Ansys SCDM 150 L02 Spaceclai

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Transcript of Ansys SCDM 150 L02 Spaceclai

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 1

    15.0 Release

    Lecture 2 Spaceclaim Introduction

    Introduction to ANSYS Spaceclaim Direct Modeler (SCDM)

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 2

    Introduction In this class we will walk through the basic tools used to create and modify models in


    We will focus on:

    A. Creating Geometry B. Workshop C. Creating a simple Assembly D. Workshops

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 3

    Introduction Creating Geometry

    Goals: - become familiar with the interface

    - use the global tools

    Guiding thread case: - start from scratch to a simple geometry

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 4

    Introduction Creating Geometry Getting Started

    Close the Welcome Screen if it appears. Go to the File Menu and click on SpaceClaim Options.

    Select Units and change Metric to Imperial.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry


    Tree Structure

    Mode Menu


    Properties View

    Graphics Window

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 6

    Introduction Creating Geometry Sketch with Dimensions

    Go on the sketch mode

    Click the Rectangle tool in the Sketch group. Click once anywhere to begin the sketch.

    Type the dimensions by typing 4. Then press Tab to enter the next dimension and type 2. Hit enter to finish the sketch.

    Note: Spacebar will also freeze the sketch and allow you to tab between dimensions.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 7

    Introduction Creating Geometry Three-Point Arc

    Click the Three-Point Arc tool in the Sketch group.

    Click once to start a line at the corner, again to determine the length at the second corner of the rectangle, and a third time to make the arc 180 degrees.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Bend

    Click the Bend tool in the Sketch group.

    Select the line on the other end of the rectangle and drag the line until it bends into a 180 degree arc.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Trim Away

    To remove extra lines from a sketch click the Trim Away button in the sketch group.

    Select any lines youd like to remove from the sketch. This will trim them from your sketch.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Pull

    Click the Pull icon to exit the sketch. Clicking another tool will immediately exit you from the current tool.

    Look on the Mode Menu Space Claim automatically change from sketch mode to 3D mode.

    Select on the surface by clicking on it. Once a surface is selected it can be pulled to create a solid from anywhere on screen (you do not need to click on the small yellow arrow).

    Hold the left mouse button and drag the surface upward. Use the Spacebar to freeze the dimension and type .5 to make the solid half an inch thick.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Sketch on Face

    After creating the solid, click the top surface and then choose the Circle icon in the Sketch group. Again Space Claim automatically switch to the correct mode.

    To bring the selected surface parallel to the screen, select the Plan View button from the Orient group towards the left of the ribbon bar.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 12

    Introduction Creating Geometry Sketching Circles

    Click on the axis of one of the full rounds (a small green circle will appear to indicate concentric alignment) and sketch a circle with a diameter of .75in.

    Repeat this process on the other end of the model. Notice that the second circle will snap the same size of the circle youve already created.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Shift-Touch Dimensions

    To dimension a sketch entity from another object click the shift button while hovering over an edge, midpoint or vertex. Hover over the middle of the lower line until a green triangle appears (indicating the midpoint). Press the Shift key and dimension 1 inch directly upwards to start the circle as shown.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Concentric Circles

    Click once to start the circle at the centre of the plane and make the circle with the diameter of 1.5 inches.

    Make another coaxial circle with a diameter of 1-inch.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Exit Sketch

    Click the Pull button to exit the sketch and enter 3D mode.

    Click the Home button to obtain a trimetric view.

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    Ctrl+MMB pans.

    When you are finished press the Home button to get back to the trimetric view.

    Introduction Creating Geometry View Navigation

    Take a moment to explore manipulating the view. The middle mouse button (MMB) alone spins.

    Shift+MMB Zooms.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 17

    Introduction Creating Geometry Create Holes

    Select on the center circular face. Pull it down through the model to create a hole.

    Holding Ctrl allows you to select on multiple entities. Select the two circular faces on either side and pull them through to create holes.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Create Protrusion

    Click on the circular ring face in the middle of the solid.

    Pull it up an arbitrary distance and click in white space to clear your selection.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 19

    Introduction Creating Geometry Create Ruler Dimension

    Select the top face of the cylinder as indicated and choose the Create Ruler Dimension (either from the Options window on the left or the mini-toolbar popup).

    Click the top face of the solid to dimension from.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Set Ruler Dimension

    Once the dimension is set up, enter .75 as a value and hit enter to set the height of the tube.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Sketch Mode

    Select the front face of the model and hit the Rectangle button (this will put you into Sketch mode).

    Click Plan View in the upper left to orient the sketch.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Shift-touch Dimension

    Hover over the middle of the line and click Shift when the green triangle appears. Move the cursor directly to the left to make a dimension of 0.375in.

    Click once to start the rectangle and make one that is .625 by .75 inches.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Create Surface

    Click Pull to exit the sketch and click Home to orient it in a trimetric view.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Pull Up To

    Select the new surface youve created and go to the toolguides on the right of the screen.

    Click the bottom toolguide which is Up To. This allows us to snap a surface or face up to another. After the Tool guide is selected select the outer cylindrical face behind the surface.

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    To enter a dimension, hit Spacebar and type in .2. Repeat this on the other hole.

    Introduction Creating Geometry Fillet Rounds

    Click the edge of one of the holes. Notice that it will highlight in bright green. While holding the left mouse button, drag your mouse to place a round on the hole.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Fillet a Chain of Rounds

    Double click one of the outer edges to grab the loop of edges as shown. Place a round of .1 on the model.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Apply Full Round

    Hold down Ctrl and select on the three surfaces highlighted at right. RMB and select Full Round from the pop-up menu to create a full round based on the three surfaces. You must be in pull mode for this option to be visible.

    Note: The context-sensitive RMB menu allows common tasks to be completed with little cursor movement.

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    Introduction Creating Geometry Save Part

    Save the part as Base.scdoc in the IntroTraining folder.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 29

    Introduction Creating Geometry Workshop One

    Using the image as reference, create a new part. Use Sketch and Pull to make the model.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 30

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly

    Goals: - use advanced sketch and 3D tools

    - become familiar with assembly

    Guiding thread case: - start from scratch to a simple assembly

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 31

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Options

    To begin we will change some options. Go to the File menu in the top left corner of the screen. Once there select SpaceClaim options

    at the bottom

    Then go to the advanced tab and make sure that Auto-extrude is on. These will allow you to create solids in section mode and power select quicker.

    Go to the units tab and make sure you are in Metric.

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    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Orient Sketch Grid

    You will begin all SpaceClaim by sketching on the top plane. To sketch on the front click the select new sketch plane button and then click in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

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    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly

    Plan View and Shortcuts

    To view a heads up display click the Plan View button. (This is located in the bottom right hand corner of your sketch grid, or located in the upper left region of the ribbon tool bar)

    Please note that the keys shortcut for this operation is V. Shortcuts will be given in all of the tooltips.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 34

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Cylinder

    The first thing we will sketch will be a cylinder. Select Cylinder in the Shapes group in the Insert menu.

    Click once to start the cylinder. Make the cylinder vertical and type in a value of 400 for the height.

    It will then look for a value for the diameter. Enter in a value of 280.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 35

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Spin, Pan, and Zoom

    Youve just created a solid and we can see it in the structure tree on the far left of the screen.

    To view it easier we can spin, pan, or zoom around our model. To spin, hold down the Middle Mouse Button (MMB). To pan, hold Ctrl+MMB. To zoom, hold Shift+MMB.

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    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Display Tab

    To change the graphics or display of your design, go to the Display Tab. Here you can turn Fade Scene Under Grid off, and turn Clip Scene Above Grid on. You can play with these options to get the graphics you prefer.

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    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Orient View

    Go Back to the Design Tab and click Plan View (V).

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 38

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Cylinder

    1-Now we will make another cylinder.

    2-Start at the midpoint shown with the triangle in the picture on the left.

    3-Create a cylinder 1200 mm tall and with a diameter of 100 mm.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 39

    Create a rectangle 700 mm by 100 mm.

    After sketching the rectangle click Section Mode (X) located in the middle of the ribbon bar. Notice that the sketch turned into a surface. Now we will be able to start sketching solids.

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Sketch vs. Section Mode

    Now go to the rectangle sketch tool.

    Start the sketch on the midpoint of the axis.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 40

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly 3D Direct Sketching

    Create another rectangle to make a keep out for a chair. Notice that you now have three dimensions. The dimension of 10 is the depth. This depth will extrude both ways from the sketch. Change it to 100.

    You can change the value if you like, but once you click a second time to complete the rectangle you will get a solid as seen in the structure tree below.

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    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Orient View

    Rotate the view to see the solid youve created.

    Click Plan View (V) after looking at it to go back into a heads up view.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 42

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly 3D Direct Sketching

    Create another rectangle for a tray. We are still ball parking the design so simply make a thin rectangle starting within the last rectangle and snap it to the edge of the cylinder. Make the depth of this solid 600 mm.

    Notice that we should now have three solids and one surface in the structure tree.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 43

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Section Edits

    Select the Split Face tool and click on the rightmost edge of the large chair rectangle.

    Select Pull (P). Select the large green line indicated in the middle picture and pull it back to form an L.

    Note: In section mode the cross- hatching is not selectable.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 44

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Cylinder

    Select the Cylinder tool in the upper right of the Ribbon bar.

    Sketch a cylinder connecting the chair to roughly the middle of the surface indicated below.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 45

    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Cylinder

    Sketch another thin cylinder to create a keep out for a robotic arm. Start the sketch on the edge of the tall cylinder.

    Create a second cylinder at an angle from the first one.

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    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Sphere

    Select the Sphere tool.

    Starting from the intersection of the two cylinders, make the sphere big enough to encompass the entire intersection.

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    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly Sketching Completed

    Look at the structure tree. You should have four solids and one surface: a Chair, Tray, Stand, and Arm.

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    Introduction Creating a simple Assembly 3D Mode

    Click 3D Mode (D) button to bring yourself out of the sketch.

  • 2012 ANSYS, Inc. June 4, 2014 49

    Creating Basic Geometry - Workshop

    Workshop exercise:

    Creating a simple bracket using sketch and pull:

    See workshop 1-1 for instructions