Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

THE NEWSPAPER VOLUME XIII NO. 5 March 1-15, 2015 WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA angperyodiko @ang_peryodiko @ang_perydiko Pinoys living longer ... BUT IN POOR HEALTH PopCom executive director Juan Antonio Perez III said older Filipinos are expected to account for 10 percent of the population by 2025, up from the current six to seven percent. According to Perez, the life span of Filipinos is now longer at 67 for males and 72 for females due to modern tech- nology. Their quality of life, however, did not improve. Perez said that by 2025 to 2030, the country’s population would start to age. At present, there are around seven million Filipinos who are senior citi- zens, or aged 60 and above. “We can say our population is not yet aging. We are still a young population but we are on the boundary of a demo- graphic transition stage of an aging population,” he told The STAR. In 1970, the lifespan for Filipino males and females were 57.3 and 61.5, respectively. He said the “social protec- MANILA - To be like Chris- topher Columbus, the famous Italian explorer better known as the “man that discovered America.” This was how 24-year-old Minerva Rañeses, explained her decision to join the Mars One initiative --a project that aims to send people to the Red Planet by 2024, with four more going every two years. The catch is that the people sent via the mission that aims CHILDREN enjoy kite-flying at the black sand beaches of Glan, Sarangani. M ANILA (March 1) - Filipinos are living longer but in poor health as the country nears a “demographic transition” that leads to an aging population, the Commission on Population (PopCom) said yesterday. tion systems have yet to catch up with social conditions.” “People are living longer but in poorer health and socio- economic conditions. They are only partially reaping the ben- efits of better health and social conditions,” he said. Based on a report of the University of the Philippines Population Institute titled the “Future Aging in the Philip- pines: Demographic Trends, Human Capital and Health Sta- tus,” there was a significant rise in the number of older Filipinos in the past decade. “The population 60 years and over or senior citizens in the Philippines increased from 3.2 million in 1990 to 4.6 mil- lion in 2000, then to 6.2 million in 2010,” the report said. In 1960, 4.3 percent of the population was composed of senior citizens and this rose to 4.6 percent in 1970; 5.3 percent in 1980 and 1990; 5.4 percent in 1995; six percent in 2000 and PINOYS, 3 Why this Filipina volunteered to live and die on Mars to start a colony on Mars can never return as the technology to bring them back to Earth simply does not exist yet. In addition, according to a study, the first humans to ever set foot in the fourth planet from the Sun will likely survive for only 68 days. Despite the risk and the thought of facing death away from her family, Rañeses, one of the 100 men and women WHY, 3 on page 6 KAYE ABAD admits she’s okay with having a baby before MARRIAGE



Transcript of Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

Page 1: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

The Newspaper

VOLUMe XIII NO. 5March 1-15, 2015


angperyodiko @ang_peryodiko @ang_perydiko

Pinoys living longer... but in poor health

PopCom executive director Juan Antonio Perez III said older Filipinos are expected to account for 10 percent of the population by 2025, up from the current six to seven percent.

According to Perez, the life span of Filipinos is now longer at 67 for males and 72 for females due to modern tech-nology. Their quality of life, however, did not improve.

Perez said that by 2025 to 2030, the country’s population would start to age. At present, there are around seven million Filipinos who are senior citi-zens, or aged 60 and above.

“We can say our population is not yet aging. We are still a young population but we are on the boundary of a demo-graphic transition stage of an aging population,” he told The STAR.

In 1970, the lifespan for Filipino males and females were 57.3 and 61.5, respectively.

He said the “social protec-

MANILA - To be like Chris-topher Columbus, the famous Italian explorer better known as the “man that discovered America.”

This was how 24-year-old Minerva Rañeses, explained her decision to join the Mars One initiative --a project that aims to send people to the Red Planet by 2024, with four more going every two years.

The catch is that the people sent via the mission that aims

Children enjoy kite-flying at the black sand beaches of Glan, Sarangani.

MANILA (March 1) - Filipinos are living longer but in poor health as the country nears a “demographic transition” that

leads to an aging population, the Commission on Population (PopCom) said yesterday.

tion systems have yet to catch up with social conditions.”

“People are living longer but in poorer health and socio-economic conditions. They are only partially reaping the ben-efits of better health and social conditions,” he said.

Based on a report of the University of the Philippines Population Institute titled the “Future Aging in the Philip-pines: Demographic Trends, Human Capital and Health Sta-tus,” there was a significant rise in the number of older Filipinos in the past decade.

“The population 60 years and over or senior citizens in the Philippines increased from 3.2 million in 1990 to 4.6 mil-lion in 2000, then to 6.2 million in 2010,” the report said.

In 1960, 4.3 percent of the population was composed of senior citizens and this rose to 4.6 percent in 1970; 5.3 percent in 1980 and 1990; 5.4 percent in 1995; six percent in 2000 and

pinoys, 3

Why this Filipina volunteered to live and die on Mars

to start a colony on Mars can never return as the technology to bring them back to Earth simply does not exist yet.

In addition, according to a study, the first humans to ever set foot in the fourth planet from the Sun will likely survive for only 68 days.

Despite the risk and the thought of facing death away from her family, Rañeses, one of the 100 men and women

why, 3on page 6

Kaye abadadmits she’s okay with having a baby before marriage

Page 2: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

2 n March 1-15, 2015

MANILA (March 1) – A son of Sen. Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. was in critical condition yesterday from what a family friend de-scribed as a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

But the family’s lawyer said the shooting was accidental. Cavite Vice Gov. Jose Lorenzo Bautista III, who is known as Ramon Re-villa III in politics and Jolo Revilla in show business, was cleaning a .40 caliber Glock pistol when the gun went off, said lawyer Ray-mond Fortun.

Revilla was rushed to the Asian Hospital in Muntinlupa.

“He sustained a gunshot that went through his upper right chest,” Cavite Gov. Juanito Victor Remulla said. “He’s alive.”

Bong Revilla’s talent manager Lolit Solis, a close family friend, said Jolo, the third of seven chil-

dren, “idolized” his father. Jolo was the most affected by the sen-ator’s detention without bail for plunder, Solis told The STAR.

She said that among the chil-dren, Jolo was the closest to his father. Normally an ebullient per-son, Jolo became depressed upon his father’s arrest last year, Solis said. The family’s assets have also been frozen by the courts.

“He often wept during visits to his father,” Solis told The STAR. “Bong could accept his fate, but he didn’t realize that someone else in the family was suffering a lot.”

The depression apparently deepened, Solis said, following recent news that the senator might be transferred from a special de-tention facility at Camp Crame to a regular jail at Camp Bagong Diwa.

Recently, Revilla’s custodians

were sacked amid reports that he had attended the Feb. 14 birthday party of Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile in the hospital room at the Philippine National Police General Hospital where the latter is being held without bail also for plunder.

Solis said Jolo’s girlfriend, actress Jodi Sta. Maria of the popular television series “Be Care-ful with My Heart” was the first to arrive at the Asian Hospital yesterday.

Also keeping watch at the hos-pital were Jolo’s mother, Cavite Rep. Lani Mercado; his son Ga-briel by Grace Adriano, daughter of actress Rosanna Roces, and other relatives.

Senator Revilla is expected to seek a pass to be with his son.– With

Wilma Yamzon

Bong son shot, wounded

Page 3: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

3March 1-15, 2015 n

MANILA (March 1) - Vice President Jejomar Binay yes-terday supported proposals to put Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile and former President now Pam-panga Rep. Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo under house arrest.

“Government prosecutors are opposing house arrest for… Enrile. This is cold and callous. It opens the govern-ment to charges that it lacks compassion for the sick and elderly,” he said.

Binay said this also rein-forces the “widely held view” of the administration’s selec-tive justice and would invite further criticisms that po-litical opponents are treated harshly.

Binay issued the statement after the 91-year-old Enrile was rushed to the Makati Medical Center on Thursday due to pneumonia.

“He needs medical atten-

tion for several ailments and medical conditions that go with his advanced age,” Binay said.

“His ongoing bout with pneumonia shows the fragil-ity of his physical state. House arrest for him would be the compassionate thing to do,” he added.

Binay and Enrile, along with former President and Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada, were the leaders of the United Nationalist Alliance that chal-lenged the administration bloc during the 2013 elections.

Enrile has since been charged with plunder over corruption allegations involv-ing the use of his Priority De-velopment Assistance Fund or pork barrel.

He is under hospital arrest at the PNP General Hospital in Camp Crame, Quezon City.

Malacañang has no position

so far on the house arrest for Enrile being proposed by Binay and several lawmakers.

“This is quite a recent de-velopment and so far...The President has not been able to discuss with us what our particular position will be,” deputy presidential spokesper-son Abigail Valte said.

President Aquino earlier openly said it was all right with him if Enrile would get hu-mane treatment for his old age and ailments. This was when the senator’s hospital arrest was still being discussed.

But Valte said the courts would eventually decide if Enrile would be placed under house arrest.

Binay also supported calls to grant house arrest to Ar-royo, who is under hospital arrest at the Veterans Memo-rial Medical Center in Quezon City. – With Aurea Calica

MANILA (March 1)- Abu Sayyaf leader Radulan Sahiron could have been among the bandits wounded in a clash in Barangay Buhanginan, Sulu last Friday.

“We are still verifying this. What is confirmed is that 25 of them were killed while 27 oth-ers were wounded,” a military source in Sulu said.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has offered $5 million for information lead-ing to the capture of Sahiron and another Abu Sayyaf leader, Isnilon Hapilon, for their crimes against Americans.

At least 25 Abu Sayyaf gun-men were killed and 27 others were wounded after five days

of fighting with government troops in Sulu.

The military said two sol-diers from Joint Task Group Sulu (JTGS) led by Col. Allan Arrojado were also killed and 26 others wounded in the gun-battles.

C a p t . M a r i a R o w e n a Muyuela, spokesperson for the Western Mindanao Command, said troops from the 1st Scout Ranger Battalion under Lt. Col. Eugenio Boquio attacked the fleeing group of Sahiron in Sitio Baunoh Butong, Barangay Buhanginan in Patikul.

Muyuela said ground troops have launched mortar attacks while air support was provided by the Air Force.

Abu’s Sahiron wounded in Sulu fighting?

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation is offering $5 million each for information leading to the capture of Abu Sayyaf leaders Radulan Sahiron (right) and Isnilon Hapilon. Photos courtesy of the FBI.

She said the 40-millimeter mortar rounds fired by the Abu Sayyaf bandits hit the wounded soldiers.

She said the victims were airlifted to a military hospital in Barangay Busbus in Jolo.

Muyuela said pursuing troops reported that Abu Sayyaf

bandits retreated toward Baran-gay Taglibi.

The military is also verifying reports that more bandits led by Furuji Indama arrived in Sulu yesterday to reinforce the group of Sahiron.

Armed Forces of the Philip-pines Public Affairs Office chief

Lt. Col. Harold Cabunoc said the bandits are now low in am-munition.

“Reports from our sources in the villages in Patikul indicate that Abu Sayyaf is on the run... The elite Scout Rangers are re-lentlessly tracking them down,” Cabunoc said. –With Roel Pareño

Binay backs house arrest for JPE, GMA

6.8 percent in 2010.Perez said the government

has 10 years to come up with programs for the elderly.

He underscored that an aging population entails vari-ous elderly-related issues like rehabilitation, depression, daily activities and health care.

The expert said that older persons need the government’s help as they will be “the poorest members of the population be-cause usually their pensions are not enough for them.” -Philstar


From 1still in the running for the one-way ticket, said that it is her op-portunity to be part of history.

“I never thought I’d live to see the day that humans will begin to explore in a way that Columbus did back in the time,” she said in an interview with ANC on Friday.

“I just thought it would be my descendants, my children, my great grandchildren who will do the exploring. I just never thought that I would have the opportunity to do this,” she


From 1 added.A graduate of St. Scholasti-

ca’s College in Manila, Rañeses describes herself as an “intel-lectual wanderer”. She is one of the two Filipinas chosen from over 200,000 applicants, with the other being an entrepreneur named Jaymee Del Rosario.

Asked if she had any hesita-tions in joining the highly-con-troversial project, she said: “Of course, this is a one way trip so I had to know if I’m ready to leave everything behind.” -abs-

Page 4: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue. n March 1-15, 20154

MANILA (March 1) - For the sake of the country’s stability and to save it from those lusting for power, President Aquino should be allowed to finish his six-year term of office until June 30, 2016, congressmen said yesterday.

Rep. Conrado Estrella lll of party-list group Abono deplored the call by some groups for Aquino to step down in the aftermath of the Mamasapano carnage that left 44 policemen, 18 Muslim gue-rillas and five civilians dead.

He said forcing the President to resign will do the country more harm than good. “I believe that since we have a presidential form of government, it is not good for our democracy not to let the President finish his term… Other-

wise, we should shift to the parliamen-tary system, where the prime minister and his Cabinet can be easily removed through a vote of no confidence by the parliament whenever they are not able to perform their mandate,” he said.

Estrella said he believes there is a better way “to address this issue (Ma-masapano bloodbath) in a peaceful and sober manner. I strongly urge the country’s leaders, both in the adminis-tration and the opposition, to continue to seek the path of peace.”

Isabela Rep. Rodolfo Albano lll agreed with Estrella, saying those lust-ing for power should just wait for the next elections scheduled in May next year. – Philstar/With Janvic Mateo

ZAMBOANGA (March 1) - At least 24 Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) members have been killed and 27 injured as military operation against the group entered its fourth day in Sulu, military officers said on Saturday.

Combined military forces launched attacks on some 300 ASG members on Wednesday morning in the mountainous areas of Pakikul town in Sulu, and have gone on pursuit operations since then.

The firefights left two gov-ernment soldiers dead and 26 others injured.

The military said po-lice and marines have set up blocking operation and checkpoints to prevent the militants from slipping out of the operation zone in Patikul town.

The 400-strong ASG, founded in the early 1990s by Islamic extremists, is a violent Muslim terror-ist group operating in the southern Philippines. The ASG is notorious for a series of kidnappings, bombings and even beheadings in southern Philippines over the past decades. -Xinhua

MANILA (March 1)- It is not yet time to abolish the Presiden-tial Commission on Good Gov-ernment (PCGG) as it still has work to do, Malacañang said yesterday. It noted the PCGG’s achievements over the years as the agency commemorated its 29th year yesterday.

“I have been following the progress of the PCGG and we can truly say they have a lot of achievements from the time they started their work—at least, particularly for this ad-ministration in 2010,” deputy presidential spokesperson Abi-gail Valte said over dzRB.

The PCGG was created 29 years ago by then President

Corazon Aquino by virtue of Executive Order Nos. 1 and 2, making it the first official act of the new government – predat-ing the present Constitution. The PCGG was supposed to recover ill-gotten wealth from the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos and his cronies.

“Cases have started moving more quickly. (They) have been able to recover more assets aris-ing out of litigations. But I think even the PCGG recognizes that there should be an end to the cases,” Valte said.

She said the PCGG will have to wind up its operations but there is no timeframe yet. -Philstar

Allow Noy to finish term,congressmen say

24 Abu Sayyafmembers killed in Sulu

PCGG won’t beabolished yet

Page 5: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

March 1-15, 2015 n 5

Page 6: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

What’s the BUZZ?

6EntertainmentMarch 1-15, 2015

admits she’s okay with having a baby before marriage

Kaye abad

As the Kapamilya drama Two Wives en-ters its last three weeks, Kaye Abad admitted she has one wish when it comes to what she wants her character Yvonne to experience by the time the show ends. “Yumaman naman sana ako (laughs). Makatikim man lang ng mansyon pag nag-te-taping. Lagi na lang ako dun sa maalikabok na lugar (laughs). Seriously, siguro basta makasama ko pa rin yung anak ko and maging masaya lang yung pamilya ko at stable yung pamilya ko pag nagtapos na yung show. Na wala na sanang mangyari pa na trahedya sa pamilya ko,” she said.

Kaye said she has learned a lot from playing Yvonne the martyr wife. “May takot yung character ni Yvonne na hindi talaga lumalaban kasi nga aminado siya na may kasalanan siya na kaya naman nagalit si Janine kasi may nangyari sa kanila ni Victor habang hindi na sila ni Victor. Kaya hindi rin naman talaga todo lumalaban si Yvonne kasi may kasalanan naman talaga siya kay Janine,” she shared during the Two Wives thanksgiving presscon held last February 24 inside the ABS-CBN compound.

Kaye said she has learned a lot from the

show as an actor and as a single person. “Na ganun pala talaga kapag may pamilya ka na and lalo na pag may anak kayo. Kasi dati pag tinatanong ako kung ako ba daw yung nasa katayuan ni Yvonne, ipaglalaban ko ba daw yung asawa ko? Sabi ko, ‘Kung ako kasi, wala pa akong asawa. Kung yung lalake ayaw sa akin, sige I’ll let go.’ Kumbaga hindi ko ipipilit yung sarili ko. Pero ang dami kong naririnig na mga kaibigan ko na may asawa or mga tita ko na may asawa na ganun talaga, sinasabihan na sila na tanga sila. Kahit minsan sinasabi ko na ang tanga tanga mo na para mag-stay pa sa relationship na yan. Pero ganun pala talaga pag pamilya na yung pinag-uusapan. ‘Pag may anak ka na ipaglalaban mo pa rin talaga na mabuo yung pamilya mo,” she explained.

After having recently taking time off from work because she got sick, Kaye said she was thankful her boyfriend Paul Jake Castillo was there to take care of her. “Siyempre nakakatuwa na nandun siya na nagbantay. Severe dysmenorrhea so kinailangan ko magpa-check up. Siguro sa pagod at puyat din, ganyan. So pinagpahinga ako ng isang week,” she

Page 7: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

March 1-15, 2015 n 7

Page 8: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

JANA Clarisse Tan star ted joining pageants at a young age of 5. She has star ted

her career in modeling here in Canada less than a year ago while set ting her goal on Miss Canada Peti te 2015.

Out of 20 girls on the first screening to represent Manitoba, she was selected. These last few years, we never had a rep-resentative from Winnipeg on this pageant for a while.

Jana will be taking the challenging world of Collision Repair and Refinish this coming school year at the Red River College.

She loves working on cars since she was a li t tle girl and she used that passion to enter the modeling world.

Jana star ted modeling in car shows, meets and photo shoots to build her por t folio. She aims not to be known not only in the automotive industry as she is more than that.

She is a very passionate and enthu-siastic learner. She learned to play the piano and dance ballet at age 3, play the guitar and sing at age 7 and many other talents and skills.

She is planning to use her song-writing skills for the talent por tion in the pageant. “My song is very close to my hear t because i t is about my

childhood. I hope that young people will learn and relate from the mes-sage,” she said.

“Miss Canada pageant is not much about outer beauty but more on the beauty that you have inside”, she explains as to why she joined the pag-eant. “The judges take into

account your communi ty contributions including

chari ties, fundraisers and volunteer work,”

she added.The pageant

will be held in Toronto on

Augus t

and will be aired on television nationwide. Moreover, there is an entry fee of $3,000 that will cover trainings, hair, makeup, accommodations, etc. This cost can be gathered through selling ads from the program book. Jana is looking for spon-sorships and donations to help her on her journey to the crown.

If she wins the pageant, her goal is to raise awareness on her plat form “No Gen-der Needed” which focuses on Women-in-trades and the LGBTT* community. “I chose this plat form because I fel t the discrimination growing up. I was bullied for what I love doing and people don’t understand that. I don’t want other people especial ly the young genera-tion to suf fer like I did,” she said.

J a n a b e l i e v e s eve r yone , n o m a t t e r what gender you are, should be treated equally.

She will be hosting lots of events to raise funds for both pageant cost and chari ty plat form in the future.

More details on her Facebook page:

Suppor t Winnipeg, Suppor t Mani-toba!

For sponsorship and donation details, please email: [email protected]

More details about the pageant: ht tp:// Xw/

Ladies & gentLemen,finalist

miss Canada Petite 2015Jana Clarisse tan

8 n March 1-15, 2015

Page 9: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

218 hutchings St., Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada r2X 2Y2phone: 204.694.6734 • phone/Fax: 204.694.6555

Publisher: te brotherS, inC.

EditorinChief: Jonathan C. MonteMaYor

Columnists: Mp KeVin laMoureuX, paStor FreD SebaStian, and paStor Junie JoSue

EntertainmentColumnist: riCKY lo

ContributingWriters: teSS aViSo neWton, GeMMa DalaYoan, Mel talaStaS Soriano, arChie CaSilan, and JeFF tuMboKon

AccountExecutive: Glen elia and JoSe XeC

Photographers: arnel San JoSe, June GarCia and bhernarD pabalan

CreativeDesign: boMeX GraphiCS

Ang Peryodiko CAnAdA is a bi-weekly publication of Ang Peryodiko Publishing Co., Inc. circulated in Winnipeg, Neepawa, Regina, and Saskatoon.

Content published in this paper does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher. Articles, press and photo releases are welcome but are subject to editorial

discretion. All submissions become the property of the publisher.Reproduction of any editorial content or in-house designed advertisements pub-

lished in this paper are not allowed without the written permission of the publisher.For advertising rates and other information, call 204.694.6734, Fax: 204.694.6555 or e-mail at [email protected] Visit our website at

Ang Peryodiko


lamoureux, 21

Straight up

mp kevinlamoureux


Ganap na kapayapaan sa gitna ng ganap na kaguluhan

josue, 21

March 1-15, 2015 OpiniOntake a

9Ang Peryodiko

FIGHTING erupted Friday morning in Maguindanao between Army soldiers and the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, according to reports. BIFF commanders later crowed that they

hit an Army tank using a 90mm recoilless rifle they had seized from police Special Action Force commandos during the Jan. 25 raid in Mamasapano, Maguindanao.

That clash, which left 44 SAF commandos dead, raised ques-tions on the true nature of the ties between the BIFF and Moro Islamic Liberation Front, whose members attacked the police raiders out to capture top Jemaah Islamiyah terrorists Zulkifli bin Hir or Marwan and his Filipino cohort Basit Usman. The MILF has always claimed that the BIFF is a splinter group whose members, in opposing the peace process, continue to stage violent attacks in Mindanao.

The Mamasapano incident, however, showed the MILF and BIFF joining forces, like brothers in arms, not only to drive away the SAF but also in butchering the commandos and then looting the corpses. The first wave of raiders managed to kill Marwan but failed to retrieve his body, and instead made do with running off with a severed finger for positive identification.

To this day the remains of the slain fugitive remain hidden by those who slaughtered the SAF 44 to protect him from capture. The military, accused by police officials of deliberately withholding reinforcements that could have saved the SAF 44 from the slaugh-ter, now claims to be fighting the BIFF with assistance from the MILF. The Moro National Liberation Front, from which the MILF also broke away during the original peace negotiations, dismissed the reported ongoing clashes in Maguindanao as a farce; Filipinos call it a moro-moro.

Questions have persisted for many years about the true nature of the ties between the MILF and BIFF. Some quarters believe that like the Pentagon kidnapping gang in the past – widely believed to be the MILF’s fund-raising arm – the BIFF is being maintained by the MILF as its underground armed force, beyond the reach of the country’s laws, even as the MILF leadership commits to de-commissioning. It will take more than acoustic warfare to dispel such doubts. Returning all the weapons and personal belongings looted from the SAF 44, including that 90mm antitank weapon, will help restore trust in a derailed peace process. -Philstar

READERS of Ang Peryo-diko will likely know that every Saturday, I am at

the McDonald’s restaurant on Keewatin street where people know they can find me if they need to talk.

Since fall of last year, it seems that every week I am being asked about the nominee program as people are becom-ing more and more frustrated with the excuses being given as to why applicants are being rejected, long processing times, lack of communications, and the fact that the program has not allowed for people outside of Canada to be able to submit applications. I would like to expand on all these points.

As an example, on the 21st of January, I reviewed one ap-plication where the person met all the requirements, had more than enough points but it was rejected because it was felt that she might have difficulty with finding employment here in Manitoba. I do not under-stand how that conclusion was reached. It concerns me as to just how much discretion is now

SA gitna ng kaguluhan sa ating mundo, saan tayo kumukuha ng kapayapaan

o pagasa ng kapayapaan? Napa-karaming pagaaway, giyera, patayan at sari saring kagulu-hang at kawalan ng seguridad ang bumabagabag sa atin. Nandyan ang napakaraming patayan dala ng terorismo gaya ng nangyari sa France sa Charlie Hebdo magazine headquarters na ikinamatay ng mahigit isang dosenang tao. Isis, Al Qaeda at iba pang radi-cal extremist na nais itatag ang paniniwala sa buong mundo at patayin ang humahadlang dito. Sa ating bansa naman ay ang pagpaslang sa 44 special action forces sa Maguindanao ng mga rebeldeng MILF. At pang araw araw na kaguluhan, krimen, problema na bumabalot sa ating paligid at mundo na nagdadala ng kabalisahan, ta-kot at pangamba. Saan nga tayo makakakuha ng kapayapaan at seguridad?

Agent 777

paSTor JunieJoSue

Brothers in arms?

This program is important to our

province and once the NDP Leadership

race is resolved, Manitoba’s Premier

needs to deal with this program as a priority issue (if nothing else, bring back Minister

Nancy Allen).

MB Nominee Programneeds a serious review

being used as a way to say no to applicants.

On another note, the actual processing time from the time someone submits an applica-tion to the time the person gets a response has also changed. Months of additional waiting time have been added and, in many cases, it is well over a year.

There is no excuse for it other than poor management of the program. I can remember when I was the MLA for Inkster

arguing years ago about pro-cessing times being too long. The minister (Nancy Allen) at the time made a commitment to reduce it to under three months and, to her credit, she did.

As a result of longer waiting times, sponsors and applicants are eager to hear something about the progress of their applications. I am constantly being told about the lack of communication coming from the nominee office.

Again, I will bring up for-

Kaya kaibigan, imbis na maapektuhan ng kaguluhan sa ating mundo o umasa sa

pagbabago o pagtigil ng kaguluhan para

pumayapa ang ating puso at isip, ilagak

mo ang pagtitiwala at pag asa sa Diyos na tunay na pinagmu-mulan ng ganap na


Mula sa Turning Point Daily Devotional ni David Jeremiah ay ang kwento ng isang lalaki na naghahanap ng perpekto o ganap na litrato ng kapayapaan. Inanunsyo niya ang paligsahan upang mahanap ang obra mae-strang ito. Ang paligsahang ito ay humamon sa imahinasyon

ng mga pintor sa lahat ng dako na nagdala ng maraming paint-ings o pagpipinta na galing sa malapit at malalayong lugar. Nagulat ang mga dumalo sa araw kung kailan pipiliin ang mananalo, nang ipinakita ang napili ng nagpapaligsahang lalaki. Mukhang ito ang pinaka malayo sa litrato na naghahayag ng ganap na kapayapaan. May waterfall o talon na kumakaskas ang tubig pababa sa mabatong

Page 10: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

10 March 1-15, 2015 n OpiniOnAng Peryodiko

THERE are lawmakers and jingoistic media commen-tators who continue to

beat the drums of war with the argument that peace in Mind-anao is only possible through more violence and even all out war. They have been joined by elements on the political fringe jumping at any opportunity to undermine the stability of the country.

The so called “Left,” who never joined EDSA People pow-er, are quick to denounce the government’s search for peace in Mindanao. These same leftist forces have not condemned the killings of policemen, soldiers and medical personnel in recent ambushes by the New People’s Army.

But now there are more groups representing respon-sible sectors of society who are finally coming out publicly to voice opinions based on reason and fact based analysis rather than emotional pandering to the public.

There was a recent interview by a female television com-mentator of two UP professors — Emmanuel de Dios and Edna Co — on their stand on the Bangsamoro Basic Law. Before the two guests could explain their stand, the commenta-tor started telling them that “you are just saying what the President said.” After several attempts to explain and being cut off with the same remark, Prof. de Dios, perhaps out of frustration, simply said: “Just because the President said it does not make it wrong.”

Those who are interested in understanding the logic and reason for the current process should read manifestos from groups who have issued their

A LOT of people are say-ing that one, only one more major mistake and

it would be enough to knock down the Aquino administra-tion. For the moment, there is still space, if properly used, that can save his government. His advisers had better make use of this space. It has to do with the Bangsamoro Basic Law.

But unreasonably stubborn as he is, Aquino has been quot-ed as saying that he will not give an inch. In his talk with legislators he told Congress to pass the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) as it has been pledged under a peace agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

“Uulitin natin, tuloy na tuloy ito. We repeat, there’s no stop-ping the BBL….”

With such intransigence Aquino once more is in col-lision course with his bosses – the people of the Philippines. A timeline has been set for the bill’s immediate approval.

This will be a disaster.With the President deter-

mined to go for BBL, it is time for the other groups in Muslim Mindanao to step in. Why should one group of Muslims – the MILF – take over the re-gion without other groups who belong to it as well?

One such group is the Bangsamoro Transformation Council. The group clarified it “is not a component of the so-


elfren S. Cruz


Carmenn. pedroSa

Make peace not warWe need a new People Power – a people united with sobriety and courage moving forward as

one united nation in search of peace and pros-perity for future generations.

stand based on well thought out reasoning. There are three particular groups I would like to cite with excerpts from their statements.

Alliance of business organi-zations

Several business organiza-tions – Makati Business Club, Management Association of the Philippines, Employers Con-federation of the Philippines, Philippine Business for Social Progress, Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines and two from Mindanao namely, the Cagayan de Oro Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Mindanao Business Council – recently issued a joint state-ment.

The group had some blunt views on the current political situation saying:

“In the midst of national mourning, certain sectors and political players have openly called for all out war in Min-danao, branded our brother and sister Muslim Filipinos as terrorists, cast doubt on the Bangsamoro Peace Process and the sincerity of the negotiators, and vigorously demanded the

resignation of the President.… We do not and will not


The business groups reiter-ated the economic gains and the credible campaign to restore integrity and good governance under the stewardship of Presi-dent Aquino. They, therefore, said: “ We must not allow po-litical manipulations to take ad-vantage of legitimate emotion and grief to the point of trump-ing reason and endangering the gains we have made over the last few years....We reaffirm our support for the Aquino ad-ministration and the Bangsam-oro Peace Process. There is no other answer to the aspirations of the Bangsamoro people but total and lasting peace. It is in this context that we appeal to the Aquino administration and all parties involved to put the peace process back on truck at the earliest time possible.”

Professors for peace

In their statement on the Mamasapano incident the 32 signatories said they were Fili-pino academics, teachers, pub-lic intellectuals, policy analysts and researchers from the lead-ing institutions that included De La Salle University, University of the Philippines, Far Eastern University, Asian Institute of Management, Ateneo de Davao, University of San Carlos, Na-

tional University of Singapore, Georgetown University (USA) and other schools.

Their statement had two main messages — a call for sobriety and that peace is pos-sible in a just and inclusive society. On sobriety they said: “ We are alarmed by the hatred and bigotry surfacing in both traditional and social media; and we call on all media to pur-sue more stringent fact based reporting at this critical point in the peace process and the nation’s history.”

In a recent television inter-view, the editor-in-chief of the Economist magazine was asked for the reason the magazine has lasted close to a century and re-tained its international credibil-ity. She replied that they make sure their writers’ views are the result of fact based analysis. It is clear that many of our com-mentators and writers reflect views based solely on opinions or specific agendas.

The Professors for Peace believe that peace is possible and offered a historical perspec-tive. They said that the “ history of all successfully negotiated peace settlements elsewhere, from Northern Ireland to South Africa tell us that it is impossible to right all wrongs committed in the past by both sides. Yet it is still possible to end the vicious cycle of conflict by sparing fu-ture generations from war, and by immediately addressing the wide social, economic and other

divides that feed the cycle of conflict and underdevelopment so poignantly revealed by the Mamasapano tragedy.”

This message should be addressed to the senators and commentators who equate justice with the maxim “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” The historical perspective may be too deep and far reaching to politicians whose agenda is lim-ited to the 2016 elections and the media commentator who is only interested in viewership and listenership ratings.

The statement ends by urg-ing the nation’s leaders to con-tinue to strengthen the peace process and ends with the hope of giving our youth “ a chance one day to build that cohesive and united society that we all aspire for.”

For all those who are inter-ested in joining their effort for peace, the Professors for Peace Movement invites everyone interested to send an e mail to [email protected]. As they say — may their tribe increase.

Catholic Educational As-sociation of the Philippines (CEAP)

The CEAP is the organiza-tion that represents more than 1,240 Catholic schools through-out the Philippines. It includes institutions that cater to the more affluent sector of society but also 700 mission schools primarily for the poor.

In terms of tertiary educa-tion – colleges and universities — the CEAP has more institu-tions than the government. In some recent media stories, it has been highlighted that some

Keep an eye on MindanaoThe BTC viewed the BBL as an imperfect process now stormed by criticisms primarily for its exclu-sive attributes rather than being naturally inclu-sive. It is also viewed as not reflective of the real

Moro aspiration for lasting peace. Since its incep-tion, many believed the BBL is bound to fail.

called National Transformation Council (NTC). The BTC was founded and organized way ahead of the NTC. The BTC is prepared to assume a lead role in dealing with the Moro problem…”

They addressed the state-ment to Bayanko, a non-parti-san group whose credo is an all inclusive movement for nation building. As a crowdsourcing movement, Bayanko is ready to pursue the dialogue with BTC. The statement came from Datu Benjie Andong and this column excerpts relevant parts are consistent with our philoso-phy of an all-inclusive solution to promote peace in Muslim Mindanao.

“The BTC viewed the BBL as an imperfect process now stormed by criticisms primarily for its exclusive attributes rather than being naturally inclusive. It is also viewed as not reflective of the real Moro aspiration for lasting peace. Since its incep-tion, many believed the BBL is bound to fail.

“The biggest stumbling block is the constitutional infirmities

contained in several of its basic provisions… It created more problems and divisions instead of offering a solution…

“The BTC adheres to active non-violence as the fundamen-tal tool to achieve Moro recog-nition and eventually for lasting peace for Muslim Mindanao. Its advocacy is for inclusion of all people of Mindanao in the struggle to finally attain the ‘elusive peace’ in the Southern Philippines. BTC is not only working for the recognition of the Moro people, but also for the Lumads and all the other inhabitants of Mindanao to be recognized as citizens of this republic with fundamental and basic inalienable rights embod-ied in the Constitution.“


On the Fallen 44, the BTC said they represented the Fili-pino nation because six of the brave were from the Cordillera indigenous tribes and two brave Moro fighters came from Mus-lim Mindanao.

“The BTC supports any

peaceful resolution to the Moro issue, but it stands firm against any form of deception. At pres-ent, there is no consistency and harmony among the contending forces in the Moro dilemma in addressing the Mindanao situ-ation and P-Noy’s strategy only created further disunity.”

The BTC agrees with Bay-anko the system must be changed.

With Muslim moderates or-ganizing themselves, Aquino’s intransigence with the BBL will face a formidable opposition.


Recently, former President FVR has stepped in to help resolve the problem. Norodin Alonto Lucman praises him: “In times like these I miss FVR. I remember I signed up with Carmen Pedrosa’s petition to extend FVR’s term because I have that sinking feeling that

after FVR and following Consti-tutional imperatives something terrible will happen in the way of sustaining the gains of FVR’s presidency. And it did - Big Time. It’s back to pre Edsa I syndrome….”

He quoted the former presi-dent when he told former Gov. Almarin Tillah of Tawi Tawi, “The AFP must act to save Mindanao from destructive politicians.”

It is not just Muslims Min-danao who are besieged by “destructive politicians.” So are Filipinos in the other parts of the country fighting hard to bring unity and a new order of politics and governance.

Bayanko’s position is all major sectors of society must have a stake in the system. The Aquino government took a divi-sive approach. The Yellow army against the others. The MILF against the others. We share the call for unity of Cardinal Tagle in his homily at the Edsa Shrine Mass when he said we must look at others like our brothers and sisters.

Bayanko recently received an offer to be part of Binay’s advisory council that it has im-mediately turned down. The same offer was made to Peping Cojuangco who is now support-ing his candidacy.

We don’t know whether this offer has the approval of the vice president or is just a ploy

cruz, 21

pedrosa, 21

Page 11: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

March 1-15, 2015 n 11

ABS-CBN’s most-watched daytime TV program “Oh My G” hit its newest all-time high national TV rating on Febru-ary 19, according to data from Kantar Media.

The Janella Salvador-star-rer ranked sixth in the list of the most-watched TV shows in the country with a national TV rating of 18%, which is almost 10 percentage points higher compared to its rival program on GMA “The Ryzza Mae Show” (8.4%).

Meanwhile, TV viewers will surely get more hooked in “Oh My G” now that Sophie (Janel-la) is going to follow G’s (God) advice to fulfill the last request of her father Paul to look for the mysterious woman named Anne Reyes.

Who is Anne and why did her

hits new all-time high national TV rating

Janella’s “Oh my g”

uncle Santi (Dominic Ochoa) lie to her about Anne’s real identi-ty? Don’t miss the continuation of the feel-good drama series that will bring everyone closer to God, “Oh My G,” weekdays before “It’s Showtime” on ABS-CBN Prime-Tanghali.

For more information about “Oh My G” log on to www.abs-, or follow @abcbndot-com on Twitter. For more up-dates, log on to or follow @abscbndotcom on Twitter. Meanwhile, viewers may also catch up on full epi-sodes and past episodes of “Oh My G” through ABS-CBNmobile. For more information, please go to

Page 12: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

12 n March 1-15, 2015

Page 13: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

March 1-15, 2015 n 13

Page 14: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

March 1-15, 2015

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I am on the tail end of my 8th month, 33 weeks of preg-nancy. Two more weeks and I will be on my 9th month. Wow, let me tell you the changes that happen and what women need to adjust to during the day-to-day activities.

First of all, I can’t bend down to tie my shoe laces, imagine putting on your socks, never mind compression socks, OMG forget it! But I have to wear them because it helps with decreasing the swelling on my ankles and feet. Sleep? What about it? Definitely having troubles because repositioning is so difficult and you wake up every time you move. Can you tell this is my first pregnancy? For those who had more than one child,good job!!!

I may sound like I am com-plaining but I just want to share some of what I am experienc-ing. I know that every woman is different and every pregnancy is different. I’m sure others ex-perience way more aches and pain in comparison to mine but fortunately I am still able to complete my daily workout routine.

In this article, I will focus on the benefits of exercises during pregnancy. I’m sure we hear that light exercises will help with healthier delivery, impor-tant to your health and your baby’s health and to maintain your strength and flexibility during your pregnancy.

If you have not added fitness into your daily routine, it is never too late to start. Be sure to consult your doctor in case there are contraindications to you exercising.

Here’s a list of benefits of exercise for pregnant women:

• Increase stamina• Little exercise can go a

long way specially giving your-self a boost

• Sleep is better when you exercise and waking up feeling rested

• Exercise helps prevent gestational diabetes which is common during pregnancy

• Mood improves: causes-the brain to release endorphins (the feel good chemical that improves mood and decreases stress and anxiety)

• Your back will be pro-tected even though abs are not targeted, exercise can relieve

back pain and pressure• Exercise helps with

increasing pain tolerance there-fore, it will help with labor and delivery

• Postpartum recovery is easier if you stay fit during pregnancy and you will recover physically after giving birth

These health benefits are helpful for those who want to start or maintain their fitness level. No pressure and most importantly, listen to your body. If an activity is uncomfortable, discontinue performing that specific activity. If you’re feeling tired, sleep. Remember, every pregnancy is different so be sure not to try vigorous activities and have a feel of the exercise you will be performing.

Another important exercise that I use for my clients with low back pain andalso recom-mended for pregnant women is the Kegel Exercise. You should have heard of the kegel exer-cise at some point in your life. However, if you haven’t, now you will have more informa-tion about how important it is and to perform kegelexercise correctly.

What is Kegel exercise?Kegel exercise is strengthen-

ing your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles control your urine flow and help hold your pelvic organs in place.Kegel exercise is recommended for every woman who strives for healthy living.

Benefits of Kegel exercise:• Strengthens and re-

stores pelvic floor muscles tone

• Increases blood flow to nerve supply to pelvic region

• Prevents and treats urinary stress incontinence

• Helps in recovery from physical stress of childbirth

• Helps to avoid inconti-nence later in life or experienc-ing stress

• Helps in going through menopause

How to perform Kegel ex-ercise?

• Lying down or sitting or standing, find the muscle that holds your pee

• Contract the muscles that stop your pee for 10 sec-onds; repeat 3 more times

• Complete 3 sets of 10 second hold, 3-4 times a day

• Avoid sucking in your

Exercise during pregnancyKegel exercise: to help strengthen your core especially during pregnancy

stomach, contracting your thighs and holding your breath

• Be sure not to do Keg-

elexercise during urination, it will hurt your bladder

Here are examples of Kegel exercise incorporating exercise ball and other exercises:

Bridge exercise with kegel: 3 sets of 10

seconds hold.

Sitting on exercise ball 3 sets of 10 seconds holdSitting for 5-10 minutes with mini bounce or side to side hip movements

Ball under the calves to help relieve low back stress while lying flat Contract pelvic floor muscles 10 seconds and

repeat 3-5 times

I hope that this helps you during your preg-nancy. Just remember before you perform any type of physical activities, consult your doctor

first. Unless of course fitness is part of your daily routine, continue on as normal bringing down

the intensity. Please look out for the next issue as we are

going to provide a simple exercise program for moms-to-be.

Exercise during pregnancy II: Weight training program and stretching pro-

gram for moms-to-be

Written by:Melanie Talastas-Soriano CAT(C) Athletic Therapist, CFT Fitness Trainer

Page 15: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

15March 1-15, 2015 n

SO MANY times he knelt down yet it was not act of prayer. With a dust

mask on, the 6’3” native of Silang, Cavite was meticu-lously cleaning the toilet, as immaculate as it could be, so he could bring home a cheque of meager amount to her loving wife. That was nine years ago when life was ambivalent, and he, a once professor and sports coordinator at De La Salle University in Dasmariñas, first arrived in Winnipeg to chase a big dream.

Nestor De Quiroz began his Canadian journey, not with a bang, but with a whimper. Not a c c l i m a t i z e d in the western ways of life, he was shocked, like many im-migrants before him, about the immense impact of this paradigm shift. For one, the bloody Ar-tic wind during the winter and spring seasons could bring any human soul to the brink of de-press ion. For someone who grew up and played basketball half-naked in alleys and streets of Silang under the blue skies, coconut trees and scorching sun, the prospect that three to four months of every passing year in Manitoba being allot-ted to surviving the deep freeze was, the very least, discourag-ing. It did not help that he was uprooted from his culture and the people he dearly loved, the anchor that defined him as a Filipino.

So, in that dingy, dimly-lit cubicle, as Nestor, the janitor, was kneeling and spraying the toilet bowls with disinfectants, and at the same time fighting back his own tears, an epiphany dawned on him. From then on, he vowed to swim against the current, like a salmon, and defy all the insurmountable odds.

The challenges and struggles in 2006, the year he migrated to Winnipeg, were not easy. Here’s a man who just turned 30 and starting a family. He has two Masters Degrees, in Business Administration and in Physical Education Sports, respectively. He earned a few units of Phd in Development Administration. With these academic feats, he secured an employment with a reputable

university and provided every-thing a growing family could ask for. Then he double downed on his future, left the comfort of academic life, crossed the seven seas, abandoned the career he worked hard for, and then started all over again.

Nestor also moonlighted as a guard for a liquor store to pocket some extra cash. One day a colleague he was about to relieve was stabbed.

“That was it. There is no profession in the world that is worth dying for,” recalled Nestor in an interview with Ang Peryodiko.

After his brief stint as jani-tor and liquor store guard, he also held a job as a production worke r . The first vehicle he bought was a $ 4 0 0 - d o l l a r rusted junk of a van. It might not be fancy but it served its pur-pose of bring-ing h im and his family from point A to point B as long as the temperature did not dip to 35

degrees Celsius below zero.“The first four months in

Winnipeg were really challeng-ing. I almost quit. My soul was really broken. I was asking my-self if I made the right decision for my family. In fact, I bought a ticket for my entire family, four months after arriving here, so we could return to the Philip-pines and resume whatever we had left back home,” confessed the basketball aficionado.

An opportunity to work at a local casino presented itself. Nestor jumped at the chance to earn better income and benefits. As a security officer, he sharpened his communica-tion skills dealing with various types of people. He met and became friends to hundreds of Filipinos who are also working in the same casino and shared similar stories. This embold-ened the Caviteño to carry on and find his rightful spot. Not long after, his wife, Jackie, was also hired in the same casino as a table card dealer. With their combined income, the De Quiroz couple were able to buy a pre-owned house in a middle class neighborhood.

After five years, the hum-drum of daily grind at work took a toll on Nestor. Yes, a

An epiphAnythat began insidea toilet cubicle

“that was it. there is no

profession in the world that is worth dying for,” recalled nestor in an

interview with ang


decent job in a crown corpora-tion offered a sense of security. What else he could ask for? His income together with his wife’s were more than enough to sustain a family with three chil-dren. But deep inside, he knew something was amiss. Perhaps, it was his own conscience plead-ing with him that he could accomplish more. Initially, he dismissed the idea of shifting to another career.

“I never imagined myself in the sales profession because I absolutely feared rejections. More so, I thought I was already at the peak of my career when I lectured at De La Salle,” contin-ued the mortgage consultant.

Despite the naysayers, Nestor gambled by reducing his working hours and burned midnight oil to acquire his li-cense as a mortgage consultant. When he finally passed the license exam, his initial clients naturally included his circle of friends and co-workers. A natural storyteller with an ami-able personality, Nestor easily adjusted to his role as sales professional. As months ebbed away, he spent more time learn-ing every nook and cranny of his newly-found world, and less time in the casino. Eventually, he quit the latter and journeyed to a new chapter of his life. As he expanded his network, he encouraged his wife to follow suit. Not as a mortgage special-ist, but as a real estate agent.

With no 15th and 30th cheques offered by traditional employment, Nestor rolled his sleeves and buckled down to work using his unorthodox strategy. He is now his own boss, his income only limited by his own imagination. This mort-gage consultant firmly believes in the power of goodwill. To his potential clients, he takes an extra mile, sometimes, literally --- preparing tax returns, being a mover for people transferring to new homes, assisting in the preparation of paper works of those who wish to avail the Provincial Nominee Program,

own skin and savoring the fruits of his labor. More time at hand means more chances to travel and bond with his family. He also enjoys personally guiding his children to navigate the paths to teen hood.

From scrubbing toilet bowls to rubbing elbows with bank executives, this mortgage con-sultant has finally find his niche. In 2014, his unrelenting pursuit for a better life was rewarded with a six-figure income, not bad for someone who feared rejections. -Photo by Archie Casilan

(Archie Casilan emerged from the Creative Writing Class of the late critic and writer Jess Q. Cruz. He contributed articles to various newspapers and publications in the Philip-pines. Prior to migrating to Winnipeg in 2007, he became the managing editor of a de-funct political magazine, The Philippine Advocate. A student activist during his college days, he is now a political pundit among his drinking buddies. He earned a Bachelor’s Arts degree from Far Eastern University. To sustain a living, he works full time for a crown corporation. To feed his soul, he writes prose and poetry.)

assembling furniture, plumb-ing, etc.

“There was even a time when I replaced a toilet bowl as an extra customer service,” stated Nestor, smilingly.

Almost a decade after a De La Salle professor stepped on Canadian soil, the gambit seemed to have paid off. He and his wife, Jackie, now an outstanding realtor, sold their old house and bought a brand new home in Amber Trail, of which the modern contempo-rary interior was designed by a local Filipino designer. The once reluctant sales profes-sional is now comfortable in his

Nestor De Quiroz, sales professional par excellence, poses for Ang Peryodiko during the interview.

By Archie Casilan



Page 16: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue. n March 1-15, 201516

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Enrique Gil admitted that Liza Soberano is really special to

him. The Forevermore star relayed that Liza is one of the closest people to him right now. “Kami ni Liza masasabi ko we are really on point, we are super close, masasabi kong best friend ko siya at sobrang bait niyang tao in and out. She’s the most beautiful girl na nakita ko,” he said in an exclusive interview with

The actor also revealed that more than best friends, he has feelings for Liza. “Para sa akin ‘yun ang exactly the same thing eh, I am having a best friend, she’s not only a friend, siyempre there is something more special than that dahil siyempre gusto mo siya at pagpinagsama mo

enrique gil onLiza Soberano:‘She’s the most beautifulgirl na nakita ko’

‘yun jackpot na, solid ‘yun, at siyempre super happy.”

Enrique relayed that what attracted him the most to Liza is her character. “Una sa lahat nagustuhan ko siya is sobrang humble niya at mas nagustu-han ko siya when nalaman ko ‘yung kwento ng buhay niya, don talag ako na-wow. At tsaka masarap siya kasama.”

He further shared that they agree on a lot of things which makes it easier for him to get along with the actress. “Kung ako favorite ko cookies and cream, favorite din niya cookies and cream, ako ayoko ng suka, siya allergic sa suka so sobrang nagja-jive talaga kami so ‘yun sobrang nakakatuwa na to find a girl na tulad niya,” he said.

In a separate interview with Push, Liza also admitted that Enrique is special to her and that she has a crush on the ac-tor. “It’s not hard to like him, his very likeable and we’re close. It’s fun to have a crush on your best friend. [I like ‘yung] pagig-ing family person and [that] he loves animals. And makikita mo talaga na ginagawa niya lahat for his family, for his mother, that he has dreams and in his dreams kasama niya ‘yung fam-ily niya that’s something that I really like about a guy.”

Enrique extended his grati-tude to all their LizQuen sup-porters. The actor promises that there will be a lot of more exciting things that will happen in their show Forevermore. “Sa lahat ng supporters, sa lahat ng nagpapa-trend sa amin sa Twitter laging number one na-tionwide, worldwide, maram-ing salamat for all your effort, huwag kayong magaalala relax lang kayo, I love you all.”

Page 17: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

love the GaME17

Ang PeryodikoSportsMarch 1-15,

MANILA (March 1) – The only way Manny Pacquiao gets to defeat Floyd Mayweather is to knock him out.

This is the declaration of Pac-quiao’s archrival Juan Manuel Marquez, who offered the tip to the Filipino icon as he tries to accomplish what 47 other box-ers before him tried but failed to. In a report by, Marquez pointed out that Pacquiao needs to deal with Mayweather’s myriad skills to emerge victorious in their May 2 showdown in Las Vegas.

“Mayweather has the de-fensive resources, technique, speed, and counter-attacks to do a lot of damage to Pacquiao, and I think he will impose [those traits],” the Mexican legend stressed.

Marquez knows Pacquiao from head to toe, having tangled with the fighting congressman for four epic bouts that culmi-nated in a sensational knockout victory for the Mexican in 2012. Prior to that, the 41-year-old boxer drew with Pacquiao in their first encounter in 2004 then lost close decisions in their next two rematches.

Marquez in 2009 also chal-lenged Mayweather, who domi-nated him to win a decision.

Pacquiao will now attempt what Marquez and other fight-ers weren’t able to do – hand Mayweather his first setback.

And the only way to do it, ac-cording to Marquez, will be via a knockout. “I know how judges perform in Las Vegas, as we saw that fight where Jose Luis Castillo

Oklahoma City guard Russell Westbrook underwent surgery to repair a right cheek fracture and will miss the Thunder’s next game, the team announced on Saturday.

Westbrook suffered a knee to the face at the end of Friday’s game against Portland and will miss at least the contest against the Los Angeles Lakers on Sunday.

It comes at an inopportune time as Westbrook enjoyed a phenomenal February, averaging 31.2 points, 10.3 assists and 9.1 rebounds.

With reigning MVP Kevin Durant out of Oklahoma City’s lineup due to injury, West- brook had been carrying the team.

The 26-year-old was named the MVP of last month’s NBA All Star Game and has thrust his name into league MVP discus-sions with his play as of late.

Westbrook is av-eraging 26.5 points, 8.1 assists and 6.8 re-bounds on the season for the Thunder, who are cur-rently in the eighth and final play-off spot in the West-e rn Con -f e r e n c e . (Writing by Jahmal Cor-ner in Los Angeles, ed-iting by Nick Mulvenney)

MANILA – The Palace said it will let the Congress and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) study a senator’s proposal to give tax exemption to Filipino boxing icon Manny Pac-quiao for his upcoming fight against Floyd May-weather Jr.

S e n a t o r A q u i l i n o “Koko” Pimentel III earlier proposed that Pacquiao be given tax exemption as his incentive for represent-ing the Philippines to the highly anticipated bout on May 2.

But Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Valte said the executive department believes that BIR Com-missioner Kim Henares can come up with inputs regarding the proposal. The BIR and Pacquiao have clashed in the past over the latter’s tax problems.

“And we’ll leave it also to our fellow workers in Congress to deliberate on that particular proposal also because you would have to necessarily dis-cuss,” Valte said.

“There will be ques-tions on ‘yung paano ho ‘yung mga ibang atleta na they also go out and com-pete, they bear the flag, and kasama din po ba sila kung sakali, lalo ‘yung mga iba nating professional athletes.”

US media has reported that the undefeated May-weather will receive 60 percent of the purse and stands to make some $120 million with the Filipino taking $80

What Palace thinks ofproposed

tax exemptionfor Pacquiao

GO FOr K.O. Juan Manuel Marquez says Manny Pacquiao has no other choice but to knock out Floyd Mayweather Jr. in order to win in their May 2 super bout.

Marquez to pacquiao:

No choice but to KO Mayweatherbeat [Mayweather]. However, [the judges] gave it to Mayweath-er and Pacquiao has no alterna-tive but to knock Mayweather out to end his undefeated record,” he continued.

Marquez referred to May-weather’s first fight with Jose

Luis Castillo in 2002, where the Mexican challenger ap-peared to have done enough to win. Castillo, however, lost via a controversial unanimous decision in the bout that some observers thought he should’ve won.

Westbrook injury blow for oklahoma City

Page 18: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

18 n March 1-15, 2015

REDWOOD SHORES, CA, February 24, 2015 – Twit-ter exploded last Tuesday in the Philippines when teenage sensations, Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo, premiered their latest movie together, ABS-CBN Star Cinema’s roman-tic comedy, Crazy Beautiful You, which TFC@theMovies will bring to over 40 theaters in the US and Canada starting March 6.

The Twitter followers of the “KathNiel” loveteam - which total over 7 million - made their loyal presence felt for their celebrity idols, tweeting like crazy and posting a veritable, beautiful photo coverage of

another milestone event for the on-screen couple.

Coming off the successess of their last teleserye, “Got To Believe”, and hit movie, “She’s Dating The Gangster”, fans have been eagerly anticipating the next team up of Padilla and Bernardo. No less than the sea-soned Mae Cruz-Alviar, director of huge box-office rom-com hits like “Babe, I Love You”, “She’s The One” and “Bride For Rent”, was tapped to helm Crazy Beautiful You, assuring many of another delightful cinematic journey.

The story of Crazy Beauti-ful Youfocuses on problem child Jackie Serrano (played

Kathryn bernardo, daniel Padilla back on thebig screen to thrill fans with “Crazy beautiful you”

tFC@theMovies brings the hottest Filipino rom-com to over 40

theatres in u.S. and in Canada starting March 6.

by Bernardo) whose rebel-lious spirit forces her mother (played by Lorna Tolentino) to take her to a medical mission in Tarlac province in hopes that this would instill a sense of responsibility in her and that she’d turn out for the better. There she meets Kiko (played by Padilla) who will make sure she gets all her tasks done dur-ing the mission. Together, they will embark on an unforgettable

adventure that will change their lives forever.

“It was Ernest Hemingway who wrote the line, ‘When spring came, there were no problems ex-cept where to be happiest,’ from his memoir, ‘A Moveable Feast’, said ABS-CBN Global Head of Theatricals and acclaimed film and TV director John-D Lazatin. “We are on the cusp of winter and spring here in North America, so consider Crazy Beautiful You our Filipino spring film offering. I can promise you that this movie, like its title, will be a crazy riot of the beautiful colors and shades of young love. And hardly any-body does young Filipino love better on the big screen than the

loveteam of KathNiel. The mov-iegoers are in for a very happy spring treat.”

As an additional treat, TFC is offering a Sneak Peek of Crazy Beautiful Youthis Sun-day, March 1, preempting “Citi-zen Pinoy” at 6:15pm Pacific, 9:15pm Eastern. Live the magic of this love duo with behind-the-scene interviews and more - the perfect appetizer to the main entree which is the mov-iegoers’ date night on March 6 with TFC@theMovies.

For more information includ-ing the theater listings for US and Canada on Crazy Beauti-ful You,visit

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March 1-15, 2015 n 19

MANILA (March 1) - Alex Gonzaga admits having hesitations to have her first concert at the Smart Araneta Coliseum.

Concert Producer Joed Serrano was the one who approached Alex and convinced her dad to hold the “AG from the East: #TheUnexpectedConcert”, which will hap-pen on April 25.

“Ilang beses po ako nag-no — mga twice,” she said, laughing, in an interview on Thursday. “Kasi parang okay na po akong ito ang gagawin ko, maliit na venue. Pero very persistent po si kuya Joed and sobra ang binigay niyang faith. So sabi ko baka si Lord na ang gumagamit sa kanya, sige, why not.”

Not everyone is aware that Alex can sing, especially since she doesn’t showcase it in “ASAP’s” Karaoke segment where she sings with Luis Manzano.

Yet her sister Toni has once defended her already and explained that “kasi kapag kumanta si Alex ka-boses ko. So kapag kumanta siya sasabihin na naman ng tao ginagaya niya ‘yong ate niya. Kasi ‘yon ang parang scapegoat niya.”

So when Toni learned about her upcom-ing concert, she would scold Alex when she sees her not preparing for it.

“Siyempre bilang ate ang dami niyang gusto ipagawa sa akin,” she relates, adding that Toni would tell her to swim and run on the treadmill to improve her stamina and endurance.

Although she’s now slowly showcasing her talents in singing, acting and hosting,

alex gonzaga’s‘unexpected’ concert

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Alex clarified that she can never take over her sister’s success in the industry.

“Lahat ng tao iba-iba ‘yan. So may ibang maipapakita ‘yan na hindi mo kayang ipakita, at mayro’ng kaya mo ipakita na wala naman sila,” she explained. “So siguro hindi po maganda na sabihing ako po ang papalit sa kanya, kasi forever na po na andyan ang mga nauna sa iyo.” -Philstar

Page 20: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

20 www.angperyodiko.caMarch 1-15, 2015

IN the wee hours of today, we posted on our Facebook page a photo of a lowered

owner-type jeep that had been used as a bridal car by an awe-some couple. The owner of the jeep sent us that photo, which

has now collected more than 35,000 likes as we

write this. The guy is named Alfred Ty--no, not that super-rich Al-

fred Ty--and it’s unclear whether he was also the

groom seen driving the jeep in the picture or he simply lent it to a friend.

The bridal jeep photo, by the way, was sent to us back in December.

Anyway, Alfred has sent us more recent images of the jeep. Apparently, he has been modifying the thing since acquiring it. He says he bought it mainly because of its Toyota 4AGE engine. He has also installed wider wheels, giving the jeep a sportier stance. And yes, the

Victoria Court sticker remains.Check out the pics and

be inspired to put together your own four-wheel cre-

ation. Just be commit-ted to it. (Story


tos from Alfred Ty)

Did you see that bridal owner-type

jeep?Well, here are more pics

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21March 1-15, 2015 n

horoscopearieS (March 21-april 19): You’ve been on a roll, and it’s been great fun, hasn’t it? You’ve been working hard, playing hard and being easy to get along with — especially since you’ve been able to get the results you’ve wanted. You’re still feeling mellow, but you’ll need to be a bit more assertive today. TaUrUS (april 20-May 20): You possess a very particular type of honesty that’s straightforward and compassionate — and you shouldn’t ever let anyone tell you it’s not the right way to be. Especially not at this particular moment in time. Whatever comes up now will call for someone with guts, firmness and compassion — someone who can boldly say what no one has said before, in an inimitable, inarguably honest way. That would be you. Go right ahead and step in.GeMini (May 21-June 20): You’ve never been fond of keeping secrets — or very good at it, either, to be honest. Fortunately, you’re also perfectly equipped to say what’s on your mind and in your heart just as soon as it occurs to you. That’s going to come in handy right about now, when a loved one comes to you with that look on their face — begging you, without saying a word, to keep quiet about a recent event.CanCer (June 21-July 22): Friends in need aren’t new to you — you tend to attract them. You know it, and you love it. It also doesn’t hurt that you’re the absolute ultimate nurturer and the trustworthiest of friends. At this particular moment in time, by the way, those traits will be running on high. leO (July 23-aug. 22): If there’s anyone on the planet you’d never have believed would take your side — and defend you, too, even to their superiors — oddly enough, it will now turn out to be the one person who will. In fact, they’ll do all that and more to help. Fortunately, you’re an absolute expert at expressing gratitude. Once you get over the shock of it, you may even start an actual friendship.VirGO (aug. 23-Sept. 22): Every now and then, the universe sends along a pleasant surprise for no particular reason.

Congrats — because you’re due for one of those right now. Someone you haven’t seen for a very long time is due to make an appearance — and not just a cameo appearance, either. liBra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your sign specializes in relation-ships, and when you’ve decided that someone is perfect for someone else, you’ll stop at nothing to get them together. That’s lovely, but at the moment, if you’ll be acting on behalf of one of those parties coaching them on the fine points of playing hard-to-get wouldn’t hurt. SCOrPiO (Oct. 23-nov. 21): You love your time alone — you insist on it. Everyone knows that. Every now and then, however, even your privacy-loving sign needs to get out there and mingle with a great big group of kindred spirits. This absolutely does not mean you can’t still give yourself alone-time, but it could mean that you’ll need to put it off for a little while. SaGiTTariUS (nov. 22-dec. 21): Your sign’s resume has never included a fondness for being meticulous, discreet or frugal. Those traits, sometimes even in others, bore you to tears. You’re known for being a bit too blunt at times, but you’re also honest and generous — which explains the cast of amazingly different characters you call friends. CaPriCOrn (dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’re not exactly famous for indulging yourself — and that goes for anything in any category. You’re the epitome of self-restraint — especially when you’re on a mission, and your goal is in sight. Right now, though, anything even remotely resembling a halfway approach just won’t work for you. aQUariUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Having trouble sleeping? And even more trouble staying asleep once it finally happens? Well, there’s only one thing to do: Schedule some quality time alone with yourself, and figure out what’s bothering you. An issue you can’t quite put to bed — figuratively speaking — is probably what’s keeping you from putting yourself to bed — literally. If you need help, you know who to call for advice — and it’s their turn, isn’t it?PiSCeS (Feb. 19-Mar 20): You’ve got a bit of a dilemma now, and you’ll be quite torn by it. Should you listen to what seems like amazingly sound advice, courtesy of a loved one who’s not only never let you down, but also has experience in the type of situation you’re currently dealing with? Or should you go with your gut, even if it’s telling you to do the exact opposite?

Kristine Hermosa has long wanted to be back in front of the camera. However, as she has previously stated, she would only do it provided that the right project is given to her.

But what is the right project anyway?

“Buong showbiz life ko, drama na ang ginagawa ko. Now I want something differ-ent,” she said in an interview at StarStudio magazine’s February issue.

She added, “It doesn’t have to be comedy, just something light and enlightening to watch. I want to be able to inspire people through what I do. ‘Yan ang matagal ko na sinasabi. I will return, anytime, as long as you give me a project that will uplift people’s spirits.”

Whether her comeback is happening anytime soon or not, what is sure is that it would be a gradual event.

“I want to take it slow, paisa-isa. I really want to but at the same time, I want something different from what I used to do,” she stressed.

Kristine points out that being a mother and a wife has gravely changed what she can and can-not do for showbiz.

“Before my time was my own, kahit kulang ako sa tulog, nakaktulog naman. I only had myself to think of, ngayon, pu-puyatin mo ako, when I have a family to think about,” she said. “I need to be a wife and mother, then I have to take care of myself—hindi ko alam kung paano ko kakayanin lahat ‘yon. I’ll go crazy! Baka magsulat na lang ako sa dingding.”

The former Pangako Sa ’Yo actress also pointed out that she wants something that won’t compromise not only her time with her family but also her morals.

“I told them I am looking for something that will offer view-ers valuable lessons, hindi ‘yung

to get Bayanko to support him in exchange for his commitment to change the Constitution.

Whether the offer is genu-ine or not, Bayanko wishes to state categorically that under no circumstances will it join an advisory council of Jojo Binay. It does not support any presi-dential candidate for 2016.


Things to remember: In a post on the website of Filipino e-Scribbles we are told the origi-nal Bayan Ko song was written in Spanish by General José Alejandrino, a close associate of General Antonio Luna.

The original title was “Nues-tra Patria.“ The Spanish lyrics were originally written for the famous 1898 zarzuela “Walang Sugat” (No Wound) by Sev-erino Reyes, and it expressed opposition to the United States Occupation.

From ex-DILG Sec. Jess Robredo, “It is not enough that a leader is good, more im-portantly, it is the people and the system that must force the leader to be good.”-Philstar


From 10

Catholic clergy and nuns are op-posing the government’s stand on the Bangsamoro process for peace. However, the CEAP has come out with its official stand which I have written about.

Let me just repeat the first statement of their manifesto: “We are profoundly saddened and shocked that the delibera-tions on the Bangsamoro Basic Basic Law have been indefi-nitely suspended.”

In its closing statement, the Catholic educators said: “Let those in the north and south who are charged with leader-ship walk humbly, calmly and wisely before the God of Peace together. Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. Do not requite evil with evil. Requite evil with good, confusion and rage with wisdom, death with life. Pass a Bangsamoro Basic Law that secures justice and peace.”

The principal officers of the CEAP who signed included Br. Erguiza FSC of La Salle (presi-dent), Fr. Joel Tabora, S.J. of Ateneo de Davao (vice presi-dent), Fr. Herminio Dagohoy O.P. of UST (treasurer) and other trustees.

Give peace a chance

I join the business groups who said: “We cannot afford to squander 56 months of institu-tionalizing reforms, weeding out corruption and solidifying our economic and social foun-dations.”

We need a new People Power – a people united with sobriety and courage moving forward as one united nation in search of peace and prosperity for future generations.-Philstar


From 10

bangin. Masama at maulan ang panahon at kulay abo ang ulap sa kalangitan habang puno nang ilaw ng sumasabog at kumakalat na kidlat. Sa kalagit-naan ng sinaryo ay may maliit at mukhang marupok na puno sa gitna ng talon. Sa isa sa mga sanga nito ay ang pugad na kung saan ay may isang ibon na namamahinga dito. Habang nakapikit ang mga mata ng ibon ay tinatakpan ng kanyang mga pakpak ang mga sisiw na kasama niya sa pugad. Pinaha-hayag niya ang kapayapaan na pinangingibabawan ang magulo at mapanganib na paligid.

Ang Diyos, na master art-ist, ay dinisenyo ang buhay na maranasan natin ang ganap na kapayapaan sa ating kaloo-ban sa paraang hindi pinahi-hintulutan ang kaguluhan na maliliman ang pag asa natin sa katas taasang pamamahala at kapangyarihan ng Diyos sa lahat ng bagay at pangyayari sa buhay. Pagkatapos na matag-puan at maransan natin ang kapayapaang ito mula sa Diyos, nais din niya na ikalat natin ito sa mga tao sa paligid natin. Kung paanong ang mga teror-ista ay nagkakakalat ng lagim at takot, nais ng Diyos na ikalat natin ang kanyang pambihirang kapayapaan. Kapayapaang galing sa pambihirang pagibig ng Diyos sa atin na hindi nag-babago o naglalaho. Pagibig na magdadala sa Diyos na gawin sa abot ng kanyang makakaya o kapangyarihan ang bagay na mabuti para sa kanyang minamahal. Kayat kahit napa-paligiran tayo ng kaguluhan at kawalan ng kasiguruhan, sa-mantalang nakatuon ang ating pagtitiwala at pag asa sa Diyos ay puno tayo ng kapayapaang hindi maipaliwanag. Ito ang sinabi ng propetang Isayas sa Isayas 26:3-4, “Iyong iingatan siya sa lubos na kapayapaan, na ang pagiisip ay sumasa iyo: sapagka’t siya’y nagtiti-wala sa iyo. Magsitiwala kayo sa Panginoon magpakailan man: sapagka’t nasa Panginoong Diyos ang walang hanggang batong maasahan.”


From 9

Kaya kaibigan, imbis na maapektuhan ng kaguluhan sa ating mundo o umasa sa pag-babago o pagtigil ng kaguluhan para pumayapa ang ating puso at isip, ilagak mo ang pagtitiwa-la at pag asa sa Diyos na tunay na pinagmumulan ng ganap na kapayapaan. (Junie Josue, Lead Pastor, International Worship Centre, 1077 St James Street, Winnipeg Manitoba, 204-774-4478)

mer Minister Nancy Allen who seemed to make that issue a priority. In fact, I can recall that whenever I inquired about a file, through the Minister’s di-rective, people were contacted and provided some form of an update.

I have no idea as to why communication or consultation has been minimized today. I can understand and empathize with the sponsors and applicants’ growing frustration. At one time it was Immigration Canada that was worse than the nominee program in Winnipeg but that has changed.

The biggest problem with the nominee program is related to what was not done a year or more ago. The Government knew or should have anticipated the need to make the necessary changes to the program over a year ago in order to have pre-vented the program from being frozen last summer (temporary workers in Manitoba and inter-national students can still apply if in Manitoba).

There are issues related to Ottawa wanting Manitoba to work with other provinces with respect to identifying the num-ber of certificates that would be available to our province versus the number of people in Manitoba wanting to get fam-ily, friends and workers from abroad. In short we all knew that the demand for certificates was greater than the supply.

Bottom line is that we now have hundreds if not thousands of people here in Manitoba just waiting to see what is going to happen when the program re-opens.

My comments are not meant to be a reflection on the civil service workers who I know are doing an outstanding job with what they have. The issue is one of making the necessary changes to fix the program and properly resource the nominee office.

This program is important to our province and once the NDP Leadership race is resolved, Manitoba’s Premier needs to deal with this program as a pri-ority issue (if nothing else, bring back Minister Nancy Allen).


From 9Kristine Hermosadetails dream

comeback projectpuro drama na lang. Our life is full of drama as it is so I want to give people something they will find encouraging,” she said.

As someone who has be-come loved by her fans with her highly-dramatic characters such as Yna Macaspac, Kristine observed that drama has nega-tive effect on its viewers.

“The tendency is for them to relate to the character and say na kaya sila inaapi kasi ganito talaga ang buhay. They will go into self-pity mode instead of realizing how powerful God is in their lives,” she said.-push-abs-cbn.

com/Photo credit to

Page 22: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

March 1-15, 2015 CommunityPEoPlE, places &

Ang Peryodiko22

After tying the knot last year, Jeri-cho Rosales has been persistently asked whether or not he is already planning to have a baby with wife Kim Jones. In an interview with the actor during the photo shoot of his new show Bridges of Love, Jericho shared that there is no plan yet since they are both caught up with their respective careers and they still have more things to pursue professionally.

“Wala pa[ng plano] hindi pa, I’m still praying about it kung kailan ang perfect timing kasi gusto ko muna ma-enjoy niya ’yung work niya, I mean ako din gusto ko maging prepared for that. Kasi pagkinasal kayo hindi pa tapos don ‘yun eh, pag-aaralan niyo pa ‘yung isa’t isa ‘di ba? And then kung kailan ‘yung timing,” he said.

Jericho remarked that it is essential that he will get to take care of Kim when the time comes that she gets pregnant. With his busy schedule now that would be impossible so he would rather not have it happen soon. “I want to be there for her kapag nabuntis na siya. I want to be there a few months before siya manganak and a few months after siya manganak so timing is crucial talaga. Gusto ko andon ako eh para sa kanya and

we’re both not ready pa so we are praying hard about it. Time will come.”

The actor is set to star in the upcom-ing soap Bridges of Love this March. With the intimate and passionate scenes that his role requires, how is Kim reacting to it? “Well first of all Australian si Kim so medyo open ‘yung kultura nila ‘di ba so hindi masyadong konserbatibo pero may values siyempre si Kim. Walang naging problema sa amin ‘yun ever kasi alam niya na ginagawa ko ‘yung work ko, na may reason. She knows that na hindi ako gagawa ng isang bagay for wrong reasons, that’s how much she trusts me and vice versa.”

He further stressed that Kim is very understanding when it comes to his work and he appreciates her for it. “She’s the most supportive, she’s my best friend, she’s my most favorite person in the world and the only issue now of course is she’s busy, she’s very busy ‘yun lang pero okay lang ‘yan. Sanay na sanay kami sa isa’t isa, kumbaga para sa akin lang perfect, wala namang perfect pero ‘yung set-up namin, ‘yung pagkakaintin-dihan namin sa isa’t isa, full support talaga.” credit to

the biSDaK oF WinnipeG (boW) GaMelY poSe For the CaMera aFter a SiMple Get-toGether on Valentine’S DaY.

are Jericho rosales and Kim Jonesplanning to have a baby already?

Page 23: Ang Peryodiko News Paper March 1st to March 15th Issue.

23March 1-15, 2015 n

championship history – in the main event of UFC 184 at Staples Center to retain her women’s bantamweight title.

Rousey blew away Alexis Davis in just 16 seconds at UFC 175 in July in what seemed to be a ridiculously easy manner. But it was done even quicker on Saturday.

Zingano raced out of her cor-ner and threw a flying knee at Rousey. She then flung Rousey down. But Rousey, the vastly superior grappler, quickly re-versed position and got on top.

She extended Zingano’s arm toward her and then turned her hips to the right, putting incred-ible pressure on the joint and forcing the tap.

“We expected she might come out flying,” Rousey said.

It was over so quickly, Zinga-no seemed stunned. She didn’t

know what to say and several times uttered an expletive as she was being interviewed in the cage by UFC broadcaster Joe Rogan.

“She had my arm and I saw her leg,” Zingano said. “I thought to grab a hold of it and all of a sudden, I was tap-ping.”

Rousey has now beaten each of the women ranked 1-5 in the bantamweight division, including Miesha Tate twice. Tate actually made it to the third round at UFC 168 in 2013, but since then Rousey needed 1:06 to stop Sara McMann, 16 seconds to dispose of Davis and only 14 seconds to end it against Zingano.

Against McMann, Davis and Zingano, fighters who entered their bouts against her with a combined record of 32-5, Rous-ey is 3-0 with three first-round

finishes in a combined time of one minute, 36 seconds.

There is literally no one for her to fight. Tate appears to be the only opponent currently in the UFC who is even remotely competitive with her.

Former Strikeforce cham-pion Cristiane Justino, who defeated Charmaine Tweet on an Invicta card Friday in Los Angeles, wants to come to the UFC to face Rousey, but there is question if she can make the bantamweight limit of 135.

And even if she makes it, even Justino would appear to be a long shot to beat the 2008 Olympic judo bronze medalist.

“Holly Holm is a world champion boxer and I want to test myself against that strik-ing,” Rousey said. “And Bethe Correia is undefeated and I’d like to take that ‘0’ away from her.” BY KEVIN IOLE/YAHOO SPORTS

Ronda Rousey destroys Cat Zingano in just 14 seconds at UFC 184

LOS ANGELES – It used to be that Ronda Rousey needed a minute to finish her fights. Now, she’s getting two of them done in half of that time.

The most dominant fighter

in the world continued her mind-boggling run of destruc-tion Saturday, submitting previ-ously unbeaten top contender Cat Zingano in just 14 seconds – the quickest finish in UFC

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24 n March 1-15, 2015