Another World

another world. objective self-fashioning and anorexia.

Transcript of Another World

  • 1. another world. objective self-fashioningand anorexia.

2. There are 925 million people starving in this world and 10 million Americans 3. another. 4. In 2009 I joined that world. 5. January 3rd, 2010I never thought I would be. I knew the signs, I understood the conceptof it. I thought Its not happening to me. But the thing is, its so gradual, so insidious in its approach, that onlyafter it has you firmly in its grip do you realize how dangerously faryouve fallen.I went from weighing 110 pounds in May to weighing 89 in December. 85 in January.Its a subtle trap. Ive always been insecure about my body, then I began getting in shape, exercising daily and trying to eat healthier. It became a mindset, a habit, and I was pleased when I started to look sleeker, more fit. Who wouldnt be? In our culture, thin is in.I was thin. 6. January 3rd, 2010I never thought I would be. I knew the signs, I understood the conceptof it. I thought Its not happening to me. But the thing is, its so gradual, so insidious in its approach, that onlyafter it has you firmly in its grip do you realize how dangerously faryouve fallen.I went from weighing 110 pounds in May to weighing 89 in December. 85 in January.Its a subtle trap. Ive always been insecure about my body, then I began getting in shape, exercising daily and trying to eat healthier. It became a mindset, a habit, and I was pleased when I started to look sleeker, more fit. Who wouldnt be? In our culture, thin is in.I was thin. 7. According to the American Psychological Association, AnorexiaNervosa is a disorder in which individuals believe theyre fat evenwhen theyre dangerously thin and restrict their eating to thepoint of starvation. 8. According to the American Psychological Association, AnorexiaNervosa is a disorder in which individuals believe theyre fat evenwhen theyre dangerously thin and restrict their eating to thepoint of starvation. Why? 9. Insecure about my body80% of American women are dissatisfied withtheir appearance.Most fashion models are thinner than 98% of American women. 10. A subtle trap For females 15-24 years old who suffer fromanorexia nervosa, the mortality rate associatedwith the illness is twelve times higher than themortality rate of all other causes of death.Anorexia has the highest premature fatality rate of any mental illness. 11. a mindset, a habit 42% of 1st-3rd grade girls want to be thinner.81% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat.46% of 9-11 year olds are sometimes or very often on diets. 25% of American men and 45% of American women are on a diet on any given day. 12. In our culture, thin is inLeft to right: Angelina Jolie, Lindsay Lohan, Audrey Hepburn 13. The ideal beauty of a given culture is that which is rare or difficult to achieve.The media sensationalizes extremes and black-boxesless obvious manifestations of the disorder. This means 14. Its not happening to me I never faint. I get my period. I eat regular meals. My hair isnt falling out.I dont feel any different.I dont exercise excessively.This isnt happening to me.Theyre overreacting 15. another worldAnorexia is life with a measuring cup and a calculator byyour side and eventually in your head.The problem was, what you were writing down wasnt what you were eating. 10 macaroni noodles isnt two tablespoons.15 peas isnt one-fourth of a cup. Why wont everyone leave me alone? Im eating! See!Watch me eat! I dont look any different than I did before 16. What are we hearing? 17. You looked pretty when you were thin.Youre more of aturnip-shape than she is.Would you rather be a whale or amermaid? 18. What are we saying? 19. I need to go to the gym, Im soooo fat. Oh I dont eat that. It makes you fat.I need to lose fifteen or twenty pounds before I canwear that. 20. Speak for yourself.And let others do the same. 21. Thats what makes anorexia so damn frightening: only you can truly save yourself, and most of the time you dont want to. 22. CreditsGenevieve Cecil ANTH120, Dennison Fall 2011 Image credits: Google Statistics: (General) Starvation statistic: http://www.worldhunger.orgInterviews: Laurie Conteh, Dr. Suzanne Bates, Melanie Cecil,Genevieve Cecil