Annual Report 2008 Final Web

Annual Report 2008 Implementing Agreement for a Programme of Research, Develop- ment, Demonstration and Promotion of Heat Pumping Technologies    I    n    t    e    r    n    a    t    i    o    n    a     l     E    n    e    r    g    y    A    g    e    n    c    y         2         0         0         8    H    E    A    T    P    U    M    P    P    R    O    G    R    A    M    M    E

Transcript of Annual Report 2008 Final Web

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Annual Report 2008

Implementing Agreement for a

Programme of Research, Develop-

ment, Demonstration and

Promotion of Heat Pumping

Technologies   I   n   t   e   r   n   a   t   i   o   n   a    l    E   n   e

   r   g   y   A   g   e   n   c   y


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   P   U   M   P   P   R   O   G   R   A   M   M   E

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 



3 International Energy Agency4 IEA Heat Pump Programme

5 Chairman’s Statement 2008

6 The 9th International Energy Agency

Heat Pump Conference

8 Highlights of 2008

10 Programme Achievements 2008

12 Annex 29

Ongoing AnnexesBold text indicates Operating Agent.

Annex 29Ground-Source Heat Pumps – Overcoming AT, CA, JP,Market and Technical Barriers NO, SE, US

Annex 30Retrot Heat Pumps or Buildings DE, FR, NL

Annex 31Advanced Modeling and Tools or Analysis CA, DE, SE,o Energy use in Supermarkets UK (partly), US Annex 32Economical Heating and Cooling Systems AT, CA, CH, DE, FR,or Low Energy Houses JP, NL, NO, SE, US

Annex 33Compact Heat Exchangers in Heat AT, JP, SE, UK, USPumping Equipment

Annex 34Thermally Driven Heat Pumps or Heating AT, CA, CH, DE, IT,and Cooling NL, NO, US

The IEA Heat Pump Programme participating countries are: Austria (AT), Canada (CA),

France (FR), Germany (DE), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), the Netherlands (NL), Norway (NO),

South Korea (KR), Sweden (SE), Switzerland (CH), the United States (US). All countries

are members o the Heat Pump Centre (HPC). Sweden is the Operating Agent o the

Heat Pump Centre.






13 Annex 3014 Annex 31

15 Annex 32

16 Annex 33

17 Annex 34

18 Programme Contacts

20 Summary of Annexes


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IEA Heat Pump Programme 3

The International Energy Agency (IEA) acts as energy policy advisor or its 28member countries as they work or reliable, aordable, clean energy or

their citizens. Founded during the oil crisis o 1973-74, the IEA initially co-ordinatedmeasures addressing oil supply shortages. Since then, evolving energy markets havebrought new challenges. The IEA’s portolio now ocuses equally strongly on climatechange policies, market reorm, energy technology collaboration and outreach to therest o the world. Scenario analysis and roadmapping play a prominent part in thework o the IEA’s teams o close to 200 sta. Energy experts and statisticians rommember countries conduct a broad programme o energy research, data compila-tion, publishing and public dissemination o the latest energy policy analysis andgood-practice recommendations. Following up on work or the G8, initiated in 2005,the IEA was entrusted at the 2008 G8 Hokkaido Summit in Hokkaido, Japan, with asecond set o tasks or leaders o the world’s major industrialised nations.

For more than 30 years, IEA technology collaboration has been crucial in advanc-ing more ecient, cleaner energy technologies. The collaborative vehicles are IEAenergy technology R&D Programmes, or Implementing Agreements. These allowinterested member and non-member governments to pool resources or R&D anddeployment ocusing on particular technologies. Operating within the standardrules and regulations o the “IEA Framework”, these Implementing Agreement Pro-grammes currently number 42. They cover the areas o: End-Use (Buildings, Industryand Transport); Fossil Fuels, Renewable Energies and Hydrogen; Fusion and Cross-Cutting Activities. The IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT)and its Working Parties provide guidance and review the eectiveness, achievementsand strategies o each Implementing Agreement.

This publication concerns the “Implementing Agreement or a Programme o Research, Development, Demonstration and Promotion o Heat Pumping Technolo- gies” , known as the IEA Heat Pump Programme (HPP).

International Energy Agency

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More inormation aboutthe Implementing Agreementscan be ound in the publication “Energy Technolo- gies at the Cutting Edge“  (ree to download rom the IEA website)

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IEA Heat Pump Programme

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Organised under the umbrella o the International Energy Agency since 1978, theIEA Heat Pump Programme is a non-prot organisation unded by its member coun-

tries. The scope o the Programme covers heat pumps, air conditioning and rerigera-tion, commonly denoted as heat pumping technologies.HPP member countries are:Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, South Ko-rea, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States.

VisionThe Programme is the oremost worldwide source o independent inormation andexpertise on environmental and energy conservation benets o heat pumping tech-nologies (including rerigeration and air conditioning).The Programme conducts high value international collaborative activities to improveenergy eciency and minimise adverse environmental impact.

MissionThe Programme strives to achieve widespread deployment o appropriate high qual-ity heat pumping technologies to obtain energy conservation and environmentalbenets rom these technologies. It serves policy makers, national and internationalenergy and environmental agencies, utilities, manuacturers, designers and research-ers.

Strategic ObjectivesEnergy and Environment To quantiy and publicise the energy saving potential and environmental benets(local and global) o heat pumping technologies.

Market and Deployment To develop and deliver inormation to support deployment o appropriate heatpumping technologies.

Technology To promote and oster international collaboration to develop knowledge, systemsand practices in heat pumping technologies through RDD&D (research, development,demonstration and deployment).

Information Management To provide eective fow o inormation to, rom and between stakeholders andother relevant entities.

Visibility and StatusTo improve signicantly the visibility and status o the Programme, and to be anoutstanding Implementing Agreement within the IEA.

ActivitiesThe activities o the Programme include an inormation service, the Heat Pump Cen-tre, international collaborative projects (Annexes), workshops, analysis studies and atriennial international conerence.

Heat Pump ProgrammeCo-ordination

Heat Pump CentreSP Technical ResearchInstitute o SwedenBox 857SE-501 15 BoråsSwedenTel. +46 10 516 55 19Fax: +46 33 13 19 [email protected]

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 5

Chairman’s Statement 2008

It is once again my great pleasure to write the Chairman’s Statement or the IEA HeatPump Programme. In its 30 years o existence, the Programme has ostered inorma-

tion exchange and dissemination on heat pumping technologies, and stimulated thedevelopment o advanced heat pump systems. It is a tribute to the excellent collabo-ration o all members that the Programme is now well established and recognised.So, on this 30 year anniversary o HPP, I would like to thank all members or theiractive and continuing participation. With increasing energy demand, heat pumps areeven more pertinent now than they were 30 years ago. We must continue our e-orts to acilitate the implementation o heat pump systems as a central componento ecient energy systems.

This year has been marked by the accession o two new member countries: SouthKorea and Italy. On behal o the Executive Committee, I am delighted to welcomethem. I am convinced that they will be major contributors to the development o theProgramme. Their presence will increase HPPs visibility and contribute to the Pro-gramme deployment in their respective countries.

The major event o the year was the 9th International Heat Pump Conerence heldin Zürich. In this report you can read more about how successul this conerence wasin terms o quality o conerence programme, number o participants and presenta-tions. A rst class organisation was a major reason or its success. All our congratula-tions go to the members o the National and International Organising Committeesor this event and particularly to Proessor Thomas Kopp and Dr Rune Aarlien whochaired these committees. During the conerence the Ritter von Rittinger award waspresented or the second time. Proessor Predrag Hrnjak (USA), Proessor Eric Gran-ryd (Sweden) and Mr Gerald Gro (USA) received the award or having distinguishedthemselves in the advancement applications in heat pumping technologies, marketdevelopment and related dissemination activities that provide lasting internationalimpact. Also, or the rst time two awards were presented or best posters at theconerence.

Two Executive Committee meetings were held, one in Zürich, in June and one inSeoul, in November. In conjunction with the Seoul meeting, a workshop was organ-ised by the Korean representatives to present their national heat pump activities andto obtain more inormation on the IEA Heat Pump Programme. HPP was also presentat other international events such as the IEA Building Coordination Group meetingin Paris in January and the Chillventa trade air in Nürnberg, Germany, in October,which was an opportunity to promote the Programme. HPP also holds regular meet-ings with the International Institute o Rerigeration and the European Heat PumpAssociation.

For the coming year, I would like to draw your attention to the portolio o excit-ing new topics or collaborative projects that are being developed. We anticipate

that they will materialise in new Annexes very soon. I encourage you to visit the HeatPump Centre website. You will learn all about our new activities and remain at theoreront o heat pump developments.

Finally, I would like to thank the Heat Pump Centre team or their exceptional sup-port to the Programme.


Sophie HosatteExCo Chairman

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 6

The 9th International Energy Agency Heat“Advances and Prospects in Technology, Applications and Markets”

The 2008 conerence was the ninth in a series o triennial conerences sponsored bythe International Energy Agency (IEA) Heat Pump Programme (HPP), and it attracted

450 attendees rom 34 dierent countries – the largest IEA Heat Pump Conerenceever staged. Experts rom research institutions, government, energy companies andmanuacturers provided 72 oral presentations and 106 poster presentations, whichalso included six technical tours. The conerence is one o the primary activities oHPP, and is recognised as one o the most important international conerences de-voted to air conditioning, heat pumps and related rerigeration technologies.

There are two primary objectives with these conerences. The rst is to give theaudience a snapshot o international developments within the eld o heat pumpingtechnologies over the last three years, and a sense o direction or uture trends. Thesecond is to create a orum that will spur new thoughts and ideas or internationalcooperation and more widespread deployment o heat pumps. In a world with grow-ing concerns over the global environment and the consequences o escalating energyuse, we know that heat pumping technologies play, and will continue to play, a vitaland important role.

Conference organisationThe International Organising Committee consisted o members rom nine dierentIEA HPP member countries. The Chairman was Dr Rune Aarlien rom Norway. TheSwiss National Organising Committee consisted o Proessor Thomas Kopp (Chair-man), Mr Stephan Peterhans, Mr Fabrice Rognon and Mrs Luzia Arpagaus. The Re-gional Coordinators, Dr Monica Axell (or Europe and Arica), Mr Makoto Tono (orAsia/Oceania) and Mr Gerald Gro (or America), were responsible or the coner-ence technical programme.

Oral program

The oral programme with 72 presentations was organised in dierent sessions withthe ollowing titles:• Plenary Opening Session

• Heat Pumps for a Sustainable Society• Technology Advancements – 1

• Ground and Water Source Heat Pump Systems

• Heat Pump Applications

• Market and Application Studies

• Heat Pump Applications to Low Energy Buildings• Technology Advancements – 2

• Country Research Reports/Emerging Technologies

• Plenary Closing Session

Poster programThe poster programme was a success not only because o the record number shown,but also or the general high quality. Authors and presenters had an interested andlarge audience. For the rst time, the Best Poster Award was introduced. The awardconsisted o a diploma, publicity and the printing o the papers in the IEA HPPNewsletter. The award winners were S. Takeda-Kindaichi, K. Nagano, T. Katsura, S.Hori and K. Shibata (Japan) or the poster “System perormance o HVAC in a low-energy house in the cold region o Japan” and J.M. Corberan and J. Gonzalvez Macia(Spain), and C. Radulescu (Ireland) or the poster “Perormance characterisation o areversible water-to-water heat pump” .

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 7

Pump ConerenceMay 20 - 22, 2008, in Zürich, Switzerland

The Ritter von Rittinger awardThe Ritter von Rittinger award recognises deserving individuals or teams that have

distinguished themselves in the advancement o heat pumping technologies applica-tions, market development and related dissemination activities with lasting interna-tional impact. This award is named or Peter Ritter von Rittinger, an Austrian engi-neer credited with the design and installation o the rst practical heat pump systemat a salt works in Upper Austria in 1856. The award was presented or the rst timeat the 8th IEA International Heat Pump Conerence in 2005, in Las Vegas, USA. The2008 awardees were announced at the conerence gala dinner. The awardees were:Proessor Eric Granryd, Sweden, Proessor Predrag Hrnjak, USA and Mr Gerald CGro, USA.

Workshop programIn connection with the conerence, eight workshops and larger meetings were or-ganised. This “merging o events” is very successul and may have contributed to theincreased number o participants. The ollowing workshops and meetings were held:• Ground Source Heat Pumps – Overcoming Market and Technical Barriers (HPP An-

nex 29)• Retrot Heat Pumps for Buildings (HPP Annex 30)

• Advanced Modeling and Tools for Analysis of Energy Use in Supermarkets (HPPAnnex 31)

• Economical Heating and Cooling Systems for Low Energy Houses (HPP Annex 32)

• Thermally Driven Heat Pumps (HPP Annex 34)

• Compact Heat Exchangers in Heat Pumping Equipment (HPP Annex 33)

• General Assembly of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA)• Groundreach Workshop (EU project within IEE Programme)

Technical toursThe attendees had the opportunity to join their avourite o our technical tours andtwo non-technical tours:• Soccer Campus with CO

2 heat pump and postal building with ammonia heat pump(two tours)

• Zero energy building with tap water heat pump and heating heat pumps

• Zürich City Hall with the rst heat pump installation in Switzerland

• City tour and lake cruise

• Above Zürich the Uetliberg railway up to the little mountain

Conference proceedingsThe conerence proceedings can be ordered rom the

Hope to see you at the 10th IEA Heat Pump Conerence in 2011!

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 8

Highlights o 2008

RoadmapDuring spring 2008, HPC together with representatives rom member countries,

contributed with a roadmap or heat pumping technologies to the IEA Energy Tech-nology Perspectives 2008 publication. The results showed that heat pumps can havea large impact in abating GHG emissions, and is pointed out by the IEA as one o thekey technologies in the building sector or a better energy uture. These importantconclusions were also stressed by Dr Antonio Pfüger, Head o Energy TechnologyCollaboration Division in IEA, in a speech at the 9th IEA Heat Pump Conerence inZürich.

The IEA Energy Technology Perspectives 2008, which was issued in June, respondsto the G8 call on the IEA to provide guidance or decision makers on how to bridgethe gap between what is happening and what needs to be done in order to build aclean, clever and competitive energy uture.

The ndings in the report werediscussed in HPP where it is believed that better

statistics on heat pumps could, in act, improve the gures even more.

The brochure ”Heat pumps can cut global CO2

emissions by nearly8%”This brochure describes the potential and environmental benets o heat pumps. Itis estimated that heat pumps could save 50% o the building sector’s and 5% o theindustrial sector’s CO

2emissions. This corresponds to a cut in global CO

2emissions o

nearly 8%.The brochure is available ree o charge on

National Teams meeting in MalmöOn the 11-12th o September a National Teams meeting was held in Malmö, Sweden.24 participants, representing both member countries and industry, were present. Themain ocus o the meeting was to discuss and develop ideas or research projectswithin HPP.

The meeting began with the ten participating countries giving a short presenta-tion highlighting new research topics o interest in their country. The main part othe meeting was devoted to discussion and brainstorming in order to give the nalshape to a number o research ideas. The primary areas discussed were industrialheat pumps, ree cooling, domestic hot water heat pumps and seasonal perormanceactors.National Teams meeting in Malmö

Executive CommitteemeetingsTwo meetings o the HPP ExecutiveCommittee were held in 2008:• May 23-24, in Zürich, Switzerland

• November 13-14, in Seoul, South


The Seoul workshopIn connection with the Executive Committee meeting inSeoul, a workshop was held to present ongoing activities inSouth Korea in the heat pumping eld. Dr Sophie Hosattegave a presentation on the Heat Pump Programme, Mr Jun Y.Choi rom the Korea Testing Laboratory described the marketand the certication process or heat pumps in Korea. Otherinvited speakers were Mr Hyug-Bum Park rom Samsung, MrSang-Hun Lee rom LG Electronics, Mr Min Soo Kim romSeoul National University and Mr Jeong Tae Woo rom theKorea Rerigeration & Air-Conditioning Assessment Center.

The IEA Energy Technology Perspec-tives 2008 is available

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Welcome to two new member countries – South Korea and Italy!The Heat Pump Programme had the pleasure o welcoming two new member coun-

tries in 2008.The new contracting parties are:• The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) designated by the Gov-

ernment o the Republic o Korea• The Italian Research Council designated by the Government of Italy

The Heat Pump Centre visited ChillventaThe Heat Pump Centre exhibited at the Chillventa tradeair in Nürnberg, Germany, October 15-17. Chillventa isan international exhibition on rerigeration, air condition-ing and ventilation and heat pumps, with more than 1500

exhibitors. The air provided an excellent opportunity topromote the Programme and to meet proessionals in theeld, as well as to listen to several interesting presentations.

In conjunction with the exhibition, an International Heat Pump Symposium was heldon “Experiences and possibilities o industrial heat pumps or heating, cooling and air conditioning” . It was arranged by DKV - Deutscher Kälte- und KlimatechnischerVerein - and a number o interesting presentations were given. A nal workshop onthe IEA HPP Annex 30 “Retroft Heat Pumps or Buildings” was also held.

IEA Building Coordination GroupIn January, the Heat Pump Centre attended the IEA Building Coordinated Group’s(BCG) annual meeting in Paris. This meeting is intended to inorm IEA ImplementingAgreements about each others’ activities, and also to give and receive inormation toIEA Headquarters.

”The needs of the IEA Heat Pump Programme’s stakeholders”- Survey about HPPHPP is conducting a survey in order to better understand the needs o its stakehold-ers. The aim is to nd out about the concerns and interests o proessionals in theheat pumping eld as well as their expectations rom the Programme. The answers

to the questions will help HPP to ocus its activities on areas o widespread interestand to tailor its inormation services to the needs o its target groups.Questionnaires were handed out at the 9th IEA Heat Pump Conerence in Zürich

and e-mailed to all subscribers to the HPC e-Newsletter. In addition to the question-naires, interviews have been held to get more in-depth answers. Representativesrom both the industry and the research community have contributed to the survey.The survey will be completed during spring 2009 and will result in an action plan orthe urther work o the Programme. Survey about HPP 

International Heat Pump Symposium,Nürnberg

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 10

Programme Achievements 2008

Heat Pump CentreThe Heat Pump Centre plays a central role in the IEA Heat Pump Programme. It aims

to disseminate actual and balanced inormation on heat pumping technologies andpromoting the activities o the Programme. The ExCo has approved an extensiono SP Technical Research Institute o Sweden’s mandate to manage the Centre until2011.

ActivitiesOne o the main activities is the publication o the Heat Pump Centre Newsletter.Each issue covers a particular topic and contains articles, news and events, togetherwith a contribution rom a guest columnist. Four issues were published in 2008,available ree o charge rom the HPC website to the HPP member countries. Non-member countries can subscribe to the Newsletter.

A short version o the Newsletter, an e-Newsletter, is available ree o charge to

all countries, either by e-mail subscription or by downloading rom the HPC web-site. The number o subscribers to the e-Newsletter increased by over 50% in 2008.In addition, the newsletter is also disseminated through the National Teams in themember countries.

The Heat Pump Centre also plays an active part in generating new activities withinHPP. For example, it publishes ongoing descriptions o project proposals on thewebsite in order to stimulate the initiation o new Annexes. HPC has also compileda report with inormation on research and development and market development inHPP member countries. The report is available to the National Teams in the membercountries.

Another important activity is the website, which is continuously updated withnews, events and contact inormation. Descriptions o ongoing and completed HPP

Annexes are also available on the website as well as HPP publications, which are ac-cessible via a data base. During 2008 the website was enhanced with two new sec-tions, one about the IEA Heat Pump Conerences and one about theRitter von Rittinger award.

One o the main activities o HPC in 2008 was the close involve-ment in the arrangement o the 9 th IEA Heat Pump Conerence heldin Zürich, Switzerland, in May.

Two other important activities o HPC during 2008 were the pro-duction o a roadmap or heat pumping technologies or the IEAEnergy Technology Perspectives 2008 publication and the productiono a brochure about the potential o heat pumps to signicantly cutglobal CO2 emissions.

In September, HPC arranged a National Teams meeting in Malmö,Sweden. The main ocus on the meeting was to discuss and developideas or research projects within the IEA Heat Pump Programme.

ContactDr Monica Axell

Heat Pump CentreSP Technical ResearchInstitute o SwedenBox 857SE-50115 BoråsSwedenTel. +46 10 516 55 [email protected]


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IEA Heat Pump Programme 11

A survey in order to better understand the needs o HPP’s stakeholders was startedin 2008. Questionnaires were handed out at the 9th IEA Heat Pump Conerence in

Zürich and e-mailed to all subscribers o the HPC e-Newsletter. In addition to thequestionnaires, interviews have been held. Representatives rom both the industryand the research community have contributed to the survey.

Finally, the Centre has a supportive unction in assisting Operating Agents (projectleaders) o HPP Annexes and the HPP Executive Committee in their work.

International collaboration and promotionThe Heat Pump Programme and the Heat Pump Centre have good relations with anumber o national and international organisations, including EHPA1, IIR2, ASHRAE3 and ARI/ARTI4.

HPC has been promoting the Programme at dierent events such as the Chill-

venta trade air in Nürnberg, Germany, in October, at the EU project ProHeatPump“GSHPScotland” event in Edinburgh, Scotland, in September, and in the 6. ForumWärmepumpe in Berlin, Germany, in November. HPC was also present at the IEABuilding Coordination Group meeting in Paris, France, in January.

Proessor Hermann Halozan, Executive Committee delegate, participated in the IIR2008 HVAC Energy Eciency Best Practice Conerence held in Melbourne, Australia,in September. The event covered the latest research and applications in the eldso solar air conditioning and heating o buildings; comort and indoor environmentquality in energy ecient buildings; and energy ecient building integration.

New publications in 2008

The brochure “Heat pumps can cut global CO2 emissions by nearly 8%” , which de-scribes the potential and environmental benets o heat pumps, was published. Inaddition, a number o promotional materials were produced and exhibited at the 9th IEA Heat Pump Conerence in Zürich.

Newsletters 2008Four Newsletters and e-Newsletters werepublished in 2008, and these are availableon the Heat Pump Centre website.The topics were:1. Air Source Heat Pumps

2. Heat Pumps or Low Energy Buildings3. 9th IEA Heat Pump Conerence4. Natural Working Fluids

1)The European Heat PumpAssociation

2)The International Institute oRerigeration


The American Society o Heating,Rerigerating and Air-ConditioningEngineers

4)The Air-Conditioning andRerigeration Institute/Air-Conditioning and RerigerationTechnology Institute

HPP publications can be ordered 

rom the Heat Pump Centre.

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 13

Annex 30Retroft Heat Pumps or Buildings

ContactPro Dr - Ing Hans-Jürgen Laue

Inormation Centre on Heat Pumpsand Rerigeration(InormationszentrumWärmepumpen und Kältetechnik)IZW e.V.Unterreut 6DE-76135 KarlsruheGermanyTel. +49 721 98 62 85 6Fax +49 721 98 62 85 [email protected]

Participating countries: France, Germany (Operating Agent) and the Netherlands

The present heat pump market or space and water heating and cooling in Europe,with the exception o Sweden, is largely concentrated on new buildings, and particu-larly on one and two-amily houses. There is, however, a very large potential in theretrot market to replace old conventional oil-, gas- and coal-red heating systemswith highly energy-ecient and environmentally riendly heat pumps.

The main barrier to the use o heat pumps or retrotting is the high distributiontemperature o conventional heating systems in existing residential buildings, withdesign temperatures up to 70-90°C, which is too high or the present heat pumpgeneration or which the maximum, economically acceptable heat distribution tem-perature is up to 55°C.

The primary ocus o this Annex has been on domestic buildings. In order to reachthe goals o the Annex, solutions have been studied and experience gained on:• The application of available heat pumps in standard buildings that have been im-

proved, resulting in a reduced heat demand.• The development and market introduction of new, compact, high-temperature

heat pumps or application in existing buildings.• The use of reversible (heating-cooling) heat pumps (air-to-air) in buildings without

centralised heat distribution systems.To achieve this promising potential as quickly as possible, barriers need to be re-

moved or overcome. It is, or example, dicult to distinguish between dierent typeso heat pumps, to decide which type o heat pump best suits a particular application,and which requirements a building should ull. A chart has thereore been createdto simpliy the selection o heat pumps (see chart below).

The Annex was completed at the end o 2008. The last meeting, held in February2008 in Utrecht, the Netherlands, was thereore concentrated on nal discussionso the results achieved and preparation o the Annex report and related appendices,in particular the presentations o case studies and RD&D projects. Two public work-shops were organised in 2008, presenting the major ndings o the Annex as wellas new developments related to the objectives o the Annex in Germany, France, theNetherlands and Sweden. The workshops were held in connection with the 9th IEAHeat Pump Conerence in Zürich, Switzerland, in May, and the DKV InternationalHeat Pump Conerence at the Chillventa trade air in Nürnberg,Germany, in October.

As a result o this work, it is today clear that in many casesheat pumps already can, or will soon, be used as a preerableretrot choice. The use o heat pumps results in greatly im-

proved eciency o heat generation, reduction in use o ossilenergy and, at the same time, permits the choice o geother-mal, hydrothermal or aerothermal renewable energy sources.

The nal results o the Annex will be published in three re-ports, intended or dierent target groups: an executive sum-mary that will be public, a ull report with all details or internaluse o the participating organisations/companies, and specialreports or inormation to specic target groups, e.g. politicians,the heat pump industry and R&D organisations and sponsors.

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 14

Annex 31Advanced Modeling and Tools or Analysis o Energy Use in Supermarkets

Participating countries: Canada, Germany, Sweden (Operating Agent), UnitedKingdom (partly) and the United States

Supermarkets are the most energy-intensive buildings in the commercial sector. Ithas been estimated that 3-5% o the total use o electricity stems rom supermar-kets in industrialised countries. In addition, it is estimated that the annual rerigerantlosses may be as high as 15-30% o the total charge, thus making supermarketsthe second largest emission source ater mobile air conditioning, according to themost recent report rom the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Thesupermarket sector has thereore a signicant role to play, not only rom an energyconsumption point o view but also rom the point o view o the impact o reriger-ant leakage.

The overall objective o Annex 31 is to provide new knowledge, methods andtools or enhanced energy eciency o, and thereore reduced environmental impactrom, supermarkets. The aim is also to share ideas and best practices among partici-pating countries, as well as inormation on available tools or modelling and analysis,in order to urther improve supermarket rerigeration systems. The Annex builds onexperience and ndings rom Annex 26, “Advanced Supermarket Rerigeration/Heat Recovery Systems” .

In order to achieve the objectives o the Annex, the ollowing task-sharing activi-ties are planned:Task 1 Collection o available data rom dierent supermarkets (benchmarking)Task 2 Development o perormance indices or supermarketsTask 3 Development and validation o a model library or specic supermarket

equipmentTask 4 Development o whole-building simulation modelsTask 5 Comparison o the results obtained with the dierent whole-building simula-

tion models or selected case studiesTask 6 Future perspectives and possibilitiesTask 7 Deployment o the knowledge developed (indices, guidelines, papers, act


Meetings and workshops that were organised during 2008 were:• Meeting at ASHRAE Winter Meeting, New York, US, in January• Internet-based meetings throughout the year

• Workshop at the 9th IEA Heat Pump Conerence in Zürich, Switzerland, in May

Annex 31 is now in the phase reerred to as Tasks 3, 4 and 5. A template toreport sub-models (Task 3) and whole supermarket systems (Task 4) has been

distributed and inormation on several whole system supermarket models hasbeen collected. Notable here is a rich description o the supermarket modules toenergy plus (US contribution). Another initiative is the supermarket module orRETScreen® sotware developed by Natural Resources Canada.

A year prolongation o the Annex has been granted. This means that evalua-tion and validation o proposed supermarket models will start in 2009. Work onTasks 6 and 7 and nal report will start late spring 2009.

ContactDr Samer Sawalha, Dr Jaime Arias

and Pro Per LundqvistRoyal Institute o TechnologyDept. o Energy TechnologySE-100 44 StockholmSwedenTel. +46 8 790 78 89,+46 8 790 86 [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 15

Annex 32Economical Heating and Cooling Systems or Low Energy Houses

Participating countries: Austria, Canada, Germany, France, Japan, the Netherlands,Norway, Sweden, Switzerland (Operating Agent) and the United States

Heat pumps are the only devices which can generate heating and cooling energy,even at the same time. Multiunctional heat pump systems or space heating, do-mestic hot water (DHW) production, ventilation and space cooling may thereore bea cost-eective means o meeting all building needs with one integrated system.

The aim o this Annex is to investigate dierent system congurations o heatpump systems, including the respective energy source and distribution systems, orapplication in low- and ultra-low-energy buildings. The principal objectives are:• to improve and further develop multifunctional heat pump systems in terms of

overall energy use, achievable comort and costs,• to gather more eld experience from real-world operation of heat pump systems,

and• to derive design guidelines for multifunctional heat pump systems and their con-


The Annex has been structured into our tasks:Task 1 State-o-the-art survey o low-energy buildings and respective systemsTask 2 Assessment o system solutions and development o prototype systemsTask 3 Field testing o systems (in parallel with Task 2)Task 4 Develop guidelines or systems and their control and document best-practice

systemsThe Annex started in January 2006, and has been extended to a our-year working

period, and will nish at the end o 2009. In the beginning o 2008, the Annex 32website was launched, which gives an outline o the national project contributionsand oers national heat pump links o the participating countries as well as down-loadable publications.

Activities in 2008 were dedicated to the work o Task 2, the investigation andassessment o prototype systems, and Task 3, the eld monitoring o present sys-tems on the market and new developments. Interim results o these tasks werepresented on a workshop in conjunction with the 9th IEA Heat Pump Conerence inZürich, Switzerland, in May. Ater the conerence France joined Annex 32 as the 10th member country. France is represented by Electricité de France (EdF) and will mainlyinvestigate economical air-to-air heat pump solutionsor low energy houses. The results have been sum-marised in an interim report o Annex 32 or the HPPExCo, which was published in November.

Main activities in the national projects are dedi-

cated to laboratory testing o prototypes o newconcepts o integrated heat pump systems includ-ing systems using natural rerigerants. On the otherhand, eld testing o marketable heat pump systemsor new developments is ongoing. In 2009, results othe national projects shall be transerred to designrecommendations, standard system solutions andbest practice systems.

ContactMr Carsten Wemhöner

Institute o Energy in BuildingUniversity o Applied SciencesNorth-Western SwitzerlandSt.-Jakobs-Str. 84CH - 4132 MuttenzSwitzerlandTel. +41 61 467 4573Fax. +41 61 467 [email protected]/habg/iebau

Passive house by Hans Grönlund, EFEM

 Arkitektkontor, Sweden

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 

Annex 33Compact Heat Exchangers in Heat Pumping Equipment


Participating countries: Austria, Japan, Sweden, United Kingdom (OperatingAgent) and the United States

This Annex is directed at widening the use o compact heat exchangers (CHEs) inheat pumping systems. It is believed that these will improve eciencies, minimisefuid inventories and reduce package size. The data collected during the Annex will,it is hoped, quantiy the possible benets rom CHE use, and also highlight any con-cerns. Ultimately, the use o compact heat exchangers should signicantly improvethe acceptability o heat pumps across all applications, by allowing improved COPsand reduced materials content.

The principal objective o this Annex is to present a compilation o possible optionsor compact heat exchangers, used as evaporators, condensers and in other roles inheat pumping equipment. The aim is to minimise the direct and indirect eect on thelocal and global environment due to manuacture operation and nal disposal o theequipment.

Specic technical goals involve identiying and documenting reasonably accuratemethods o predicting heat transer, pressure drop and void ractions in CHEs, there-by promoting their commercial use by heat pump manuacturers by simpliying thedesign and selection procedures. Integral with these activities will be an examinationo maniolding/fow distribution in compact/micro-heat exchangers, in particular inevaporators.

During 2008, Austria (represented by Arsenal Research) joinedthe Annex, bringing the number o participants to ve.

The Annex meeting in 2008 was held at the 9th IEA Heat PumpConerence in Zürich, Switzerland, in May, and was in the orm oan open workshop at which presentations by the Annex memberswere given. Included in the presentations was an overview oresearch on compact heat exchangers relevant to heat pumps byProessor Björn Palm, o the Royal Institute o Technology (KTH),Sweden. Typical o the new compact geometries being examinedor the application is the aluminium unit rom KTH shown in thegure.

In 2009, meetings are planned in Chicago (held in February) and in the UK(planned or September). This will be the nal Annex meeting.

As examples o work within the Annex, the air-side perormance o fat-tube heatexchangers, a conguration oering compactness, has been studied in the USA,as has super and near critical heat transer o R410A in small diameter tubes. InSweden, the use o natural rerigerants and hydrocarbons is o interest and KTH hasexamined the use o propane in systems involving compact plate evaporators and

condensers. Compact heat exchangers o other types, some commercially available,have been successully tested with CO

2 as the working fuid.In Japan, the compact heat pump water heater, using a novel heat exchanger de-

sign, has a large potential market and the Japanese team expects to deliver the ol-lowing: market trends o rerigeration and air-conditioning systems, a survey o R&Dneeds in heat exchangers, recent research on heat exchanger technology and recentdevelopment on heat exchanger technology.

ContactThe Annex has as Operating Agent

the School o Engineering and De-sign, Brunel University in London,UK, represented by

Pro David Reay,David Reay & AssociatesPO Box 25, Whitley BayTyne & Wear NE26 1QT, UKTel. +44 191 251 2985Fax: +44 191 252 [email protected]

Dr Peter KewMechanical Engineering,School o Engineering &Physical SciencesHeriot-Watt University,Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UKTel. +44 131 451 8015Fax: +44 131 451 [email protected]

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 18

Programme Contacts– Executive Committee Delegates

AUSTRIAPro Hermann Halozan

Graz University o TechnologyInstitute o Thermal EngineeringIneldgasse 25/B,A-8010 GrazTel. +43 316 873 [email protected]

alternatively:Waltendorerhoehe 20A-8010 GrazTel. +43 316 422 [email protected]

CANADADr Sophie HosatteNatural Resources CanadaCETC – Varennes1615 Bd Lionel BouletP.O. Box 4800VarennesJ3X 1S6 QuébecTel. +1 450 652 [email protected]

FRANCEMr Johan RansquinADEMEDépartement Marchés et Servicesd’Ecacité Energétique500 route des Lucioles06560 Sophia AntipolisTel. +33 4 93 95 79 50

 [email protected]

GERMANYDr Claus BörnerDivision ERGProject Management Organisation Jülich(PTJ)Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHDE-52425 JülichTel. +49 2461 [email protected]

Dr Rainer Jakobs (Alternate)IZW e.V.

Kreuzeldstr. 10aDE-64747 BreubergTel. +49 6163 [email protected]

ITALYDr Giovanni RestucciaItalian National Research CouncilInstitute or Advanced Energy Technolo-gies (CNR – ITAE)Via Salita S. Lucia sopra Contesse 598126 MessinaTel. +39 090 624 [email protected]

Dr Angelo Freni (Alternate)Italian National Research CouncilInstitute or Advanced Energy Technolo-gies (CNR – ITAE)Via Salita S. Lucia sopra Contesse 598126 MessinaTel. +39 090 624 [email protected]

JAPANMr Kazunori NagaiNew Energy and Industrial TechnologyDevelopment Organization (NEDO)Energy Conservation Technology Devel-opment DepartmentMuza Kawasaki Central Tower Bldg. 18F1310 Ohmiya-cho, Saiwai-ku,Kawasaki-City, Kanagawa 212-8554Tel. +81 44 520 5280

[email protected]

Mr Makoto Tono (Alternate)Heat Pump & Thermal StorageTechnology Center o Japan (HPTCJ)1-28-5 Nihonbashi, Kakigara-choChuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0014Tel. +81 3 5643 [email protected]

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 19


SenterNovemP.O. Box 82423503 RE UtrechtTel. +31 30 2393 [email protected]

Mr Roger Ravelli (Alternate)SenterNovemP.O. Box 82423503 RE UtrechtTel. +31 30 239 [email protected]

NORWAYMrs Trude TokleEnova SFAbelsgate 57030 TrondheimTel. +47 73 19 04 [email protected]

Dr Rune Aarlien (Alternate)SINTEF Energy ResearchDept. Energy Processes

7465 TrondheimTel. +47 73 59 39 [email protected]

SOUTH KOREAMr Seong-Ryong ParkKorea Institute o Energy ResearchDepartment o Renewable Energy71-2, Jang-dong, Yuseong-gu,DaejeonRepublic o Korea 305-343

Tel. +82 42 860 [email protected]

SWEDENMr Mattias Törnell

Swedish Energy AgencyEnergy Technology DepartmentP.O. Box 310SE-631 04 EskilstunaTel. +46 16 544 [email protected]

Dr Björn Sellberg (Alternate)FORMASP.O. Box 1206SE-111 82 Stockholm

Tel. +46 8 775 [email protected]

SWITZERLANDMr Andreas EckmannsFederal Department o the Environment,Transport, Energy and CommunicationsSwiss Federal Oce o EnergyEnergy Research SectionCH-3003 BernTel. +41 31 322 54 61

[email protected] Thomas Kopp (Alternate)Hochschule RapperswilOn behal o theSwiss Federal Oce o EnergyEnergy Renewable DivisionOberseestrasse 10CH-8640 RapperswilTel. +41 55 222 [email protected]

THE UNITED STATESMr Antonio M. BouzaUS Department o Energy1000 Independence Ave, SWWashington, DC 20585Tel. +1 202 586 [email protected]

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IEA Heat Pump Programme 

Summary o Annexes


Annex Operating Agent Participants Completed

1. Common Study o Advanced Germany Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, 1980Heat Pumps Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands,

Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,United Kingdom, the United States

2. Vertical Earth Heat Pump Systems Sweden Austria, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, 1983the United States

 3. Heat Pump Systems Applied in Belgium Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, 1984

Industry Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan,the Netherlands, Sweden


4. Heat Pump Centre Germany Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, 1990Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands,Norway, Sweden, the United States

5. Integration o Large Heat Pumps Sweden Denmark, Germany, Italy, Sweden 1986into District Heating and LargeHousing Blocks

6. Study o Working Fluid Mixtures Sweden Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, 1986and High Temperature Working Japan, Sweden, the United StatesFluids or Compressor DrivenSystems

7. New Development o the Evaporator Sweden Canada, Denmark, Finland, Norway, 1989Part o Heat Pump Systems Sweden

8. Advanced in-ground Heat Canada Canada, Germany, Switzerland, 1992Exchange Technology or the United StatesHeat Pump Systems

9. High Temperature Industrial Belgium Belgium, Germany, Finland, Japan, 1990Heat Pumps the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland,

the United States


10. Technical and Market Analysis o the United States Sweden, the United States 1991Advanced Heat Pumps

 11. Stirling Engine Technology or the United States Japan, Sweden, the United States 1989

Application in Buildings

12. Modelling Techniques or Simulation the United States, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Japan, 1992and Design o Compression Italy Switzerland, the United StatesHeat Pumps

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IEA Heat Pump Programme

Summary o Annexes


Annex Operating Agent Participants Completed

13. State and Transport Properties o Sweden Canada, Germany, Japan, Norway, 1992High Temperature Working Fluids Sweden, the United Statesand Non-Azeotropic Mixtures

14. Working Fluids and Transport Japan Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Japan, 1991Phenomena in Advanced Sweden, the United StatesAbsorption Heat Pumps

15. Heat Pump Systems with Canada Austria, Canada, Japan, the United States 1993Direct Expansion Ground Coils

 16. Heat Pump Centre the Netherlands Austria, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, 2003

United Kingdom, the United States

 17. Experiences with New Sweden Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, 1993

Rerigerants in Evaporators Sweden, Switzerland

 18. Thermophysical Properties o the United States Austria, Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, 1999

Environmentally Acceptable United Kingdom, the United StatesRerigerants

19. Cancelled


20. Working Fluid Saety Belgium Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, 1993Norway, Switzerland

 21. Global Environmental Benets o the United States Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, 1996

Industrial Heat Pumps Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom,the United States

 22. Compression Systems with Norway Canada, Denmark, Japan, the Netherlands, 1999

Natural Working Fluids Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom,the United States

 23. Heat Pump Systems or Canada Canada, France, Switzerland, Sweden, 1999

Single-Room Applications the United States 

24. Ab-Sorption Machines or Heating Sweden Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, 2000and Cooling in Future Japan, Sweden, United Kingdom,Energy Systems the United States

 25. Year-Round Residential Space France France, the Netherlands, Sweden, 2005

Conditioning Systems using the United StatesHeat Pumps

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IEA Heat Pump Programme22

Summary o Annexes

Annex Operating Agent Participants Completed

26. Advanced Supermarket the United States Canada, Denmark, Sweden, 2003Rerigeration/Heat Recovery United Kingdom, the United StatesSystems

27. Selected Issues on CO2

as Norway Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, 2004Working Fluid in Compression United Kingdom, the United StatesSystems

28. Test Procedure and Seasonal Switzerland Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, 2005Perormance Calculation o Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,Residential Heat Pumps with United Kingdom, (partly), the United StatesCombined Space and Domestic

Hot Water Heating

29. Ground Source Heat Pumps Austria Austria, Canada, Japan, Norway, Ongoing– Overcoming Market and Technical Sweden, the United StatesBarriers

30. Retrot Heat Pumps or Buildings Germany France, Germany, the Netherlands Ongoing

31. Advanced Modeling and Tools or Sweden Canada, Germany, Sweden, OngoingAnalysis o Energy use in United Kingdom (partly), the United StatesSupermarkets


32. Economical Heating and Switzerland Austria, Canada, Germany, France, Japan, OngoingCooling Systems or Low the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden,Energy Houses Switzerland, the United States

 33. Compact Heat Exchangers in United Kingdom Austria, Japan, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ongoing

Heat Pumping Equipment the United States

34. Thermally Driven Heat Pumps Germany Austria, Canada, Germany, Italy, Ongoingor Heating and Cooling the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland,

the United States

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IEA Heat Pump Programme

Heat Pump Centre c/o SP Technical Research Institute o Sweden

Box 857, SE-501 15 BORÅS, Sweden