis, stent thrombosis
  • stents

  • Coronary artery bypass

    To maintain patency of recanalised coronary arteryImplanted bypass vesselAspirin + ticlopidine / clopidogrelAbciximab + aspirin + heparin reduce restenosisReduce MI
  • Coronary bypass implants

  • Prosthetic heart valves

    aspirin + warfarin

    reduce microthrombi, embolism

  • Prosthetic heart valves

  • Arteriovenous shunts

    To maintain the patency of chronic arteriovenous shuntsFor haemodialysis, vascular graft
  • haemodialysis

  • Venous thromboembolism

    Used prophylactically
  • Deep vein thombosis

  • Cerebrovascular disease

    Reduce the incidence of TIAStroke due to thrombosisGiven in AF
  • Side effects

    Bleeding epistaxis, menorrhagiaSkin rashDiarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal painHeadache, tinnitusNeutropenia, thrombocytopenia, jaundice
  • Antiplatelet drugs & surgery

    Stop treatment 7 days before surgeryMonitor bleeding time