Annual Report and Financial Statement April 2020 to March 2021

Community Pharmacy Cumbria Supporting Community Pharmacy across Cumbria Annual Report and Financial Statement April 2020 to March 2021

Transcript of Annual Report and Financial Statement April 2020 to March 2021

Community Pharmacy Cumbria

Supporting Community Pharmacy

across Cumbria

Annual Report


Financial Statement

April 2020 to March 2021



Chair’s 2020-21 Overview

Committee Membership

Public Health

LPC Strategic Plan

Locally Commissioned Services

Independent Examiner’s Report

Finance Statement


Chairs 2020—2021 Overview

The past year and a bit has been challenging for the Health Service at large to say the least, and

this has been especially true for those of us ac�vely involved in Community Pharmacy. With

most of Primary Care effec�vely closing their doors to the public, the onus fell on Community

Pharmacy teams to be the access point for the Primary care end of the NHS. We found

ourselves in more demand than ever for advice and medica�ons ranging from paracetamol and

ibuprofen (which became difficult to keep stock up with the demand) to dental problems,

chiropody queries and even, in some cases, to administer contracep�ve injec�ons. I think it is

fair to say that, by and large, Cumbrian Community Pharmacy teams coped admirably with the

extra burden placed on them by the Coronavirus pandemic.

While the pandemic put a hold on many of our plans for service expansion (we are only now

ge,ng to start the Hepa��s C tes�ng service), it also gave us an opportunity to show the public

and the NHS what we can really contribute in a crisis. From the has�ly arranged ‘Just incase’

medicines service expansion to the admirable contribu�on that our Pharmacies have made to

the COVID-19 vaccina�on programme, we have used these challenging �mes to really open the

public’s (and some poli�cians’) eyes to the value their local Pharmacy has to their communi�es.

All through the pandemic, the commi8ee members of Community Pharmacy Cumbria have

con�nued to meet to discuss and develop ways to overcome the challenges it has brought.

Both commi8ee mee�ngs and mee�ngs with external bodies have had to evolve in line with

pandemic restric�ons and Community Pharmacy Cumbria has kept itself at the cu,ng edge of

technology by u�lising Zoom, Teams and webcams, etc. to their maximum poten�al. At this

point a special thanks has to go to Lynn and Tina, without whose diligence in arranging

commi8ee, HLP and external mee�ngs, none of the work that has been done to keep Commu-

nity Pharmacy involved would have been possible.

Community Pharmacy Cumbria representa�ves have been ac�vely taking part in, and

contribu�ng to, the virtual mee�ngs hosted by PSNC for the Pharmacy representa�on review

and will con�nue to do so to ensure that Cumbria’s voice is heard as the review goes on.

One of the biggest achievements of the last year has been the promo�on of the GP-CPCS

service to the PCNs up and down Cumbria. This was originally promoted to the PCNs as a way

to free up appointments to help them deliver the COVID-19 vaccina�on service and has

evolved into an effec�ve way to free up surgery appointments in order to catch up with the

backlog of non-COVID work that now needs to be tackled across Primary Care. We are now

star�ng to see referrals coming through in many of the PCNs up and down Cumbria, with hope-

fully more to follow.

Another major achievement was ge,ng the Discharge Medica�on Service up and running in

our Acute Trusts such that Pharmacies are now seeing referrals from the hospitals on an almost

daily basis now and it will soon become ingrained into the normal working day.

Last winter saw Cumbrian Pharmacies achieve our best ever flu vaccina�on season with more

vaccina�ons delivered than ever before in a much shorter period of �me and in the face of

major challenges with stock availability. We have also seen several Pharmacy led COVID-19

vaccina�on centres established and performing very well. We look forward to an even be8er

upcoming vaccina�on season this September with the over 50s being added from the start of

the season as a target group and phase 3 of the COVID-19 vaccina�on program due to start

progressing in September too. This winter promises to be a very busy and, hopefully, rewarding

one for Cumbrian Pharmacies once again.


Chairs 2020—2021 Overview


Sadly, this year saw the passing away of a recently re�red, but long serving commi8ee member

(including many years in the important role of commi8ee treasurer) of Community Pharmacy

Cumbria. Geoff Silburn died aBer a short, but hard fought, ba8le with cancer aged 66. He will

be remembered fondly for his 40 years contribu�on to Pharmacy life in Cumbria.

Also this year Community Pharmacy Cumbria had to say farewell to its longest serving member.

John Urwin re�red from the commi8ee earlier this year aBer some 30+ years of service to

Community Pharmacy in Cumbria and will be sorely missed. We wish him well (and happy

sailing) in his re�rement.

We also saw a changing of the guard in terms of our organisa�on’s chief officer with long

serving chief officer Jeff Forster re�ring from the role aBer a number of years in this role and as

a commi8ee member and contractor for many years before. Our new chief officer, appointed

last year, is Lynn Macfarlane. Lynn has many years’ experience in the healthcare sector

including many years working for the NHS and, of course, her previous role with Community

Pharmacy Cumbria as our Development Officer. Lynn has been joined by our newly appointed

engagement Officer Tina Moreland, both of whom have hit the ground running with some

impressive achievements already:

The great work already undertaken and ongoing with the HLP champions

Making sure as many contractors as possible maximised their PQS payments

The recent achievement of ensuring that 100% of Cumbria Pharmacies completed the

CPAF ques�onnaires in �me.

Looking into the future, the horizon looks bright for Community Pharmacy in Cumbria. Our

stock has never been higher with the public and we have more than proved what we are

capable of during these trying �mes. The con�nued expansion of the CPCS service and the

growth of the DMS service will con�nue to provide us with opportuni�es to prove what a

valuable contribu�on we can make to the health of our communi�es over the next year and

our effec�veness in vaccina�on delivery should, in the fullness of �me, lead to expansions in

what we are asked to do to make sure these are delivered �mely and effec�vely in the future.

Mark Stakim


Community Pharmacy Cumbria

July 2021


Committee Membership

Name Title Representing

Mark Stakim Chair Independent—

Dalston Pharmacy

Lucy Wild Vice Chair CCA - Boots

Matthew Edwards Treasurer Independent -

Seaton Pharmacy

Anothai Chareunsy Governance Committee Independent—

Staveley Pharmacy

Nat Mitchell Committee Member Independent -

J W W Allisons

Simon Butterworth Committee Member Independent—

Collins and Butterworth

Vacancy Independent

Nicola Burns Governance Committee AIMp - Cohens

Wendy Hitchings Committee Member CCA - Boots

Simon Abbott Governance Committee CCA - Boots

Mubasher Ali Committee Member CCA - Boots

Jai Patel Committee Member CCA - Well

Selena Committee Member CCA– Boots

Vincent Mahon Committee Member CCA - Lloyds

Andrew Dawson Committee Member CCA - Well

Name Job Title

Lynn McFarlane

Development Manager

Chief Officer from Oct 2021

Tina Morland Engagement Officer

Jeff Forster Retired June 2021


Members Stepped Down during 2020-2021

Name Job Title

John Urwin Independent Member

Jamie Asher CCA—Well

Chris Edwards CCA—Well

Alison Hunter CCA—Boots

The committee consists of 15 representatives, 6 elected by independent contractors

1 AIM(p) members (appointed by the Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies)

and 8 appointed by the Company Chemist Association (CCA)


Public Health Campaigns, Training and Meetings

Month Campaigns Training



Cervical Screening

Covid 19 Awareness Govern-

ment Advise and Rules

No training due to COVID from




Children’s Oral Health/Smile


Covid 19 Awareness Govern-

ment Advise and Rules



Covid 19 Awareness Govern-

ment Advice and Rules



Covid 19 Awareness Govern-

ment Advice and Rules



Covid 19 Awareness Govern-

ment Advice and Rules



Winter Health, Flu

Covid 19



Help U Help You -


Covid 19

Winter Health, Flu



Winter Health, Flu

Covid 19

Help Us to Help You

HLP Network sessions (via


Weight management training -

Adult and Child Obesity



Winter Health, Flu

Covid 19

Antibiotic training (2 parts and




Covid 19 Awareness Govern-

ment Advice and Rules

Alcohol Awareness



ANI ( Action Needed Immedi-


Covid 19

Sepsis Training



Mental Health, Suicide Aware-



Mental Health, Eating Disorders


Covid 19

HLP Network sessions (via


Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA)


As stated in the Chairs report. COVID showed that we had to work differently and lots of

support has been given by Community Pharmacy Cumbria staff over the last year. Regu-

lar mee�ngs with NHSE across Cumbria has been important to keep in contact with the

ongoing changes.


Meetings attended by Community Pharmacy

Committee representatives

Community Pharmacy Commi8ee mee�ng


NHS Transforma�on mee�ng

NHSE Lancashire and South Cumbria

LPN ( North and South Cumbria)

NHSE Lancashire and South Cumbria


Morecambe Bay Flu Locality Group


Medicines Op�misa�on

Strategic Workforce Planning (North Cumbria)


PNC Leads


Regional LPC




Stop Smoking

Cumbria County Council—COVID Deliveries

COVID-19 related mee�ngs with NHSE, CCG, Unity, CCC.


Strategic Plan Strategic plan has been reviewed and updated for 2021. These will be

reviewed throughout the year by all Community Pharmacy Cumbria

committee members.


Keep Pharmacy in the forefront when it comes to commissioning of services

Represent ALL pharmacy contractors at local, regional and national level across

Utilise and grow communication with stakeholders

Promote pharmacy to the wider population

Ensure that contractors are receiving value for money from Community Pharmacy


Community Pharmacy Cumbria Name change - start to build the brand



Update and support contractors regarding new regulatory contractual requirements

Engage with our contractors to understand their priorities for support from the CPC

Ensure an effective communication strategy is in place and communicate with our

contractors via a range of methods

Support contractors in the promotion of Essential/Advanced /Enhanced Services and

encourage in utilisation of these services



Review and understand existing service provision.

Ensure that existing services are re-commissioned and develop existing services

Maximise opportunities by engaging with commissioners when new funding streams

Promote the services to the patients with effective promotional material plus other

Assist contractors to maximise revenue through achieving Quality Payments and item


Have clear points of contact for commissioners and contractors

Raise the profile of community pharmacy with key stakeholders to enable further

development of the community pharmacy role

Engage with commissioners and local healthcare providers to support local and

national pharmacy campaigns and promote the role of community pharmacy to the

Prioritise engagements with new CCGs and develop relationships


Locally Commissioned Services

Cumbria Pharmacy contractors are commissioned to deliver various services

from different organisations

Service Commissioner

Minor Ailment Scheme North Cumbria CCG

Morecambe Bay CCG

Gluten Free Service North Cumbria CCG

Palliative Care Service North Cumbria CCG

Morecambe Bay CCG

Healthy Living Pharmacy National Service

Emergency Hormonal

Contraception Cumbria County Council

Stop Smoking Service Cumbria County Council

STI prescription voucher Cumbria County Council

Flu Vaccination Voucher

Scheme For Cumbria County

Council employees

Cumbria County Council

Transfer of Care ( Now DMS) National Service

HIV Service Outreach Cumbria /CPFT

Hepatitis C NCIC


Independent examiner's report on the accounts

Section A Independent Examiner’s Report

Report to the

committee of

Cumbria Local Pharmaceutical Committee

On accounts for

the year ended

31 March 2021 Charity no

(if any)


and basis of re-


I report to the committee members on my examination of the accounts of the Cumbria Local

Pharmaceutical Committee for the year ended 31 / 03 / 2021.

The committee is responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with its


I report in respect of my examination of the committee’s accounts.




I have completed my examination. I confirm that no material matters have come to my

attention in connection with the examination which gives me cause to believe that in, any

material respect:

proper accounting records were not kept

the accounts did not accord with the accounting records

I have no concerns and have come across no other matters in connection with the

examination to which attention should be drawn in this report in order to enable a proper

understanding of the accounts to be reached


Date: 24 August 2021

Name: David Brookes





Address: David Allen, Dalmar House, Barras Lane Estate, Dalston



Finance Statement

Income for Year Ending 31st March 2021

Income 2020-21 2019-20

Bank Interest £ - £ -

Voluntary Levy £ 132,000.12 £ 144,000.20

Cumbria County Council

Healthy Living Pharmacies (HLP) £ 5,000.00 £ 5,000.00

North Cumbria £ - £ 80.00

HIV POCT £ - £ 50.00

Project Management Fees £ 12,794.28 £ 6,809.13

Pharmoutcomes Access £ 3,400.00 £ 15,740.00

Corporate Sponsorship £ - £ 150.00

Flu Vaccination Service £ 512.40 £ -

COVID- £ 5,200.17 £ -

Total £ 158,906.97 £ 171,829.33


Finance Statement

Expenditure for Year Ending 31st March 2021

Expenditure 2020-21 2019-20

Bank Charges £ 64.00 £ 32.00

LPC Members

Attendance Allowance £ 750.00 £ 12,250.00

Travelling Expenses £ - £ 1,865.41

Member’s Time £ - £ -

Other Expenses £ 2,108.58 £ 1,136.75

Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee

PSNC Levy £ 32,112.98 £ 15,792.00

Staff Salary and Costs

Salary £ 77,897.23 £ 66,018.34

Travelling Expenses £ 106.94 £ 1,701.70

Miscellaneous Expenses £ - £ 3,746.13


Remuneration £ - £ -

Meeting Expenses £ 476.75 £ 2,520.30

LPC Office

Rent £ 4,080.44 £ 2,512.19

Business Rates £ 860.78 £ 849.98

Service Charge £ - £ -

Insurance £ 781.88 £ 612.18

Telephone £ 1,024.76 £ 953.40

Electricity £ 357.43 £ 593.55

Repairs/Maintenance £ - £ -

Furniture/Equipment £ 1,097.88 £ 2,511.22

Stationery/Postage £ - £ 168.89

Website/Email £ 201.64 £ 463.17

Miscellaneous Expenses £ - £ 319.00


Healthy Living Pharmacies (HLP) £ 598.20 £ 6,039.07

Morcambe Bay £ 400.00 £ -

North Cumbria £ 421.49 £ 1,355.87

HIV POCT £ 1,200.00 £ 2,230.00

TCAMS £ - £ 1,248.00

Other Expenses

Pharmoutcomes £ 12,185.48 £ 22,016.74

COVID-19 £ 4,071.30 £ -

Professional Fees £ 67.05 £ -

Employers National Insurance £ 3,257.23 £ 5,138.41

Payroll Processing £ 402.63 £ 402.63

Miscellaneous Expenses £ 2,803.17 £ 1,248.00

Total £ 147,327.84 £ 153,724.93


Finance Statement

Financial Summary for the Year Ending 31st March 2021

Income in 2020-21 £ 158,906.97

Income for 2020-21 Accounted for in 2021-22 Accounts £ -

Income for 2020-21 Accounted for in 2019-20 Accounts £ -

Total Income for 2020-21 £ 158,906.97

Expenditure in 2020-21 £ 147,327.84

Expenditure for 2020-21 Accounted for in 2021-22 Accounts £ -

Expenditure for 2020-21 Accounted for in 2021-22 Accounts £ -

Total Expenditure for 2020-21 £ 147,327.84

Opening Balance on 1st April 2020 £ 92,729.08

Plus Income for 2020-21 £ 158,906.97

Less Expenditure in 2020-21 £ 147,327.84

Closing Balance on 31st March 2021 £ 104,308.21


If you have any comments regarding this report please


Cumbria LPC

5E Lakeland Business Park

Lamplugh Rd



CA13 0QT

Email [email protected]

Please remember to visit our website for all the up to date


For all other enquires

Telephone 01900 821703