Anti Kibr Therapy- Imam Thanwi


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Anti kibr therapy- Imam Thanwi

Kibr (Pride/Arrogance) is a highly destructive spiritual sickness and a very grave and Major sin. It is strongly condemned in the Quran and Hadith. Allah says, "Do not strut arrogantly on the earth."(17:37) Abdullah ibn Mas’ud R.A reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “No one who has the weight of a seed of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise.” [Sahih Muslim] "Arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people.” (meaning, to consider oneself as superior to others) [Sahih Muslim] Abu Hurayra R.A. reported that Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Once a man was walking in his robe, proud of himself, his hair groomed, haughty in his gait, and Allah caused the earth to swallow him up. He will go on sinking into the earth until the Day of Rising." [Agreed upon] Anti-kibr therapy:20140321-194412.jpgHakim al Ummah Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him) prescribed the following treatment for the disease of Kibr:‘The therapy for the reality of arrogance is a special form of contemplation. It must be renewed and repeated at all the times when the thought of arrogance passes (in the mind).This contemplation includes bringing the following thoughts in mind in response to one's feelings of Pride and Self-praise or feelings of Superiority to others:1. "Although I have this achievement, it is not my own creation. It has been bestowed and gifted by Allah".2. "This bestowal is without my being deserving of it. It is purely Allah’s mercy and benevolence that He gave me this gift".3. "Even after attaining this gift, preserving it is beyond my control. Allah has the power to take it away anytime".4. "Although the other individual does not possess this achievement as yet, it is possible that eventually he will achieve more than me and I will be looking up to him for assistance in this regard".5. "Even if eventually he does not achieve this (as is sometimes evident by the apparent (lack of) means), it is possible that right now he has some other achievement that is hidden from me but evident to others or hidden from all. It is known to Allah alone. By the virtue of this, his overall achievements are better than mine".[If none of his achievements come to mind then bring to mind the possibility that as per the knowledge of Allah he is accepted (maqbool) and I am not. And if I am accepted too then he is more accepted than me. Hence, how can I think of him to be inferior to me?]6. "Even in case he is lower than me in all regards then he has a right on me. As the deficient individual has a right on the perfect one. Like the sick person has on a well individual, a weak on the strong, and a poor on the wealthy. Hence, I should be kind and have empathy for him. Moreover, I should try to assist him in achieving these qualities successfully. If I do not have any means or power or time, even then, I should help by atleast making supplication (dua) for his success".Then start making efforts in this regard. This will create a bond of kindness with this individual. And it is a natural phenomenon that working for an individual’s development and success leads to loving him. After developing (feeling of) love there will be no thought of considering him inferior.7. If this (#6) can not be done, then occasionally talk to him gently and politely. Inquire about his well being. This will create a mutual bond. And after this bond, the thought of considering him inferior will dissipate.’Tarbiyet us Salik, volume 3, page 108-9

Page 2: Anti Kibr Therapy- Imam Thanwi

The treatment part of the article was adapted