Anka Shastra_ Ancient India.

Anka Shastra: Ancient Indian Numerology Introduction to Ancient Indian Numerology By nature, man is curious to know about his unforeseen future. What is in store for his future? How will be the time for him in future? Will he ever be able to succeed in the task he has taken up? Which field should he choose in order to earn a lot of fame and fortune? These are some queries that always prick the human conscience. Astrology, since antiquity, had helped mankind to know the future events before hand. Numerology is a science of exploring hidden powers of numbers and their influence on human beings. Indians see numbers as symbols of certain types of cosmic powers. And they link them with spirituality. For example 0 is a number that encircles some part of the infinite universe. The inner part of it is separated from the vast outer space. This is similar to human body where the soul (Jeevaatma) resides. A human being always feels that he is separate and the outer universe is different from him. He confines his soul with his present body and thinks that he and the body is one and the same. Thus he has forgotten the truth that he is the all-pervading God. This is called cosmic delusion (Maaya). So 0 represents the cosmic delusion. This means 0 gives false impression that what ever is not there, is there. Let us add 0 after 1, then that 1 appears as 10. This means 1 is assuming a different form, because of 0. This is same as the super-soul appearing in different forms because of Maaya. Every number will have mental and spiritual plane represented by its top half part and the material worldly affairs are represented by its remaining bottom part. When we connect a series of points in a single direction, then it becomes 1. Thus 1 represents single-mindedness in achieving the objectives, creativity, and starting new ventures. Its pillored appearance represents independence and leadership qualities. 2 is round shaped at top. It is a open 0. That means there is no complete Maaya at mental level. There is a scope to receive and release new ideas and concepts. So 2 represents flexibility and diplomacy. The bottom of 2 shows a horizontal line that is attached firmly to ground. This means if these inventive ideas are properly used, the person can achieve highest success in material world. Take 3, it is having open rounded ends at its top as well as at bottom.This shows continuous receiving and releasing of new ideas and involving into new developments. It represents ambition, self-expression and idealism. This number makes a person to reap material benefits from his intelligence and spiritualism. Just close the rounded ends of 3, you will get 8. It represents Maaya at both the levels. The person is wrapped by complete ignorance of what is happining outside his perception. He cannot come out of the clutches of karmic forces. The balanced loops of 8 represents balanced nature, patience and discipline. Contemplete on 4, it is looking like a person sitting stable, attached to ground. The triangle above represents fire that promotes a strong desire for material benefits. The person will become materailistic. 4 may also represents unconventional behaviour. 5 is a quiet different number, with flat head and open rounded bottom. Flatness represents stability. The person would reach a clear and stable mental state which he uses in receiving and processing the material in worldly projects. 5 is a sign of dynamism and communication. This number makes one a successful business man. Anka Shastra: Ancient Indian Numerology « Jai Guru Dev 1 of 12 7/19/2010 6:36 AM

Transcript of Anka Shastra_ Ancient India.

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Anka Shastra: Ancient Indian Numerology

Introduction to Ancient Indian Numerology

By nature, man is curious to know about his unforeseen future. What is in store for his future? How will be the time for him in future? Will

he ever be able to succeed in the task he has taken up? Which field should he choose in order to earn a lot of fame and fortune? These are

some queries that always prick the human conscience. Astrology, since antiquity, had helped mankind to know the future events before


Numerology is a science of exploring hidden powers of numbers and their influence on human beings.

Indians see numbers as symbols of certain types of cosmic powers. And they link them with spirituality. For example 0 is a number that

encircles some part of the infinite universe. The inner part of it is separated from the vast outer space. This is similar to human body where

the soul (Jeevaatma) resides. A human being always feels that he is separate and the outer universe is different from him. He confines his

soul with his present body and thinks that he and the body is one and the same. Thus he has forgotten the truth that he is the all-pervading

God. This is called cosmic delusion (Maaya). So 0 represents the cosmic delusion. This means 0 gives false impression that what ever is not

there, is there. Let us add 0 after 1, then that 1 appears as 10. This means 1 is assuming a different form, because of 0. This is same as the

super-soul appearing in different forms because of Maaya.

Every number will have mental and spiritual plane represented by its top half part and the material worldly affairs are represented by its

remaining bottom part.

When we connect a series of points in a single direction, then it becomes 1. Thus 1 represents single-mindedness in achieving the objectives,

creativity, and starting new ventures. Its pillored appearance represents independence and leadership qualities.

2 is round shaped at top. It is a open 0. That means there is no complete Maaya at mental level. There is a scope to receive and release new

ideas and concepts. So 2 represents flexibility and diplomacy. The bottom of 2 shows a horizontal line that is attached firmly to ground. This

means if these inventive ideas are properly used, the person can achieve highest success in material world.

Take 3, it is having open rounded ends at its top as well as at bottom.This shows continuous receiving and releasing of new ideas and

involving into new developments. It represents ambition, self-expression and idealism. This number makes a person to reap material benefits

from his intelligence and spiritualism.

Just close the rounded ends of 3, you will get 8. It represents Maaya at both the levels. The person is wrapped by complete ignorance of

what is happining outside his perception. He cannot come out of the clutches of karmic forces. The balanced loops of 8 represents balanced

nature, patience and discipline.

Contemplete on 4, it is looking like a person sitting stable, attached to ground. The triangle above represents fire that promotes a strong

desire for material benefits. The person will become materailistic. 4 may also represents unconventional behaviour.

5 is a quiet different number, with flat head and open rounded bottom. Flatness represents stability. The person would reach a clear and

stable mental state which he uses in receiving and processing the material in worldly projects. 5 is a sign of dynamism and communication.

This number makes one a successful business man.

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This number makes one a successful business man.

7 is having similarity with 5, in such a way it is having a flat head and weak base. 7 indicates high level of spiritualism and sensitivity. But

the person will not use his mental and spiritual stability to achieve material means.

6 is a number that is fully rounded at the bottom. It looks like a pregnant lady. It symbolises pregnancy, artistic and feminine qualities. The 0

formation at bottom indicates Maaya that pushes the person in love with family- related matters and enjoyment.

9 is a number that is nothing but inverted 6. It represents love to the world. The 0 formation at top, overshadows a person’s intelligence with

Maaya. The person cannot think but work. So there is a conflict. He would be quick in actions and courageous.

While the numbers have the above significance, each number has been attached to a particular planet in Astrology, the reason is: cetain

planet produces the similar vibration of a certain number. Thus 1- Sun, 2- Moon, 3- Jupiter, 4- Uranus or Rahu, 5- Mercury, 6- Venus, 7-

Neptune or Kethu, 8- Saturn, and 9- Mars. Number 0 should not be attached to any planet, since it is the root cause of all the numbers. It

increases the strength of a number.

The numbers have been attached to Alphabet also. 1- A,I,J,Q,Y. 2- B,K,R. 3- C,G,L,S. 4- D,M,T. 5- E,H,N,X. 6- U,V,W. 7- O,Z. 8- F,P.

Now let us take an illustration. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, a great saint of India, who shook the world by his philosophical teachings, was

born on 12th January 1863.

His birth date number: 12 = 3.

His birth compound number: 12+1+1863 = 22.

His birth single number: 2+2 = 4.

His name single number: SWAMI VIVEKANANDA = 52 = 7.

Vivekananda’s birth date number 3 and name number 7 represent that he is ambitious, versatile and a spiritual guru. His ambitions are more

focussed on service to poor and downtrodden as is shown by 4 in his birth single number. He had unconventional and revolutionary ideas in

reforming the society. His birth compound number 22 shows that he is highly religious and inclined in purification of mind and soul. More

over, his birth single number and name numbers 4 and 7 are hormonious, thus making him a renowned person. Let us take only

VIVEKANANDA= 37 which clearly shows that he is a spiritual guru. And 3+7 = 1 shows beginning of new ventures which is an indication

of his great mission to bring moral and spiritual upliftment. So we can say that Vivekananda’s life would be greatly influenced by numbers 3

and 7 and their hormonics 9 and 2. In his case, 2 represents deep involvement in mental faculties like meditation and mantra japa.

He met his guru Sri Rama Krishna in 1881 = 9 (His age: 18 = 9)

He started his journey in search of truth in 1890 = 9 (His age: 27 = 9)

He reached Kanya Kumari and visualized Divine Mother in 1892 = 2 (His age: 29 = 2)

He participated in the Parliament of religions in Chicago in 1893 = 3 (His age: 30 = 3)

He came back to India and started Rama Krishan Mission Association in 1897 = 7 (His age: 34 = 7)

The saint left his body in 1902 = 3 (His age: 39 = 3).

Astrology is in fact both an art and a science. It has, in turn, many branches and sub-branches- each equal in importance and accuracy. All

of them have independent existence. Numerology or the astrology based on number system is one such branch of astrology.

Numerology is an ancient Indian discipline, Not only the Nummber Zero ,the whole Numeric system was given by Bharat ie is India .

It is written on the pyramids of egypt that the

Egyptians had got the knowledge of Numerology from The Aryans of Bharat .

In Ancient Egypt, numbers did not simply designate quantities but instead were considered to be concrete definitions of energetic formative

principles of nature. The Egyptians called these energetic principles neteru (gods).

Astrologers believe that each number from 0 to 9 is ruled by a celestial body in our solar system.

Numerology is an Ancient Indian science

the predictions based on which have always proved cent-percent accurate.

Use of Numerology particularly has grown in leaps and bounds for just one reason: in the predictions made with the help of Numerology,

only the date, month and the year of one’s birth are all that is required. Precise knowledge of the time of birth and place are not required at

all. Thus, all those people who don’t know the precise time of their birth can also learn important facts about their lives.

Use of numbers is seen virtually in all walks of life. Two eyes, three tenses, three deities, three worlds, tenth worlds, tenth date, eighth

month, one pair or two shoes are a few examples where we can see significant use of numbers. The science of making predictions on the

basis of the numbers therefore is known as Numerology.

In Numerology, certain number has been fixed for each of the nine planets. In other words, each of the nine planets have been assigned a

particular number. Some experts, however, do not allot Rahu and Ketu, any position in Numerology. Instead, they assign two numbers- one

positive and one negative to the sun and the moon. The negative numbers assigned to the sun and the moon represent Rahu and Ketu


The following table depicts the numbers assigned to the nine planets:


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1 Sun Positive 1

Negative 4

2 Moon Positive 7

Negative 2

3 Mars Positive 9

4 Mercury Positive 5

5 Jupiter Positive 3

6 Venus Positive 6

7 Saturn Positive 8

8 Rahu (Sun’s Negative) 4

9 Ketu (Moon’s Negative) 2



1 Sun SUNDAY 1

2 Moon MONDAY 7

3 Mars TUESDAY 9

4 Mercury WEDNESDAY 5

5 Jupiter THURSDAY 3

6 Venus FRIDAY 6

7 Saturn SATURDAY 8

Similarly, specific numbers or digits have also been assigned to each of the twelve zodiac signs.

Thus, these twelve sun signs also represent digits 1 to 9.














A horoscope can be analyzed on the basis of these digits and it can be determined as to which planet is influencing the person the most.

Predictions can also be made regarding the occupation of the person. Let us take an example to elaborate the point.


In the horoscope, Saturn is present in Aries.

The digit for Saturn is 8 and for Aries it is 9. Hence, 8+9=17 i.e. 1+7=8.

Digit for Taurus is 6 and for the sun it is 1 and for Mercury it is 5.

Hence, 6+1+5=12 and 1+2=3.

Digit for Gemini is 5 and for Mars it is 9. Hence, 9+5=14 and 1+4=5.

Digit for Cancer is 7 and for Venus it is 6. Hence, 7+6=13 and 1+3=4.

Digit for Leo is 1 and for the Moon it is 7. Hence, 1+7=8.

Digit for Libra is 6 and for Jupiter it is 3. Hence, 6+3=9.

Total: 8+3+5+4+8+9=37 and 3+7=10 and hence 1+0=1.

Thus, finally, the digit 1 (one) is obtained for the horoscope cited as example. Sun is the Lord of this digit. It shows that the Sun has the

maximum influence on their horoscope. Hence, the occupations related to technical field, instruments and spare parts, medicines, astrology,

gems and jewels will particularly suit the native. The native will be importunate, sentimental, kind, an expert in his field and ambitious.

At no cost, he will compromise with his self-respect. He will not bow before the others or be dominated by the others and never nod on the

fake things, will never give false witness. Physically, he will be off-balanced height, reddish complexioned. Any unlawful action or violation

of law will infuriate this person.


Lets know the numbers allotted to each letter of the English alphabet. Numbers from 1 to 8 have been allotted to the different letters of the

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Lets know the numbers allotted to each letter of the English alphabet. Numbers from 1 to 8 have been allotted to the different letters of the

English alphabet as is clear from the following table.

Alphabet No. Alphabet No. Alphabet No. Alphabet No.

A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

E 5 F 8 G 3 H 5

I 1 J 1 K 2 L 3

M 4 N 5 O 7 P 8

Q 1 R 2 S 3 T 4

U 6 V 6 W 6 X 5

Y 1 Z 7


It is determined on the basis of the date of birth of a person and always expressed as a single digit from 1 to 9. Since there are 30 or 31 days

in a month, hence for the date of birth falling on dates from 10 to 30 or 31, root number is calculated by adding the numerals present in the

date of birth until a single digit is obtained.

Suppose a person was born on 2 January. His root number will be 2 because 2 is itself a single digit. If a person is born on 20th of February,

his root number will be calculated. Thus, 2+0=2.


1 1, 10, 19, 28

2 2, 11, 20, 29

3 3, 12, 21, 30

4 4, 13, 22, 31

5 5, 14, 23

6 6, 15, 24

7 7, 16, 25

8 8, 17, 26

9 9, 18, 27


1 1 2 2

3 3 4 4

5 5 6 6

7 7 8 8

9 9 10 10: 1+0=1

11 11: 1+1=2 12 12: 1+2=3

13 13: 1+3=4 14 14:1+4=5

15 15:1+5=6 16 16:1+6=7

17 17:1+7=8 18 18:1+8=9

19 19:1+9=10=1+0=1 20 20:2+0=2

21 21:2+1=3 22 22:2+2=4

23 23:2+3=5 24 24:2+4=6

25 25:2+5=7 26 26:2+6=8

27 27:2+7=9 28 28:2+8=10=1+0=1

29 29:2+9=11=1+1=2 30 30:3+0=3

31 31:3+1=4

Root number can also be determined by dividing the date of birth by 9 (nine). In this method, the remainder is the root number. Example:

Date of birth is 31.

Hence, root number is 31/9.

Gives Quiotent = 3.

Remainder = 4.

Hence it is the root number for the date of birth 31.

If however, the remainder is zero, 9 itself is the root number. Also, this method is applied mostly to the date of birth greater than 9.

Example: Date of birth 27. Root number is:27/9.

Gives Quiotent = 3.

Remainder = 0. Hence, root number will be 9.

Know your fate number.


Date of birth, month of birth and the year of birth are required to determine the fate or luck number. The method is quite simple, figures

present in the date, month and the year of birth are added together until a single digit is obtained.

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present in the date, month and the year of birth are added together until a single digit is obtained.


Suppose, a person is born on the 24th of April in 1976. His fate or luck number is computed thus: 24/4/1976= 2+4+4+1+9+7+6=33=3+3=6.

Hence, the fate or luck number for the person in question is 6.

In importance, fate or luck number is no less than the root or birth number. It in fact embraces the root number and shows its influence time

and gain in your life.

Former Prime minister of England, W.E. Gladstone had the fate or luck number 5. And this number significantly influenced his life and

political career. He was born on 29th December 1809. So, his fate number was 2+9+1+2+1+8+0+9=32=3+2=5. He was elected to the

parliament in 1832, which adds up to5. 1+8+3+2= 1+4=5.

His mother expired on the 23rd date, again 2+3=5 and he became the Prime Minister of England in 1868= 1+8+6+8=2+3=5.


To calculate the compound number of a person, his birth or root number, name number

and pyramid numbers are added to get a single digit eventually.

Suppose that, a person has 1, 7, 5 and 9 as his root, luck, name and compound numbers respectively.

To calculate to his compound number, all these numbers are added together.

1+7+5+9= 22=2+2=4

Hence, the person in question has a compound number 4.


To calculate the pyramid number, the name of the person is written in English. Now, the numbers allotted to each of the letters are also

written. To follow the procedure of calculating the pyramid number, see the example given here, carefully:


4 1 4 1 5 2 1 6 3 5 1 2

4 4 4 5 1 2 6 9 6 5 2

7 7 2 5 2 3 9 9 3 1

4 5 1 1 6 9 9 9 3

2 5 1 6 9 9 9 9

1 5 6 9 9 9 9

5 3 9 9 9 9

6 9 9 9 9

9 9 9 9

9 9 9

9 9


Starting from the first digit on the left hand, each digit is first multiplied by its next digit and the result is written below then in pyramidal

fashion. If the result has two figures, these are added to get a single digit. Thus, a single row of digits gives a next row, containing a digit less

than it. The second row gives birth to the third and the third gives rise to the fourth and so on, until, at last, a single digit is obtained at the

top of the inverted pyramid. This digit is the pyramid number.

Similarly, pyramid numbers for Delhi and India can also be calculated


4 5 3 5 1

2 6 6 5

3 9 3

9 9



1 5 4 1 1

5 2 4 1

1 8 4

1 5



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An old proverb says: “Its all in the name.” But the question is: : How favourable is one’s name? If it ever proves helpful for the person?

Sound is a form of waves that require a medium, like air, water, to travel. Whenever a sound is produced, it leaves a special effect on the

ambience and on the listener. Pronunciation of name, similarly leaves an effect on the mind of the listener. This effect depends on the waves

generated because of pronunciation of syllables present in the name. With the intensity of the vibration, effect of the name also varies. As

soon as we hear a name, a face conjures up in our mind. A name that appears formidable to hear, almost always leads to conjuring up of a

formidable face.

Thus, the name of a person can be very much favourable or unfavourable for him. Numerology helps us to know if our name is favourable

for us.

According to Numerology, a name is favourable only when its number agrees well with the root number, fate number, pyramid number and

compound number. If it does not agree, it is definitely unfavourable for you. Suppose, your name is Manoj and your date of birth is 25th

December, 1965.

From the principles of Numerology,

your root number is 2+5=7 and

fate number is: 2+5+1+2+1+9+6+5=31=3+1=4 and

your name number is M A N O J


4+1+5+7+1= 18= 1+8=9

and pyramid number is:


4 1 5 7 1

4 5 8 7

2 4 2

1 8


and compound number is: 7+4+9+1=2+1=3.

Your root number is 7. It is the positive number for the moon.

Some experts link it with Neptune and still others associate it with Ketu.

And your fate number is 4, it is friendly with 7. But your name number is 9, which is governed by Mars. It is not friendly with 7 your root


In other words, your name is unfavourable for you. Hence, it is advisable that you change your name or certain syllables of it in order to

make it suitable for you.



The digit 1 is ruled by the Sun, hence it is regarded as an important digit impartially great fortune under its influence. People governed by

this digit are highly ambitious, self-respecting, altruistic, sensitive, determined and a man of actions.

Such people are struggling, disciplined and idealistic. Fire is the main element of such people and makes them radiant, brave and

law-abiding. The Sun is the Lord of the zodiac sign Leo, hence under the influence of the digit one, people are brave and radiant like lion,

fearless, simple and peace loving. Such people make good friends and like welcoming the guests and love to live peacefully. Striving to

establish a dominion is their main virtue.

Physically, these people have good stature and relish spicy foods.

Usually, such people experience a sudden surge in fortune in the 22nd year of their life.

First, tenth, nineteenth and twenty-eighth years are also very significant in their life.

After middle age, thirty-seventh, forty-sixth, fifty-fifth, sixty-fourth and seventy-third years have significance also. 2,3, and 9 are the

supporting digits for 1. Hence following years are also significant or such people.

2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56

3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57

9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63

Sunday, Monday and Thursday are favourable days and 1, 10, 9 and 28 of each month are the favourable dates.

The period of year from 17th August to 16th September is particularly suitable for them to begin a new venture.

Health of such people is usually sound, but excess of anger may prove harmful. Such people are easily attracted towards the opposite sex

and have the power of attracting them as well. They make friends easily and take too much interest in love-talks and things related to love.

But they have no stability in love relations, though their love is true.

They should particularly guard themselves from the digits 4 and 6.

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They should particularly guard themselves from the digits 4 and 6.

Medicines, trade of gems and jewels, work related to fire, army, politics, teaching, astrology and consultative services are suitable

professions for such people.



If your root number is 2, you are particularly lucky because 2 is governed by the moon itself.

Appearance: You have a middle height and a fair complexion. By nature, you are somewhat shy as well as sceptical. You are sensitive with

artistic hobbies. You are simple at heart, fickle-minded and lose courage when faced by crisis. Fragility is the best term to depict your

economic behaviour. You have a particular inclination for your mother.

Tendency: You make loyal friends. You are sentimental, straight forward, peace loving, imaginative and like fine arts, literature, beauty and

love talks.

Nature: Cough and bile are the main constituent of your nature. When the Moon passes, a weaker phase, you might suffer from mental

disturbances, dropsy and insomnia.

Profession: You may earn great fame and fortune in the fields of singing, music, writing, fine arts, paintings etc. Besides, trade of silver pearl,

cotton, medicines will be highly beneficial for you.


Sunday, Monday and Wednesday and 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th dates of every months. Your luck rises in the 24th year of your life. 2nd, 11th,

20th, 29th, 38th, 48th, 56th, 65th and 74th years are also beneficial for you. 1 and 5 are the supporting digits for you. So, 1st, 5th, 10th, 14th,

19th and 28th dates are also suitable for you to begin a new venture. Period of year from 21st June to 28th July is particularly beneficial for

you. Any venture began during this period will fetch big fortune for you. As far as possible, avoid launching a new venture in January,

February and December months. White, green and grape are the suitable colours for you. Use of silver is beneficial. For sure and certain

profits, get the following Yantra etched on a silver ring and wear it on your little finger.


7 2 9

8 6 4

3 10 5

Besides it, observe fast on the full moon night and recite the following mantra.


Avoid people with root numbers 8, 7, 6 and 9 and these dates also. You make friends easily, so be considerate in making new friends.



The Number “3″

The number 3 stands in symbolism for the Planet

Jupiter, a Planet which plays a most important role

both in Astrology and in all systems of Numerology.

It is the beginning of what may be termed one of the

main lines of force that runs right through all the numbers

from 3 to 9.

It has a special relation to every third in the series,

such as 3, 6, 9, and all their additions. These numbers

added together in any direction produce a 9 as their final

digit, and the 3, 6, 9 people are all sympathetic to one


Persons having a 3 for their Birth number are all those

who are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th in any month,

but the number 3 has still more significance if they should

be born in what is called the” period of the 3,” from the

19th February to March 20th-27th, or from the 21st

November to December 20th-27th.

Let us read about qualities of Number “3″ people

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Qualities of Number “3″ people

General Characteristics

Number 3 people, like the number 1 individuals, are

-decidedly ambitious; they are never satisfied by being in

subordinate positions; their aim is to rise in the world, to

have control and authority over others. They are excellent

in the execution of commands; they love order and discipline in all things; they readily obey orders themselves, but they also insist on having

their orders obeyed.

Number 3 people often rise to the very highest positions in any business, profession or sphere in which they may be found. They often excel

in positions of authority in the army and navy, in government, and in life generally; and especially in all posts of trust and responsibility, as

they are extremely conscientious in carrying out their duties.

Their faults are that they are inclined to be dictatorial, to “lay down the law” and to insist on carrying out their own ideas. For this reason,

although they are not quarrelsome, they succeed in making many enemies. Number 3 people are singularly proud; they dislike being under a

compliment to others; they are also exceptionally independent, and chafe under the least restraint.

Favorable Dates & Days

Number 3 people should endeavour to carry out their plans and aims on all days that vibrate to their own number, such as on the 3rd, 12th,

21st, and 30th of any month, but more especially when these dates fall in the” period of the 3,” such as from the 19th February to March

20th-27th, and from the 21st November to December 20th-27th.

The days of the week more” lucky” for them are Thursday, Friday, and Tuesday; Thursday being the most important. These days are

especially good if a number making a 3 should fall on it, such as the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th, and next in order their interchangeable numbers

of 6 and 9 such as the 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 24th, or 27th.

Number 3 people are more in harmony with those born under their own number or under the 6 and 9, such as all those who are born on a

3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th. 6th, 15th, 24th. 9th, 18th, 27th.

Lucky Colors and Jewels

For” lucky” colours they should wear some shade of mauve, violet, or purple, or some touch of these colours should always be with them;

also in the rooms in which they live. All shades of blue, crimson, and rose are also favourable to them, but more as secondary colours.

Their” lucky” stone is the amethyst. They should always have one on their persons, and if possible, wear it next their skin.


10 5 12

11 9 7

6 13 8




Status of this digit is rather disputed. Some experts regard it as the negative number of the Sun, while others associate it with Herschel and

still others regard it as a number of Rahu. Nevertheless, it is an important number.

Figure: You are fair complexioned with balance posture.

Tendency: You like travelling, adoration, luxuries etc. You are sober, tolerant, calm, struggling with great patience. You do everything very

cautiously. By nature you are frugal, straightforward and serious and make every move diplomatically.

Nature: Bile is the main constituent of your nature. Generally, you must guard yourself against anaemia, mental diseases and body aches. In

old age, you are prone to infectious diseases, common cold etc. During the weaker phases of Rahu and the Sun, you might suffer from

diseases like worms in the intestines, nervousness, excitement, paralysis, epilepsy, stupor and leprosy.

Carrier and profession: Education, journalism, air force, engineering, mining, contract jobs, oratory and archaeological services are the

professions in which you can earn a lot of fame and fortune.

Favourable Days and Dates:

Every Wednesday and Saturday are the favourable days. 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st dates of every month are favourable dates, more so if

Wednesday and Saturday fall on these dates. 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st, 40th, 49th, 58th, 67th and 76th years of life are specially conducive for

your progress. 5, 6 and 8 are the supporting numbers for you. Period of year from 17th August to 16th September is the most favourable.

Wednesdays and 4, 13, 22 and 31 dates are particularly are suitable for you to get desired results. Some experts regard even Saturdays and

Mondays as favourable for you. Blue, brown and bright colours bring peace and comforts for you. Among metals, using stainless steel will be

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Mondays as favourable for you. Blue, brown and bright colours bring peace and comforts for you. Among metals, using stainless steel will be

beneficial. Wear the following yantra on stainless steel-ring in the middle finger of your right hand.


13 8 15

14 12 10

9 16 11

Worshipping Lord Ganesh and fasting on Ganesh Chaturthi will be beneficial. Recite following mantra:


Avoid 1, 6 and 8 numbers in life and take the support from 2, 7 and 5.




f your root number is 5, you are lucky as Mercury, the Lord of intelligence and splendour, governs this digit.

Figure: You are a person with medium height and fair-complexion. Witty mind is the main characteristic of your personality.

Tendency: You are brave, practical, tolerant, soft-spoken, fond of delicious food, efficient in mental work. You specially relish talking about

women. You take quick decisions and ambitions are your first priority. You prove to be a good husband.

Nature: Cough is the main constituent of your nature, so you generally suffer from common cold, coughing etc. During the weaker phase or

retrograding of Mercury, you suffer from diseases like amnesia, throat and nasal diseases, scratches and venereal diseases. Disorders like

upset stomach, indigestion and dyspepsia may also cause suffering for you.

Profession: Journalism, singing, teaching, counsellorship, trade, share market, publishing, accountancy, astrology, management etc. are the

carriers where you can earn a lot of fame and fortune.

Favourable Days and Dates:

5th, 14th and 23rd dates of every month and Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Wednesdays falling on these days are particularly favourable.

The period from 15th June to 15th July of a year and 5, 14 and 23 dates and Wednesdays falling o these dates are particularly auspicious.

Suitable Life Partner: People with root numbers 1, 4, 6 and 7 are suitable as life-partner for you.

Inauspicious Numbers: 8 and 9 are inauspicious numbers for you. Avoid them and things, people, date etc. related to these numbers. 5th,

14th, 23rd, 32nd, 41st, 50th, 59th, 68th and 77th years of your life are extremely important for you. Brown, green, khaki and light shades are

auspicious for you. Among metals, use of bronze and platinum will be beneficial. Wear the following yantra on bronze, platinum or brass

ring in the little finger of your right hand.


9 4 11

10 8 6

5 12 7

Worshipping Lord Ganesh and fasting on Ganesh Chaturthi will be beneficial. Recite following mantra:


Avoid 1, 6 and 8 numbers in life and take the support from 2, 7 and 5.



Venus, the lord of beauty, love represents this number.

Figure Appearance: You are a person with average stature and extremely fair complexioned.

Tendency: You have a congenital fondness for the fine arts. You are very much interested in beauty, poetry, good clothes and ornaments,

more inclined for women. You also like travelling. You are very helpful and disciplined.

Nature: Vata (wind) and cough are the main constituents of your nature. You generally enjoy good health. But when Venus is not up in the

sky or retrograde or weak otherwise, you might suffer from diseases like jaundice, urinary problems, gastric troubles and venereal diseases.

Strong inclination for sex is the notable negative aspect of your personality.

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Strong inclination for sex is the notable negative aspect of your personality.

Professions: Professions related to arts like lyric writing, music direction, acting, painting, perfume making, trade of clothes, cotton, silver,

platinum, gems and jewels, medicines and cosmetics will fetch you great fame and fortune.

Favourable Dates and Days: 6th, 15th and 24th dates of every month and Wednesday, Friday and Saturday especially those falling on the

above dates. Any new venture launched on these days and dates will bring you great fame and fortune. Period from 13th May to 14th June

in a year is particularly favourable. 6th, 15th and 24th dates and Fridays are especially auspicious. Suitable Life Partner: Choose your life

partners who have root numbers 4, 5 and 8 Inauspicious Numbers: 1, 2, 3 and 9 are inauspicious numbers for you. 6th, 15th, 24th, 33rd,

44th, 51st and 60th years of your life are important. Besides, all those years, which add up to 4, 5 and 8 are also important. Sky blue, white,

pink and chocolate are suitable colours for you. Among metals, silver and platinum are beneficial. Wear the yantra given below, on a silver

ring in the little finger of your right hand and recite the mantra also.


19 6 13

12 10 8

7 14 9

Recite the following mantra:


Fasting on Monday and Friday and donating white things like milk, rice, sugar crystals etc. will be highly beneficial.



Experts have a difference of opinion regarding this number. Some regard 7 as a number of Neptune, while others regard it as the positive

number of the Moon. Still others associate this number with Ketu.

Appearance: If your root number is 7, you have an average stature and fair-complexion.

Nature: Cough is the main element of your nature, hence you have a weak digestion. Frequently, you suffer from common cold, cough etc.

During the weaker phase of Ketu or Neptune, you are prone to blood disorders, urinary problems, gaunt, dropsy and weak nervous system.

Tendency: You are fearless, ambitious, confident, tolerant, simple with attractive voice and personality. You like literature and arts. Straight-

forwardness, generosity and argumentative nature are your other attributes.

Profession: Because of your artistic interests, professions related to arts, medicine, communication, export-import, tourism and trade of

liquid items will best suit you.

Favourable Days and Dates: Thursday and Friday are the most favourable days and 7, 16 and 25 are the most favourable dates. Thursdays

and Saturdays falling on these dates are extremely favourable. Period from 16th July to 16th August is the most auspicious time of the year

for you. 7, 16 and 25 dates and Thursdays falling during this period are very beneficial. Life-partner: People with root number 7, 5 and 8 will

be suitable life partner for you.

Unfavourable numbers: 2 and 9 are the most unfavourable numbers for you. Many experts also regard 3 as unfavourable. 7th, 16th, 25th,

34th, 43rd, 52nd, 61st and 70th years in your life are especially important. Years adding up to 5, 7 or 8 are also favourable.

Silver is the most auspicious metal for you. Green and light blue are the favourable colours. Wear the following yantra on a silver ring in the

index finger of your right hand.

14 9 16

15 13 11

10 17 12

Recite the following mantra:


Worshipping of Lord Narsimha will be highly beneficial for you.



This is the most important number of the number-cycle for it is represented by none other than Saturn, the Lord of fear and punishment.

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Appearance: If your root number is 8, you are strongly built, attractive and a little bit careless.

Nature: Vata (wind) is the main constituent of your nature. Generally, you suffer from the diseases caused by the imbalance of wind and

constipation, blood pressure etc. A weaker phase of Saturn will cause you to suffer from gaunt, heart problems, headache, leprosy etc. Pains

in he nose and ears are also possible.

Tendency: You are enthusiastic, active, straightforward, fearless, introvert, alert, good listener, shy, importunate, sceptical and like solitude,

oppose pompous shows and take interest in narcotics and enjoying life.

Profession: Scientific work, machinery, police, diplomacy, contractorship, trade of wood, poultry farming and manufacturing and trade of

sports goods are the most suitable professions for you.

Favourable Days and Dates: Saturday and Wednesdays are the most favourable days while 8, 17 and 26th dates of every month are

favourable dates. Wednesdays and Saturdays falling on these dates are auspicious to begin a new venture. Period from 14th January to 13th

February in a year and 8th, 17th and 26th dates and Wednesdays and Fridays falling on these dates during this period are excellent and

especially favourable for you.

Life partner: People with root numbers 4, 5 and 6 will prove to be suitable life partner for you.

Unfavourable Number: 1 and 9 are especially unfavourable for you. Many experts regard even 4 as unfavourable for you. 8th, 17th, 26th,

35th, 44th, 53rd, 62nd, 71st and 80th years of your life are especially important. Years that add up to 5 and 6 are also favourable for you.

Among metals, iron and zinc are beneficial. Black, blue, brown, violet and green are favourable colours.

Wear the Yantra given below on the iron ring in the middle finger of your right hand:

12 7 14

13 11 9

8 15 10

Donating black things, fasting on Saturday and reciting the following mantra will also prove fruitful.





Number 9 is the last digit of the number cycle used in Numerology. Mars, the Lord of war, represents this number.

Appearance: If you have 9 as your root number, you are tall ,well built and strong.

Nature: Bile is the main constituent of your nature. You commonly suffer from ailments lie scratching, blood disorders and blood pressure.

Problems like bile fever, burning etc, also cause you worries. During the weaker phases of Mars you might suffer from heart diseases,

accidents, excess of anger, ulcer and typhoid.

Tendency: You are brave, active, exhibitionist, quick moving, haughty in nature. You lose your temper quickly, love your freedom and

defeat your enemies also.

Professions: Professions related to fire, army, police, land, banking, mining, science and technology, engineering and manufacturing of arms

will be best suitable.

Favourable Days and Dates: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and Monday are mist favourable days while 9, 18 and 27 are the favourable dates.

The period from 13th April to 12th May in a year and 9th, 18th and 27th dates and Tuesdays falling on these dates are specially beneficial to

begin new ventures.

Life Partner: People with root numbers 1, 2 and 3 will prove suitable life-partner for you. 9th, 18th, 27th, 36th, 45th, 54th, 63rd and 72nd

years in your life are particularly important for you. Besides, years which add up to 1, 2 and 3 are also favourable.

Unfavourable Numbers: 5 and 6 are the unfavourable numbers for you. Some experts even regard 8 as unfavourable for you. Copper is the

most auspicious metal for you. Red, pink and vermilion are the favourable colours.

Wear the Yantra given below on a copper ring in the ring finger of your right hand.

8 1 6

3 5 7

4 9 2

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4 9 2

Recite the following mantra:


Worshipping Lord Hanuman, fasting on Tuesdays and donating red articles will be beneficial.



We are all aware of the things like good moments, omens etc. and wish to begin our important tasks at the right moment and give too much

significance to omens before that. Hora has a significant place in Indian astrology. It has perhaps originated from the English word hour.

According to an ancient doctrine, beginning from the sunrise, the first hour of the day is known as Hora. The day that falls on that date is

Hora. Suppose, on Sunday, the sun rises exactly at 6.15 a.m. Hence, the first Hora will be marked by the Sun. Other planets after which all

the seven days of the week have been named, mark the subsequent ‘Horas’. There are in all 24 Horas in a day and follow one another in a

cycle. The following table makes the concept of Hora clear:














Using this table and your birth sign, you can determine the Horas most favourable, neutral and unfavourable for you and accordingly can

begin your important tasks. If, suppose, your birth sign is Leo, Horas marked by the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Mars will be the most favourable

for you.

maimly from

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