ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - · As an underrepresented minority, Jewish patients have very...

ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Bone Marrow Donor Registry and Cancer Support Services

Transcript of ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - · As an underrepresented minority, Jewish patients have very...

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2014 ANNUAL REPORT Bone Marrow Donor Registry and Cancer Support Services | 1

ANNUAL REPORT 2014Bone Marrow Donor Registry and Cancer Support Services

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2014 ANNUAL REPORT Bone Marrow Donor Registry and Cancer Support Services | 3 2 |

OverviewEvery year, thousands of patients all over the world are diagnosed with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. For many, a stem cell transplant is their only hope. Will they find a matching donor? Will they be well enough until then to receive the life-saving transplant?

About 70 percent of patients in need of a transplant do not have a matching donor in their family. They depend on bone marrow registries such as Ezer Mizion to match them with an unrelated donor and facilitate a transplant.

These patients’ transplant teams will seek a donor in Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide (BMDW), where there are over 25 million unrelated donors listed from registries around the world.

As an underrepresented minority, Jewish patients have very slim chances of finding a match in international registries. That is why Ezer Mizion established its registry. Even though we will serve any and every patient that comes our way, our primary focus is to provide for the needs of Jewish patients everywhere.

With the top international accreditation standards of WMDA (World Marrow Donor Association) and affiliation with NMDP (National Marrow Donor Pool), Ezer Mizion is known as a leader in the field. Today Ezer Mizion collaborates with transplant centers in close to 50 countries. By the end of 2014 we matched over 7,600 patients with stem cell donors and facilitated over 1,730 lifesaving transplants.

"Thank you for your warm home away from home and your great services. I do not know how we would survive this ordeal without Ezer Mizion at our side."

Shani, Yahel's mother

Six year old cancer patient, Yahel

COVER PHOTOFour and a half year old cancer patient Arik

US Tax ID 13-3660421 UK Reg. Char. 1073496 France 4914 67536 00018 853C Israel AR 580079978Canada 85064 7637 RR0001Printed in Israel

Dedicated in loving memory of Danielle Sonnenfeld, a"h

Danielle devoted her unique personality and warm heart to making kids with cancer happy. She did one full year of volunteering with the National Service Association (sheirut leumi) in the oncology unit at Schneider Children's Medical Center and then stayed on to volunteer for an additional year. Danielle also volunteered extensively at Ezer Mizion's Oranit guest home for cancer patients. She spent most of her spare time there with the sick children, giving encouragement and love. The children and their families leaned on Danielle for support and drew strength from her shining personality. Together with her parents and family, we mourn her sudden tragic death in a car accident and dedicate this report in her memory.

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Dr. Bracha ZisserDirector, Bone Marrow Registry and Oranit Cancer Support Services

Rabbi Dr. (Hon.) Chananya Chollak International Chairman


As more people each year need a stem cell transplant for a cure from life threatening disease, our mission as the world’s fifth largest registry intensifies. Most of these patients do not find a stem cell donor in their family. They depend on us for a life-saving match.

We are only able to meet this growing need through the support of people like you who care and are committed to backing us in our efforts.

As our registry and cancer patient support services continue to grow, we pass significant landmarks. In 2014, together with the Israel Defense Forces, we honored the first 500 IDF recruits who joined our registry as part of their induction into the army and donated stem cells. We are truly honored to partner with the IDF and the nearly 320,000 valiant soldiers who have joined the registry until the end of 2014 and are prepared to shield our nation on every front.

The past year was also highlighted by the

Protective Edge military conflict which posed an operating challenge for our registry as we continued operating under fire. The successful outcomes resulted - besides saving lives - in our staff being invited to address other registries and transplant centers at an international conference where they presented on work strategies, performance assessment and risk management in times of crisis. We salute their dedication and professionalism.

Our patient support network has extended its activities that ensure survival for patients in need of a matching stem cell donor as well as quality of life for them and their families. The support that we provide patients and their families ensures a better recovery process and reintegration into normal life.

On their behalf we thank you for your trust, backing and involvement in our life saving endeavor.

IDF soldier receiving a medallion at the Ezer Mizion-IDF Awards Ceremony honoring the first 500 IDF soldiers to save lives by donating their stem cells.

IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz seated at the Awards Ceremony together with Chananya Chollak, Ezer Mizion International Chairman and Dr. Bracha Zisser, Director of Ezer Mizion Bone Marrow Donor Registry and cancer support services.

Grand finale at the Awards Ceremony showing the hundreds of stem cell donors who joined the registry as IDF recruits and personalized donor pool sponsors who were honored with giving out the awards.

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Eight year old Naomi from Zichron Yaakov, playing at Ezer Mizion with her volunteer, Chen.

748,653 members in our



highest per-capita participation


25 donor-patient matches

made each week

319,980registry members are

IDF conscripts


registry globally

Collaborating with transplant centers in



To grow the registry by adding new potential stem cell donors

To enrich the registry with broader representation of ethnic minorities

To facilitate more transplants and save more lives

To continue leading by meeting strict international standards

To research projects that increase efficiency and effectiveness

To assist cancer patients and their families with their emotional,

functional and financial needs as they struggle with

life threatening illness

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More Cancer PatientsAll over the world the incidence of cancer has risen. The American Cancer

Association predicts that by 2030 the global cancer burden is expected to

double to epidemic proportions... That means a lot more people who will

need cancer support services.

Stem Cell Transplants as a CureIn recent years, cancer has become the number one cause of death around

the world. Bone marrow transplants are increasingly being used as a cure

for cancer and for about one hundred other illnesses!

Ezer Mizion’s Challenges A marked increase in the number of cancer patients and their families

in need of support services

A significant rise in search requests for matching stem cell donors

Growth in volume demands upgrade of service facilities and staff

THE CANCER "EPIDEMIC" Our Mission: Choosing LifeWhen everything is collapsing, it’s

good to know that Ezer Mizion is

there to help. From diagnosis to

donor, from treatment to recovery.

Generous supporters like you

make Ezer Mizion’s lifesaving work

possible. Join us! Help us intensify

our efforts and provide cancer

patients with the resources they

need to survive, get better and


"Animal assisted therapy at Ezer Mizion and his devoted volunteer Sapir has made all the difference for us and our little boy in his struggle with cancer." - Dvir Zichri's mother

David donated his stem cells and saved 8 month old Michelle's life. Above: David and Michelle at their first meeting. Below: Michelle who is in now in school and has learned how to read, says thank you to David and to Ezer Mizion.

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Lead by international standards Deeper level tissue-typing

Speed up the transplant process

Increase chances of success

Engage in scientific research on transplant issues

Expand the registry Raise public awareness about stem cell transplants

Rally additional potential donors

Expand representation of specific ethnic groups

Broaden cancer patient support services Empower patients and their families

Embrace a holistic care approach

Ensure that we reach everyone who needs us


Ten year old Nehorai Bouskila had a wish: to be a plane pilot. Ezer Mizion made all the arrangements and his dream came true. "Nehorai came back from being a pilot with renewed strength to fight the battle he is waging to get better", says Nehorai's mother.

Petach Tikvah police department joined forces with Ezer Mizion by volunteering and cheering up sick children at the nearby children's hospital pediatric oncology department. Shown: Police force members with Ezer Mizion hospital liaison, Yumi Dzialowski.

"Tamir Eckstein used to volunteer at Oranit [Ezer Mizion cancer patient guest home]. He heard that I wanted to be a soldier so he invited me to his base. Tamir and his friends gave me such a fun day. I will never forget it!" - Netanel Shalev after a day with an IDF army unit


Cancer survivor, seven year old Yotam Bilevsky, whose life was saved by a stem cell donor from Ezer Mizion's registry.

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As genetic stem cell matching is based on ethnicity, a representation of all ethnic groups in the registry is vital. Ezer Mizion focuses on raising public awareness on the importance and relative ease of donating bone marrow and dispelling superstitions prevalent among certain ethnic groups that have led to a serious shortage of potential donors for patients in these groups.


Ezer Mizion is committed

to increasing access to

stem cell transplants and

improving outcomes for all

patients in need! Transplant recipient Dudi Nir with his wife Osnat and their two daughters. Dudi met his stem cell donor at the Caesarea golf tournament in November 2014.

When 12 year old Keren, an only child to her parents, was diagnosed with leukemia she went through difficult treatment to get better. When she turned 17, cancer struck again. The treatments failed and doctors said that her only hope of survival was a stem cell transplant. Her donor - 20 year old Gal Chanuchiev, was a perfect match. He had joined Ezer Mizion’s registry as part of his induction into the IDF.

“While I was waiting for a matching donor to be found, I cried non-stop and could think only of death. It was a terrible trauma. I just wanted to live, to go to high school like all my friends, to have fun and enjoy life. Instead, I had to spend a significant part of my adolescence without hair, hooked up to an IV, going through grueling therapy protocols and experiencing torturous side effects. It was a terrible journey that I just wanted to get out of already.”

“Gal is my hero and the new brother I never had!"


Right: Keren and her donor Gal at their first meeting following the


Keren during her hospitalization.

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On a parcel of land allocated by the Petach Tikvah municipality and adjacent to the existing Ezer Mizion Oranit cancer patient guest home, a five story building that will serve as the new location for Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Donor Registry, is currently under construction.

The new building will also feature a residential floor for post transplant patients and an educational center. Dedication opportunities are available. For further information on taking a share in this major, unique project contact [email protected].


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"Ezer Mizion personifies all that is good and noble in our lives. It leads a journey that is all about giving, saving life, and mutual responsibility. ‘All Jews are guarantors for one another.’ And of course, the IDF soldiers are guarantors for the safety of our country’s citizens, in whatever situation they are called upon to do so."

"The IDF is ‘Ezer Lezion’, aid to Zion. Together with Ezer Mizion, these two entities maintain everything we need. A person’s ability to give to someone other than himself is a gift that cannot be taken away. Giving is something that remains forever. A person who is privileged to save a life can always retain a feeling of fulfillment and great joy."


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As part of the registry's Quality Management System, a resiliency plan was established in order to facilitate the continuation of Ezer Mizion registry services in the event of an emergency or disaster.

"This plan was executed in real time during the Protective Edge military conflict in Gaza which affected all of Israel during summer 2014. The conflict called on our registry team to maintain

a normal and safe operating environment in a reality where threats of attack were prevalent and as we worked under missile fire.“With a lot of hard work and research we have developed real-time decision making capabilities, that allow us to maneuver through difficult situations,” explains Dr. Bracha Zisser, registry director.

"Nearly all procedures performed as scheduled, our staff exhibited motivation to work even

under severe stress, international partners worked with us to “keep the ball rolling” despite the crisis, and our stem cell donors were highly motivated and stayed on task even under fire.

Following cease fire, our registry's successful function was viewed by other registries and transplant centers as a model for work strategies, performance assessment and risk management in times of crisis."


Alongside their military capabilities in the battlefield, our soldiers display their dedication and spirit on another front as well.

Since 2005, every IDF recruit can join Ezer Mizion’s registry as part of their induction into the army. IDF recruits are an ideal donor profile: healthy and young, covering a broad range of ethnic backgrounds and genetic combinations, which increases the likelihood of finding a match.

By being part of the registry, our IDF soldiers protect Jews in Israel and all over the world!

In 2014 the lifesaving partnership between Ezer Mizion and the IDF was celebrated at a gala awards ceremony honoring the first 500 soldiers who donated stem cells and saved lives. They all joined the registry as part of their induction into the IDF.

That means 500 transplants in which enlisted IDF soldiers to save the lives of patients with cancer and other serious illnesses.

By the end of 2014, 320,000 soldiers joined the registry. Ezer Mizion is responsible for the cost of lab testing and processing all the samples collected from IDF soldiers.


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6.1 transplants every week

303lifesaving transplants

1,229 complete


51,336 new members joined the registry

49,555of them IDF recruits

In the past year

Five year old leukemia patient Roi Golan lives in Northern Israel. "Ezer Mizion was

our home and our lifeline during that challenging time." Ohed, Roi's father.

Fig. 2: Complete Matches (CT'S) per year 1,229 complete matches (CT's) were made in 2014, indicating a stem cell donor's full genetic compatibility with a patient. The average of the last five years for complete matches made that resulted in transplants is 22.2%.

Fig. 1: Active Donors and Registry GrowthThis figure shows the growth of our registry by year which directly impacts on donor-patient matches and lifesaving transplants.

Staff Sergeant Kfir Yehuda saved Mark Arnon.

Master Sergeant Kael Lozon and Sergeant First Class Harel Joseph saved Yotam Bilevsky.

Staff Sergeant Guy Waldman saved Eliezer Stern.

323 272










ctive Do






No. of A



1 3171,788






o. of M


653 927 1,317,




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INTERNATIONAL PRESENCEFollowing is data that measures and reports on our registry’s past achievements which we are expecting to further accelerate in our new facility.

In response to the marked increase in illnesses that need a stem cell transplant as a cure and to the growth in the number of search requests for matching stem cell donors that we handle each year, we are continuing to expand our registry and broaden our support services for cancer patients.

With the construction of our new Bone Marrow Registry Center building we look forward to accommodating current and future needs, ensure increased efficiency, improve effectiveness and operate at the highest professional level.

Continued Growth

Five year old Simmie with her devoted Ezer Mizion volunteer who keeps her


















Other Countries

Fig. 4: Transplants by Country in 2014This chart shows transplants that were facilitated by Ezer Mizion's registry per country in percent. 62.7% of total transplants facilitated in 2014 were for international patients while the remaining 37.3% were for transplants done in Israel.

















2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total International

Fig. 5: Transplants per 10,000 Potential Stem Cell Donors

Fig. 3: Transplants FacilitatedIn 2014 there was an increase of 21.2% in total transplants facilitated by our Registry. The 303 transplants from this year represent 17.5% of the total transplants facilitated since our establishment.




















of T

















Czech Rep.







Hong Kong










New Zealand










South Africa








Transplant Center Partner Countries

Eliav Pozailov (9 years old) decided that this is the way to dress up at Ezer

Mizion's Purim party for kids with cancer.

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Ezer Mizion and the IDF: A Lifesaving Partnership Since matching a stem cell donor with a patient is rooted in genetic compatibility, the likelihood of a matching donor is from the patient’s race or ethnicity. In 2005 Ezer Mizion signed an agreement with the Israel Defense Forces where every conscript is given the opportunity to join Ezer Mizion’s registry as part of the induction process, on the IDF base. This gives us access to a population of young, healthy potential donors who cover a wide range of the ethnic spectrum.

This lifesaving partnership has indeed catapulted Ezer Mizion’s registry forward in size and significance all over the world since transplant centers have a clear preference for younger donors and the IDF population covers many of the new ethnic combinations that have become more common with the rise in “mixed ethnicity” marriages.

Soldier joining the bone marrow registry at

the IDF recruitment base

Fig. 7: % IDF Transplants v. % Civilian TransplantsThe rate of transplants done from among IDF conscripts shows a steady annual increase. At the end of 2014, IDF recruits represented 42.7% of the total donors in the registry while they provided stem cells for 68% of the transplants. They are clearly a preferred donor population.

Fig. 6: Comparing IDF and Civilian Matches per yearThe number of IDF recruits in the registry increased by 18% in 2014 to 319,980.Their total presence in the registry grew from 38.6% in 2013 to 42.7% in 2014.






86% 78% 70% 71% 68% 50% 48% 38% 32%



IDF Civilians 




2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

14% 22% 30% 29% 32% 50% 52% 62%68%

% of T


"The best part of my day is when Ezer Mizion's ambulance comes to bring me to Oranit [Ezer Mizion's cancer patient guest home] where I can play with Chen [volunteer] and the games there." - Shira Shem Tov, 6 year old cancer patient.



285 300

434 477 449

509 519400




of M


IDF Civillians

9 53 105171 212

282389205 221

85 509411



2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

No. o

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18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 <55




Males Females

Fig. 9: Age distribution of donors requested for CT (complete match) till 2014

Fig. 8: Trends in distribution of bone marrow donors gender and age 2005 - 2014

Recruitment via the IDF induction base considerably decreases the median age of our donors and contributes to a longer donor dwell time within the registry. The percentage of male conscripts in the IDF is higher than females, thus the registry is enriched with higher rates of preferred male donors. This recruitment strategy has been proven to be very successful with high recruitment rates and donor availability.

37% of donors in Ezer Mizion's registry are between the ages of 18 and 25. From 2005 until the end of 2014 the registry donors median age decreased by ten years (from 43 years in 2005 to 33 years in 2014).

The recruitment strategy of military conscripts has considerably improved donor acquisition and dwell time, and has boosted the registry’s efficiency.

The IDF recruitment strategy significantly enriches the registry with donors who are considerably preferred at CT (confirmatory testing) stage.

Donor registries worldwide today focus their attention on young male donors, and they are most likely to be chosen to donate.

To enhance the registry with donors who are young, healthy and of diverse ethnic origins, Ezer Mizion has been operating a stem cell donor recruitment center since 2005 at the Israel Defense Force (IDF) national induction base where military conscripts at the age of 18 can voluntarily join the registry as part of their induction into the army.


In 2014 Ezer Mizion registry initiated an exciting collaboration with the Bioinformatics Research Group of NMDP (National Marrow Donors Pool, the world's largest registry) in order to develop registry specific models for recruitment and expansion.

This project can be immediately beneficial for guiding regional and ethnically-directed donor registry recruitment to supply needed matches for specific Jewish populations.

Planned recruitment can maximize the

ethnic and haplotype diversity thereby expanding the utility of donor registries.

Although this project is still ongoing, the interim results clearly demonstrate that continued recruitment of more donors in the Ezer Mizion registry will improve HLA match rates at a steady pace, especially for some underserved populations. These results can be incorporated in data-driven strategic planning for the future of Ezer Mizion's registry.







18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60




2005-Females 2005-Males

2010-Females 2010-Males

2014-Females 2014-Males

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As the need and use for stem cell transplants has grown, so has our charge to do more.

Caring people from all over the world help us coordinate fundraising events to benefit our Bone Marrow Registry and cancer support activities. They play a critical role in spreading the word about the needs of cancer patients, and of the need for a robust registry and its importance in saving lives of patients everywhere. In 2014 philanthropists from the USA, UK, Brazil, Canada and Israel worked tirelessly to support our activities.

We acknowledge their efforts and thank them for helping raise and provide funds that enable patients to access the support and lifesaving transplants they need.

You can help too! Give now! One hundred percent of your donation will go directly to the cause of your choice: cancer patient support activities, patient stipends,

funding lab testing for new potential stem cell donors who join the registry, or opening a personalized donor pool.

Get involved in a fundraising event in your community. Sponsor and play at our Golf Events. Advocate with foundations and matching gift or corporate sponsors. Remember us in your will. Sign up for our email updates at

Stay in touch and spread the word.


Ofra Konikoff, Chief Transplant Coordinator, addressing a gala fundraising event

Get involved in an Ezer Mizion fundraising event or campaign in your community. Sponsor and play at our golf tournaments. Advocate with foundations and matching gift or corporate sponsors. Support the registry and save lives.

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We acknowledge with deep appreciation the patrons of the following Donor Pools whose generosity has covered the cost of lab testing for new potential stem cell donors, funded deeper level lab testing and enabled the growth of our registry.

Your caring has significantly increased the chances of survival for cancer patients everywhere. The potential donors in your pool are there and ready for any patient who will need them in the future, and for whom time is of essence.

We look forward to sharing with you the wonderful news that more lives have been saved from your donor pool.

Bradley Abkin & Ian Carno Donor Pool

Moises & Sandra Achar Donor Pool

Adelson Family Foundation Donor Pool

Ahavat Chesed Foundation Donor Pool

Aloni Chetz Property & Investments Donor Pool

Andre & Naomi Altholtz Donor Pool

Anonymous AFD Donor Pool

Anonymous CF Donor Pool

Anonymous NF Donor Pool

Anonymous YH Donor Pool

Ramin & Betty Arasheben DP in memory of F. Barzideh & in honor of Mr. and Mrs. N. Arasheben

Daniel & Marlene Arbess Donor Pool

Abud & Mery Attie Donor Pool

Alberto Attie Donor Pool

Cynthia Attie Donor Pool

Iris Barel Donor Pool

Sam Baum & J. J. Kimche DP in memory of Judi Back & Yisroel Kimche

Beaverbrooks Donor Pool

Belle Harbor Community Donor Pool

Ben Josef Family Donor Pool

A. Berkeley Family Donor Pool

Susan Black Donor Pool

Tuvia Theo Bloom Donor Pool

Bluston Charitable Trust Donor Pool

Boeing Company Donor Pool

Stanley Bookatz Donor Pool

Bornblum Foundation Donor Pool

Boxenbaum Netta Donor Pool

René & Susanne Braginsky Donor Pool

Brazil Community Donor Pool

Michael Brecker Donor Pool

Eliezer & Tzipora Broide Donor Pool

Edgar & Jan Bronfman Donor Pool

Rachel Bronfman Donor Pool

David & Celia Cababie & Sons Donor Pool

Rosa Cababie Donor Pool

Canada Invitational Golf Donor Pool

Canada Israel Ltd. Donor Pool

Geoff & Gill Caplan Donor Pool

Abraham Cassab Donor Pool

Reverend & Mrs Henry Chait Donor Pool

Moises & Nelly Charua Donor Pool

Jacobo Cheja Donor Pool

Chen & Ohel Dina DP in memory of Nachum & Chana Noga & Dina Rivka Genuth

Jose Cherem Dichi Donor Pool

Alicia Cherem Donor Pool

Circle of Life Donor Pool

Clal Insurance Donor Pool

Alan Cohen Donor Pool

Jose Cojab Donor Pool

Damaghi Family Donor Pool

Davis Family Donor Pool

Alex & Rosa Dembitzer Donor Pool

Abraham & Vivian Dichi Donor Pool

Antonio & Jenny Dichi Donor Pool

Kitty Doerfler Donor Pool

Elliott & Lynn Dolin Donor Pool

Yehudah Elbaz Donor Pool

Izzy & Caryl Englander Donor Pool

Evan Erlick Donor Pool

Abraham Esquenazi Donor Pool

Anne & Isidore Falk Foundation Donor Pool

Michael David Falk Foundation Donor Poolin memory of Michael David Falk

Family of Anne & Isidore Falk Donor Pool

David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool

Elias & Monica Fasja Donor Pool

Adolfo Fastlicht Donor Pool

Jeffrey & Carol Fastlicht Donor Pool

Fluk Family Donor Pool

Olya Frenklah Donor Pool

Chana Perl Freund Donor Pool

Lawrence Friedland Donor Pool

Chava Friedman Donor Pool

Lazar & Chamie Fruchter Donor Pool

Fund Family Donor Pool

Simon Galante & Family Donor Pool

Lloyd Gerard Donor Pool

Lloyd Gerard Rayne Foundation Donor Pool

Moises & Michelle Gertner Donor Pool

Ady Gil Donor Pool

Kermit Gitenstein Donor Pool

Shimon A. Glazer Donor Pool

Globus Center Donor Pool

Philip & Susi Goldberg Donor Pool

Jane Goldman Donor Pool

Sheldon Goldman Donor Pool

Golf Classic New York Donor Pool

Guardians of Life Donor Pool

Meir & Henny Gurvitz Donor Pool

David & Judy Hager Donor Pool

Moises & Fanny Haiat Donor Pool

Yair & Ilana Hamberger Donor Pool

Salomon & Daniel Hamui Donor Pool

Harbour Charitable Trust Donor Pool

Robert & Gita Hartman Donor Pool

Maurice Hatter Foundation Donor Pool

Aryeh & Ida Haylveil Donor Pool

Gabriel Heffes Donor Pool

Lily Helfon Donor Pool

Brazil Community DP


Ralph & Judy Herzka Donor Pool

Hole In One Donor Pool

Hollywood Community Donor Pool

Murray & Laura Huberfeld Donor Pool

Ofer Idan Donor Pool

Iranian American Jewish Federation Donor Pool

J. Isaacs Charitable Trust Donor Pool

Jewish Bone Marrow Testing Fund Donor Pool

Howard & Debby Jonas Donor Pool

Elias & Sarah Kalach Donor Pool

Gabriel Kalach Donor Pool

Kalmar Family Fndn. Donor Pool

Charles & Sonia Kastner Donor Pool

Don Marcos & Sra. Adina Katz Donor Pool

Harvey & Gloria Kaylie Donor Pool

Adam Kimmel Donor Pool

Marilyn Kinches Donor Pool

Joe & Carmella Klein Donor Pool

Harold Chaim Klug Donor Pool

Knobil Family & Friends Donor Pool

Manuel Konstam Donor Pool

Walter & Ruth Kramer Donor Pool

Emanuel & Ellen Kronitz Donor Pool

Leora Kuhillow Donor Pool

Charles Kushner Foundation Donor Pool

Lawrence - Far Rockaway Community Donor Pool

Rubin & Mollie Lazarus Donor Pool

Leeds Jewry Donor Pool

UHC Leeds Donor Pool

Lev & Olga Leviev Donor Pool

Levy Family Donor Pool

Michael & Evelyn Levy Donor Pool

Lewis Family Donor Pool

Nissan & Judith Lewy Donor Pool

Stanley Loman Donor Pool

Howard & Thea Lorber Donor Pool

Andy & Bassy Lowinger Donor Pool

Lyons Family Donor Pool

M & C Trust Donor Pool

Manny & Mojdeh Malekan Donor Pool

Shlomo & Meirav Mandelbaum Donor Pool

George & Audrey Manning Donor Pool

Mark & Feigi Marmurstein Donor Pool

Yaakov & Rita Marmurstein Donor Pool

Maslavi Family Donor Pool in memory of Jacob Maslavi

Oren & Shoshana Masory Donor Pool

Rebecca Matoff Donor Pool

Ari Maurer Donor Pool

Alan Cohen DP Bluston Charitable Trust DP Boeing Company DP Brazil Community DP Damaghi Family DP Dan & Gloria Schusterman DP

Daniel & Marlene Arbess DP David & Judy Hager DP

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Neal & Nicci Menashe Family Donor Pool

Carlos & Tere Metta & Sons Donor Pool

Jose & Maria Metta Donor Pool

Mexican Community Donor Pool

Adam & Gila Milstein Donor Pool

Henrietta Milstein & Elazar Kahanow Donor Pool

David Monderer Donor Pool

Jonathan Morris Donor Pool

Martin & Ilana Moshal Donor Pool

Irving & Cherna Moskowitz Donor Pool

Amir Nachum Donor Pool

David & Collette Nahmad Donor Pool

Ezri & Ilana Namvar Donor Pool

Nehalim Community Donor Pool

New Rochelle Community Donor Pool

Dr. Fariborz Nobandegani Donor Pool

Leo & Sue Noé Donor Pool

Congregation Ohel David & Shlomo Donor Pool

Orenstein Families Donor Pool

Pears Family Donor Pool

Jacobo & Vicky Penhos Donor Pool

Andrew & Shannon Penson Donor Pool

Ronald O. Perelman Donor Pool

Moshe & Bilha Podhazer Donor Pool

Abraham & Naomi Podhorzer Donor Pool

Israel & Edith Pollak Donor Pool

Arie & Dalia Prashkovsky Donor Pool

Alexander Primak Donor Pool

Prince Family Donor Pool

Gabi Propp Donor Pool

Levi Yitzchok & Yehudit Rachmani Donor Pool

Erez & Osnat Ram Donor Pool

Ruth Redlauer Donor Pool

Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool

Roden Family Donor Pool

George & Pamela Rohr Donor Pool in memory of Charlotte Rohr

Marcos & Jacqueline Romano Donor Pool

Andrew & Margaret Rosinger Donor Pool

Joshua & Michelle Rowe Donor Pool

Safdie - Friedmann Donor Pool

Edmond Safra Donor Pool

Edmond J. Safra Synagogue Donor Pool

Jacob & Shari Safra Donor Pool

Lily Safra Donor Pool

Moise & Chella Safra Donor Pool

Marcos & Debbie Salame Donor Pool

Alan & Nicole Samson Donor Pool

Zohar Sapir Donor Pool

Nicholas & Terry Sasson Donor Pool

Schapira Family Donor Pool

Y. David & Cheryl Scharf Donor Pool

Schimmel Family Donor Pool

Avi & Meira Schnur Donor Pool

Dan & Gloria Schusterman Donor Pool

Farzad & Sheila Shahery Donor Pool

Philip & Hedyeh Shaoul Donor Pool

Shooter Family Donor Pool

Mary M. Shore Donor Pool

PERSONALIZED DONOR POOLS (DP)Mark & Barbara Silber Donor Pool in memory of Sara Silber

Yehudah Simantov Donor Pool

David & Lara Slager Donor Pool

Carlos Smeke Donor Pool

Steven E. & Bonnie B. Stern Donor Pool

Suburban Torah Synagogue, Livingston NJ DP

Sverner Family Donor Pool

Ezriel & Mildred Taub Donor Pool

Raoul Tawil Donor Pool

Toronto Celebration of Life Donor Pool

Rami & Yael Unger Donor Pool

Patricia Weinstock Donor Pool

Weiss Family Donor Pool

Roni Wertheimer Donor Pool

West Hempstead Community Donor Pool

Wilson Family Donor Pool

Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation Donor Pool

Wolfson Family Donor Pool

Avraham & Vivian Yagel Donor Pool

Mayer & Moises Zaga Donor Pool


When a person joins Ezer Mizion’s registry, his cheek swab or blood sample is lab tested for genetic tissue typing. Tissue typing is costly: $65 for every person who joins the registry. Search requests received at the registry are checked against all potential stem cell donors listed for compatibility. Donor and patients are matched and lifesaving transplants are facilitated.

Stem cell testing sponsors can set up a personalized donor pool in Ezer Mizion’s main registry, bearing the name of their choice. Each donor pool includes all the potential stem cell donors whose initial tissue typing was funded by the sponsor.

Upon its initial testing, every blood sample is given a tracking code and the sponsored codes are entered into the donor pool where they are constantly

monitored. Sponsors of donor pools are notified when a lifesaving stem cell transplant is carried out from their pool, sharing the exciting news that they have been instrumental in saving a patient’s life.

Supporting Ezer Mizion’s registry is an “insurance policy” for everyone. A completely compatible donor is not something that can be bought with money. Illness does not differentiate between rich or poor, young or old. The registry is vital for you, for me, for our loved ones and for the entire Jewish people.

For more information on setting up a personalized donor pool in honor or in memory of someone dear to you, contact us at [email protected]

"Ezer Mizion's Oranit cancer patient guest home was our haven during the long

months of Eitan's treatments. Now that he is better, we can return home to Beer

Yaakov and look again to the future that we had hoped for before he got sick."

Mrs. Berman, Eitan's mother

Don Marcos & Sra. Adina Katz DP

David & Sarah Farajun DP Edmond Safra DP Elliott & Lynn

Dolin DP

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Name Donor Pool Transplants in 2014 Total Transplants

Anonymous CF Donor Pool 3 6Anonymous NF Donor Pool 2 3Daniel & Marlene Arbess Donor Pool 3 20Sam Baum & J. J. Kimche Donor Pool 1 1Beaverbrooks Donor Pool 2 6Belle Harbor Community Donor Pool 1 8A. Berkeley Family Donor Pool 1 1Bluston Charitable Trust Donor Pool 1 12Boeing Company Donor Pool 1 3René & Susanne Braginsky Donor Pool 1 1Brazil Community Donor Pool 10 89Michael Brecker Donor Pool 1 13David & Celia Cababie & Sons Donor Pool 1 1Rosa Cababie Donor Pool 1 5Circle of Life Donor Pool 1 1Alan Cohen Donor Pool 13 58Damaghi Family Donor Pool 5 10Elliott & Lynn Dolin Donor Pool 1 1Anne & Isidore Falk Foundation Donor Pool 1 4Michael David Falk Foundation Donor Pool 1 3

Family of Anne & Isidore Falk Donor Pool 4 6David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool 8 24Fund Family Donor Pool 1 4Simon Galante & Family Donor Pool 1 3Sheldon Goldman Donor Pool 1 4

Meir & Henny Gurvitz Donor Pool 1 2David & Judy Hager Donor Pool 3 17Yair & Ilana Hamberger Donor Pool 1 1


Name Donor Pool Transplants in 2014 Total TransplantsHole In One Donor Pool 2 2Jewish Bone Marrow Testing Fund Donor Pool 1 37Don Marcos & Sra. Adina Katz Donor Pool 3 42Joe & Carmella Klein Donor Pool 2 8Leora Kuhillow Donor Pool 2 7Charles Kushner Foundation Donor Pool 1 5Levy Family Donor Pool 1 1Lewis Family Donor Pool 1 5Nissan & Judith Lewy Donor Pool 2 3Mark & Feigi Marmurstein Donor Pool 2 6Rebecca Matoff Donor Pool 1 3Irving & Cherna Moskowitz Donor Pool 5 9Ezri & Ilana Namvar Donor Pool 1 5New Rochelle Community Donor Pool 1 2Ronald O. Perelman Donor Pool 8 18Israel & Edith Pollak Donor Pool 3 13Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool 19 80George & Pamela Rohr Donor Pool 9 42Safdie - Friedmann Donor Pool 1 9Edmond Safra Donor Pool 2 3Moise & Chella Safra Donor Pool 2 7Alan & Nicole Samson Donor Pool 1 3Schapira Family Donor Pool 2 8Schimmel Family Donor Pool 1 6Dan & Gloria Schusterman Donor Pool 5 13Philip & Hedyeh Shaoul Donor Pool 3 4

Shooter Family Donor Pool 1 1Mary M. Shore Donor Pool 1 8Sverner Family Donor Pool 1 1Toronto Celebration of Life Donor Pool 1 7Rami & Yael Unger Donor Pool 1 2Weiss Family Donor Pool 1 5Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Foundation DP 7 12

Family of Anne & Isidore Falk DP

George & Pamela Rohr DP

Fund Family DPHole in One DP

Ira & Ingeborg Rennert DP

Ronald O. Perelman DP

Irving & Cherna Moskowitz DP

Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Fndn DP

Meir & Henny Gurvitz DP

Moise & Chella Safra DP

Nissan & Judith Lewy DP

Philip & Hedyeh Shaoul DP

Safdie - Friedmann DPWeiss Family DP

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Cancer therapy treatments take place in hospitals on an outpatient basis, whenever possible. In Israel, several major children's oncology units are located around the Tel Aviv area. Young cancer patients who live in other parts of the country have to travel hours every day for their outpatient treatments.

Children who have to endure the ravages of chemotherapy and radiation are exhausted. They are further debilitated by the hours they spend every day on the road to and from the difficult treatments.

This all changed in 1996, when Ezer Mizion - with the generous assistance of the Bracha & Motti Zisser Foundation, Andrew & Margaret Rosinger, and Israel’s National Insurance

Institute - opened Oranit, a home away from home for young cancer patients and their families.

Located in Petach Tikvah, near Israel's major pediatric oncology centers, Oranit spares families from exhausting daily trips for brief treatment sessions. These families are referred to Ezer Mizion by doctors, nurses or social workers at hospitals where they are undergoing cancer therapy.

Oranit provides an escape from the world of chemotherapy and aggressive treatments into a haven of comfort, caring and cheer.

In addition to the 18 spacious and comfortable suites of the Andrew and Margaret Rosinger

Residential Wing, Oranit has a dining hall, an auditorium, a synagogue, the Rinat Bakshi Wildlife Pavilion and an extensive program of recreational and emotional therapy activities at the Donald Berman Rehabilitation Center.

In contrast to hospitals and treatment, Oranit is a beautiful, happy place where families can relax and spend quality time together in spite of the health crisis they are undergoing. Ezer Mizion cancer support services are provided free of charge to the cancer patient and all immediate family members (for pediatric cancer patients: parents and siblings; for adult cancer patients: spouses and children).

Oranit - Ezer Mizion's cancer patient guest home and cancer support services center


Cancer Patient ServicesProfile of Population Served in 2014

1,200Cancer patient siblings

462Children with cancer

649Parent with cancer

1,111 Total number of families

1,669Children of sick parents

3,331Total children assistedof children assisted

2,053 Total adults assisted

5,384total people assisted

Summer camp for cancer patients and their families is quality healing

fun time for the whole family.

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Dr. Bracha Zisser, Director BMDR and Cancer Support Services, Art Exhibit opening address:

Central to our cancer patient support philosophy and approach is patient empowerment, self awareness and expression.

The therapies that we offer free of charge to children and young parents with cancer at our Oranit Donald Berman Rehabilitation Center includes an extensive art program and a visual arts workshop for parents with cancer.

The artistic works created by participants at the workshop amazed our staff and led us to the decision to create an exhibit and share the works with the general public.

Seeing them working and creating within the reality forced upon them as active players, stirs powerful, penetrating, and sometimes frightening emotions.

This special group of “artists” courageously faced the inner depths of their identity, after a long process of struggle, internalization, and creativity. They met the challenge of creating a visual interpretation of feelings and of making the difficult journey past


behaviorisms, excuses, and postponements. This marvelous group and the exhibit just show how they succeeded in overcoming all the towering obstacles along the way.

The art exhibit theme was “Good Morning” and each of the participants was given absolute artistic license to express their feelings about what good morning means for them. I want to thank them all and wish them good health and creativity for many more happy years.

Embracing cancer patients and their families paves the road to recovery as it instils strength and hope in patients and their loved ones. Special projects such as an outing in the snow (Mt. Hermon), a trip to London and our fabulous summer camp for the whole family, enveloping patients with care and fun is what does it.

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Chanukah party in the hospital

Life milestones: Bar Mitzvah celebrations

Fulfill a Wish Program

Jeeping trips in natureLego workshops building spirits and lives

Pampering day for mothers with cancer Birthday parties pave the way to recovery

Cooking workshop for cancer moms by top chefs Art therapy heals and plants hope

Dedicated volunteersOutings, trips and field days

Summer camp fun unites families

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by Hadas Lixenberg, mother of 4 ½ year old cancer patient, Maoz

Every summer Ezer Mizion hosts a sleep away camp for children and parents with cancer and their families. There is no question that we would have been happy not to be eligible. But once we found ourselves in the “cancer club” we became campers.

We were almost 600 people, all embracing one tough common denominator: trying to relax a bit for a few days at this fabulous retreat. It was poor timing for a war to break out. There was fear. Our forces sustained losses and they, together with all of us at the cancer club, prayed to emerge victorious in both the national and our personal battles.

The summer camp retreat ticked like clockwork, inspired by the dedication of the people running it, generals with scores of dedicated soldiers. In our battle, relaxing on the grass, the whole family together, is also a triumph.

At twilight, on the beach, I look at the sea spread out before us majestically. I think of the incomparable people who accompany us and carry us along and I know that our nation is a very special people.

My little Maoz is a warrior. But I am not looking for a hero. I just want my little boy, my child. I want him running, playing, getting excited over Mickey Mouse. I want to see my Maoz winning the battle.

Lixenberg Family



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2014 Top Ratings

Thousands of people with cancer from all over the world turned to Ezer Mizion for assistance in 2014.

Your financial backing is what enables us to bring them the top medical care, and the financial and emotional support they need.

Your support is critical to our mission of growing our registry and empowering cancer patients and their families.

Join them - and Ezer Mizion - in choosing life!

In recognition of our commitment to transparency and accountability, Ezer Mizion has received excellent ratings by non-profit watchdog organizations that assist funders to make informed giving choices.

Revenues and Gains

$9,492,734Search and procurement fees

$661,561Government Ministry allocation

$146,041Public sector, service fees, etc.


$13,618,533TOTAL INCOME


$7,373,961Registry program services

$5,332,009Cancer support program services

$885,205Fundraising and management



STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES as of December 31, 2014 (not audited)


Registry and cancer support services


93.8% for program services

6.2% for administration

"I love to sing with friends", Yiftach Peri (left) from Givatayim and a friend enjoying Ezer Mizion's music therapy


Yechiel Revivo and his daughter Noya meet Staff Sergeant Ohr Biton, who saved Yechiel’s life.

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DirectorsDr. Bracha Zisser, PhDDirectorTel: [email protected]

Prof. Isaac Yaniv, MDMedical DirectorTel: [email protected]

Mrs. Ofra KonikoffChief Transplant Coordinator & PRTel: [email protected]

SupervisorMrs. Nira ShrikiSearch & Transplant SupervisorTel: [email protected]

Accounting UnitMrs. Lea FenigsteinTel: [email protected]

Research & Quality Mrs. Sigal ManorTel: [email protected]

Data & Administration Mrs. Tehila FreundTel: [email protected]

Search UnitMrs. Naomi ZilberswigSearch CoordinatorTel: [email protected]

Mrs. Yona GatSearch CoordinatorTel: [email protected]

Ms. Keren NesherDonor CoordinatorTel: [email protected]

Pre Harvest UnitMrs. Estee RubinsteinDonor CoordinatorTel: [email protected]

Mrs. Michal GordinDonor CoordinatorTel: [email protected]

Mrs. Hilla BendetDonor CoordinatorTel: [email protected]

Mrs. Moriah MaudaDonor CoordinatorTel: [email protected]

Harvest Unit Mrs. Dvory FliegmanSearch CoordinatorTel: [email protected]

Mrs. Yehudit EitielDonor CoordinatorTel: [email protected]

Donor RecruitmentMrs. Dorit HazanTel: [email protected]

ConsultantsDr. Jerri Stein, MDMedical AdvisorTel: [email protected]

Dr. Ronit Yerushalmi, MDMedical AdvisorTel: [email protected]

Dr. Tsila Zuckerman MDMedical AdvisorTel:[email protected]

Dr. Tirza KleinHLA/Immunogenetics Consultant Tel: [email protected]


USA1281 49th StreetBrooklyn, NY 11219Tel: 718-853-8400Fax: [email protected] ID Number 13-3660421

UK923 Finchley RoadLondon NW11 7PETel: 020-8458-9999Fax: [email protected] Reg. Charity 1073496

CANADA4850 Keele Street, 1st floorToronto, Ontario M3J 3K1Tel/Fax: 647 799 1475Toll Free: 1 877 544 [email protected] Reg. Char. 85064 7637 RR0001


Ezer Mizion – Main Office5 Rabinov StreetBnei Brak 51563 IsraelTel: +972-3-614-4570Fax: [email protected]. Amuta 580079978

Oranit Cancer Patient Guest Home40 Kaplan StreetPetach Tikvah 49210 IsraelTel: [email protected]. Amuta 580079978

Bone Marrow Registry40 Kaplan StreetPetach Tikvah 49210 IsraelTel: +972-3-927-7778Fax: [email protected]. Amuta 580079978

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www.ezermiz ion .o rg