Angular 2.0 Dependency injection

AngularJS 2.0 Dependency Injection Eyal Vard Site: http://ng-course.o Blog: eyalVardi.wordpress.

Transcript of Angular 2.0 Dependency injection

Page 1: Angular 2.0 Dependency injection

AngularJS 2.0 Dependency Injection

Eyal Vardi



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Agenda Dependency Injection Overview Injector Class Provider Options Injectors Tree Injection Resolution Opaque Token

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Dependency Injection Overview Angular ships with its own Dependency

Injection framework. This framework can also be used as a

standalone module by other applications and frameworks.

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Injector Overview A dependency injection container used for

instantiating objects and resolving dependencies.

An Injector is a replacement for a new operator, which can automatically resolve the constructor dependencies.import {Injectable,Injector} from '@angular/core';

@Injectable() class Engine {}

@Injectable() class Car { constructor(public engine:Engine) {} }

var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([Car, Engine]);

var car = injector.get(Car);

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Core Abstractions An injector is created from a set of providers. An injector resolves dependencies and creates

objects. A provider maps a token, such as a string or

class, to a factory function and a list of dependencies. Injector


Token Flags






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ProtoInjector Store meta information about

injectables, and injectables themselves are stored in Injector.

Injector.resolveAndCreate creates both a ProtoInjector and an Injector.function createComponentInjector(parent, proto) { return new Injector(proto, parent);}

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Injector Class Methods & Properties that return

Injector: parent resolveAndCreate resolveAndCreateChild createChildFromResolved

Methods that return resolved object: get getOptional * resolveAndInstantiate * instantiateResolved

* The created object does not get cached by the injector.

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Child Injector

Parent InjectorA,B,C

Child Injector


Child Injector


var p = Injector.resolveAndCreate([A,B,C])

var c1 = p.resolveAndCreateChild([A,B])

var c2 = c1.resolveAndCreateChild([A])

c2.get(A) =>

B C@Injectable()class A{ constructor(b:B,c:C){ //... }}

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Configuring the Injector We don't have to create the injector.  We can configure the injector at the

same time that we bootstrap. @NgModule({ declarations:[AppComponent, ... ], providers :[UserProxy], bootstrap :[AppComponent], imports :[...], exports :[]})export class AppModule{}

platformBrowserDynamic() .bootstrapModule(AppModule);

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Configuring the Injector with NgModulesApplication Injector


UsersModule BrowserModule HttpModule

Sub InjectorSub InjectorContactsModule


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Injector Providers "Providers" create the instances of the

things that we ask the injector to inject.  A class is a natural provider - it's meant

to be created.

providers : [ ServiceA, ServiceB, … ]


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The Provider


{ provide : ServiceA , useClass : ServiceA }==

 token  "recipe" for creating

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Factory Providers@Injectable()function logger(msg){ console.log(msg);}

bootstrap(App,[ provide(logger,{useValue: logger}), provide(Service,{ useFactory : (logger)=>{ return { load(){ logger('load'); } } }, deps:[logger] })]);

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String tokens The token can be:

String Class type OpaqueToken

providers:[ ServiceA, { provide: 'app.config', useValue: {name:'ev'} }]

constructor( service:ServiceA, @Inject('app.config') config)

 Class token

String token

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Provider Type useClass? : Type,

useValue? : any,

useExisting?: any,

useFactory? : Function,

deps? : Object[],

multi? : boolean

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Hierarchical Injection

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Injection ResolutionPlatform Injectors

Component Injectors






Application Injectors3

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Component Metadata Names:

selector? : string exportAs? : string

Binding: inputs? : string[] outputs? : string[] host? : {[key: string]: string} changeDetection?: ChangeDetectionStrategy

View: templateUrl? : string template? : string styleUrls? : string[] styles? : string[] encapsulation?:


Injector: providers? : any[] viewProviders? : any[] queries? : {[key: string]: any} Directive


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Component Injectors

<component my-





Component Injector

<component my-





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Component Injector

Component Directive



* *






DOM Element

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Component InjectorsComponent Injector






providers @host


@Component({ selector :'component', template:`...`, providers :[], viewProviders:[]})class Component{}

viewProviders | Directives<div my-direc> Hello World… <ng-content/></div>



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Host & Visibility Public - Is only visible to regular child injectors. Private - Is only visible to host child injectors. PublicAndPrivate

is visible to both host and regular child injectors.


Component (@host)Injector



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Constructor Injection Options directive : DirectiveType @Host() directive : DirectiveType

To inject element-specific special objects: element : ElementRef viewContainer : ViewContainerRef changeDetector : ChangeDetectorRef template : TemplateRef

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Constructor Injection Options@Component({...})export class MyComponent { constructor( element : ElementRef ,viewContainer : ViewContainerRef ,changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef ,template : TemplateRef , render : Renderer ){...}}

Page 26: Angular 2.0 Dependency injection

Compiletime vs. Runtimeimport {Component} from "@angular/core";import {Type1,Type2,Type3} from "eyalVardi";import {Pipe1,Directive1} from "eyalVardi";import {Component2} from "eyalVardi";import {Service1} from "eyalVardi";

@Component({ providers :[Type1,Type2], viewProviders:[Type3]})export class MyComponent { constructor( element : ElementRef ){}}

Can solve by theimport?

Must solve in runtime

by the Injector

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Sample<div dependency="1"> <div dependency="2"> <div dependency="3" my-directive> <div dependency="4"> <div dependency="5"></div> </div> <div dependency="6"></div> </div> </div></div>


MyDirective Constructor

3 constructor(dependency: Dependency)2 constructor(@Host() dependency: Dependency)

4 , 6 constructor(@Query(Dependency) dependencies:QueryList<Dependency>)

4 , 5 , 6 constructor(@Query(Dependency, {descendants: true}) dependencies:QueryList<Dependency>)

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More Options constructor(@Self()

dependency:Dependency) Specifies that an Injector should retrieve a

dependency only from itself. (3)

constructor(@SkipSelf() dependency:Dependency) Specifies that the dependency resolution should

start from the parent injector. (2)

constructor(@Optional() engine:Engine) Injector provides null if the dependency is not


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Opaque Token

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OpaqueToken Class Creates a token that can be used in a DI


Using an OpaqueToken is preferable to using strings as tokens.

var t = new OpaqueToken("value");var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([ provide(t, {useValue: "providedValue"})]);

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OpaqueToken Initialize Events PLATFORM_INITIALIZER

A function that will be executed when a platform is initialized.

APP_INITIALIZERA function that will be executed when an application is initialized.

providers:[ provide{ APP_INITIALIZER ,useValue: appInit , multi: true}, provide{ PLATFORM_INITIALIZER,useValue: platformInit, multi: true}]

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APP_ID A DI Token representing a unique string

id assigned to the application by Angular. Used primarily for prefixing application

attributes and CSS styles when ViewEncapsulation is being used.

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APP_BASE_HREF Token represents the base href to be

used with the PathLocationStrategy.@NgModule({providers: [ ROUTER_PROVIDERS, PathLocationStrategy, { provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: '/my/app' } ]})

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Resources site (Developer guides - forms) Ng-Book 2 (

The Ultimate Guide to Forms in Angular 2 ) GitHub (Angular code source)

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Eyal Vardi

