ANSI Color Codes

ANSI Color Codes Why are the ANSI color codes important? What does the yellow background mean? The yellow background signifies that the piping may handle hazardous material. Unfortunately, much has changed in the typical plant over the last 70 years since this standard was originally conceived. The basic standard can be traced to the 1920's and use in the US military. Obviously, our definitions for what is "hazardous" has changed. Water, air or carbon dioxide, under certain situations (pressure, heat, mixture with other chemicals) are not always benign. How do we interpret, for example, materials that should be used for "fire quenching" that are also "hazardous"? Should we use the red or the yellow ANSI scheme? Or, how do we label a pipe that carries both the liquid (which should be green) and gas form of a chemical (which should be blue)? Hazards, in other words, are not so easily defined. "Hazardous" may mean that the material is hazardous to a person nearby, or to the operation of the overall plant itself. Could "hazardous" mean that the materials flowing through the process piping, if not handled carefully, could contaminate the product. Or, if leaked into the atmosphere, could the chemical infect the environment or cause damage to employees after cumulative exposure over a period of years? Clearly, the ANSI standard was written for far simpler times. Color Std Meaning Example Red APWA Electric Power Lines, Cables, Conduit and Lighting Cables Buried High Voltage Line Yellow APWA Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum or Gaseous Materials Natural Gas Distribution Line Orange APWA Communication, Alarm or Signal Lines, Cables or Conduit Buried Fiber Optic Cable Blue APWA Water, Irrigation and Slurry Lines Buried Water Line Green APWA Sewers, Drain Line Buried Storm Sewer Line Red Traffic Prohibition STOP, Yield Orange Traffic Temporary Work Zone Construction Zone Ahead Yellow Traffic Caution Merge Ahead, Slow Blue Traffic Information Signs Hospital Brown Traffic Historical or Park Picnic Area Ahead Green Traffic Directional Signs Exit 1 Mile, Go Red ANSI Sign Danger Signs, Highest Hazard Hazardous Voltage Will Cause Death Orange ANSI Sign Warning Signs, Medium Hazard Hazardous Voltage May Cause Death Yellow ANSI Sign Caution Signs, Lowest Hazard Turn Machine Off When Not In Use Blue ANSI Sign Notice Signs Employees Only Green ANSI Sign Safety First Signs Wear Ear Plugs Red ANSI Pipe Fire Quenching Materials Fire Protection Water Yellow ANSI Pipe Materials Inherently Hazardous Chlorine Blue ANSI Pipe Materials of Inherently Low Hazard, Gas Compressed Air ANSI Color Codes 1 of 2 27-05-2015 15:23



Transcript of ANSI Color Codes

  • ANSI Color Codes

    Why are the ANSI color codes important? What does the yellow background mean?

    The yellow background signifies that the piping may handle hazardous material.Unfortunately, much has changed in the typical plant over the last 70 years since thisstandard was originally conceived. The basic standard can be traced to the 1920's and use inthe US military. Obviously, our definitions for what is "hazardous" has changed. Water, air orcarbon dioxide, under certain situations (pressure, heat, mixture with other chemicals) are notalways benign. How do we interpret, for example, materials that should be used for "firequenching" that are also "hazardous"? Should we use the red or the yellow ANSI scheme?Or, how do we label a pipe that carries both the liquid (which should be green) and gas formof a chemical (which should be blue)?

    Hazards, in other words, are not so easily defined. "Hazardous" may mean that the materialis hazardous to a person nearby, or to the operation of the overall plant itself. Could"hazardous" mean that the materials flowing through the process piping, if not handledcarefully, could contaminate the product. Or, if leaked into the atmosphere, could thechemical infect the environment or cause damage to employees after cumulative exposureover a period of years? Clearly, the ANSI standard was written for far simpler times.

    Color Std Meaning Example

    Red APWA Electric Power Lines, Cables, Conduitand Lighting Cables Buried High Voltage Line

    Yellow APWA Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum orGaseous MaterialsNatural Gas DistributionLine

    Orange APWA Communication, Alarm or SignalLines, Cables or Conduit Buried Fiber Optic Cable

    Blue APWA Water, Irrigation and Slurry Lines Buried Water LineGreen APWA Sewers, Drain Line Buried Storm Sewer LineRed Traffic Prohibition STOP, YieldOrange Traffic Temporary Work Zone Construction Zone AheadYellow Traffic Caution Merge Ahead, SlowBlue Traffic Information Signs HospitalBrown Traffic Historical or Park Picnic Area AheadGreen Traffic Directional Signs Exit 1 Mile, Go

    Red ANSISign Danger Signs, Highest HazardHazardous Voltage WillCause Death

    Orange ANSISign Warning Signs, Medium HazardHazardous Voltage MayCause Death

    Yellow ANSISign Caution Signs, Lowest HazardTurn Machine Off WhenNot In Use

    Blue ANSISign Notice Signs Employees Only

    Green ANSISign Safety First Signs Wear Ear Plugs

    Red ANSIPipe Fire Quenching Materials Fire Protection Water

    Yellow ANSIPipe Materials Inherently Hazardous Chlorine

    Blue ANSIPipeMaterials of Inherently Low Hazard,Gas Compressed Air

    ANSI Color Codes

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  • Green ANSIPipeMaterials of Inherently Low Hazard,Liquid Storm Drain

    Blue/Red/Yellow NFPA701Blue is used for Health Hazards, Red for Flammability and Yellowfor reactivity

    Variations in color-coding standards are inevitable in our complex plant and pluralistic society.While laudable, harmonization of color-codes, then, will be very difficult to achieve. Manyplants use other color-coding; for example, color-code each system (i.e. Lube Oil is brown,Condensate is green, etc.>) or color code by Unit (i.e. Unit 1 is yellow, Unit 2 is blue, etc.).For most plants, we recommend either the ANSI pipe marker color codes or simply black onyellow markers. For more complex plants, we recommend a color-coding by system. For allenvironments, we recommend the inclusion of RTK information on the valve or on the pipe.

    ANSI Color Code for Thermocouple and Thermocouple Extension Wire

    ANSISymbol Wire Alloys Polarity

    Thermocouple WireColor

    T/C Extension WireColor

    Individual Jacket Individual Jacket

    J IronConstantan(TM)+JP-JN

    WhiteRed Brown

    WhiteRed Black


    YellowRed Brown

    YellowRed Yellow

    T CopperConstantan(TM)+TP-TN

    BlueRed Brown

    BlueRed Blue

    E CHROMEL*Constantan(TM)+EP-EN

    PurpleRed Brown

    PurpleRed Purple

    N Nicrosil(TM)Nisil(TM)+NP-NN

    OrangeRed Brown

    OrangeRed Orange

    RSX CopperCopper Alloy+RSP-RSN - -

    BlackRed Green

    BX PCLW630/CopperCopper+BP-BN - -

    GreyRed Grey


    Alloy 203; Alloy 405Alloy 225; Alloy 426

    +WP-WN - -

    White/RedRed White/Red

    * CHROMEL and ALUMEL are registered rademarks of Hoskins Manufacturing Company. PMC Corporation reserves the right tosubstitute equivalent product to CHROMEL and ALUMEL at any time.For additional information see Bare Wire Data Sheet

    2006 Pro-Tech Systems Group. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.

    ANSI Color Codes

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