Animals in Research

Berry 1 English 101 Animals in Research Animals have been used for a number of purposes including for food, as pets, for transportation, and even for research purposes. All over the world, people keep animals such as dogs, cats, goats, chicken, pigs, and cows. In addition, animals such as horses, ostriches, and camels are used for recreation and championship racing. Most importantly, animals are used in research as a way of learning about living organisms, as well as in trying to understand the diseases that cause problems to humans and other animals (Conn 10). Through studies conducted on animals, researchers are able to gain knowledge and information that cannot be obtained in any other way. Whenever new drugs or surgical methods are developed, it is usually, considered unethical to conduct trials on humans due to the likelihood of adverse effects. Therefore, the drugs or surgical methods are first tested on animals as a way of making certain that they are safe and effective. Moreover, by using animals in conducting medical studies, researchers can obtain


We are accustomed to research but the animals, who give their todays for our tomorrow should be kept are not.

Transcript of Animals in Research

Page 1: Animals in Research

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English 101

Animals in Research

Animals have been used for a number of purposes including for food, as pets, for

transportation, and even for research purposes. All over the world, people keep animals such as

dogs, cats, goats, chicken, pigs, and cows. In addition, animals such as horses, ostriches, and

camels are used for recreation and championship racing. Most importantly, animals are used in

research as a way of learning about living organisms, as well as in trying to understand the

diseases that cause problems to humans and other animals (Conn 10). Through studies conducted

on animals, researchers are able to gain knowledge and information that cannot be obtained in

any other way.

Whenever new drugs or surgical methods are developed, it is usually, considered

unethical to conduct trials on humans due to the likelihood of adverse effects. Therefore, the

drugs or surgical methods are first tested on animals as a way of making certain that they are

safe and effective. Moreover, by using animals in conducting medical studies, researchers can

obtain experimental models that cannot be replicated using human subjects. It is possible to

carefully monitor animals and feed them identically. Similar to inbred mice, some animal species

are genetically indistinguishable, which permits researchers to examine different procedures and

drug regimens on identical animals.

Some animals are genetically identical to humans, which make them especially excellent

models for experiments on specific conditions. For example, monkeys played an instrumental

role in polio vaccine research and rabbits in atherosclerosis. Researchers continue to test the

polio vaccine on monkeys. Animals continue to play a vital role in the field of biotechnology.

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Researchers use them in developing and testing new products such as tumor-fighting immune

cells for fighting cancer, monoclonal antibodies and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) (Wolpaw

and Elizabeth 318). While some skeptics have argued that the use of animal research is unethical

because they are living, sentient creatures, and that experimentation often takes a substantial toll

on the animals, the benefits of animal testing cannot be denied. For instance, some BCIs have

shown the promise of restoring mobility to people paralyzed by brain diseases, stroke, and spinal

cord injury.

Researchers often draw upon a number of living organisms in studying life. Most basic

biological processes can be studied best using plants or tissue culture since these are easy to

develop or grow. However, scientists also study animals such as monkeys, rabbits, mice, and

dogs. Mammals are especially useful to researchers since they are closest to man genetically. For

instance, a number of diseases afflicting the human race such as anthrax also affect animals.

However, these do not occur in insects or plants. The objection by opponents of the use of

animals in research appears insincere since far fewer animals are utilized for research than for

purposes such as food or recreation. For instance, close to twenty million mammals are used for

research every year. While this number seems rather large, it is in fact, less than one percent of

the animals used for food alone.

Those who are opposed to using animals for experimentation purposes have failed to

offer alternative ways of testing new drugs and surgical methods, which are usually conducted to

improve the human experience and make existing techniques more efficient.

In the absence of animal specimens, it would have been impossible to obtain the polio vaccine,

and many of the other vaccines and drugs that physicians use today to help keep people around

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the world healthy. Through studies conducted on animals, researchers are able to gain

knowledge and information that cannot be obtained in any other way. Although there are many

people who feel that the use of animals in this way is unethical, few have been able to offer an

acceptable alternative. It is hard to deny the advances made in medicine due to animals being

used in research and without them human health and wellness would surely suffer the


Works Cited

Page 4: Animals in Research

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Conn, P M. Sourcebook of Models for Biomedical Research. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2008.


Wolpaw, Jonathan R, and Elizabeth W. Wolpaw. Brain-computer Interfaces: Principles and

Practice. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print.