Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since...

Welcome to worship this morning! As we gather for worship and fellowship, may we be one, even as Jesus and the Father are one. Sundays are special because we take time to worship in the Lord’s house. The presence of each of you is a blessing. Welcome, one and all! Introduction for the Day: Of all three years of the lectionary cycle, this year’s All Saints readings have the most tears. Isaiah and Revelation look forward to the day when God will wipe away all tears; in John’s gospel, Jesus weeps along with Mary and all the gathered mourners before he demonstrates his power over death. On All Saints Day we celebrate the victory won for all the faithful dead, but we grieve for our beloved dead as well, knowing that God honors our tears. We bring our grief to the table and find there a foretaste of Isaiah’s feast to come. Silver Dollars and All Saints: Our altar flowers today, “Silver Dollars,” provide a parable for All Saints Day. Like human life, the plant is short-lived, living only two years. The plant’s beautiful purple flower rapidly changes into quarter-size seed pods. In late summer, as the plant dies and dries, the outer coating of the pods is shed to disclose the beautiful white inside. The reality of its beauty, which had been covered over, remains hidden during its life, like the unseen reality of a person, only revealed with death’s removal of the covering of flesh (with all its scars, blemishes, diseases, and frailties). White, the color for All Saints Day, reminds us that powerfully majestic scene in Revelation 7:9-14, of the great white robed heavenly procession which no one can number from every nation, tribe, people, and language who have passed through the great ordeal of living life itself and washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, waving palm branches. These flowers were provided from the garden of Rev. Ray William Stubbe, who also provided this description. Please wear a Nametag today: The first and third Sundays when you wear a nametag, you give others the opportunity to know your name. In so doing, we can become better acquainted as a church family. Greet someone new today! Hunger Baskets passed today for Severe Weather: During the offering, a basket will be passed following the offering plate. The second collection will be directed toward those suffering from the effects of the historic storm Sandy in the Eastern United States this week. Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church, Wauwatosa

Transcript of Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since...

Page 1: Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care. Deaths since Nov.

Welcome to worship this morning! As we gather for worship and fellowship, may we be one, even as Jesus and the Father are one. Sundays are special because we take time to worship in the Lord’s house. The presence of each of you is a blessing. Welcome, one and all!Introduction for the Day: Of all three years of the lectionary cycle, this year’s All Saints readings have the most tears. Isaiah and Revelation look forward to the day when God

will wipe away all tears; in John’s gospel, Jesus weeps along with Mary and all the gathered mourners before he demonstrates his power over death. On All Saints Day we celebrate the victory won for all the faithful dead, but we grieve for our beloved dead as well, knowing that God honors our tears. We bring our grief to the table and find there a foretaste of Isaiah’s feast to come.Silver Dollars and All Saints: Our altar flowers today, “Silver Dollars,” provide a parable for All Saints Day. Like human life, the plant is short-lived, living only two years. The plant’s beautiful purple flower rapidly changes into quarter-size seed pods. In late summer, as the plant dies and dries, the outer coating of the pods is shed to disclose the beautiful white inside. The reality of its beauty, which had been covered over, remains hidden during its life, like the unseen reality of a person, only revealed with death’s removal of the covering of flesh (with all its scars, blemishes, diseases, and frailties). White, the color for All Saints Day, reminds us that powerfully majestic scene in Revelation 7:9-14, of the great white robed heavenly procession which no one can number from every nation, tribe, people, and language who have passed through the great ordeal of living life itself and washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, waving palm branches. These flowers were provided from the garden of Rev. Ray William Stubbe, who also provided this description.Please wear a Nametag today: The first and third Sundays when you wear a nametag, you give others the opportunity to know your name. In so doing, we can become better acquainted as a church family. Greet someone new today!

Hunger Baskets passed today for Severe Weather: During the offering, a basket will be passed following the offering plate. The second collection will be directed toward those suffering from the effects of the historic storm Sandy in the Eastern United States this week.

Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church, Wauwatosa

Page 2: Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care. Deaths since Nov.

All Saints’ Sunday November 4, 2012

Today we remember those people who have died this past year. We celebrate their memories and all that they have meant to their families and friends. Here is a listing of saints who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care.

DeathssinceNov.1,2011 DateofDeath:Richard Anderson November 7, 2011Bruce Ashenfelter February 20, 2012John F. Cini, Jr. June 21, 2012Jessie Gardner February 14, 2012Michael Gissibl July 1, 2012Albert D. Herrell September 4, 2012Kristen Hewett March 2, 2012Lyle Hintz September 2, 2012Kaye Hutter October 22, 2012Tim Ireland January 27, 2012Jack Klippel August 14, 2012Roberta Krueger March 24, 2012Margaret Obst February 10, 2012Richard Pagac September 21, 2012Nicola Rheingans September 22, 2012Doris Schier February 28, 2012Loraine Schuffler July 20, 2012Louise Telderer March 9, 2012Richard B. Straka, Sr. August 6, 2012Hank Turtenwald February 13, 2012Ruth Wendt April 30, 2012Norma Winters January 18, 2012Marion Young December 2, 2011Marguerite Zilisch October 2, 2012Mary Zosel December 1, 2011

There is also a slideshow in the Commons with memories from those who are living with the loss of a loved one.

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Communion: All baptized Christians who celebrate the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine are invited to the Lord’s Table at the 7:30 service. Gluten-free wafers are available if you ask your communion server. Those who desire juice instead of regular wine, please tell this to the communion assistant. Due to the weight of the communion trays, you may be asked to take your glass of wine from the tray as it is presented to you.

TOY SWAP is coming up soon - Nov. 11! St. Matthew’s will again be holding its annual toy swap on Sunday November 11 at 9:45 in the Upper Room. Clean out those closets and donate toys that your children or grandchildren are no longer using. Bring them to church starting Monday November 5 (leave them outside the office, larger items can be brought to the stage. Our congregation will then “swap” for toys their family can use. If you have nothing to swap, feel free to browse the toy selection and consider a monetary donation. Leftover toys are donated to Reformation; just in time for Christmas. Items such as children’s books, DVDs, sports equipment, baby equipment are also welcome.

Adult Education Forum Time 9:45-10:45

November 11“Oy vey! Just how Jewish Were Jesus and St. Paul?”Jesus and Paul lived in very different Jewish communities. How did that affect them and their ministries? How different was Judaism then than today? Were Jesus and Paul traditional Jews? Or marginal Jews? We will explore those issues in this class led by Dan Bice, St. Matthew’s member. November 1811 X 15 for Safer, Healthier CommunitiesWhat is the 11 X 15 campaign? It is an urgent call to reduce Wisconsin’s prison population by half – to 11,000 – by the end the year 2015. 11 X 15 is about creating awareness that our current criminal justice system is an expensive failure. 11 X 15 communicates that there are alternatives for many (not all) people who have been sent to prison that are proven to be more effective in promoting safety and health. A project of WISDOM, a statewide network of congregation-based community organizations that work to live out their values in the world. This discussion will be led by Conor Williams, St. Matthew’s member.

November 25Movie for Christ the King Sunday “The Case for Christ” One man’s journey from atheism to faith Center your heart and your spirit on the “reason for the season” by watching this 70 minute movie which asks the question, “Is there evidence to confirm that Jesus of Nazareth was, indeed, the son of God and the savior of the world?” Based upon the Gold Medallion award-winning best-seller, “The Case for Christ” documents journalist Lee Strobel’s journey from atheism to faith through his two-year investigation of the Bible and the life of Jesus Christ.

The historic storm Sandy which has devastaged areas on the East Coast this week, has prompted The Lutheran Disaster Response to send immediate financial support to the area. Lutheran Disaster Response is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Lutheran Disaster Response brings together the energy and efforts of Lutherans from around the country to respond to natural and human-caused disas-ters in the United States and its terri-tories. If you wish to respond to make a donation to Lutheran Disaster Response as they aid those affected by flooding, wind damage, fire, the blizzard and power outages, please make out a check to St. Matthew’s and the full amount will be directed to the Lutheran Disaster Response.

Page 4: Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care. Deaths since Nov.

For Our Senior SAINTS:Churches and ChocolatesWednesday Nov. 14 Enjoy a bus tour through Milwaukee, long known as our “City of Steeples,” while visiting local chocolate shops and different places of worship. Sponsored by the SAINTS, the tour will begin with muffins and coffee at the church at 9:00 A.M. and end at 12:30 P.M. on Wednesday, November 14th. On the tour, we will delve into dessert with stops at two east side/downtown chocolatiers and visit three local churches to learn about the history and architecture of these unique places of worship. Our three planned church choices are: St. Joan of Arc, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Grace Lutheran Coffee, muffins, chocolate treats, guided fun, round trip transportation, and donations to each of the three churches visited are included in the $42.00 price. Register at the SAINTS desk by Sunday, November 4th, to guarantee a registration as space is limited.SAINTS = Seniors Active in New Testament Ministry

Two members performing in Greendale Community Theater: Tickets are on sale for Greendale’s’ Community Theater per-formance of the award winning Broadway show, “Next to Normal;” runs January 11-19. Cast includes Wauwatosa East Alumnus Ryan Stajmiger and Katharine Geertsen of St Matthews. Greendale Com-munity Theater sponsors local charities so come out and support the show.

‘Share the Journey’ Annual Stewardship Program Continues: This year’s theme, ‘Share the Journey,’ reinforces a major finding from this year’s MET report - that St. Matthew’s is a special place. We are blessed

with talents, resources, and a ‘can-do’ spirit that guides us to make a difference in the world! We truly live out ‘Sharing our Journey’!This year’s campaign is using the familiar route captain approach. Following the campaign kickoff on the 28th, each of you will be contacted by your route captain to schedule the drop-off and pick-up of your Stewardship materials. Some members receive their commitment packets by mail. As you complete your commitments, please consider how you can ‘Share your Journey’, whether thru financial commitments or deeper involvement in our many activities and ministries. We are completing our plans for the exciting Building Renovation project and expect that 2013 will be a major year for this effort. Along with your regular pledge, please prayerfully consider your commitments to the ‘Building Improvement Fund.’Thank you for your strong commitment and support of St. Matthew’s vibrant ministries. Cory Olson, Stewardship Committee Chairperson

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“God is Closer Than You Think” a Men’s 5 week bible study will be held on Wednesday nights from Nov. 7 - December 12, 7:00-8:15 p.m. Using videos, group discussion, humor, fellowship and bible study, you will learn that God wants a relationship with us and that God is not always easy to detect. More information will follow. Contact Brian Due with questions or to sign up: [email protected] or 414-378-7274.

Stitches of Love Quilt Blitz: Join the Stitches of Love Quilt Ministry for a Quilt Blitz on Saturday, November 10th from 9:00-1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The ministry will cut, create and sew baby quilts from the bins of fabric, batting and simple patterns. Bring your quilting supplies and option to bring your sewing machine. Don’t have quilting supplies? Not to worry, tools will be provided. No experience needed. The Quilt Ministry, in its 10th year, is a blend of church members, friends and family. Come share in the fun and see results by the end of the session! Lunch will be provided. No sign up necessary. The group is going to tuck in a baby shower for a member at this session. Questions? Contact Bev Etzelmueller at [email protected] or #262-250-3969.

Needed: A gas stove, refrigerator and two twin size mattresses for the Somali family which we sponsored through Lutheran Social Services a few years ago. If you are able to provide any of these items, please contact Mari Jambura at [email protected] or call the church office.

Healing Services are offered monthly:Sunday, November 18 after the 11:00 ServiceDecember 23 during the 8:30 service

All those desiring healing prayer for themselves or others are invited to attend, along with their family members and/or support persons.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship: Come, you thankful people, comeGive thanks - we are abundantly blessed - November 21st, 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving has always been a spe-cial time for the people of St. Matthew’s to gather and to give thanks for blessings received and for us as a faith community to give thanks for the work God has called us to do. Join the community of St. Matthew’s for a festive Thanksgiving Eve service with adult, youth and children’s choirs and other special music. Bring canned food items as a response

to all our blessings. We will bring the food up to the altar during the time of the offering. Your Thanksgiving offering will be directed toward our Special Benevolences including World Hunger.

Stay for the Pie Social after Thanksgiving Service: Following the Service on November 21, the Fellowship Committee will host a Pie Social. We ask those who wish to bring a pie to share and the Fellowship Committee will provide the rest, coffee, juice, whipped cream and ice cream. You are invited to stay even if you don’t bring a pie.

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Two Singles Activities up this month and next month: • The Singles Ministry is touring The

Domes on Monday November 26, 9 am - noon. Free to Milwaukee County residents with proof of residency. We will be carpooling from church and going out for lunch after. Children are welcome. Please contact Jennifer Wills at [email protected] or 262/483-1848 for more information or to sign up.

• The Singles Ministry will be attending a midday presentation of “Scrooge: The Musical” at the Fireside Theater in Fort Atkinson on Sunday December 9. Arrival is 2:30 pm with dinner at 3 pm and show at 5 pm. We will carpool from church. Please contact Jennifer Wills at [email protected] or 262/483-1848 for more information or to reserve a seat.

Date Night Milwaukee at Hales Corners Lutheran Church, November 14, 2012, featuring Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the New York Times bestseller The Five Love Languages. St. Matthew’s offered two classes on this book about a year ago and the concepts were very well received by the participants. This event is for couples dating, engaged or married. For ticketing information, go to and click on Milwaukee. Hales Corners L.C. is located at 12300 W. Janesville Rd., Milwaukee. 414-529-6700.

Hello Moms! Here are the dates for St. Matt’s Mamas in November. All moms, kids, friends are WELCOME!November 2 – 9:30 -11:00

Play Group in the NurseryNovember 9 – 9:30-11:00

Play Group in the NurseryNov. 16 – 9:30-11:00 Discussion Group in the Upper Room.

Childcare provided in the NurseryNovember 30 – 9:30-11:00

Play Group in the Nursery

Join the choir for the pageant season The St. Matthew’s Pageant will be present-ed on Sunday, December 16th. This inter-generational production includes the music of St. Matthew’s Senior Choir during several scenes. We invite you to join the choir in preparing for the pageant production on four Thursday evenings. The dates and times are listed below. Join us!November 15 beginning at 7:30 p.m.November 29, 7:30 p.m.December 6, 7:30 p.m.December 13, 7:30 p.m.The pageant rehearsal time will end at 8:00 or 8:15 p.m.Dress Rehearsal on Saturday, December 15 in the morning: Time TBAThe pageant is presented three times on Sunday December 16: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.

New prayer shawl kits for Froedtert Hospital are available near the church library. Please sign the sheet indicating your name, telephone number and the date. When you return the completed shawl please also indicate the return date. Froedert Hospital is most grateful for your caring ministry.

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Upcoming EventsCommunity Food Day is this coming Saturday On Community Food Day, Saturday, November 10, families in the neighborhood come to receive one or two bags of groceries (based on family size) that are filled with a specific combination of foods. On Saturday, November 10th, volunteers from St. Matthew’s will gather at Reformation to sort the food and fill grocery bags. Our goal is to fill 70 bags, but the need is even greater. We appreciate your help!

• Canned corn, peas and green beans• Canned fruit of any kind• Spaghetti (regular sized packages)• Spaghetti sauce• Canned soup – vegetable, chicken noodle,

or creamed chicken• Boxed macaroni and cheese; boxed rice• Boxed mashed potatoes• Boxed stuffing mix• Peanut butter• Instant oatmeal packets• Cereal

Springfield trip highlights Lincoln and Wright - MAY 6 – 8, 2013See all the major Lincoln sites in Springfield, Illinois, plus tour the Frank Lloyd Wright Dana-Thomas House next May 6 – 8, 2013. Lincoln expert Pastor Emeritus Gary Erickson will join us as we walk in Lincoln’s footsteps and revisit 19th century United States.Lamers Tour & Travel has arranged our itinerary. The cost is $339/person and includes round-trip transportation via deluxe motor coach, 2 nights at Drury Inn & Suites, 5 meals, all admission fees, taxes, and tips.This trip is open only to St. Matthew’s members until Monday, January 7. Thereafter, it will be open to guests as well. (If you need a roommate, we will help match you up.)A deposit of $125/person is due by February 20 and the balance of $214/person by March 27.

November Social Ministry focuses on prison ministryMen’s clothing drive part of focus During November, we’ll have Adult Education on the 11 x 15 campaign to reduce Wisconsin’s prison population, we’ll be collecting pennies to support the prisoners that our partner congregation, Reformation prays for AND – we’ll will be collecting men’s clothing to support Project Return for men released from prison who need clothing. We’ll be focusing on cold weather clothes. If you have questions see Tom Geib or check in the church office.

Women’s Advent Breakfast Saturday, December 1, 8:30 - 11 a.m. Neighbors, friends and relatives welcome. Breakfast will feature sustainable and locally-grown foods. Mary Ann Noe will present “Jesus: The Divine Hero--How Jesus Fits Himself into our Patterns and How we Fit into His.” Those of you who attended the breakfast last year will remember Mary Ann as a dynamic and engaging speaker. In her own words, “After close to thirty years of being surrounded by teenagers, Mary Ann decided to join the adult world and retired from teaching. She has now turned her creative talents to writing poetry, short stories and spiritual reflections. She devotes time to warbling in the church choir, having fun with family, biking, gardening and making angels in the snow.” Free will offering, and in keeping with St. Matthew’s focus on alleviating Hunger, you are encouraged to bring a donation of your favorite cold breakfast cereal for the Reformation Food Pantry. Sign-up in narthex starting November 11 or by calling the church office.

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Ongoing GroupsSt. Matt’s Mamas The group is meeting every Friday morning from 9:30-11:00 in the Nursery for playtime with the kids. On the 1st and 3rd Fridays childcare will be provided and the moms will meet in the Upper Room for study/discussion and fellowship; Please contact [email protected] for more information.

First Fridays Book Discussion Group has begun meeting. Here are the next books up for discussion:Dec. 7 The Lemon Tree: An Arab, A Jew and the

Heart of the Middle East Sandy TolanJan. 4 Hope: A Tragedy by Shalom Auslander (290 pgs.)Feb. 1 Still Alice by Lisa Genova (295 pages)The full list is available across from the church office or at the Welcome Center.

The Caregivers’ Support group will meet twice monthly on Mondays. Anyone is welcome to attend, and share the joys and challenges of caring for others on a regular basis. The meetings begin at 1:00 and are located in the Upper Room. Mondays November 12 and 26 and December 10th.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets each Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. We are studying II Samuel. Our study focuses on growing in understanding of the big stories of the bible and God’s message for us today. All are welcome. No prior knowledge is needed.

Yoga Classes with Kelly Kirtley are continuing on Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. The next few meetings are November 6, 13, 20 and 27.

Habitat for Humanity Workers needed for the 1st Saturday of each month. The next work day is December 1. If you can help on this day, please contact Jerry Wirtz at 414-350-2338. Any skills are appreciated.

St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church First Fridays Book Discussion Group reveals New Book ListSt. Matthew’s Book Group leaders have determined the list of books to be discussed for the coming year. The first meeting is Friday, October 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Upper Room. Here is the list and the dates for meeting. Everyone’s welcome to attend.

Oct 5, 2012 Lottery by Patricia Wood (~310 pages) Nov 2, 2012 The Pact: Three Young

Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt (~265 pages)

Dec 7, 2012 The Lemon Tree: An Arab, A Jew and the Heart of the Middle East by Sandy Tolan (~360 pages)

Jan 4, 2013 Hope: A Tragedy by Shalom Auslander

(~290 pages)Feb 1, 2013 Still Alice by Lisa Genova (~295 pages)Mar 1, 2013 The Blackboard Jungle by Evan Hunter (~310 pages)Apr 5, 2013 Fathermothergod: My

Journey Out of Christian Science by Lucia Greenhouse (~300 pages)

May 10, 2013* The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction by Alan Jacobs (~160 pages)

Questions may be directed to the group’s leaders: Danette Braun, Fred Heim and Terri Kuhlmann.

Homemade Apple Pies!Two opportunities – 1) Saturday, November 17, you will have the opportunity to assemble apple pies; 2) Sunday, November 18, you can take a pie (or two or three!) home! There will be two two-hour shifts to make the pies beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 17. (But any amount of time you can spare will be greatly appreciated.) These yummy pies will be fresh and ready to bake or freeze - baking instructions included. They will be sold on a pre-order basis for $10 each. Since we will be preparing only 100 pies, place your order soon! The proceeds will support women who would like to attend our women’s retreat in the spring. Please sign up to help and/or place your order at the Welcome Center. Thanks for your support! If you have any questions, please contact Karen Crook at 414.455.3905 or [email protected].

A few spots remain in the Travels of Paul trip next May: Are you interested in traveling to biblical sites of the Apostle Paul? If so, join Lutheran School of Theology Professors Esther Menn and Barbara Rossing and Pr Margaret on this May, 2013 Turkey travel seminar! The cost for this will be $3699 which includes a $100 contribution to student scholarships. The trip is open to pastors, LSTC alumni, lay people, and friends of the seminary. Check out the display in the Upper Commons for further information on this historical and memorable trip. Let Pr. Margaret know of your interest.

Page 9: Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care. Deaths since Nov.

MICAH Annual Public Meeting“Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Anywhere” Thursday November 15 is MICAH’s Annual Public Meeting which will focus on the 11 x 15 campaign, an effort to reduce the number of incarcerated Wisconsites from 22,000 to 11,000 by 2015. Beside the cost savings of this effort, the biggest reason to accomplish this is so that those who have drug, alcohol or other life-altering challenges can be treated for those in a safe community setting. MICAH President Rev. Willie Brisco will be the keynote speaker. He will share his personal experience as a correctional officer for 20 years. The location of the meeting is Bayshore Lutheran Church, 1200 E. Hampton Ave., Whitefish Bay. We hope that we can have several St. Matthew’s folks in attendance as a good representation of our congregation. Sign up in the bulletin panel or let Pr. Margaret know of your plan to attend.

Prison Ministry Sunday focusincludes fair trade coffee company that employs post-prison employees“I Have a Bean” from Second Chance Coffee Co. On November 18, our adult education focus will be the Milwaukee organization Project Return, which serves those people who have recently been released from incarceration. In conjunction with this focus, we have also learned of a new service “I Have a Bean” coffee, harvesting beans from small farmers in several countries and roasted in Wheaton, Illinois. The company employs 7 our of 10 people as post-prison employees at the roasting plant and in sales in Illinois. On November 18th, there will be coffee tasting of the four types available, and the opportunity to purchase this coffee. All coffee proceeds will go toward the Project Return.

November Social Ministry focuses on prison ministrySeveral aspects of this focus include:1) The 11 x 15 Campaign Learn about this MICAH effort during the November 18 Education Hour. 2) Pennies for PrisonersWe are collecting pennies which will be given to those family members and friends in our partner congregation Reformation Llutheran who are known to be incarcerated.3) “I Have a Bean” Second Chance CoffeeSee separate announcement explaining this new project.4) Men’s Clothing DriveThis clothing will support the ministry of Project Return for men released from prison. We’ll be focusing on cold weather clothes. Look for a collection area outside the church office.5) Project ReturnSt. Matthew’s has a history of support for the Milw. ministry Project Return, which supports those recently freed from incar-ceration to reintegrate into the community in healthy ways.6) Circles of Support We support the work of Miss America Laura Kaeppeler from Kenosha, a graduate of Carthage College, who formed “Circles of Support” to help to reduce the endless cycle of crime by mentoring children of incarcerated parents. Her orga-nization serves these children and their families by providing resources and tools to help them positively overcome adversity.

See the new St. Matthew’s Website!!

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Daylight Saving Time EndsThis Weekend - November 4

Fall Back One Houron Saturday evening

See you at churchSunday Morning!

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For Youth, Children and FamiliesFamily Movie NightNovember 16th 6-8 p.m.$4 per person for Pizza, Soda and snacksJoin us for a fun family evening at church on Friday, November 16th starting at 6PM. We will be showing the soon to be released on DVD animated movie BRAVE (rated PG). Kids are invited to wear PJ’s and bring pillows and sleeping bags. We will have pizza, soda, and snacks. Please bring $4 per person for food. Advance sign up with the church office is appreciated, but not required.

Mission Trip Meeting The next meeting for the youth mission trip to Colorado will be Sunday, December 2nd at 12:15. Please bring $5 for lunch! If you are a high school student who missed the sign-up deadline, there may still be room for you. Please talk to Gretchen if you’re interested.

Middle School Capture the Flag Night Coming up on November 16thJoin us for a night-time game of Capture the Flag and other activities. All 6th – 8th graders and friends are welcome. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the food pantry and a favorite snack to share.

December 2nd Service EventAll middle and high school youth are encouraged to participate in a service event on Sunday afternoon, December 2nd. We will begin at 2:00 (following the Mission Trip Meeting) and be done by 4:00.

Attention 7th and 8th gradersConfirmation class with Pr. Chris continues in October Confirmation Class with Pr. Chris is underway, meeting each Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m. November 7: Big Group (6th Comm.) 14: Big Group (7th Comm.) 21: No Class - Thanksgiving Brk. 28: Service Night

9th grade Confirmation9th grade Confirmation class meets on Wednesdays at 7:00-8:15. Gretchen Haugse and Pr. Margaret teach the nine-week session which leads up to the Confirmation service on Sunday, November 11 at 1:30 p.m. If you have questions, please contact Gretchen Haugse at church 414-774-0441 or [email protected].

Kids for Christ and Disciples of Christ Children’s Ministries Groups meet monthly Our children’s ministries KFC (kids for Christ - grades 1-3) and DOC (Disciples of Christ - grades 4-5) come together for fun, fellowship and food. Friends can also come along. The meeting dates and times are:

KFC Sunday, November 4, 12:15-2:00DOC Sunday, November 25,

12:15-2:00Bring $4.00 for lunch. Led by Donna Gardner Manke.

Do you have a preschooler? Free CDs available at the Welcome Center which are a part of the “Splash” Augsburg Fortress faith formation series for preschoolers. There are three age levels for the CDs. Try one in the car on the way home today!

Page 12: Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care. Deaths since Nov.

Cross Lutheran Lunch ProgramWe serve 300-400 people on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 12 noon at Cross Lutheran Church, 1821 N. 16th Street. We carpool from St. Matthew’s at 10:45 a.m. and serve from 11:30-1:00. Next Meal: November 28. Pick up a card in worship on the Sunday prior to the meal to donate food.

Guest House:We need 4 or 5 volunteers to prepare and serve a nutritious and delicious meal for 70 men at the Guest House, a homeless shelter. We meet at the church at 5:00 pm to carpool and finish by 7:00 pm. Sign up at the church, or contact Carl Johnson ([email protected]), or 414-771-1023.We are all set for volunteers for November. Seeking volunteers for December 9 and January 13.

Serenity Inn:Volunteers prepare and serve 6-8 residents the second Sunday of each month. Volunteers carpool meeting at church at 5:15 returning at 7:15. If you are available and would like to participate on November 11, please contact [email protected] or 704-907-7464. Thank you to all who participate in this special ministry.

Repairers of the Breach:We supply 100 bag lunches for the homeless twice a month. We pack the lunches at church on the 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. Volunteers are needed to provide beverages, fruit, chips and sweets and/or pack the lunches. Packing the lunches can be a separate item from providing the food. Contact Tom Geib (414-321-3391).

Cross Meal this week:Thanks to all those who provided the delicious food for the Cross meal on October 24. 303 people were fed at the meal. Thanks also to the servers who helped. Your strong support and care for this ministry is greatly appreciated!

The St. Matthew’s Meal Outreach Ministry

Page 13: Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care. Deaths since Nov.

Thank you to these people and businesses

who support our newletter through their ads.

Could you use these services, or recommend these businesses to someone you know?

MEMBERS supporting our newsletter

Robert Storm Attorney; Storm, Balgeman, Miller & Klippel, S. C. 1011N.MayfairRd.,414-453-8500;;[email protected]

Conor Williams Stone Dimensionsgranitecountertops,naturalstoneproducts; 262-522-6335;; [email protected]

Tom Mainville Story Hill Renovations, LLC. Build,DesignandRemodel;414-788-0045[email protected]

Dr. Charles Hewett Holzhauer & Hewett S.C. Orthodontics; 10225W.CapitolDrive Bracesforchildrenandadults414-463-5700

Dale Cox Mechanical-MechanicalSystemContractors;Commercial-Industrial- Institutional-Design-Construct-Maintain;(262)798-8003; [email protected]

Mark Crego Mark R. Crego, D.D.S., S.C. General Dentistry,8726W.NorthAve.Wauwa-tosa,WI.AcceptingNewPatients.414-258-5351.

Community Businesses supporting St. Matthew’s NewsletterGross Heating and Air Conditioningservingthecommunitysince1925. 262-783-6000.

Schmidt & Bartelt Guardalabene & Amato Funeral Homes; Familyandemployeeowned. 10121W.NorthAve.414-774-5010.

Please consider supporting these businesses who support our newsletter printing!

Page 14: Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care. Deaths since Nov.

Newly renovated single-family bungalow in a family-friendly neighborhood located in the up-and-coming West Vliet St. area, within walking distance of many restaurants, art galleries and soon-to-be-new Times Cinema. 3 bedrooms, 1 & 1/2 baths. Sunroom, large living room with faux fireplace and dining room with built-in buffet & stained glass windows. Refinished hardwood floors throughout. For more info, please call Terri at (414) 617-0409.

Car for Sale: 2000 Cadillac Eldorado, V-8, 2-door with only 38,000 original miles, one owner, kept in garage. Every available option, very clean, asking $8,750. Contact 414-771-2301 or 262-641-8779.

Eagle Scout Court of Honor at St. Matthew’s: Tony Ceci will receive his Eagle Scout award 2pm Sunday, November 18 at St. Matthews. The Ceci family invites members of St. Matthew’s to attend, in grateful recognition of the congregation’s financial support of Tony’s Eagle project at Repairers of the Breach. Refreshments will be served afterwards - no gifts - RSVP by November 11 - 414.774.7681 or [email protected].

Deborah Circle will meet on Tuesday, November 13 at 12:30 p.m. at church.

Want to volunteer on Thanksgiving Day? Unity Church, 1025 E. Oklahoma Avenue will be serving a community meal on Thanksgiving. The doors will open at 11:30 for guests to have snacks and view the football game on a big screen TV. Dinner will be served at 1:00 p.m. Call Alissa at 414-744-6311 if you’d like to help.

A McKinley Elementary parent is looking for part-time daycare 2-3 days a week for 2 - 2 1/2 hours. Please call 262-470-0561 if interested in helping.

Gifts of Stock are WelcomeGifts of stock are always welcome at St. Matthew’s. Our brokerage account is with Robert W. Baird here in the Milwaukee area. The contact person is Curt Brewer, 262-523-5644. He can arrange to have your gift transferred directly from your account to St. Matthew’s brokerage account. Consult with your tax advisor to see if this has significant advantages for you. As always, feel free to contact Holly in the church office with questions.

Simply Giving: St. Matthew’s Stewardship Committee partners with Thrivent Financial for electronic transfer of contributions from parishioners’ checking or savings accounts directly to St. Matthew’s bank account. For more information or to request enrollment documents, contact Holly in the church office,

Bulletin Board Items

2012 Special Funds ReportResults as of 10/28/2012 are

Balance in Bldg. Improvement Fund to date $264,032Hunger baskets, year-to-date, for Hunger $10,802Fall Food Pack Event, year-to-date $19,3782012 Benevolence through September 30 $279,000

including Kingdom Account Distributions

Page 15: Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care. Deaths since Nov.

Today’s Worship Assistants:Acolytes: 8:30, Kamrynn Lamontagne, Jazmine Albrecht, Drew Daniels, Carson Schier. 11:00, Sydney Elliott, Abby Gifford.Hospitality Team: 7:30, Suzanne Hansen. 8:30, Doris Kloth, Peter & Helen Chang, Deb Endean & Dan Brovarney, Chris & Drew Daniels. 11:00, Mary Ellen Ralfs, Eric Oquist, Kevin Ede, Don Ralfs.Ushers: 7:30, Bill Dermody, Theresa Krahn. 8:30, Jack Hastings, Jeff Higgins, Bret Rockenbach, Joe Chiesa, Chris Schroeder, Tyler Seif, Greg Strand, Tim Dolan. 11:00, Greg Laszewski, Cathy Laszewski, Joel Seitz, Barrey and Mitchell Swing, Rob Wedel, Ethan Wooster, Ginger Wooster, Rich & Nick Tennessen.Lay Readers: 7:30, Marian Benz. 8:30, Christine Widder. 11:00, Brenda Ray.Lay Assistants: 8:30, Anne-Marie Nickel. 11:00, Pam Stokke-Ceci.Communion Preparers: 7:30, Jan Chandler, Marge Crawford. 8:30, Jennifer Dugan, Janet Templeman, Shelly Jones. 11:00, Robin Bloczynski, Judy Sayrs, Kate Wilson.Communion Assistants: 7:30, Marian Benz. 8:30, Anne-Marie Nickel, John & Terri Kuhlmann, Allison Kuhlmann. 11:00, Pam Stokke-Ceci, Nancy Herrell, Tim Jorgenson, Mike Thomae.Communion Bread Baker: Greg & Melanie Ebertowski, John & Beth Geertsen.Nursery: 8:30, Lauren Fassbender, Madeline Serafin, Deanne Waliszewski, Michael & Michele Wolaver. 9:45, Corianna Chisum, Marty & Nikki Ring. 11:00, Katie Gastrau, Madeline Heim, Johanna Taylor, Katie Hoefgen.Coffee Hosts: John & Cheryl Serafin, Greg & Melanie Ebertowski, Paul & Erin Fassbender.Library Assistants: Carol Anderson.

Weekly Calendar:Sunday: 7:30 and 8:30, Worship Services with Holy Communion 9:35, Church Library Open 9:45, Sunday School/Youth Forum 9:45, Adult Education - Brain Health 9:45, Middle School Art/Service Project 9:45, New Member Class11:00, Worship Service with Communion12:15, El Salvador Trip Meeting12:15-2:00, Kids for Christ (grades 1-3)

Weekly Calendar continuedMonday: 6:30, Monday Morning Men’s Bible Study 9:00, Just One More Meal Ministry10:15, Program Staff Meeting11:00, Staff Meeting11:00, Tosa East Orchestra Rehearsal 6:00, Men’s Ministry Meeting 6:30, Adult Education Planning Team 7:00, Fellowship CommitteeTuesday: 9:30, The EmBellishments11:00, Tosa East Orchestra Rehearsal 6:00, Godsbells 6:30, NAMI Support Group 7:00, Righteous Ringers 7:00, Celebrate Recovery 7:15, Lutheran A Cappella Choir Wednesday:10:00, Wed. Morning Bible Study10:30, Tosa East Orchestra Rehearsal11:30, Fallen Angels Singers Rehearsal 5:30, Dinner Before Confirmation 6:00, New Generation Choir 7:00, 9th Grade Confirmation Rehearsal 7:00, 7th & 8th Grade Confirmation 7:00, Men’s Bible Study “God is Closer” 7:00, New Creation Choir 7:00 Yoga ClassThursday: 9:30, A Cabella Ringers10:00, League of Women Voters11:00, Tosa East Orchestra Rehearsal 4:00, Praise Kids 6:15, Bells Angels 7:00, Wauwatosa East Orch. Concert 7:30, Senior Choir RehearsalFriday: 9:30, St. Matt’s Mamas Discussion Grp.10:00, Tosa East Orchestra Clean-Up 5:00, Wedding RehearsalSaturday: 9:00, Mt. Meru Synod Committee Mtg. 9:00, Quilt Ministry Blitz10:00, St. Matt’s Saturday at Reformation 3:00, Wedding: Hannah Johnson and

Michael Truskowski

Communion: All baptized Christians who celebrate the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine are invited to the Lord’s Table at the 7:30 service. Gluten-free wafers are available if you ask your communion server. Those who desire juice instead of regular wine, please tell this to the communion assistant. Due to the weight of the communion trays, you may be asked to take your glass of wine from the tray as it is presented to you.

A Note about Sunday Bulletin Distribution: In order to make good use of resources, fewer copies of the bulletin announcements section of your Sunday bulletin have been printed. These Bulletin Announcements Inserts are now available at the Welcome Center, from an usher, or downstairs across from the church office.If you wish to be added to the Friday bulletin email list, please sign up on the bottom of the Events Sign-Up panel in today’s bulletin and you will begin receiving the announcements as well as other notices on Fridays.

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St. Matthew’s Weekly Sign-Up PanelNovember 4, 2012

If you are interested in any of the following activities/events, please check the appropriate box and place this sheet in the offering plate, or turn it in to the church office. This is your opportunity to be involved in some of St. Matthew’s ministries.

I’d like to be a part of the Men’s Bible Study “God Is Closer Than You Think” on five Wednesday evenings, November 7 - December 12.

I can help at St. Matt’s Saturday at Reformation on November 10th, sorting and begging groceries or baking cookies.

I/We will attend Family Movie Night on Friday, November 16. Number attending _____

I would like to help make apple pies on Saturday, November 17. _____ 8:30-10:30 a.m. _____ 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

I would like to pre-order one or more homemade apple pies to pick up on Sunday, November 18th. ($10/pie) Number to order ________

Yes, I’d like to attend the Monday evening Brain Health Class on November 12, 19, 26th.

My fourth-fifth grader would like to attend Disciples of Christ on November 25, 12:15-2:00. Number attending _____

I can help with decorations, prepare Women’s Advent Breakfast or assist with clean-up after the breakfast on Saturday, December 1.

I’d like more information on the Simply Giving service, the electronic transfer of contri-butions to St. Matthew’s.

I am interested in a trip next year following The Travels of Paul.

Name_______________________________ Phone Number_________________

Email Address _________________________________________________________For more information on any of these opportunities, or other questions,

please call the church office, 414-774-0441.

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Page 18: Announcements for Sunday, November 4, 2012 · 04/11/2012  · who have died in Christ since November 1, 2011 and for whom our pastors have provided pastoral care. Deaths since Nov.

Ministers ThePeopleofSt.Matthew’sEv.LutheranChurchLeadPastor TheRev.ChristopherJ.P.MankePastor TheRev.MargaretSchoewePastor TheRev.EliasKitoiNasariMusicMinister/Organist/NewGeneration&AdultHandbellChoirs JohnR.ParadowskiChurchLibrarian(volunteer) BevEtzelmuellerDirectorofOlderAdultMinistries JaneSandstromDirectorofYouthMinistries&Children’sEducationCoordinator GretchenHaugseChildren’sMinistryCoordinator DonnaGardnerMankeSeniorChoirDirector DavidMohrYouthHandbellChoirs JeffreyReevesNewCreationChoir JeffreyReevesandJohnParadowski;HeideHughes,accompanistPraiseKids!Directors(Jr.K-2grades) JeffReevesandAmyDankwardtVolunteerMinistries/SmallGroups/AdultEducation SueSwingFinanceSecretary HollyJurssOfficeAssistant JillDueCommunicationsSecretary SonjaMohrJanitor JohnSwensonPastorEmeritus TheRev.GaryErickson

Vision Statement: Guided byGod’s Spirit andGrace, we are a community ofdisciplesgrowinginfaith,hopeandloveinourLordandSaviorJesusChrist.(What we want to become)

Mission Statement: Called to fulfill the Great Commission, St. Matthew’swelcomesalltofaithinJesusChrist,nurturesourfaithjourney,equipsustoserveothers,andsendsusintotheworldtomakeadifferenceinJesus’name.(What we are going to do)

Values: Wewant to be people who grow in our Spiritual fruitfulness, which isshown through the Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,Goodness,Faithfulness,Gentleness,Self-control.(Who we want to be)