Angelic Tarot eCourse PDF - Angelorum · claims that the Tarot was an ancient Egyptian system for...

Angelic Tarot eCourse PDF by Lisa Frideborg Eddy

Transcript of Angelic Tarot eCourse PDF - Angelorum · claims that the Tarot was an ancient Egyptian system for...

Page 1: Angelic Tarot eCourse PDF - Angelorum · claims that the Tarot was an ancient Egyptian system for telling fortunes does not hold up to close examination. The first massproduced deck

Angelic Tarot eCourse PDF

by Lisa Frideborg Eddy

Page 2: Angelic Tarot eCourse PDF - Angelorum · claims that the Tarot was an ancient Egyptian system for telling fortunes does not hold up to close examination. The first massproduced deck

Index Lesson 1 ­ A brief history of the Tarot Lesson 2 ­ Connecting with your Guardian Angel + The 7 Planetary Archangels Lesson 3 ­ The 12 Zodiac Angels Lesson 4 ­ The Court Cards Lesson 5 ­ The Minors Lesson 6 ­ Chakra Healing with the Tarot & Introduction to Angelic Tarot Magick

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Lesson 1 A Brief History of the Tarot The Tarot cards are a deck of playing cards that we first read about in the late middle ages when it was used for playing the game 'Tarocchi' in Italy and other Mediterranean countries. It is believed to have arrived from the East and some believe they were derived from the Turkish mamluk playing cards, which in turn are thought to have arrived in the Middle East from China. Basically, the Tarot cards are a deck of playing cards with one extra court card (the Page) in each suit and the addition of 22 Major Arcana cards, or 'trumps'. The trumps contains archetypal images that impart moral lessons. The structure has fluctuated regionally and there is still a set in print which contains 30 'Trionfi', i.e. the Minchiate Tarot. Nobody knows exactly when the cards were first used for telling fortunes but thanks to early bans from the church against this form of usage, we know it was quite early on. In the 17th century, the use of Tarot cards became widespread and popular thans to the invention of the printing press. Now ordinary people had access to cards, where as in the late middle ages and during the renaissance, card games were the privilege of only the richest of the rich. The deck that spread like wildfire through Europe was the Tarot de Marseille. However, it wasn't until French occultists in the 18th century started writing about the Tarot from an esoteric point of view that we have our first works on the Tarot as a tool for divination. Two of the fathers of divinatory Tarot were Antoine Court de Gébelin and Jean­Baptiste Alliette (Etteilla). However, their claims that the Tarot was an ancient Egyptian system for telling fortunes does not hold up to close examination. The first mass­produced deck that gained widespread popularity apart from the Tarot de Marseilles was the Rider­Waite pack, illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith and first published in 1910. Most modern­day decks are clones of this deck and most books that teach the Tarot are based on the imagery of this deck. A.E. Waite and Pamela Coleman Smith both belonged to the Order of the Golden Dawn. This is a Western Mystery school which lives on today in traditions that teach Kabbalistic and Ceremonial magick. Another in(famous) person from the Golden Dawn who went on to create his own Tarot deck is Aleister Crowley, who together with Lady Frieda Harris gifted the world with the stunningly beautiful Thoth Tarot. To this day, most decks on the market are based on of these three decks: Tarot de Marseille, Rider­Waite­Smith or Thoth For the purpose of this course, we will stick with the structure of the most popular of these three, so that in the Major Arcana Strength is numbered 8 Justice is numbered 11. To me, this seems logical, since the corresponding zodiac signs then fall in the right order. Elemental Correspondences It's OK if you skimmed through the history part. You may not be a novice and if you have more than one book on the Tarot, you will have read various similar accounts already. However, whether or not you are new to the Tarot, you cannot afford to skim this next part ­ it makes up the foundation for this whole course, so please pay close attention.

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Ideally, you should commit this structure to muscle memory before the next lesson. Trust me, it will make your work much easier! The Elemental Angels and the Minor Arcana The Angelic Tarot Reader who uses her gifts in service to humanity and who has fully embodied the Elements will be a clear channel for divine messages that will help the Seeker to move onwards and upwards on her Life Path. She is able to feel how the energy of individual cards interacts with surrounding cards, the question and the Seeker. The primary correspondences for the four Elements are the four main directions of the compass. These are also the four quarter points from which the Elements are called during magickal workings. The four quarter points each correspond to one of the Tarot suits. Each suit of the Tarot also corresponds with the Angelic Guardian of its Element. The first, most basic list you need to memorise follows below: Fire ­ Wands ­ Archangel Michael ­ South Water ­ Cups ­ Archangel Gabriel ­ West Air ­ Swords ­ Archangel Raphael ­ East Earth ­ Pentacles ­ Archangel Uriel ­ North But to know this with only your head is not very helpful, so I have created the following basic movement meditation that I want you to complete before our next lesson. An intuitive way of getting to know the Elements is to approach each Element from within a circle which you mark with a rope, candles, pine cones, crystals or create with the light of your mind. For the purpose of getting to know the Tarot, I suggest placing the Ace of each of the four suits in the corresponding cardinal quarter. Start by taking a few deep breaths to centre yourself and become fully present in your body. Take a step toward the eastern quarter and try to sense the element Air with all your being. Just observe what comes to you; don’t conjure anything. Once you start receiving impressions of colour, temperature, touch etc, see if you can translate these into movement that expresses the quality of the element Air. Once you’ve completed your magickal movement sequence, commit it to memory and and perform it with the intent to invoke angelic protection from the corresponding Archangel. Do this mindfully and pay attention to any shift in the atmosphere as you name and invoke the angel. Then step back into the middle of the circle. Turning clockwise to the South, repeat the process, step forward and see what you can sense/express for the Fire element... By the end of this exercise you will have four magickal movements which will help you balance the Elements. These four movements can be used to invoke angelic protection when casting your circle before any Angelic Tarot spellwork or doing in­depth divinatory work. Each of these four magickal movements are just as powerful as the Wand, Cup, Sword or Pentacle itself... Even more so if you charge them with your personal power. You become a direct channel for each Element when you perform them and you can perform them anywhere, whenever you need to. (See, you don't even need the actual pack of cards to live the Tarot!). If you need to be discreet about it, you can translate the full body movement into a hand mudra, using only small finger and hand movements. For instance, if your birth chart is low on Fire, you might like to perform your magickal movement before you perform any task that calls on you to access your inner Fire, such as teaching or trying something

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new. Or let’s say that you have to sit down and write a long report for your French Literature class. Performing your Air mudra is guaranteed to blow the cobwebs off your mind and help you stay focused on the task at hand. Remember to centre yourself with a few deep breaths before performing your magickal movement. In lesson number two, we will look at how to connect with your own Guardian Angel. And we will take a closer look at the four Elemental Trumps and their corresponding Angels.

Lesson 2 Connecting with Your Guardian Angel For angelic Tarot readings, it is always better to work directly with the angelic realm; You can only get so far with head knowledge and your angels wish to help you get further when you dedicate your divination work to the Light. The first thing you must do then is to create a link with your Guardian Angel ­ and yes, you do have one even if you have not had direct communication yet. Every single living being has a Guardian Angel watching over them and it is up to us to decide how much we would like to involve them in our daily life. To someone in divine service, having a dialogue with the angelic realm is invaluable... Making contact is not as difficult as you may think if you have not made contact up until this point. Following the seven basic steps below will get you off to a flying start. In addition to these steps, I recommend keeping an angel journal that you write in daily. This is where you write down any questions you have for your Angels and also where you leave messages of love and gratitude. A bit further down the line, you may also wish to use this journal for automatic writing, which is one of the many ways our angels choose to communicate with us. CONNECTING WITH YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL IN 7 SIMPLE STEPS * Create a clean and inviting space so that you can relax fully. I recommend using incense or an essential oil burner to raise the vibration of the room… Fresh flowers and crystals are also often used to draw in angelic energy as well and while these ‘extras’ are not necessary, they will be pleasing to your guardian angel (and to you!) * Make sure that you will be undisturbed for 30­60 minutes * Light a candle with the intent of connecting with your Guardian Angel * Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and relaaaax deeply * Mentally ask your Guardian Angel to make him/herself known (they are genderless beings but can choose to appear as a certain gender) * In a relaxed state you may sense a gentle tingling, see some colours flash before your third eye and/or even hear and see your angel clearly. The more relaxed you are, the better your chance of getting clear impressions. * Enter into dialogue with your angel (even if you can’t see your hear them clearly yet) – Ask anything you wish to know, such as your angel’s name… any advice your angel may have

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for you etc. Close the dialogue with gratitude for your angel’s loving presence in your life and know that you can always return to this sacred space. WAYS YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR TAROT READINGS * You can ask your angel to help with cleansing and blessing a new Tarot deck * You can ask your angel to connect with your Seeker's angel in order to receive clearer messages * Before each reading, you can ask your angel to bring in additional messages or to clarify any ambiguous messages from the cards * After the reading, you can ask your angel to cut any cords with the Seeker and ground your energy The Planetary Archangels In traditional astrology, which is astrology as the ancients knew it, i.e. before the final three outer planets of our solar system were discovered, there are seven ruling planets and seven corresponding archangels to consider. This is the system still in use in Western Magick and the angelic correspondences still hold for any of the traditional Tarot decks. As some of you may already be aware, the Thoth deck and some Rider­Waite­Smith clones already have the astrological symbols on them. This makes it easier to learn but since it is a bit like cheating, I suggest you start with 'student copy' of the Rider­Waite­Smith deck that you won't be precious about and draw the symbols on yourself, along with the angelic correspondences if you so wish. If you are averse to drawing on the cards themselves, feel free to create flash cards.

As you can see, I have included ALL the planetary symbols above but for today's lesson you only need to concern yourself with the top two rows (minus the symbol for Earth)

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The aim is to commit one planetary angel a day to memory. Start with the angel of the day you receive this email. Take out the corresponding planetary Major Arcana. For instance, on a Sunday, after committing the correspondences to memory, perform the following active meditation: Imagine yourself stepping into the cards and interacting with (or actually being) the child on the horse (or any other character if you are not using a standard Rider­Waite­Smith Tarot deck). Really get to know these seven key Majors using your imagination! When you come out of your mini meditation, ask Archangel corresponding with the card you were 'playing inside' to help you gain an ever deeper understanding of its meaning. Sol ­ The Sun ­ Sunday ­ Archangel Michael Archangel Michael's name means ‘who is like God.’ The Sun is the planet of the Self… and the Self is the God­self. He can help you shine your God­light in the world, no matter the circumstances. Any time you feel yourself getting entangled in the circumstances/energy of others, call on Michael to cut all energetic cords and free you emotionally. The colours are gold and electric blue. The electric blue of Archangel Michael is considered the best colour for psychic shielding by many psychics. Crystals to help you connect with Michael in meditation are aquamarine, citrine, amber and lapis lazuli. Frankincense, cinnamon, saffron and bergamot are all essential oils that can be used to invoke Archangel Michael. Luna ­ The High Priestess ­ Monday ­ Archangel Gabriel Archangel Gabriel is the angel of magick and prophecy. He can help you with any psychic work and trusting the messages from within. This is also the angel to call on for help with understanding your dreams. Gabriel’s colours are white, silver and copper. You can use the crystals selenite, moonstone and carnelian to connect with Gabriel. The main scent (essential oil or incense) is Jasmine. Mars ­ The Tower ­ Tuesday ­ Archangel Camael Camael is the ruler of Mars. He is a warrior angel and will help you do battle against injustice or apathy in any form. Camael will protect you against violence as well as help you stand up for yourself and those considered ‘the underdog.’ Camael’s colour is red. Use fire agate or garnet to connect with Camael and any time you need to muster up some courage. Scents to help you invoke Camael are black pepper and dragon’s blood. Mercury ­ The Magician ­ Wednesday ­ Archangel Raphael

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Archangel Raphael is the ruler of Mercury. Raphael is the patron of healers and travellers. He will keep you safe on all of life’s journeys and help you to communicate in a way that promotes healing and peace. Call on him for any healing work you do and when you need help with establishing peaceful communication. The colours are green and yellow. Yellow calcite, peridot and green agate are crystals that can help you connect with this gentle angel. Some scents used to invoke archangel Raphael are chamomile, lemongrass and sandalwood. Jupiter ­ The Wheel of Fortune ­ Thursday ­ Archangel Sachiel Sachiel is the ruler of Jupiter. Archangel Sachiel helps you to time risk­taking so that you won’t miss any of life’s opportunities. He is also the angel of abundance and perfect to invoke for those who feel called to be business owners. He is known as the ‘Ambassador of Benevolence.’ Call on Archangel Sachiel when you need help with furthering your career and life purpose. He can help open new doors. The colour is indigo. Use sodalite or sugilite to connect with Sachiel in meditation. Scents associated with Sachiel are cedar, peppermint, hyssop and nutmeg. Venus ­ The Empress ­ Friday ­ Archangel Anael

Archangel Anael is the ruler of Venus. As you might have guessed, this is the angel of harmony, love and relationships. Anael will help anyone with a life purpose of improving human relationships, and will not consider it stooping too low helping out with your own personal love life. The colours are pink and green. Use rose quartz, chrysocolla or jade to connect with Anael. A couple of scents that can be used to invoke the presence of Anael are rose and ylang­ylang. Saturn ­ The World ­ Saturday ­ Archangel Cassiel Archangel Cassiel is the ruler of Saturn. This very serious angel is not much concerned with your private life other than to make sure you get your job done. If you have problems with discipline and perseverance, this is the angel you want on your side. If your life purpose involves law and order, he will also champion your cause. The colours are black, grey and dark brown. Use haematite, black tourmaline, brown jasper or jet to connect with Cassiel in meditation. Myrrh, cypress and sulphur are scents that can be used to invoke Cassiel.

Lesson 3 The 12 Angels of the Zodiac

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Are you familiar with the Zodiac? The first sign is Aries and the final sign is Pisces. We have four Elements mentioned in lesson one (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) repeated three times to make up the 12 Signs. The Element and the modality are what make up the sign. There are three modalities: cardinal, fixed and mutable

Cardinal energy likes to start things and is great at motivating others but may struggle with completing what it started. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Fixed energy is great at getting the job done thanks to greater than average 'stickability' but may be unnecessarily stubborn or intense. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Mutable energy is great at gathering and disseminating information and reconciling opposites but can become too scattered or too caught up in detail. The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Hence the 12 signs contain the following elements/modalities: Aries ­ Cardinal Fire Taurus ­ Fixed Earth Gemini ­ Mutable Air Cancer ­ Cardinal Water Leo ­ Fixed Fire Virgo ­ Mutable Earth Libra ­ Cardinal Air Scorpio ­ Fixed Water Sagittarius ­ Mutable Fire Capricorn ­ Cardinal Earth Aquarius ­ Fixed Air Pisces ­ Mutable Water For the sake of simplicity, I like to use Archangel corresponding with the associated planetary ruler of each sign. However, since many of you will be familiar with Doreen Virtue, you will know that her Tarot decks already have ready­made correspondences. Those are totally fine and add another layer, should you wish to use my suggestions below. Doreen Virtue has also co­authored a book with astrologer Yasmine Boland, which outlines yet a third set of correspondences for the Zodiac signs. However, in order to not go into overwhelm, please just memorise the list below to start with. The traditional Angelic Correspondences for the Zodiacal Trumps are then as follows: Aries ­ The Emperor ­ Archangel Camael, ruler of Mars Taurus ­ The Hierophant ­ Archangel Anael, ruler of Venus Gemini ­ The Lovers ­ Archangel Raphael, ruler of Mercury Cancer ­ The Chariot ­ Archangel Gabriel, ruler of The Moon Leo ­ Strength ­ Archangel Michael, ruler of The Sun

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Virgo ­ The Hermit ­ Archangel Raphael, ruler of Mercury Libra ­ Justice ­ Archangel Anael, ruler of Venus Scorpio ­ Death ­ Archangel Camael, ruler of Mars Sagittarius ­ Temperance ­ Archangel Sachiel, ruler of Jupiter Capricorn ­ The Devil ­ Archangel Cassiel, ruler of Saturn Aquarius ­ The Star ­ Archangel Cassiel, ruler of Saturn Pisces ­ The Moon ­ Archangel Sachiel, ruler of Jupiter For those of you leaning more toward modern Astrology, please feel free to use the following correspondences: Same as above except for... Scorpio ­ Death ­ Archangel Azrael, ruler of Pluto Aquarius ­ The Star ­ Archangel Uriel, ruler of Uranus Pisces ­ The Moon ­ Archangel Asariel, ruler of Neptune Azrael (Pluto) is the the Archangel to invoke when you are going through major change or initiation into a new phase of life. He can help ease the transition. Yellow calcite is the crystal to use for this. The scent/essential oil is cypress. Uriel (Uranus) is the Archangel to invoke when you need a new innovative solution to a problem. Uriel rules higher consciousness, innovation and anything slightly bizarre. Use kyanite to connect. The scent/essential oil lime. Asariel (Neptune) is the Archangel to invoke when you need help with opening your heart to unconditional or opening up to greater levels of creativity. Asariel rules Higher Love, ideals and the astral plane. Use the crystal aquamarine to connect. The scent/essential oil is ylang­ylang. The 4 Angels of the Elemental Trumps Now, for the four remaining trumps, we are going with the four outer planets as follows: The Fool ­ Elemental trump of Air ­ Uranus, Archangel Uriel The Hanged Man ­ Elemental trump of Water ­ Neptune, Archangel Asariel Judgement ­ Elemental trump of Fire ­ Pluto, Archangel Azrael The World ­ Elemental trump of Earth and (same as before) ­ Saturn, Archangel Cassiel As you remember, we already covered the correspondences for Saturn in Lesson 2. This is because Saturn is one of the seven traditional planets. The final three outer planets had their correspondences assigned post Golden Dawn. Homework Find out your Sun (which you probably already know) Moon and Rising sign. You can use for this if you do not already know what they are. You will need to know your

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exact time of birth, as well as your birth town, in order to pinpoint your Rising (aka ascendant) sign. Once you know your rising sign, you will also be able to find out which of the seven traditional Planets/Archangels rules your entire birth chart, as it is the same as the planetary ruler of your Rising sign! (The three outer planets simply move too slowly to function as chart rulers). Meditate with this angel every day over the next week and see what you can learn. You can just sit in silence. I'm not asking you to do complicated pathworkings every day here. The point is to make the heart connection. But I do want you to try the meditation below at least once. SIMPLE ARCHANGEL MEDITATION Sit with your feet on the floor, spine straight, shoulders relaxed, eyes closed. Rest your hands on your knees, palms up. Breathe out any tension through the soles of your feet and feel yourself anchored to the core of the earth through your root chakra (base of spine), via your foot chakras. Then breathe in white light through your crown chakra (top of head) and allow it to cleanse and purify your aura (energy field) by pushing out through the soles of your feet on the out­breath. Keep going until you feel your aura sparkle. Now inwardly (or out loud) say the name Archangel who is your chart ruler three times. Then breathe in the colour corresponding with this angel until your whole aura is filled with it (see colour correspondences below). Please do not force the breath ­ Keep breathing in a relaxed manner... Then ask your chart ruling angel to give you a sign of their presence. Watch out for any tingling sensation in your crown chakra, a shift in pressure, a floral scent or incense... You may even hear something. Let them know that you are grateful for their assistance and ask them to guide you through the blueprint of your own birth chart so that you may navigate all the challenges that you have decided to take on in this incarnation in order to grow your soul. Wait patiently and simply BE with this divine messenger for a few minutes. It is not important if you receive clear prophetic messages at this stage (in fact, it is unlikely!) but you will come away feeling loved and supported and that is more important by far. Complete the meditation by breathing in three grounding breaths of white light through the crown to restore your natural aura and stamp your feet on the floor gently to bring yourself back to the room. Your chart ruling angel works together with the Angel of the weekday you were born. So, for instance, I was born on a Monday (Archangel Gabriel) and my chart ruler (Gemini rising) is Archangel Raphael. Please refer back to Lesson 2 if you cannot remember the seven angels of the days of the week! Gabriel ­ White or Silver Camael/Samael ­ Ruby red Raphael ­ Yellow or Green Sachiel ­ Indigo or Purple

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Anael ­ Emerald green or Pink Cassiel ­ Brown or maroon (and yes, black, but please don't use this colour in your aura ­ it can be a bit much!!) Michael ­ Electric blue or gold

Lesson 4

Elemental correspondences for the courtiers Kings are Fire (Michael) ­ They organise, protect, inspire and seed the next cycle. Traditionally they are seen as mature married men but can be any gender and that goes for all courtiers. Much more important than gender are the qualities they express. Queens are Water (Gabriel) ­ They nurture, empathise and reflect. Traditionally they are seen as mature married women. Knights are Air (Raphael) ­ They are on a quest. Traditionally seen as single young men. Pages are Earth (Uriel) ­ They are guided by childlike curiousity. Single young females or children traditionally. The Wands Family ­ Archangel Michael Archangel Michael is the Patron of the family of Wands courtiers. His gift to them is courage,

creativity and bold self­expression.

The King (Fire of Fire) is the visionary leader. The angelic correspondence is Sachiel (ruler

of Sagittarius).

Situation: Leadership and visionary ability are at the heart of the matter

Challenge: You may be prone to forgetting about crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s

Opportunity: Your vision may create great progress if you know how to get others on board

Action Advice: Speak with the authority that comes from being single­minded about your


Angelic Guidance: Ask Archangel Sachiel to purify and bless your third eye so that you

have a clear vision in the form of psychic guidance to support any important decisions. Use

lapis lazuli to connect with Sachiel and support your third eye.

The Queen (Water of Fire) is the charismatic female leader. The angelic correspondence is

Camael (ruler of Aries).

Situation: There is some serious drama going down here, darling!

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Challenge: You are totally fabulous but you would create more of a win­win by toning it down

a bit.

Opportunity: A chance to strut your stuff

Action Advice: Time to amp up that charisma!

Angelic Guidance: Ask Archangel Camael to balance and protect your third chakra. Fire

agate is helpful for this.

The Knight is the playful young person who is on a serious quest to have as much fun and

adventure as possible. The Angelic correspondence is Michael (ruler of Leo).

Situation: A departure is imminent

Challenge: Don’t be an attention hogger… Oh, and check any safety gear carefully before

you jump out of the airplane!

Opportunity: An opportunity for travel or adventure

Action Advice: Start having some more fun. Now may not be a great time to look for ‘The

One’ but that shouldn’t stop you from dating.

Angelic Guidance: Ask archangel Michael to balance the heart chakra and make it more

receptive to the needs of others. Use chrysoprase for this.

The Page is the impulsive child or young person who never censors their creative

expression. The Angelic correspondence is Uriel, ruler of the Element of Earth and Michael,

ruler of the Element of Fire.

Situation: Playfulness is at the centre of this situation

Challenge: You may need to think before you act – this Page can be accident prone!

Opportunity: A greater lust for life is about to present itself

Action Advice/Angelic Guidance: Seize the day and do more of what you love. Ask

Archangel Michael to fill you with zest for life, as well as to keep you safe.

The Cups Family ­ Archangel Gabriel Archangel Gabriel is Patron of the family of Cups courtiers. His gift to them is empathy,

imagination, psychism and a great aptitude for emotional intimacy.

The King (Fire of of Water) is the wise counselor. The angelic correspondence is Sachiel

(ruler of Pisces).

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Situation: Emotional sensitivity is in focus but can have gone overboard with addictive

behaviour as the central issue (surrounding cards will tell you which it is)

Challenge: Maintain sound boundaries while not losing any empathy, be temperate, don’t

sacrifice yourself

Opportunity: Great relief that comes from being with kindred spirits, finally feeling understood

Action Advice: Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes

Angelic Guidance: You are a natural counselor. Use amazonite to stay heart­centred

without compromising your boundaries. Call on Archangel Sachiel to help you stay

emotionally balanced and optimistic.

The Queen (Water of Water) is the seer and healer. The angelic correspondence Gabriel

(ruler of Cancer).

Situation: Nurturing wounded emotions is the most important thing you can do now

Challenge: Emotional manipulation should be avoided at all costs

Opportunity: A chance to confide in someone who truly cares and who may even be able to

provide psychic guidance

Action Advice: Nurture your own psychic ability

Angelic Guidance: A natural empath and psychic, you can boost your psychic skills and

energy levels with blue calcite, which also helps you stay emotionally balanced. Always

invoke the protection and guidance of Archangel Gabriel in all your psychic work.

The Knight is the romantic and passionate person who is on a quest to feel as intensely as

possible. The Angelic correspondence is Camael (ruler of Scorpio).

Situation: Passion is in focus for this reading

Challenge: Check any addictive tendencies

Opportunity: A good chance of romance and if not, at the very least a smashing

poem/lyrics/painting etc

Action Advice: Allow your emotions creative expression through the fine arts.

Angelic Guidance: Temper your passion with wisdom. Use aquamarine to detach and think

clearly before you charge ahead, so that you can foresee the consequences and avoid

broken hearts and other collateral damage. Call on Archangel Camael to give you

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confidence if you feel intensely but are incapable of givine your emotions creative or

practical expression.

The Page is the daydreamer who gets told off for not paying attention in class. The Angelic

correspondence is Uriel, ruler of the Element of Earth and Gabriel, ruler of the Element of


Situation: Vulnerability is the focal point of the issue at hand

Challenge: There is a need to stay grounded in reality

Opportunity: Your imagination can lead to great innovations

Action Advice/Angelic Guidance: Allow yourself to dream big. Ask Archangel Gabriel to

help with dream recall and start a dream journal if you don't already have one.

The Swords Family ­ Archangel Raphael Archangel Raphael is the Patron of the family of Swords courtiers. His gift to them is sharp

wit, curiousity and great analytical/organisational ability.

The King (Fire of Air) is the impartial judge and ultimate Alpha. The angelic correspondence is Raphael (ruler of Gemini).

Situation: Communication and objectivity (or a lack of it) are in focus

Challenge: There is no need to see things as black or white… see the full harmony of

colours and detach

Opportunity: Clarity and understanding may be had after careful intellectual and objective

analysis of the situation

Action Advice: Consider both sides of the argument before making your mind up. Better yet,

see if you can entertain both sides without a need to choose!

Angelic Guidance: Ask Archangel Raphael to help you detach from your own emotinal needs in order to make the decision that is for the Highest Good of All. Use yellow calcite for


The Queen (Water of Air) is the wisdom teacher who nurtures with her words. The angelic

correspondence is Anael (ruler of Libra).

Situation: Criticism (warranted or unwarranted) makes up this situation

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Challenge: Avoid harsh criticism, try the ‘shit sandwich method’ and remember that a

spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down

Opportunity: A chance to nurture with words, a literary project

Action Advice: Focus on creating healing and harmony with your words

Angelic Guidance: Never let emotional pain calcify and harden your heart. Ask Archangel Anael for help with letting go of grievances instantly and carry a piece of rose quartz to

balance the strong mind with unconditional love.

The Knight is on a quest for truth. The Angelic correspondence is Cassiel (ruler of Aquarius).

Situation: Clashing ideals are at the root of the situation at hand

Challenge: To not be too rigid in your beliefs

Opportunity: A new point of view may be gained if you are willing to listen

Action Advice: Stand up for your beliefs

Angelic Guidance: It is more important to be kind than to be right. Ask Archangel Cassiel to help keep you humble and remember that you only see a portion of the time/space

continuum and virtually nothing of what lies beyond. Use black tourmaline to help you stay

adaptable to new input.

The Page is the kid who won't stop asking why. The Angelic correspondence is Uriel, ruler of the Element of Earth and Raphael, ruler of the Element of Air.

Situation: Curiousity/gossip is at the heart of the matter

Challenge: Watch whom you share any news with as a feather could easily turn into a


Opportunity: Using your analytical ability might make you uncover some valuable information

Action Advice/Angelic Guidance: Ask Archangel Raphael to help you ask the right questions and remember that there are no stupid questions. Use mixed colour fluorite to

promote a peaceful, balanced intellect.

The Pentacles Family ­ Archangel Uriel Archangel Uriel is Patron of the family of Pentacles courtiers. His gift to them is

perseverance, a strong physique and practicality.

The King (Fire of Earth) is the business leader and family man. The angelic correspondence

is Raphael (ruler of Virgo).

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Situation: Stewardship, whether with regards to health or finances, is what this is all about

Challenge: Try not to be too pernickity… Let’s face it, nobody likes someone who is anally


Opportunity: To provide for yourself and your family like the good steward you are

Action Advice: Organise everything in great detail

Angelic Guidance: Consider your part in the bloodline of your family tree by meditating on 7

generations past and 7 generations future. Ask Archangel Raphael what the most healing

action you can take right now would be in order to bring stability and prosperity to your

bloodline. Moss agate can bring abundance and harmony, as well as assist at the birth of

new family members.

The Queen (Water of Earth) is the 'earth mother' who nurtures in practical ways. The angelic

correspondence is Cassiel (ruler of Capricorn).

Situation: Someone is in need of some TLC

Challenge: Boundaries! Not every stray in the area is meant for you!

Opportunity: To care for someone’s material needs

Action Advice: Pay it forward with food, clothes or other practical items

Angelic Guidance: That someone in need of TLC could be you. Don't forget to look after

your own physical needs. Ask Archangel Cassiel to help you be as disciplined with setting

time apart for self­care as you are with work and helping everyone else. You have a natural

affinity for crystals, so choose a self­care crystal and carry it with you.

The Knight is on a quest for stability. The Angelic correspondence is Anael (ruler of Taurus).

Situation: This concerns hard work

Challenge: Don’t try to do it all in one go, little by little… patiently… and you will get there.

Opportunity: Your hard work and perseverance will definitely pay off

Action Advice: Time to put your shoulder to the wheel, with no expectation of instant


Angelic Guidance: Ask Archangel Anael to help you love what you do. Use garnet or

rhodocrosite to help you feel passionate about your tasks again if you have started to feel

bored and tempted to give up.

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The Page is the serious young student with a keen interest in the natural world. The Angelic

correspondence is Uriel, ruler of the Element of Earth.

Situation: Studies are the issue

Challenge: You may need to stop yourself from becoming too serious

Opportunity: A new course of study could open doors

Action Advice/Angelic Guidance: Your angels are guiding you to go back to school and

learn a new skill. Ask Archangel Uriel for guidance if you are not sure what you are meant to

study. Carnelian can help you stay grounded and focused. Apophyllite is great for enhancing

your intellectual capacity as well as for connecting with Archangel Uriel in general.

The 'pure' angelic courtiers are:

Archangel Michael ­ King of Wands (Fire of Fire)

Archangel Gabriel ­ Queen of Cups (Water of Water)

Archangel Raphael ­ Knight of Swords (Air of Air)

Archangel Uriel ­ Page of Pentacles (Earth of Earth)

For timing purposes, the courtiers are divided into decans (ten day periods) as follows:

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Homework Locate YOUR birthday courtier in the chart above and answer the following questions in your


How do I display the strengths of this courtier?

How do I display the weaknesses of this courtier?

What angelic grace can I invoke in order to refine the expression of this energy?

Lesson 5

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The Aces + Angelic Correspondences for the 36 Number Cards

The Aces have no zodiac correspondences but each correspond to the Guardian of their

respective Element. They are the seed of the power of this Elemental energy and carry

nothing but potential. What we do with this potential is entirely up to us.

Rather than give you keywords for the Aces, I would like to share four prayers that you can

use to fully harness the energy of each Ace:

Ace of Wands: Dear Archangel Michael, Thank you for the power and vitality now made available to me. Help me nourish this seed of personal power and good health so that it

bears the fruits of Spirit. So mote it be!

Ace of Cups: Dear Archangel Gabriel, Thank you for passing me the cup of bliss. Help me to wish every living being well today. Flow through me so that all I touch may feel your

healing touch. So mote it be!

Ace of Swords: Dear Archangel Raphael, Thank you for granting me new insight today. Help me to patiently and faithfully ground and harness the inspiration in order to manifest

something new that will benefit all who are within my sphere of influence. So mote it be!

Ace of Pentacles: Dear Archangel Uriel, Thank you for the seed of infinite abundance that has been passed on to me through divine grace. Help me to make the most of every

opportunity and to truly nurture this seed, so that I may prosper for the benefit and highest

good of All. So mote it be!

As you recall from our lesson about the Zodiac Sign Majors, each Zodiac sign is composed

of an element + a modality. Knowing this comes in handy when memorising the Angelic structure of number cards 2­10.

Each of these number cards corresponds to a decan (approx. ten day period) which together up to 364/5 days of the year.

The basic structure is cards 2­4 cardinal energy of the Element, 5­7 fixed energy and 8­10 mutable energy.

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Look at the table below and pause to contemplate of the significance of the lower numbers

(beginning of a process) corresponding to the cardinal energy. Try to really feel the excitement of this cardinal energy which really only struggles in the Element of Air/Swords.

Do the same with the fixed energy which lends a quality of stubbornness and perseverance to each Element. Get a feel for how this energy interacts with each Element and the 'middle

numbers' which serve to carry out the orders dished out by the cardinal numbers. The 5's

are the 'hump cards' which offer the most 'fight' in any suit. Really sense how fixed energy

tunnels its way through the 5 energy.

Now contemplate the mutable energy through each suit and how the process is nearing completion/getting ready to seed the next cycle. Can you feel the restlessness... Is the

energy starting to pull in two different directions or is it, as in the case of the 10 of Pentacles,

focused on securing the legacy for future generations.

Wands 2­4 = Aries (cardinal)

5­7 = Leo (fixed)

8­10 = Sagittarius (mutable)

Cups 2­4 = Cancer (cardinal)

5­7 = Scorpio (fixed)

8­10 = Pisces (mutable)

Swords 2­4 = Libra (cardinal)

5­7 = Aquarius (fixed)

8­10 = Gemini (mutable)

Pentacles 2­4 = Capricorn (cardinal)

5­7 = Taurus (fixed)

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8­10 = Virgo (mutable)

The Table below shows you the number cards with their Zodiac and Planetary


As you might have guessed, these correspondences are invaluable when reading about the

timing of an event. Feel free to print the table above out to use for practice readings on timing, as well as for memorising zodiac correspondences.

There is a subdivision of the decans into quinairies (five day periods). According to the

Kabbalah, there are 72 quinairies, each corresponding to one of God's names. We are not

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going to dive deeper into this here ­ I'm only mentioning this for those of you who might want

to dive a bit deeper in your own time.

Angelic Correspondences In the table below, the first angel corresponds to the Planet and the second angel to the

sign. In some cases they are one and the same and in other cases you will find a modern

co­ruler also mentioned.

Wands 2 ­ Camael (Mars in Aries)

3 ­ Michael and Camael (Sun in Aries)

4 ­ Anael and Camael (Venus in Aries)

5 ­ Cassiel and Michael (Saturn in Leo)

6 ­ Sachiel and Michael (Jupiter in Leo)

7 ­ Camael and Michael (Mars in Leo)

8 ­ Raphael and Sachiel (Mercury in Sagittarius)

9 ­ Gabriel and Sachiel (Moon in Sagittarius)

10 ­ Cassiel and Sachiel (Saturn in Sagittarius)

Look at the table above and pick the card or cards (based on Angelic correspondences) that

would be most helpful when you need to invoke divine assistance in the form of courage in

the face of outside opposition.

Cups 2 ­ Anael and Gabriel (Venus in Cancer)

3 ­ Raphael and Gabriel (Mercury in Cancer)

4 ­ Gabriel (Moon in Cancer)

5 ­ Camael, also Azrael, co­ruler of Scorpio (Mars in Scorpio)

6 ­ Michael and Camael + Azrael (Sun in Scorpio)

7 ­ Anael and Camael (Venus in Scorpio)

8 ­ Cassiel and Sachiel, also Asariel, co­ruler of Pisces (Saturn in Pisces)

9 ­ Sachiel + Asariel (Jupiter in Pisces)

10 ­ Camael and Sachiel + Asariel (Mars in Pisces)

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Looking at the table for the Cups Suit, pick out the card (based on Angelic correspondences)

that you would use to manifest more harmonious communication in your circle of friends.

Swords 2 ­ Gabriel and Anael (Moon in Libra)

3 ­ Cassiel and Anael (Saturn in Libra)

4 ­ Sachiel and Anael (Jupiter in Libra)

5 ­ Anael and Cassiel, also Uriel, co­ruler of Aquarius (Venus in Aquarius)

6 ­ Raphael and Cassiel + Uriel (Mercury in Aquarius)

7 ­ Gabriel and Cassiel + Uriel (Moon in Aquarius)

8 ­ Sachiel and Raphael (Jupiter in Gemini)

9 ­ Camael and Raphael (Mars in Gemini)

10 ­ Michael and Raphael (Sun in Gemini)

For the suit of Swords, I want you to contemplate how the co­rulership of Aquarius gives

different possible meanings to each of those three cards. I want you to write down at least

one Uriel keyword/sentence for each card and one Cassiel keyword/sentence. I also want

you to contemplate how Michael and Raphael can ameliorate the 10 of Swords energy and

write a prayer to one of them based on current 10 of Swords situation or a memory of one.

Pentacles 2 ­ Sachiel and Cassiel (Jupiter in Capricorn)

3 ­ Camael and Cassiel (Mars in Capricorn)

4 ­ Michael and Cassiel (Sun in Capricorn)

5 ­ Raphael and Anael (Mercury in Taurus)

6 ­ Gabriel and Anael (Moon in Taurus)

7 ­ Cassiel and Anael (Saturn in Taurus)

8 ­ Michael and Raphael (Sun in Virgo)

9 ­ Anael and Raphael (Venus in Virgo)

10 ­ Raphael (Mercury in Virgo)

Among the cards above, looking mainly at the angelic correspondences, which card(s) might

you work with to invoke divine grace for achieving success in your career?

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Working with Your Birthday Decan Card Now it should be fairly easy to find your birthday decan unless you are born on the cusp, in

which case you may wish to consult an ephemeris to find out which decan you are born in.

Alternatively, you could dowse for the answer.

How do you feel about your Minor Arcana birthday card? Whether you got 'lucky' (9 of

Cups?) or feel 'shafted' (5 of Swords, 10 of Wands?), you need to understand that every Key

carries seeds of infinite grace. This is the whole purpose for learning Angelic Tarot, so that

we may more readily access the divine grace and wisdom that comes with each card.

Your homework this week is to write your life story, based on the perspective of your birthday decan card. There is no right or wrong here... let the creative juices flow freely and

feel free to re­write your history if you want to. Just make sure that it fits with the card and

that you include equal amounts of light and dark. Complete the story with a prayer to an

angel associated with your card. Know that this Angel has a special interest in your life

lessons in this incarnation and that you can always call on them!

Lesson 6 We are arriving at the final portion of this Angelic Tarot eCourse. To some of you it will have

been a bit of whirlwind, others are taking their time and allowing for more than a week for

each lesson. Both approaches are fine. Nobody knows better than you which approach best

suits you.

Either way, I hope you feel you are learning new things and gaining new, helpful insights that

will allow you to be a better reader in terms of facilitating change and supporting those who

seek guidance from the Tarot (including yourself, of course).

It is entirely possible to offer guidance without support... but why would we when the Angelic

correspondences that are built into the Tarot are there for us to tap for support, harmony,

peace and balance?

One of the main things to bear in mind when we do Angelic Tarot readings is to take our

time. While the message and guidance can flow to us in an instant, it usually takes a bit

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longer to centre ourselves and connect with the angelic realm in order to invoke grace and

support for the journey.

Below you will find a couple of exercises that you can try for yourself but also with your

clients. I recommend investing in a set of chakra crystals that you can hold and/or give to

your clients to hold while doing these exercises.

Angelic Tarot and the Chakras

Angelic Tarot Chakra Correspondences

Root Chakra (Earth) ­ Archangel Cassiel/The World (Saturn) ­ Dark red jasper/Hematite ­ Basic Trust/Belonging

Sacral Chakra (Water) ­ Archangel Gabriel/The High Priestess(The Moon) ­ Moonstone/Carnelian ­ Emotional/Sexual Connection/Creativity

Solar Plexus Chakra (Fire) ­ Archangel Camael/The Tower (Mars) ­ Citrine/Tiger's eye ­ Willpower/Personal Boundaries

Heart Chakra (Air) ­ Archangel Anael/The Empress (Venus) ­ Green aventurine/Rose quartz ­ Love/Harmony

Throat Chakra (Ether) ­ Archangel Raphael/The Magician (Mercury) ­ Blue lace agate/Turquoise ­ Communication/Self­expression

Third Eye (Thought) ­ Archangel Sachiel/The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter) ­ Lapis lazuli, Lepidolite ­ Wisdom/Visionary Ability

Crown Chakra (Light) ­ Archangel Uriel/The Fool (Uranus) ­ Clear quartz, Amethyst ­ Spirituality/Claircognizance

Think for a minute about how you might use this knowledge in a reading... Now I will give you some

homework (feel free to share your answers on the homepage).

1. Someone has come to you for a love and relationship Tarot reading. The relationship

ended abruptly and it is clear from the cards & context that this was a co­dependent reading

where the client had boundary issues. The Tower card may or may not have shown up in the

reading. How could you use the Angelic Tower card correspondences to help your client,

who is open to working with the Angels?

2. Another client approaches you about a situation at work where there is a lot of emotional

manipulation (second chakra stuff) and she is finding it difficult to voice her opinion (throat

chakra). The advice from the cards is for her to speak her truth (The Magician as action

advice). She is open to working with the angelic realm. What advice might you give her?

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3. Finally, we have a client going through a divorce. She is grief­stricken as her husband left

due to an affair with a younger woman who is now expecting their child. She is in desperate

need of both guidance and support. How might you help her with heart chakra healing in

your Angelic Tarot session?

Quick Mini Archangel Chakra Meditation This is a great little meditation to use for yourself at the start of the day, or with your clients

before you begin an Angelic Tarot reading. Ground, centre and relax by taking a few deep

breaths and close your eyes. Tune into each chakra, starting from the Root and going up.

You only need to spend a couple of breaths on each chakra but can extend this to a longer

meditation if you need to. You may wish to play some soft music in the background:

Thank you, Archangel Cassiel, for protecting and balancing my Root Chakra. Take a

few deep, relaxed breaths here, visualising red energy of the Earth's core, entering

through the soles of your feet on the in­breath, filling and smoothing out your Root

Chakra, breathe out stress and tension.

Thank you, Archangel Gabriel, for protecting and balancing my Sacral Chakra.

Visualise lunar rays 'polishing the chakra' until it is a brilliant orange.

Thank you, Archangel Camael, for protecting and balancing my Solar Plexus Chakra.

Breathe in yellow light, straight into the chakra until the light comes bouncing right

back out because it is brimming with energy.

Thank you, Archangel Anael, for protecting and balancing my Heart Chakra. I open

my heart to the Light. Visualise a delicate pink rose, surrounded by emerald green,

opening its petals in the centre of your heart chakra.

Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for protecting and balancing my Throat Chakra.

Visualise a vast expanse of azure summer skies as you breathe out anything that

might be blocking you from speaking your truth.

Thank you, Archangel Sachiel, for protecting and balancing my Third Eye Chakra.

Softly focus your inner vision on the location of the third eye, just above and between

your brows. Breathe in indigo and on the out­breath 'smile' with your third eye. (In my

experience, this can be quite blissful, so you might want to take a moment here.)

Thank you, Archangel Uriel, for protecting and balancing my Crown Chakra. Set the

intent to open up to Source and breathe in white light through the crown. On the

out­breath, visualising the breath taking with it anything that makes you feel

disconnected from source or people around you and taking it all the way down, into

the core of the Earth to be transmuted.

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You may wish to complete this mini meditation by invoking the protection of Archangel

Michael for the day ahead. Feel free to use your own words but don't forget to say thank you.

Personally, I like to close an angelic invocation with either 'Amen' but 'So mote it be!' or your

own version of the same works fine too.

Advanced Angelic Tarot Chakra Meditation A more advanced Angelic Tarot Chakra exercise/meditation relies on the angelic

correspondences for each card being fully memorised. This is my personal favourite

because it allows for a lot of freedom and gives the angelic realm space to impart intuitive

messages for the day ahead.

Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, hands resting on your knees and feet either on

the ground or cross­legged. Ground and centre with your breath.

Focus on the Root Chakra, breathing in red light, breathing out any tension. Then ask your

Guardian Angel to show you what Tarot medicine you need for this Chakra. A card will 'land'

in the chakra and you can then ask the Archangel associate with this card for help in

balancing/healing any issues associated with this chakra. Repeat the process for each of the


Depending on the state of your chakras, this meditation may take anything from 10­15

minutes to more than 30 minutes, so make sure you set aside about half an hour of quiet

time before you begin.

Angelic Tarot Magick Basics The foundation of all Magick is to work with the lunar phases and zodiac signs ­ this is why

Archangel Gabriel (The Moon) is considered the Angel of Magick.

Here are some things you can do to harness the power of the Archangels for the New/Full

Moon celebrations:

Read up on the Zodiac sign the Moon will be New or Full in next. For a New Moon

celebration, you will set the intent to grow the qualities or things associated with the zodiac

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sign and for the Full Moon celebration, you would use the power of the Full Moon to cast

spells to affect more instant change. You can also use the Waning/Dark Moon to banish any

influences associated with the appropriate lunar zodiac sign.

Create sacred space in the form of an altar, using colour correspondences and angelic

symbols that fit with the change you wish to create.

Pick out the Tarot card that corresponds with the zodiac sign. If you wish, you can create a

Tarot spread or pull some cards on what you need to know about creating your desired

change. You can then use the spread or a (photocopy of it) as part of your spell.

Use a version of the angelic invocation you created in lesson one to cast your circle,

invoking the assistance and protection of archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel and Uriel.

The angelic invocation also instantly raises energy if your working is for the Highest Good of

All. Cast your spell. I recommend using your own words and chanting a rhyming spell three

times or three times three.

Don't' be afraid to experiment and include other elements and props that spring to mind,

such as essential oils, candles, crystals etc.

Close the circle by moving counter­clockwise, starting in the North and thanking Archangel

Uriel, then Gabriel, Michael and last but not least Raphael, for their protection and


It can be nice to carry the main Tarot card with you to remind you that the process of

manifestation is underway but if you don't have a separate deck for magick spells, you may

just wish to take a picture of it and keep it as your screensaver.

Angel Blessings
