Annexure–VI: ·...

489 Annexure–VI: BIBLIOGRAPHY Bare Acts: 1. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899 2. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (as applicable to Tamil Nadu) 3. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899. (as applicable to Uttar Pradesh) 4. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899. (as applicable to West Bengal) 5. The Bombay Stamp Act, 1958. 6. The Bombay Stamp Act, 1958. (as applicable to Gujarat) 7. The Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957. 8. The Kerala Stamp Act, 1957. 9. The Court Fees Act, 1870 10. The Court Fees Act, 1870. (as applicable to Delhi) 11. The Bombay Court Fees Act, 1959 12. The Karnataka Court-Fess and Suits Valuation Act, 1958 13. The Advocates Act, 1961 14. The Banking Regulation Act, 1949. 15. The Companies Act, 1961. 16. The Delhi Apartment Ownership Act, 1986. 17. The Delhi co-operative Societies Act, 1957. 18. The Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957. 19. The General Clauses Act, 1897. 20. The Income Tax Act, 1961. 21. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872. 22. The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881. 23. The Transfer Property Act, 1882. 24. The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976. 25. The Specific Relief Act, 1963 26. The Information and Technology Act, 2000. 27. The Revenue Recovery Act, 1890. 28. The Bombay Re-organisation Act, 1960. 29. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930. 30. The Societies Registration Act, 1860.

Transcript of Annexure–VI: ·...



Bare Acts:

1. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899

2. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (as applicable to Tamil Nadu)

3. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899. (as applicable to Uttar Pradesh)

4. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899. (as applicable to West Bengal)

5. The Bombay Stamp Act, 1958.

6. The Bombay Stamp Act, 1958. (as applicable to Gujarat)

7. The Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957.

8. The Kerala Stamp Act, 1957.

9. The Court Fees Act, 1870

10. The Court Fees Act, 1870. (as applicable to Delhi)

11. The Bombay Court Fees Act, 1959

12. The Karnataka Court-Fess and Suits Valuation Act, 1958

13. The Advocates Act, 1961

14. The Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

15. The Companies Act, 1961.

16. The Delhi Apartment Ownership Act, 1986.

17. The Delhi co-operative Societies Act, 1957.

18. The Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957.

19. The General Clauses Act, 1897.

20. The Income Tax Act, 1961.

21. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

22. The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.

23. The Transfer Property Act, 1882.

24. The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976.

25. The Specific Relief Act, 1963

26. The Information and Technology Act, 2000.

27. The Revenue Recovery Act, 1890.

28. The Bombay Re-organisation Act, 1960.

29. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930.

30. The Societies Registration Act, 1860.


31. The Limitation Act, 1963.

32. The Indian Trust Act, 1882.

33. Registration Act, 1908.

34. The Constitution of India, 1950

35. The Government of India Act,1935

36. Indian Contract Act 1872

37. Power of Attorney Act, 1882

38. Bombay Coasting Vessels Act, 1838,

39. Indian Registrations of Ships Act, 1841,

40. Gujarat Panchayat Act, 1993,

41. Local Authorities Loans Act, 1914,

42. Indian Stamp Act, 1899,

43. General Clauses Act, 1897,

44. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973,

45. Indian Coinage Act, 1906,

46. The Prevention of corruption Act, 1947,

47. Public Servants (Inquires) Act, 1850,

48. Indian Succession Act, 1925,

49. The Army Act, 1950,

50. The Air Force Act, 1950,

51. The securities contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956,

52. The Companies Act, 1956,

53. Registration Act, 1908,

54. The Gujarat Court fees act, 1870,

55. Transfer of Property Act, 2004,

56. Indian Contract Act 1872,

57. Power of Attorney Act, 1882,

58. The Administrator General Act, 1963,

59. The Indian Trust Act, 1982,

60. The Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988,

61. The Bombay Hereditary Offices Act, 1874,

62. The Gujarat Municipalities Act, 1963

63. The Copyright Act, 1957,

64. The Gujarat Cooperative Societies act, 1961,


65. Non Trading Corporation Act, 1959,

66. The Gujarat Housing Board Act, 1961

67. The Gujarat Rural Housing Board Act, 1972,

68. The Gujarat Ownership Flats Act, 1973,

69. The Indians Customs Act, 1962

70. The Central Excise and Salt Act, 1944

71. The Gujarat Agricultural Credit (Provision of facilities) Act, 1979,

72. The Gujarat Rural Debtor’s Relief Act, 1976


1. Gujarat Stamp Rules, 1978.

2. Gujarat Stamp Supply and Sales Rules, 1987.

3. Bombay Stamp (Determination of Market Value of Property) Rules,




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44. C.A.D. Vol. I. p. 59

45. Report on Indian constitutional Reforms(1918),Para 105

46. Report on Indian Constitutions Reforms 1918, Para 107

47. The Government of India Resorution No. 27-F doted 18"' May 1912

48. The Report of the Task Force on the Implementation of Fiscal

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55. Government of Gujarat, Report of the Gujarat State Finance

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56. Gujarat Socio Economic Review 2011-12.

57. See Reserve Bank of India (2011), State Finances – A study of

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58. Low Commission of India Sixty – Seventh Report on Indian Stamp

Act, 1899 (February, 1977)


Articles, Working Papers, Discussion Papers and Study Reports:

1. Issues before the Thirteenth Finance Commission

(WorkingpaperNo.55) August 2008 by, Govinda Rao, Tapas Kumar

Sen, Pratap R. Jena.

2. Fiscal Policy and Economic Reforms (Working Paper No. 53) July

2008 by, Y.V. Reddy.

3. New Issues in Indian Macro Policy(Working paper No 51) May 2008

by, Ajay Shah.

4. Fiscal and Distributional Implications of Property Tax Reforms in

Indian Cities (Working paper No. 39) April 2006 by, Somik V. Lall,

Uwe Deichmann.

5. Raising the Tax-Ratio by Reining in the "Tax Breaks"an Agenda for

Action (Tax Research Unit 2 Decembe 2005 by, Amaresh Bagchi,

R. Kavita Rao, Bulbul Sen.

6. Trends and Issues in Tax Policy and Reform in India (Tax Research

Unit Working paper No.1,2005) October 2005 by, M. Govinda Rao,

R. Kavita Rao.

7. Towards a Rational System of Centre. State Revenue Transfers in

India: An Exploration (Working paper No:16) April 2004 by, Amaresh

Bagchi & Pinaki Chakraborty.

8. The Economic Theory of Tax Compliance with special Reference to

Tax Compliance Costs (Working paper No.13) March 2004 by,

Arindam Das-Gupta.

9. Tax Compliance Costs and Non-Filing Behaviour (Working paper

No.5) January2004 by, Arindam Das Gupta.

10. Rational Ways of Increasing Tax Revenues in India (Discussion

Paper No. 4), January 2002 By, Raja J. Chelliah & R. Kavita Rao.

11. Economic Consequences of the Gujarat Earthquake (Discussion

Paper No. 1) April 2001 by Ashok K. Lahiri, Tapas K. Sen & R.

Kavita Rao.

12. Impact of Grants on Tax Effort of Local Government (Working Paper

No. 1) April 2000 by, Indira Rajaraman & Garima Vashishtha.

13. Reform of Inter-State Taxation in India by, Ashok Lahiri.


14. Indian Stamp Act – Model Legislation by, O. P. Mathur.

15. Indirect Taxes in India: An Incidence Analysis by, Shikha Jha P.V.


16. Report of the Committee of State Finance Ministers on Stamp Duty

Reform by, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy..

17. Black Money in the Real Estate Sector: A Study by, PSA Sundranm

A Bagchi O P Mathur.

18. Incidence of Major Indirect Taxes in India by, Pawan K. Aggarwal.

19. Issues in Fiscal Policy by, S. Mundle M. Govinda Rao. - National

Institute of Public Finance and Policy.

20. An Overview of Tax Systems of States by, Tapas Sen - National

Institute of Public Finance and Policy.

21. Trends in the Structure of Indian Taxes: An Analysis of Central and

State Taxes by, Arindam Das Gupta Paminder K. Chugh - National

Institute of Public Finance and Policy.

22. Taxable Capacity and Tax Effort of States in India (including

Supplementary Report by, Tapas K. Sen V.B. Tulasidhar.

23. Rationalisation of Tax Structure of Central and States Taxes, and

Additional Resource Mobilisation for the Seventh Five Year Plan by,

P.K. Aggarwal.

24. Integration of Tax Planning into Development Planning, The Indian

Experience by, Amaresh Bagchi.

25. Acharya, Shankar and Madhur, Srinivasa (1983) ‘Informal Credit

Markets and Black Money’, Economic Political Weekly, Volume 18,


26. Acharya,S (1985) Aspects of the Black Economy in India, National

Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi

27. Alan I, Annez P, and Modi A(2004) ‘Stamp Duty in Indian States: A

Case for Reform’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper

3413, (September)

28. Chaudhuri, Kausik, Schneider, Friedrich and Chatterjee,

Sumana (2006) ‘The Size and Development of the Shadow

Economy: An Empirical Investigation from States of India’ Journal of

Development Economics, Volume 80, No. 2 (August)


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