Answer in yes or no for Interview skills




Transcript of Answer in yes or no for Interview skills

  • 1. Use BOLD or Underline forsection headings.
  • 2. Use short phrases, not long andcomplex sentences.
  • 3. Your Resume` should go overone page.
  • 4. Include your whole lifeshistory.
  • 5. Print your resume on high quality 8 by 11 paper.
  • 6. Use fancy fonts.
  • 7. Include a picture or otherartwork.
  • 8. Include your age, height,weight, date of birth, maritalstatus, sex, ethnicity, health,religion, or political affiliations.
  • 9. Include descriptive terms thatinclude supportive facts andfigures.
  • 10. Include personal references.
  • 11. Make your resume clear,concise and easy to read.
  • 12. Include references availableupon requests.
  • 13. Emphasize your strongestqualifications.
  • 14. Include more that 10 years ofemployment history.
  • 15. List job titles, dates, cities andstates.
  • 16. Use passive words.
  • 17. Use colorful paper instead ofwhite, buff or beige is standard.
  • 18. Send your resume with a coverletter.
  • 19. Strive to make a goodimpression.
  • 20. Lie to the interviewer. Your aimis to get a job.
  • 21. Include personal information.
  • 22. Utilize action words.
  • 23. List your most recentjob/educational experiencefirst.
  • 24. Ask 2 friends or colleagues toproof read your resume.
  • 25. Create a resume tailored to thejob you are after.
  • 26. Use personal pronouns likeI, my or me
  • 27. Include salary information.
  • 28. Focus on accomplishments,skills, and results.
  • 29. Make contacting you easy. (i.e.)consider including home &office telephone numbers.
  • 30. Admit you were laid off or firedfrom your last position. Youneed the job badly.
  • 31. Keep your resume up-to-date.You never know whenopportunity may comeknocking.
  • 32. Title your resume as Resumestart with your full name.
  • 33. Use word processing and spellcheckers.
  • 34. Mail or fax even if email is anoption.