Announcing the Re-Opening Smith's · turned to Torrance to resume of fice duties. The clipping book...

FRIDAY TORRANCE HERALD Bays' Two-Pants All Wool Suits $7.50 to S9JO Mothers who appreci- ate the fine points of style; fathers who have placed limits on clothingr expenditures and boys who want good, durable Suits and will appreciate this: They were made to our exacting speci- fications and that means we have put the best of everything in these State. All the new shades of Blue and Grey "Ladies Pure Silk Holeproof Hose 95c Pair All the New Shades fjolepraofffasivnf Sam Levy New and Larger Store Sartori Avenue Tqrrance BRIEF NEWS Awnings and Tents Camping Outfits. Quality Ueasonablo Prices. Hawthorne Awning Co. Lock Box 267, Hawthorne, Calif. A Brick Home is not Expensive Quite the opposite! For only a fev dollars more than for a well-bull house of less enduring type you «.y have brick. brick home wi repair and with painter's brush. or centuries youi endure, withou ever the touch o Burnt clay I: lastlng. A good price can al- ays be had should you ever have to sell. Tour brick home holds Its value. So little Is the difference 1 first cost, and so significant are th advantages, that people everywher building with brick for lasting economy. Let's talk it over. TORRANCE BRICK CO. Phone 38 Torrance All who ever lived in Arka are called to meet for a great nlo reunion all day Saturday, May Z, In Sycamore Grove Park. Mr. Mrs. Georgre .R. Stead- were severely burned on Wednesday explosion occu f last eek when an the screen porch of theli1 Jiome, are rapidly recovering. Although not free from bandages, ;hey are sitting up. Mr. and Mrs. Steidman wish to thank the many friends and neigh- readily their m kind flowers Lsslstance and have been ince by bringing lovely j>d appetizing dishes. Mr. Stead- iployed by the' Standard ny, and the home is at 819 Cota avenue. an is Of Interest ' "v '" ». To -,-.-'.. *r "''*'*" 'MEN . ~... Mr. Charles A. Tansey takes pleas- ure in announcing that he has opened a. . '.»« ,, *»<**** « BARBERSHOP In connection with the American Beauty Shop and will welcome men customers. 1422 Marcelina Ave., Torrance Mrs. Charles MuelleY several Torrance mem- White Shrine who at- cnded a Tacky party giv< :hapter rooms at Hermosa Beach in Monday evening. A feature of he party was a cooked food sale, he. recipe for (Jlsh being at- taehed, ' Dr. W. H Apartments, Bruce of the Castle »ho has been ill for eeks and under treatment at a Glendale hospital, hag go much improved in health that he has re- turned to Torrance to resume of- fice duties. The clipping book of the Wom- en's Club of Torrance was mailed Tuesday by Mrs. Phoebe Mllburn, chairman of publicity, to be en- tered In the district contest in Los Angelei on April 23. C HUR NEW S FIRST BAPTIST J. WWtfleld Green, Pastor, undny school, 9:45 a. m. (Jot Solomon, Hupnrintcndent. T here Illlons of hoys and girls In: i-cd America without any Sun hool. toucher or Bible. There ousandH of churches without ministers. We are not among that nbcr. Don't miss your great op- tunity. tornlng service, II o'clock. £er- n, "God the Father and His Children." Evening service, 7:30 o'clock, jrmon, "Master and SUave." Baptist Young People 1 . meet at 6:46. Gen. John J.'' Penning said :im France: "We exp«ct the urch at home to keep ^the people .trlotlc." In peace or war Chris- tianity Is the only ideal. Young en and women, you need Christ id the church. Wednesday night. M'i a loni? step from Sunday to Bunday. The idweek service helps you to make It rests you, soul and body. A great man said,: ."If you have failed to make good^ in this life, I >ray thee do not fall to make eady for the next. Many a mam vill say 'I have missed my call- ngr,' but no man need say 'I must miss heaven'."/ Emerspn .'said: 'Heaven Is the only thing we have ust for the asking. 'He that com- eth unto me I will in inf." vise cast for children and adults Morning worship, 11 mon by the pastor on Christ." An unusual th In an sual way. ague. I'clock. Si "Letters sme, treatec 6:30 Eptvorth Young people's meeting. Evening, service, 7:30 Sermon by the pastor on "Poppln the Real Question." Wh< jailer asked this question, it mean the turning point in his life. Hov about you? Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:3 p. m. Prayer, song, testimony am Bible study. The theme/is "Th Conversion of Cornelius." FIRST CHRISTIAN B. H. Llngenfelter, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Scot Ludlow, superintendent Morning service, 11 o'clock. Ser mon subject, "The Boy and Hi; Dad." Evening service, 7:30 , o'clock armon subject, "Communism ie Early Church." Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m Midweek meeting for prayer and Bible study Wednesday evening 7:80 to 8:15. Choir practice from 8:15 to 9:15. Calling day for the church Friday at 3 p.m. CENTRAL EVANGELICAL Francis A Zeller, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a: nt Bri ie children and drop into the OBITUARY Austin Leroy Morris, 6-year-old of Mr. pused away at his Cherry street, Lomit buried at Lokg Beach Mrs. Lee Morris, Bible class yourself. You will find t interesting-. Morning service, 11 o'clock. The >astor will address the boys, iri ;eeping with the plan for Boys' Yeek. The girls, too, as well as larents, will find the talk of in- erest. The choir will sing. 'Miss Betsy Byrnes will sing "Let Not our Heart Be Troubled." Evening service, 7:30 o'clock Stickers versus Quitters" is th irmon theme. Junior C. K. at 11 a. m. Senlo nd Intermediate C. E. at 6:30 p.m. Midweek prayer meeting am ible study Wednesday evening. Choir practice Wednesday eve ing. FOUR-SQUARE TABERNACLE South Walnut Street Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning service! 11 o'clock. Evening service: 7:80 o'clock. Prayer service daily, 11 to 12. Wednesd ervice. Children' rday. Both se conducted by gelus temple. Everyone Is 7:3»,v prayer :hurch, 2:30 p.m. Sat- ice Sunday udents fr elcome at all serv- FIRST METHODIST Frederick M. Esslg, Pastor. Resi- dence, 1541 El Prado. Phone 188-R. Call for any ministerial help. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. O. A. Leatherman, superintendent. Classes Announcing the Re-Opening OPEN DAILY 6A.M. TO 8 P. M. Smith's Sartori Avenue, Torrance We Will Try and State Here Our Future Policy and Endeavor: AT OUR FOUNTAIN, we will feature: * SALADS of Fresh Vegetables, Fruits and Sea Foods. Sandwiches, 3 Layer Electric Toasted Specials. FOR BREAKFAST a series of CLUB BREAKFASTS, ranging from 30c to 50c Served beginning at 6 A. M. FOR LUNCHEON: BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH at 40c. 11 to 2 Also A La Carte FOR DINNER: A SPECIAL TABLE d'HOTE DINNER 5 to 7:30 p. m. / Will Torrance Support a First Class Restaurant? We believe so, and are willing to. give it one with your co-operation. ANGELUS TEMPLE BRANCH Church of the Four Square Go pel, Cabriilo at Gramercy. Eliza,- beth Still In 'charge. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Preaching, 11 a. m. Sunday evening evangelistic serv ice, 7:30. Tuesday evening, 7:30, praye and Bible Thursd ing. Saturday, study. evening, 7:30, ch- services fo the Japanese. Evangelist Wm. Shepard of Pas- adena will preach Sunday, both morning and evening. Mr. Shepard is a deeply spiritual man. He has been for many years preaching the salvation and Is now nstructors at the An- nd missionary training school. We deem it a rare privi- lege to haye him with us. Come, Jet us enjoy the day together. sospol of the Bible SALVATION ARMY 1324 Sartori avenue. Envoy I, A. Grace, commanding officer. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Holiness meeting, 11 a. m. No service will be held Sunday evening this week. Regular weekly services on Tues- day and Thursday at 7:80. Saturday afternoon at 2:30, a so- cial and entertainment for all chil- dren. Tuesday, April 28, at 7:30, the service will lie taken by Rev. P. M. Essig, pastor of tho First Meth- odist church. A helpful and in- teresting time is assured. Come and enjoy the evening with us. EPISCOPAL Christ Mi-sion. Rev. T. P. Swift in charge. Sunday school, 9:46 a.m. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Morning prayer and sermon. The Woman's Guild meets the first and third Thursdays of the month. CATHOLIC Rev. Reardon, Pastor. Mass celebrated Sundays at 7:30 and 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, 9 a. m. Sunday and 4 p. m, Saturday. Benediction,. 7:46 Sunday eve- ning. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Stone and Myers Chapel 1732 Cabriilo Ave. Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday school classes, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday evening meeting are held at 8 p. m. LATTER DAY SAINTS The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will hold serv- ices at 10:30 o'clock on Sunday morning In American hall, located on Border avenue between Carson ahd 218th streets. Public Invited. No contributions taken up. Coming Events Items for This Department Must Be at Office by 5 p. m. on Day Preced- ing Publication. FRIDAY, APRIL 24 2 p.m. Lomtttt I'.-T. A. muh jonKi; and card party. Odd 1'Yllown hall. 7:30 p.m. High school play, htKh school auditorium. 8 p. m. Meeting Torrance Lodge R and A. M., Masonic temple. SATURDAY, APRIL 26 8 p. m. Boy Scout rally, American hall. SUNDAY, APRIL 26 Si-rvico for boya In all churches. TUESDAY, APRIL 28 1:30 p. in. Meeting board of dl. rectors Chamber of Commerce. 1'ubllo Invited. 7:SO p. m. American Legion Auxil- iary', 2068 220th K trait. t:8fl | AmiTlrun Leltlon, Firs! National iiunU. 6:3(1 p. in. -notary Club (listl i«t ut- 1'ieein' riinnrr ami dunce, Masonic- t.-mpli'. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 I'ruijium for nil boyu, high Huhmil; urruntffd by Curl Hyde. 7:8(1 p. QI. Meeting Modern Wi.,,.1- nien, Moose hall. THURSDAY, APRIL 30 UoyB' Day In Indumry. Trip thnniKli factories. Smith Reopens Ferncroft Cafe; New Policies Former C. P. R. Chef Put In Charge of Kitchen Here Smith's Ferncroft Cafe was jpencd this mornlng^Under the per- lonal management of Russell Smith, new proprietor of the res- in opening the cnfo Mr. Smith mnounees that ho will make a ipeclalty of cluh breakfasts, busi- less men's luncheons, and table I'hote dinners. A. McCreedy, former chef in the lining car service of the Canadian ,'acific Railway and chef at the Banff and Lake House, is in charge f the kitchen. One of the features of the re- lodeled cafe Is the reception de- artment near the entrance, where davenport and writing desk are Ituated for the convenience of Mr. Smith has been a restaura- cur in Torrance for three years, nd will continue to operate mlth's Restaurant on Cabrille ave- Building Permits 2 Sartori, 3-room dwelling, 51500, H. L. Whaley. 1434 Post Ave., 6-ft. stucco wall, J80, W. A. Renn. Contractor, J. V. Barnes. 1421 Madrid. '5-room bungalow, U500, J. S. Tolson. Rear 2105 Gramercy Ave., play- IOUSB, |50, A. H. Bartlett. Rear 1632 Elm St., garage, J100, Dale Dean. Rear 1329 Engracia Ave., garage, 250, S. R. Ludlbw. Put Your Valuables Behind Steel Doors And you need never worry over their safe- ty. Our convenient safety deposit boxes are readily accessible to, you every day. We have also provided two. new private booths where you can examine' the' contents of your safety deposit box in, privacy and quiet. State Exchange Bank "THE COMMUNITY BANK" -WE PAY 4% ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT* TORRANCE CALIF. DELINQUENT NOTICE luv ;%>mtti) Caisctrv Street "7f c ure I f i Expert Watch - Work FRATERNAL Torrance Review No. 37 Maccabees .leets Second and Fourth Tuesday! 7:80 P.M., Legion Hall. L. MAE TOMKINS Commander. There is delinquent on the following described stock on account of Assessment No. 18, levied July 24th, 1923, the several amounts set opposite the names of the shareholders as follows: NAME Mrs. Wm. A. Barragar Elizabeth McDougall ...... W. H. Calhoun ................ rtificate 540 159 443 63 Xo.-Shar 2% D. Dodds .................j............................_...Lot 1 4263 Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Erickson................ 660 Annie Freitag ..............._........................Lot 11 848 Pearl Clinton Garland and Cornelia L. Garland .......................................... 636 Claude M. Jones, Lydia E. Jones and A. Jetberg ................................. 671 M. M. Kauffman .................................... 697 M. M. Kauffman ..........._.__.....__. 505 M. M. Kauffman ...................__.......... 607 . M, M, Kauffman ....................................Lots 11 and 20, Tract 2393 Golle Lewis .........................:.................... 436 Samuel B.. Morrow ................................ 633 S. A. Perluss ..............'.............................. 72 N. B. Smith ............................................. 539 Flora M. Wittifelt _....'._...__.................. 177 "i Adolph L. Theek .................................... 96-99-100 101-102 Mary A. Wanzer .'. ...._................_........ 448 W. Goslin .................................................. 544 M. Bradley ................................................ 745 \ C. E. Covert _............................................ 720 Kettler & Hardlng .................................. 676 Amount J75.00 16.00 15.00 30.00: 9.00» 16.00. *».0« 10.00 30.00 IB.SO 16.00- 15.00, 30.06' 10.00' 30,00! Ta.10) 80.00 tt.OQ 89.U 17.60 18,00 10.00 S.OO And in accordance with law a ade April 16th, 1924, so man ay be necessary will be sold Company Number May, 1925, at 8 o'clock P. M iessment, together with id nn Order of tlie Board of Mreutora shares of each parcel of stock as- .t the office of the Narbonne Ranch, Lomita, California, on the 2Tthj day of such day. to pay delinquent advertising and expenses of sate* O. W. THISTLE,. Secy, . THE NEW SPRING AND SUMMER STOCKS OF CELEBRATED Pied Piper Shoes FOR GROWING CHILDREN ARE NOW READY FOR YOU AT RAPPAPORTS Come and choose from a wide assortment of Strap Slip- pers, Sailor Ties, and Oxfords in Black or Brown, as well as combination leathers. Pied Piper HEALTH SHOES Pied Piper Juu.o. Ulucher * endorsed by health boards and physicians. All width* and sizes in smoke calf, tan calf, black calf and patent leather. The finest shoe ot Its kind. Beware of Imita- tions look (or the Pled Pi- per trade-mark on every shoe. Bring Them In All the season's new styles an* Included in our display of Pie.I Piper Shoes. The (act that these shoes are the world's greatest health shoes doesn't make them expensive. Pled Piper* are most econ- omical. See (or yourselves and bring the children with you We know how to fit them correctly. A neat and sturdy oiior* (or everyday wear. Made ot One brown calfskin with best quality oak soles. All size* and widths. $100Re.ward These shoes are made ol the best grades of leather. We will g|ve $100.00 and a new pair of thoee to any wearer who finds paper or Ibre In the counters. Insoles or outsoles of geuuloe Plod Piper Shoes. PRICED $3.50 to $4.50, ACCORDING TO SIZE DEPARTMENT STORE Torrance

Transcript of Announcing the Re-Opening Smith's · turned to Torrance to resume of fice duties. The clipping book...

Page 1: Announcing the Re-Opening Smith's · turned to Torrance to resume of fice duties. The clipping book of the Wom en's Club of Torrance was mailed Tuesday by Mrs. Phoebe Mllburn, chairman



Two-PantsAll Wool

Suits$7.50 to S9JO

Mothers who appreci­ ate the fine points of style; fathers who have placed limits on clothingr expenditures and boys who want good, durable Suits and will appreciate this: They were made to our exacting speci­ fications and that means we have put the best of everything in these State.All the new shades of

Blue and Grey

"LadiesPure SilkHoleproof



All the New Shades fjolepraofffasivnf

Sam LevyNew and Larger Store

Sartori Avenue Tqrrance


Awnings and TentsCamping Outfits.

Quality Ueasonablo Prices.Hawthorne Awning Co.

Lock Box 267, Hawthorne, Calif.

A BrickHome is not

ExpensiveQuite the opposite! For only a fev dollars more than for a well-bull house of less enduring type you

«.y have brick. brick home wi repair and with painter's brush.

or centuries youiendure, withou

ever the touch oBurnt clay I:

lastlng. A good price can al- ays be had should you ever have

to sell. Tour brick home holds Its value. So little Is the difference 1 first cost, and so significant are th advantages, that people everywher

building with brick for lasting economy. Let's talk it over.

TORRANCE BRICK CO. Phone 38 Torrance

All who ever lived in Arka are called to meet for a great nlo reunion all day Saturday, May Z, In Sycamore Grove Park.

Mr. Mrs. Georgre .R. Stead- were severely burned on

Wednesday explosion occu

f last eek when an the screen

porch of theli1 Jiome, are rapidly recovering.

Although not free from bandages, ;hey are sitting up.

Mr. and Mrs. Steidman wish to thank the many friends and neigh-

readily theirm kind flowers

Lsslstance and have beenince by bringing lovelyj>d appetizing dishes. Mr. Stead-

iployed by the' Standard ny, and the home is at

819 Cota avenue.

an is

Of Interest ' "v '" ».To -,-.-'.. *r "''*'*"

'MEN . ~... Mr. Charles A. Tansey takes pleas­ ure in announcing that he has opened a. . '.»« ,, *»<****„ «

BARBERSHOPIn connection with the American Beauty Shop and will welcome men customers.

1422 Marcelina Ave., Torrance

Mrs. Charles MuelleY several Torrance mem- White Shrine who at-

cnded a Tacky party giv< :hapter rooms at Hermosa Beach in Monday evening. A feature of he party was a cooked food sale, he. recipe for (Jlsh being at-


' Dr. W. H Apartments,

Bruce of the Castle »ho has been ill for

eeks and under treatment at a Glendale hospital, hag go much improved in health that he has re­ turned to Torrance to resume of­ fice duties.

The clipping book of the Wom­ en's Club of Torrance was mailed Tuesday by Mrs. Phoebe Mllburn, chairman of publicity, to be en­ tered In the district contest in Los Angelei on April 23.


FIRST BAPTIST J. WWtfleld Green, Pastor,

undny school, 9:45 a. m. (Jot Solomon, Hupnrintcndent. T here

Illlons of hoys and girls In: i-cd America without any Sun hool. toucher or Bible. There ousandH of churches without

ministers. We are not among that nbcr. Don't miss your great op- tunity.tornlng service, II o'clock. £er- n, "God the Father and His

Children."Evening service, 7:30 o'clock, jrmon, "Master and SUave." Baptist Young People1 . meet at

6:46. Gen. John J.'' Penning said :im France: "We exp«ct the urch at home to keep ^the people .trlotlc." In peace or war Chris­

tianity Is the only ideal. Young en and women, you need Christ id the church. Wednesday night. M'i a loni?

step from Sunday to Bunday. The idweek service helps you to make

It rests you, soul and body. A great man said,: ."If you have

failed to make good^ in this life, I >ray thee do not fall to make eady for the next. Many a mam vill say 'I have missed my call- ngr,' but no man need say 'I must

miss heaven'."/ Emerspn .'said: 'Heaven Is the only thing we have ust for the asking. 'He that com-

eth unto me I will in inf."

vise cast

for children and adultsMorning worship, 11

mon by the pastor on Christ." An unusual thIn an sual way.


I'clock. Si "Letters sme, treatec

6:30Eptvorth Young people's meeting.

Evening, service, 7:30 Sermon by the pastor on "Poppln the Real Question." Wh< jailer asked this question, it mean the turning point in his life. Hov about you?

Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:3 p. m. Prayer, song, testimony am Bible study. The theme/is "Th Conversion of Cornelius."

FIRST CHRISTIAN B. H. Llngenfelter, Pastor.

Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Scot Ludlow, superintendent

Morning service, 11 o'clock. Ser mon subject, "The Boy and Hi; Dad."

Evening service, 7:30 , o'clockarmon subject, "Communismie Early Church."Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. mMidweek meeting for prayer and

Bible study Wednesday evening 7:80 to 8:15. Choir practice from 8:15 to 9:15.

Calling day for the churchFriday at 3 p.m.

CENTRAL EVANGELICALFrancis A Zeller, Pastor.

Sunday school, 9:45 a: nt Bri ie children and drop into the

OBITUARYAustin Leroy Morris, 6-year-old

of Mr.pused away at his Cherry street, Lomit buried at Lokg Beach

Mrs. Lee Morris,

Bible class yourself. You will find t interesting-.

Morning service, 11 o'clock. The >astor will address the boys, iri ;eeping with the plan for Boys' Yeek. The girls, too, as well as larents, will find the talk of in- erest. The choir will sing. 'Miss

Betsy Byrnes will sing "Let Notour Heart Be Troubled."Evening service, 7:30 o'clock

Stickers versus Quitters" is thirmon theme.Junior C. K. at 11 a. m. Senlo

nd Intermediate C. E. at 6:30 p.m.Midweek prayer meeting amible study Wednesday evening.Choir practice Wednesday eve



Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning service! 11 o'clock. Evening service: 7:80 o'clock. Prayer service daily, 11 to 12. Wednesd

ervice. Children'

rday. Both se

conducted by gelus temple.

Everyone Is

7:3»,v prayer

:hurch, 2:30 p.m. Sat-

ice Sunday udents fr

elcome at all serv-

FIRST METHODISTFrederick M. Esslg, Pastor. Resi­

dence, 1541 El Prado. Phone 188-R. Call for any ministerial help.

Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. O. A. Leatherman, superintendent. Classes

Announcing the Re-Opening


TO 8 P. M.


Sartori Avenue, TorranceWe Will Try and State Here Our

Future Policy and Endeavor:AT OUR FOUNTAIN, we will feature: *

SALADS of Fresh Vegetables, Fruits and Sea Foods. Sandwiches, 3 Layer Electric Toasted Specials.

FOR BREAKFAST a series ofCLUB BREAKFASTS, ranging from 30c to 50c

Served beginning at 6 A. M.FOR LUNCHEON:

BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH at 40c. 11 to 2 Also A La Carte


5 to 7:30 p. m. /Will Torrance Support a First Class Restaurant? Webelieve so, and are willing to. give it one with your


ANGELUS TEMPLE BRANCHChurch of the Four Square Go

pel, Cabriilo at Gramercy. Eliza,- beth Still In 'charge.

Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.Preaching, 11 a. m.Sunday evening evangelistic serv

ice, 7:30.Tuesday evening, 7:30, praye

and Bible Thursd


study. evening, 7:30, ch­

services fothe Japanese.

Evangelist Wm. Shepard of Pas­ adena will preach Sunday, both morning and evening. Mr. Shepard is a deeply spiritual man. He has been for many years preaching the

salvation and Is now nstructors at the An- nd missionary training

school. We deem it a rare privi­ lege to haye him with us. Come, Jet us enjoy the day together.

sospolof the


SALVATION ARMY1324 Sartori avenue. Envoy I,

A. Grace, commanding officer.Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.Holiness meeting, 11 a. m.No service will be held Sunday

evening this week.Regular weekly services on Tues­

day and Thursday at 7:80.Saturday afternoon at 2:30, a so­

cial and entertainment for all chil­ dren.

Tuesday, April 28, at 7:30, the service will lie taken by Rev. P. M. Essig, pastor of tho First Meth­ odist church. A helpful and in­ teresting time is assured. Come and enjoy the evening with us.

EPISCOPALChrist Mi-sion. Rev. T. P. Swift

in charge.Sunday school, 9:46 a.m.Morning service, 11 o'clock.

Morning prayer and sermon.The Woman's Guild meets the

first and third Thursdays of the month.

CATHOLIC Rev. Reardon, Pastor.

Mass celebrated Sundays at 7:30 and 9:30 a. m.

Sunday school, 9 a. m. Sunday and 4 p. m, Saturday.

Benediction,. 7:46 Sunday eve­ ning.


1732 Cabriilo Ave. Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday school classes, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday evening meeting are

held at 8 p. m.

LATTER DAY SAINTSThe Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter Day Saints will hold serv­ ices at 10:30 o'clock on Sunday morning In American hall, located on Border avenue between Carson ahd 218th streets. Public Invited. No contributions taken up.

Coming EventsItems for This Department

Must Be at Office by 5 p. m. on Day Preced­ ing Publication.

FRIDAY, APRIL 242 p.m. Lomtttt I'.-T. A. muh jonKi;

and card party. Odd 1'Yllown hall. 7:30 p.m. High school play, htKh

school auditorium. 8 p. m. Meeting Torrance Lodge

R and A. M., Masonic temple.SATURDAY, APRIL 26

8 p. m. Boy Scout rally, Americanhall.

SUNDAY, APRIL 26 Si-rvico for boya In all churches.

TUESDAY, APRIL 28 1:30 p. in. Meeting board of dl.

rectors Chamber of Commerce.1'ubllo Invited.

7:SO p. m. American Legion Auxil­ iary', 2068 220th K trait.

t:8fl | AmiTlrun Leltlon, Firs!National iiunU.

6:3(1 p. in. -notary Club (listl i«t ut-1'ieein' riinnrr ami dunce, Masonic-t.-mpli'.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 I'ruijium for nil boyu, high Huhmil;

urruntffd by Curl Hyde. 7:8(1 p. QI. Meeting Modern Wi.,,.1-

nien, Moose hall.THURSDAY, APRIL 30

UoyB' Day In Indumry. Trip thnniKlifactories.

Smith Reopens Ferncroft Cafe;

New PoliciesFormer C. P. R. Chef Put

In Charge of KitchenHere

Smith's Ferncroft Cafe was jpencd this mornlng^Under the per- lonal management of Russell Smith, new proprietor of the res­

in opening the cnfo Mr. Smith mnounees that ho will make a ipeclalty of cluh breakfasts, busi- less men's luncheons, and table I'hote dinners.

A. McCreedy, former chef in thelining car service of the Canadian,'acific Railway and chef at theBanff and Lake House, is in charge

f the kitchen.One of the features of the re-

lodeled cafe Is the reception de- artment near the entrance, where

davenport and writing desk are Ituated for the convenience of

Mr. Smith has been a restaura- cur in Torrance for three years, nd will continue to operate mlth's Restaurant on Cabrille ave-

Building Permits2 Sartori, 3-room dwelling,

51500, H. L. Whaley.1434 Post Ave., 6-ft. stucco wall,

J80, W. A. Renn. Contractor, J. V. Barnes.

1421 Madrid. '5-room bungalow, U500, J. S. Tolson.

Rear 2105 Gramercy Ave., play- IOUSB, |50, A. H. Bartlett.

Rear 1632 Elm St., garage, J100, Dale Dean.

Rear 1329 Engracia Ave., garage, 250, S. R. Ludlbw.

Put Your Valuables Behind Steel Doors

And you need never worry over their safe­ ty. Our convenient safety deposit boxes are readily accessible to, you every day. We have also provided two. new private booths where you can examine' the' contents of your safety deposit box in, privacy and quiet.

State Exchange Bank"THE COMMUNITY BANK"




luv ;%>mtti)Caisctrv Street

"7f c ure I f iExpert Watch - Work

FRATERNALTorrance Review No. 37

Maccabees.leets Second and Fourth Tuesday!

7:80 P.M., Legion Hall.L. MAE TOMKINS


There is delinquent on the following described stock on account of Assessment No. 18, levied July 24th, 1923, the several amounts set opposite the names of the shareholders as follows:

NAMEMrs. Wm. A. Barragar Elizabeth McDougall ......W. H. Calhoun ................

rtificate 540 159 443


Xo.-Shar 2%

D. Dodds .................j............................_...Lot 1 4263Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Erickson................ 660Annie Freitag ..............._........................Lot 11 848Pearl Clinton Garland and Cornelia

L. Garland .......................................... 636Claude M. Jones, Lydia E. Jones

and A. Jetberg ................................. 671M. M. Kauffman .................................... 697M. M. Kauffman ..........._.__.....__. 505M. M. Kauffman ...................__.......... 607 .M, M, Kauffman ....................................Lots 11 and 20,

Tract 2393 Golle Lewis .........................:.................... 436Samuel B.. Morrow ................................ 633S. A. Perluss ..............'.............................. 72N. B. Smith ............................................. 539Flora M. Wittifelt _....'._...__.................. 177 "iAdolph L. Theek .................................... 96-99-100

101-102 Mary A. Wanzer .'. ...._................_........ 448W. Goslin .................................................. 544M. Bradley ................................................ 745 \C. E. Covert _............................................ 720Kettler & Hardlng .................................. 676

Amount J75.00

16.00 15.0030.00:

9.00» 16.00. *».0«


30.00IB.SO16.00- 15.00,

30.06' 10.00' 30,00! Ta.10) 80.00 tt.OQ

89.U 17.60 18,00 10.00


And in accordance with law a ade April 16th, 1924, so man ay be necessary will be sold

Company NumberMay, 1925, at 8 o'clock P. M

iessment, together with

id nn Order of tlie Board of Mreutorashares of each parcel of stock as-

.t the office of the Narbonne Ranch,Lomita, California, on the 2Tthj day

of such day. to pay delinquentadvertising and expenses of sate*

O. W. THISTLE,. Secy, .




Come and choose from a wide assortment of Strap Slip­ pers, Sailor Ties, and Oxfords in Black or Brown, as well as combination leathers.


Pied Piper Juu.o. Ulucher * endorsed by health boards and physicians. All width* and sizes in smoke calf, tan calf, black calf and patent leather. The finest shoe ot Its kind. Beware of Imita­ tions look (or the Pled Pi­ per trade-mark on every shoe.

Bring Them InAll the season's new styles

an* Included in our display of Pie.I Piper Shoes. The (act that these shoes are the world's greatest health shoes doesn't make them expensive. Pled Piper* are most econ­ omical. See (or yourselves and bring the children with you We know how to fit them correctly.

A neat and sturdy oiior* (or everyday wear. Made ot One brown calfskin with best quality oak soles. All size* and widths.

$100Re.wardThese shoes are made ol

the best grades of leather. We will g|ve $100.00 and a new pair of thoee to any wearer who finds paper or Ibre In the counters. Insoles or outsoles of geuuloe Plod Piper Shoes.


