ANSWER KEYS - Amazon Web Services · ANSWER KEYS for SUCCESS . 2 INTRODUCTION 1 Deer--Run...


Transcript of ANSWER KEYS - Amazon Web Services · ANSWER KEYS for SUCCESS . 2 INTRODUCTION 1 Deer--Run...

Page 1: ANSWER KEYS - Amazon Web Services · ANSWER KEYS for SUCCESS . 2 INTRODUCTION 1 Deer--Run Lion--Mighty Eagle--Light Leopard--Bold 2 Eliyahu Hanavi said that a Jew is able to attain


Page 2: ANSWER KEYS - Amazon Web Services · ANSWER KEYS for SUCCESS . 2 INTRODUCTION 1 Deer--Run Lion--Mighty Eagle--Light Leopard--Bold 2 Eliyahu Hanavi said that a Jew is able to attain



1 Deer--Run




2 Eliyahu Hanavi said that a Jew is able to attain greater spiritual heights than the angels. This is because there is a portion of Hashem within us and just as He is infinite so too there is virtually no end to what we can achieve.

3 ...from these four animals.


1 When we serve God we have to be bold and daring to take on challenges that seem many times our capability.

2 The leopard teaches us by example not to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task but to tackle it head on.

3 He had determination and the character trait of being bold as a leopard.

4 She had the inner strength of character to listen to her inner voice and not be swayed by what other people were telling her.

5 He should realize that’s the best sign that he found his unique calling in life.

6 The fact that he feels so strongly about it, while others remain unphased, means that it’s his neshama speaking and that he has found his unique calling for which he has been placed in this world.

7 ...bold as a leopard.

Page 3: ANSWER KEYS - Amazon Web Services · ANSWER KEYS for SUCCESS . 2 INTRODUCTION 1 Deer--Run Lion--Mighty Eagle--Light Leopard--Bold 2 Eliyahu Hanavi said that a Jew is able to attain



1 The people who trust in Hashem will have the help from Hashem to accomplish without getting tired out.

2 The eagle flies high, putting a lot of effort in the beginning and then glides very long distances.

3 Having been bold as a leopard to undertake our challenge, we have to think how can we carry it out in a way that we don’t get tired out.

4 We need to use the כוחות הנפש, which are character traits that are etched deep into our psyches, and are thus ever-present.

5 1. Desire for honor. 2. Desire for recognition 3. The tendency to conform to peer pressure 4. Desire for money

6 Answers will vary.


1 He has to clear his mind of all foreign thoughts and just keep going, focusing on nothing but the end goal.

2 He has to realize that the yetzer horah, the evil inclination, hates nothing more than for a person to succeed in life and therefore as soon as he sees that a person is onto a good thing he will plague the person with doubts.

3 Chushim was the only son of Dan, yet Dan became the largest shevet in Yisrael--all from Chushim.

4 Answers will vary.

Page 4: ANSWER KEYS - Amazon Web Services · ANSWER KEYS for SUCCESS . 2 INTRODUCTION 1 Deer--Run Lion--Mighty Eagle--Light Leopard--Bold 2 Eliyahu Hanavi said that a Jew is able to attain



1 It takes the inner strength of the lion to not let go of your project until its been finished in the best possible way.

2 ...until it’s finished in the best possible way measuring up to the highest possible standards.

3 No one likes unfinished business hovering over their shoulders, therefore they will hurry to finish a project.


1 We would be so shocked we would drop dead.

2 The knowledge that we have so much potential will bring us to fulfill it.

3 Bold as a leopard: not to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task, but to tackle it head-on.

Light as an eagle: Think what character trait he is going to use that will keep him motivated for years to come.

Swift as a gazelle: Keep running, not to let the evil inclination put him off track.

Mighty as a lion: Not let go of his project until he has finished it in the most beautiful and regal level possible.

Page 5: ANSWER KEYS - Amazon Web Services · ANSWER KEYS for SUCCESS . 2 INTRODUCTION 1 Deer--Run Lion--Mighty Eagle--Light Leopard--Bold 2 Eliyahu Hanavi said that a Jew is able to attain


Page 6: ANSWER KEYS - Amazon Web Services · ANSWER KEYS for SUCCESS . 2 INTRODUCTION 1 Deer--Run Lion--Mighty Eagle--Light Leopard--Bold 2 Eliyahu Hanavi said that a Jew is able to attain