Answer to Quiz 2 Number 11


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Page 1: Answer to Quiz 2 Number 11

Rubberized asphalt can hardly be classified as cutting edge at this stage in their development. Choose one of the underlined parts of the sentence that must be changed to make the sentence correct.

Select one:

a. Rubberized

b. their

c. hardly

d. as

In the late 1880s, Hull House … United States' first welfare state. Choose the one word or phrase below that best completes the sentence.

Select one:

a. to become the

b. becoming one of the

c. it became the

d. became the

The price of silver rose to $50.05 per troy ounce in January 1980 and then fell do $10.80 two month later. Choose one of the underlined parts of the sentence that must be changed to make the sentence correct.

Select one:

a. month

b. rose to

c. The price

d. and then

Mosquitoes will accepts the malaria parasite at only one stage of the parasite's complex life cycle. Choose one of the underlined parts of the sentence that must be changed to make the sentence correct.

Select one:

a. complex

b. accepts

c. only one

Page 2: Answer to Quiz 2 Number 11

d. malaria

… given to the various types of microscopic plants and animals found in water. Choose the one word or phrase below that best completes the sentence.

Select one:

a. Plankton is the name

b. Named plankton

c. The name of plankton

d. Plankton's name

Charles Babbage (1792-1871) drew up the first plans for a programmable digital computer in 1834, but … was never completed. Choose the one word or phrase below that best completes the sentence.

Select one:

a. for him to invent

b. his invention

c. he invented

d. to invent him

… with the largest alphabet is Cambodian, with 74 letters. Choose the one word or phrase below that best completes the sentence.

Select one:

a. The language is

b. In the language

c. The language

d. About the language

Alexander Hamilton's advocacy of a strong national government brought he into bitter conflict with Thomas Jefferson. Choose one of the underlined parts of the sentence that must be changed to make the sentence correct.

Select one:

a. he

b. advocacy

Page 3: Answer to Quiz 2 Number 11

c. strong

d. conflict

After George Washington married widow Martha Custis, the couple comes to reside at Mount Vernon. Choose one of the underlined parts of the sentence that must be changed to make the sentence correct.

Select one:

a. comes

b. reside

c. After

d. widow

The hard palate ___ between the mouth and nasal passages. Choose the one word or phrase below that best completes the sentence.

Select one:

a. forming a partition

b. forms a partition

c. a partition forms

d. a form and a partition

Page 4: Answer to Quiz 2 Number 11

Marilla and Matthew live in a small town called Avonlea. Avonlea is ...

Answer 1 = a town

Anne has vert red hair and she’s very self-conscious about it. Similarly she is very embarassed by her freckles – small brown spots on her nose and cheeks. Self-conscious means ...

Answer 2 = embrassed

After Gears of Pain 6 came out, the amount of people playing Gears of Pain 5 declined. Declined might mean ...

Answer 3 = went down

Many restaurants serve molluscs, for example, snails, oysters and clams. A mollusc is ...

Answer 4 = animals like snail

Unlike many of her peers who lose their imaginations as they grow up, Caine retains his vivid imagination into adulthood. To retain means ...

Answer 5 = to keep

By the end of the book, July adores Samantha instead of hating her as she did at first. To adore is ...

Answer 6 = to like

Although Bill tries to be obedient, he gets into various scrapes. These difficult situations often lead to some very funny results. A scrape is ...

Answer 7 = a difficult situation

One time Maria tries to dye her hair brown. Unfortunately, she changes the colour to red instead. To dye is ...

Answer 8 = to change color

Unlike Bob, who treated others rudely and kept to himself, Bobby was jovial, friendly, and outgoing. Jovial is ...

Answer 9 = friendly

Jennifer shears off Clair’s once beautiful hair, and Clair has to wear a bonnet (hat) to cover up her bald head. A bonnet is ...

Answer 10 = a hat