anti-Obama XCVIII

Sixteen hours and twenty-five pages later, it’s desirable [per Guzzardi] to provide a prioritized -guide. The urgent action-item is to work aggressively during the upcoming month to Defund ObamaCare; support for this approach has been provided by star parker, and it would be desirable to attend the rally led by former-senator Jim DeMint on August 29 th @ 6 p.m. [@ DoubleTree by Hilton, 4727 Concord Pike, Wilmington, Delaware 19803] , noting that Senator Cruz’s father * will also speak. [Even MSNBC is recognizing that, as America Braces for Obamacare, Nurse practitioners are filling the doc-shortage gap .] Here is Jim DeMint on FOXNEWS Talking about the Defund Tour. Also, please sign a petition to Defund ObamaCare. To alleviate episodic anxiety, consider viewing these 50 most-perfectly-timed-photos-ever. [Because pa-lawmaker s-are-not-giving -up-on-medic aid-expansion , Corbett must constantly be reminded not to accede to the temptation to accept short-term federal-$...yielding a long- term “$$$”-black-hole.] Again, if anyone asks, the-us-health -care-system- can-be-fixed  without invoking ObamaCare. {*- Ted Cruz's Pastor Father [Rafael] Wowed Crowd with ObamaCare Speech in Iowa [watch video].} An alternative viewpoint is provided [provisionally] by Sen. Toomey [8/8/2013 letter], which appears not to state a reasonable alternative that could be adopted prior to initiation of ObamaCare on 1/1/2013: Thank you for contacting my office about discretionary funding and ObamaCare. I appreciate hearing from you. The president’s health care law is fundamentally wrong in its approach to improving our nation’s health care system. This law imposes onerous new mandates and regulations that will have numerous unintended consequences. It’s bad for patients, it’s bad for doctors, and it’s bad for our economy. Additionally, it threatens to put serious strains on our nation’s long term fiscal outlook. Since the law’s unfortunate adoption, I have made it perfectly clear that I want to completely repeal ObamaCare. I am in favor of defunding it to the extent we can and have consistently voted in favor of efforts to undo the law. I also am an original cosponsor of legislation, including one introduced by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), that would achieve this goal. As you may know, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is circulating a letter to Senate Leadership pledging not to support a continuing resolution or any other appropriations legislation that includes ObamaCare funding. While I value your input on this matter and support

Transcript of anti-Obama XCVIII

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Sixteen hours and twenty-five pages later, it’s desirable [per Guzzardi] to provide a prioritized-guide.

The urgent action-item is to work aggressively during the upcoming month to Defund ObamaCare;

support for this approach has been provided by star parker, and it would be desirable to attend the rally

led by former-senator Jim DeMint on August 29th @ 6 p.m. [@ DoubleTree by Hilton, 4727 Concord Pike,

Wilmington, Delaware 19803], noting that Senator Cruz’s father* will also speak. [Even MSNBC is

recognizing that, as America Braces for Obamacare, Nurse practitioners are filling the doc-shortage gap.]

Here is Jim DeMint on FOXNEWS Talking about the Defund Tour. Also, please sign a petition to Defund

ObamaCare. To alleviate episodic anxiety, consider viewing these 50 most-perfectly-timed-photos-ever. 

[Because pa-lawmakers-are-not-giving-up-on-medicaid-expansion, Corbett must constantly be reminded

not to accede to the temptation to accept short-term federal-$...yielding a long-term “$$$”-black-hole.]

Again, if anyone asks, the-us-health-care-system-can-be-fixed without invoking ObamaCare.

{*- Ted Cruz's Pastor Father [Rafael] Wowed Crowd with ObamaCare Speech in Iowa [watch video].}

An alternative viewpoint is provided [provisionally] by Sen. Toomey [8/8/2013 letter], which appears not

to state a reasonable alternative that could be adopted prior to initiation of ObamaCare on 1/1/2013:

Thank you for contacting my office about discretionary funding and ObamaCare. I

appreciate hearing from you.

The president’s health care law is fundamentally wrong in its approach to improving our

nation’s health care system. This law imposes onerous new mandates and regulations

that will have numerous unintended consequences. It’s bad for patients, it’s bad for

doctors, and it’s bad for our economy. Additionally, it threatens to put serious strains on

our nation’s long term fiscal outlook. 

Since the law’s unfortunate adoption, I have made it perfectly clear that I want to

completely repeal ObamaCare. I am in favor of defunding it to the extent we can and

have consistently voted in favor of efforts to undo the law. I also am an original

cosponsor of legislation, including one introduced by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), that

would achieve this goal.

As you may know, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is circulating a letter to Senate Leadership

pledging not to support a continuing resolution or any other appropriations legislation

that includes ObamaCare funding. While I value your input on this matter and support

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the intentions behind Senator Lee’s letter, I have not signed onto it at this point. My

reasons are tactical. The question is  – would my signing the letter help us get

ObamaCare dismantled, defunded, or repealed sooner? For a number of reasons, I am

not convinced that it would.

For instance, the vast majority of ObamaCare is funded outside the discretionary

spending process. Even if we eliminated all ObamaCare discretionary funding in a

continuing resolution or other appropriations bill, a substantial majority of the law

would still go forward  – including all of the taxes, the harmful individual mandate, and

the insurance exchanges. In addition, President Obama is not going to sign a bill that

totally eliminates his signature achievement.  Shutting down the government will

unfortunately not change this outcome, and the fallout from such an unsuccessful

effort could undermine our efforts to dismantle ObamaCare. 

Instead of focusing solely on discretionary funding bills as a tactic, I will continue

working with my Senate colleagues on a broader array of strategies to dismantle

ObamaCare. As the American people become increasingly aware of how awful this law

is for them, I remain hopeful that we can achieve this goal. This effort could include

dismantling ObamaCare piece-by-piece – for instance, we could delay or eliminate the

individual mandate or repeal the harmful medical device tax. As I continue engaging

with Senator Lee and other colleagues on this important issue, please be assured that I

will keep your concerns in mind.

It is unlikely many “BHO Scandal-Sheet” updates will emerge from D.C. during the dog-days of August.

BHO is trying to seek America’s understanding and Trust, but the “phony-scandal”-line-is-playing-poorly. 

Some claim a scandal-bigger-than-benghazi pends [although this one doesn’t appear to involve Jarrett];

others note the dire side-effects of  delaying-justice-in-benghazi [which may be explained by the fact that

400 U.S. missiles were "diverted to Libya" and ended up being stolen from the Benghazi Annex and

falling into "the hands of some very ugly people"]. Regarding the IRS, it is alleged that Lerner  illegally

disclosed information to the FEC; a newly-released tape of Lerner quotes her as saying "everyone" was

"screaming at" the IRS to stop the flood of money pouring into the 2010 elections through 501(c)(4)

groups as a result of Citizens United. Regarding the NSA, hackers-threatened-to-attack-had-snowden-

been-arrested; also, “Stop and Frisk” is Unconstitutional, but it hasn’t been Stopped. 

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Inextricably interwoven with the effort to Defund ObamaCare are two intra-GOP forces; first is the need

to ID those GOP moderates who are pushing-back on “TEA” party spending cuts and, second, is the need

to appreciate how quickly the field of GOP-candidates for POTUS-’16 may narrow [noting that, as chris-

christie-is $-raising, ted-cruz-apparently became the-2016-gop-frontrunner-in-iowa this past weekend].

{Of greater immediacy, the GRAHAM CHALLENGER claims her CITADEL EXPERIENCE MEANS she WON'T

COMPROMISE CONSERVATIVE VALUES [contrasting with The “Obama-fication” of the U.S. Military].}

Illustrative of how the media are attempting to control the narrative is how aggressively they attacked

Steve King as he defended his immigration comments; illustrative of the passive/aggressive posture that

BHO has adopted are the facts that the Feds won’t aid Arizona after the fire that killed 19 firefighters 

and that ice-is funding the housing of-illegals-in-hotels, as-others-are released-into-u-s-population. 

CNN-ratings-returned-to-embarrassing-lows [In the all-important 25-54 demo, CNN's primetime hit the

second lowest numbers of the year with a paltry 76,000 viewers. That same night, Piers Morgan was

only able to pull in 71,000 viewers from that demo. Worse still, CNN also lost the demo fight Thursday

night to its sister network, HLN. By comparison, MSNBC averaged 131,000 primetime demo viewers.

Fox News nearly beat both of its left-wing counterparts combined with 216,000 demo viewers.]

Predictably retreating from prior critique of  NBC/CNN management regarding the HRC-“puff -pieces,”

the “Morning Joe” crowd crowed that at least one would be made by FNC and, thus, critique thereof 

should have been blunted; such comments, of course, were coupled with “manifest -destiny”-type

comments. Meanwhile, others claimed the rnc-chair-was-right-to-ditch-nbc-and-cnn-hosting-debates. 

allen-west-asks-why-the-usual-race-baiters-are-silent-on-bus-beating, as a st-paul-teen-was-charged-in-

beating-that-resulted-in-brain-damage; meanwhile, cnn-anchor [don-lemon] delivered a bold takedown

-of-russell-simmons-on-race, suggesting people attack-the-problem-not-the-messenger. And, pushing-

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back, oprah-was-called-a-liar-after-she-called-shopkeeper-racist; also,  no one is probing why Sharpton

“owe[d] the IRS $2.6 million in income tax, and nearly $900,000 in state tax.”