AngularJS - TechTalk 3/2/2014

TechTalk | 3 February 2014 Spyros Ioakeimidis

Transcript of AngularJS - TechTalk 3/2/2014

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TechTalk | 3 February 2014 Spyros Ioakeimidis

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❖ Seemed a bit weird in the beginning

❖ All these new terms and concepts…


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ModulesDependency Injection


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❖ Made for SPA (Single Page Applications)

❖ It has a learning curve!

❖ Maintained by Google (for some this is good, for others not)

❖ Community keeps increasing


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❖ MVC principle

❖ Others say it is an SPA framework

❖ Others that it is just a library to help you built a framework

❖ AngularJS is a toolset (extensibility)


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Modules❖ app = angular.module(‘myApp’, [])

❖ Use of an array to include other modules

❖ It is required when creating a new module (module declaration)

❖ app = angular.module(‘myApp’) retrieves an existing module (module reference)

❖ Modules cannot be included at runtime


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Modules❖ We have a module app

❖ .value()

❖ global values, good for defaults

❖ .constant()

❖ same as Value, but the it is expected to not change

❖ .service()

❖ .factory()

❖ .provider()


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MVC (or whatever…)


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W(M)VC❖ Whatever (Model)

❖ It is the $scope, which contains models and functions as well

❖ e.g. $scope.event = {‘title’: ‘Placed Event’}

❖ View

❖ HTML markup

❖ Controller

❖ An JS object

❖ app.controller(‘MyController’, function{})

❖ DOM manipulation does not belong to controllers


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Controller (Business Logic)

Directive (DSL in HTML)

Service (Library)

View (HTML)

Whatever (Data)

provides functionality

provides functionality


communicates withstored in $scope of


Hiller, Christopher. “Developing an AngularJS Edge.”

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Scope❖ prototypical inheritance

❖ treat scope as read-only in templates

❖ when binding to templates ng-model=“”, always use a dot

❖ $rootScope

❖ $scope.$apply()

❖ $eval() -> $exceptionHandler(e) -> $digest()

❖ e.g. when observing DOM elements directly in directives


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❖ $scope.$watch(‘foo’, function() {})

❖ observe a model for changes, evaluates by reference

❖ will fire when $ = ‘’ and then $ = ‘bar’

❖ but not when $ = ‘’ and then $ = ‘baz’

❖ can evaluate by value (expensive operation!)

❖ when writing own $watch, it must be fast and it must be idempotent



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❖ $scope.$digest()

❖ $scope.$eval()

❖ $scope.{$on, $broadcast, $emit}



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Controller A

Controller B Controller C

$on(‘eventB’, …)

$on(‘eventA’, …)$on(‘eventA’, …)

$broadcast(‘eventA’, …)$emit(‘eventB’, …) $emit(‘eventC’, …)

$on(‘eventC’, …)

$broadcast(‘eventA’, …)

$emit(‘eventC’, …)$emit(‘eventB’, …)


$rootScope.$on(‘eventC’, …)

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❖ Scope is not the model!

❖ $, where the foo is the model

❖ data-binding, <p>{{}}</p>

❖ a portion of view is bind to a model

❖ when either one changes, they are both synchronized



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❖ presentation logic

❖ does not know anything about the controller, nor the controller about it

❖ everything goes through the Scope

❖ integrates with models, directives, filters



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❖ ng-repeat

❖ this would not work<div ng-repeat=“number in [1, 2, 3]”> <input type=“text” ng-model=“number” /></div> but this would work<div ng-repeat=“number in [{n: 1}, {n: 2}, {n: 3}]”> <input type=“text” ng-model="number.n"/></div>

❖ $index, $first, $middle, $last, $event, $parent

❖ ng-click, ng-show, ng-model, ng-change, ng-href …



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❖ orderBy, filter

❖ <div id=“{{}}” ng-repeat=“post in posts| orderBy:order:descending| filter:filter”> </div>

❖ in Controller $scope.order = ‘date’ $scope.descending = true

❖ and filter would come from an text box

❖ ngClassEvent, ngClassOdd



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❖ compilation for templates and markup is done in two steps


Step 1: compile

1) template examined for directives 2) AngularJS collects them and

produces a link function * no data has been inserted in the template

Step 2: link

1) scope into the link function of its directive 2) get back AngularJS element representing

the DOM fragment


var linker = $compile(template) var compiled = linker(scope)


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❖ they are for the business logic

❖ they are not meant to interact with the DOM

❖ services can be injected to share common functionality with other controllers



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❖ A nice way to create modular applications

❖ it is magic (but not really…)

❖ Angular converts functions to strings .toString()

❖ runs string matching against them

❖ determines from the name of the parameter what you want to inject


Dependency Injection

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❖ Create your own DSL

❖ A nice way to include logic in the views

❖ this is where DOM manipulation should happen!

❖ Can have an isolated scope

❖ Defines a linking function

❖ is passed a Scope object, an element, and the element’s attributes (optionally a controller inst.)

❖ where the logic goes

❖ Need a scope, use link. Don’t? Use compile.



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HTML with directivesHTML with directivesHTML with directives

link (scope)

Scope object


Compiled template with


examines finds returns


Hiller, Christopher. “Developing an AngularJS Edge.”

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app.directive(‘new-event’, function() { return { restrict: ‘E’, scope: { event: ‘=’, save: ‘=’, cancel: ‘=’, saveText: ‘@’, cancelText: ‘@’ }, replace: true, template: ‘<div ng-show="event">' + ‘<input type=“text” ng-model=“event.temp.title”/><br/>’ + ‘<input type=“text” ng-model=“event.temp.subtitle”></../>’ + ‘<button ng-click=“cancel(event)”>{{cancelText}}</button>’ + ‘<button ng-click=“save(event)”>{{saveText}}</button></div>’ }; });



linked to the parent scope

copied verbatim


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<new-event event=“event” cancel=“cancel” save=“save” cancel-text=“Cancel” save-text=“Save”> </new-event>


linked to the parent scope

copied verbatim


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app.directive(‘event-info', function() { return { restrict: ‘E’, replace: true, templateUrl: ‘views/eventInfo.html’ transclude: true, scope: { startDate: ‘=’, endDate: ‘=’ }, link: function(scope, element) { infoButton = element.children()[0].children[0].children[0] = false; angular.element(infoButton).bind(‘click’, function() { scope.$apply(‘open = !open’); }); }; }; });


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<div class="event-info"> <div class="event-info-content"> <div class="event-title" ng-transclude> <span class=“addtional-info-button”>More...</span> </div> <div class="additional-info>" ng-show="open"> <div class=“event-start">{{startDate}}</div> <div class="event-end">{{endDate}}</div> </div> </div> </div>

We could call it like: <event-info start-date=“event.event_start" end-date="event.event_end"> {{event.title.en}} </event-info>


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❖ ‘=foo’ links directly to parent scope

❖ ‘@foo’ assigns an attribute to whatever the key is

❖ ‘&foo’ binds expression and executes it against the parent scope

❖ in directive definition: scope: {‘close’: ‘&onClose’}

❖ <my-directive on-close=“hide()”></my-directive>

❖ in directive’s template: ng-click=“close()”

❖ There are also ‘A’, ‘AE’, ‘C’, and ‘M’ restrict options



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❖ write reusable and generic directives

❖ the less reusable (involving scopes) the less maintainable they become

❖ write directives with isolated scopes!

❖ share functionality between directives using a controller

❖ long learning curve, but powerful!



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Service | Factory | Provider


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❖ the backbone of the an AngularJS app

❖ keep the controller from thinking too hard

❖ … and directives have only one function, make it readable and testable (inject services)


Service | Factory | Provider

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Component Instantiated Needs a $get method

Explicitly returns something

Present during $config()

Service Yes No No No

Factory No No Yes No

Provider Yes Yes No Yes

Hiller, Christopher. “Developing an AngularJS Edge.”

Service | Factory | Provider

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❖ it is a singleton, instantiated the first time is requested

❖ requires less memory and processing power than the others



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Events (Service)

EventsCtrl (Controller)

Promise Server

1) Calls getEvents()

2) Asks Server for a list of Events

3) Returns a Promise


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Events (Service)

EventsCtrl (Controller) Promise


5) Promise resolved with events data

4) Returns a list of events

6) Takes action with data received from resolved promise


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❖ it can return a function, object, or primitive

❖ useful for utils



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❖ can be configured during initialization

❖ $http is also a provider


config() $httpProvider

run() $http




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Plugin A

Plugin B


Uses plugin B at runtime

Hiller, Christopher. “Developing an AngularJS Edge.”

Configure with Plugin B in Module.config()


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❖ execute logic against models only the view cares about

❖ app.filter(‘product’, function() { return function(a, b, c) { return a * b * c; }; });

❖ can be used like:<span>the product is {{a|product:b:c}}</span>

❖ executed often, so keep them simple

❖ they should not have side-effects



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❖ History

❖ Routing

❖ Compiler

❖ Injector

❖ Template



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❖ Jasmine (behavior-driven testing)

❖ aware of asynchronous events

❖ take advantage of binding information

❖ excellent mock objects ($log)


Testing (intro)

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❖, currently 440 modules (++)

❖ angular-ui, bootstrap, ui-router

❖ restangular

❖ angular-translate

❖ angular-cache

❖ …



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❖, transact, and manage digital advertising

❖ Form song set lists (songs, lyrics, chords)

❖ for experiences of interest

❖ scrum planning poker

❖ …



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❖ Hiller, Christopher. “Developing an AngularJS Edge.”

❖ Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS

❖ Ari Lerner “ng-book - The Complete Book on AngularJS”



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