
ANIMALS VERTEBRATES are animals with segmented backbones. They include the largest animals on earth. Vertebrates are animals with nerve cords running down their backs and are called CHORDATES. Vertebrates also have ENDOSKELETONS, or inner skeleton for protection and movement. An endoskeleton is made of bone and CARTILAGE, soft, bone like material that grows with the animal. Some mammals are TETRAPODS, animals with four feet, and others are BIPEDS, animals with two feet. Vertebrates are grouped into seven classes and include the largest animals on land and in the sea. The JAWLESS FISH, BONY FISH, CARTILAGE, AMPHIBIANS, REPTILES, BIRDS, MAMMALS. INVERTEBRATES or animals without backbones. Invertebrates live in a wide range of environments, In the desert, at the bottom of the ocean, and even inside the organisms. ARTHROPODS are the largest group of invertebrates, which more than 1 million species, including insects, spiders, crabs, shrimps, lobsters. FLATWORMS and ROUNDWORMS live in water, in damp soil, or inside other animals. CNIDARIANS include jellyfish and corals. They have stinging cells that they use to capture fish and other organisms. SPONGES belong to a phylum called Porifera. Sponges attach themselves to the ocean floor and filter small food particles from the water.



Transcript of Animals

Page 1: Animals

ANIMALSVERTEBRATES are animals with segmented backbones. They include the largest animals on earth.

Vertebrates are animals with nerve cords running down their backs and are called CHORDATES.

Vertebrates also have ENDOSKELETONS, or inner skeleton for protection and movement. An endoskeleton is made of bone and CARTILAGE, soft, bone like material that grows with the animal.

Some mammals are TETRAPODS, animals with four feet, and others are BIPEDS, animals with two feet.

Vertebrates are grouped into seven classes and include the largest animals on land and in the sea. The JAWLESS FISH, BONY FISH, CARTILAGE, AMPHIBIANS, REPTILES, BIRDS, MAMMALS.

INVERTEBRATES or animals without backbones. Invertebrates live in a wide range of environments, In the desert, at the bottom of the ocean, and even inside the organisms.

ARTHROPODS are the largest group of invertebrates, which more than 1 million species, including insects, spiders, crabs, shrimps, lobsters.

FLATWORMS and ROUNDWORMS live in water, in damp soil, or inside other animals.

CNIDARIANS include jellyfish and corals. They have stinging cells that they use to capture fish and other organisms.

SPONGES belong to a phylum called Porifera. Sponges attach themselves to the ocean floor and filter small food particles from the water.

ECHINODERMS have spiny skins and move slowly. Sea stars and sea urchins are the examples.

MOLLUSKS include clams, snails, oysters, squid, and scallops. Most Mollusks live in water, but some, such as snails, live on land.

Page 2: Animals

ARTHROPODS are invertebrates with tough EXOSKELETONS, or outer skeletons, that protect their internal organs. The three largest groups of Arthropods are Crustaceans, Insects, and Arachnids.


Some of the animals became endangered because of the loss of their natural habitats brought about by denudation of the forests caused by illegal logging, slash-and-burn farming, and conversion of agricultural lands to commercial and residential areas.Among the rare species of animals in the Philippines are the Flying Lemur, Sea Turtle, Mouse deer, tamaraw, Palawan bearcat, cockatoo, and whale shark.


The Asian palm civet or Musang has a scientific name of Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus. It lives in dense forests, and in residential areas. It is most active and awake from 6:00 pm up to 4:00 am. Its long, stocky body is covered with coarse, shaggy, and grayish hair.

Alamid coffee or Kape Alamid, the most expensive coffee in the world, comes from civet droppings.