AngularJS Unit Testing w/Karma and Jasmine

Angular Unit Testing feat. Karma & Jasmine

Transcript of AngularJS Unit Testing w/Karma and Jasmine

Angular Unit Testingfeat. Karma & Jasmine

Sources: (files: (files:

Setup Part 1: Karma & Jasmine

completely from scratch!

>npm initcreates a package.jsonjust go with the defaults(keep pressing enter)

result should look something like this -->

Setup Part 1: Karma & Jasmine

>npm install karma --save-dev>npm install karma-jasmine --save-dev

>npm install karma-chrome-launcher --save-dev(‘chrome’ can be replaced w/ur browser of choice)why --save-dev?

or you can install an older version:‘karma-jasmine@version’

← package.json

Setup Part 1: Karma & Jasmine

>karma initif your command line doesn’t know wtf you meant:

now it should work. mindlessly hit enter until:

If you screw up these locations, karma won’t be able to find your files.Fortunately you can fix the locations manually in your shiny newkarma.conf.js

Setup Part 2: Angular mandatory:>bower install angular>bower install angular-mocks

depending on your Angular app:angular-route, angular-resource, etc.

(if your command line can’t bower: npm install bower -g)

Setup Part 2: Angular karma still has no idea these files exist, so tell it:

FINALLY...>karma start karma.conf.js

← karma.conf.js

hey, at least it’s running...

Basic Test Structure - ‘Describe’ Blockdescribe(‘some module or component’, function( ){ });

what goes inside the { } ?

1st - stuff you want to apply to all tests in the describe block

2nd - your actual test specs i.e. the “it(‘should...’ )” things

p.s. suffix all your unit test files with “spec.js” or other devs will hate you… FOREVER.

Basic Test Structure - Setup/Teardownwhat goes inside the ‘describe’ block { } ? 1st - stuff you want to apply to all tests in the describe block

setup stuff:var var1, var2… ← available to all tests in blockbeforeEach(function( ){ #1 #2 #3 })

#1 - module(‘moduleName’);#2 - inject(function(mocks, components){ });#3 - other setup functions

Basic Test Structure - Setup/Teardownwhat goes inside the describe block { } ? setup stuff continued:beforeEach(function( ){ #1 #2 #3 })

#1 - module(‘moduleName’);^ registers module components with $injector#2 - inject(function(mocks, components){ });^ injects registered components (can also use ‘$injector.get’)#3 - other setup functions^ not always needed, may be before or after #1 and #2

Basic Test Structure - Setup/Teardownwhat goes inside the ‘describe’ block { } ?1st - stuff you want to apply to all tests in the describe block

teardown stuff (happens after each test):afterEach(function( ){ });- not used as often as ‘beforeEach’- commonly used with $httpBackend:

afterEach(function( ){$httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectaction();$httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest(); });

Basic Test Structure - ‘It’ Blockwhat goes inside the ‘describe’ block { } ? 2nd - your actual test specs i.e. the “it(‘should...’ )” things

it(‘should do a thing’, function( ) { #1 #2 });#1 - setup vars and/or functions ← may be optional#2 - expect(thing).someMatcher(thing2);^ THIS IS THE TEST ASSERTION- nothing is actually tested without the assertion- try not to have more than one assertion per ‘it’ block

Basic Test Structure - ‘It’ Blockrelated ‘it’ blocks may be wrapped in another describe block:

describe(‘main module or component’, function( ) {describe(‘component or behavior’, function( ) {

it(‘should do a thing’, function( ) {expect(thing).someMatcher(thing2);


it(‘should do another thing’, function( ) {expect(thing3).someMatcher(thing4);





list of matchers:

some important ones:.toBe( ) ← equivalent to ‘===’.toEqual( ) ← equivalent to ‘==’^ docs make it seem like toEqual doesn’t work on arrays but it does when I try it… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mocks (Fake it ‘til you make it!)

Your new best friend if you have a $http method:$httpBackend

Basic Controller TestsomeCtrl.js

angular.module(‘ngmod’,[ ]).controller(‘someCtrl’,function($scope) {

$scope.stuff = [1,2,3];


someCtrlSpec.jsdescribe(‘someCtrl’,function() { var scope = { }; beforeEach(function() { module(‘ngmod’);

inject(function($controller) { $controller(‘someCtrl’,{$scope:scope});});

}); it(‘should model “stuff” ’,function() {

expect(scope.stuff).toEqual([1,2,3]); })

$httpBackend TesthttpCtrl.jsangular.module('module2',[]) .controller('httpCtrl',function($http) { var main = this; main.stuff = []; $http.get('').success(function (data) { main.stuff = data; }); });



because I’m too lazy to make more slides