
IMPLEMENTING COMPUTER SCIENCE AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Primary Hossain, M. S. Hasan, M. & Clement, C. K. (2012). Barriers to the introduction of ICT into Education in Developing Countries: The Example of Bangladesh. Vol. 5, No. 2. This study aides distinguish the elements that impact educators' choices whether to actualize ICT in instructing learning circumstances. It state that electronic business, critical piece of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), is a standout amongst the most well-known business terms being used in 21st century. It also argues that created nations are more famous due to their quick development of ICT, e-trade and online transaction. Be that as it may in creating or under create nations the situation is distinctive. Specialized slacking, lack of foundation, attainability of the current structures and individuals aloofness are the principle purposes for this Further, this paper offers various suggestions to diminish these hindrances and augment the advantageous utilization of ICT on training. In this paper it is clarified that there are a few option methods for e-business and online transaction. In this paper, a model of electronic installment framework for M-Commerce has been proposed and examined the security for the framework. The paper


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Hossain, M. S. Hasan, M. & Clement, C. K. (2012). Barriers to the introduction of ICT into

Education in Developing Countries: The Example of Bangladesh. Vol. 5, No. 2.

This study aides distinguish the elements that impact educators' choices whether to actualize ICT in

instructing learning circumstances. It state that electronic business, critical piece of Information and

Communication Technologies (ICT), is a standout amongst the most well-known business terms being

used in 21st century. It also argues that created nations are more famous due to their quick development

of ICT, e-trade and online transaction. Be that as it may in creating or under create nations the situation

is distinctive. Specialized slacking, lack of foundation, attainability of the current structures and

individuals aloofness are the principle purposes for this Further, this paper offers various suggestions to

diminish these hindrances and augment the advantageous utilization of ICT on training. In this paper it

is clarified that there are a few option methods for e-business and online transaction. In this paper, a

model of electronic installment framework for M-Commerce has been proposed and examined the

security for the framework. The paper additionally touches on the conditions and criteria that must be

met keeping in mind the end goal to make a M-Commerce transaction worthy under Islamic viewpoint.

Mndzebele , N. (2013), Teachers Readiness in Using ICT in the Classroom: The Case of a

Developing Country , International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 3,

No. 4.

This study discoursed that teachers are the major users of technology in classroom and experience has

shown that the earlier audio visual technology was not adequately used or underutilized. This study

considered some factors that affects teacher's readiness for online instruction; hierarchical help, social

stress, excitement, time imperative, fixation, convenience, certainty, insufficient ICT foundation, and

lacking expertise. The findings of the study revealed that that the factors which have significant

contribution are manpower skills, confidence, perceived ease of use, time constraint, obsession,

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perceived usefulness and enthusiasm while those factors with no significant contribution are inadequate

infrastructure, classroom culture, and social pressure. Systematic sampling was done on the schools in

terms of region, location (urban/rural) and type of school (government, mission/church or community).

A qualitative research design was also used to collect data through interviews in all teacher education

institutions in the country. The study revealed that the Ministry of education has to build an education

and training system that will support the teaching ICT as a subject and ICT integration in teaching and


Kafai, B. and Sutton, S. (1999), Elementary School Students, Computer and Internet use at

home: current trends and issues, Journal of Educational and Computing Research, Vol. 21(3)


This critical report gives development insights about kids' instructive home machine utilization. From

the recommendations of folks, it is clear that expanded use as well as expanded mix of machine

learning exercises are required. Led examination and its angles are convincing intelligent and also

conceptional issues to consider that are anticipated on the amount disposable time educators have amid

the school day. Right now, instructors and directors work as go-betweens and translators of

understudies works and achievements. It unmistakably expresses that the decently tuned deliberations

of numerous constituents are obliged to make instructive figuring at home and at school. Machines

alone as frequently has been discovered , don't change learning society and exercises. The learning

practices of understudies and educators and folks need to experience critical changes for that to get it


Odera, F. Y. (2011), Computer Education Policy and its Implementation in Kenyan Secondary

Schools, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, Vol. 1,

No. 5.

The examination discoveries showed in this study that the Ministry of Education approach on the

utilization of machines was being actualized by open optional schools since the Ministry of Education

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arrangement consequently turns into the school strategy in Kenya. The vast majority of the Principals

76% had an arrangement for the utilization of machines in showing and adapting yet 24% were

currently detailing machine instruction approach. The study recommended that all educators,

understudies and the school group ought to be educated about the arrangement and the imperativeness

of its execution. The discoveries of this study uncovered that the legislature has an essential part to play

in any new educational module development. In this manner, the Kenya Government created a machine

arrangement for the utilization of machines in broad daylight auxiliary schools, and the Ministry of

Education followed up on the strategy by verifying that open optional schools actualized the machine

approach. Thusly, this study created that the current government approach towards the advancement of

machine training was completely viable.

Harrison, D. Hennessy, S. (2005). Teacher Factors Influencing Classroom Use of ICT in Sub-

Saharan Africa, Itupale Online Journal of African Studies, 2 (2010) 39- 54.

This paper incorporated the examination writing on instructors utilization of Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) in essential and optional schools in sub-Saharan Africa, with a

specific stress on enhancing the nature of subject showing and learning. This paper recognized a

requirement for educators and instructor teachers to coordinate ICT into subject showing and learning

utilizing contemporary pedagogical methodologies. Conceivably educators will be helped to work

synergistically about whether with associates, and to gain from one another‟s advancements and

encounters. It depicted crucial difficulties to be overcome before ICT limit building can turn into a

reality in African training. Exploration demonstrated that, up to this point, preparing open doors have

stayed constrained in accessibility and conflicting in quality. This has brought about evidently low

capability in utilizing ICT, and a general absence of information about innovation in showing and

learning. It presumed that requests of ICT must be considered by instructors and arrangement making

powers on the grounds that it is the best way to advancement both conservative and instructive circle.

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Robert, T. at el. (2012), Effective Programs for Elementary Science: A Best-Evidence Synthesis,

National Science Foundation (No. DRL- 1019306).

This article exhibits an orderly audit of examination on the accomplishment results of various sorts of

methodologies to showing science in Elementary schools. Among studies assessing inquiry-based

methodologies of teaching, programs that utilized science packs did not indicate positive conclusions

on science accomplishment measures, however request based projects that stressed proficient

advancement yet not units did show positive results. Technical methodologies incorporating feature and

computer assets with showing and agreeable learning indicated guarantee. The audit infers that science

showing strategies concentrated on upgrading instructors' classroom direction as the year progressed,

for example, helpful learning and science-perusing reconciliation, and additionally approaches that give

teachers engineering devices to upgrade guideline, can possibly enhance science learning.

Asan, A. (2003), Computer Technology Awareness by Elementary School Teachers: A Case Study

from Turkey, Journal of Information Technology Education.

In this study, instructors' points of view, their mindfulness level of particular advances and the parts this

innovation plays in instruction are looked into. Specialized issues that hindered the utilization of

computers in their schools are additionally distinguished. The findings of conducted surveys uncovered

the fact that numerous teachers were not computer users. A few instructors fail to offer a practical

computer writing proficiency establishment whereupon to construct new innovation and abilities.

Examination of instructor's information of computer abilities uncovered low levels of specialized

learning, and additionally some intriguing view of the part of some computer relating things. For a

large portion of them, the utilization of computer and related technology was not a piece of their

routine life so how might they be able to show and development cutting edge as per advancement of

current world? Information proposed that the primary teachers in Turkey need to be progressively

urged to investigate the developing advances for instructing. Conclusions and recommendations of this

investigation could be utilized to conquer the defects and challenges show in understanding strategy for

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teachers and in advancement of understudies.

Franan, V. (2013). Elementary school teachers and teaching with technology. TOJET, 85-90.

This study attempted to recognize the relationship between primary teachers engagement in

communication technology. To improve comes about very nearly one hundred Elementary school

understudies were asked to round out the polls identified with their advantage, demeanor and use about

innovation. Results have pronounced that the learning and use of instructors in regards to

communication technology is at low level which needs change and better preparing at prompt premise.

Demeanor of instructors towards engineering depicts their engagement with learning methodology and

towards their low certainty level in regards to instructing aptitudes. This study concluded in its findings

that teachers need to coordinate innovation in their showing practices notwithstanding have

inspirational state of mind towards engineering. Instructors need to center at their association with

engineering and investigate new useful courses for better understanding at both ends. Besides

information gathering technique for feedback additionally need to improve proposals and positive



Moursund, D. (2012) Using Brain/Mind Science and Computers to Improve Elementary School

Math Education, Information Age Education retrieved from

As per writer of this book, Computers are utilized to envelop the whole field of Information and

Communication Technology. The Internet is an essential segment of communication innovation.

Adding computers, handheld amusement and media gadgets, still and feature advanced cams, phones,

PCs, computers, and supercomputers are all piece of communication engineering. As indicated by this

study there are a few ways that can be received to learn math in primary school through learning

methods and abilities of computer engineering. He recommended that computer studies can be a piece

of the order of science and substance in the math educational program as a support to educating,

learning, and evaluation in math instruction.

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BCS, Microsoft, Google and Intellect, (2012), Computer Science: A Curriculum for Schools,

Computing at School Working Group, retrieved from

The reason for this record is to portray and clarify the substance of Computer Science inside the school

educational program. This report recognizes persevering standards as opposed to current hotly debated

issues, so there is little say of cell telephones, the cloud, or interpersonal interaction. Points, for

example, these are vital, and are prone to assume a noteworthy part in representing the application of

underlying standards, helping the viable conveyance of Computer Science lessons, however they will

change from year to year thus are not the premise for a continuing educational program. The reason for

this educational module is to eloquent what the Computer Science order is, instead of how it ought to

be taught. This article stresses on the constituents of primary school learning of understudies so they

could show signs of improvement conclusion from this project of computer science learning at basic

school level. The thought is to concentrate on portraying the significance of what the student is figuring

out how to the following phase of advancement so there is progressing urge to make headway not to

stop at a counterfeit point.

Johnson, P. (2014), France to offer programming in elementary school, ITworld

This article examines that French government is going to begin programming courses to grade school

understudies beginning this fall. The courses, which will be nonobligatory and offered amid

extracurricular time, will show understudies programming fundamentals and how to make

straightforward applications. Writing computer programs be offered at the auxiliary school level to

build the mastery of understudy at ahead of schedule level. This practice will expand the learned level

of Elementary school French understudies. The objective is to give French understudies the keys to

flourish in a joined world and to support them go into specialized jobs. Government is additionally

attempting endeavors to make computer programming piece of the central subject to profit all the

understudies at right on time stage at equivalent premise. Notwithstanding, it appears that the day is

advancing when computer programming will get to be as standard a piece of the Elementary school.

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Susan, M. (2012, December 30). Computer Science as a school subject, Computer world.

This paper reflects the thought of seizing the opportunity by making computer science as an obligatory

subject for school educational program. Besides this study portrays the essentialness of computer

sciences by clarifying its profits both in studies and job profession. It depicts computer sciences as

straightforwardly addresses the issue that ICT has progressively turned into a low-status, low-

accomplishment subject. It proposed recommendations for the both government and schools to run the

training by progressive engineering and strategies. It clarifies all the conceivable inquiries in regards to

the field of computer sciences which manages its extension and its usage in educational program. It

additionally gives smaller outline of different schools which launched computer sciences as an

obligatory subject and the results they got in understudies prepping. Also it likewise examined their

execution matters which incorporates their monetary matters and obstacles they confronted while

actualizing the new educational program in their school including machine studies.