Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8...

Antarctica By Emily Miller

Transcript of Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8...

Page 1: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.

AntarcticaBy Emily Miller

Page 2: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.

Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single nation owns Antarctica. The Antarctic treaty is an agreement that tells all the countries that claim a small part of it what they can and carnet do in their area. This treaty was brought in in 1959 and then enforced in 1961. the 12 nations sighed the original treaty. Since the treaty was enforced they all followed it and because its good many more countries want to join .



Page 4: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.

NorwayOwns 44°38'E

to 20°W of Antarctica

FranceOwns 142°2'E to 136°11'E of


Page 5: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.


In January, Captain Cook, on his third adventure, sails past South Georgia and discovers the South Sandwich Islands two weeks later.

In January, Russian Fabian Gottlieb von Belling shausen becomes the first person to see the Antarctica

An American sealer called John Davis became the first person to land on the continent. After being in Connecticut, John had been searching the South Shetlands for seals.

In January, Frenchman Jules Sebastian Dumont d”urville discovers a bit of Antarctica's coastline .

In January, captain James Cook and his crew became the first people to get across the Antarctic Circle.

1773 17751820 1821 1840 191


Douglas Mawson discovered A new section of the coast and radio is used for the first time in Antarctica.

On November a 10 hour flight from the base at the bay of whales Richard E Byrd and 3 other people became the first to fly over Antarctica.

In December, Finn Ronne, a leader of a private American Expedition, flying over the southern shores, he is the first to see the mountains of the western edge of the Filchner Ice Shelf

In December the treaty was brought in and established with 12 countries signature.

On December 1st ,a Norwegian expedition captained by Lars Christensen lands on and claims Bouvetøya Island.


1929 1947


Page 6: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.


Tourists lead to rubbish

Some of the tourists may get very injured because Antarctica's very dangerous at times

The ships come on it may destroy the ice when they go out on the waters

Many people think its bad to have pollution through Antarctica and it is but there are also many people who don’t really care about what happens in Antarctica but if we bring in extra people in Antarctica is bringing more pollution more things that could melt the ice and hurt

Antarctica's climate so we should defiantly not bring more people into Antarctica.

Page 7: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.

Douglas Mawson

Sir Douglas Mawson was an explorer and geologist he did many things he went to Antarctica to set up scientific bases. He explored over 3000km of Antarctica’s coastline. In 1909 Douglas Mawson and his two other men David Edgeworth and McKay Alistair reached the south pole. He was offered to go with Shackleton and his people to try and get on the Antarctica but didn't accept the offer because he had his own ideas about what they should do. In 1909 Douglas Mawson and his two other men David Edgeworth and McKay Alistair reached the south pole he discovered a new part of Antarctica but lost his two men on his journey back to George v land back to his base at commonwealth bay.

Page 8: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.

How mankind affects Antarctica

Humans have been impacting Antarctica for many years in a very big way because we are killing its animals by fishing taking them for research hunting and polluting the waters most of there animals live and swim in one of the big things that the animals that live there will affect us so much because there all big things in the food chain so if we destroy there home we are hurting ourselves. If we keep polluting the air it destroys Antarctica because it melts the ice which also really affects us because the melted ice will increase the water levels and flood heaps of cities.

Page 9: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.

Emperor penguins Emperor penguins are flightless birds living in Antarctica

because they need cold. They do a lot of swimming. With these penguins the mother looks for food while the dad stays with the egg. They are the largest living species of penguins adults normally get to the size of 1.15 m tall and way 35kg or more. They manly eat fish and other little fish in the sea or ocean. There is over 2.5 million pairs of emperor penguins. Normal penguins are 30 inches tall. Emperor penguins are black and white with a yellow strip around there neck. Seals are the main threat to them when they are swimming they come from under them or when they dive in the water the seals are waiting for them also big birds prey on baby penguins.

Page 10: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.

Post-card Hi mum,

I am having such a good time Antarctica's

so cold though it can sometimes get up

to 129 F isn't that cold besides that its

awesome we have seen some cool

animals too I have seen Weddle seal and

emperor penguin and a humpback whale

its endangered how sad I have seen a

heap of penguins there are about 50

million penguins in Antarctica crazy right.

I haven't seen any flowers in two weeks

now and there are none in Antarctica but

I have seen some mosses and heaps of

algae. We are going camping on the ice

tonight how cold we have to wear heaps

of layers that sucks wont ever be able to

get to bed without being comfortable.

There are also some tall mountains on

Antarctica one of the ranges is Alexandra

mountains. Well I have been righting for a

long time now and we are getting ready

to camp.

See you soon

Love from Emily


Page 11: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.

Anything else you need to know is

Lake ecosystems are found on small non ice areas for some parts of the year.

Antarctica is higher than the sea level.

It has both fresh water and salt water ecosystems.

It is dark for 24hrs a day for a few weeks in the year.

There are at least 70 sub glacier lakes under the ice.

Temperature's are higher on the coast than the inland of Antarctica.

There are no flower plants in Antarctica. Only the simplest plants can survive there.

Some plants that live there are algae, mosses, and strange plants called liverworts.

Captain James Clark a British explorer was sent to search for Antarctica.

In 1820 Thaddeus von Bellingshausen saw Antarctica for the first time in history.

In 1823 the hottest summer in Antarctica cut back the ice.

Southern elephant seals were hunted almost to extinction by early sealers.

Baby ringed seal are normally born in April.

Walruses live on ice floss.

fungi and lichens also live there.

Fish in Antarctica have to adapt to the freezing water.

Page 12: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.

Stations in Antarctica…






Sanae IV

South pole

Mc MurdoScott Base


Dumont d”Urville






There are 15 stations

Page 13: Antarctica By Emily Miller. Antarctica is split some countries have a small part of it. There are 8 nations that own there own part of Antarctica no single.


This project is by….

Emily miller