Angellic Warrior

Angelic warrior Holy warriors born and raised with a sole purpose, exterminating all evil. These pious soldiers will be the first to the fight and the last to leave so long as the enemy is evil. utilizing their weapons of light they fear no evil as they carve the pathways to hell and back, leaving nothing in their wake. Making an Angelic warrior[edit ] Pros, Angelic warriors are capable of dealing incredible damage to evil opponents and supporting large numbers of allies in Combat. Cons, You can't hurt fellow good creatures nearly as well and you can't help evil allies. Abilities: Charisma is the key ability for an angelic warrior's damage. Wisdom is useful for defense and is added to attack rolls also helps fuel abilities too. Strength is important for melee attack and damage and constitution is important for survivability. Angelic Warriors do not benefit for their smarts beyond skills. Races: Any who are willing to devote themselves to a deity, Humans are the most common to follow this path. Alignment: Any Good. Starting Gold: 5d6x10 Starting Age : Any. Angelic Warrior's range from the young and zealous to the wise and pious 1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Weapon of light, Holy aura, Hand of faith, Condemning Holy Aura, Angelic Wings 2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Smite, Weapon of light, 3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Holy protection +1, Bonus feat 4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Bonus feat 5th + 5 +4 +1 +4 Weapon of Light, Holy aura +2, Zealous Holy Aura. 6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Holy Protection +2, Bonus feat 7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Heaven's gate 8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Bonus feat 9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Holy Protection +3 10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Weapon of light,Greater Hand of Faith, Holy aura +3, Preemptive Holy aura. 11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +7 Tongues, Bonus feat 12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 Holy Protection +4 13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +8 Holy Body 14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +9 Bonus feat 15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +9 Weapon of Light, Holy aura +4, Holy protection +5, Healing Aura.



Transcript of Angellic Warrior

Angelic warriorHoly warriors born and raised with a sole purpose, exterminating all evil. These pious soldiers will be the first to the fight and the last to leave so long as the enemy is evil. utilizing their weapons of light they fear no evil as they carve the pathways to hell and back, leaving nothing in their wake. Making an Angelic warrior[edit]Pros, Angelic warriors are capable of dealing incredible damage to evil opponents and supporting large numbers of allies in Combat. Cons, You can't hurt fellow good creatures nearly as well and you can't help evil allies. Abilities: Charisma is the key ability for an angelic warrior's damage. Wisdom is useful for defense and is added to attack rolls also helps fuel abilities too. Strength is important for melee attack and damage and constitution is important for survivability. Angelic Warriors do not benefit for their smarts beyond skills. Races: Any who are willing to devote themselves to a deity, Humans are the most common to follow this path. Alignment: Any Good. Starting Gold: 5d6x10 Starting Age: Any. Angelic Warrior's range from the young and zealous to the wise and pious 1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Weapon of light, Holy aura, Hand of faith, Condemning Holy Aura, Angelic Wings 2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Smite, Weapon of light, 3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Holy protection +1, Bonus feat 4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Bonus feat 5th + 5 +4 +1 +4 Weapon of Light, Holy aura +2, Zealous Holy Aura. 6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Holy Protection +2, Bonus feat 7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Heaven's gate 8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Bonus feat 9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Holy Protection +3 10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Weapon of light,Greater Hand of Faith, Holy aura +3, Preemptive Holy aura. 11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +7 Tongues, Bonus feat 12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 Holy Protection +4 13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +8 Holy Body 14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +9 Bonus feat 15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +9 Weapon of Light, Holy aura +4, Holy protection +5, Healing Aura. 16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +10 Bonus feat 17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Angelic Wings+ 18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Holy Protection +6 19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Bonus Feat. 20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Weapon of Light, Holy aura +5, Greater Hand of Light, Grand Aura, Angelic Being Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, 4 at 1st level)Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int),Listen (Wis, Profession (Wis) Hit Die: d12 Class Features[edit]Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Angelic warriors are proficient only with their weapons of light. See below for additional information on weapons of light. A weapons strength or Dex requirement may be met by using the Angelic warriors Wisdom in place. Angelic warriors are also proficient with all types of armor and all shields except tower shield. Rites of passage as part of the initiation ritual for becoming an angelic warrior, young initiates must stare into the face of their deity. to prevent the warrior's new gaze from scouring all that it beholds the angelic warrior dawns a metal helm that can only be removed via a wish or miracle. this helm permanently locks up the face and head slots of the character. This has a multitude of side effects, for one the angelic warrior gains a sight beyond sight, as well they openly radiate a powerful aura of good that cannot be concealed by any means.

Weapon of Light: These weapons are made of pure holy energy and stick with the Angelic Warrior for as long as they remain faithful. the angelic warrior may select a specific weapon at level 1, at the 5th level and each 5 level thereafter they may choose an additional weapon. Some are so powerful that only high ranking Angelic Warriors have Access to them. An Angelic Warrior may add their wis mod (instead of str or dex) to attack rolls made with weapons of light. The weapons of light are immaterial to all but the angelic warrior and his foes(use this to your advantage). Weapons of light may be chosen from the list below however any weapon can be chosen as a weapon of light. The light damage added is equal to the weapon's damage and an additional die is added every 5 levels of angelic warrior. Staff of Light This is a quarterstaff that deals and additional 1d6 light damage every 5 levels of angelic warrior. an angelic warrior may use this to deliver touch attacks with 5' reach. Celestial Longbow A longbow made of light that fires its own summoned arrows of light that are formed by the Angelic Warriors own fighting spirit. These arrows deal 1d6 light damage at level one and an additional 1d6 for every five levels thereafter. The Angelic warrior may add their charisma modifier to ranged damage dealt by this weapon. Material Blades These are a twin blade weapon (19-20x2) that deals an additional 1d6 light damage for every 5 levels of Angelic Warrior. is treated as having two weapon fighting when wielding the weapon (this does not actually grant the feat). Hammer of Light This is a one handed war hammer that deals an additional 1d8 light damage every 5 levels of Angelic Warrior, In addition the weapon does an extra 1d10 Holy damage on a critical hit. Celestial Sword this is treated as a longsword that deals an additional 1d8 light damage for every 5 levels of angelic warrior. Dominion Shield acts like a heavy steel shield except it grants a shield bonus equal to 2+Cha mod and can deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage with a shield bash attack.this shield will not inhibit the angelic warriors ability to use both hands. special; This weapon may be selected a second time granting the angelic warrior a second shield. The second time the the angelic warrior may now add his charisma mod as a Shield bonus to his AC, and a number of time per day equal to his wisdom modifier as an immediate action he may move up to his move speed and surround an ally of equal or lesser size. doing so will prevent all damage that ally will take until you dismiss the effect (must spend a move action to dismiss). during this time you are treated as helpless. Heaven's fury(requires level 5 celestial longbow or staff of light). treat this as a returning javelin that deals an additional 1d6 light damage per five levels of angelic warrior, you may add the angelic warrior's charisma mod to damage with this weapon. in addition a number of times per day equal to 3 + cha mod the angelic warrior may though the javelin and have it split into cha mod pieces. he may roll an individual attack against all enemies cha mod 5' squares(the squares must be adjacent.) If the angelic warrior selected celestial long bow they may instead fire heaven's fury using the bow's range increment. but may not use it as a melee weapon. Grand Armor (Requires level 10) A full plate that grants 8 + Wisdom mod armor bonus to AC and with a max Dex bonus equal to your Wisdom mod. In addition it grants resist energy 10 Acid, Cold and electricity, and immunity to petrification. The armor also give the wearer spell resistance 10+ Angelic warrior levels, and DR10/evil. This armor is virtually weightless and does not impact the wearer's speed or impose armor check penalties. Mjolnir (Requires level 10, and Hammer of Light) This massive two handed hammer deals 3d8 bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 light damage per 5 lvls (to evil targets) and has thundering, shocking burst, and a critical of 20x4 Excalibur (Requires level 10, and Celestial Sword) Excalibur is a bastard sword that deals 1d10 slashing damage per five levels of Angelic Warrior. In addition the weapon deals 2d6 light per Charisma mod to any evil target target. Final Excalibur (Requires level 20, and excalibur) Final Excalibur has a critical of (15-20)x3. In addition, once a day per Wis mod you may make a touch attack that bypasses damage reduction, regeneration, concealment, and incorporeality but this attack cannot critical. Hand of Faith The Angelic warrior shoots a beam of holy energy from their hand, this is a close ranged(25ft+5/2 lvls) line attack attack dealing 1d6 per Angelic Warrior levels + Charisma or Wisdom Mod holy. This is a spell-like ability with a will save for half damage (DC=10 1/2 lvl +Cha Mod) Alternatively, it can heal the same amount to a good ally, half the amount to neutral and none to evil. (no Save required for healing, everyone wants to be healed right?) This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to (1/2 lvl +Wisdom mod) Improved Hand of Faith At level 10 The angelic Warrior may instead Fire the Hand of Faith as A 25' Cone Healing allies and Damaging enemies this costs 2 uses of hand of Faith. (full heal for good allies, half heal for neutral allies, no heal for evil allies) Greater Hand of Faith At level 20 The Angelic Warrior may now use Hand of Faith as a 30' burst centered on itself or a good ally within 30' of the Angelic Warrior. This ability costs 4 uses of hand of faith Holy Aura Angelic warriors give off an aura of holy light. This gives a +1 BAB bonus to attack rolls and saves to himself and all good allies within 10' of the Angelic Warrior. These bonuses increase by 1 every 5 levels and are capped by the Angelic Warrior's Wisdom Modifier. Also the range for the Holy aura is increased by 10' every two levels to a maximum of (10'x Charisma Mod) range. This is a supernatural ability that may be dispelled as a standard action at will should the angelic warrior choose. Condemning Holy Aura At level 1 the bonuses that your holy aura gives to good creatures are imposed as penalties to the same stats to evil creatures within the range of the Aura Zealous Holy Aura At level 5 the bonuses affect AC and damage rolls Preemptive Holy Aura At level 10 the bonuses now affect initiative (plus to good creatures and minus to evil creatures) Healing Holy Aura At level 15 the aura now gives fast healing 2 to all good creatures in range (no affect to evil creatures) Grand Holy Aura At level 20 the aura now give fast healing 5 to good creatures and damages evil creatures wit 2 holy damage a round.

Smite: Once a day per Wis Mod, an angelic warrior may attempt to smite an opponent as a standard action. This attack depends on what creature the Angelic Warrior is striking. they add their Charisma bonus (if any) to their attack roll and deal 1 extra point of damage per level of Angelic Warrior holy damage. If the creature is undead then add 1 point of bane damage per Angelic Warrior lvl. If the attack misses the target then it is still used up for the day.

Holy Protection: Protected by their deity, Angelic warriors gain a +1 natural armor bonus that increases by 1 every 3 levels Heaven's Gate: Creates a portal to their deity's home plane that sucks in nearby non-good creatures. Affected creatures must make a reflex save or be sucked into the gate. If a creature is sucked into the gate then at the beginning of their next turn they must make a fortitude save or die. If a creature makes their fortitude save then they can attempt a will save to escape the portal and appear in a random location (determined by the DM). Failure with the will save results in being stuck in the plane for another day, In which case the creature must restart at the Fortitude save or die, This process repeats until death or escape. This affects all enemies in a 5' per charisma mod burst and may be used a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom mod. DC equal to (15+ 1/2 Angelic Warrior level + Charisma mod), Neutral creatures get a plus 10 on their saves. The angelic warrior makes a sacred oath only to use this ability to purge the universe of evil or evil allies. using this ability for transportation, summoning, or communication is strictly forbidden.

Tongues: At Level 11 An Angelic Warrior is granted the ability to speak to all creatures with a language, this ability is the same as the tongues ability possessed by angels

Holy Body: Angelic warriors are so gifted by their deities that time becomes but a minor itch, Angelic warriors become immune to the effects of aging, but still join their deities halls when their time is up (same as timeless body found in the monk and druid classes)

Angelic Wings: The Angelic Warriors wings help him levitate. The angelic warrior no longer incurs movement penalty from armors.

Angelic Wings +: The Angelic warriors wings are enhanced and now has flying (cha mod x 10)' good

Angelic Being At Level 20 the Angel Warrior ascends into the ranks of their fellow celestial warriors. The Angelic Warrior's original type changes to a Celestial Outsider. In addition he gains +4 Wisdom and Charisma and +2 Dex, Strength, and Constitution Ex Angelic warriors[edit]If an Angelic Warrior ever changes their alignment, or stops worshiping their deity (or if their deity somehow dies) then they immediately lose all class abilities and all weapons of light they have, until they resume their original alignment or worshiping their deity and receive atonement (the spell). In The case of a deity's death or loss of power. The angelic warrior will retain their weapons of light but should they be destroyed they have no way of recovering them. Should an angelic warrior ever take the vow of poverty they forgo all of their weapons of light as they are magical weapons not granted through their own power. Should an angelic warrior die see the events under rites of passage. Epic Angelic warrior[edit]Table: The Epic Angelic warrior Hit Die: d12

Level Special

21st Holy Protection +7


23rd Bonus Feat

24th Holy Protection +8

25th Epic Weapon of Light

26th Bonus Feat

27th Holy protection +9


29th Bonus Feat

30th Epic Weapon of Light, Holy Protection +10, Arbiter of Justice

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Epic Weapon of Light: Eden's Javelin: (Requires Staff of Light and lvl 25) this weapon acts as a Returning Throwing Short Spear but deals 1d8 light damage equal to (Angelic warrior level/5+1) light damage. This weapon reappears in its owners hand at will and as a free action, so a Full Attack can be made while throwing with a critical (17-20)x4. Once a day per Wis mod you may guarantee a hit and Critical threat with this weapon. (must still roll for confirmation). As a standard action you may Attack a good ally with this weapon and Heal them equal to the damage you would have dealt to an evil creature, or hit a neutral creature and heal equal to as if you hit an neutral creature Star Shooter: (Requires Celestial Longbow and lvl 25) This Bow is the ultimate ranged weapon, it has all the properties of the Celestial Longbow except as noted here. The damage dice are d8s, It can fire up to two extra arrows per round at full BAB, No penalties for Multishot, Range increment equals 1 Mile, and all arrows it have the slaying property keyed to the target of the shot (DC=10+Charisma Mod). On a Critical the Arrow Explodes instantly attacking every enemy creature within 90' This will continue to happen until A critical is not scored (number of targets limited to your Angelic Warrior level). Critical is a x4, however the shards from an exploding arrow have a critical of (17-20) x1 Bastion of Light: (Requires Dominion Shield) This Shield is a tower shield that Provides (4+Wisdom mod) Shield Bonus and a DR/- equal to your (1/5lvl+ wis mod), with no max Dexterity modifier, no armor check penalties and no speed penalties of any kind. It is virtually weightless to the wielder and can be used to provide cover against any kind of attack including magic and touch attacks. Nothing may pass through the shield. The shield cannot be dispelled by anything short of Mordekainen's Disjunction or a god's fury. Armor of Unyielding Sovereignty: (Requires Grand Armor and level 30) This armor grants an armor bonus to AC equal to 8+Wis Mod, Adds your Charisma mod to Saves and as a Deflection Bonus to AC. The Armor Provides DR/20 Epic and Evil, Regeneration 5, Immunity To Fire, Acid, Electricity, Cold, Petrification, Poison, and Disease, SR= (20 + Angelic Warrior Levels), and provides 100% Fortification. With no Armor Check penalties, no max Dex bonus, and no speed penalties, The armor wears nothing to the wearer, but weighs tons to anything else trying to move it. When one wears the armor they are filled with the feeling of invincibility and indeed they are to anything short of a god. Arbiter of Justice: Alignment no longer affects the Angelic warrior's class abilities, The Angelic Warrior now determines who is worthy of blessing and who deserves condemnation Bonus Feat The Angelic Warrior may take an extra feat whether it be Epic or not. Human Angelic Warrior Starting Package[edit]Weapons: Weapon of light, Celestial Sword and a sling with 20 stones Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 2 + Int modifier. Skill Ranks Ability ArmorCheckPenalty