Annual Report.doc




Transcript of Annual Report.doc

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M. Christine McGahan, Professor and Department Head

Prepared May 2009


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Table of Contents


Departmental Report

3 I. Changes in Environment

3 II. Compact Plan

3 III. Diversity

3 IV. Instructional Program

9 V. Faculty

17 VI. Students

18 VII. Research

19 VIII. Administration and Staff

19 IX. Recommendations and concerns for the future

20 X. The University’s Five Focus Areas

23 Appendix I List of Faculty/EPA Employees Including Graduate Students

27 Appendix II List of Administrative and Staff Personnel

28 Appendix III Courses Offered by Departmental Faculty Including DVM courses Presented by Departmental Faculty and Graduate Courses Offered by and Participated in by Departmental Faculty

31 Appendix IV Clinical Service Offered by Departmental Faculty

33 Appendix V Publications, Presentations, Intellectual Property by Departmental Faculty

61 Appendix VI Professional Activities by Departmental Faculty (Includes Memberships on Research Grant and Study Reviews, Memberships on Editorial Boards, and Ad hoc Manuscript Reviews, Committee Memberships within MBS, CVM, NCSU, and National Committees

73 Appendix VII Research Grants Awarded to Departmental Faculty


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I. Change in Environment

Faculty retirement: N/A

Faculty resignations: Linda Martin; Assistant Professor of Cell Biology; July 1, 2008Anthony Pease; Assistant Professor of Radiology; September 2, 2008Doodipala Reddy; Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Pharmacology; July 2, 2008

Faculty hires: Gabriela Seiler; Associate Professor of Radiology; appointment begins July 1, 2009.

We currently have one faculty position open for identified needs in Pharmacology. We are unsure about whether we will be allowed to recruit for this position because of the current budget situation. We have already lost the Stem Cell position that we had begun recruitment for last year.

We are anticipating serious budget cuts at the State level which will negatively impact the department. At this point in time we do not know how much of our budget is in jeopardy. This will be a major challenge for the Department and College moving forward.

II. Compact Plan: For 2008-2010 the Compact Plan was developed at the College level.

III. Diversity

Kenneth Adler has been awarded a supplement to his NIH grant for “underrepresented minorities” for Ms. Teresa Green, a graduate student in his laboratory.

Prema Arasu, within context of diversity strategies as defined by NCSU Office of Diversity, (, has: helped coordinate outreach seminars focused on livestock production/biofuels/health with NCSU faculty and students and external stakeholders (through USDA funded award; teamed with CVM Faculty Maria Correa and Isabel Gimeno and CALS faculty Vivek Fellner and Ratna Sharma); served as advisor for newly formed “Minority Association for Pre-Medical Students” Fall 2008; in the process, Dr. Arasu consulted with Dr. Anita Flick and we agreed that this group of students was better served by coming under the umbrella of the NCSU Pre-Health Club. From this experience, Dr. Arasu was also able to help College of Humanities and Social Sciences via Dean Jeff Braden to link with the Pre-Health Club and establish a new chapter for students interested in careers related to mental health (Dr. Arasu served only in facilitating role); served as advisor and coordinator for two undergraduate students interested in international health experiences - one worked with Public Health Foundation of India in New Delhi, India over the summer 2008; contributed to article on CVM women in science and health for regional news magazine, Women’s Edge; completed term (07/08) as advisor to university Graduate Student Association; served as NCSU representative to Research Triangle Global Coordinating Council (organized by RTRP Doug Aitkin/Ted Abernathy); serving on NCSU College of Management Biosciences Management/Industry (external) Advisory Board; connected NCSU CVM as a partner with the national Alliance for Oral Contraception of Cats and Dogs, and with the Global Alliance for Rabies Control.

Jill Barnes has contributed to improving diversity: Member, Ad-Hoc Diversity Committee (NCSU CVM); Attended “Advising students of color” workshop April 19; USDA, Veterinary Career Pathways Program, May 2008, mentored six minority students in the program in veterinary anatomy “short course”, consisted of 5 weeks of 7 hrs of instruction/week on the limbs/ thoracic cavity /head /abdominal cavity; SAVE program, NC A&T students, heart dissection lab; won the NCSU Faculty Diversity Award, 2009.

Gregg Dean participated in DVM admissions, molecular biology training program, DVM/PhD training program, and GAANN program. Recruited and hired undergraduate minority student, objective is to provide mentorship prior to application to DVM program and participated in ‘Advising students of color’’ workshop April 2008.

Troy Ghashghaei has hired and advised students, postdocs, and technicians from multiple ethnic backgrounds: Raul Salinas-Mordagon (Technician; Hispanic), Benjamin Jacquet (Ph.D. Student; Belgian), Jihey Lim (Postdoc;


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Korean), Atif Sheikh (undergraduate; Pakistani background), and Huixuan Liang (Ph.D student; Chinese). He also has an equal distribution of male-to-female ratio in the laboratory.

Jorge Piedrahita is a Co-PI in an NIH training grant to bring minority undergraduate and graduates into sciences (PI - Trudy McKay). Program is Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity (IMSD; He is a member of the steering committee and of the admission committee for this program. Dr. Piedrahita participated as a panel member for the BFF (Building Future Faculty) program.

Barbara Sherry serves on the Executive Committee for Expanding Your Horizons Workshops, Spring 2009. NCSU invites 400 seventh grade girls, with an emphasis on those from under-represented groups, to participate in a single-day conference to encourage their pursuit of scientific careers. Dr. Sherry organized participation of 60 -100 of the girls at the College of Veterinary Medicine, for workshops developed by colleagues. We scheduled a record 9 workshops at the College of Veterinary Medicine for March 3rd 2009, but unfortunately the conference was cancelled the day before due to snow!

IV. Instructional Program Initiatives including curriculum development and program review

Curriculum Development

MBS faculty are actively involved in the ongoing curricular review and revision. Efforts have been made by faculty to develop and introduce teaching innovations to enhance student problem-solving and communication abilities. This is particularly evident in the selective courses taught at the end of each semester, which provide a variety of offerings, which expand flexibility in the curriculum and new and varied experiences for students.

We are continuing to work on changes within existing courses to incorporate molecular medicine into the curriculum. We are continuing to work on the Physiology course (VMA 913 and 923) to include genomics and molecular medicine concepts, as well as to better align the subject matter in order to match more closely with Anatomy.

Prema Arasu participated in CVM sub-committee (FCCCE, Subgroup Core led by Dr. Jennifer Neel) on CVM core curriculum reform/assessment. She formed working group to develop a public heatlh focus/courses/track at the undergraduate level at NCSU; applied for sponsorship and was awarded paid slot to attend the July 2008 AACU “The Educated Citizen and Public health” workshop in Crystal City, Virgina/DC (helped obtain matching support from Provost's office and attended workshop together with Dr. Maria Correa, CVM; Gerry Luginbuhl, CALS; Maxine Thompson, CHASS). Our efforts have culminated in the development of the first course, GPH 201, Global Public health, which will be offered by the Dept of Biology, CALS, as an inquiry course in Fall 2009. The second course proposed is a basic course in epidemiology/biostatistics. She formed working group across 6 colleges to develop a Master’s in Development Practice (similar to International Development); co-wrote and submitted pre-proposal to MacArthur Foundation for funds to establish the program with Dr. Heidi Hobbs. We were invited to submit a full proposal but decided to partner with TERI India and other global partners for a stronger application; pending decision on support (Lead at NCSU will be Dr. Heidi Hobbs, Director of the Master in International Studies, CHASS); proposal pending. Dr. Arasu is also working with Heidi Hobbs to develop a professional science master's focused on international development (bridging life sciences, natural sciences, social sciences and management). New course at Ohio State University based on 1 week selective "International Veterinary Medicine" at NC State University CVM. Dr. Arasu delivered a guest lecture on Dec 15, 2008, by videoconference to veterinary students at Ohio State University (course coordinator Dr. Wondwossen Gebreyes).

Jill Barnes is developing a summer workshop “Canine Anatomy” designed to aid in transition of incoming freshman students into the professional program.

Matthew Breen is serving his third year on the FCCCE, which has begun a complete reevaluation of the DVM curriculum at NC State. The activities of this committee required a considerable effort as we moved toward a faculty driven outline for change.

Gregg Dean has developed comparative medicine and translational research training program for specialty trained post-DVM PhD candidates.


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Lloyd Fleisher is an ex officio member of the CVM Curriculum Committee, he has been actively involved in a major revision of the Veterinary teaching curriculum. Dr. Fleisher also serves on a subcommittee charged with devising novel testing paradigms for the new curriculum.

John Gadsby wrote 2 new lectures “Introduction to Endocrine Pharmacology” and “Drugs affecting Reproduction”, and presented them in VMB933 Veterinary Pharmacology as a guest lecturer, Fall 2008.

Troy Ghashghaei initiated the development of a new format of teaching the Neurophysiology portion of the Physiology course in the first year DVM curriculum.

Jon Horowitz developed and was the course coordinator of a new four credit graduate course “CBS771: Cancer Biology” that was completed by thirteen students in the Fall of 2008. This course was taught by six professors, two from MBS and four from the Dept. of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, and received very strong evaluations from participating students. Dr. Horowitz wrote and presented 40% of the lectures in this course.

Lola Hudson - development/initiation of a new on line course in conjunction with Drs. Klesath (Zoology), Hardie, and our medical illustrator. This course is intended to ascertain that incoming students have a certain level of anatomical knowledge and medical terminology before they enter the rigorous professional curriculum. This course was offered in summer of 2008 and Dr. Klesath has received grade information from Dr. Hudson on the veterinary classes being compared for statistical analysis.

Chris McGahan continues to redesign curriculum in Veterinary Physiology.

Mark Papich serves on the College Curriculum Committee (FCCCE) (term started in the fall of 2007) as the department representative. This committee has been charged with reviewing, reorganizing, and proposing changes in the DVM curriculum to better prepare our future veterinarians. This committee meets every two weeks and the focus on curriculum evaluation will continue into next year.

In 2009, Dr. Papich published a new edition of a long-standing textbook for teaching veterinary pharmacology. He was one of the editors for the book, Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA, 1524 pages; 2009. This book is now in its 9th edition and is a standard textbook for teaching veterinary pharmacology to students.

In 2009, Dr. Papich was one of the consulting editors for the book, Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV, edited by Bonagura JD & Twedt DC, Saunders-Elsevier. This book is a widely-cited clinical textbook used by students, now in its 14th edition.

Lysa Posner serves on the subcommittee for PBL (Problem Based Learning), 2008-2009.

Ian Roberston’s ongoing improvement of VMB 976 course, for which he is the supervisor, involved generating extensive online quiz material via Blackboard Vista and generating other self directed learning resources.

Korinn Saker participated in meetings and discussion groups here at NCSU-CVM pertaining to development of the Wellness Training Program for DVM students. Dr. Saker also participated in the Deans Forum – Innovations in Education (November 2008) to discuss important issues that impact the veterinary curriculum.

Cliff Swanson was an invited participant and facilitator, AAVMC Educational Symposium, Washington DC, March 13-15, 2008.

Jeff Yoder, as course director for CBS565 Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences, over the past 4 years, has gained an appreciation for the different educational backgrounds that the incoming CBS graduate students bring with them. It became clear that many students lacked an understanding of multiple standard cellular and molecular methods used in biomedical research. As co-course directors, Dr. Matthew Breen and Dr. Jeff Yoder have developed a new 1-credit graduate course to be offered every fall starting in 2009 (currently waiting approval from the Administrative Board of the Graduate School). This course, CBS570, Methods in Biomedical Sciences, will provide a 1 hr lecture each week on a variety of standard methods. Dr. Yoder will be providing


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lectures on DNA/RNA/protein analyses, PCR, cloning cDNAs, expression constructs, transgenesis, gene “knock-out” models and flow cytometry.

Dr. Yoder, as course director for CBS565 Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences, over the past 4 years, has concluded that the overall course topics and lecture schedule in CBS565 needed to be rethought and reorganized. At a meeting of the teaching faculty for this course, it was agreed that more focus and continuity was needed for the lecture topics and a task force committee was appointed. When this committee met, it was agreed that each of the 5 Concentration Areas within CBS (Cell Biology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Infectious Disease and Population Medicine) should have equal representation in this course. Thus each Concentration Area Leader will be responsible for deciding the 4-5 lecture topics to be included in CBS565 and will identify the appropriate faculty members to present the lectures in this course. We will be implementing these modifications in the fall of 2009.

Clinician Scientist Focus Area (CSFA) has been a departmental initiative which continues to develop and grow.

Prema Arasu - served as Chair, Steering Committee, One Health Intellectual Exchange Group - committee convened in September 2008; inaugural seminar in January 2009 with subsequent, one seminar a month held at NC Biotechnology Center, targeting students in veterinary and human medicine ( as well as graduate students, public health) from NCSU, Duke, UNC. Dr. Arasu was responsible for selecting topics and speakers.

Matthew Breen is the leader of the Clinician Scientist Focus area and as such has continued to identify research oriented DVM students that could be encouraged to become involved in research activities at NCSU. Dr. Breen meet with the enrolled CSFA students one:one on a regular basis to gauge their feel for the program and to monitor their progress in the research aspects of their DVM program.

Gregg Dean provided a research experience as a selective for Austin Duncan a freshman DVM student.

John Gadsby, coordinator (and presenter) of “Research in Reproduction” research day within the one week “Introduction to Research at CVM” selective (VMB 990D) – Fall 2008.

Korinn Saker developed a feline mammary gland organ culture system to evaluate chemotherapeutic and selected nutrients. Dr. Saker also developed and procured funding for two educational programs in Clinical Nutrition. i) IAMS Rotating Nutrition Internship – a 1-year internship training in small animal disciplines as well as small animal clinical nutrition. Initial funding is for 2 years. ii) Nestle Purina Clinical Nutrition Residency – a 2-year clinical training program here at NCSU-CVM.

Introduction to Research at the CVM“Introduction to Research at the CVM” (VMB 991D) is offered in the fall semester as a one-week selective and will be required for all students interested in the CSFA. Students are expected to take this selective in the fall of the 1st yr of the DVM curriculum. This selective will be open to any student interested in exploring the possibility of choosing the CSFA. All three departments participate in this Focus Area.

In this selective, mentors in the different areas of clinical and basic research experience will present a summary of ongoing projects in their laboratories. This selective will be divided into identifiable areas of research based on the group of participating mentors (i.e. oncology, neurology, therio, etc., ideally combining both basic and clinical aspects of research), with each group responsible for presenting their area of interest to the students. Students will be required to interview briefly with three potential mentors during the time of the selective. Students will also be required to prepare a personal statement indicating their personal and academic goals, their reasons for choosing the CSFA, and their reasons for pursuing a particular mentor opportunity.

OtherSelectives will be chosen based upon the career goals and research interests of the individual student, in consultation with their primary mentor and committee. Students are encouraged, although not required, to take additional research-related selectives (i.e. Molecular Medicine Initiative selectives such as Trangenics, Developmental Toxicology and Teratology and VMB 992E Biomedical Research Experience).

Students choosing the Clinician Scientist Focus Area (CSFA) will also declare a clinical interest (equine, small animal, pathology, food animal, mixed animal, epidemiology and public health, laboratory animal) that will give


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them priority in clinical rotation scheduling equal to that of students declaring a specific clinical focus area. The clinical interest must be declared by the end of the second year. Alternatively, CSFA students may, in consultation with their guidance committee, create a required list of clinical senior rotations. CSFA students will then be given top priority for these rotations. This list much also be completed and approved by the guidance committee by the end of the second year.

The following MBS Faculty members are available as mentors in this program:

Arasu, Prema Degrees/expertise: PhD, DVM We use dog hookworm parasite as our model to study host-pathogen interactions and developmental aspects of the hookworm nematode. Research in the lab spans the breadth of clinical, animal-based questions to basic research approaches using genomics, molecular biology, immunology, cell biology and the mouse model. For example, one project in the lab is focused on the pregnancy-induced reactivation and transmammary transmission of hookworm infection to nursing puppies. What is the signaling mechanism between the underlying molecular mechanisms and identify strategies of preventing this route of pathogen transmission?

Barnes, Jill Degrees/expertise: DVM, PhD My laboratory investigates the role of stress protein expression and it's impact on the development and treatment of breast cancer. Students would be exposed to a number of cellular and molecular techniques such as cell culture, transfections, DNA, RNA and protein isolation, real-time PCR, Western analysis, reporter assays and flow cytometry/cell cycle analysis.

Breen, Matthew Degrees/expertise: PhD, C Biol, MI Biol Chromosome aberrations are hallmarks of the instability of the tumor genome. Our research program is focused on the cytogenetics of canine cancers. In particular we have developed molecular cytogenetic tools and reagents that allow us to interrogate canine tumors (individual tumor cells and tumor cell populations) to reveal recurrent chromosome aberrations. We work closely with clinicians and pathologists so that we are able to correlate cytogenetic findings with clinical features such as tumor subtype, tumor progression, response to therapy etc. In this way we have begun to identify chromosome changes in canine cancers that have both diagnostic and prognostic significance. As a consequence we are a) working towards offering the clinician a means by which to improve the sophistication of clinical management of dogs with cancer and b) developing a better understanding of the genes involved in cancer initiation and progression, which may ultimately lead to improved therapies.

Dean, Gregg Degrees/expertise: DVM, PhD, DACVP Students will be exposed to in vitro and in vivo work. Mice and cats are used to evaluate immunological responses to novel vaccine strategies and cats are used in the study of feline immunodeficiency virus. Students may be involved in collecting and processing samples, immunological and virologic assays, and numerous molecular techniques. Specific assays may include flow cytometry, ELISA, ELISpot, western blot, cloning, PCR, bacterial culture, cell culture, and bioassays.

Gadsby, John Degrees/expertise: PhD Students could be exposed to animal surgeries (ovariectomies and ovarian infusions), tissue dissociation, cell isolation/separation and cell culture, steroid and peptide hormone analysis (RIA or ELISA), enzyme activity (protein kinase C) assays, mRNA extraction and analysis by RT-PCR, protein extraction and analysis by Western blotting, microarray analysis and possibly RNA interference (in the near future). Specifically he could partner with Theriogenology (he already collaborates with Carlos Pinto) or Swine (he also collaborates with Glen Almond) faculty.

McGahan, Chris Degrees/expertise: PhD The focus of my laboratory is the study of the metabolism of iron in ocular tissues. We are investigating iron uptake and storage in lens and retinal pigmented epithelial cells. These investigations include measurements of a labile pool of iron within the cytoplasm that is thought to be available for participation in generation of free radicals and subsequent cellular damage. It is therefore essential to understand the regulation of the size of this pool, which at this point is almost completely unknown. We are also determining how alterations in the subunit composition of the iron storage protein, ferritin, affect iron storage and the size of the labile iron pool. Tied in with these basic studies of iron movement within cells are investigations into iron’s roles in regulating basic metabolic pathways, including the production of the excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate. The clinical importance of


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understanding iron metabolism in the eye is underscored by the fact that dysregulation of iron metabolism and resulting free radical damage have been implicated in cataract formation and in retinal degeneration.

Piedrahita, Jorge Degrees/expertise: PhD Dr. Piedrahita's laboratory is primarily interested in understanding the role of imprinted genes in embryo development and in disease, and in the development of transgenic animals for use in human and veterinary medicine, and in agriculture. Towards this end, his laboratory combines techniques in functional genomics, cell biology, embryo manipulation, and molecular biology. Specifically, students would be introduced to a range of recombinant DNA, and genomic technologies as they relate to a clinically-relevant phenotype.

Contributions to Selectives:

Prema Arasu, Course coordinator for International Veterinary Medicine, 1 week selective, Fall 2008; Course coordinator for “Animal Acupuncture: China”, two week course at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, May 2008.

Makoto Asakawa supervised first, second and third year students in anesthesia selective.

Matthew Breen re-offered the full week selective, “Introduction to Research at the CVM” (VMB991D), providing a group of 15 DVM students with a ‘taster’ of the range of research activities ongoing at the CVM. The course is team-taught and covers a variety of research exposures. Dr. Breen met with the class each day and spent time reviewing the course, which allows the development of a good rapport with the students. At the end of the week we have a frank discussion about the good and bad aspects of the course and this session also serves to identify those students who have developed a real thirst for research. Dr. Breen arranged to meet with these students in the following weeks and then seek to match them with a faculty mentor who will help them gain more experience with their developing research interest.

Nigel Campbell, VMC 992Z Active Learning in the VTH (students become an active member of the Clinical Anesthesia Service for 2 weeks).

John Gadsby, coordinator (and presenter) of “Research in Reproduction” research day within the one week “Introduction to Research at CVM” selective (VMB 990D) – Fall 2008.

Jon Horowitz presented a single hour-long lecture in an ongoing selective (VMB 991E Section 004: Transgenics).

Nanette Nascone-Yoder, VMB 992 - Developmental Toxicology and Teratology.

Jorge Piedrahita, VMB991E Transgenics, participating faculty; Reproductive Selective, participating faculty.

Lysa Posner, VMC 991 Primate Medicine, Anesthetic concerns for Primates, 1 hr, April 2008

Korinn Saker, developed the syllabus and course program for: Advanced Small Animal Clinical Nutrition – offered in Fall 2008 and Spring 2009, and Equine Nutrition – offered Spring 2009.

Ed Smallwood continues to offer and teach VMB 991G, Avian Anatomy.

Jeff Yoder, VMB991E Transgenics, course director; VMC991Q Fish Medicine, participating faculty.

A listing of courses presented by MBS faculty in the professional curriculum and graduate courses presented by MBS faculty can be found in Appendix III (p. 28).

MBS Selectives taught by MBS faculty

Faculty Semester TitleBreen Fall Introduction to Research at the CVM (VMB991D)Khosla Fall Histologic Techniques in Health (VMB991B)


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Arasu Fall//Spring International Veterinary Medicine (VMP991Y)Arasu Fall/Spring International Veterinary Medicine Experience (VMB991S)Hudson Spring Veterinary Medicine and Farriery (VMB991I)Nordone Spring Immunodiagnostics (VMB991B)Smallwood Spring Avian Anatomy & Physiology (VMB991G)Yoder Spring Transgenics (VMB991E)

Program Reviews

MBS faculty are actively involved in the ongoing curricular review and revision. Efforts have been made by faculty to develop and introduce teaching innovations to enhance student problem-solving and communication abilities. This is particularly evident in the selective courses taught at the end of each semester, which provide a variety of offerings, which expand flexibility in the curriculum and new and varied experiences for students.

V. Faculty


Accomplishments of MBS faculty have been recognized at national, international, state and campus levels. Documentation of several faculty invitations and recognition’s of scholarly activity, not included below, can be found in Appendix VI (p. 61) that includes memberships on editorial boards, ad hoc manuscript reviews, and membership on research grant and study reviews.

Kenneth Adler NIH NHLBI MERIT Award (5 R37 HL-36982): 2004 – 2014Prema Arasu Invited to serve on review panel for USDA International Science and Education

Program. Reviewed 15 proposals and spent two days in Washington D.C. for the final selection process (March 17-18, 2009).

Jill Barnes Nominated for the Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professorship Award for the CVMWinner NCSU Faculty Diversity Award

John Gadsby Chair of the Triangle Consortium for Reproductive Biology (TCRB) for 2009-2010. Major role is the organization of the 2010 annual meeting to be held at NIEHS, RTP, February 2010

Chris McGahan Member, National Advisory Eye CouncilARVO Fellow, Silver level, inducted April 2009

Shila Nordone Fort Dodge Research Scholar 2007- September 2008Mark Papich Huffman Leadership Award, in recognition of outstanding contributions to NC State

University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2008.Pfizer Award for Research Excellence, for outstanding achievement and dedication in the field of Veterinary Medicine, 2008.

Jorge Piedrahita NIH Study Section, DEV-1 NICHHD, Regular member, October 2006-2010Philip Sannes College recipient of the Board of Governors’ Award for Excellence in Teaching

Outstanding Teacher Award.Barbara Sherry Received the Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor award in May 2008 for

leadership efforts in helping to develop and lead the university-wide Genomic Sciences graduate program. There are only two of these awards presented each year across the entire university.

Accomplishments related to research efforts: (Does not include grants and publications which are listed in Appendix VII (p. 73) and Appendix V (p. 33).

Kenneth Adler - A start-up company (BioMarck) that has been licensed through the NCSU technology transfer office has developed a drug based on technology from his laboratory. The drug has been approved by the FDA and is to be tested


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in human patients suffering from chronic bronchitis starting at the end of April 2008. Phase 2a studies have been started and the first cohort of patients has been finished…data from this cohort will be available in four weeks (end of May).

Prema Arasu - Efforts are focused on building multidisciplinary teams (across NCSU colleges and building on life science strengths of CALS and CVM) in area of food safety and security, and zoonotic/emerging diseases.

Matthew Breen - During the current reporting period, continued to grow the lab and to explore means to engage other CVM faculty in a broader programmatic effort. As part of this initiative, was nominated and subsequently elected a full member of the UNC-CH Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. This status allowed application for funds through the UCRF mechanism which resulting is a collaborative grant being awarded to Dr. Kristy Richards (UNC), Dr. Steven Suter (DOCS), Dr. Alison Motsinger-Reif (Statistics) and Dr. Breen. This brought valuable UCRF dollars to the CVM and we anticipate that this funding will continue over the coming years. In addition to a number of ongoing funded projects in the lab, Dr. Breen has been awarded $530,000 in new extramural grant income during this annual reporting period. Research activity in this past year has led to 14 peer-reviewed publications in quality journals. On 11 of these Dr. Breen is the senior, co-senior or first author. During the reporting year work has been featured several time on the CVM and NCSU website and also picked up by the local and national media. Editorials/commentaries about recent published findings that human and dogs share evolutionarily conserved genomic changes in comparable cancers appeared in Nature Medicine and the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Gregg Dean - Determined dendritic cell function is compromised by FIV function. Identified strains of lactobacillus that can be used to induce tolerance and others that can be used as vaccine vectors. Cloned two autoantigens associated with canine blistering skin disease. Determined effect or regulatory T cells on FIV disease pathogenesis.

John Gadsby - Major progress made in a study designed to determine the temporal and spatial patterns of expression of Endothelin (ET)-1, Endothelin Converting Enzyme (ECE)-1 and ET-receptors (A & B) within the porcine CL throughout the estrous cycle. Major progress made in a study desigend to examine the role of protein kinase C (PKC) in the mechanism by which porcine CLs become sensitized to the luteolytic actions of PGF-2 in vivo and in vitro. Major progress was made in the study designed to determine the temporal and spatial patterns of expression of TGF- ligands, receptors and Smads in peri-ovulatory porcine follicles. These data suggest that LH and TGF- act together to promote luteinization of porcine follicles. Major progress was made in the study to determine the temporal and spatial patterns of expression of apoptosis-associated genes in the porcine CL throughout the estrous cycle. Major progress made in studies to examine the effects of uterine infectious disease on ovarian function in cattle: This NEW project initiated during Dr. Gadsby’s sabbatical leave in the lab.

Jon Horowitz - Co-coordinate a new high school, undergraduate, and graduate training program in cancer research (Jimmy V-NC State Cancer Therapeutics Training Program). This program has recruited four graduate students, four undergraduates, and four high school students, and these students are being trained in various aspects of cancer research. This novel training program has been featured on the NCSU home page, in the NCSU alumni magazine, in the NCSU graduate school's Results magazine, and the CVM magazine.

Lola Hudson - Continuation of NIH subcontract, submission of an R21 as PI, and submission (in preparation) of an administrative supplement subcontract, one manuscript published, and one submitted (first author). The latter was rejected and is being rewritten with reviewers’ comments and suggested additional experiments as a guide.

Chris McGahan - Received supplement to NIH grant #04900-27, to support the purchase of an hypoxia chamber which will allow for the development of preliminary data for the R01 competitive renewal in 2010.Three papers were presented at meetings this past year. Dr. Goralska presented a paper at the International Society for Eye Research meeting in Beijing and another paper at the Cell Biology meeting in New Orleans. Dr. McGahan presented a paper at the annual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology in Ft. Lauderdale.

Nanette Nascone-Yoder - Invited presentation at Southeast Regional Society for Developmental Biology meeting, April 2008, “Basolumenal endoderm intercalation: A geometrically unique execution of convergent extension during gut tube elongation”. Invited presentation at University of Miami, Biology Department Seminar Series, 2008, “Mechanisms of endoderm morphogenesis: a gut reaction”, Miami, FL.

Mark Papich - Fourteen new research manuscripts published in refereed journals. Five research abstracts were presented at National meetings and conferences and one was presented at the NCSU Annual Research Forum. In addition, four new research projects have been funded and two others submitted and are pending.


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Jorge Piedrahita - One active R10, one active R21 as PI, one active R21 as co-PI, an active USDA and a pending R01. Published four articles and two review papers this year. In addition, have two manuscript presently being reviewed (already submitted) and two in preparation. Given four invited presentations this year and have three additional invitations for the remaining of 2009. Two of those are international conferences.

Lysa Posner - Developed a model to study analgesic efficacy in teleost fish.

Philip Sannes - Recipient of NIH Director’s Bridge Award (R56).

Barbara Sherry - Invited to deliver a State-Of-The-Art platform presentation on Innate Immunity at the 27th annual American Society for Virology meeting, July 12-16, 2008, Cornell University, Ithaca NY.

Rachael Thomas - Received Morris Animal Foundation Established Investigator Funding Award in feline genomics – proposal ranked in 1st quartile. Successfully completed two-year Morris Animal Foundation First Award in feline genomics. Profiled as one of “Tomorrow’s PI’s” by Genome Technology Online. Elected as a full member of the Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research. Published five peer-reviewed papers, three as first author, two as second author. Two further first author papers in preparation (for imminent submission). Contributing author on five abstracts accepted for presentation at international canine genomics conference (one as first author, invited for an oral presentation). Exceeded self-assigned goal of analyzing 30 feline sarcoma cases by microarray-based technology (currently 42 cases). Identified potential new diagnostic factors for feline sarcoma. Developed novel feline injection-site sarcoma cell-line. Exceeded designated goal of analyzing 100 canine lymphoma cases by microarray-based technology (currently 124 cases). Developed and implemented revised protocols for genomic microarray analysis, resulting in significant cost and time saving and improved data quality and consistency. Published first insight into karyotypic conservation between canine and human brain tumors. Successfully guided undergraduate research assistant through laboratory component of honors research program. Continued training and supervision of graduate research assistant. Continued informal day-to-day responsibility for guiding and overseeing graduate research student. Continued role as informal technical advisor to laboratory personnel. Continued role as co-ordinator of clinical samples and data for canine lymphoma and brain tumor studies. Ad-hoc manuscript reviewer for Journal of Heredity and Veterinary Pathology. Invited reviewer of America Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation funding awards

Jeff Yoder - Trainer for NCSU/NIH “Biotechnology Training” Grant. Trainer for proposed CVM/NIH “Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Training Program for Veterinary Students” training grant.

Research Achievements and Honors of Trainees:

Kenneth Adler - Program Manager for cooperative agreement between NCSU and the U.S. EPA that provides support for numerous graduate students and postdoctoral trainees to work on collaborative projects between the 2 institutions.

Prema Arasu - Advisor to Rushil Patel, Undergraduate Honors Project - worked with her to review literature and write a paper on Zoonotics Diseases in the state of Gujarat as representative of the profile of zoonotic diseases in India. Dr. Arasu also provided Rushil Patel with the linkage for an externship at the Gujarat State Department of Health and participation in the Zoonotic Diseases workshop held in Delhi in June 2008.

Matthew Breen - Dr. Stephanie Montgomery (DVM Class of 2011) was awarded a Morris Animal Foundation Scholarship to allow her to work in the lab during the Summer of 2008. Dr. Montgomery will present her work at the MAF Annual Meeting in Denver, June 2009. Dr. Benoit Hedan (PostDoc in my lab) was selected as the 2009 Recipient of the Bob Kelley Young Investigator Award for his presentation at the international meeting Genes, Dogs, Cancer, Florida, 2009.

Gregg Dean - Rochelle Mikkelsen: Awarded Keystone Symposium Travel Scholarship and a platform presentation to the HIV Pathogenesis meeting, April 2008.

John Gadsby - Leah Zorrilla (fomer graduate student) has had one paper published, two papers submitted as first author and has one paper in press as co-author. Raja Sriperumbudur (former graduate student) has one paper in press as first author, and one submitted as co-author.

Jon Horowitz - An undergraduate trainee, Bridgid Hast, was accepted into graduate school at UNC-Chapel Hill and has already contributed to a manuscript published in Nature Medicine. A graduate trainee, Tae-Hyung Kim, has generated a


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series of transgenic mouse lines and is in the process of characterizing their phenotypes. A poster describing some of this work won second prize at the 2009 CVM Research Symposium. Mr. Kim was nominated as a trainee in the Jimmy V/NCSU Cancer Therapeutics Training Program and was accepted. A graduate trainee, Haifeng Yin, generated a conditional "knockout" mouse line and has characterized several extremely interesting phenotypes resulting from inactivation of the gene of interest. Mr. Yin will graduate with a PhD in 2009. A graduate trainee, Jianzhen Xie, characterized the expression of a gene of interest in early development and documented the differential expression of this gene in adult tissues. An undergraduate trainee, Tojan Rahhal, joined the laboratory, was nominated as a trainee in the Jimmy V/NCSU Cancer Therapeutics Training Program and was accepted.

Nanette Nascone-Yoder - Two undergraduate research students (Mandy Womble, Meredith Parr) presented posters at the NCSU Undergrad Research Symposium in April 2008. Mandy Womble won best poster award in the Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, and Cell Biology category. Both of these undergraduate students also presented their posters at a National Society for Developmental Biology meeting at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) in July 2008. Meredith Parr won the award for Best Undergraduate poster at this national meeting. Graduate student Stephanie Bloom presented a poster at the National Society for Developmental Biology meeting at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) in July 2008. Stephanie was selected to give an oral presentation at the annual CVM Research Symposium, and a platform (oral) presentation on her work at the Southeast Regional Society for Developmental Biology conference, University of Alabama (Birmingham, AL), March 2009. Graduate student Allison Morckel presented a poster on her work at the Southeast Regional Society for Developmental Biology conference, University of Alabama (Birmingham, AL), March 2009.

Mark Papich - Katherine Tolbert, Resident in Small Animal Internal Medicine, NCSU-CVM. Winner of the 2009 CGS/Waltham Research Grant competition. Awarded for the study “Efficacy of oral omeprazole formulations for the control of intragastric pH in dogs. Co-investigators (mentors), include Drs. S. Bissett, J, Gookin, and MG Papich. First place award at the ACVIM Forum, 2008 in Neurology to: Sarah Moore (Internal Medicine Resident) for her presentation: “The pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam in healthy dogs following single and multiple oral doses. [Abstract #83] 2008 ACVIM Forum, San Antonio, Texas. First place award at the ACVIM Forum, 2008 in Neurology to Dr. Dana Levine, Clinical Resident for her presentation, “Ronidazole pharmacokinetics in cats after IV administration and oral administration of an immediate release capsule and a colon-targeted delayed release tablet.” [Abstract #148] 2008 ACVIM Forum, San Antonio, Texas. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 22: 745, 2008. First place award also awarded by the AAVPT and ACVCP to Dr. Dana Levine for presentation listed above.

Lysa Posner - PI for project where Kristen Messenger (anesthesia resident) was awarded 2nd place in the CVM Research Forum (Pharmacokinetics of Transmucosal Buprenorphine in Horses).

Korinn Saker - Summer Fellowship student Adrianna Wilson’s abstract was accepted for oral presentation at the 2008 Nutrition Forum in St. Louis, MO. Expanded abstract is published in peer reviewed journal. Nutrition Intern, Julianne Davis’s abstract was accepted for oral presentation at the AAVN Clinical Nutrition & Research Symposium (in conjunction with ACVIM) in Montreal, CANADA.

Barbara Sherry - Jennifer Zurney’s (graduate student) publication in the March 2009 issue of Journal of Virology was selected as one of that issue's "Spotlights", which are "Articles of Significant Interest Selected from This Issue by the Editors" ( for the second time (a previous publication of hers was also selected for this honor).

Rachael Thomas - Katie Saylor (CALS, undergraduate research assistant 2007-2008) successfully completed undergraduate honors research project and has graduated cum laude, receiving a BS (Honors) in Biological Sciences with a minor in Genetics. Recruited to a highly regarded pharmaceuticals company with an offer of permanent employment.

Research Activities (Description of current/new research directions, development of new tools/reagents and new collaborations):

Kenneth Adler - Collaborative endeavors have been set up between my laboratory and numerous other labs throughout the country, including Duke, UNC-CH, NIEHS, EPA, UCLA, University of Pittsburgh, Dartmouth, etc.

Prema Arasu - Focus is on zoonotic diseases, food safety and the intersection of health with other disciplines (including agriculture, engineering, environment, communications, community development, etc.). P.I., USDA International Science and Education award, 2008-2012. Total $100,000. "Livestock production practices, biofuels, and environmental and


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public health: lessons with India". Collaboration with Drs. Vivek Fellner, Ratna Sharma (CALS) and Isabel Gimeno, Maria Correa (PHP). Co P.I., NSF Partners in International Research and Education, 'A Global FoodSafe Initiative', in partnership with Dr. Noel Greis, UNC School of Management/Kenan Institute, to develop a cyber-platform for food safety research, policy, course work. Pre-proposal submitted in January pending score and invitation to submit full proposal in June. Wrote joint proposal with Dr. Lisa Roberts, Head of Microbiology, University of Surrey, U.K. to conduct a joint NCSU/Surrey workshop on zoonotic diseases (funding by University of Surrey). As a result, three NCSU faculty will participate May 21-22, 2009 at Surrey (Gregg Dean, Gerry Luginbuhl/CALS and Prema Arasu). Served as NCSU reviewer for internal review and selection of 3 finalist NCSU pre-proposals for NSF PIRE grants (Partners in International Research and Education). P.I., USAID Higher Education Development proposal " Malawi: Promoting food and environmental security through integrated approaches and innovations in higher education": Co-PIs Daniel Robison, CNR and Rick Brandenburg, CALS. Proposal not funded. P.I. Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum proposal "Environment, Society and Development: Approaches to the practice of sustainable development". Co-P.I. Dr. Arabinda Mishra, TERI India. Proposal pending.

Jill Barnes - Collaboration with Dr. Paul Orndorff on NIH R21 grant.

Matthew Breen - The main focus of the lab is on the molecular cytogenetic evaluation of canine cancers, using the unique demographics of purebred dog populations to identify cancer-associated genes that remain ‘hidden’ in human populations. Have retained an ongoing interest in chromosome evolution, especially as it relates to chromosome changes occurring during speciation that may be associated also with cancer development. This work is ongoing, is funded by several extramural grants and forms the basis of his lab’s research efforts. To embrace new technologies and maintain pace with the rapid developments in these fields, established new collaborations with a variety of leading investigators major US institutions including Duke, MIT, Harvard, John’s Hopkins, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center (and others) to bring new opportunities to the graduate students/post docs etc in the lab and also to provide new avenues for future collaborative funding.

Jamie Brown - “Development of Computed Tomography Abdominal Scanning Protocols in the Sedated Canine Patient and Comparison to Abdominal Ultrasound” research grant funded and currently in progress. Submitted grant for ACVR Resident Research Grant “Development of a 3-Dimensional computer-based anatomical atlas of the equine head”. Assisting in Ovarian Tumor model in Chickens (PI: John Barnes). Involvement includes ultrasonographic evaluation of chickens suspected of having ovarian neoplasia as screening tool for MR analysis. Assisting in Hepatic Carcinoma Tumorogenesis model in Woodchucks (PI: John Cullen). Involvement includes ultrasonographic evaluation of woodchucks for tumor screening.

Gregg Dean - Continuing to determine the effects of FIV on innate immune function. Developing lactobacillus as a vaccine vector. Developing an IL10-expressing lactobacillus to treat inflammatory bowel disease in cats. Studying the role toll-like receptors on regulatory T cells during HIV infection. Expressing recombinant IL15 to treat FIV infected cats.Depleting regulatory T cells in vivo as an adjunct approach to therapeutic vaccination. Testing a novel mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine to assess safety for use in captive and wild lions. Collaborating to express feline gamma interferon in a plant system for use to treat feline infectious peritonitis. Collaborating to determine whether environmental modification can reduce stress in shelter cats. Cloning and expressing NC16 to develop a diagnostic test for canine bullous pemphigous. Cloning and expressing NC1 to develop a diagnostic test for canine. Collaborating to develop red clover mosaic virus as a delivery system for chemotherapeutic agents. Collaborating to develop a novel synthetic chlorophyll derivative as an in vivo fluorescence dye. Collaborating to develop a surgical technique for collection of intestinal lymphatic fluid.

John Gadsby - Collaboration with Dr. Alan Tonelli in the College of Textiles to synthesize a slow release cyclodextrin complex with prostaglandin (cloprostenol) for use in estrous cycle regulation in swine. Initiated and maintained collaboration with Dr. Martin Sheldon, Royal Veterinary College, London, U.K. to study the ovarian effects of infectious uterine disease and on TLR function in bovine corpus luteum. This resulted from the sabbatical leave in his lab for 6 months (Jan-July 2008), supported by the presitigious Underwood Fellowship to Dr. Gadsby, from the British Biomedical and Biological Research Council (BBSRC), U.K. Initiated collaboration on the effects of uterine infection on bovine embryo function and viability with Dr. Peter Farin, PHP Dept., NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine. Also, through as series of Invited Seminar Presentations, Dr. Gadsby had productive discussions of mutual areas of scientific interest with Dr. Claire Wathes and Dr. Robert Abeysekara at RVC Hawkshead, Dr. Morag Hunter and her research group at University of Nottingham-Sutton Bonington, and with Dr. Rob. Gilbert (Cornell Univ. Vet. College) at the LINK meeting at Swansea University. These discussions at the very least generated a two-way exchange of research ideas and will likely lead to future research interactions and collaborations. A major goal of the Underwood Fellowship was for the Visiting


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Scientist to plan visits to, and present seminars at, other Universities and Scientific Institutions in the UK (see #3 below) with a view to furthering scientific exchange and developing future research interactions/collaborations. Thus this goal was accomplished with a high degree of success.

Troy Ghashghaei - Internal collaborations ongoing: Jon Horowitz and Ken Adler. External Collborations: Kenny Campbell (Cincinnati), Steven Brody (Wash U.), Sally Temple (Albany), Magdalena Gotz (Germany); Roy Sillitoe (Albert Einstein); Glenn Matsushima (UNC)

Jon Horowitz - Characterized a conditional "knockout" mouse line and a bevy of transgenic mouse and zebrafish lines that have offered insights into the functions of several gene of interest. Continued a collaboration with Dr. Troy Ghashghaei (MBS Dept.) that utilizes one of our mouse lines to understand the differentiation of neuronal stem cells. Continued a collaboration with Drs. Adam Hawkridge and David Muddiman (NCSU Dept. of Chemistry) to identify early biomarkers of ovarian cancer. Initiated a collaboration with Dr. Carol Trempus (NIH, NIEHS) to help us study skin phenotypes in our transgenic mice. Initiated a collaboration with Dr. David Muddiman (NCSU Dept. of Chemistry) to identify cancer gene-specific markers in vivo via mass spectrometry.

Kristina Howard - At present, pursuing two research directions. First, the study of acute mucosal pathogenesis in FIV infection using a new technique (cannulation of the lymphatics) that allows me to assess lymphocytes trafficking from the intestinal mucosa. These studies will better elucidate early events in the mucosa, permit serial sampling and correlation of early responses with the eventual outcome of infection, and may provide new correlates of protection. Second, is the study of AIDS-related lymphoma using the FIV model. Collaborating with Steve Suter (DOCS) and Rachael Thomas (MBS) to identify cellular and molecular markers of progression to lymphoma, in addition to determining what immune populations may provide immunity to lymphomas.

Lola Hudson - Continuing testing various cognitive-motor/behavioral tasks with Drs. Sherman and Gruen to determine measureable, significant alterations in FIV-infected cats within a year of infection. Open field testing including habituation and vocalization, and T-maze latencies with weaves and hoops have shown promising initial results. Have also started collaboration with Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt to determine if Bartonella sp can infect cells of CNS origin as his studies have suggested a neurologic component to human patients.

Nanette Nascone-Yoder - Current research directions: The role of retinoic acid in digestive organ morphogenesis and evolution; Frog embryo-based chemical genetic screening to identify mechanisms of gut morphogenesis. New Research directions: The role of Wnt/PCP pathway signaling in gut morphogenesis; The role of Pitx2 in left-right asymmetric gut looping and rotation. New tools/reagents: In collaboration with Alex Dieters (NCSU Chemistry), developing photoactivatable reagents (small molecules, morpholinos) for spatial control of gene expression and protein activity within target tissues of living embryos.

Shila Nordone - New Collaborations: NCSU-CVM Dr. Jeff Yoder, TMEM150 gene discovery research; NYU Dr. David Levy, HIV Treg latency model development; UNC Dr. David Margolis, Treg Immunopathogenesis in HIV+ patients.

Mark Papich - The research laboratory (Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory) has continued to develop new assays and capabilities in 2008-2009. Developed drug assays for several new drugs, in addition to many more that have already been validated. These efforts have led to research projects, successful funding, and several publications (see publication list). One student participated in the summer internship training program (Elizabeth Cranston) and presented her abstract at the annual CVM-Research Forum, 2009.

Jorge Piedrahita - Development of transgenic swine that can house human tissues. Identification of PEG3 as a gene affecting human intrauterine growth restriction. Development of the first ever lacZ pig, and the first ever Nk cell deficient pig. Completion of the most comprehensive survey of imprinted genes in swine to date. Manuscript has been submitted for publication. Development of, to his knowledge, the first ever porcine induced pluripotential stem cells (iPS).

Korinn Saker - Current project focus: nutritional interventions for breast cancer utilizing the cat as both an animal model for human breast tumors and utilizing and for the species itself as specific breeds of domestic felines have an increased risk for mammary tumor development; cell culture studies with pomegranate fruit extract; development of mammary gland organ culture system to evaluate pomegranate as well as a variety of other potential chemo preventive agents; evaluation of intestinal tight junction proteins in relation to understanding disease mechanisms of IBD and identifying efficacious nutritional intervention protocols for management of the IBD patient . This is a collaborative research effort with pathologists and GI researchers in the CVM. It is a new research area for Dr. Saker; obesity in relation to both


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oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. This is a collaborative research focus with Dr. Pratt in Animal Science (NCSU). Small animal (mainly feline) obesity research continues with Dr.Terry Swecker (VMRCVM).

Philip Sannes - Submitted RO1A2 (renewal) of HL-44497 (priority score: 133; 4.5 percentile). Shift in research direction away from control of epithelial proliferation in the adult lung alveolus toward differentiation. Submitted RO3 in response to RFA on Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis (priority score: 146 (no percentiles in RFAs). This is a translational application relating to the involvement of alveolar epithelial differentiation in the development of fibrosis. Continued studies on defining signaling and genetic mechanisms that control the differentiation of epithelial cells in the pulmonary alveolus. Initiated new studies on determining the role of alveolar epithelial differentiation and repair in pulmonary fibrosis.

Barbara Sherry - Continued collaboration with ImmunoBiosciences Inc., using their technology to develop a novel vaccine against influenza infection in a mouse model. Continued proteomics efforts in our on-going collaboration with Research Triangle Institute, in our effort to identify novel cardiac responses to viral infection.

Cliff Swanson - Initiation of a study using thrompboelastography in examining the mechanism of purported inhibitory affects of acepromazine upon blood clotting. This is a resident research project for Dr. Bobbi Conner, Critical Care Resident.

Rachael Thomas - Completion of cytogenetic study of feline sarcomas, identifying potential novel diagnostic biomarkers; development and molecular characterization of a feline injection-site sarcoma cell line; awarded first funding proposal as an established investigator in feline genomics and the application of cytogenetic profiling for molecular classification of feline lymphoma; expansion of departmental, interdepartmental and international collaborations on feline abdominal lymphoma, initiated new collaboration with UC Davis Veterinary School; currently initiating outreach communications with feline rescue centers for education and recruitment of clinical specimens; expansion of laboratory-based studies on canine lymphoma cytogenetics as a model for human lymphoma; continued/published a series of other collaborative canine cancer/genomics studies.

Don Thrall - Preparing for the competing renewal of the Hyperthermia Program of Project Grants. In the new submission we will be expanding the studies of canine tumors to include functional imaging of tumor hypoxia and perfusion, and also to noninvasive measurement of tumor temperature. This will necessitate performing imaging and hyperthermia studies at Duke University Medical Center as opposed to here in the CVM. This has been a bureaucratic challenge but progress is being made and we expect to begin this activity over the next few months. This will be critical to remaining completive for funding.

Jeff Yoder - New NIH R21: “Whole organism transcriptional profiling of innate immune response” PI: Yoder. June 15, 2008 – May 31, 2010. New Morris Animal Foundation: “Evaluation of TREM-1 as a Specific Biological Marker for Sepsis in Dogs” PI: Nordone (NCSU MBS); co-PI Yoder. Sept., 1, 2008 – Aug. 31, 2011. New CVM grant: “Determining the Barrier Function of the Chorion in the Fish Embryo Test” PI: Law (NCSU-PHP); co-PI: Yoder. July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009. NIH R01: “Switchable systems for Spatio-Temporal Control of Gene Expression in Zebrafish” PI: Deiters (NCSU Chemistry); co-I: Yoder. Aug 1, 2007- July 31, 2012. New Equipment Supplement to NIH R01: “Switchable systems for Spatio-Temporal Control of Gene Expression in Zebrafish” PI: Deiters (NCSU Chemistry); co-I: Yoder. Summer, 2008. For purchase of MicroPoint(C)® Laser System from Photonic Instruments, Inc. NIH R01: “Novel innate immune receptors in zebrafish” PI: Litman (Univ. South Florida); Sr-I: Yoder. Dec 1, 2006- Nov 30, 2009. CVM grant: “Immune-related, lectin-like receptor 3 (Illr3) and hematopoietic lineages in zebrafish” PI: Yoder. July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008. CCMTR Pilot Grant: “Defining novel immune response genes as candidate biomarkers for infection” PI: Yoder; co-I Birkenheuer (DoCS); co-I Correa (PHP). July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008. CCMTR Service Core Grant: “Assessing immune response genes as biomarkers for infection” PI: Yoder. July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008. CCMTR Innovations Grant: “Upgrade of Compound Microscope Leica DM5000B and PC workstation” PI: Yoder. Awarded Spring 2008. NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant "Nikon AZ100 Macro/Micro Zoom Microscope” PI: Horowitz; co-PIs: Yoder, McGahan, Nascone-Yoder, Sherry, Piedrahita, Rodriguez-Puebla.

Publications and Other Professional Activities

Please refer to Appendix V (p. 33) for details. MBS faculty contributed the following scholarly works during the past year:

52 Original works in peer-reviewed journals2 Case reports in peer-reviewed journals


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5 Review articles in peer-reviewed journals1 Books27 Book chapters, peer-reviewed80 Abstracts from scientific and professional veterinary conferences

52 citable and 29 not citable87 Invited presentations (including CE) where the primary audience was professionals2 Works prepared for presentation and distribution through electronic media, including CD-ROMS, audio

and video disks and tapes, computer generated presentations, broadcast videos, etc3 Continuing education presentations/papers/proceedings where the primary audience was not


Professional activities by MBS faculty (Editorial Boards, Ad hoc Manuscript Reviews, Memberships on Research Grant and Study Reviews, Committee Memberships). Please refer to Appendix VI (p. 61) for specific details.

14 Faculty appointed or elected to research study sections11 Faculty serves as members of editorial boards of journals24 Faculty served as ad hoc reviewers for journals15 Faculty served on MBS committees17 Faculty served on CVM committees13 Faculty served on NCSU committees20 Faculty served on other committees

Minority Representation and Recruitment Efforts

The 33 departmental faculty positions (tenure and non-tenure track) include 9 White females, 19 White males, 1 American Indian female, 2 Hispanic males, 1 Asian female, and 1 Asian male.

VI. Students

Honors and other measures of quality

Professional Degree Program

Most activities involving veterinary students will be considered in detail in the annual report from the Office of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. A complete list of courses presented and participated in by departmental faculty is given in Appendix III (p. 28).

Graduate degree and Residency Programs

Departmental faculty actively participate in the NCSU Physiology, Immunology, Toxicology, Biotechnology, Genomic Sciences, Animal Science, and UNC-CH School of Pharmacy graduate degree programs in addition to the CVM’s Comparative Biomedical Sciences (CBS) program.

13 faculty served as major advisors to 37 PhD students and 1 MS student.18 faculty served on the graduate committees of 59 PhD students and 3 MS students.

Minority Representation and Recruitment Efforts

Diversity among the graduate students majoring with departmental faculty is shown in the following table:

White African-American Hispanic Asian American Indian TotalsMale 6 1 0 6 0 13Female 13 2 1 8 1 25


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Totals 19 3 1 14 1 38

VII. Research

Volume of Activity

Extramural and intramural research grants awarded to each departmental faculty member are in listed in Appendix VII (p. 73).

Extramural Grant Activity

The total for current year awards for MBS PIs on 48 extramural grants in effect this past year was $7,210,828. The following table summarizes the distribution among extramural funding agencies:

Agency Source Number Grants Total for Current Year Awards

Direct for Current Year Awards

US Government 34 6,409,567 4,517,931Industry 3 118,300 81,500Foundations 9 538,394 499,364Trust 0 0 0Other 2 144,567 144,567

The following table summarizes distribution of the $7,210,828 into departmental research programs.

Program Number Grants Total for Current Year Awards

Cell biology/respiratory 13 2,093,088Cell biology/ocular 2 293,129Gastrointestinal 1 111,632Oncology/cancer 11 1,660,234Genomics 7 1,003,446Infectious Disease 9 1,507,795Immunology 4 433,860Other 1 107,644

NIH accounted for 30 of the 34 US government research awards. Of the remaining governmental grants, USDA funded 2, EPA funded 1, and NSF funded 1. Included in these summaries is 1 training grants which total $232,540 in total cost for the current year.

The total for current year awards for MBS Co-Is on 20 extramural grants and 3 NCSU grants this past year was $3,111,650.

Intramural (CVM) Grant Activity

The total dollar amount awarded on 4 intramural grants to MBS faculty serving as PI this past year was $43,668.

Specific Achievements of Significance

Extramural grant submissions during 2008-2009: MBS PI faculty submitted 36 proposals for extramural grant support in the amount of $32,128,254 (total grant period).


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The following table summarizes distribution of the grant submissions into departmental research programs.

ExtramuralProgram Number Grants Total for Total

Grant PeriodCell biology/respiratory 3 3,812,500Gastrointestinal 3 2,170,219Oncology/cancer 2 4,033,626Pharmacology 2 31,596Genomics 2 1,540,317Infectious Disease 15 12,981,635Immunology 4 3,318,688Neurology 2 3,700,000Nutrition 1 22,181Other 2 517,492

VIII. Administration and Staff


Department Head, Associate Dean of Research and Director of Research and Graduate Programs, Associate Vice Provost for the Office of International Affairs, Director for the Comparative Medicine and Translational Research Center. A complete list of Administrative and Staff Personnel appears in Appendix II (p. 27).

New Faculty Appointments

Gabriela Seiler; Associate Professor of Radiology; appointment begins July 1, 2009.


A total of 26 SPA employees and 38 non-faculty EPA employees worked in the department this past year. The overall performance of this staff in supporting the teaching, research and professional service activities of this department is excellent. The staff complement currently stands at 19 with 2 new appointments, 6 resignations and 1 transfer to the Graduate Program. The non-faculty EPA currently stands at 27 with 8 new appointments, and 11 resignations.

IX. Recommendations and concerns for the future

The Department will continue to pursue updating the curriculum with an emphasis on molecular medicine and in enhancing the Clinician Scientist Focus area with the development of new Selectives. In addition, the Department will continue to encourage efforts in Translational Research, specifically with an increase in emphasis and support (time and resources) of meaningful Scholarly Activity of faculty who have a significant clinical effort. Many MBS faculty members of the department are members of the Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research and make contributions to the Center.

Our ability to continue to grow extramural research funding continues to be challenging. This is especially with the anticipated loss of two open faculty positions, and SPA staff positions due to cuts in the State budget. However, with the new Administration and the Stimulus package we have an opportunity to obtain significant Federal resources for our faculty. NIH has been given an unprecedented $10.4B from the ARRA funds. Awards will generally be made directly from the NIH institutes. These grants mechanisms include infrastructure upgrades, a multimillion dollar core equipment proposal, individual administrative supplements and bridge grants. Many MBS faculty members are applying for this funding, the full extent of which will not be known until


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the fall. Fortunately, hospital revenue has not decreased significantly so far this year and is thus a positive factor in the departmental budget and is due to the hard work and dedication of the Clinical faculty.

However, despite our past successes, the impact on the Department of continued pressure on both the state and national budget is of grave concern for the future. The effect of these economic pressures may eventually result in less flexibility in supporting research programs, difficulty in raising funds for faculty start-up packages, an inability to provide assistance to faculty for the purchase of equipment, and less available funds to provide technical and teaching support in the Department. It is important that the MBS department continue to maintain a financial “war chest” of at least $250K in order to off-set the negative impact of reductions in the state budget. However this is only a temporary solution, deep cuts in our budget from the state of North Carolina can only be offset for one-two years, then our cash reserves could be used up, and we will have to make alternative budgetary plans in order to bridge productive programs and help them survive through future tough times.

X. University’s Five Focus Areas

1. Producing leaders for the state, nation, and world

Adler - Numerous leadership positions held by Dr. Adler: chair of numerous study sections, invited speaker at numerous meetings and at different academic, industrial and government institutions. Training of students and postdoctoral fellows to do environmental research via the EPS/NCSU cooperative agreement managed by Dr. Adler. Dr. Adler has received supplements from NIH for minority students working on his R37 grant from HNLBI.

Arasu - Working with Park Scholars (Class of 2011) - together with class committee, a learning lab was organized that focused on the “National Debt” with meetings and discussions in Washington D.C. (October 2008).

Breen – Dr. Breen’s leading role in the fields of canine and comparative genomics provide members of his lab (permanent and temporary) with good opportunities to become involved in cutting edge research that plays a key role in major international collaborations.

Brody - After two years in Dr. Brody’s laboratory, Dr. Keith Salazar accepted a highly competitive position as a staff scientist with the US Environmental Protection Agency. We are very proud that Keith qualified for this research position and moved on to national service.

Ghashghaei - Initiated collaborations with a well known group in Germany.

Horowitz - Jimmy V/NCSU Cancer Therapeutics Training Program.

Nascone-Yoder - Dr. Nascone-Yoder has provided both undergraduate and graduate students with opportunities to perform research in her lab, attend professional conferences, make scientific presentations and network with top scientists.

Posner – Dr. Posner is part of the team that trains students, interns and residents as Veterinarians. Veterinarians serve throughout the word; not just healing companion animals but protect our food sources, monitor biosafety as well as contribute to scientific advancement. Furthermore, the training of Veterinary Anesthesia Specialists helps create the next generation of Veterinary Leaders.

Sherry – Received the Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor award for her leadership efforts in helping to develop and lead the university-wide Genomic Sciences graduate program. Continued training 3 graduate students pursuing PhD: Zurney (Microbiology PhD), first-authored publication featured as “Article of Significant Interest”, awarded PhD in December 2008, currently employed as Study Director at Burleson Research Technologies in Morrisville, NC; Li (Functional Genomics PhD), presented research at national meeting (American Society for Virology); Irvin (CBS PhD), served on “Expanding Your Horizons” workshop executive committee (brings 400 seventh-grade girls to NCSU for hands-on science workshops).

Yoder - By educating and training Immunology, Comparative Biomedical Sciences and Functional Genomics graduate students (in classes and in his laboratory) Dr. Yoder is contributing to the development of future scientific leaders.


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2. Creating educational innovation Arasu - In addition to study abroad experiences, Dr. Arasu has been working on building academic linkages with partners abroad for NCSU community service learning projects. She is also contributing to the development of a new degree program, Master’s in Development Practice. She was also instrumental in the development of an undergraduate offering in public health.

Dean - (This program addresses #1 and #2) The Comparative Medicine and Translation Research Training Program is a newly created program that targets individuals trained as veterinarians (have already earned a doctorate in veterinary medicine, DVM) and that have specialty training. This means they have completed a residency in specialty area such as pathology, internal medicine, dermatology, ophthalmology, etc. In this program, individuals will earn a PhD and will focus on the use of animals in research for the purpose of generating knowledge, drugs, therapies or diagnostic techniques that will direct application to veterinary and possibly human patients. The unique combination of training will equip graduates to become leaders in biomedical research. This program is the first of its kind and as such represents an innovative approach to meet the national need for veterinary scientists.

Horowitz - Jimmy V/NCSU Cancer Therapeutics Training Program.

3. Improving health and well being

Adler - A drug developed from Dr. Adler's research and licensed through the university to a start-up biotechnology company (BioMarck, Raleigh, NC) is now in phase 2a human clinical trials and could become a new treatment for chronic bronchitis in the U.S. and worldwide.

Arasu - We will continue efforts initiated in 2008 to provide a public health track and courses to undergraduate students towards a national movement focused on 'The Educated Citizen and Public Health'. We are also beginning a new initiative to create a ‘Health and Wellbeing’ portal for NCSU. The Triangle Global Health Consortium has been formed and is focused on recruiting a Director for fund raising and coordination of institutional efforts.

Breen - Research in Dr. Breen’s lab is identifying regions of the canine genome that are associated with response to therapy in cancer patients. Simultaneously, we are translating these canine changes to the human genome and further testing corresponding region of the human genome for their association to prognosis.

Dean - The Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research (CCMTR) was conceived and implemented by faculty that recognized strong multidisciplinary collaborative teams are necessary to accelerate translational research. Translational research is process of moving laboratory observations into the clinical setting through the creation of new therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics, and biomedical devises. The Center concept was proposed in 2003, given permission to organize in 2005 and was formally recognized as an official UNC Center by the Board of Trustees in February 2006. The CCMTR has at present over 100 tenure-track faculty representing 16 departments from 5 colleges, with approximately 50% of the participants residing on the Centennial Biomedical Campus. In addition to the traditional biological disciplines found in the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture and Life Sciences, truly multidisciplinary collaborations come through the addition of faculty with expertise in biomedical engineering, biomedical textiles, mathematical modeling, non-traditional statistics, chemical engineering, molecular modeling and more. This brings together faculty that speak different scientific languages but share the desire to bring medical solutions to the clinic. In the short time since it’s inception, the CCMTR has accomplished the following: provided incentives and support to encourage truly multidisciplinary collaborations and accelerate the translation of laboratory research to improved patient care, engaged external academic and corporate advisors to identify research goals and strategies, provided access to sophisticated research equipment. offered facilities and technical assistance to perform clinical trials, awarded seed grant money to launch new ideas and collaborations, hosted workshops and symposia to help faculty remain innovative and knowledgeable, provided educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students (including veterinarians) in translational research, developed ties with biomedical researchers at other UNC institutions, created a powerful research enterprise to attract corporate partners to the Centennial Biomedical Campus.


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Nascone-Yoder – Dr. Nascone-Yoder’s lab conducts federally funded research aimed at understanding the etiology of birth defects.

Posner - Veterinarians are major contributors to maintaining the world’s heath through food surveillance and biosafety (bacterial, viral and toxilogical). The training of the next generation of protectors is vital.

Sannes - Continues work directed toward understanding the role of alveolar epithelial differentiation in pulmonary fibrosis.

Sherry - Continued collaboration with ImmunoBiosciences, Inc. Conducted investigations of ImmunoBiosciences’ vaccine technology for efficacy against influenza infection in a mouse model. Expanded our proteomics efforts in our on-going collaboration with Research Triangle Institute, in our effort to identify novel cardiac responses to viral infection. Received continuation of NIH funding for this research

Thrall - We are assessing the biologic effects of tumor hyperthermia in terms of alteration of tumor physiology that may be beneficial, and the optimum manner in which to prescribe hyperthermia. Results of these studies have the potential to refine the use of hyperthermia as a cancer treatment modality in animals and humans.

Yoder - The research in Dr. Yoder’s laboratory includes basic functional studies of evolutionarily conserved novel immune response genes. These functional studies will likely form the basis for clinical based studies investigating the roles of these genes in human disease. Ultimately, an understanding of how all genes contribute to the response to and recovery from infection will promote better drug designs for improving human health.

4. Fueling economic development

Arasu - Linked with the above mentioned ‘health and wellbeing’ portal for the university, Dr. Arasu will be working with other colleagues/units on campus to improve extension, outreach and economic development related to the health sector at NCSU.

Sherry – Dr. Sherry’s graduate student (Jennifer Zurney) was hired by a NC company (Burleson Research Technologies, Inc.), which performs fee-for-service assays.

5. Driving innovation in energy and the environment

Arasu - Our USDA International Science and Education award for 2008-2012 bridges sustainable livestock production practices with biofuels and environmental and public health. This is a joint effort between faculty in CVM and CALS; Dr. Arasu is the PI on this award that will also link NCSU with regional stakeholders and our partners in India.


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Appendix I List of Faculty/EPA Employees Including Graduate Students


Kenneth Adler, PhD Professor; Cell Biology, Physiology, Environmental Science & ToxicologyPrema Arasu, DVM Professor; Infectious Disease; Assoc Vice Provost, Office of International Affairs;

Director, Global Health Initiatives; Director, CVM International Programs; promotion to Professor 7/1/08; promotion to Assoc Vice Provost 7/1/08

Makoto Asakawa, BVSc Clinical Assistant Professor; AnesthesiologyJill Barnes, PhD Teaching Associate Professor; Cell Biology & AnatomyMatthew Breen, PhD Professor; Cell Biology, Physiology, & GenomicsArnold Brody, PhD Research Professor; Respiratory BiologyJames Brown, DVM Clinical Assistant Professor, Radiology Nigel Campbell, PhD Clinical Assistant Professor; Anesthesiology Gregg Dean, DVM Professor; Infectious Disease; Director, Center for Comparative Medicine and

Translational Research; promotion to Professor 7/1/08David C. Dorman, DVM, PhD Professor of Physiology, Associate Dean of Research and Director of Research and

Graduate Programs

James Douglass, DVM Clinical Assistant Professor; RadiologyLloyd Fleisher, PhD Professor; PharmacologyJohn Gadsby, PhD Professor; Cell Biology, Physiology, Reproductive BiologyTroy Ghashghaei, PhD Assistant Professor; Developmental Neurobiology, Adult Neurogenesis, Gene TherapyJonathan Horowitz, PhD Associate Professor; Cancer Biology, & Cell BiologyKristina Howard, DVM Research Assistant Professor; Infectious Disease Lola Hudson, DVM, PhD Professor; Cell Biology & Anatomy; promotion to Professor 7/1/08Linda Martin, PhD Assistant Professor; Cell Biology, Physiology, Environmental Science & Toxicology;

resigned 7/1/08M. Christine McGahan, PhD Professor & Department Head; Cell Biology, Pharmacology, Environmental Science &

ToxicologyNanette Nascone-Yoder, PhD Assistant Professor; Developmental BiologyShila Nordone, PhD Research Assistant ProfessorMark Papich, DVM Professor; Clinical PharmacologyAnthony Pease, DVM Assistant Professor; Anesthesiology; resigned 9/2/08Jorge Piedrahita, PhD Professor; Genomic & Reproductive BiologyLysa Posner, DVM Clinical Associate Professor; Anesthesiology; promotion to Clinical Associate Professor

7/1/08Doodipala S. Reddy, PhD Assistant Professor; Neuroscience & Pharmacology; resigned 7/1/08Ian Robertson, BVSc Clinical Associate Professor; RadiologyMarcelo Rodriguez-Puebla, PhD Associate Professor; Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, & PhysiologyKorinn Saker, PhD, DVM Associate Professor; Clinical NutritionPhilip Sannes, PhD Professor; Cell Biology, Physiology, Environmental Science & ToxicologyBarbara Sherry, PhD Professor; Infectious Disease; Director, Genomic Sciences Graduate ProgramJames E. Smallwood, DVM Professor; AnatomyClifford Swanson, DVM Associate Professor; AnesthesiologyRachael Thomas, FD Research Assistant ProfessorDonald Thrall, DVM, PhD Professor; Radiology & Cancer BiologyJeffrey Yoder, Ph.D. Assistant Professor; Immunology


Robert A. Argenzio, PhD Professor Emeritus


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Arthur L. Aronson, DVM, PhD Professor EmeritusPeter J. Bentley, PhD Named Professor EmeritusCecil Brownie, DVM, PhD Professor EmeritusTerrence M. Curtin, DVM, PhD Professor EmeritusCharles E. Stevens, DVM, PhD Professor Emeritus


Dieldrich Bermudez, PhD Post Doc Research Associate (Adler)Chad Blystone,PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Adler); resigned 5/1/08Katherine Bortoff, PhD Research Associate (Sannes); appointed 8/1/08Seema Briyal, PhD Research Assoc (Reddy); resigned 7/1/08Kathryn Byler, BS Research Asst (Breen)Beth Case, BS Research Asst (Thrall)Anne Crews, MS Laboratory Supervisor (Adler)Demetrio Dichoso, BS Laboratory Supervisor (Piedrahita)Michael Dush, PhD Research Assoc (Nascone-Yoder)Shijing Fang, MD Research Asst (Adler)Laila Farzana, MS, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Yoder); appointed 2/1/09Omkaram Gangisetty, MS, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Reddy); resigned 7/1/08Jillian Gee, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Adler); resigned7/4/08Margaret Goralska, PhD Research Assoc(McGahan)Alexandra Hamilton, BS Research Asst (Breen) Benoit Hedan, DVM, PhD Post Doc Research Associate (Breen)Andrew Hotchiss, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Adler); resigned 6/21/08Lisa Jesse, DVM Lecturer (McGahan); appointed 7/1/08Apparao Kummarapurugu, PhD Research Assoc (Sannes); resigned 4/5/08Susan Lankford, PhD Research Assoc (Brody)Julie Long, BS Research Assistant (Dean); appointed 7/21/08Jeffrey Miller, PhD Post Doc Research Associate (Brody); appointed 8/18/08Steven Nagar, PhD Research Assoc( McGahan)Donna Newman, PhD Research Assoc (Sannes)Joungjoa Park, MS Research Assoc (Adler)Cynthia Rider, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Adler); resigned 12/12/08Keith Salazar, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Brody); resigned 7/4/08Raul Salinas-Mondragon, FM, PhD Research Asst (Ghashghaei )Amy Tanner, DVM Research Asst (Saker); resigned 8/2/08Nicole Tinfo, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Adler)Poem Turner, BS Research Associate (Yoder); appointed 8/18/08Jenora Waterman, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Adler); resigned 10/1/08Christina Williams, BS Research Asst (Breen)Alice Wright, BS Research Asst (Piedrahita); resigned 9/1/08Tiffany Yelverton, MS, PhD Post Doc Research Associate (Adler); appointed 9/22/08Qi Yin, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Brody)Lin Zhang, FM, MS Research Assistant (Dean); appointed 6/23/08Leah Zorilla, PhD Post Doc Research Assoc (Adler)


Jerome Benoit, VMD Resident in Radiation Oncology (Thrall); completed 7/1/09 Jennifer Carter, DVM Resident in Anesthesiology (Posner); completed 9/30/09Christina Copple, DVM Resident in Radiology (Robertson); appointed 7/1/08Julianne Davis, MS, DVM Resident in Nutrition (Saker); appointed 7/1/08Erica Fields, VMD Resident in Radiology (Robertson)Lisa Jesse, DVM Resident in Radiology (Pease); completed 7/1/08


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William Lee, DVM Resident in Radiology (Robertson); completed 7/1/09Kristen Messenger, VMD Resident in Anesthesiology (Posner)James Montgomery, DVM Resident in Radiology (Robertson); appointed 7/1/08Kerensa Rechner, DVM Resident in Radiation Oncology (Thrall); appointed 7/1/08Keijiro Shiomitsu, BVS Resident in Radiation Oncology (Thrall); completed 8/1/08Sarena Sunico, DVM Resident in Radiology (Robertson)


Vikram Arora, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professor (Talecris Biotherapeutics)Stephanie Berry, MS, DVM Adjunct Assistant Professor (VA Tech)Stacy Branch, DVM, PhD Associate D.A.B.F.M. (NCSU; Environmental & Molecular Toxicology)Richard Broadstone Adjunct Professor (IAMS); appointed 12/1/08Fidel O. Castro, MAGRI, PhD Adjunct Associate Professor (University of Concepcion, Chile; University of Havana,

Cuba)Carmen Colitz, DVM, PhD Adjunct Associate Professor (Animal Eye Specialty Clinic, West Palm Beach, FL)Ralph Cooper, PhD Adjunct Professor (EPA)Sally Perreault Darney, PhD Adjunctor Professor (EPA)Mark W. Dewhirst, DVM, PhD Adjunct Professor (Duke University Medical Center)Darlene Dixon, DVM, PhD Adjunct Associate Professor (NIEHS)Kevin L. Dreher, PhD Adjunct Professor (EPA)Thomas E. Eling, PhD Adjunct Associate Professor (NIEHS)Bernard Fischer, DVM, PhD Adjunct Instructor (Duke University Medical Center)Dori R. Germolec, PhD Adjunct Associate Professor (NIEHS)Gerald Huntington, PhD Associate Member (NCSU; Animal Science)Donna Matthews Jarrell, DVM Adjunct Associate Professor (Massachusetts General Animal Hospital)Gary J. Jesmok, PhD Adjunct Professor (Bayer Corporation)Hillel Koren, PhD Adjunct Professor (EPA)Christopher S. Lau, PhD Adjunct Professor (EPA)Rick Meeker, PhD Adjunct Professor (UNC Chapel Hill)Indu Parikh, PhD Adjunct Professor (Biomarck Pharmaceuticals)James A. Raleigh, PhD Adjunct Professor (UNC School of Medicine)Peifeng Ren, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professor (BASF Plant Science LLC)John Rogers, PhD Adjunct Professor (EPA)David A. Schwartz, MD Adjunct Professor (NIEHS)Gregory Sempowski, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professor (Duke Univ)Robert Smart, PhD Associate Member (NCSU; Environmental & Molecular Toxicology)Jerry Wayne Spoo, DVM Adjunct Assistant Professor (RJ Reynolds)William Stokes, DVM Adjunct Professor (NIEHS)Robert Voyksner, PhD Adjunct Associate Professor (LCMS Limited)Xiangdong Wang, MD, PhD Adjunct Professor (AstraZeneca R&D Lund, Sweden)Frank Welsch, DVM Adjunct Professor (Orbitox)Fulton Wong, PhD Adjunct Professor (Duke University Medical Center)Darryl Zeldin, MD Adjunct Associate Professor (NIEHS)Robert Zucker, PhD Adjunct Associate Professor (EPA)


Steve Bischoff PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Piedrahita)Stephanie Bloom PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Nascone-Yoder/Horowitz)Sara Burngardner PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Dean)Mark Cesta PhD candidate in Cell Biology (Sannes)Shannon Duke PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Breen)Teresa Green PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Adler)Amy Heffelfinger PhD candidate in Immunology (Yoder)Susan Irvin PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Sherry)Ben Jacquet PhD candidate in Zoology (Ghashghaei)Sun-Hye Kim PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Rodriguez)


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Tae-Hyung Kim PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Horowitz)Sehown Koh PhD candidate in Genomic Sciences (Piedrahita)W. Randall Lampe PhD candidate in Toxicology (Adler)Peter Landis PhD candidate in Genomic Sciences (Horowitz)Lianna Li PhD candidate in Genomic Sciences (Sherry)Huixuan Liang PhD candidate in Physiology (Ghashghaei)Ko Wei Lin PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Adler); PhD awarded 2008Jananne Matheson MVPH candidate for Masters in Veterinary Public Health (Arasu)Allison R. Morckel PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Nascone-Yoder)Kimberly Raiford PhD candidate in Genomic Sciences (Adler)Eric Seiser PhD candidate in Func Genomics (Breen)Rahika Shah PhD candidate in Immunology (Yoder)Rita Simoes PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Dean)Christopher Sistrunk PhD candidate in Toxicology (Rodriguez)Sarah R Smithberg PhD candidate in Immunology (Dean)Stacey Snyder PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Breen)Laura Stoeker PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Dean)Amy Tanner PhD candidate in Nutrition (Saker)Pei-Chien Tsai PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Breen)Shengdar Tsai PhD candidate in Genomic Sciences (Piedrahita)Melissa Ventevogel MS candidate in Immunology (Dean)Wang Xian PhD candidate in Functional Genomics (Rodriguez)Jianzhen Xie PhD candidate in Genomic Sciences (Horowitz)Jibing Yang PhD candidate in Immunology (Yoder)Haifeng Yin PhD candidate in Genomic Sciences (Horowitz)Andrea Young PhD candidate in Func Genomics (Breen)Huiying Zhang PhD candidate in Toxicology (Sannes)Jennifer Zurney PhD candidate in Microbiology (Sherry); PhD awarded December 2008


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Appendix II List of Administrative & Staff Personnel


M. Christine McGahan Professor and Department HeadDepartment of Molecular Biomedical Sciences


Shannon Chiera Research Technician (Horowitz); appointed 6/16/08Brenda Colby Research Specialist (Hudson)Melissa D’Annibale-Tolhurst Research Technician (Gadsby); appointed 10/13/08Delta Dise Research Specialist (Papich)Wrennie Edwards Research Specialist (Sherry)Erin Egan Research Specialist (Dean); resigned 7/17/08Jenny Ferrell Research Specialist (McGahan)Xiaoying (Steve) Fu Research Specialist (Martin); resigned 7/1/08Kara Hoffert Goeres Research Specialist (Case)Jill Harned Research Specialist (McGahan)Becky Hupp Accounting Technician III (McGahan)Lauren Gast Jackson Research Specialist (Piedrahita); appointed 3/15/07Marilyn Lall Research Specialist (McGahan)Alora LaVoy Research Specialist (Dean)Teresa Nichols Research Technician (Horowitz); resigned 4/26/08Timothy Orcutt Research Specialist (Yoder); resigned 8/19/08Jennifer Pollard Executive Assistant I(McGahan)Stacie Reckling Research Specialist (Dean); resigned 6/17/08Beth Simmons Administrative Support Associate (Pollard)Rita Simoes Research Specialist (Arasu); transferred to Graduate Program 7/3/08Kelly Snyder Administrative Support Associate (Pollard)Grady Spoonamore Research Specialist (Case)Blair Therit Research Specialist (Ghashghaei); resigned 8/5/08Heidi Thompson Administrative Support Specialist (Hupp)Tony Whitaker Research Technician (Barnes/Wise)Bill Wise Research Operation Manager (Barnes)


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Appendix III Courses Offered by Departmental Faculty

Course Number Course Title

Credit Hrs Semester # students

Team taught Course Director Faculty Participation

DVM Courses presented by departmental facultyVMB911 Veterinary Anatomy I 6 Fall 80 Yes L Hudson J Barnes, L Hudson, E Smallwood, J Brown (1h), T

Pease (1 lecture)VMB913 Veterinary Physiology I 5 Fall 80 Yes J Gadsby J Gadsby, M Breen, C Swanson, J Yoder (2h), L Posner

(1 lecture, 1 lab), T Ghashghaei, L Hudson (1 lecture, 1 lab)

VMB914 Veterinary Histology and Cytology 3 Fall 78 Yes PL Sannes PL SannesVMB921 Veterinary Anatomy II 4 Spring 78 Yes J Smallwood J Smallwood, L Hudson, J BarnesVMB922 Veterinary Embryology and Teratology 2 Spring 78 No N Nascone-Yoder N Nascone-Yoder, J Barnes (1h)VMB923 Veterinary Physiology II 5 Spring 78 Yes L Posner L Posner, T Ghashghaei, C McGahan, J Gookin, C

Swanson. Clinical participants in lab: N Olby (1 lab), K Munana (1 lab). Brief participations by B Sherman, D Lasselles

VMB930 Anesthesia 2 Fall 76 Yes C Swanson C Swanson, N Campbell, L Posner, B Hansen (2h)VMB933 Introductory Pharmacology 5 Fall 77 Yes L Fleisher L Fleisher, R Baynes, M Papich, J Gadsby (2 hrs), S

Marks (1 hr), K Tolbert (1 hr), R Hanel (1 hr), D LeVine (1 hr)

VMB943 Pharmacology and Veterinary Therapeutics 3 Spring 76 Yes MG Papich MG PapichVMB960 Veterinary Radiology and Radiobiology 3 Spring 80 Yes Don Thrall D Thrall, I Robertson, J BrownVMB965 Veterinary Nutritional Health 3 Spring 76 no K Saker K Saker, J Davis (2hrs), M Taylor (1h)VMB976 Radiology 2 Fall/Spring 113 Yes Ian Robertson D Thrall, I Robertson, J Douglass, T Pease, J Brown

VMB976A Ultrasound 2 Fall/Spring 113 Yes James Brown D Thrall, I Robertson, J Douglass, T Pease, J BrownVMB977 Clinical Anesthesia 2 Fall/Spring 80 Yes N Campbell N Campbell, L Posner, C Swanson, M Asakawa

Participation in Other DVM CoursesVMC932 Principles of Surgery 3 Fall 78 Yes K Mathews K Matthews, L Posner, C Swanson, N Campbell, M

Asakawa, E Hardie, L Hudson , Small Animal Surgery Faculty and House Officers

VMC962 Animal Welfare, Ethics and Societal Responsibility

2 Spring ~80 Yes D Dunning, B Taylor, S Marks, L Posner (2 hr)

VMC965 Large Animal Surgery & Diagnostic Techniques 1 Spring 76 Yes J Tate J Tate, N Campbell, Equine Medicine Faculty, Equine and Small Animal Surgery Faculty

VMP912 Evidence Based Medicine 2 Fall 80 Yes Jay LevineAdam Birkenheuer

J Levine, J Gadsby, L Hudson, M Gruen, L Posner, C Swanson, K Saker, (numerous faculty, House officers and Graduate students from DOCS, MBS and PHP)

VMP924 Veterinary Medical Virology 3 Spring 75 Yes F Fuller F Fuller, B Sherry, J Guy VMP925 Veterinary Immunology Case Studies 3 Spring 10/group No S Tonkonogy S Tonkonogy, K HowardVMP932 Veterinary Parasitology 5 Fall 76 Yes B Hammberburg B Hammerburg, M Levy, J Flowers (Lab Coordinator), P

Arasu VMP942 Clinical Pathology 3 Spring 78 Yes G DeanVMP977 Necropsy and Clinical Laboratories 2 Fall/Spring/

SummerYes M Papich

VMP978 Clnical Pathology, Parasitology and Immunology 2 Monthly Rotation

8-10 per rotation

Yes C Grindem C Grindem, P Arasu (Co-Course coordinator), B Hammberburg (Co-Course coordinator)


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Course Number Course Title

Credit Hrs Semester # students

Team taught Course Director Faculty Participation

VMP978 Clinical Pathology, Parasitology, and Immunology (Senior Rotation)

2 Spring 9 No S Tonkonogy (IMM), C Grindem (Path)

S Tononogy, C Grindem, K Howard

VMP995 ClinicalConference

1 SummerFall


76 Yes N Campbell N Campbell, M Gerard, J Guy

Small Animal Medicine Senior Rounds Yr Round (once every 4 wk rotation)

8-10 per session

Yes K Saker

Oncology Rounds Yr Round (once every 2 wk rotation)

2-6 per session

Yes K Saker

Necropsy/Clin Path/Immuno/Pharmacol/Clin Nutr Sr Rounds

Yr Round (once every 4 wk rotation)

8-10 per session

Yes K Saker

Selective Courses presented by departmental facultyVMB991A Fish Physiology 1 Fall 10 No C Swanson C Swanson VMB991B Immunodiagnostics 1 Spring 3 Yes S Nordone S Nordone, A Birkenheuer, S Orton (UNC), S Suter (1 hr)VMB991D Introduction to Research at CVM 1-2 Fall (1 full

wk semester)

15 Yes M Breen M Breen, J Piedrahita, J Gadsby, E Breitshwerdt, M Hauck, N Olby, S Suter, D Lascelles, P Farin, B Hammerberg

VMB991E Transgenics 1 Spring 2 Yes J Yoder J Yoder, J Horowitz , M Breen, J PiedrahitaVMB991G Avian Anatomy 1 Spring 28 No JE Smallwood JE Smallwood, L Degernes (1 lab)VMB991I Farriery and Veterinary Medicine 1 Spring 8 Yes L Hudson L Hudson, R Mansmann, 1 local equine practitioner, 8

local farriersVMC991R Advanced

Small Animal Clinical Nutrition1 Fall 4 No K Saker K Saker

VMC992Z Active Learning in the VTH (Anesthesia) 1 2 Yes N Campbell N Campbell, C Swanson, L Posner, M AsakawaVMM991S International Veterinary Medicine Experience 1-2 Fall/Spring Varies (all

years)No P Arasu P Arasu (China trip, 2 week, 24/7; India trip, 2 weeks,

24/7)VMP991Y International Veterinary Medicine 1 Fall/Spring 24 (freshman-

juniors)Yes P Arasu P Arasu

Participation in Other Selective CoursesVMC991O Equine Podiatry 1 Spring 8 Yes R Mansmann R Mansmann, LC Hudson, 1 local farrierVMC991Q Fish Medicine 1 Fall 18 Yes G Lewbart G Lewbart, J Yoder (1hr)VMC991U Advanced Primate 1 Fall ~30 Yes M Stoskopf M Stoskopf, L Posner

Graduate Courses presented by departmental facultyCBS565 Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences 3 Fall @16 Yes J Yoder J Yoder, M Matthews, G Dean, K Saker, C SwansonCBS762 Principles of Pharmacology 3 Spring 13 Yes L Fleisher L Fleisher, D Dorman, M Papich, R Baynes, R Smart, Y

TsujiCBS770 Cell Biology 3 Spring @18 Yes M Breen M Breen, J Yoder, P Sannes, T Ghashghaei, C

McGahan, J Piedrahita, N Nascone-Yoder, M Rodriguez-Puebla, T Ghashghaei

CBS771 Cancer Biology 4 Fall 13-20 Yes J Horowitz J Horowitz, M Rodriguez-PueblaCBS810 Grant writing 1-3 Spring 3 No K Adler K Adler CBS810 Seminar 1 Spring 13 No J Piedrahita J Piedrahita


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Course Number Course Title

Credit Hrs Semester # students

Team taught Course Director Faculty Participation

CBS810B Infectious Disease Pathogenic Mechanisms Journal Club

1 Spring 8 Yes P Orndorff P Orndorff, B Sherry, F Fuller, M Levy, B Hammerberg

CBS810C Special Topics in Cell Biology 1 Spring 15 No J Horowitz J Horowitz CBS860 Instrumentation in Pharmacological Research 2 Fall 2 Yes N Monteiro-Riviere N Monteiro-Riviere, L Fleisher (1 hr lecture, 3 hrs lab),

several other faculty and staffCBS893 Doctoral supervised research for T Green, K

Raiford, K Lin, WR Lampe1-9 4 K Adler K Adler

Resident Board Review; Topic: Review of current topics in clinical nutrition

Spring 15 Yes K Saker

Participation in Other Graduate CoursesBIT815D Biotechnology Professional Development 1-6 Fall 23 Yes R Kelly R Kelly, B Sherry (2 lectures), G Dean (2 lectures) BIT815N Biotechnology Capstone Course 1-6 Spring @24 Yes G Dean (1 lecture, 1 discussion session)IMM816 Advanced Topics In Immunology and

Biotechnology1 Fall/Spring 15-20 Yes S Tonkonogy S Tonkonogy, L Hudson, G Dean (weekly 1 hr), K

HowardPHI816 Research Ethics 1 Fall/Spring J Barnes – Invited to participate in discussion on

Research Misconduct

Participation in Other CoursesANS330 Laboratory Animal Science 3 Spring 17 Yes B Petters B Petters, L Fleisher (1hr), several other faculty from

main campus participateTOX710 Biochemical Toxicology 3 Spring ~10 Yes A Wallace A Wallace, N Nascone-Yoder (2 hrs)VM9095 Comparative Oncology (at VMRCVM,

Blacksburg, VA)2 Spring 30 Yes K Saker

ZOO512 Animal Symbiosis 3 Fall 20 No C Lytle C Lytle, K Howard (1 lecture)VMA Residency Program – Diagnostic Imaging Summer/

Fall/Spring6 Yes James Brown D Thrall, I Robertson, J Douglass, T Pease, J Brown

Graduate School Preparing the Professoriate Workshop Series

1 Spring ~30 students No R Rufty R Rufty, B Sherry (1 lecture)


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Appendix IV Clinical Services Offered by Departmental Faculty

Anesthesiology: There are currently 4 MBS faculty members who provide Anesthesiology service to the VTH, Drs. Lysa Posner, Cliff Swanson, Nigel Campbell and Makoto Asakawa. They participate in teaching a number of courses in the DVM curriculum that are administered by the MBS department including VMB 930 Principles of Anesthesia, VMB 977 Clinical Anesthesia, VMB 913 Physiology I, and VMB 923 Physiology II. The anesthesiology faculty are responsible for overseeing the training and clinical service activities of residents, students, and hospital staff anesthetists delivering clinical anesthesia services in the VTH, and directly supervise these activities while on duty. Primary emergency coverage is provided by two anesthesia residents and five VTH staff anesthetists. The four faculty anesthesiologists split the responsibility for backup consultation with the primary emergency coverage personnel. This assignment requires the faculty anesthesiologist covering backup call duty to be available to the primary personnel for consultation and guidance after normal hospital hours during weekdays, and during weekends and holidays.

Clinical Pharmacology: Mark Papich has no direct clinical assignment (that is, responsibility for patient care). However, he is the faculty supervisor of the VTH Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory (Room C-268). This laboratory supports one hospital technician at 0.5 FTE. His supervision of this laboratory carries with it the responsibility for clinical service emanating from approximately 1,500 samples per year for monitoring of drug concentrations and various hormones in patients subsequent to therapy. Many of these samples require direct consultation with the clinician in charge of the patient. In addition to the service work associated with responsibility of the Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, as the VTH Clinical Pharmacologist, he receives consultations each day via phone calls and e-mail consultations from anywhere in the U.S., and direct requests for consultation from our own clinical faculty.For more information:

Radiology: The Radiology faculty comprises Drs James Brown, Jim Douglass, Ian Robertson, Gabriella Seiler and Don Thrall. Dr Brown is Director of the Radiology Residency Program, Dr Robertson is Radiology Service Chief. Dr Seiler joined the faculty in July 2009. The Radiology service requires two FTEs each day, one radiologist directing ultrasound and one radiologist directing all other imaging modalities. Radiology is fully digital in all modalities, across all species. The Radiology Information System (RIS) catalogues over 115,000 studies and the service generates over million images a year.

Radiation Oncology: There are two radiation oncologists who provide support to radiation oncology. Dr. Amy Pruitt (DOCS) is the major contributor, and Dr. Donald Thrall (MBS) provides backup support when needed. Radiation therapy is a critical component of cancer treatment for many animals, and this service is a part of the overall oncology effort in the veterinary teaching hospital. There is a residency training program in veterinary radiation oncology and one trainee completes the program each year; these trainees have all been successful in becoming board certified in radiation oncology and have gone on to an academic career, or to a specialized veterinary practice. Residents in medical oncology, and students rotating through the oncology service, also receive instruction in the practice and principles of radiation oncology. Radiation therapy is also a component of some prospective trials of new cancer therapy methods that have the potential to improve response of both animal and human cancer to treatment.

Clinical Nutrition: Dr. Korinn Saker (boarded in Veterinary Clinical Nutrition) joined the MBS faculty in Feb. 2007. She has no direct clinical assignment (that is, responsibility for patient care). However, she is the director of the VTH Clinical Nutrition Consultation Service and faculty supervisor of the Nutrition Research Program (Room B 219D) at the CVM. The clinical nutrition program has been recently established (March 2007). It provides a variety of nutrition services for both small and large animal critical care patients, chronic disease patients, and recommendations for appropriate life-stage and performance/production feeding management protocols for in-house cases. As part of the clinical nutrition service, she is initiating an Obesity Management Program for overweight and obese companion pets. In addition, she receives consultations each day via phone or e-mail from referring veterinarians, pet owners and producers requesting nutrition-related information about appropriate diet choices, feeding guidelines, recent media concerns, homemade diet formulations and evaluations. In July 2008, this program expanded to include a nutrition-focused rotating internship training position and residency training program in clinical nutrition to begin in July 2009. The nutrition research program currently focuses on relationships between nutrition and specific oxidant-directed disease states including cancer and obesity.


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Toxicology: Dr. David Dorman joined the CVM this year and is a Boarded Veterinary Toxicologist. He is currently working to redevelop the poisonous plant garden by the pond as an important adjunct to the Veterinary Toxicology course which he teaches. Dr. Dorman was hired as Associate Dean for Research and Graduate programs and is a faculty member in MBS.


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Appendix V Publications, Presentations, Intellectual Property by Departmental Faculty

1. Original works in peer-reviewed journals. [Include invited state-of-the-art papers; do not include case reports or review articles.

Apparao KBC, Newman DR, Zhang H, Khosla J, Sannes PLSulfated extracellular matrix modulates differentiation of human alveolar type II cells in vitro.Proc Amer Thor Soc 2008; 5:372

Aragon CL, Read MR, Gaynor JS, Barnhart MD, Wilson D, Papich MGPharmacokinetics of an immediate and extended release oral morphine formulation utilizing the spheroidal oral drug absorption system in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics2009 Apr; 32(2):129-136. PMID: 19290942

Arguedas MG, Hines MT, Papich MG, Farnsworth KD, Sellon DCPharmacokinetics of butorphanol and evaluation of physiologic and behavioral effects after intravenous and intramuscular administration to neonatal foals. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine2008 Nov-Dec; 22(6):1417-26. PMID: 18976284

Arthur JJ, Kleiter MM, Thrall DE, Pruitt AFCharacterization of normal tissue complications in 51 dogs undergoing definitive pelvic region irradiation.Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound2008; 49:85-89

Beddies G, Fox PR, Papich MG, Kanikanti VR, Krebber R, Keene BWComparison of the pharmacokinetic properties of bisoprolol and carvedilol in healthy dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research2008 Dec; 69(12):1659-63. PMID: 19046015

Bischoff SR, Tsai, S, Hardison NE, York AM, Freking BA, Nonneman D, Rohrer G, Piedrahita JAIdentification of SNPs and INDELS in swine using short oligonucleotide microarrays. BMC Genomics2008; 9:252-263. PMC2442091

Bizikova P, Papich MG, Olivry THydroxyzine and cetirizine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics after oral and intravenous administration of hydroxyzine to healthy dogs. Veterinary Dermatology 2008 Dec; 19(6):348-357. PMID: 18980631

Blond L, Thrall DE, Roe SC, Chailleux N, Robertson IDDiagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging for meniscal tears in dogs affected with naturally occurring cranial cruciate ligament rupture.Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound2008: 49:425-431

Blond L, Thrall DE, Roe SC, Chailleux N, Robertson ID Diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging for meniscal tears in dogs affected with naturally occuring cranial cruciate ligament rupture. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound2008; 49(5):425-431

Breen M, Modiano JEvolutionarily conserved cytogenetic changes in hematologic malignancies of dogs and humans - man and his best


Page 33: Annual Report.doc

friend share more than companionship.Chromosome Research 2008; 16:145-154

Campoy L, Martin-Flores M, Looney AL, Erb HN, Ludders JW, Stewart JE, Gleed RD, Asakawa M.Distribution of a lidocaine-methylene blue solution staining in brachial plexus, lumbar plexus and sciatic nerve blocks in the dog.Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia2008 Jul; 35:275-362

Chen X, Epling-Burnette PK, Sokol L, Bai F, Zhou J, Painter JS, Sallman DA, Yoder JA, Djeu JY, Loughran TP, Wei SA critical role for DAP10 and DAP12 in CD8+ T cell-mediated tissue damage in large granular lymphocyte leukemia.Blood. (2007 Impact factor: 10.896)2009; 113:3226-3234

Clark-Price SC, Posner LP, Gleed RDRecovery of horses from general anesthesia in a darkened or illuminated recovery stall. Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia2008; 35:473-479

Cole LK, Papich MG, Kwochka KW, Hillier A, Smeak DD, Lehman AMPlasma and ear tissue concentrations of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin in dogs with chronic end-stage otitis externa after intravenous administration of enrofloxacin. Veterinary Dermatology2009 Feb; 20(1):51-59. PMID: 19152587

Cook VL, Jones Shults J, McDowell M, Campbell NB, Davis JL, Blikslager ATAttenuation of ischaemic injury in the equine jejunum by administration of systemic lidocaine. Equine Vet J 2008; 40:353-357

Davis JL, Kirk LM, Davidson GS, Papich MGEffects of compounding and storage conditions on stability of pergolide mesylate. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 2009 Feb 1; 234(3):385-389. PMID: 19210262

Desai S, Heffelfinger AK, Orcutt TM, Litman GW, Yoder JAThe medaka novel immune-type receptor (NITR) gene clusters reveal an extraordinary degree of divergence in variable domains. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2007 Impact factor: 4.09)2008; 8:177

Epling-Burnette PK, Sokol L, Chen X, Bai F, Zhou J, Blaskovish MA, Melchert M, Ku E, Zou J, Painter JS, Edwards TD, Moscinski L, Yoder JA, Djeu JY, Sebti S, Loughran TP, Wei S.Clinical improvement by farnesyltransferase inhibition in NK large granular lymphocyte leukemia associated with imbalanced NK receptor signaling. Blood (2007 Impact factor: 10.896) 2008; 112:4694-4698

Estrada JL, Collins B, York A, Bischoff SR, Sommer J, Tsai S, Petters RM, Piedrahita JASuccessful cloning of the Yucatan minipig using commercial/occidental breeds as oocyte donors and embryo recipients. Cloning and Stem Cells2008; 10:287-296

Fischer BL, Ludders JW, Asakawa M, Fubini SL, Nixon AJ, Radcliffe RM, Erb HNA comparison of epidural buprenorphine plus detomidine with morphine plus detomidine in horses undergoing bilateral stifle arthroscopy.


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Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia2009 Jan; 36:67-76

Gilliam JN, Streeter RN, Papich MG, Washburn KE, Payton MEPharmacokinetics of florfenicol in serum and synovial fluid after regional intravenous perfusion in the distal portion of the hind limb of adult cows. American Journal of Veterinary Research2008 Aug; 69(8):997-1004. PMID: 18672962

Goralska M, Nagar S, Colitz C, Fleisher L, McGahan MChanges in ferritin H- and L-chains in canine lenses with age-related nuclear cataract.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (Cover Article)2009; 50:305-310

Guedes AG, Papich MG, Rude EP, Rider MAPharmacokinetics and physiological effects of intravenous hydromorphone in conscious dogs. Journal of Veterinary Pharmamcology and Therapeutics2008 Aug; 31(4):334-43. PMID: 18638294

Hudson LC, Tompkins MB, Meeker RBEndothelial cell suppression of in vitro peripheral blood mononuclear cell trafficking during acute exposure to feline immunodeficiency virus.Cell & Tissue Research 2008; 334: 55-65

Jamadar-Shroff V, Papich MG, Suter SESoy-derived isoflavones inhibit the growth of canine lymphoid cell lines. Clinical Cancer Research 2009 Feb 15; 15(4):1269-1276. PMID: 19228730

Jima D, Shah R, Orcutt TM, Galloway T, Law JM, Litman GW, Trede N, Yoder JAEnhanced transcription of complement and coagulation genes in the absence of adaptive immunity. Molecular Immunology (2007 Impact factor: 3.742)2009; 46:1505-1516

Kraft M, Adler KB, Ingram JL, Crews AL, Atkinson TP, Cairns CB, Krause DC, Chu HWMycoplasma pneumoniae increases airway epithelial cell MUC5AC expression in asthma. Eur Resp J2008; 34:43-46

Lee E, Estrada JL, Piedrahita JAA comparative study on the efficiency of two enucleation methods in pig somatic cell nuclear transfer: effects of the squeezing and the aspiration methods. Animal Biotechnology2008; 19:71-79

Lin KW, Park JJ, Li Y, Adler KBProtease-activated receptor – 2(PAR-2) is a weak enhancer of mucin secretion by human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro.Int J Bioch Cell Biol2008; 40:1379-1388

Lin TY, Thomas R, Tsai PC, Breen M, London CAGeneration and characterization of novel canine malignant mast cell line CL1.Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology2009; 127:114-124


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Modiano JF, Breen M Shared pathogenesis of human and canine tumors - an inextricable link between cancer and evolution. Cancer Therapy 2008; (6):239-246

Nighot PK, Moeser AJ, Ryan KA, Ghashghaei T, Blikslager ATClC-2 is required for rapid restoration of epithelial tight junctions in ischemic-injured murine jejunum.Exp Cell Res2009; 315(1):110-8

Papich MGAn update on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in small animals. Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice2008 Nov; 38(6):1243-66. PMID: 18954683

Papich MG, Schooley EK, Reinero CRPharmacokinetics of cetirizine in healthy cats. American Journal of Veterinary Research 2008; 69:670-674

Park JJ*, Fang S*, Crews AL, Lin K-W, Adler KB (*Co-first authors)MARCKS regulation of mucin secretion by airway epithelial cells in vitro: interactions with chaperone proteins.Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol 2008; 102:949-955

Patil M, Lee S, Macias E, Lam E, Xu C, Jones K, Ho C, Rodriguez-Puebla ML, Chen XRole of cyclin D1 as a downstream signaling molecule of beta-catenin in hepatocarcinogenesis. Cancer Research2009; 69(1):253-261

Posner LP Management of acute pain.NAVC Clinicians Brief 2009; pp 13-18

Posner LP, Asakawa M, Erb HNPropofol anesthesia in cats with hepatic lipidosis. JAVMA 2008 Jun; 232:12; 1841-1843

Sekis I, Ramstead K, Rishniw M, Schwark WS, McDonough SP, Goldstein RE, Papich M, Simpson KWSingle-dose pharmacokinetics and genotoxicity of metronidazole in cats. Journal of Feline Medicine & Surgery2009 Feb; 11(2):60-8. Epub 2009 Jan 19. PMID: 19155181

Sellon DC, Papich MG, Palmer L, Remund BPharmacokinetics of butorphanol in horses after intramuscular injection. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2009 Feb; 32(1):62-65. PMID: 19161457

Sullivan DE, Pociask D, Ferris MB, Brody ARThe latent form of TGF-beta1 is induced by TNF-alpha through an ERK specific pathway and is activated by asbestos-derived reactive oxygen species in vitro and in vivo. J Immunotox2008; 5:145-9

Thomas R, Duke SE, Karlsson K, Evans A, Ellis P, Lindblad-Toh K, Langford CF, Breen M


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Development of a 1Mb resolution, cytogenetically-validated genomic microarray for canine CGH analysis. Cytogenetic and Genome Research2008; 122:110-121

Wang X, Adler KBEpithelial brush border proteomics and associated dysfunction. J Epithelial Biology & Pharmacology 2008; 1:27-33

Wells SM, Glerum LE, Papich MG Pharmacokinetics of butorphanol in cats after intramuscular and buccal transmucosal administration. American Journal of Veterinary Research 2008 Dec; 69(12):1548-54. PMID: 19045999

Whang HS, Vendeix FAP, Gracz HS, Gadsby JE, Tonelli AE NMR studies of the inclusion complex of cloprostenol sodium salt with beta-cyclodextrin in aqueous solution. Pharm Res 2008 May; 25(5):1142-9. Epub 2007 Dec 5

Yoder JA, Cannon JP, Litman RT, Murphy C, Freeman JL, Litman GW.Evidence for a transposition event in a second NITR gene cluster in zebrafish.Immunogenetics (2007 Impact factor: 2.741) 2008; 60:257-265

Young AC, Kirkness E, Breen MTackling the characterization of canine chromosomal breakpoints with an integrated in-situ/in-silico approach: The canine PAR and PAB. Chromosome Research 2008; 16:1193-1202

Young DD, Garner RA, Yoder JA, Deiters ALight activation of gene function in mammalian cells via ribozymes.ChemCommun (2007 Impact Factor: 4.52) 2009; 568-570

Young DD, Lusic, H, Lively MO, Yoder, JA, Deiters A.Gene Silencing in mammalian cells with light-activated antisense agents.ChemBioChem (2007 Impact factor: 3.446)2008; 9:2937-2940

Zaunbrecher G, Mir B, Dunne PW, Breen M, Piedrahita JAEnhancement of extra chromosomal recombination in somatic cells by affecting the ratio of homologous recombination (HR) to non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). Animal Biotechnology2008; 19:6-21

Zorrilla LM, Irvin MS, Gadsby JE Protein Kinase C Isoforms in the porcine corpus luteum: temporal and spatial expression patterns. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 2009; 36:173-185. Epub Dec 2008

Zurney J, Kobayashi T, Holm G, Dermody T, Sherry BThe reovirus 2 protein inhibits interferon signaling through a novel mechanism involving nuclear accumulation of interferon regulatory factor-9.J Virology2009; 83:2178-2187


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2. Case reports in peer-reviewed journals.

Sudo K, Asakawa M, Nagata MDisseminated flush after ovariohysterectomy in a miniature dachshund.The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Dermatology2008 Mar; 14:9-12

Taylor MB, Geiger DA, Saker KE, Larson MMDiffuse osteopenia and myelopathy in a puppy fed a diet composed of an organic premix and raw ground beef.JAVMA2009; 234(8)

3. Review articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Breen MCanine cytogenetic – from band to basepair. Cytogenetics and Genome Research 2008; 120:50-60

Goralska M, Ferrell J, Harned J, Lall M, Nagar S, Fleisher LN, McGahan MC Iron metabolism in the eye: a review. Exp Eye Res 2009; 88:204-15

Martinez MN, Papich MGFactors influencing the gastric residence of dosage forms in dogs. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences2009 Mar; 98(3):844-60. Review. PMID: 18661535

Wang Y, Bai C, Li K, Adler KB, Wang XRole of airway epithelial cells in development of asthma and allergic rhinitis. Resp Med 2008; 102:949-955

Yoder JAForm, function and phylogenetics of NITRs in bony fish. Dev Comp Immunol 2009; 33:135-144

4. Books

Riviere JE, Papich MG (Editors)Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

5. Chapters in Book

Breen M, Langford CF Comparative cytogenetics. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester 2008

Brody ARAsbestosis and silicosis.In: Interstitial Lung Disorders, J Lynch (ed.)


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Davis JL, Papich MG, Heit MCChapter 39. Antifungal and antiviral drugs. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Guardabassi L, Houser GA, Frank LA, Papich MGChapter 11. Guidelines for antimicrobial use in dogs and cats.In: Guide to Antimicrobial Use in Animals, Guardabassi L, Jensen LB, Kruse H (eds.), Blackwell Publishing, LTD2008

KuKanich B, Papich MGChapter 12. Opioid analgesic drugs. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Modiano JF, Breen MGenetic basis of cancer.In: Clinical Oncology, Elsevier2008

Papich MGChapter 20. Anticonvulsant drugs. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MGChapter 46. Immunosuppressive drugs and cyclosporine. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MGChapter 47. Drugs affecting gastrointestinal function. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MGChapter 49. Drugs that affect the respiratory system. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MGChapter 51. Therapeutic drug monitoring. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MG, consulting editorAppendix I, Table of common drugs: approximate dosages.


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In: Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV, Bonagura JD, Twedt DC (eds.), Saunders-Elsevier2009; pp. 1306-1334

Papich MG, Riviere JEChapter 33. Sulfonamides and potentiated sulfonamides. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MG, Riviere JEChapter 34. Beta-Lactam antibiotics: penicillins, cephalosporins, and related drugs. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MG, Riviere JEChapter 35. Tetracycline antibiotics. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MG, Riviere JEChapter 37. Chloramphenicol and derivatives, macrolides, lincosamides, and miscellaneous antimicrobials. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MG, Riviere JEChapter 38. Fluoroquinolone antimicrobial drugs. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Papich MG, Riviere JEChapter 36. Aminoglycoside antibiotics. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition , Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Park JA, Crews AL, Raiford KL, Adler KB Mucus and mucus-secreting cells in COPD. In: Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases, Voelkel NF, McNee W (eds.) 2008, pp. 141-152

Posner LP, Burns PM Sedatives: veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics In: Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Reviere JE, Papich MG 2008 pp. 337-380Posner LP, Burns PM Induction agents: veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. In: Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Reviere JE, Papich MG 2008 pp. 265-300.Reddy DS, Gadsby JE Chapter 28. Hormones affecting reproduction. In: Veterinary Pharmacology, 9th Edition, Riviere J, Papich MG (eds.), Blackwell, New York, USA2009; pp. 717-733


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Riviere JE, Papich MGChapter 1. Veterinary pharmacology: an introduction to the discipline. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Sherman BL, Papich MGChapter 21. Drugs affecting animal behavior. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 9th Edition, Riviere JE, Papich MG (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA2009; 1524 pages

Sherry B, Patton JT, Dermody TSInnate immune responses elicited by reovirus and rotavirus. In: Cellular Signaling and Innate Immune Responses to RNA Virus Infections, Brasier AR, Garcia-Sastre A, Lemon SM (eds.), American Society for Microbiology PressAugust 2008

Waterman J, Adler KB Reactive oxygen species and mucus production. In: Free Radical Effects on Membranes, in series, Current Topics in Membranes, Matalon S (ed.) 2008; Volume 61, pp. 243-251

6. Titles of abstracts from scientific and professional veterinary conferences (i.e. abstracts submitted for presentation as papers or posters at scientific/clinical conferences)

a. proceedings that are citable

Abbott J, Saker KEPlasma chemistry variables of healthy cats receiving spironolactone.Proceedings of the ACVIM2008

Benoit J, Pruitt AF, Thrall DEUse of wet gauze for bolus material for 6MV photons: impact of wetness level and air gap. 2008 Scientific Conference, American College of Veterinary Radiology, San Antonio TX2008 Oct 21-25

Biskiova P, Papich MG, Olivry TPharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of hydroxyzine and cetirizine after hydroxyzine administration to healthy dogs. 2008 ACVD Meeting, Veterinary Dermatology 2008; 19:106; Abstract

Bloom SK, Infante C, Everly A, Hanken J, Nascone-Yoder NMSmall molecule-mediated “phenotypic engineering” reveals a role for retinoic acid in anuran gut evolution. Developmental Biology 2008; 319(2):497-498

Carter JC, Campbell NB, Posner LP, Swanson CHemodynamic affects of medetomidine continuous rate infusions in the dog.Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia2009; 36(2):188

Carter JE, Campbell NB, Posner LP, Swanson CSThe hemodynamic effects of medetomidine continuous rate infusion in the dog. American College of Veterinary Anesthesiology Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ


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2008 Sept 18-19

Crews AL, Potts E, Voynow JA, Fischer BM, Bumgardner S, Adler KB, Foster WMA MARCKS-related peptide attenuates both mucin hypersecretion and inflammatory cell infiltration in an elastase model of chronic bronchitis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med2008; 177:A332

Duke SE, Graphodatsky AS, Wayne RK, Breen MA member of the pack: Insights into chromosome evolution in the canidae may reveal common breakpoints in speciation and cancer. Invited presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Fang S, Crews AL, Chen W, Ren XR, Adler KBInteractions between MARCKS and the chaperone Hsp70 in airway epithelium. Amer J Resp Crit Care Med2009

Fang S, Parikh I, Takashi S, Crews AL, Adler KBBIO-11006, a truncated form of a MARCKS-related peptide, inhibits secretion of mucin and degranulation of leukocytes in vitro. Amer J Resp Crit Care Med2009

Gavin K, Sarver A, Scott M, Vijjeswarapu M, Getzy DM, Newman RA, Cutter GR, Hunter L, Breen M, Modiano JFExpression profile of cancer-related genes associated with poor clinical outcome in canine osteosarcoma.Invited Presentation; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Ghashghaei TFoxJ1-specifies the adult neural stem cell niche.Posters - Ben Jacquet presenter; Gordon Conference on Neural Development and the American Society for Cell Biology 2008-2009

Goralska M, Nagar S, Colitz C, Fleisher L, McGahan MCharacteristics of ferritin H- and L-chains in canine lenses with age-related nuclear cataractsXVIII International Congress on Eye Research2008; pp. 204; Abstract P409

Goralska M, Nagar S, Fleisher L, McGahan MDistribution of ferritin chains in noncataractous and cataractous canine lenses.Experimental Biology2009 Apr; pp. 18-22

Green TD, Park J, Jones SL, Adler KBA MARCKS-related peptide inhibits migration of murine macrophages. Amer J Resp Crit Care Med2009

Hauck ML, Snyder SA, Dewhirst MW, Thrall DEEvaluation of carbonic Anhydrase IX as a marker for changes in oxygenation in canine tumors. 99th Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA2008 Apr 12-16; ACR Meeting Abstracts:2038


Page 42: Annual Report.doc

Hedan B, Breen T, Nielsen, Motsinger-Reif AA, Thomas R, Cullen J, Breen MAnalysis of abnormalities in histiocytic tumors of bernese mountain dog and flat coated retriever by comparative genomic hybridization. Invited Presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Howard KE, Reckling SK, Dean GARegulatory T cell populations are altered in cats following acute infection with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Experimental Biology (American Association of Immunologists), San Diego, CA2008 Apr; Poster

Levine DN, Papich MG, Gookin JL, Davidson GS, Davis JL, Stagner WC, Goldman R, Williamson LRonidazole pharmacokinetics in cats after IV administration and oral administration of an immediate release capsule and a colon-targeted delayed release tablet. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 2008 ACVIM Forum, San Antonio, Texas2008; 22:745; Abstract #148

Lin K, Park JJ, Fang S, Adler KBMARCKS protein regulation of mucin secretion in airway epithelial cells: binding of MARCKS to chaperones and to MyosinV. Am J Resp Crit Care Med2008; 177:A993

Lindblad-Toh K, Karlsson E , Tonomura N, Barber L, Burgess K, Breen M, Modiano J, McNiel E, Ostrander E, London C, Comtock K, Azuma CMapping genetic risk factors for osteosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma. Invited Presentation; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Macias E, Kin SH, Liu F, Rodriguez-Puebla MLCDK4 overexpression as an epigenetic mechanism for loss of TGF-B/Smad3 signaling in mouse keratinocytes and skin tumors. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA2008

McGahan MC, Ferrell J, Fleisher LN, Nagar S, Lall MM, Harned J Proteins integral to iron metabolism are regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor-1 in retinal pigmented epithelial cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (Suppl) 2008; Abstract #1380

McGahan MC, Ferrell J, Nagar S, Lall M, Goralska M, Fleisher LN, Harned J Ceruloplasmin alters intracellular iron metabolism and increases ferritin levels and glutamate secretion in lens epithelial and retinal pigmented epithelial cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (Suppl) 2009; Abstract #1464

McMullen, Jr RJ, Salmon JH, Campbell NB, Davidson MG, Gilger BCIn vitro and in vivo evaluation of an equine intraocular lens. American College of Veterinary Ophthalmology Conference, Boston, MA2008 Oct 15-18

Moore SA, Munana KR, Papich MG, Nettifee-OsborneThe pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam in healthy dogs following single and multiple oral doses. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 2008 ACVIM Forum, San Antonio, Texas2008; 22:745; Abstract #83


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Olby NJ, Papich MG, Parke N, Spinapolis K, Mehta PM, Harris T, Shi R, Smith DSafety and pharmacokinetics of 4-Aminopyridine deravitives in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 2008 ACVIM Forum, San Antonio, Texas2008; 22:745; Abstract #75

Olby NJ, Parke N, Spinapolis K, Mehta PM, Harris T, Papich MG, Shi R, Smith DPhase I clinical trial of 4-aminopyridine derivatives in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 2008 ACVIM Forum, San Antonio, Texas2008; 22:745; Abstract #76

Panetteiri RA, Jester WF, Jiang M, Zhao H, Liang J, Parikh I, Murphy T, Adler KBInhibition of ozone-induced airway inflammation by decreasing myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate function.Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2008; 177:A495

Park J, Fang S, Crews AL, Chen W, Adler KBThe C-terminus of cysteine string protein (CSP) affects mucin secretion in normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells. Amer J Resp Crit Care Med2009

Park JJ, Crews AL, Alper S, Schwartz DA, Adler KBA potential role for airway epithelial cell mucin genes in fibrogenesis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med2008; 177:A727

Parr MA, Young D, Dush MK, Dieters A, Nascone-Yoder NMHeterotaxin: a novel pyridine compound that perturbs left-right asymmetric organ morphogenesis. Developmental Biology 2008; 319(2):513

Reed RA, Womble MA, Dush MK, Bloom SK, Tull RR, Morckel, AR. Nascone-Yoder NMLuminobasal endoderm intercalation: a geometrically unique execution of convergent extension during gut tube elongation. Developmental Biology 2008; 319(2):513

Saker KE, Wilson A, Tanner AE Feline mammary gland organ culture model for evaluation of nutritional chemoprevetive agents.Proceedings of Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 2009

Sannes PL, Apparao KB, Zhang H, Khosla J, Randell SH, Newman DRChanges in expression of Wnt7A, FoxA1, and FoxA2 by isolated adult human alveolar epithelial cells in vitro.Proc Amer Thoracic Soc 2008: 177:A196

Sannes PL, Apparao KB, Zhang H, Khosla J, Randell SH, Newman DR Changes in expression of forkhead transcription factors and TGF-β1 and Wnt signaling during differentiation of alveolar epithelial cells in vitro and in Bleomycin-induced fibrosis. Proc Amer Thoracic Soc2009

Seiser EL, Thomas R, Breen TE, Richards KL, Suter SE, Breen MComprehensive characterization of structural and functional changes in canine lymphoid cell lines using


Page 44: Annual Report.doc

array-based comparative genomic hybridization, multicolor FISH analysis and gene expression profiling. Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Sherry B, Zurney J, Kobayashi T, Holm GH, Dermody TReovirus inhibits interferon signaling through a novel mechanism involving nuclear accumulation of IRF9. 7th Joint Meeting of the International Cytokine Society and the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research, Montreal, Canada2008 Oct 12-16

Shiomitsu K, Johnson CL, Malarkey DE, Pruitt AF, Thrall DEExpression of epidermal growth factor (EGFR) in malignant canine epithelial nasal tumors. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2008; 49:106

Sistrunk C, Macias E, Rodriguez-Puebla MLSkp2 deficiency induces hair follicular apoptosis through p53 stabilization mediated by CBP/p300. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA2008

Snyder SA, Thrall DE, Dewhirst MW, Qwzar K, Hauck MLGene expression canine sarcomas treated with radiation and hyperthermia. 99th Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego CA2008 Apr 12-16; AACR Meeting Abstracts:1753

Thomas R, Duke SE, Wang HJ, Breen TE, Higgins RJ, Linder KE, Ellis P, Langford CF, Dickinson PJ, Olby NJ, Breen M Putting our heads together’ on brain tumors: Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis of 60 canine intracranial tumors provides insights into conservation of cytogenetic profiles with their human counterparts. Invited Presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Thrall DE, Viglianti BL, MacFall JDiffusion weighted imaging in canine sarcomas. 2008 Scientific Conference, American College of Veterinary Radiology, San Antonio,TX2008 Oct 21-25

Tsai P-C , Breen TE , Lana SE, Nielsen D, Motsinger-Reif AA, Breen MCanine lymphoma - the prognostic significance of cytogenetic changes. Invited Presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Turnwald G, Stone E, Bristol D, Fuentealba C, Hardie E, Hellyer P, Jaeger L, Kerwin S, Kochevar D, Lissenmore K, Olsen C, Rogers K, Sabin B, Swanson C, Warner AAssessing clinical competency: Our professional responsibility.J Vet Med Ed2008; 35(3):343-353

Wang Y, Adler K, Slade DJ, Church TD, Webb RF, Chu HW, Jinwright D, Crews A, Kraft M A MARCKS-related peptide inhibits MUC5AC expression in airway epithelial cells isolated from asthmatic subjects. Am J Resp Crit Care Med2008; 177:A814

Waterman JT, Adler KBDifferential effects of albuterol and formoterol isomers on NF-κB activation in human airway epithelial cells.


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Amer J Resp Crit Care Med2009

Waterman JT, Jones JN, Adler KBAlbuterol-induced oxidant stress in primary cultures of normal human bronchial epithelial cells. Am J Resp Crit Care Med2008; 177:A469

Wilson A, Saker KE, Tanner AE Feline mammary gland organ culture model for analysis of pomegranate juice as a chemopreventive.Proceedings of the NCSU CVM Research Symposium 2008

Woolard K, Totonchy M, Thomas R, Breen M, Son MJ, Beederman M, Clark E, Simpson S, Lee J, Fine HCanine gliomas are driven by tumor stem cells, which share significant similarities to their human counterparts. Invited Presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Young AC, Thomas R, Tsai P-D, Kisseberth WC, Motsinger-Reif A, Couto CG, Subramanian S, Nielsen DM, Modiano JF, Breen MHeritable and breed specific genetic abnormalities in canine osteosarcoma. Invited Presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

b. proceedings that are not citable

Breen MThe dog – a genome with two tails. Invited Speaker; Skippy Frank Translational Medicine Fund Multipdisciplinary Cancer Conference2009 Jan 15

Breen M, Modiano JFShared pathogenesis of human and canine tumors - an inextricable link between cancer and evolution. Invited Speaker; Theilen Tribute Symposium at UC Davis 2008 May 31-Jun 1

Desai S, Heffelfinger A, Orcutt T, Litman G, Yoder JExtreme diversity between zebrafish and medaka novel immune-type receptor (NITR) genes. 8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI2008 Jun 25-29; Poster

Garner A, Lusic H, Orcutt T, Yoder J, Deiters ALight-activated morpholinos and their application in spatio-temporal gene regulation. 8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI2008 Jun 25-29; Poster

Garner RA, Lusic H, Orcutt TM, Yoder JA, Deiters ALight-activated morpholinos and their application in spatio-temporal gene regulation.Third Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators, Asilomar, CA2009 Jan 24-28; Poster

Goralska M, Nagar S, Colitz C, Fleisher LN, McGahan MC Characteristics of ferritin H-and L-chains in canine lenses with age-related nuclear cataracts. Presented at the XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing, China2008 Sept

Goralska M, Nagar S, Fleisher LN, McGahan MC


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Distribution of ferritin chains in noncataractous and cataractous canine lenses.Experimental Biology Meeting, New Orleans, LA2009 Apr

Hauck ML, Mahoney JA, Snyder SA, Thrall DEPreliminary results of transcriptosome analysis of metastatic and non-metastatic canine soft tissue sarcomas. Veterinary Cancer Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA2008 Oct 18-21

Hedan B, Breen T, Nielsen D, Motsinger-Reif A, Thomas R, Cullen J, Breen MAnalysis of abnormalities in histiocytic tumors of the Bernese Mountain Dog and Flat-Coated Retriever by comparative genomic hybridization. American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation 5th annual meeting- Genes, Dogs and Cancer, Orlando, FL2009 Feb

Horowitz JCloning and characterization of the developmental expression and biochemical and functional properties of zebrafish (Danio rerio) Sp2 and Sp3.8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI2008 Jun 25-28

Horowitz JComparative investigation of the chicken and human plasma proteome: Implications for biomarker discovery in epithelial ovarian cancer.8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI2008 Jun 25-28

Howard KE, Reckling SK, Dean GALoss of regulatory T cells following acute mucosal infection with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Ninth International Feline Retrovirus Research Symposium, Vienna, Austria2008 Aug; Poster

Howard KE, Suter SEIdentification of B-cell lymphomas in the cat/feline immunodeficiency virus model prior to the development of macroscopic or histologic tumors: An animal model for AIDS-related Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Eleventh International Conference on Malignancies in AIDS and Other Acquired Immunodeficiencies, Washington DC2008 Oct; Poster

Jima D, Shah R, Orcutt T, Joshi D, Law M, Litman G, Trede N, Yoder JEnhanced transcription of complement and coagulation cascade genes in the absence of adaptive immunity. 8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI2008 Jun 25-29; Poster

Law M, Cheely C, Yoder JCaution, new paradigm ahead: fish eggs, molecular dosimetry, and new trends in safety testing. American College of Veterinary Pathologists Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX2008 Nov15-19; Poster

Li L, Sevinsky J, Stephenson JL, Sherry BUsing proteomic approaches to investigate reovirus-induced changes in mouse primary cardiac myocyte cultures. American Society for Virology, 27th annual meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY2008 Jul12-16


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Messenger KM, Davis JL, LaFevers DH, Barlowe BM, Posner LPThe pharmacokinetics of intravenous and sublingual buprenorphine in horses. NCSU CVM Research Forum, 2nd Place Graduate Student Award Winner 2009 Mar

Morckel A, Young D, Deiters A, Nascone-Yoder NLight activated modulation of protein activity (LAMP): a tool for spatiotemporal control of signaling components in living embryos. Southeastern Regional Society for Developmental Biology Meeting 2009; Abstract

Newman DR, Apparao KB, Zhang H, Khosla J, Sannes PLChanges in expression of forkhead transcription factors and Wnt signaling in bleomycin-induced fibrosis.International Colloquium on Pulmonary Fibrosis, Sunset Beach, NC2008

Nordone STLR8 stimulation of HIV-1-infected regulatory T cells uncouples dendritic cell control of suppression. Keystone Regulatory T cell meeting proceedings, Keystone, CO 2009 Mar

Sannes PL, Apparao KB, Zhang H, Khosla J, Newman DRChanges in expression of forkhead transcription factors and TGF-β1 and Wnt signaling during differentiation of alveolar epithelial cell in vitro.International Colloquium on Pulmonary Fibrosis, Sunset Beach, NC2008

Seiser EL, Thomas R, Richards KL, Breen TE, Moore P, Suter SE, Breen MComprehensive characterization of structural and functional changes in canine lymphoid cell lines using array-based comparative genomic hybridization, multicolor FISH analysis and gene expression profiling. American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation 5th annual meeting- Genes, Dogs and Cancer, Orlando, FL2009 Feb

Shah R, Eason D, Haire R, Mueller G, Traver D, Litman G, Yoder JAnti-Nitr9 monoclonal antibodies define relative levels of three Nitr9 isoforms in zebrafish tissues. 8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI2008 Jun 25-29; Poster

Thomas R, Duke SE, Wang H, Breen T, Higgins RJ, Linder K, Ellis P, Langford CF, Dickinson P, Olby NJ, Breen M Putting our heads together: microarray-based CGH analysis provides insights into genomic conservation between human and canine intracranial tumors. American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation 5th annual meeting- Genes, Dogs and Cancer, Orlando, FL2009 Feb

Ward JL, McCartney S, Chinnadurai S, Posner LPEffects of analgesics on minimum anesthetic concentration (MAC) of tricaine methanesulfonate (MS 222) in goldfish.NCSU CVM Research Forum2009

Woolard K, Totonchy M, Thomas R, Breen M, Son MJ, Beederman M, Clark E, Simpson M, Lee J, Fine HCanine Gliomas are driven by tumor stem cells, which share significant similarities to their human counterparts.


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American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation 5th annual meeting- Genes, Dogs and Cancer, Orlando, FL2009 Feb

Xie J, Hast B, Yin H, Nichols T, Yoder J, Horowitz JCloning and characterization of the developmental expression and biochemical and functional properties of zebrafish (Danio rerio) Sp2 and Sp3. 8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI2008 Jun 25-29; Poster

Yang J, Charette J, Sullivan M, Runft D, Kim C, Neely M, Yoder JTranscriptional response of zebrafish immune-related lectin like receptors (ILLRs) to immune challenge. 8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI2008 Jun 25-29; Poster

Young AC, Thomas R, Tsai P-C, Kisseberth W, Subramanian S, Modiano JM, Breen MHeritable and breed specific genetic abnormalities in canine osteosarcoma. American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation 5th annual meeting- Genes, Dogs and Cancer, Orlando, FL2009

7. Titles of invited presentations papers (including CE) where the primary audience was professionals (veterinarians, scientists, etc.)

Adler KBCell proliferation, differentiation and carcinogenesis.Invited Session Chair; European Respiratory Society meeting, Estoril, Portugal2009 Mar

Adler KBUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, Cystic Fibrosis Center; Host: Dr. Martina Gentzsch2009 Feb

Adler KBSession Chair and Speaker; Organizing Committee Member, 5th International Symposium on Respiratory Disease, Shanghai, China2008 Nov

Adler KBLovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM; Host: Dr. Yohannes Tesfaigzi2008 Oct

Adler KBDifferential effects of albuterol and formoterol isomers on generation of internal oxidants in human airway epithelial cells. Session Chair and Invited Speaker; Sepracor Scientific Research Forum, New Orleans, LA2008 Sept

Adler KBTargeting the MARCKS protein in COPDInvited Speaker; 15th International Conference of the Inflammation Research Association, Chantilly, VA2008 Sept

Adler KBCo-Chair; International Conference on Pulmonary & Airway Fibrosis, Sunset Beach, NC2008 Sept


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Adler KBUniversity of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; Host: Dr. Usha Raj2008 Aug

Adler KBInvited Speaker and Session Chair; 2008 FASEB Summer Research Conference on Lung Epithelium in Development and Disease, Saxtons River, Vermont2008 Aug

Adler KBCo-Chair and Invited Speaker; Pacific Rim Airway Mucus Symposium 2008, Seoul, Korea2008 Mar

Arasu PInvited Speaker and Guest of Honor; Food Safety, Quality Assurance & Global Trade: Concerns and Strategies, Organized by G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India in collaboration with Michigan State UniversityIndian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists Annual Meeting2008; Nov 17-21

Arasu PFood allergies: a battle with the immune system. VII Annual Conference of the Association of Indian Veterinary Public Health Specialists2008 Nov 7-9

Asakawa MAnalgesia technique for orthopedic surgery.Perioperative opioid analgesia.Western Veterinary Conference, Las Vegas2009 Feb

Breen MThe dog – a genome with two tails.Invited Speaker; Skippy Frank Translational Medicine Fund Multipdisciplinary Cancer Conference2009 Jan 15

Breen M, Modiano JFShared pathogenesis of human and canine tumors - an inextricable link between cancer and evolution. Invited Speaker; Theilen Tribute Symposium at UC Davis 2008 May 31-Jun 1

Brody ARInvited Speaker; University of Southern California, Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Los Angeles2008 Jan

Brody ARInvited Speaker; Hopital Bichat, Department of Lung Biology, Paris2008 Jun

Brody ARVisiting Scientist; UC Davis College of Medicine, Davis, CA2008 Oct

Brody ARInvited Speaker; University of South Alabama2009 Jan


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Brody ARCo-Chair; Symposium on Stem Cells in Interstitial Disease and Lung Cancer, Annual Meeting of the American Thoracic Society2009 May

Brody ARInvited Speaker; Francoise and Guy Basset Memorial Conference, Paris2009 Jun

Brody ARCo-Chair; Conference and Named Lecturer, Annual Aspen Lung Conference, The Environment and the Lung2009 Jun

Brown JUrinary tract imaging.Oncology case discussion.2008 NC Veterinary Conference2008

Brown JCR and DR: What’s the difference?Avoiding digital imaging artifacts.Digital Radiography Seminar Program, NCSU, CVM2008

Brown J, Robertson ID, Thrall DEDigital imaging for the veterinary practitioner: practitioners already having a digital radiographic system. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 2008 Sept 28

Brown J, Robertson ID, Thrall DEDigital imaging for the veterinary practitioner: practitioners considering the acquisition of a digital radiographic system. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 2008 Oct 4

Campbell NBProvide sedation services for dogs and cats for the small animal abdominal ultrasound course and advice to course participants. NCSU, CVM2007-present

Campbell NBHow to anesthetize the critical patient. Intern Orientation, NCSU, CVM2008 Jun

Campbell NBClinical use of alpha-2 agonists.Collaboration with Dr. D. Grenville Stansfield (Senior Specialty Hospital Liaison, Pfizer), NCSU, CVM2008 Nov

Duke SE, Graphodatsky AS, Wayne RK, Breen M


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A member of the pack: insights into chromosome evolution in the canidae may reveal common breakpoints in speciation and cancer. Invited presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Gadsby JIntra-luteal and Immune system factors in control of the corpus luteum.Invited Seminar; Reproduction Group at the Royal Veterinary College, Hawkshead Campus, UK2008 Apr 21

Gadsby JControl of “luteolytic sensitivity” by TNF-.Invited Seminar; LINK (Sheldon Research Project) meeting, Institute of Life Science, School of Medicine, Swansea University, Wales, UK2008 Jun 2

Gadsby JIntra-luteal and Immune system factors in control of the corpus luteum.Invited Seminar, Reproduction Physiology Group at the School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, UK2008 May 15

Gadsby JRegulation of the porcine corpus luteum; so many factors….so little time…!Invited Seminar; College Seminar Series, Royal Veterinary College, Camden Town Campus, UK2008 Apr 23

Gavin K, Sarver A, Scott M, Vijjeswarapu M, Getzy DM, Newman RA, Cutter GR, Hunter L, Breen M, Modiano JFExpression profile of cancer-related genes associated with poor clinical outcome in canine osteosarcoma.Invited Presentation; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Hedan B, Breen T, Nielsen D, Motsinger-Reif AA, Thomas R, Cullen J, Breen MAnalysis of abnormalities in histiocytic tumors of bernese mountain dog and flat coated retriever by comparative genomic hybridization. Invited Presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Howard KEMucosal pathogenesis of feline immunodeficiency v irus: Is the game over before it starts?University of Georgia, Athens, GA2008 Apr

Howard KEMucosal immune dysfunction and oncogenesis in feline immunodeficiency virus infection.Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA2008 Jul

Lindblad-Toh K, Karlsson E, Tonomura N, Barber L, Burgess K, Breen M, Modiano J, McNiel E, Ostrander E, London C, Comtock K, Azuma CMapping genetic risk factors for osteosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma. Invited Presentation; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Nascone-Yoder NBasolumenal endoderm intercalation: a geometrically unique execution of convergent extension during gut


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tube elongation.Southeast Regional Society for Developmental Biology Meeting 2008

Nascone-Yoder NMechanisms of endoderm morphogenesis: a gut reaction.Invited Presentation; University of Miami, Biology Department Seminar Series, Miami, FL2008

Nordone SThe prospects for immunizing against Bartonella species: strategies for vaccine development in the absence of a relevant animal model.2008 Conference on Vaccine Development against Carrion’s Disease by the Peruvian Institute of Health2008

Papich MGOptimizing antimicrobial therapy: strategies for improving patient care and minimizing resistance.North American Veterinary Conference (NAVC), Orlando, Florida2009 Jan 19

Papich MGAntimicrobial drug therapy: myths & misconceptions.North American Veterinary Conference (NAVC), Orlando, Florida2009 Jan 19

Papich MGUpdate on antimicrobial drugs for 2009.North American Veterinary Conference (NAVC), Orlando, Florida2009 Jan 19

Papich MG Your patient is still in pain – now what? (presented jointly with Dr. Lysa Posner) North American Veterinary Conference (NAVC), Orlando, Florida2009 Jan 19

Papich MG Analgesic treatment for small animals .Western Veterinary Conference (WVC), Las Vegas, Nevada2009 Feb 16-18

Papich MG Antimicrobial drug therapy: myths & misconceptions.Western Veterinary Conference (WVC), Las Vegas, Nevada2009 Feb 16-18

Papich MG Update on antimicrobial drugs for 2009.Western Veterinary Conference (WVC), Las Vegas, Nevada2009 Feb 16-18

Papich MG Your patient is still in pain – now what? (presented jointly with Dr. Lysa Posner) Western Veterinary Conference (WVC), Las Vegas, Nevada2009 Feb 16-18

Papich MGStrategies for antibiotic treatment in small animals.


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Washington State Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting, Spokane, Washington2008 Oct 4

Papich MG Treatment of resistant infections and use of new antibiotics; An update on the existing and new anti-inflammatory drugs.Washington State Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting, Spokane, Washington2008 Oct 4

Papich MG The most common myths about drug therapy. Washington State Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting, Spokane, Washington2008 Oct 4

Papich MGCase presentations: managing resistant infections.American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) Annual Forum, San Antonio, Texas2008 Jun 5

Papich MGNew drugs and therapies for 2008. North Carolina Veterinary Conference, Research Triangle Park, NC2008 Nov 6

Papich MG, Riviere JEVeterinary and comparative pharmacokinetic principles (2 day workshop).Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine, Rockville, Maryland2008 May 15-16

Piedrahita JAiPS cells in swine. Invited Speaker; International Embryo Transfer Society Annual Meeting, Special Stem Cell Session,San Diego, CA2009 Jan

Piedrahita JAEpigenetics and reproduction. Invited Speaker; Texas A&M University, Department of Pathobiology Seminar Series2009 Jan

Piedrahita JASCNT and biomedical applications. Invited Speaker; Triangle Reproductive Biology Symposium, NIEHS2009 Jan

Posner LRescue analgesia .Constant rate infusion and pain.Anesthesia misconceptions.Anesthesia for emergencies.NAVC, Orlando Florida2009 Jan

Posner LRescue analgesia.Anesthetic induction agents.Anesthesia for emergencies.


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Western Veterinary Conference2009 Feb

Posner LStanding sedation in horses.Anesthesia for cardiac patient.NCVC, Raleigh, NC2008 Nov

Posner LAnesthesia & analgesia topics.VT Veterinary Medical Association2008 Jun

Robert son IDigital imaging.Veterinary MRI, VSRP Annual Conference2009 Mar

Robertson IDigital imaging.Webster Veterinary Supplies, Charlotte, NC2008 Oct

Robertson IImage storage, retrieval, backup and transmission.Digital Radiography Seminar, NC State2008 Oct

Robertson IDigital image distribution and dissemination.Veterinary Neuro MRI Course, NC State2008 Jul

Robertson IMyelography.Neuroscience Course, NC State2008 Jul

Robertson ICT.Neuroscience Course, NC State2008 Jul

Piedrahita JARole of epigenetics in placental function. Invited Speaker, Molecular Reproduction and Development, Brown University, Rhode IslandMarch 2009

Saker KA nNutritional component of wellness care.Community Practice Service Conference2008 May

Saker KFeline mammary gland organ culture model for evaluation of nutritional chemoprevetive agents.2008 Nestle Purina Nutrition Forum


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2008 Oct

Saker KDeciphering diet labels.Alternative diet culture.Nutritional support roadmap for disease management.Post-colic nutrition.Helping the dam feed her newborn.The NC Veterinary Continuing Education Program2008 Nov

Sannes PLSulfated extracellular matrices in the modulation of gene and protein expression in the pulmonary alveolus.Symposium on Extracellular Matrix, American Thoracic Society Meeting, Toronto, CA2008 May

Sannes PLDevelopmental pathways in the differentiation of adult human alveolar epithelial cells in vitro.University of California at Davis, College of Medicine 2009 Jan

Seiser EL, Thomas R, Breen TE, Richards KL, Suter SE, Breen MComprehensive characterization of structural and functional changes in canine lymphoid cell lines using array-based comparative genomic hybridization, multicolor FISH analysis and gene expression profiling. Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Sherry BStraight from the heart: the cardiac response to viral infection. University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Microbiology and Immunology2008 Nov 6

Sherry BCell type-specific innate immunity. State-of-the-Art presentation at the American Society for Virology, 27th annual meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY2008 Jul 12-16

Sherry B, Zurney J, Li L, O’Donnell S, Sevinsky J, Stephenson J, Dermody TThe cardiac innate response to viral infection. Kansas State University symposium: Emerging Infections: A Tribute to the One Medicine, One Health Concept, Manhattan, KS2008 No 13-14

Swanson CIdeal anesthesia: tailoring premedication and intravenous induction choices to the needs of patients and the people who handle them. Veterinary Forum, NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, NC2008 Sept 17

Swanson CFish ecology and physiology. Fish Health Management Course, NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine, CMAST, Morehead City, NC2008 Oct 9-11

Thomas R, Duke SE, Wang HJ, Breen TE, Higgins RJ, Linder KE, Ellis P, Langford CF, Dickinson PJ, Olby


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NJ, Breen M Putting our heads together’ on brain tumors: microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis of 60 canine intracranial tumors provides insights into conservation of cytogenetic profiles with their human counterparts. Invited presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Tsai P-C, Breen TE, Lana SE, Nielsen D, Motsinger-Reif AA, Breen MCanine lymphoma - the prognostic significance of cytogenetic changes. Invited presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Woolard K, Totonchy M, Thomas R, Breen M, Son MJ, Beederman M, Clark E, Simpson M, Lee J, Fine HCanine gliomas are driven by tumor stem cells, which share significant similarities to their human counterparts. Invited presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

Yoder JAAssessing infection and immunity in zebrafish.Invited Talk; 8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI2008 Jun 25-28

Yoder JALight-activatable morpholinos for spatio-temporal gene regulation. Invited Talk; 3rd Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators, Asilomar, CA2009

Young AC, Thomas R, Tsai P-C, Kisseberth WC, Motsinger-Reif A, Couto CG, Subramanian S, Nielsen DM, Modiano JF, Breen MHeritable and breed specific genetic abnormalities in canine osteosarcoma. Invited presentation – Trainee; Genes, Dogs, Cancer –V, Orlando, Florida2009 Feb

8. Works prepared for presentation and distribution through electronic media, including CD-ROMS, audio and video disks and tapes, computer-generated presentations, broadcast videos, etc.

Arasu PA roadmap for combating Zoonotic Diseases in India.Helped organize and formulate report resulting from the June 23, 2008, workshop held in New Delhi India at the offices of the Public Health Foundation of India. Workshop participants included Dr. Peggy Bentley, UNC Chapel Hill School of Public Health, RTI International (Dr. Scott Wetterhall), USAID, USDA and US Embassy staff in India as well as 23 human health and animal health related agencies in India. This was the first effort at convening this disparate group in India focused on the US initiative of One Health.

Barnes JBe the Veterinarian, DVD – designed to introduce middle school youth to the veterinary profession.

9. Titles of continuing education presentations/papers/proceedings where the primary audience was not professionals (livestock producers, dog breeders, horse owners, etc.)

Campbell NSedation and general anesthetic techniques in equine practice. VTH Technician Forum, NCSU, CVM2008 Jun

Piedrahita JA


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Updates on cloning and transgenic in swine. Invited Speaker; Sigma Xi lunch seminar series, RTP 2009 Mar

Saker KTopic area: obesity managementDeveloped a syllabus and course materials for an on-line CE program for veterinary practitioners. Sponsored by IAMS Pet Nutrition

10. Bulletins, booklets, and similar educational material developed for distribution.

Arasu PFood allergies: a battle with the immune system.Invited paper; AVPH Annual Symposium, GB Pant University, IndiaIAVPH Proceedings 2008 Nov 7-9

Papich MUSP (United States Pharmacopeia) Pharmacist’s Pharmacopeia, Second Edition.Sponsor of two monographs: Sodium bromide injection, veterinary and sodium bromide oral solution, veterinary. 2009

Papich MClinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution Susceptibiltiy Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Animals; approved Standard – M31-A3, Third Edition, Volume 28, Number 8. MG Papich, Co-author of third edition, and member of subcommittee, 2008. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087

Papich MClinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), Development of in vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and Quality Control Parameters for Veterinary Antimicrobial Agents; Approved Guideline – Third Edition. M37-A3. Volume 28, Number 7. MG Papich, Co-author of third edition, and member of subcommittee, 2008. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087

Papich MManaging microbes.Pfizer Animal Health and distributed to veterinarians, developed by MG Papich.Wall Poster

Saker KNutrition and the cancer patient: where to start? Veterinary Cancer Society Newsletter 2009; 33(1):9-10


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Appendix VI Other Professional Achievements


Adler KB Member, NIH Special Review Committee Study Sections; June, August, September, January, February, MarchChair, California Tobacco-Related Diseases Pulmonary Research Study Section, March 2009Member, Nebraska DOH Respiratory Review Panel, April 2009Chair, Flight Attendants’ Medical Research Institute Study Section, October 2008Other Reviews, Florida Biomedical Research Program

Arasu PMember, USDA International Science and Education Grant Review Panel, March 2009

Breen MMember, Morris Animal Foundation Scientific Advisory Board (continuation), 2005-2009Cancer Research UK Reviewer (continuation), Ad-HocAKC Canine Health Foundation Grant Reviewer (continuation), Ad-Hoc Wellcome Trust (U.K.) Grant Reviewer (continuation), Ad-HocBBSRC Grant Reviewer (continuation), Ad-HocCancer Research UK Reviewer (continuation), Ad-HocNetherlands Organization for Scientific Research (new), Ad-Hoc

Brody ANational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Study Section, Bethesda, February 2008National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Study Section, RTP, NC, April 2008National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Study Section, Bethesda, August 2008

Dean GAFull Member, NIH/NIAID AIDS Immunology and Pathogenesis (AIP)NIH/NIDCR Special Emphasis P01 PanelWellcome Trust

Horowitz JChairman, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) Ovarian Cancer Study Section, (CAR; 2008)

McGahan MCAppointed to National Advisory Eye Council, term 2007-2010

Nascone-Yoder NGrant Review Panel Member, American Heart Association, Cardiovascular Development, March 2009Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer, NSF

Nordone SJournal of Leukocyte Biology Infection and Immunity

Piedrahita JANIH SBRI, April 2006Ad-Hoc Reviewer for the Maryland Agricultural Research Station Research Program, 2008Ad-Hoc Reviewer for the Danish Research CouncilAd-Hoc Reviewer for AKC foundation

Rodriguez MNIH/NCI Study Section, Tumor Cell Biology, permanent member since June 2006


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Sannes PL National Institutes of Health:

Special Emphasis Panel, National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, SuperfundSpecial Emphasis Panel, National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, Manufactured Nanoparticles

Thrall DEditor-In-Chief, Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound, Official Journal of the American College of Veterinary Radiology, the

European College of Veterinary Radiology, the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and the International Veterinary Radiology Association

Yoder JAd-Hoc Member, NIH/NIAID Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2009/01 AITC, October 2008


Adler KBAmerican Journal of Respiratory Cellular and Molecular Biology:

Associate Editor, 4/2003 -Deputy Editor, 10/2003 – Editor-In-Chief, 10/2008 -

American Journal of Physiology, Lung Cellular & Molecular PhysiologyInternational Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine Aspen Lung Conference International Advisory Board, 1999-Respiratory Research: Associate Editor, 2004 –Journal of Organ Dysfunction, Editor, 2005 -

Breen MVeterinary and Comparative Oncology (continuation)

Brody AAmerican Journal of PathologyAmerican Journal of Physiology, Lung, Cellular, and Molecular Physiology American Journal of Respiratory, Cell, and Molecular BiologyCurrent Respiratory Medicine ReviewsJournal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology, and OncologyJournal of InflammopharmacologyJournal of Organ DysfunctionSection Editor (Pathology), Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signaling

Dean GJournal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology

Gadsby J Domestic Animal Endocrinology, August 2006-present

Horowitz JBiochemical Journal

McGahan MCExperimental Eye ResearchOcular Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Papich MGMember, Editorial Review Board, Veterinární Medicína Vet Med – Czech, 2007-presentAppointed as Editor of Review Manuscripts, Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2005-present


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Member, Editorial Review Board, Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1988-presentMember, Editorial Review Board, Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 1985-presentMember, Editorial Review Board, Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 2003-present

Piedrahita JAJournal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology

Sannes PBoard of Review, The Anatomical RecordEditorial Board, Journal of Organ DysfunctionEditorial Board, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology

Sherry BAssociate Editor, PLoS Pathogens, 2008-presentEditor, Virology, 2005-presentEditorial Board, Virology, 2004-present


Adler KBAmerJ Physiol, Lung Cellular and Molecular PhysiologyAmer J Physiol, Gastrointestinal and Liver PhysiologyAmer J Resp Cell Molec BiologyAmer J Resp Crit Care MedAmer J PathologyBiochemical PharmacologyCancer LettersCell Biology InternationalChestCytokineEuropean Respiratory JournalFASEB JInflammation ResearchInternat J Biochem Cell BiolJ Allergy Clin ImmunolJ Appl PhysiologyJ Clin InvestJ ImmunologyJ Medicinal ChemistryJ Pharmacol Exper TherapMolecular & Cellular BiologyRespiratory Physiology & NeurobiologyRespir Res

Barnes JAJVR

Breen MChromosome ResearchCytogenetic and Genome ResearchGenome ResearchGenomicsJournal of Animal Breeding and GeneticsJournal of HeredityJournal of the American Veterinary Medical AssociationJournal of Veterinary Internal MedicineMammalian GenomeVeterinary and Comparative Oncology


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Veterinary Journal

Brody AAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineChemico-Biological InteractionsEnvironmental Health Perspectives Environmental Research FASEB JournalJournal of Cellular PhysiologyJournal of Clinical InvestigationJournal of ImmunologyJournal of the American Physiological SocietyLaboratory InvestigationChest

Brown JVeterinary Radiology and Ultrasound

Dean GVaccineJournal of ImmunologyVeterinary PathologyJournal of VirologyBloodVeterinary Immunology and ImmunopathologyJournal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology

Gadsby JBiology of ReproductionReproductionDomestic Animal EndocrinologyJournal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Ghashghaei TNature NeuroscienceCerebral Cortex

Horowitz JBiochemical JournalNucleic Acids ResearchTissue Engineering

Hudson LVet Rad & UltrasoundAlcohol and Alcoholism

McGahan MCExperimental Eye ResearchInvestigative Ophthalmology and Visual ScienceMolecular VisionBiochemical Journal

Papich MJournal of the American Veterinary Medical AssociationAmerican Journal of Veterinary ResearchJournal of Veterinary Internal Medicine Veterinary Dermatology


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Piedrahita JAd-Hoc Reviewer, Biology of ReproductionAd-Hoc Reviewer, Nature GeneticsAd-Hoc Reviewer, Nature BiotechnologyAd-Hoc Reviewer, Nucleic Acid ResearchAd-Hoc Reviewer, Proceedings National Academy of SciencesAd-Hoc Reviewer, Mammalian GenomeAd-Hoc Reviewer, Animal GeneticsAd-Hoc Reviewer, Theriogenology

Posner LJAA for Laboratory Animal ScienceAJVRJAAHAVeterinary Anesthesia and AnalgesiaJAVMA

Robertson IVeterinary Radiology and Ultrasound

Rodriguez MCarcinogenesisMolecular CarcinogenesisCancer ResearchOncogene

Saker KJournal of LipidsJournal Veterinary Internal MedicineJournal American Veterinary Medical Association, Timely Topics in Nutrition

Sannes PLAmerican Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular BiologyAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineAmerican Journal of Physiology, Lung Cell and Molecular BiologyJournal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Sherry BCell Host and MicrobeJournal of Virology

Smallwood JVeterinary Radiology and UltrasoundJournal of Veterinary Medical Education

Swanson CVeterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia

Thomas RJournal of HeredityVeterinary Pathology

Thrall D International Journal of Hyperthermia

Yoder J


Page 63: Annual Report.doc

Developmental Cell, 2008Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2008-2009Genome Biology, 2009Journal of Immunology, 2008-2009Nature Methods, 2008Marine Biotechnology, 2009


Adler KMBS Executive Committee

Breen MMBS Committee for Review of Tenured FacultyMBS Executive Committee

Dean GMBS Committee for Review of Tenured Faculty

Fleisher LChair of Search Committee, Assistant of Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Horowitz JMBS Executive CommitteeMBS Committee for Review of Tenured Faculty

Hudson LMBS Committee for Review of Tenured FacultyMBS Executive Committee

Nascone-Yoder NMBS Executive Committee

Papich MSearch Committee Member, Assistant/Associate Professor of Pharmacology, MBS Department, 2008

Posner LAlternate, MBS Executive Committee, 2009

Rodriguez MOrganization of MBS Research in Progress Seminar Series

Sannes PLMBS Committee for Review of Tenured Faculty

Sherry BMBS Executive Committee, 2006 - present

Swanson CMBS Executive Committee

Thrall DMBS Executive Committee

Yoder JMBS Executive Committee, 2006-


Page 64: Annual Report.doc


Arasu PInternational ProgramsCVM Curriculum Sub-Committee, Core (headed by Dr. Jennifer Neel)Chair, One Health Intellectual Exchange Group Steering

Barnes JDiversity CommitteeCurriculum CommitteeAdmissions Committee

Breen MCBS Graduate Admissions CommitteeCo-Coordinator, Molecular Medicine Course InitiativeFaculty Committee on Curriculum and Course Evaluation

Brody ACompact Planning Library CommitteeCVM Research Committee

Campbell NAdmissions CommitteeService Chief, Anesthesia and Radiology, NCSU-CVM Hospital BoardSearch Committee, Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Summer 2008

Dean GMember, DVM Admissions CommitteeChair, CCMTR Executive CommitteeChair, CCMTR Symposium Organizing Committee

Fleisher LMember, Faculty Committee on Curriculum and Course Evaluation (non-voting)Member, CBS Graduate Studies Committee (non-voting)

Horowitz JWeb Site Design CommitteeInformation Technology CommitteeComparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program, Graduate Studies Committee, Cell Biology Concentration Leader

Hudson LSafety, year 2Ad-Hoc Bylaws Academic Performance

Papich MCommittee Member, Pharmacy and Central Supply Committee, VTH Standing CommitteeChairman and Committee Member, Infectious Disease Control Committee, VTH Standing CommitteeCommittee Member, Curriculum Committee, Faculty Committee on College Curriculum Evaluation, 2007-presentChair and Committee Member, College Leadership and Program Review, CVM, NCSU, 2008-2009Search Committee Member, Assistant/Associate Professor of Bacteriology, PHP Department, 2008

Piedrahita JExecutive Committee CBS Program, Cell Biology Focus Area Leader, 2008-present

Posner L


Page 65: Annual Report.doc

IACUC Ad-Hoc Veterinary Reviews, 2009Outpatient Center Steering Committee, 2007-presentChair, FCHOP Committee, 2007-2008Admissions Committee, 2006-present

Rodriguez MCVM Research Committee, since January 2008

Sherry BSearch Committee, PHP Department Head, January 2008-October 2008Chair, CVM Re-Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee, August 2006-present

Swanson CAwards Committee

Thrall DFaculty Committee on House Officer ProgramsBuilding Committee, Randall Terry Veterinary Medical CenterAd-Hoc Committee to Establish Brachytherapy in VTH

Yoder JResearch Committee, 2006-Member, Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Committee, 2008-present


Adler KPostdoctoral Advisory Committee

Arasu PMember, International Operations CouncilMember, MBA Biosciences/ Industry Advisory BoardMember, Research Operations Council Member, Graduate Operations CouncilMember, India Working GroupMember, Africa Working GroupSearch Committee, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate StudiesSearch Committee, Director, Park Scholarship Program

Breen MSteering Committee, CCMTR Clinical Studies CoreDirector, CCMTR, Clinical Genomics Resources LabCVM Representative on the NCSU Hearings Committee

Dean GMember, GAANN Fellowship Executive CommitteeMember, Biotechnology Training Grant Executive CommitteeMember, Scientific Misconduct Investigation CommitteeExecutive Committee Member, Center for Quantitative Sciences in BiomedicineMember, Department of Biomedical Engineering Pilot Grant Review Committee

Fleisher LChair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee; CVM Representative to the Administrative Board of the Graduate SchoolCVM Representatives to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Resources and Environment CommitteeUniversity Registration, Records and Calendar Committee


Page 66: Annual Report.doc

University Campus Safety and Emergency Planning CommitteeEmergency Planning Committee, Advisory to David Rainer, Associate Vice Chancellor for Environmental Health and

Public SafetyChair, University O. Max Gardner Award Committee

Gadsby JMember, NCSU Physiology Program Graduate Student Admissions Committee, Aug 2008-present

Horowitz JDVM/PhD Program Admissions CommitteePre-Proposal Selection Committee for Packard Foundation FellowshipsPre-Proposal Selection Committee for Beckman and Pew Foundations FellowshipsGenomic Sciences Graduate Program, Admissions CommitteeCenter for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research Executive CommitteeCore Leader, Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research Oncology

McGahan MCDepartment Heads Steering Committee

Nascone-Yoder NReview Panel Member, Proposal Developmental Unit, Research and Graduate Studies, 2008

Piedrahita JIPC, CVM Representative to the Intellectual Property CommitteeMember of the Executive Committee and Director of the Clinical Genomics Core, CCMTRFunctional Genomics Admission Committee, 2006-presentIMSD Executive Committee

Posner LEvaluation of College Leadership and Programs Committee, Dean Arden, 2008-present

Robertson IRadiation Safety Committee

Sherry BChair, Misconduct Investigation Committee, 6/08-presentAlumni Association Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award Committee, Winter 2009University Research Committee, 8/07-presentGAANN Training Grant Executive Committee, 11/02-presentCo-Director, Biotechnology Training Program, 1/99-presentExpanding Your Horizons Organizational Committee, 7/98-presentAwards Committee, GAANN Fellowships, 8/94-present


Adler KBMember, Triangle Visiting Pulmonary Scholar CommitteeMember, CIIT Science Advisory Committee, 2008

Arasu PMember, International Affairs Committee (IAC), American Association of Veterinary Medical CollegesMember, Committee on International Affairs (CIVA), AAVMC Rep to Am. Assoc. of Vet. Medicine (AVMA)Triangle Global Health Consortium

Asakawa MJapanese Veterinary Pain Management


Page 67: Annual Report.doc

Barnes JSecretary-Treasurer, Psi Chapter of Phi Zeta

Breen MMember, Board of Directors and Treasurer, Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics Consortium (CCOGC), IncMember, Steering Committee, CCOGC IncMember, CCOGC Biospecimen CommitteeMember, CCOGC PR subcommitteeMember, American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation, President’s CouncilMember, American College of Veterinary Pathology Oncology Subcommittee on Myeloid NeoplasmsMember, American College of Veterinary Pathology Oncology Subcommittee on LymphomaMember, Morris Animal Foundation, Scientific Advisory Board

Brody AAmerican Thoracic Society, Program Committee for the 2008 and 2009 Annual Meetings

Dean GTranslational Research Advisory BoardTriangle Immunology Interest Group, Steering Committee International Feline Retrovirus Research Symposium Organizing Committee

Fleisher LMember of the Search Committee, Director of Environment Health and Safety

Gadsby JMember of the Society for the Study of Reproduction Nominating Committee, 2008-2009Chair, Triangle Consortium for Reproductive Biology (TCRB), 2009-2010

Howard KVolunteer, NCVMA Public Education Events, State Fair

McGahan MCAppointed Member (by Michael Leavitt, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services), National Advisory

Eye Council, Dec 2006-Dec 2010Elected Secretary, International Society for Eye Research,, term 2008-2011

Papich MAdvisory Boards:

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Expert Advisory Panel for Antimicrobial DrugsBoehringer-Ingelheim, Pain Medication Advisory BoardSchering-Plough Corporation, Consulting and Speaker’s BureauBayer Animal Health, Consulting ActivityPutney Pharmaceuticals, Consultant and Advisory PanelVet Med Labs, Advisory PanelCentral Life Sciences (formerly Farnam Inc.), Consulting Activity for Animal Drugs

National and International Committees:Organizing Committee, AAVPT Workshop on Antimicrobial Drugs, Rockville Maryland, October 2008Tenure & Promotion Review for Dr. Nasir Mohammad Idkaidek, University of Petra, Amman Jordan, 2009Vice Chair and Member (voting member), Subcommittee on Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (VAST),

National Committee for Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) (formerly the Clinical Laboratory Standards, NCCLS), appointed to Vice-Chair in 2008, 2001-present

United States Pharmacopeia Convention (USP), Rockville, MarylandUSP Council of Experts, elected position, 2005-2010USP Chairman of Expert Panel on Veterinary Drugs, 2005-2010Panel Member, USP Expert Panel on Veterinary Drug Information, 2005-2010

Posner L


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American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists (ACVA)ACVA Oral Exam Committee, 2006-presentACVA Multiple Choice Exam Committee, 2006-present

Robertson IChair ACVR, Examination CommitteeMember ACVR, Digital Imaging Standards Committee

Saker KPresident, The American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition (AAVN), 2 yr term as presidentContributing Member, Education and Membership Committees, American College of Veterinary Nutrition (ACVN)

Sherry BGuest Participant, “Assistant Professors’ Learning Community” Workshop Series, Host: Dr. Marcia Gumpertz, NCSU, Feb

6, 2009

Smallwood JSociety of Phi Zeta, Honor Society of Veterinary Medicine, National Secretary-TreasurerDirector, CVM Alumni Affairs

Swanson CChairman, American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists, Appeals Committee, 2009

Thrall DMember, Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center

Yoder JAd-Hoc Grant Reviewer, All Children's Hospital Foundation Grant Program, St. Petersburg, FL, July 2008Ad-Hoc Grant Reviewer, Sheffield Hospitals Charitable Trust, Sheffield, United Kingdom, January 2009Ad-Hoc Grant Reviewer, Netherlands Genomics Initiative, The Hague, Netherlands, February 2009Member, CCMTR, Clinical Studies Core Steering Committee, 2008-Coordinator, Triangle Zebrafish Group, 2006-Workshop Chair, Assessing Infection and Immune Response at 8th International Conference on Zebrafish Development

and Genetics, Madison, WI, June 2008Workshop Discussant, Gene Inactivation II; MOs, TILLING and Zinc Finger Nucleases at 3rd Strategic Conference of

Zebrafish Investigators, Asilomar, CA, Jan 2009


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Appendix VII Research Grants

Granting Agency

PI Co-I(s) Title Date of award

Total Costs for Total Grant


Total DC for Total Grant Period

Total costs for Current Year


Total DC for Current Year

AwardEPA Adler KB (20%) Sannes (10%),

Shea D (5%)Cooperative training in environmental sciences research

9/1/06-8/31/11 3,380,480 3,186,481 232,540 216,580

NC Biotechnology

Adler KB Travel award for colloquium conference


1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500

NIH Adler KB Minority suppl for T Green

Mechanism of oxidant-induced respiratory mucin secretion

3/1/05-2/28/09 158,879 116,022 39,876 27,312

NIH Adler KB Minority suppl for J Waterman

Mechanism of oxidant-induced respiratory mucin secretion

3/1/08-2/28/09 83,160 56,000 83,160 56,000

NIH Adler KB (35%) Horowitz (10%) Mechanism of oxidant-induced respiratory mucin secretion

3/1/09-2/28/14 1,929,115 1,296,160 385,823 259,232

NIH 15th International Cooloquium on Pulmonary and Airway Fibrosis

Adler KB Travel Award 6/15/08-6/14/09

15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000

PHS/NIH Adler KB (35%) Horowitz J (10%),Barnes J (10%)

Mechanism of oxidant-induced respiratory mucin secretion

3/1/04-2/28/09 1,767,437 1,226,605 334,925 244,796

Sepracor Adler KB (<2%) Differential effects of albuterol and formoterol isomers on transcription factor activation in human airway epithelium

6/1/07-5/31/09 110,000 73,852

USDA Arasu P (5%) Fellner V (5%), Gimeno I (1%), Correa M (1%), Sharma R (1%)

Sustainable livestock production practices, biofuels and health: lessons with India

7/2008-6/2012 100,000 80,000 25,000 20,000

Morris An Fdn Brainard B (Univ GA) Papich MG (2%), Budsberg S

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of clopidogrel in dogs

2007-2008 14,755

AKC Canine Hlth Fdn

Breen M (3%) Cellular genomics – A molecular cytogenetic investigation of canine soft tissue sarcoma


135,963 125,892 68,409 63,342

AKC Canine Hlth Fdn

Breen M (5%) Heritable and spontaneous genetic lesions in canine lymphoma

8/1/08-7/31/10 147,912 136,956 72,765 67,375

AKC Canine Hlth Fdn

Breen M (5%) Canine lymphoma – The prognostic significance of chromosome aneuploidy

8/1/08-7/31/10 113,929 105,489 56,398 52,220

AKC-CHF Breen, M(5%)

Heritable and sporadic genetic lesions in canine osteosarcoma


149,369 139,157 73,980 69,352

Broad Inst (MIT/NHGRI)

Breen M (15-25%) Molecular cytogenetic anchoring of vertebrate genomes

5/1/07-4/30/09 545,705 392,359 356,187 249,950

MAF Breen, M(5%)

Comparative molecular cytogenetics of the canidae


79,176 73,311 39,048 36,155

Morris An Fdn Breen M (5%) Canine lymphoma – the prognostic significance of

1/1/06-2/28/09 114,151 105,695 57,753 53,475


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Granting Agency

PI Co-I(s) Title Date of award

Total Costs for Total Grant


Total DC for Total Grant Period

Total costs for Current Year


Total DC for Current Year

Awardcytogenetic changes

NIH/NCI Breen M (22%) Spontaneous canine tumors as models for gene discovery


1,423,625 987,130 283,547 197,426

UNC-LCCC Breen, M(10%)

Suter S,Motsinger-Reif A

Integrated molecular characterization of naturally occurring B-cell lymphomas in dogs for use as a relevant large animal model of human DLBCL


144,567 144,567 144,567 144,567

NIH Brody AR TGF-beta in interstitial lung disease

9/1/06-8/31/08 179,176 120,658

NIH Brody AR TNF-Alpha to TGF-Beta signal transduction

9/1/06-7/31/09 882,533 443,724 257,764 176,551

NCSU CVM Brown J Fields E Development of computed tomography abdominal scanning protocols in the sedated canine patient and comparison to abdominal ultrasound

8/2008 14,988 14,988

V Foundation for Cancer Research

Cavanagh J Horowitz J Jimmy V/NCSU cancer therapeutics training program

9/1/08-8/31/12 1,000,000 1,000,000 250,000 250,000

NIH/NIAID Dean GA (20%) Klaenhamer T (5%)

Optimizing immunogenicity of lactobacillus as a mucosal vaccine against HIV-1


408,375 275,000 222,750 150,000

NIH-NIAID Dean GA (25%) Nordone S (25%), Tompkins MB (5%)

Basis and modulation of the innate immune defect in FIV

7/1/07-6/30/11 1,338,750 900,000 334,125 225,000

NIH/NIAID Dean GA (30%) Klaenhammer T (5%), Nordone S (50%), Howard K (75%)

Recombinanat lactobacillus as an oral mucosal vaccine against HIV-1


1,825,000 1,250,000 345,263 232,500

Am Quarter Horse Fdn

Fortier LA, Divers TJ, Papich MG (2%)

The pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of minocycline in horses

2008-2009 27,146


Yoder JA (1%),BirkenheuerA, Nordone S,Cruse A,Holowaychuk MK

Development of a biomarker panel for the rapid identification of bacterial infectionin dogs: TREM-1, PCT and VEGFR-3

7/1/07-6/30/08 16,917 16,917 16,917 16,917

PHS/NIH Hawkridge (80%) Horowitz J (co-mentor-5%)

Comparative proteomics applied to the avian model of ovarian cancer

7/1/07-6/30/12 888,000 600,000 177,600 120,000

PHS/NIH Horowitz J McGahan C, Piedrahita J, Yoder J, Nascone-Yoder N, Rodriguez-Puebla M, Sherry B

Nikon AZ100 macro/micro zoom microscope

4/1/08-3/31/09 107,644 107,644 107,644 107,644


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Granting Agency

PI Co-I(s) Title Date of award

Total Costs for Total Grant


Total DC for Total Grant Period

Total costs for Current Year


Total DC for Current Year

AwardPHS/NIH Horowitz J (40%) Regulation of transcription and

cell growth by Nkx3.11/1/03-

12/31/091,134,687 787,867 216,390 149,339

NIH-NIAID Howard K (100%) Dean GA (sponsor), Tompkins WA (co-sponsor)

Role of mucosal immunity in vaccine protection

7/1/04-4/30/08 444,847 412,062


Hudson LC (5%) Tompkins MB (5%)

Choroid plexus macrophages in FIV neuropathogenesis

3/1/06-2/28/10 464,907 321,184 $124304 $85,142

NIH Kelly R Dean GA (mentor) Biotechnology training at NCSU 7/1/05-6/30/10 1,356,805

NCSU/ CVM Law JM Yoder JA (3%) Determining the barrier function of the chorion in the fish embryo 7/1/08-6/30/09 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500

NIH McGahan MC Trace element dynamics in the vertebrate eye (supplement)

7/1/08-6/30/09 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

NIH McGahan MC (40%) Goralska M (100%)

Trace element dynamics in the vertebrate eye

7/1/06-6/30/11 1,238,072 851,302 243,129 166,527

NSF Nascone-Yoder N (22%)

Mechanisms of vertebrate gut morphogenesis

4/1/07-3/31/10 464,907 321,184 111,632 76,199

Morris An Fdn Nordone S (80%) Yoder J (2%),Birkenheuer A

Evaluation of TREM-1 as a specific biological marker for sepsis in dogs

9/1/08-8/31/11 224,078 207,481 70,683 65,447

UNC Ctr Aids Res

Nordone S (100%) Dean GA (Mentor) Impact of TLR function on regulatory T cell-mediated suppression during HIV infection

6/1/07-5/31/09 15,000 15,000 No cost No cost

AKC Canine Hlth Fdn

Olby NJ Breen M (1% c/s) Identificaton of mutations causing hereditary cerebellar cortical degeneration in american staffordshire terriers and old english sheepdogs

2007-2009 64,800

AKC Canine Hlth Fdn

Olby NJ Breen M (1% c/s) Gene discovery in hereditary cerebellar abiotrophy of scottish terriers

2007-2009 54,810

Morris An Fdn Olivry T Papich MG (2%), Bizikova P

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of hydroxyzine in healthy dogs

2007-2008 19,995

NIH (R21) Piedrahita J Posner LP (5%) Development of swine model of marfan syndrome

9/1/07-8/31/09 347,688 233,920 188,050 126,420

NIHNCHHD Piedrahita JA (20%) Imprinted genes and placental function

3/2006-2/2011 1,529,463 1,047,577 291,442 199,618

USDA Piedrahita JA (10%) Association of imprinted genes with reproductive efficiency in swine


840,000 672,000 No cost No cost

NIH/NCI Rodriguez-Puebla ML

Roles of cyclin D3 (supplement) 9/15/08-2/28/11

113,230 76,086 27,666 18,630

NIH/NCI Rodriguez-Puebla ML (35%)

Roles of cyclin D3 in neoplastic proliferation

4/1/06-2/28/11 1,135,037 780,218 226,471 155,117

NIH Sannes PL Alveolar basement membrane/cell interactions in the lung

6/1/08-3/31/09 371,250 250,000 371,250 250,000


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Granting Agency

PI Co-I(s) Title Date of award

Total Costs for Total Grant


Total DC for Total Grant Period

Total costs for Current Year


Total DC for Current Year

AwardNIH Sannes PL (35%) Alveolar basement

membrane/cell interactions in the lung


1,260,106 854,220 No cost No cost

PHS/NIH Sannes, P Horowitz J (15%) Alveolar basement membrane/cell interactions in the lung

4/1/09-3/31/14 1,856,250 1,250,000 371,250 250,000

BBSRC – Underwood Fellowship

Sheldon IM Gadsby JE Molecular mechanisms of immunity and infection in the bovine corpus luteum

1/2008-9/2008 47,905stg 47,905stg 76,748 76,748

Immuno Biosciences

Sherry B (2%) Continued development and application of immune complex vaccine (ICV) technology to mammalian systems

2/1/07-1/31/13 530,400 363,288 116,800 80,000

NIH (NIAID) Sherry B (50%) The cardiac interferon response to reovirus infection


1,403,322 987,081 268,870 186,033

Morris An Fdn Thomas R (25%) Cytogenetic profiling – an aid to subclassification of feline abdominal lymphoma


91,721 84,927 46,368 42,933

Morris An Fdn Thomas R (33%) Molecular cytogenetic evaluation of feline fibrosarcoma by array-CGH: a diagnostic tool?


103,152 95,511 52,990 49,065

Duke/NIH Thrall DE (29%) Hauck ML (9%), Pruitt A (5%)Williams L (4%), Linder K (2%), Case B (85%)

Hyperthermia and perfusion effects in cancer therapy

7/1/05-6/30/10 2,527,508 1,731,170 461,649 316,198

NIH-NIAID Tompkins WAF (25%)

Dean GA (10%), Tompkins MB (20%)

CD4+CD25+T cells: a reservoir of productive FIV infection

9/1/04-8/31/09 1,289,260 884,685 404,55 225,000

NCSU CVM Williams L Neel J, Brown J Hematology/oncology case of the month


NCSU/CCMTR (Service Core Grt)

Yoder JA (5%) Birkenheuer, ACorrea, M

Assessing immune response genes as biomarkers for infection 7/1/07-6/30/08 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350

NCSU/CCMTR (Translational Res Grt)

Yoder JA (5%) Birkenheuer, ACorrea, M

Assessing immune response genes as biomarkers for infection 7/1/07-6/30/08 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000

NCSU/CVM Yoder JA (5%)

Immune-related, lectin-like receptor 3 (IIIr3) and hematopoietic lineages in zebrafish

7/1/07-6/30/08 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000

NIH Yoder JA (25%)Whole organism transcriptional profiling of innate immune response

7/1/08-6/30/10 390,407 275,000 245,070 175,000

NIH/NCSU Subcontract (Deiters A, Chemistry)

Yoder JA (20%)Switchable systems for spatio-temporal control of gene expression in zebrafish

8/1/07-7/31/12 609,856 422,840 140,790 102,840


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Granting Agency

PI Co-I(s) Title Date of award

Total Costs for Total Grant


Total DC for Total Grant Period

Total costs for Current Year


Total DC for Current Year

AwardNIH/USF subcontract Yoder JA (5%) Novel innate immune receptors in

zebrafish12/15/04-11/30/09 212,000 155,206 48,000 32,877

Morris An Fdn Saker K (10%), Pratt SE, Siciliano PD, Eisemann J

Changes in insulin sensitivity with body composition in the horse

2007-2009 64,022 29,376