and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he...

HbbbbIbbVbbsbbbbWbbsbVbSsswbVI jj 'r Established Jnlj VOL,. XXII.. MO, 4135 miNOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TUESDAY, OCTOKEK 9 lo I'KK K: 5 OBNTK. GILBERT F. LITTLE, C. BREWER & CO., LIMITED.. Queen Street. Honolulu, H. I. Warden Of the Cilaple Ports, in place of Lord Dutlerm, resigned. U DGE BRTJXSON'S WIUL. the treaty of peace the Chinese Plen ipotentiaries amended the first article by inserting ti e words "and Japan" in the rirst line, so it reads, "China and Japan recognize," etc. On the 10th of April the Japanese Plenipotentiaries submitted their re- ply, in which they decline to accept this amendment and "find it neces- sary to adhere to Article 1 as origi- nally presented." They repeat the same refusal in their ultimatum. In the treaty of peace as finally signed on the 17th of April, Article 1 appears, word for word, as it was orig- inally submitted by Japan and as above quoted. Nor is there anything iu any part of the treaty that may be construe 1 as a recognition of the iude peudeuce of Corea ny Japan. MORE CHINESE EXECUTED. HONOLULU IRON WOHKS CO.. Steam Engines, Boilers, suirar Ml lit. COolera, Brat and i.-ii- i attiiiit. And Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ships' blacksmithing. Job work executed on the shortest notice. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson, Importers and Dealers in Lumber And All Kinds of Building Material, NO. H- - PORT t l HKKT. HONOLULU. H. JAOUEN, Practical -:- - Qunmaker, Will do any kind of repairing to Firearms, also Browning and Blueing and Restock- ing equal to factory work. Satisfactior guaranteed. Union Street, with C Sterling. Painter. LATE i'nllFJiA BS. The Venezuela Affair Gets Interesting. MORE ABOUT THE COREA AFFAIR. Minimis of Salisbury Math Warden of the inm Ports English Battle- - 1 11 1 Ltiinclu'ti Judge Branson's nn' ill The Nicaragua anal Report. Caracas (Venezuela), Oct. 17. For a week the greatest activity ha pre- vailed litre, troops being hastily rushed iu all directions. It is claimed that a revolutionary expedition is uo w offOruha preparing to laud men and arms. Arms from Bueuos Ay re- - are reported to have been landed ou the coast Sunday. A renewed protest has been seut to the Dutch authorities at Curacoa against allowing conspirators against Crespo to meet and couspire there publicly. Already there have been rights at Coro, Valencia, Areu ami Barinas, and a considerable revolu- tionary force is now reportt-- d as being near the city of San Carlos. The government is afraid to send troop from this city as riots are threatened here and the troops at this garrison are reported to be mostly dissatisfied President Crespo is afraid to move unlets surrounded by guards. His reorganized cabinet threatens to re- sign, whioh but iucreases the great disorder. Government officials call public attention to a claim that they have received news from the LTuited States that the government will sus taiu the Crespo administration. The question of asking for a protectorate by the United States over this couu try is being urged aud opeuly dis- cussed. At Areu Monday morning at day- light government troops were at- tacked and surprised, and after a short but decisive combat the rebels entered the town, the government troops retreating pursued by the rebels, who were trying to provoke another fight. Colonel Mateo, who commanded the rebels, organized a new government for Areu. At the same time auother rtbel force under Colonel Sam Martin attacked Coro, but the garrison there drove the as sailants back. Several more attacks were made during the day with the same result, but the next day at noon the rebels forced the troops to evacu- ate the town, many troop deserting aud joining the rebels. On Tuesday afternoon there was a risiujj among the troops garrisoning Valencia, but after a stubborn fight the riotors were forced to leave the town, which they yet beseige, being re enforced. The commander of the garrison sent repeated requests here for re-enfor- ce ments, sayn g he would have to Mir render unless aided soon. At Barinas on Monday the garrison mutinied, and after locking the officers inside the guardhouse, proclaimed in favor of the revolution Troops, it is said, committed many excesses, and are believed to have killed their officers. A rebel force of over ISO is now threatening S tn Carlos. Their com mander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he will march ou this city. MTNTSTER KURIXO TALKS. A Statement off Japan's Policy Toward Cores. New York, Oct. 20. Last Friday Mr. Kuril. o, the Japanese Minister furnished for publication a statement concerning the policy of Japan toward Corea, in which, among other things, he said: "The treaty of Snimonoseki signed by Japan and China, recog nized the independence of Corea, and Japan has fully complied with the lett r and spirit of that treaty." Eieference lo the ofhVial print of the record shows that Mr. Kurino is cor iect so far as China is concerned, nut there appears to be nothing iu the treaty which can he construed as a recognition of the independence of Corea by Japan. The fir-- t memoran- da which the Plenipotentiaries of J 1 pan submitted to those from China at the conference concerning the term-o- f peace on the 1st of April contains the following: 'Article 1. China recognizes, ,iefi uitely, the full and complete inde- pendence and autonomy of Corea, and, in consequence, payment of tribute and performance of ceremonies aud formalities y Corea to China, iu dero gation of such independence shall cease for the future." in the reply of China to this propo- sition, submitted April 5tb, occurs the following language: "The Chinese Government some months ago it, di- ctated its willingness to recognize the full and complete independence of Corea, and guarantee the complete neutrality of Corea, and is ready to insert such stipulations in the treaty. But, in due reciprocity, such stipula- tion should likewise be made by Japaa." Aud in her counterdraft of Attorney at Law, H1LO. HAWAII. LORRIN A.THURSTON Attorney at Law, 113 Kaahum.inii sr.. Honolulu. H. I. EDMUND P. DOLE, Attorney at Law, 31S FORT STREET. Telephone 91. WILLIAM C. PARKE, Attorney at Law AND Accent to Take Acknowledgments. Office, 13 K;iahumanu St., Honolulu. LYLE A DICKEY, Attorney at Law, 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone 845. DR. J. UCHIDA, Physician and Surgeon, 5 KUKUI LANE. Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. m. Mutual Tel. 639. DR. E. C. SURMANN Has Removed to Garden Lane. -:- - TELEPHONE 181. -:- - M.E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Dentist -:- - -:- - 98 HOTEL ST., HONOLULU. Offlce Flours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., HARDWARE, Cutlery and Glassware 307 PORT STKKKT. H. HACKFELD & CO., ubiibiui uuiiiiiiiooiuii nyuiiio, Gear. Port and Queen streets, Honolulu. STK I M U RA flfhott Becier in Joponese Wines LIQUORS M PROVISIONS. SAKI A SPE IALTT. ALLEN STREE 1 . TELEPHONE 704. C. J. WHITNEY, Teacher of Efocution and Dramatic Art, HONOLULU. H. I. NEW YORK DRESSMAKING PARLORS Nuuanu Ave.. 3 Doors Above Eagle House. FIT GUARANTEED. REASONA-BL- CHARGES. MRS. BOLTON. EXCHANGE - Is no Robbery. In exchange for your dollars we will give you strictly NO. 1 FEED. A. L. MORRIS & CO.. Telephone ill. SI Fort Street. 1 FTN O J ' WM J. - K ! Powder A Remarkable Doonmonr M rs. stone-m- an a reaateu Under Um Will San Bernardino, Oct. is J. G. Anson Branson's last will and testa- ment was filed in the County Clerk's office in this city this morning, and it is safe to say that no more remarkable document can be found in the arch- ives of this or any other county. It recalls tbe sensation that thrilled Los Angeles and the whole State a few years ago by confirming all the cifts to Mrs. Stonemau ever made by J. O. Branson and disposes of no other part of his estate. It is a holographic instrument and bears tbe date of February 4, 1894. The will Is as follows; "For disposition of a portiou of my personal estate. I hereby will that at my death all articles of every descrip- tion now or by me hereafter placed In the home and care of my dear and faithful friend, Mary O. H. Stone-ma- n, shall be and remain her per- sonal and separate property forever, and title thereto shall permanently vest in her upon probate of this will, without further proceedings In or out of or by any court whatever. 44 Dated L s Angeles, February 5, 1894. "(Signed) A. D. Brunson." It is si kted that the estate consists of personal property worth in all ahout 12000 and that the only fceir at law is a daughter 7 ears of age, whuse resi- lience is iu Illiuois. UNITED VI A I Ks AM) CUBA. The Administration Not Ready to Recognise. Chicago, Oct. 18 A Washington special to the Times-Heral- d says : Cuba was under discussion in the Cabinet today The discu-sio- u lasted nearly three hours. It is believed a definite policy as to Cuba was agreed upon, aud that inquiry on the part of the United States iuto the condition of affairs in Cuba will be recommended to Congress. While it is generally b. lieved that an order was issued to- day for the preparation of a dispatch proposing such an inquiry to the Spanish Government, no confirmation thereof can he had In Cabinet circles, where unusual reticence Is fouud. During the last week Secretary Olney has been in conference with two or three Ministers from South American countries who are eager to further the movement for recognition of the belligerent rights of the insur- gents. These Ministers want the United States to agree to joint action with a number of South American republics. Brazil is one of the leading spirits in this movement and stands ready to recognize belligerency wheuever the United States will do so, though Minister Mendouca said today it was not true Brazil had al- ready accorded recognition to Cuba. Secretary Olney has informed these Ministers that it is not the policy of the Administration to recognize the belligerency of Cuba at the present time. MAMIKIWIN IS CONFIDENT. Says That Howler Erred la th Suirar Bounty Cases. Washington (D. C ), Oct. 17 Sec- retary Carlisle is vexed at the inac- tion of the counsel for the sugar claim- ants, and yesterday telegraphed to Senator Mander-o- n that he would send Comptroller Bowler's opinion in the case Of the Oxnard Beet Sugar Company to the United States Court of Claims by October 28th, unless he set the date when he would appear and argue before the Secretary of I he Treasury the question id the jurisdic- tion of the Comptroller of the Treas- ure. Today Senator Bfanderson replied from Omaha that be hoped to be iu Washington to arvue the question by November 10th Senator &f mnderson says that he ha- - n doubt Comptroller Howler had no jurisdiction In the BUgar bounty case. He ass rts that to send the Comptroller's opinion to the Court of C am- - for final decision without tbe consent of the claimants is unwarranted in law. Both points, Bfanderson contends, are unassailable and he will so hold in his argument before Secretary Carlisle. Ansl ria Sugar Trust. LONDON, Oct. 20. A Vienna dis- patch to the Chronicle says the sugar trust, comprisil ft ail but two of the Austro Hungarian refineries, has been formed to limit the yearly output of sugar for two years to 250 000 tons. To Ite Retired. Washington (D. C), Oct. 21 A sensation in naval circle- - was caused Continued on pair 2). 1895 9A0 AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomca Sugar Company, Honoaw Surari my, Wailuku Sugar Company! Walhee s:.r Gompanv, M tk'-t- r Sug ir Company, H:de- - akai.i Ranch Company. Kapapata Ranch. Planters' Line ban Francisco Pickets, Chi Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Agents Philadelphia Board of Under- writers. List of Officers: P. C. Jones, president; Geo. H. Robert , M n.i:er; b. F. Bishoo, Treasurer and el irv: CoL W. F. Allen, Auditor; C. kf, H. Waterhouse, A. VV. Carter, ors. CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire Insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual WE INSURANCE HOT Of Boston. mo ire mi GRCe COPC Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKERS, Honolulu, H. I.. bm Sight and Time Bills of Exchange, also Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Oedrt on the principal parts of th world. Purchase approved Bills. LOAMS ON ACCEPTABLE SECURITY. Receive deposits on open account and interest on term deposits Attend promptly to collections. A General Banting Business Transacted. HONOLULU M MM. W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor. CARRIAGE BUILDER AND REPAIRER. All orders from the other islands in the Carriage Building, Trimming and Painting Line will meet with prompt attention. P. O. Box 331. 128 and 130 FORT STREET. wmm m mm I Queen Street, U Between alakea and Richards Sts. BRONZE, BRASS -:- - AND -:- - Iron Castings Housework a Specialty. IRON D00RS,SnUTTER3,Etc. Particular attention paid to Ships' Black-smithin- g. JOBBING PBOMPL.Y ATTESTED TO. F. E. LYNN, Proprietor. M. W. McGEESNET & SONS, Wholesale Grocers And Dealers in I .Turn HUnvW Iff JUL I Agents Honolulu Soap Works Company Honolulu Tannery. Gonsaiidaieu Soft water Ms Co.. LIMITKD, Esplanade, Cor. Allen and Fort Sts. Imericon Hen ond Booming SloDles Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all hours. TEL K 11 1 0 N" F. ISM). MERCHANTS' EXCHANCE. Cor. Klntc and Niiuhiiu streets. Just Received by the Australia a Fresh Invoice of Enterprise Beer and Oysters BOB K l kHJS. Telephone 805. KAHULUI HOTEL. Kahului, Maui. SAM SING - Proprietor. Special Attention to tbe Traveling Public. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. " HALF AND HALF Is a Great Appetizer. Makes the weak stout and purifies the blood. SOLD AT THE EMPIRE SALOON. Two for 95 Cents. BEAVER SALOON, Fort Street, opposite Wilder & Co.'s H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. First-Clas- s Lunches SarveJ With Tea. Coffee. Soda Water. Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. CONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants, 25 Qneen Street, Honolulu, H. I. LEWIS & CO., Ufhnlocnln nnri Dotail flrnrwo nuuiwuituiiu miuii uiumio, 111 FOBT STREET. Telephone 240. P. O. Bo 8ft. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LOMo. ASSETS - - - $10,000,000. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. H. MAY & CO., Hfhnlnon ip nnrt Dplni! firn ;r. ,r. II ID .1 I'lUwUlU U II U I I V i U I I U I UUvlUi 98 FORT STREET. Telephone 11. P. O. Hot 470. J. T. LUND, l'JS and 1 :iO Fort St., opp. Club Stables, Practical Gun and Locksmith. Repairing of All Descriptions. Browning. Blueing and Restocking Guns and Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. BICYCLJ2S FOR SALE. Tel. 607 1 GUIDE IB THROUGH HAWAII H. M. Whitney, Publisher. Only Complete Guide Published. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 75c. For Sale by Hawaiian News Co.. llooolnlu, Hawaiian lalaada. I iiish' Kill" ' . : : : : ill 1 i i t'iirn Representatives. New Yokk, Oct. 21. The World has the following from Foo Chow: Mabel Hartford's assailant aud thir teen others convicted of taking part in the Hwasaug mas-acr- e were put to death this morning at Kucheng The execution was witnessed by the For- eign Consular Commission, the Chi- nese prefect, the District Magistrate ami a great crowd. There was no dis turbance. The Herald has the following from Seoul: The King's father, who is wielding supreme power, i-- t still im- prisoning those whom he believes to be his enemies. The King, whose authority is completely overshadowed, is in fear of his life, and the thirty-fou- r representatives here of foreign powers have beeu asked to unite in affording him protection. I have just received a private mes- sage from Tokio informing me of vie tories gained in Formosa by the Jap- anese, aud stating that the Black Flags are expected to surreuder at an early date. It was decided today at Peking that China will pay 30,000, 000 taels to Japan for the retrocession of Liao Tung pronioutory. This arrangement has beeu concluded with the assent of the powers. Shanghai, Oct. 22. Private ad vices from Kiu Chow say the dis- aster to the steamer Kun Pai occurred in the morning of October 14th about twenty miles ftom Kin Chow. Cap- tain Sodeu, the first and second mates, first and second engiueers aud one passenger are dead. The e were 700 soldiers aboard when the first powder explosion occured, setting the vessel ou fire. The crew worked hard for half an hour to extin nuish the flames, when there was a second explosion, which almost wrecked the vessel. The captain and the chief officer, who were wounded in the first explo siou, tried to get a boat lowered, but the soldiers, rushing pellmell to the davitts, broke it away aud the boat was smashed by a heavy sea. The survivors, who were the third engineer aud 200 soldiers, remained with the wreck for seventeen hours. Twenty-seve- n of the wounded were brought to land aud were placed in the hospital at Kiu Chow The vic- tims presented a dreadful appearance. to COST 9100.000,000. Forecast of Report of Nicaragua C anal Commission. NEW York, Oct. 18. The Herald's Washington correspondent tele graphs: It is understood here that the report of the engineering com- mission which visited Nicaragua last summer will favor the construction of an inter-ocean- ic canal, hut that it will not recommend the entire route already surveyed and upon which, it is alleged, work costing in the aggie gate several millions of dollars has been performed. It is also believed that the commis- sioners will place the cost of the canal at a much greater sum than that ted by the Maritime Canal Coin pany, whose charter it is proposed that the government shall purchase. It is expected that the commission's report will assert that the waterway cannot he built and the harbors-o- n the Atlantic and Pacific coasts placed in proper condition for a sum much les-iha- n S 100,0(10.000. The Waller Case. New York, Oct. 17. Mrs. John L Waller, wife of the former United States Consul to Madagascar, arrived in this city today on the Dutch steam Amsterdam. She was accom- panied by her three daughters and young son. She said that she could add but little to the reports already made public of he-- r husband's confine- ment in the pri-o- n at Marseilles. " There is one thing I would like to say, however," Mrs. Waller said. " Embass idor Eluatis bus been harshly criticized for not aiding us as much as he might have done. There is no truth in that report. The whole trouble lay with Robert Cambell, my husband's predecessor. He promised rne to cable the authorities at Washington, asking for their assistance, but, instead of doing so he wrote, thus causing me an unnecessary :elay of nearly three months. "I shall go to Washington at onoe and there try to make arrangements for my husband's release. He is most unjustly imprisoned " Mrs. Valler says :hat if Mr Waller had not been detained at Tamatave by Consul Wetter, who unwarrant- ably questioned some of her husband's official acts, Waller would not have been arrested. Warden of the Cinque Ports. London, Oct. 21. The Marquis of Salisbury has been appointed Lord nonornl rnmmiccinn flnontc- - 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report l ABSOLUTELY PURE HOLLISTER & CO., Acents.

Transcript of and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he...

Page 1: and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he will march ou this city. ... J 1pan submitted to those from China at the conferenceconcerning




Established Jnlj



Queen Street. Honolulu, H. I.

Warden Of the Cilaple Ports, in place ofLord Dutlerm, resigned.


the treaty of peace the Chinese Plenipotentiaries amended the first articleby inserting ti e words "and Japan"in the rirst line, so it reads, "Chinaand Japan recognize," etc.

On the 10th of April the JapanesePlenipotentiaries submitted their re-ply, in which they decline to acceptthis amendment and "find it neces-sary to adhere to Article 1 as origi-nally presented." They repeat thesame refusal in their ultimatum.

In the treaty of peace as finallysigned on the 17th of April, Article 1

appears, word for word, as it was orig-inally submitted by Japan and asabove quoted. Nor is there anythingiu any part of the treaty that may beconstrue 1 as a recognition of the iudepeudeuce of Corea ny Japan.



Steam Engines,Boilers, suirar Ml lit. COolera, Brat

and i.-ii- i attiiiit.And Machinery of every description madeto order. Particular attention paid toships' blacksmithing. Job work executedon the shortest notice.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lewers & Dickson,

Importers and Dealers in LumberAnd All Kinds of Building Material,


H. JAOUEN,Practical -:- - Qunmaker,Will do any kind of repairing to Firearms,also Browning and Blueing and Restock-ing equal to factory work. Satisfactiorguaranteed.

Union Street, with C Sterling. Painter.

LATE i'nllFJiA BS.

The Venezuela Affair GetsInteresting.


Minimis of Salisbury Math Wardenof the inm Ports English Battle--

1 1 1 1 Ltiinclu'ti Judge Branson'snn' ill The Nicaragua anal Report.

Caracas (Venezuela), Oct. 17. Fora week the greatest activity ha pre-vailed litre, troops being hastilyrushed iu all directions. It is claimedthat a revolutionary expedition is uo w

offOruha preparing to laud men andarms. Arms from Bueuos Ay re- - arereported to have been landed ou thecoast Sunday.

A renewed protest has been seut tothe Dutch authorities at Curacoaagainst allowing conspirators againstCrespo to meet and couspire therepublicly. Already there have beenrights at Coro, Valencia, Areu amiBarinas, and a considerable revolu-tionary force is now reportt--d as beingnear the city of San Carlos. Thegovernment is afraid to send troopfrom this city as riots are threatenedhere and the troops at this garrisonare reported to be mostly dissatisfied

President Crespo is afraid to moveunlets surrounded by guards. Hisreorganized cabinet threatens to re-

sign, whioh but iucreases the greatdisorder. Government officials callpublic attention to a claim that theyhave received news from the LTuitedStates that the government will sustaiu the Crespo administration. Thequestion of asking for a protectorateby the United States over this couutry is being urged aud opeuly dis-cussed.

At Areu Monday morning at day-light government troops were at-tacked and surprised, and after ashort but decisive combat the rebelsentered the town, the governmenttroops retreating pursued by therebels, who were trying to provokeanother fight. Colonel Mateo, whocommanded the rebels, organized anew government for Areu. At thesame time auother rtbel force underColonel Sam Martin attacked Coro,but the garrison there drove the assailants back. Several more attackswere made during the day with thesame result, but the next day at noonthe rebels forced the troops to evacu-ate the town, many troop desertingaud joining the rebels. On Tuesdayafternoon there was a risiujj amongthe troops garrisoning Valencia, butafter a stubborn fight the riotors wereforced to leave the town, which theyyet beseige, being re enforced.

The commander of the garrison sentrepeated requests here for re-enfor- ce

ments, sayn g he would have to Mirrender unless aided soon. At Barinason Monday the garrison mutinied, andafter locking the officers inside theguardhouse, proclaimed in favor ofthe revolution Troops, it is said,committed many excesses, and arebelieved to have killed their officers.

A rebel force of over ISO is nowthreatening S tn Carlos. Their commander, Colonel Petri, says that whenexpected rt enforcements arrive hewill march ou this city.

MTNTSTER KURIXO TALKS.A Statement off Japan's Policy Toward

Cores.New York, Oct. 20. Last Friday

Mr. Kuril. o, the Japanese Ministerfurnished for publication a statementconcerning the policy of Japan towardCorea, in which, among other things,he said: "The treaty of Snimonosekisigned by Japan and China, recognized the independence of Corea, andJapan has fully complied with thelett r and spirit of that treaty."

Eieference lo the ofhVial print of therecord shows that Mr. Kurino is coriect so far as China is concerned, nutthere appears to be nothing iu thetreaty which can he construed as arecognition of the independence ofCorea by Japan. The fir-- t memoran-da which the Plenipotentiaries ofJ 1pan submitted to those from Chinaat the conference concerning the term-o- f

peace on the 1st of April containsthe following:

'Article 1. China recognizes, ,iefiuitely, the full and complete inde-pendence and autonomy of Corea, and,in consequence, payment of tributeand performance of ceremonies audformalities y Corea to China, iu derogation of such independence shallcease for the future."

in the reply of China to this propo-sition, submitted April 5tb, occurs thefollowing language: "The ChineseGovernment some months ago it, di-

ctated its willingness to recognize thefull and complete independence ofCorea, and guarantee the completeneutrality of Corea, and is ready toinsert such stipulations in the treaty.But, in due reciprocity, such stipula-tion should likewise be made byJapaa." Aud in her counterdraft of

Attorney at Law,H1LO. HAWAII.


Attorney at Law,113 Kaahum.inii sr.. Honolulu. H. I.


Attorney at Law,31S FORT STREET.

Telephone 91.

WILLIAM C. PARKE,Attorney at Law

ANDAccent to Take Acknowledgments.

Office, 13 K;iahumanu St., Honolulu.


Attorney at Law,11 KAAHUMANU STREET.

Telephone 845.

DR. J. UCHIDA,Physician and Surgeon,


Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. m.Mutual Tel. 639.


Has Removed to Garden Lane.

-:- - TELEPHONE 181. -:- -


Dentist-:- - -:- -


Offlce Flours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.


Cutlery and Glassware307 PORT STKKKT.


ubiibiui uuiiiiiiiooiuii nyuiiio,Gear. Port and Queen streets,



flfhott Becier in Joponese Wines



Teacher of Efocution andDramatic Art,HONOLULU. H. I.


Nuuanu Ave.. 3 Doors Above Eagle House.




EXCHANGE -Is no Robbery.

In exchange for your dollarswe will give you strictly


Telephone ill. SI Fort Street.

1 FTN OJ ' WM J. -

K !


A Remarkable Doonmonr M rs. stone-m- an

a reaateu Under Um WillSan Bernardino, Oct. is J. G.

Anson Branson's last will and testa-ment was filed in the County Clerk'soffice in this city this morning, and itis safe to say that no more remarkabledocument can be found in the arch-ives of this or any other county. Itrecalls tbe sensation that thrilled LosAngeles and the whole State a fewyears ago by confirming all the ciftsto Mrs. Stonemau ever made by J. O.Branson and disposes of no other partof his estate.

It is a holographic instrument andbears tbe date of February 4, 1894.The will Is as follows;

"For disposition of a portiou of mypersonal estate. I hereby will that atmy death all articles of every descrip-tion now or by me hereafter placed Inthe home and care of my dear andfaithful friend, Mary O. H. Stone-ma- n,

shall be and remain her per-sonal and separate property forever,and title thereto shall permanentlyvest in her upon probate of this will,without further proceedings In or outof or by any court whatever.

44 Dated L s Angeles, February 5,1894.

"(Signed) A. D. Brunson."It is si kted that the estate consists

of personal property worth in all ahout12000 and that the only fceir at law isa daughter 7 ears of age, whuse resi-lience is iu Illiuois.


The Administration Not Ready toRecognise.

Chicago, Oct. 18 A Washingtonspecial to the Times-Heral- d says :

Cuba was under discussion in theCabinet today The discu-sio- u lastednearly three hours. It is believed adefinite policy as to Cuba was agreedupon, aud that inquiry on the part ofthe United States iuto the conditionof affairs in Cuba will be recommendedto Congress. While it is generallyb. lieved that an order was issued to-day for the preparation of a dispatchproposing such an inquiry to theSpanish Government, no confirmationthereof can he had In Cabinet circles,where unusual reticence Is fouud.

During the last week SecretaryOlney has been in conference withtwo or three Ministers from SouthAmerican countries who are eager tofurther the movement for recognitionof the belligerent rights of the insur-gents. These Ministers want theUnited States to agree to joint actionwith a number of South Americanrepublics. Brazil is one of theleading spirits in this movement andstands ready to recognize belligerencywheuever the United States will doso, though Minister Mendouca saidtoday it was not true Brazil had al-ready accorded recognition to Cuba.

Secretary Olney has informed theseMinisters that it is not the policy ofthe Administration to recognize thebelligerency of Cuba at the presenttime.

MAMIKIWIN IS CONFIDENT.Says That Howler Erred la th Suirar

Bounty Cases.Washington (D. C ), Oct. 17 Sec-

retary Carlisle is vexed at the inac-tion of the counsel for the sugar claim-ants, and yesterday telegraphed toSenator Mander-o- n that he wouldsend Comptroller Bowler's opinion inthe case Of the Oxnard Beet SugarCompany to the United States Courtof Claims by October 28th, unless heset the date when he would appear andargue before the Secretary of I heTreasury the question id the jurisdic-tion of the Comptroller of the Treas-ure.

Today Senator Bfanderson repliedfrom Omaha that be hoped to be iuWashington to arvue the question byNovember 10th Senator &fmndersonsays that he ha- - n doubt ComptrollerHowler had no jurisdiction In theBUgar bounty case. He ass rts that tosend the Comptroller's opinion to theCourt of C am- - for final decisionwithout tbe consent of the claimantsis unwarranted in law. Both points,Bfanderson contends, are unassailableand he will so hold in his argumentbefore Secretary Carlisle.

Ansl ria Sugar Trust.LONDON, Oct. 20. A Vienna dis-

patch to the Chronicle says the sugartrust, comprisil ft ail but two of theAustro Hungarian refineries, has beenformed to limit the yearly output ofsugar for two years to 250 000 tons.

To Ite Retired.Washington (D. C), Oct. 21 A

sensation in naval circle- - was caused

Continued on pair 2).


AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, OnomcaSugar Company, Honoaw Surari my,Wailuku Sugar Company! Walhee s:.rGompanv, M tk'-t- r Sug ir Company, H:de- -

akai.i Ranch Company. Kapapata Ranch.Planters' Line ban Francisco Pickets,

Chi Brewer & Co.'s Line of BostonPackets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Under-


List of Officers:P. C. Jones, president; Geo. H. Robert

, M n.i:er; b. F. Bishoo, Treasurer andel irv: CoL W. F. Allen, Auditor; C.

kf, H. Waterhouse, A. VV. Carter,ors.

CASTLE & COOKE, Ld,Life and Fire

Insurance Ag'ts.AGENTS FOR

New England Mutual


mo ire miGRCe COPC

Of Hartford.


BANKERS,Honolulu, H. I..

bm Sight and Time Bills of Exchange,also Commercial and Travelers' Letters of

Oedrt on the principal parts of th world.Purchase approved Bills.


Receive deposits on open account andinterest on term deposits

Attend promptly to collections.

A General Banting Business Transacted.


M MM.W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.


All orders from the other islands in theCarriage Building, Trimming and Painting

Line will meet with prompt attention.

P. O. Box 331.

128 and 130 FORT STREET.

wmm m mmI Queen Street, U

Between alakea and Richards Sts.

BRONZE, BRASS-:- - AND -:- -

Iron CastingsHousework a Specialty.

IRON D00RS,SnUTTER3,Etc.Particular attention paid to Ships' Black-smithin- g.


F. E. LYNN,Proprietor.


Wholesale GrocersAnd Dealers in

I .Turn HUnvWIffJUL I

Agents Honolulu Soap Works CompanyHonolulu Tannery.

Gonsaiidaieu Soft water Ms Co..


Esplanade, Cor. Allen and Fort Sts.

Imericon Hen ond Booming SloDles

Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts.LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES

Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at allhours.

TEL K 11 1 0 N" F. ISM).

MERCHANTS' EXCHANCE.Cor. Klntc and Niiuhiiu streets.

Just Received by the Australia a FreshInvoice of

Enterprise Beer and OystersBOB K l kHJS.

Telephone 805.

KAHULUI HOTEL.Kahului, Maui.

SAM SING - Proprietor.

Special Attention to tbe Traveling Public.


" HALF AND HALFIs a Great Appetizer.

Makes the weak stout and purifies theblood.


BEAVER SALOON,Fort Street, opposite Wilder & Co.'s

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.First-Clas- s Lunches SarveJ With Tea. Coffee.

Soda Water. Ginger Ale or Milk.Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.

Smokers' Requisites a Specialty.

CONSALVES & CO.,Wholesale Grocers and Wine

Merchants,25 Qneen Street, Honolulu, H. I.

LEWIS & CO.,Ufhnlocnln nnri Dotail flrnrwonuuiwuituiiu miuii uiumio,

111 FOBT STREET.Telephone 240. P. O. Bo 8ft.


OF LOMo.ASSETS - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

H. MAY & CO.,Hfhnlnon ip nnrt Dplni! firn;r. ,r.II ID .1


Telephone 11. P. O. Hot 470.

J. T. LUND,l'JS and 1 :iO Fort St., opp. Club Stables,

Practical Gun and Locksmith.Repairing of All Descriptions.

Browning. Blueing and Restocking Guns andBicycle Repairing a Specialty.



H. M. Whitney, Publisher.

Only Complete Guide Published.


PRICE 75c.For Sale by Hawaiian News Co..

llooolnlu, Hawaiian lalaada.

I iiish' Kill" ' . : : : : ill 1 i i

t'iirn Representatives.New Yokk, Oct. 21. The World

has the following from Foo Chow:Mabel Hartford's assailant aud thirteen others convicted of taking partin the Hwasaug mas-acr- e were put todeath this morning at Kucheng Theexecution was witnessed by the For-eign Consular Commission, the Chi-nese prefect, the District Magistrateami a great crowd. There was no disturbance.

The Herald has the following fromSeoul: The King's father, who iswielding supreme power, i-- t still im-prisoning those whom he believes tobe his enemies. The King, whoseauthority is completely overshadowed,is in fear of his life, and the thirty-fou- r

representatives here of foreignpowers have beeu asked to unite inaffording him protection.

I have just received a private mes-sage from Tokio informing me of vietories gained in Formosa by the Jap-anese, aud stating that the BlackFlags are expected to surreuder at anearly date.

It was decided today at Peking thatChina will pay 30,000, 000 taels to Japanfor the retrocession of Liao Tungpronioutory. This arrangement hasbeeu concluded with the assent of thepowers.

Shanghai, Oct. 22. Private advices from Kiu Chow say the dis-aster to the steamer Kun Pai occurredin the morning of October 14th abouttwenty miles ftom Kin Chow. Cap-tain Sodeu, the first and second mates,first and second engiueers aud onepassenger are dead.

The e were 700 soldiers aboard whenthe first powder explosion occured,setting the vessel ou fire. The crewworked hard for half an hour to extinnuish the flames, when there was asecond explosion, which almostwrecked the vessel.

The captain and the chief officer,who were wounded in the first explosiou, tried to get a boat lowered, butthe soldiers, rushing pellmell to thedavitts, broke it away aud the boatwas smashed by a heavy sea.

The survivors, who were the thirdengineer aud 200 soldiers, remainedwith the wreck for seventeen hours.Twenty-seve- n of the wounded werebrought to land aud were placed inthe hospital at Kiu Chow The vic-tims presented a dreadful appearance.

to COST 9100.000,000.Forecast of Report of Nicaragua C anal

Commission.NEW York, Oct. 18. The Herald's

Washington correspondent telegraphs: It is understood here thatthe report of the engineering com-mission which visited Nicaragua lastsummer will favor the construction ofan inter-ocean- ic canal, hut that itwill not recommend the entire routealready surveyed and upon which, itis alleged, work costing in the aggiegate several millions of dollars hasbeen performed.

It is also believed that the commis-sioners will place the cost of the canalat a much greater sum than that ted

by the Maritime Canal Coinpany, whose charter it is proposedthat the government shall purchase.It is expected that the commission'sreport will assert that the waterwaycannot he built and the harbors-o- n theAtlantic and Pacific coasts placed inproper condition for a sum much les-iha- n

S 100,0(10.000.

The Waller Case.New York, Oct. 17. Mrs. John L

Waller, wife of the former UnitedStates Consul to Madagascar, arrivedin this city today on the Dutch steam

Amsterdam. She was accom-panied by her three daughters andyoung son. She said that she couldadd but little to the reports alreadymade public of he-- r husband's confine-ment in the pri-o- n at Marseilles.

" There is one thing I would like tosay, however," Mrs. Waller said." Embass idor Eluatis bus been harshlycriticized for not aiding us as much ashe might have done. There is no truthin that report. The whole trouble laywith Robert Cambell, my husband'spredecessor. He promised rne to cablethe authorities at Washington, askingfor their assistance, but, instead ofdoing so he wrote, thus causing mean unnecessary :elay of nearly threemonths.

"I shall go to Washington at onoeand there try to make arrangementsfor my husband's release. He is mostunjustly imprisoned "

Mrs. Valler says :hat if Mr Wallerhad not been detained at Tamataveby Consul Wetter, who unwarrant-ably questioned some of her husband'sofficial acts, Waller would not havebeen arrested.

Warden of the Cinque Ports.London, Oct. 21. The Marquis of

Salisbury has been appointed Lord

nonornl rnmmiccinn flnontc- -


Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report



Page 2: and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he will march ou this city. ... J 1pan submitted to those from China at the conferenceconcerning

x kktimkk hoviii i ' i.i' OCTOBER 29, 1o INK I'ACIKH i i i H

late NHOi m:ivs. by authority.; i j EGAN. GEa A-TURN- Seasickness --J




The Only Known Specific that will InvariablyPrevent "Mai de Men




General StapleJ

FancyGroceries, mm Use Mil M

New Goods Constantly Arriving.

QUEEN gTREET CTORESNew Prints, Ginghams, Ducks, Dcmins, Towels.Napkins, .Marseilles Quilts, Navy lilue Serges,

Navy and White Sweaters, Ladies' Cloth,Gents' Kangaroo Gloves, Pearl Buttons in great variety

for mm:



Dry Goods- -

Latest ! The Best 1



Record, 2:21 1-- 2.

BLCI BULL (PrtlJala. .

Hfssie. 2:17; IQUBKS.46 dams of 70

PL AX TAIL 8131...hire of 2 in list and

of 9 trotters and 2 pacBIRD, 2:28 1-- 4

Hignt, 2:29; dam2:lbtt; bid Fleet,

. FASHIONDam of PrairU


IOWA CHI RF 628-- .Sire of in 2:30 list

Qoarian d from page 1J

t lay y the announcement that HarA'imiral Kirkland, commanding theKuropean naval station of the UnitedB tales, haJ been detached from dutyand ordered home.

Ir i expected that A'lmiral Kirk-lai.t- t

will apply at once to he pia. .lon the retired list. Commodore Ttios.O. rielfndge, Jr.. will ed him a--

commanding officer of the KurujtauHtatlon.


Soldlfr to lrot--- t ltlzii.-Ilu- Ia

will lo Bta luty.Paris, Oct. 18. A special to the

Eclaire from rtt. Peteranurg ay thatan exchange of communications hamWMl hetwee'i the Kuian government and the Japanese Minister atBt, Petersburg with reference to therecent disorient at .Seoul, the capitalof Corea.

The Japanese Minister assured theRussian government that the culpritsshould be punished, hut Ku-si- a is saidto have replied that she would heforre.l. in consequence of the riots, totake steps considered necessary to pre-serve order and make the Corean gov-ernment independent of foieign inter-ference.

The dispatch continues : As to thecourse propose !, Ku--i- a will do herduty, whatever is entailed, withouttopping to inquire whether other

powers like It or do not like it. Shewill never ahandou Corea, and willprotect her against all encroachments.

Yokohama, Oct. 1. The JapaneseMini-te- r, Miura, and the other mem- -hers of the legation, and the Japanesemilitary officers at Seoul, have b enrecalled.

Nkw York, Oct. 1H. The Sun'sWashington POTWpondmt tele-graphs: Mr. Kuriuo, the Japanese-Minister- ,

in the course of an interviewtoday on the Corean question, sid:"Japan has no purpose whatever ofentatdishiug a protectorate over Co-rea. This cau he stated with absolutepoxitivenes". The treaty of Shimon- -

Mki, -- i : i ty J.ipan and ((nut, re-cognized the complete iiideiieudence ofCorea, and Japan has fully complied twith the letteraud spiritof the treats1.The Japanese soldiers now in Coreaare there for police purposes only.They do not constitute an army of oc-cupation or conquest, and no signifi-cance can he attached to their pres-ence, except that Japan is desirous ofprotecting her citizen in Corea.

TIIK KKI'l IU.U N OS I NTION.An Karly !! Imr of the-- Nat lonal

Committee Probable.New Yokk, Oct. 18. Henator Thos.

H. t arter, chairruati of the Republi-ca- n

National Committee, was seen atthe Holland House tonight and ques-tioned about the confeieuce of themem hern of the committee. He said:"There has been a little informal con-ference, at which an effort was madeto gather opinions regarding the datefor the meeting of the full committee.

"It has not b -- eu fixed yet, and itwill not be till we have had time tohear from more of the members, prob-ably not until the middle of nextweek. The meeting will probably hethe last of November or the 1st of De-

cember. Those on hand tonight were;General Clarkson, Mr. Habn of Ohioand myself."

It ir said tonight that GeneralClarkson, representing Senator Alli-son and Secretary Hahn. the personalfriend of William McKinley, Jr., were)a unit for au early Presidential con-vention

Speaker Ke-- d declined to discus thematter, but Chairman Joseph H. M u- - i

ley wired from Deuver that he hopedthe convention would be held in Mayor early in June, and that be was onbis way to San Fraucisco to ascertainwtiat inducements would he offeredfor holding the convention there.

w I i ll POHXUG

lt'ort That Italy Ha- - iVfrd IHplo-mat- lt

IUI.uii.n-- .Rome, Oct 22. As an outcome of

the King of Portugal's poetpOMOMOlof his promised visit to Rome, ou account of the Pope - opposition, it isreported that Italy has suspeudeddiplomatic relation with PortugalThe Pope's opposition to the visit isdue to the difficulty the Catholic mon-arch would be under in being receivedby both the tj urinal and the Vatican.

Muckuy, Jr. I ad.Paris, Oct. 21. The funeral of John

W. Mackay Jr., who died Friday eve-ning ft in injuries received by beiugthrown from bis horse at his chateauio the department of Sarthe, is fixedto take place in this city tomorrow atnoon at the Roman Catholic Churchof St. Ferdioand des Terne. Afterthe obsequies the body will be placediii the ault of the church pending itsshipment to Havre to be conveyed toAmerica, probably on Saturday.

Mrs. Mackay, the young man'smother, is still confined to her bed,completely prostrated with grief andit is not expected that she will be ableto attend the funeral

Merchants often say to their rnstonier? :

If you don' e what you want ask forit." If merchants do not see as muchtrade as they would like, let them ask tor itthrough the columns of their local paner.

Printer's Ink.

It is better to spead a little money inadvertising now than to hold a sacrificesale at a latter date. hoe and LeatherJournal.

New Stck of GroceriesSalmon in Barrels and l-- '2 Barrels.FULL LINE OF CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE.Shelf Hardware, Enamel and Granite Ware,Pure Prepared Paints in leading Colors, Princess Metalic Paint,Oils, Turpentine, California Lime, Etc., Etc.

Real Etrn ifinr


308 Merchant Street.

Good corner Lot. Wilder Avenue. 185x340.

Corner Lot, Makiki. 260x600.

Wilder Avenue and Piifeoi. 100x150.

House and Lot on YMUIg -t- r-et. 50x150.

House and Lot on Punchbowl street,near Beretania street.

Beautiful Residence and Lot on Thurs-ton Avet.ue.

House anH Lot on Thurston Avenue:Lot 7 x2u0 feet; bounded by ThurstonAvenue. Magazine ainl Spencer streets.

Splendid Baldness Corner on Kin street.In business portion of the city.

Beautiful Ileiilenenn Punchbowl street,above Mormon Church.

The Good-wi- ll ami Furniture of a first-clas- s

lodging house of 15 rooms, ituate onHotel treet. nar Alakea. is offered forsale at a sacrifice. Furniture ronsistsof15 bedroom Bets, oak and ash. with niat-tresse- s

and bedding for same. Ilosnuitoproof doors and blinds, matting and rus.In fact everything read? for usinesd

Parties wishing to bny furniture separatet an do so.

All of the above properties will be soldat a bargain. For prices, terms, etc..apply to


Real Estate Dealer,808 MKK WANT STREET.



Half of .Original Cost forfjrpwi . ... . "

oi Crepes, 1 Ms,ETC. ETC.. ETC. ETC.,

S. N1SHIMURA,Foster Block, Nuuanu Street.

dr. j. coins mmCHL0R0DYNE.

Original and Only Genuine.



Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.Vice-Chancell- or SIR W. PAGE WOODstated publicly In court that Dr. J. COLLISBROWNE was undoubtedly the INVEN-TOR of CHLORODYNE, that the wholestory of the defendant Freeman was de-liberately untrue, and he regretted to sav ithad been sworn to. See The Times, July13, 1864.

Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyneis a liquid medicine which assuages RAINof EVERY KIND, affords a calm, refresh-ing sleep WITHOUT HEADACHE, andINVIGORATES the nervous svstem whenexhausted. Is the Great Specific forCholera, Dysentry, Diarrhoea.

The General Board of Health, London,report that it ACTS as a CHARM, oneJose generally sufficient.

Dr. Gibbon, Armv Medical Staff, Cal-cutta, states: "Two doses completelycured me of diarrhoea."Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne

is the TRUE PALLIATIVE inNeuralgia. Gout, Cancer.

Toothache, Rheumatism.Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne

Rapidlv cuts short all attacks ofEpilepsy, Spasms, Colic,

Palpitation, Hysteria.Important Caution. he Immense

Sale of this Remedy has given rise to manyUnscrupulous Imitations.

N. B. Every Rottle of Genuine Chloro-dyne bears on the Government Stamp thename of the invent r, Dr. J. CollisBrowne. Sold in bottles is. id., 2s. gi.and 4s. 6d., by all chemists.

Sole Manufacturer,J. T. DAVENPORT,

38 Great Russell street, London, W. C.



issued out of the Circuit "ourt. onthe 8th day of October, A.D.. ls95. against8 K. KI LA and MA AHA K1L A defend-ants, in favor of W. C. ACH1. plaintiff, forthe sum of $100.75; I have levied upon andshall expose for sale at the Station House,in the District of Honolulu. Island ofOahu, at 12 o'clock of SATURDAY, thel;th dav of November. A.I) , 1895. to thehighest bidder, all the right, title and inter-est of the said S. K. KUa and M. Kiladefendants, in and to the following prop-erty, unless said judgment, interest, costsand my expenses be previously paid.

Last oi property for sale:All t'Hse premise situated at Kuwili.

Honolu u, Onhu, containing an area of 20-1-00

of an sere: and being a part of Apana2. described in Royal Patent 1801 on L.C.A.!i F L., together with all buildings thereon ;

subject nevertheless to a mortgage madebv S. K. Kila and Maaha Kila to HarrietCarter for $1100, dated April 29. 1895. andrecorded in Liber 153 P. 143; also subject toa second mortgage made by S. K Kila andMaaha Kila to Wong Wa Foy. d ited April29 1815. and recorded in Liber 153. P lfifor $192 A. M. BROWN,

Marshal. Republic of Hawaii.Honolulu. Oahu. October, 15, 1895.


In the Circuit Court, Fifth Circuit of the

Hawaiian Islands.


By virtue of theauthority in iue vested by-

law and deeming it to the promo-tion of justice. 1 hereby order that a specialTerm of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Cir-

cuit be convened in the Court House at N'a-wiliwi- li.

Lihue. Inland of Kauai, on WKD-EUE8DA- Y,

the 30th day of November, 1889,

at 10 o'clock a. ru.JA HARDY.

Circuit Judge, Fifth Circuit.Approved :

A. F. J TDD.Chief Justice Supreme Court.

Lihue. October 24th. 13954135-3- 1

OlTICE OF THE KoAfl Of 'Ho.noli lu, O-tob-

er 25, 195.'At a meeting of .he Board held this day.

Mi J.T. WTATBBfclOPSB was ejected 1're- -

siient of the lioard of Health in place ofWilliam O. Smith, rsSsgMd.


41341 702-2- t Secretary.

m-1- Tendi rsWill be received at the office of the Ministerof the Interior till 12 o'clock noon on FKl --

DAY, November lt. tor the con-i- tf

UCHow of a concrete floor for thenew Wash House at Iwilei.

Plans and specifications can be seen atthe office of the Superintendent of PublicWorks

The Minister of the Interior does not bindhimself to accept the lowest or any hid.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office. October 25th, 1895.4133-- 3t


A place where they em- -nlov better workmen than ijwe do? Or where the costof repairing furniture is soreasonable? Has anybodyever had any work done byus that was not satis-factory BOTH IN PRICEAND WORKMANSHIP?

There is but one answer,

NO !

And yet we are doingbetter work today thanever. We are not only


Manufacturers-:- - OF -:- -

Furniture.Think it over, you may

have something in thehouse that needs touchingup: if you think it willcost you a dollar, thechances are it will onlycost you half that amount.

Trv it and see.

urr n s sHUrr & tU.,


I LAN IWA IHn Ihmmi lAasnl ly the

Hawaiian HotelAnd will again open as a


In Dry Goods,Fancy Goods,


We Have a Complete Line

Everything Except High Prices.

LADIES' Il"CK SUITS, Fast Colors,both Merht and dark patterns, jruar-atee-d

to tit. all size.


AND LAWN SUITS, trimmed withEmbroidery or Lace. These goodsare both well and stylishly madeand are excellent value for themoney. They are jast the thing forMr.ft wi-ar- . Lng sleeve and wideskirts. All colors and sizes.


of a choice quality of Printed Lawn,both light and dark patterns: allsizes.

$3.00.LADIES' CORSETS, with steel pro-

tectors and extra side steels; a goodserviceable eorset; all sizes.

75c.WHITE JACONET, in Stripes and

Plaids, an excellent value for themoney.

10c. per yard,

These are only a few of the BARGAINSwe are offering, and we invite your inspec-tion of our stock.

Especial attention is called to our line ofGents' Furnishing Goods.


Endorsedby theEnglishPress.

"K ickdale Observes" May 3.IS90J, remarks : ''Some re-aarka- ble

euros have certainUsen effected bv Sequah's


rutvoRH News" Apr. 6tlspeaking of Sequah's

remedies, says : '4 The curesremain, and men are walkingabout to-da- y, who for thepast ten years read novelsin their beds di.ring theintervals snatched from dryoast, potions and pills."

I id-Derbys-hire Star" May2, 1S901. k The cures madeby Sequnh's I i i undies,have excited a jrr-.t- t deal oftalk, becausf the patientsart well known as havingsuffered a number of years.Some of fchem have beenifflicted for 20 years."

4 ixKDALE Star" TMay3rd, 1800. k' It cannot bedenied that persons well knownin Rockdale, known to havesuffered from the poor man'scurse, rheumatism, havesecured permanent relief bythe uso of Sequah'sRemedies."

Hobron Drug Co.AGENTS.


A Cholera Epidemic

IS A SURE THINGUnless ever- - precaution is taken to

r prevent the spread of the dread dis-ease. Is your house and grounds in

5 a good sanitary condition? If notring up telephone S44 and I will puteverything in good condition atshortest notice and at lowest possi-ble prices for cash. Give me a call,get my prices and be convinced.



The Richelieu. Beretania Street.

OFFICE IIOl'KS: 9 to 12.


FORT STREET great variety, new stvVe FLUTTER and COTTON DUCKS.SCOTCH GlNOHAMS,and SEERSUCKERS, ZEPHYRS in stripes and checks,CREPE GRENACNES,REALMaltese, Platte and Valenciennes Laces, Ladies' Swbde, Kid, Lisle andTaffeta Gloves and Gauntlets, Silks and Surahs. Biark. Plain. st-Hn- -

and figured, White SWISS MUSLINS, Biack.White and Cream PASSEMENTRIE, LACDtAuirsu, ;ili ijiAKb, Laa!e ana 'jents cotton and LISLE MOSE, SWEATERSBoys and Men in Navy Blue and White, SILK BELTINGS.


CREOLERecord, 2:15.Champion Hawaiian

?1 fHWTfK ofBULL

o Zoe B, 2:171.4;I aoa o otners

PROWPTFR 330B... aires of f andBire of Creole. 2:16; Eagl 2:30 performers

2:19; Apex. 2:96; Transit,2 . 26; Walker. 2 : ;

Wales, 2:-7- Chk. 2iJ4; PRAIKIK.and of the dams of Brllliaa-tin- . u&mo!

tOI: Vigor, 2:21 Of Meet,26 yft:


75(iorectowa, 8:1 U :

besines. ss

BUCCAKIKR 256Sire of Bulwtr, 2 : 26;Flight, 2:29: Shamrock (2), (. TINHLETand dams f Monroe

Priuce. Pairoaa, 2 :19;Fron Kro j (1), 2:2f,J4; Koe- -OR ACS

Dam of Craola, S : K;Eagle, 2:19

dale (), 2:2; GolJta, 2:24:Hibibi. 2 :'Jl?4; Hanu Kita,2:244; Sid r leet, 2 :26?4;fleet. 2:184u

MARY, 2:42i trial 2:2)

Daw of px, 2:26; Ster-ling, sire of 5 In 2.Z0; Letty,dam of 3 in 2 : O; Grace,dam of Creole, 2:16


FLAXTAIL 13,...Sire of Dan, 2:X; Kapress, 2;24 ; and dame ff t


AND TERMS:beet bred stallion that has erer

Sept. 5, 1894.) He is 15$ handscolor is glossy black with one white


Crsols 1b the gamest, fastest andimported into the Hawaiian Islands. He reduced his record of 2:20 to 3:lt 1Petal tints, Cal., August 24, 1894, distancing his whole field in the first heatj thenagain to 2:15 in Htockton, Cal., September 23, lRr4. inning the first heat in 2:lfi.fourth beat in 2:15, and fifth heat in 2 : 9J, proving that he is a remakably game awell as a speedy race horee. (' 'Creole by i'rompter out o; Grace bv Buccaneer showthat he is capable of getting a mark of 2:10 and is one of the gameet stallions mmthis year, and besides hein? eame. is one of the beat formed, and remarkafaftr


Vtn oe'A'b e"(v 9 --7intelligent," ureeaer ana sportsman,and of powerful buikl throughout. Hssfoot. His disposition is all that could be desired, and his action superb. He M menre foal getter.

Terms, $60, with usual return privilege. Will make the season at the

1 .sued f vrtry Tuesday


Page 3: and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he will march ou this city. ... J 1pan submitted to those from China at the conferenceconcerning

OM M KKl 'I A I t v C K'f I If H '.rHR PAD Kll OCTOBER '! 189

mi- -

184-- 5 -- aMo MClITt - t895n i k r oc riJti.f. ill' s.i

Colonel of the Imperial Army,Russia; C. Konigsberger, Conseillerde Commerce, St. Petersburg, and-- n. Edgar Konigsberger; I. I.I'okotilow. Kussian Consul-Gener- al

at Shanghai, and Ad. Werth, underseeivtarv of Russian embassv at

sw ; r..: .i, W . V . 4s.t-.-- CI fE WW C l"ChanSylvester and Dexter

P aces. - I 08i L.h. V 1JHt dTAK3IKPURlTPekin.

These distinguished visitors w reall Lru--t- - at the hotel last nig'They will proceed on their journey

PLACE, by the China today. Mr. Grantley-- peak- in the highe-- t of Ho-nolulu ami the hospitality of the


BAKING POWDERhe met during hi- - short

stay. ALL OTHERS ARE IMITATIONS..II JIuihIh t Knir-Th- - liilly taiilDeacter !7. -- ivt-r Ml, Aniru-- I

Mi. .ll I i.'i Vol. i:-i- Heldit:-- k - int-r-.- t Iacim4lng Dwttjr.

A Lively Brawl.Kamai and Hannah, two native

women living at the entrance to AndSo

tiie lane leading to the Chinesetheatres, were arrested yesterdayafternoon for affray. Both of thewomen were in a badly batteredcondition, their far. - and hand- -

There seemed to be something ofa roar in the community yesterdayIx-rau-- e the ballots cast had notbeen eoiinted and the number pub-lished in the morning paper. Thefart- - are -- imply these. The key tothe Ihix containing the ballot- - i- -

Are1'ing covered with each other'.blood. It seems that a luau hadbeen in nrocress in the vicinity

fl -:- - THE -:- -


Steel Mill.



In order to We!held by a gentleman having no during the afternoon. i i

de- - anair a stt. eigm gai- -connection with the editorial jnak.-tl.-


of win-wer- e distributed to thepartment of this paper. As he did ucrowd Two houses became in- -not present an appearance Satur- - fe,.tel and the consequence was aday or Sunday night it was not general row. After all had becomeilUtlHll 'wlt'l.'l U to hr:iLr tli tix tired of scrapiini; the two native 44 Hey wood

is in it."open in order to get the informa- - m"!f kePtencounter of their own which re

tion the publication seems to be sulted in the arrest. One of thewomen had a badlv bitten ear.

Tl FJ, J lay special trcss onffi tllc excellence of ourj u C goods, always keeping

T " the quality up to thehighest point, and while

maintaining our reputation in thisrespect, wego to the other extremein keeping prices down to the low-est point. We know of nothingthat builds up business like theBelling of first-clas- s goods. Wesell them and don't sell anythingelse.

ravenous for. In order that theremay not le a rejtetition of the oc-

currence it has leen arrangel thatthe count will take place everynight at o'eloek until the eveningof November Sth. when it will takeplace at s o'clock.

Kuby Dexter's friends decided onSaturday that Sylvester should notdown their favorite, so they gath-ered in enough votes to put thescorcher on the lead and Sylvestert. l..ft Si mil oIaop. Antrim i

Your StockWill do better on




ThegAbove cut iiuw one of Perkins' Galvanized Steel Mills, mounted ona Galvanized steel Tower.

NOTE THE FOLLOWING POINTS OF ADVANTAGE:The sections of the wheel are made with two-inc- h steel

THE b.inJs for outer and inner rims, and the sails are riveted tothese rims at their outer and inner ends. Please note that the

WHEEL. outer rim is not ten or twelve inches insideof outside ends ofsails as is the case with other mills. Our plan of construction

ohviatos the bcndiiif' and hrvakinj; of the ends of the sails, a serious objection tomost steel mills. To make the sails still more rigid we connect each sail, near themiddle of its length, with the sail on each side of it, by means of bolts. The sails are

f best cold rolled steel, and are of such size as to ive us more wind surface thanis found in any other mill of which we have knowledge. The sails are set at just theright angle and curved to give the maximum power.

Most careful attention is given to the construction of theTill' rudder, making it firm, strong and thoroughly

braced. The arms of the rudder are made of the best tireRl'DDER. spring steel, which is better than angle or channel steel or

gas pipe. Our truss rod brace will prevent the rudder fromwarping or swaying around against the wheel.


Manufacturers' Shoe Co.

WHAT TO DRINK!Is the very best at theVERY LOWEST PRICE

The governing dev ice has made the Perkins mill verypopular, and has been acknowledged by competitors tohe the best, and would doubtless be used by all of them butfor the expense of makine the change. Bv our adjustment


REGULATION.of the nidder we place the wheel square to the wind while at

work and edgewise to the wind w hen at rest. The same long and short steel hingesare used to raise the rudder when mill is out of gear or at rest. This plan has provedso satisfactory that eleven companies have adopted it since our patents expired.





1 he main casting ot this mill has been carefully de-signed with a view to securing great strength and dura-bility. In its construction only the best iron is employed.It is well adapted to its work.

AH the bearings of this mill are of liberal length andprovi ded with our graphite bushings or self-lubricati- ng

box. These do not require oiling at all. In fact, we

uNuuano and Queen Streets.

TELEPHONE 121 are now making m?i!s with no oil holes in boxesAll of the remaining parts of this mill are made with good

All Fountains in city supplied by them are filled with

water which has been




proportions, of the very best materials, and in the most ap-proved manner.

We make this mill in two sizes, viz., with ten and twelvefoot wind wheels.

The tower is made with four corner posts of angle steel,bands and braces of channel steel, all parts being fitted bytemplate so that thev fit exact, and all a workman needs to

and files are running close for ap.,-iti-- n. but if Sylvester's friendscontinue as they began it is a surething that one of the boys will bejeft.The friends of Mrs. Patterson areassiduous in their efforts t bringher vote up above the limit of ten;whether she will take part in therace even though she should getsufficient votes is a question. Aladies' race would le a novelty inHonolulu, but, now that so manyof the fair sex have adopted thewheel as a means of getting aroundamong their friends and for pleas-ure, there is no real reason whythere should not sometime le a con-

test among the bloom in' bloomerladies, tieorge Angus says he isnot sure that he will le one of thethree graces, but if he should be, hewill do the lest he knows how towin the trophy. His recent illness,he says, will "not affect his speed.Dexter irnt saying anything, buthe and Tommy King are workingthe treadles on King street everyday for all they are worth. Hen ra-

tifies injury, received in the smash-u- p

last week prevents his doing anyactive training for the present andit is on his account as much as any-thing that the H. A. A. C. roadrace, which was to have takenplace oh the 2d of November hasbeen postjoned.

The outside combination is work-ing to have Dexter, Sylvester andGiles or Angus in the Aivkktiskhcontest, and from the way the voteshave leeii coming in Dexter andSvlvester are sure for places. Ifboth Angu- - and Giles want to tryfor the trophy their friends williinv to i'ct in and do some tall

Purificdtte Hyatt Process


erect is a hammer, punch and wTench. The ladder is se-

curely made and ready to bolt on fower. It is safe and far preferable to the short stepson comer posts used on most towers. The anchor post is five feet long, of goodheavy angle steel, and a base eight to thirteen inches in diameter, according to the sizeof mill and height of tower, is cast on the end of same, serving the double purpose of asupport under foot of tower and an anchor. Just at the top of ground we fasten a pieceof 4x4 inch oak in angle of comer posts, letting it run down about two feet, to give itmore size in the ground. The arrangement of the bands and braces is such thatthey support the corner posts at three different points, where other towershave but a single support, thus making our tower three times as secure againstbuckling in extremely strong winds. This plan was originated by us and is fullyprotected by patents.

(Mould's Windmill Pomps of all sizes are furnished w ith the above mills.We have Steel Windmills . K ami 12 feet diameter, also Wood Mills of 10.12. Ik hi ami IK feet diameter. We will furnish catalogues and descriptivematter to any one desiring1 information. 1 Telephone 71

If you can have a fit for the same as amisfit ,why not have a tit.

For particulars, see

M ED KXROS & CO.,tf. Decker. Manage-- .

TAILORS.Hotel street, opposite King Un..

NOTICEThe 19th Century Idea IE. O. HALL & SON,

Agents Perkins' Windmill Co. & Gould's Manufacturing Co.

1. 1 1 1llLIVE US ANOTHER SHOT AT YOU . .Ml MtiP GO. Gwith v


a tmv nworking.

A- - stated in the Advertises onSaturday the names of persons notreceiving ten votes or more wouldnot be counted but would be con-sidered as scattering. Between Sat-

urday morning and Monday nightthere were were 461 votes cast which,added to those previously reported,makes a good show ing.

Counted last nii:tit 461

Previously reported 861

CHANGE IN SAILING. "KOMBI" and Pocket Kodak.

Offer to the Public Their EntireStock at a

Reduction of40 Per Cent.The Steamer "KINAU" will sail at 10


uits atEverv one who saw our "NO. 2 BULLET" was more than pleased with the work

done by them. The only fault we had to find was that we did not have enough ofthem to satisfy the demand. Come and look at the

POCKET KODAK $5.50.Loaded ftr Twelve Pictures.

Makes pictures large enough to be god for contact printing andgond enough toenlarge to anv reasonable size. "One button does it. You press it.' Weighs onlvfive ounces. HERE ! ANOTHER!

a. m., instead of at 2 p. m. as formerly.No freight received after S a. m. on day ofsailing.

The Steamer "CLAL'DINE" will touchat Lahaina every trip in the future, up anddown.



$ 15. OO




R A. Dexter - 27rtD. O Sylvester lftlGeorge Angus WH. Giles 115Mr- - Pjittr-o- n 4iG Martin -- s PANTS atScattering -

Valuable Real Estate Kombi I Kombi! Kombi!-:- - IN

NORTH KONA. 1 m SJ W Only!

Our name is sufficient guaran-

tee for good workmanship.

Loaded for Twenty-fiv- e Pictures.

This little camera can be carried in the pocket. Nothing is left undone to make ita perfect little gem of a camera. Can be used as a snap shot or time exposure. Sosimple that a boy or a girl can use it. Twentv-fiv- e perfect exposures one loading.Everv KOMBI guaranteed.

Both of these Cameras can be loaded or film changed in daylight. We have onexhibition an assortment of pictures taken with these cameras which are perfect ineverv detail.

The underirnel will ll at Pnblio Auc-tion, at his auction roomn. on ueen street,in Uoiiotoln, on SATURDAY, N vemherthe 2d. l'o. at 12 o'clock noon, he follow-ing property. to-vi- t:

1 An undivided half in 1 , acre ofland at Koai. HalUAlM, North KOOA, Ha-waii. leinr a part of Royal Patent lv The

Dinl ingMiHlu 1 Visitor.There's a genial chap rei:itert'l

at the Hawaiian who can tell JOUas mueh aliit the Skibelloffs, theInisekutts ami all the other 'koflfe

anl "vitehesof Russia as if he hadlived on black bread and snowballs.all his life. His name is HenryW. (irantley, formerly of .Missouri,where they 11 seel round up the in-

habitants twice a year t shoe them,and durin.c the rebellion an officerin the ( 'onfederate army. For someyears past Mr. (irantley has leenconnected with the Russian iov-ernme- nt

in the consular service,and is now on his way to the landof the Celestials as Chancellor ofthe Russian Legation at Pekin.With him are Wladimir Romanoff.

211-- , acres leae for o per annum.An undivided ha f in 170 acrea of land ;

atPuapua:i ii. North Kona. described inK. P. 7l. I. v. 4887. The mauka por-tion of this niece kases for $50 per annum,the balance In-lo- the Kuakini wall is notleased. Thf property is s hject to a mort-enir- e.

including interest to date of $ais.78.JA.ME- - F. Mom; N




Geo. W. LincolnIs building a fine building called the VONHOLT BLOCK.

WATCH PROGRESS of the new homeof THIS PAPER.

Auctioneer.Honolulu. October ?.Vh. is;5

4 J :it

Advertiser 75 cents a 75 Cents a Month.Dailymonth.

Page 4: and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he will march ou this city. ... J 1pan submitted to those from China at the conferenceconcerning

KRTHKh MnNnLi ir, OCTOBEB 29 'SMi 1 1 H



mark- - that ireat Britain will haveto ''consider public sentiment in theL'nited States." ami set an exampleof moderation and self --control."This conservative vein runningthrough the usual national blasterindicates that even Joejh Cham-berlain and Lord Salisbury will go


editor, around many diplomatic corner- - in

TO ALL WHO USE PAINT:The undersigned. L. C. Abies and H. P.Walton, purchased from Charles J.Wagner,

the invent i : Peerless Preserving Paint the exclusive right to manufacture, useand sell the PLERLEiSS PRESERVING PAINT in the Hawaiian Islands.

Patent for Peerless Preserving Paint.On the 28th 'lay of BeptCB ber, 1886, the Republic of Hawaii pTanted to L C. Abies andH P.Walton a l atent Ni. IK , granting totbem the exclusive njrht to make, dm and

vend PautUEM PmUTIXS Paint throughout the Hawaiian Island-- .Trade Mark for Peerless Preserving Paint.

The Republic of Hawaii has also giant e1 to L.CAhlesaiwI H P Walton the exclusiveuse of the worda Pkkbtw Paxsaavixa Paunr as a trade mark throughout the Republic ofHawaii tor the tf rin of '20 year-- .

Imitations.Certain parti- - in Jan Francisco have recently been Bending to Honolulu under the

name of PetkLE 1 aKSKSYIBG Paint a hporioufl article not only inferior 10 the genuineiaint. but one wtiieh is poitively injurious tt any metal to whieh it may be apphtd.

Beware of Fraud.We hereby warn all persona against bfinr defrauded into using any but the genuine

PxxBxzaa Paasxavmo Paint, which can be obtained only of Abies and svaiton.Warning Against Infringement.

We also hereby warn all persona against buying, s- - lling or uing any article underthe name of Pekki k Presikvino Paint except that sold by aa a- - anch buying, Bellingor using will t- - a di eel infringement i our Patent n Trade Mark, and a violation ofour rights, subjecting the persona buying, Belling or using such paint to a claim fordamages bv us in accordance with the Hawaiian Law. L. C. ABLES.

Honolulu, October 19, 1895. H. P. WALTON.

WALLACE R. FARRINGTOorder to avoid the jo--i- Me result-o- J

a practical interpretation of the -:-- ANDOCTOBEB 9, 1805.TUBS!) Y

M nroe Doctrine. Meanwhile, Vene-Th- e

Westminster Gazette denies zula awaits developments andthat the Maroui- - of Salisbury has , .

shows no eing inghtened Steel Tower.. . n a an r a L'KfUITliU III 1 1 I I I '

by hull-dozin- g.

Especial facilities for handling Estates.Trusts. Guardianships and Pri ate Busi-ness. Moneys carefully invested. Loansnegotiated. Rents. Dividends and Interestscollected. Property soli or leased for asmall commission.

ieneral Manager for the HawaiianIslands for the following Insurance Com-panies:Equitable Life Assurance Society of the

United States, assets 185,0.S10 HiCommercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd..

of London, assets $1 ti OOImperial Insurance Cmpanv. Limited, of

London, assets $9,32.O20 00Lion Fire Insurance Company. Limited, of

London, assets $4,12&,000 K

The Board of Underwriters of New York.The National Board of Marine Under-

writers of New York.

III III- - IIIIIMI DVllcinc b's

Euroean powers in a joint refusalto accept the Monroe Doctrine. The MMA RECSJrr London dispatch t(az-tt- - -- a v.-- : itif .M.nroe ic- - t. x -

r V..rL-- I 1.1 .v. tlmttrine is a matter entirely between France practically out of thethe old country and the United 1

gagar jq. exporting little or no I

State-- , and if the time ever comes . dw: if is .aid, to a --corner"for Great Britain to take aides onthe -- object we shall stand withAmericans, not against them."

Our correspondent's statement oftl feeling existing n the island ofKauai concerning the inter-islan- d


in beet sugar. The absence of theFrench product has had a sympa-thetic action on the markets, andwas a factor in raiding the price tolis. per hundredweight, an advanceof Is 6d. within a lew weeks. A

larsser ''corner ' than that of the

Ladies, Attention!L. B. KERR, Queen St., Honolulu,

Has just opened up one of the most complete assortment of


NO. 5 THAT DESIRABLE LOT ONthe West side of Jnhl street. .n tht- - Waiki-k- i

side of the residence of C. Bolte. Esq.This affords one of the finest bnildins sitjesin the city. A long lease on moderateterms to a desirable tenant.



French syndicate was. it is sup-

posed, recently attempted. A greatinsuranee company of London wasapproached with a proposition thatit insure sugar in different parts ofthe world to the value of 1,000,-00- 0.

This company canvassedother companies with a view to

service certainly demands morethan passing attention from thebusiness men of this island. Thetime is coming when the people of

this country will be obliged tocome to the system of " large salesand small profits " in order to coin-pet- e

successfully with the growingtendency of outside districts to dealdirectly with business houses ofSan Francisco. Our inter-islan- d

service i- - good, but our island


lot on Young street, near ThomasSquare. Desirable location near the resi-dence of L. Dee Price $2200.


Molokai. Price $275. One-ha- lf expenseof deeds.

Krrt c 1 travnvmvVTiiini n

Ever Imported Into These Islands.

During the whole of this month he will continue tosell at reduced prices Black and Colored Cashmere, Nun's

As pumping is one of themost common uses to whichwind motors are put, themethod ot communicatingmotion to the pump is veryimportant and has receivedour closest attention, and thedefect created in mot windmills of racking themselves topieces in a severe wind hasbeen obviated in the Aermotor

an in taro. located at k amakeia ; Water Veil ings, Series, Ginghams, India Linens, Nainsooks, Dimi- -getting them to cover part of theri.--k . Inquiries, however, rendereddoubtful what quantities of sugarhad been actually purchased, and aquestion arose as to whether specu

ngnf znen with the land. l:ist year s tarocrop sold for over $300. Price $1300. One-ba- ll

expense of d ed.NO. 9. BUILDING LOT AT A A L A ,

Palama, 50xlo teet, oti Aala lane. Price$1400. One-ha- lf expense of deeds.

ties, Victoria Lawns, Lace Stripes, Sateens.Straw Hats .thousands to select from ; Feathers, Rib-

bons, Flowers, etc., etc.

CALL EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE.friends are unmistakably convincedthat it might le better, and theyare inclined to turn their patronace in a direction to force theissue. by means of back gearing, so

that the wheel makes aboutTHE VENEZUELA AFFAIR. three turns to one stroke of

The Venezuelan dispute, which

lators meant to operate on this in-

surance. The proposal, therefore,fell through, but it caused muchtalk in the sugar market. The largepurchases of sugar for Americanaccount proceed in London andGreenock. Private advices support(iiesieker's estimate of thedeficit inthe beet root crop. In addition tothe shortness of the beet crop anxi-ety is caused by the crop in Cuba.Though it is reported to be large,it is doubtful if it will be reaped,owing to the disturbances on theisland. American refiners will

holds a steadily increasing promi

NO. 10 2 LOTS, BACH WITH TWO-stor- y

house, at Aala. Palama. Price to-gether $14 "0, or singly $1000 and $750. One-hal- f

expense of deeds.NO. 11. LOT WITH COTTAGE8 ON

Punchbowl street, below Queen street, nearwater front, will ultimatelv become finebusiness property. Price $3500. One-ha- lfexpense of deeds.

NO. 13. 328 ACRES GRAZING. COF-f- ee

and feed lauds at Honokua, SouthKona, Hawaii.

NO. 14. LAND AT PU1WA, NUUANUvalley, mauka of "Hanai a Kanialama."yueen Emma's old resilience; area 3 77-1- 00

acres. Planted to strawberries and taro.Price $500.

NO. 1(5. HOUSE AND PREMISES ONthe west corner of Hotel and Kekaulikestreets. Area 1425 square feet. House hasrecently been repaired and shingled. Arare business opportunity. Deed, stampsand acknowledgments at expense of pur-chaser. Pric $1200.


premises centrally and conveniently,nearlv opposite Emma Square, Honolulu.

nence in the diplomatic circles ofthe American continents and Bug

L. B. KERR, Wholesale and Retail Importer,QUEEN STREET.



land, continues to be clouded witha great many possibilities and newspaper conjectures that will be solvedonly when Lord Salisbury's latestcommunication to the Venezuelanauthorities is made public. That

the pump or enough so thatthe wheel may run at its naturalspeed, unrestrained in anymoderate wind, without doingviolence to the pump or itsconnections. This enables usto give the pump a long strokeinstead ofthe quick, jerky, shortstrokes of ordinary wind mills.This means that the valves arenot worked so harshly in open-ing and closing and that thewear and tear is greatly diminished, while the piston rodspeed is increased, and conse-quently the pumping capacityis increased. The back gear-ing, together with the extraholes for crank pins in the

therefore be obliged to completetheir purchase- - in Kurojje.

next door and mauka of the residence of !this document is couched in forci-

ble language and demands proper J. M. Oat. Esq. Certainly a bargain. Forparticulars apply to the undersigned..Sax Francisco is makincr a hard

fight to obtain the Republican National Convention, and political For Pipes and Cigarettes.leaders of the West are inclined to

Besides the above I have other desirableproperty for sale and lease. For informa-tion call at the office,

Cartwright Block, Merchant St A Fresh Lot of This Well-Know- n Brand Just to Hand.harlor fond hopes of success, hav-

ing practically obtained the sup-

port of Tom Reed's political man- -

w f t mi 0a crank wheel also makes it posager. joe .nan ley. lne craitvpolitician from Maine evidentlyrealizes that the popularity of hiscandidate increases in proportionto the distance from home. The


HYMAN BROS.,people of this country will bepleased to see either of the conventions held in California, whoeverthe candidates may be. There are

reparation for the arrest and deten-tion of British police at Uruanathere seems to be no question, butwhether it goes farther, as is sug-

gested by many European andAmerican newspapers, and calls fora settlement of the boundary dis-

pute on Kngland's terms remains tobe seen. While the press of Lon-

don is united in poking fun at theMonroe Doctrine, it is recognizedthat the possible interpretation ofthe Monroe Doctrine by SecretaryOlney is by far the most seri-

ous item of the whole affair.Should the British Government re-

peat the Corinto affair and endeav-or to frighten the Venezuelans intosubmission by landing troops os-

tensibly to obtain indemnitymoney, the United States, follow-

ing the precedent made by thepresent Administration, would un-

doubtedly keep out of the tight.If, however, an open fight for terri-tory is to be made, the oppositionof the United States will probablyloom up in no indefinite form.

The London Times is prompt tocome forward with the statementthat the Americans have been too

great many politicians in the Wholesale Importers of General Merchandise.(Jolted States who can profit by atrip across their own country.




The favorable weather during the pastrammer gives promise of a large crop for

and wirh an estiniared shortage of theworld's production of One dlionTonsofSugar, higher prices are looked for.

ersons alive to the situation are begin-ning to purchase now. During the presentmonth we have made more sales of First-Cla- ss

Stocks than for the past twelvemonths.

We are now buying and selling the fol-lowing :

Hawa:in Sugar Company Stock,Ewa Plantation Company Stock,Haiku Miar Company Stock.Honomu Sugar Company Stock,Hawaiian Agricultural Company Stock,Paia Plantation Company Stock,Mutual Telephone Stock,Hawaiian Electric Company Stock.Also Hawaiian Government Bonds, and

Plantation first Mortgage Bonds.We have some very secure boxes in the

Safe Deposit Vaults to let by the month orby the year at very reasonable rates.

For partkalars apply to


And Investment Company,

408 Fort Street, Honolulu.

sible to use with the Aermotorany ordinary size of pumpcylinder If a wind motor isnot sensitive to the direction ofthe wind much of its efficiencyis lost.

The ease with which a windmill faces up to the wind de-

pends on weight of the mill ,

the kind and condition of thebearings on which it pivots andthe comparative leverage ofwheel and tail. In the matterof leverage, the advantage en-

joyed by the Aermotor overcommon wind milis willbe made apparent by thefact that the center of thewheel is only twelve inchesfrom the mast or center onwhich it turns while that of thebest known wheel is thirty-inches- ,

requiring as is easilyseen two and one-hal- f times as

taction flic

By Jas. f. Morgan.


Horse for Sale.

Romping ChildrenWill be parading our streets on Monday toschool. Clothes that were good enough lastyear have been worn out during the long vaca-tion. Kvery mother's? heart beans with pleaurewhen her children leave for school ;lad frombead to foot in a good, clean, substantia' outfit.This fitting out for the school chiidren will haveour special attention for the next wek. Do jouwant to be one of the many parents to be able tosay that your children look as nice a so andso's ? Let me a--i- st you.

New stock of Blankets, Quilts, Bedspreads.Mosquito Nets, Towels, Sheeting-- , Shoes, etc.,

15--FOR NON-PVYMKN- T OKboard, we will sell on TlTESD 1 Y,

ctober 29th, 1895, at Pablic Auc-tion, at the Auction rooms of

James F Morgan, in Honolulu, one Bay, lw intu,Mt.,t;A Ma-- e CLUB STABLES COMPANY

long or large a tail to balanceHonol In. September 27. VBtQ 4l;9-l- m

Lord Salisbury's so-call- ed ultima- -th- - Qam tiirrl vvVir1 ThAermotor presents one half BRUCE WARING A CO.OF OLD BUILD


turn. It says that the tenor of theletter was not "such as to raise thequestion which a portion of theAmerican press seems so anxious

-:- - DEALERS IN -:- -



ine suriace 10 me wina; it isapparent that this other wheelmust have five times the tailsurface to make it face thewind equally well therebygreatly increasing the liabilityto wreck in a storm. Themere fact that we have placed1 50 more Aermotors on theislands is sufficient guaranteeof their superiority and desir-ability by those who want amotor that looks after itself.

Fort Street.M. S. LEVY,

to disCUSS. The claim that the Qn Jhlirsdav, Oct. 3 1 Stright bank of the Cuyani river be- -

AT 13 ()'( MM'K NOON.longs to them does not justify theVenezuelans in an attack upon the 1

mixrs.VnSH-- tSfSrtj h?"British police. Until the violent "Old Chinese Theater." Palama,act is atoned for and an ample ONE RESTAURANT"apologv is made thev are in a posi- -j I -:- - AM -:- -

tion of having -- uddenly removedthe dispute from the sphere of di-- StOFC Building.plomacy and challenged its settle- - Purduagf toremove the withinment by force. hether they 5 days. Terms Cash.

Parties wishing to dispose of their properties are invited to call on us.

count upon enjoying immunity onTHEJAS. F. MORGAN,



Importers and Dealers in

Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

.New ana Fresh Goods received by every packet from California. Eastern Statesind European Markets.

Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.Goods delivered to any part of the city Satisfaction guaranteed.Island trade solicited.


POl ! POI !

E. Vai Doom & Co.. Fort StreetNext I.uc.t' Planing Mill, wilJ have

fresh i ivMACHINE-MAD- E POI


Wtich will be sold to families In 1 trge orsmall quantities. No Contain-


Store open evenings.


account of the distance t thescene of action from England, likeother weak taU-- . they presumeupon their insignificance to dothings no great power would at-

tempt. It is time the Caracas pol1WANTED IT 1HE LOUVRE SALOON.

91 Nuuanu Street.Soon-me-n dailv to drink the-SO- OO


itician- - were taught salutary FAMOUS SEAT TLE BEER,Ice Cold on Draught.

COMPANY, L'D.,Opposite Spreckels' Bank,

307 FORT STREET.lesson."

The Daily News (Liberal) hanP. O. BOX 145.HARRY,

Honolulu. TELEPHONE NO. 92.EDWARDPostoffice Box 47 5

W. L. WILCOX,Proprietor Kalibi Poi Factory.dies the subject gingerly and re- -

Page 5: and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he will march ou this city. ... J 1pan submitted to those from China at the conferenceconcerning

THE PACIFIC? COMMKKMAI 4 iivu-rtN-r m vj r r t it OCTOHRR 2 f

AM EX AUSTRALIAWILL TALK OH Hawaii. paper flowers. Work on garments

fur the pour is prurr-sin- g nieelv.Meeting of TraiMvUiBsissippi :un. It pecd that an entertain-grc- M

in NvcmKr. ment will I given fur the benefitThe annua mealing of the Trans- - of the society aboat Christmas time.


Mississippi Conpress will ! hell at1 tiKtha n Monday, Nov-rnle- r 2&th, i

ami Assi-ta- nt retarv J. K. UtlBand Concert Tonight.

There will be a grand moonlight Merchant


has tlln--- fl a rummuni.-atiu- n t. concert at Thon a- - Square at LADIES'The following is the prothe Hoanl uf Sujervi-ur- -. asking tonightthrn t rleleirat-- s n th- - --rrarn

TEL. 668. --rfI'AKT I.jl r wm-


.u-- is f one for v-rv .". inh.-.l-it-

ants, the number being limited toten from cities of over 50.00J in-

habitants. The cuniirig -e-- -im

m. i : &

I 3S3

Shirt1. Overture - "Anthony and Cleo-

patra " VilliersJ. March Company A, H.N.O."

new, .. Brandt:i. Balla.J "Don't be Cross" ZellerL ICedley "Berlin Popular Music"

new) BochmePART II.

I . r rii i" ne a very iiiijx riaiu1 .1 - . 1 1 . Ml .11

I can fit as well as the best and betterthan some who claim to be first-cla- ss

tailors. All clothes guaranteed to be thebest of workmanship.

Au Tim does not represent me, and afterthis date, August 9th, I will do my owndelivering and collecting.

If you cannot spare the time to call ringup 668 and I will call and see you. Waists6.


Selection " Plantation Melo-dies" Coteruo

Gavotte " Tne Hohenzolleru "Thiele

Waltz "The Tyrolean" ZdlerMarch " Cnder the DoubleEagle". Wagner

"Hawaii Ponoi."

one. ana roe attendance win in anprobability i larger than hereto-fore. Some ol the subjects to lediscussed ar- - : Irrigation of AridLands," u The Hawaiian (Ju -- tin."and " Nicaragua Canal." All Statesand Territories lying west of theM river and those (Mirtionssl Minnesota and Louisiana, whichlie eat f it an embraced in therepresentation.

Coart Matters.Judge Cooper has admitted the

will of the late Thoma- - Sorenson toprobate, and ordered letters testa-mentary to issue to Karen SophiaSoren-o- n and laf L. Sorenson


W. W. AHANA,Merchant T&ilor. 323 Nuuanu Street


Is only "case deep." It is mucheasier to make a handsome case than

An Interesting Interview with therreat Pugilist.

W ht He Says of Hi. Coming Fight withFitzai Minions.

h ofm m ?i. I

B. F. Ehlers & Co.JUST RECEIVED,


fWront th' St. Louis, Mo., tJUromcle.j

it is to put music into it. A tolerablemechanic can do the one the otherrequires the best thought of a muskalartist. The

Kroeger Pianos

without bonds.Chief Justice Judd has handed

down a decision overruling the ex-

ception- in the case of Lee Yick.convicted in the Circuit Court ofhaving opium in possession.

A. S. Hart well has filed notice

James J. Corbett' s history as a ring herovrith reach the end of the chapter when his

title with Bob FitKHitomoiiH is won andist, for aa the world knows, Corbett isin itched to tight Fitzaim moats before theFlorida Athletic Club within a year, for

withdrawing a petition for lettersof administration of the estate ofthe late Kllen Dominis Mott-Smit- h,

it bavins been learned since thefiling of petition that deceased left

1 1 mm 1 1.m

a will.A hearing of the petition of G

All have handsome, tasteful, durablecases, but in their factory constant,careful, studious attention is given tothe production of a perfect and lastingtone. The beauty and honesty of aKroeger begins with the varnish onthe case and goes straight through tothe iron plate that holds the strings.We'd like to show you the inside of aKroeger.


Old Instruments Taken la Part Payment.

Tuning and Repairing a Specialty.

A Large Invoice,SY. Kahaawanaikai tor letters ofadministration on the estate of 611 KING ST., NEAR FORT,

Have No Branch House. FROM THEHaomoepule is ordered for Novem-ber 29.

The accounts of Kamakee, execu-trix of of Kaaialo, have beenapproved bj Judge Cooper and ad-

ministrator ordered discharged.

$m.,000, the largest amount in mid, .r-- f ever huuy ap on aiffair since puUdlram was promulgated inEngland 170 years ho. The sporting World,ven the entire English spenkiuy worldKnows C'orhett's brilliant record as a fighterwithout even a resnme of it here. CorbAtt,attired in a frock coat of the per od, hiseternal plug hat for he always wears :t tileol rilk and shod in patent ieiithers sat inbis apartments in the Southern Hotel at St. '

Louis the other day, and delivered himself ,

of a feu- - opinions regarding bis coining lightwith Bob Fitzsmimona.

! mi fu!! nw vie that Fitz will give me '

peihips the mott scientific battle of myoaieer," said the champion to a Ch run icle I

nan. Bo io an awkara shifty fellow and!i harder man tu Hit than the average pugil- - I

1 t . who dot : d-i.- on his awkwaraOMO. i

lie is a bard Lifer ind cool headed. 1 sawhim fight Dem, f .v and ported myself on hisstvle. He is Ui q'ial almost in height andre.teii, though after otrefnlly comparing hisnetbod of t)oxit g with nuue, 1 can't seewhere bo baa any advantage over me, as 1

am younger, stronger and hit often-e- r

and mix m v blows more. Fitzsimmonsis foxy be has cute enough to feign groggi- - j

uesfl in several of his battles, thus throwing j

his opponeuts off their guard. He can't foulme by working the groggy dodge. 1 willtake no chances with bun. I think I canwhip him within fifteen rounds. After myfight with Fitairomons I will devote my




EMBALMING.Hollister & Co.,

J. W. BERGSTROM,Office, Thrum's Book Store.

New Goods! New Goods!THE m m m

SH Fill HCor. Fort and Beretania Stt.

entire attention to mv theatrical enterpriseand retire permanently from tin- - prise ring. TOBACCONISTSI have $60,000 invested in the spectacularoratua: the Cotton King, one ol tne tug-- 'cest succeaes on the rod, 'The New South.' I

TELEPHONES:179. Residence: 837,Office:Bobby Gavlor's new f,rce comeily, 'After

dark,' and my play, 'Gentleman Jack.' M

pirtuer m these attractions is V . A. Brady,who is also manager. Uf oonrse I sh ill con-tinue to act; I am in lovi) with the stage'

Kamehameha School.Kamehameba School is a little

community within itself. Theteachers and pupils of the threeschools seem lent upon making thelife as happy and as interesting aspossible to all concerned. Asidefrom the regular school work, ath-

letics, musical and literary clubshelp to make profitable the sparemoments. The glee club will bestarted next week with sixteenmemiers : the hand has alreadybegun practice with twenty-fou- r

boys under the leadership of one ofProfessor Berger's band boys. Theprofessor will take charge himselfvery soon. On Decemler 19th,Founder's Day, athletic sports anda joint chorus from the girls' andboys' schools respectively willprobably le introduced. A Shake-spearean club has been formed.Some twenty teachers from thethree schools are members. Oneplay has already been read. An-other will le begun tonight.

YOKOHAMA BAZARCor. Nuuanu and Hotel Streets.

'orbett is now the picture of health.

C. E. Williams,Ed. A. Williams.

THE PRESIDENTof the Spanish-America- n Newspaper Co.,New York, writes as follows:

Among the GOODS JUST RECEIVEDck Schr. "ALOHA," and Bk.

"ALBERT," can be foundan assortment of

Reed FurnitureRugs, Mats, Table Covers,

weighing 214 pounds, Frince Albert, plagnit. patent leathers, diamond and all. "1 I

am bigger, better and stronger than everbefore," replied the champion when askedabout his health. "The rtieomatio com- - i

pi tmt that held me captive off and on sometime ago has left me completely and 1 know1 am cured of it." I ooutracted rheumatism

o W GOODS. U 0 ese Fancyk3(Ibefore training for my fight with FeterJackson," oontinned Corbett. "How I gott or where I got it is a mystery to me, but Crepes, Silk Goods and Kimonos, Handkerchiefs, Screens,

Furnishing Goods, Bamboo, China and PorcelainWare and Japanese Drugs.

all Goods at Bedrock prices.

Easels, Parlor Roelcera,

Dining Room Chairs,ETC, ETC, ETC

H. H. WILLIAMS,Manager.

Undertaker and Embalmer.

MURATA & CO. Proprietors.

"Without solicitation, I am pleased tooffer you the following:

"Over a year ago I was suffering withwhich had settled on my bronchial

tubes and lungs to such an extent that thecongestion caused constant coughing, andfor over six months I suffered untold misery.I was during this time being treated by themost successful pulmonary specialists in thecity of New York, but found no relief untilI commenced taking Angier's PetroleumEmulsion, by which I was quickly and per-

manently cured. Very truly yours," E. C. White."

that 1 had it is a fact that I am not likely !

to forget very soon. 1 buff -- red a good dealwith rheumatism after that fight. Somelavs my arms, wrists and fingers wonld be

--o stiff aud swollen that 1 could not usethem at all. My legs also pained me, butto a less degree. Then, again, all this wouldleave without anv apparent reason, and 1

would not be troubled again for weeks. Ofcourse, I doctored for my complaint contin-uously, but the attacks seemed to comeevery few weeks just tue same. A short timeafter my fight with Jackson I went east amimet it i defeated Domimok McCaffrey,though I was handicapped by rheumatismin my right leg in my encounter witli Mc-Catter-

These periodical attacks of rheumatism affectod me until a few weeks beforeI began training for mr fight with Mito ell. i

One day I sat in the Coleman House. NeYork reading a newspaper. My eye cb-iuc-

o cros an advertisement of Lr. Williams'.'ink Pills for Pale People. I had never


Which Will nAfl. Whichwe MoilWoven KH INNot Rust; I I Ull uvuu


Cheap for Cash !

Every Day ! Why ?Because the demand is so great we can do

nothing else.


-:- - AGENTS FOR -:- -

Popelton's Home-mad- e BreadFresh every morning. Prompt delivery.

TK I. KIM ION B iSO. P. C). ItOX 381.

The Koad Race.Prizes for the H. A. A. C. road

race will le on show in Mclnerny'swindow today. Following is a listof the same: H. A. A. C. trophy, adiamond scarf pin: HawaiianHardware Company, a parlorlamp: E. O. Hall & Son. a Win-

chester rifle. The fourth prize is apair of bicycle shoes and stockings,the former leing donated by M.Mrlnerny and the latter by J. J.Kgan. The winner of the road racewill be given the H. A. A. C tro-phy and his choice of the otherprizes: the second man will begiven his choice of the remainderand so on.

Dry Earth Closets, Automatic; Cord Hammocks, Hand-mad- e KaEnds Woven Wire Chairs, Oak Frame; Woven Wire

Lounges, Cool and Comrortable; Hospital and ArmyCots; Everlasting Iron Fencing, Etc., Etc.

One of Honolulu's Industries. Help it by buying of its manufactures.

There has never, up to this time, beenfound a remedy that will so quickly, pleas-

antly and surely relieve and cure Bronchitisand build up the general health as will

ANGIER'S PETROLEUM EMULSION,the Food-Medicin- e, pleasant to take.

50 cts. and $1.00. Of druggists.



J. S. BAILEY, Queen St., Next Door to L. B. Kerr'.


Waring Block, Fort and Beretania Streets.


Jeweler and Watchmaker,515 FORT STREET.


Alakea and Richards Streets, near Queen, Honolulu,

Iluniwui Leased.The Hawaiian Hotel Company

has leased the above named Wai- -H. I.

kiki resort for the term of threeyears. Mrs. Lucas will have MOULDINGSHawaiian and Gold Wire Jewelry

heard of them before, and as an experimentfurchasetl a box. I oonsumed two boxes.nd was pleased with the results, for thepains began to leave my arms and legsAfter taking four boxes, aoeon'ing to direc-tiOBS- ,

I found myself greatly improved.!t he improvement is permanent I am sure.for I haven't beet: troubled with rheomatistuince. Before using the pills the rheumatic

attacks returned every month or so, especi-ill- y

if I caught cold. When I trained formy fight with Irtitcbell in Florida 1 sufferedfrom luaKria and used the pills as atonicwith splendid results. 1 found that Dr.Williams' Pink Fills were efhcariouM inVnldiug up the system after a ssslariaiutacs.."

I In- - above I attest as entirely correct.Signed) Jab. J. Cobbbtt

An impoverished condition of tbe blood,it a disordered condition of the nerves, if

fruitful source of most ills that aff ctntnkind, and to anv thus effected Dr. W ii- -i

tins' Pink Kills offer a speedy and c rt inure. No otber remedy has ever met with

nosh great and continued success, which ist,e of tbe strongest proofs that Dr. Willian.s'

Plak Pills accomplish all that is claimed? rhem. I bey are an unfailing cure for loco-

motor ataxsia. partial paralysis, St. Vitus'ance. sciatica, neuralgia, rhenmatism, ner

v .us heauache. palpitation of the heart ner-vous prostration, diseases dependin uponvit:ateu blood such as scrotul i, chronicrysipelas, etc. '1 hey are also a epecinc fuf

troubles peculiar to females, curing all formaof weakness. In men they effect a radicalcure in all cases arising from mental worry,

v Tworfc. or excesses of any nature.I bese pills are manufactured by the Dr.

Williams Medicine Cow, Br ckwilf, Canadatnd 46 Holborn Viauoct. Lon ion. Fng.I hey are put up in round gtas bottles, thewippr rovenr.i; which bears ihe full trademark. "Or. WiUimMU? Pink Pt'lt for Fai.

" As there imitations of thiswonderful remedy, see that tne above trad-- m

rk is on every package you purchase, andpromptly refuse all imitations and

Great strikes as a rule entail muchhardship and loss to both sides.Blacksmiths are a'ways striking;they also employ strikers. We donot hear of many strikes in Hono-lulu, but one occured here the otherday the cloeks in Brown & Kubey'sstore struct because the knives andscissors made some cutting ands:ire:i-.ti- c ahouf Brown'sstamps being stuck up" thinesCome and see our stock and p icesbefore buying elsewhere.



Doors. ftOKSouvenir Spoons at Very Low Prices.

charge of the place. It will beConducted strictly as a bathing re-

sort and boarders will not betaken. There are few places onthe leach as admirably situated asIlaniwai, and under the new man-agement it is expected that someadditions and improvements to thearrangements will be made.


Prompt attention to all orders. TELEPHONE: 56.BROWN & KUBEY,Hotel street, Arlington Block.



P. O. Box 269,TEL. 560. K. ISOSHIMA,work SoeaKs P lainer Than Talk

Orders on Telephone 872 will receiveprompt attention.

Fresh Pies Every Day on Sale at Nolte'sBeaver Saloon.

The Gleaners.The (il-aner- S-- iety met yester-

day afternoon, about twenty-riv- e

persons leing present. Donationswere receive I from various parties,including one of calico from MissJudd. Sirs. Hyde read a very in-

teresting letter from Miss Crosby,one of the missionaries in Micron

411 KING STREET, NEXT DOOR CASTLE & COOKE'S,Formerly Occupied by Nan Yu Shosha, Honolulu, H. L

Fine Japanese Goods,Crepes, Dress Goods, Silk Handkerchiefs. Cotton Crepes, Silk Shirts and NecktieaCotton Shirts, Silk and Cotton Pajamas, Straw Hats and Cloth Capes, Umbrellaand ail kinds of Purses, Toilet S ip, J ip inese Canned Goods and Soy, Porcdain ao4Curios and Fancy Articles, Japanese Bamboo Screens.

. . . VERY .-


Honolulu, h. I., Julv 20, 1895.TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:

This is to certify that C. Akima hasmade several suits of clothes for me and theworkmanship has been of the best. I takepleasure in rcemmending him and hiswork to any and all.

Respectfully Yours,James B. Oberteuffer,

Seattle, Wash., U. S. A.

Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by TheHollister Drug Co.. Hon Volu, wholesaleagents, and all dealers in medicine BOA IH).

esia, and Mrs. I'armalee. president Advertiser 75 centsDelivered bv carrier.


month.of the society, gave those presentinstructions in the art of making

BOARD AT $5 PER WEEK PRIVATEfaaiilv 84 Beretania street 4064--tf

Page 6: and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he will march ou this city. ... J 1pan submitted to those from China at the conferenceconcerning

.i h i-- A '"K iliVMRIII'IAI lv KBTISKB' HI VOT, I' I.O. OCTOBKTt 2, 189

A. A. C.EASTERN SCIENTISTS. Vacuum Oils wlIE,fry.I...t..i- - Kuril"" am 1 iinutg Moving- -


Tha fm iHibiiiw t vti.wiirf in tin-Bamtt- o

ttaM a Mute Bate 'pi'1m

luirkxi bar Pwltmjtm pif!

Dr. V H Ftiru. , - n of Dr. V.

Hovanl FaiH01, theauthority in matter- - Mmk--p-rear- j,

ecrnnpanhri by Dr. H. W Hilltr, sonr..i....! t--j i I lor i.f M arrived

on the China yesterday en route tothe Malay Anriip-ltigo- , where theyinten 1 tfathrriiiir, eorkM for the l"ni- -

verity of ivn.ylvania, whh-- h inti- -

tution Dr. Fume,- - ha- - been ao,iate-- J

w f J,

A,'.h .vrilition is strietlv a nri--

If a uew broom sweepsrlearj, a. well oiled piece of

niacin 1 eiy tujzht to runsmooth. There is a savins of

150 per ceLt to the who useVACUUM OIL. An engineerof one of the principal plan- -

tatio- - s says of 600 Cylinder Oii

"That cue barrel is as good

and goes as far as threebarrels of oher kiuds."Tho.--e who are agents for

other oils are foiced to getVACUUM OIL to send to theirown mills.

Hundreds of competitivetests have been made with the

vate one, merely under the auspices made by the H. A. A. C, underof the University of Pennsylvania, he these circumstances it IS hardlyfunds bein furnished by Dr. W. H. rijlt the til1. originally 80--Furness' fat er, neither of the gentle- - . -

. , lected by the managers ot the An-me- n

wa- - inclined t' give out forpublication any of the details of the VEBTI8EK race -- hmild be lianjred.trip. It wa- - learned that the Under the terms .f the contesttwo young men will charter a gotten up by this paper the three

ve-s- el at Singapore, sailing from persons receiving the highest nam- -there to the Philippine and;... ArhiMbM .i ber.d votes shall he entitled to startgathenng whatever cur.os they maynn 1 mdoux DVUMiTM me iiifaiinuKtoeeure the moat perfect collection 0f the three highest men shall nre-po-sibl- e;

will not beanmoney really - 1 it, ctrie iT. A. A. rateobject to ileter them from pi. kiug up600 W Cylinder Oil agaimt

We move Furniture bv the job or $2 toother grades, and it has de- - ?5 bv the load, according to quality or

tance, and we guarantee all work done by

montrated its value for eco us;Intending passengers on island or for- -


articles or making an extended searchfor them.

They are doing nothing regardingHawaiian relic- - because there itscarcely a museum or private collectiou in the Htate but what U wellprovided with everything from thissection and there is nothing left butwhat any amateur can pick up. Aproff&doual men who are well knownto tic- - -- cieutitic world their Held musthe a broader one than the HawaiianJ -- t :, I - offer. They intend making ajourney acrot- - Bonn o and a much ofthe country ha not been visited by awhit man the trip is fraught withconsiderable danger. It is calculatedthat this portion of it will occupyabout six months, as they intendmaking an ex'ended search for archa?- -

ological and ethnological specimens.They will have a siege of rough lifesuch as they have never experiencedbefore.

It is calculated that the entire journey will occupy about a year. Assoon aa the young men reached herethey joined a party aud vi-it- ed Waikiki. Last night they attendedthe band concert at Km maSquare, and this morning at 7 theywill be the guests of Dr. Brodie at bisWaikiki residence.

Dr. Hiller, though quite a youngman, ha been surgeon at the HowardMedical College in Philadelpbia, aposition h resigned to undertake tbijourney with his classmate. Dr Fur-ne- ws

has not given as much time tohis profe-t-io- n as he has to indulgingbis pas-io- n for orchids. He has amarvellous collection, embracingmany varieties of this plant, andwhen he reached the hotel yesterdayhis first inquiry was regardiug orchidsin Honolulu.


Once the Leading Lawyer of ThisCity--Larg- e Interests Here.

Hon. P. C. Jones received newsby the China of the sudden deathof James Walker Austin at South-ampton, England, October 15th.The particulars of his death arc notknown, as Mr. Jones' informanthad only received a cablegram an-

nouncing the sad news. Mr. Aus-

tin left the States for a Europeantour on account of failing health,and it is supposed that his suddendemise was due to heart failure.

Mr. Austin was born January1821, in Charlestown. He gradu-ated from Harvard College andlater from the Law school. Hecame to this country in 1852 andlocated in Lahaina. Maui, where he

IJrfM fo Gilea Cmma Postpone

nut.Ik- - 'Advert leer' Cootart Will Itoke

Place .m Date An-


Some lepresentativea oi the H.A. A. C. at the AlA KKTMEB

office last night ami requested thattli livle Miit r--t set ir th- - th ofNovember le postponed until the16th, ina-mi- i( h as they had p-- t-

jxmeil theirs t the 9th.Advertiseb contest wan

; forth,.laUer ltV ,9 not t((

interfere with any arrangements

in the race. If it should happen onme uav 01 me race inai one or an

then the ADVERTISER contest shallbe decided ly the next three.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

Gold Medal Midwinter Fair.

C11EAMrat a MwiiTmm


pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free

torn Ammonia. Alum cr any ether adulterant.

In all the great Hotels, the leadirgJlu!s ami the homes. Dr. Price's Creachalting Powder holds its supremacy

40 Years the Standard.

LEWIS & CO.,iasenta, Honolulu. 11. I.



J i wFlower Materials,

New Mouldings,

Sheet : Pictures,






Yu to go out in the streetand stp every man andwoman you meet and tellthem what a tine and cheaplot of goods yon have justreceived.


BETTERTo tell everyone in the com-munity about them. Thecolumns of this paper willdo that for vou.

T Alexander H. P. BALDWIN

iCommission Merchants,

no. 3 California street.SAN FRANCISCO,

Island Orders Promptly Filled.

Peork who dem.ind the Nrstcan N h iJ for money. The w

z. lection of our g xls is under ttoafc; supervision Of e;xrienctJ Sjyert

who have m.iJ? ;t their study.


$4.oo and up.

S5"SCTGents1 Parniaoinsa, Men's Straw U

We guarantee our prices to be as! low, it : not lower than the others,

S. OZAKI, 3311 King Street, Corner of

Smith Street.

I. X. L Coir Is Our a.245 Is Our Telephone.


e'gn steamers ill tind us prompt and uptoalI detalIs jn hanJlin marking andchecking baggage.

All work superintended by competentmen.

WILLIAM LARSEN,Proprietor Larsen's Express.

I CordiallyInvite YouTo call and see my new importation sf

DRESS S 8Which have just been roectwA.Connoisseurs will greatly adntothese goods. They are beautta.No duplicates.

It ShowsThat every item of my advertise-ment is read by men and women.My Silk counters have been areal beehive.

Aside from this I received alarge consignment of

Gents' Fancy Shirts,Gents' Fall Dress Shirts,

Gents' Plain Shirts,

UNDERWEARIn Cotton, Ba!briggan, Flexible Seams

and Silk.



Wide Brim Straw Hats, 75c eacfc.

Don't Overlook Me In the Rush.

K. FURUYARobinson Block, Hotel Street

1 1

i 'mm




Ladies' wide-bri- m low crown Straw HatJBamboo Balcony Screens, 8x10, oxio and10 x 10. Bamboo Portieres, Lunch andTraveling Baskets.

IWAKAM1,Hotel Street, Robinson Block



AM) -- :


Partial list per Amy Turnerof Goods just received

from New York.

Wheel Barrows,Road Scrapers,

Ox Bows,Hoe Handles,

Barbed Wire,Asbestos Cement,

MATTOCKS,Feed Cutters,Lawn Mowers,Forges,Blacksmiths' Bellows,Machinists' Drill, Vises,

Charcoal Irons,Refrigerators,




tit 001 1st.

THE-:- - -:- -

toil MM lUiH. M. WHITNEY, Kditor.

Table of Contents for Octo-ber, 1895.

Notes and Purrentfl Topics.Where Cholera is I red.Queensland Leper k Migns for New York.Extracts from Williams, Diniond & Co.'s

Circular.I'lea forArrowing of Cane.With Our Headers.The Late Epidemic.Misstatements Corrected.New Cane Varieties and New DiseasesA Cuban Sugar Plantation.Cses of the Bananas and Plantains.How to Colonize Lady-Bird- s.

The German Empire.The 'oming Plow.The Hygienic Commandments.





il 11 p1

ft rrers


Ruling Market Rate.This Lime the genuim. artld. pure and

simple. No foreign substances used.

Ring up 247 andLeave Your Orders.



Mules-3- 6 -- MulesFOR SALE.

Parties desiring Mules will make moneybuying of me. as I raise all my stock inCalifornia and can sell cheaper than thosewho buy to sell. My Mules are from 4 to6 years old, and weigh from 1000 to 1250pounds. Call or address

R. T. McCULLOUCH,Arliiurton Hotel.


7k. r IBs

Mrs. Judje Feck

DyspepsiaWrs. Judge Peck Tells How

She Was CuredsuOerrrs from Dynpe-psi.t- . should read the foi- -

towing totter from Mrs. B. M. Peck, wife o!Judge Peck, a Justice at Tracy, CaL, ami a writertonnecUftl with tlie AMoetatad 1'ress.- -

MBy a deep fense of gr:it!tu!e for the greatbenefit I tutre received frwm the use f Hood'sSanapmrilla, I bava leeu led Co write tlie follw-iu- g

tHUametit f r the benefit of sufferers hoiii.iy be fdmllarlv afHirted. For t.r years I bavben a great sufferer Irom dyspepsia aud

Heart Trouble.Almost everything I ate would distress me. Itried different treatments aud medicines, butfailed to realize relief. Two years ago a friei.d

upon me to try flood's Sursan;irilla.The. first b ittle 1 noticed ln-!e- me. BO I con-tinued taking It. It did me t much good tiiat

I SJSdlSXiftt lhav

Cladly Recommend It.I now have an excellent appetite and notbJnt; Icat ever distretises me It also keeps up my

Hood'sssCuresflesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood'sBaraaparUla too much." Mas. II. M. I'ura.Tracy. California. (Jet HOOD'S.

Hood's Pills are lucul made. and r feetla proportion aud appearance. 26c. a box.


Wholesale Agents.



Trains will leave on Saturdays at 9:15A. M. and 1:45 P. A., arriving in Hono-lulu at 3:11 P. M. and 5:26 P. M.

Train will leave on Sundays at 9:15 A.M.arriving in Honolulu at 5:26 P. ML

Round Trip Tickets:FIRST CLASS : $ 1.75.SECOND CLASS $ 1.25.

F. C. SMITH,General Passenger and Ticket Agent.



Ebony and


Toilet Ware,Consisting of every useful article

in that line is


We have a full stock of the popular

Beaded and Rococo Border Patterns, than

which there is nothing more desirable or

in keeping with the prevailing styles.

The most desirable, however, has been,

and always will be, the Plain Ebony Back,

with Handsome Raised Silver .Monogram.

These we make up in a variety of stylesto suit each individual taste.

Prices on these goods will be found

lower than similar goods in the United

States, being direct importations from Eu- -

rope, whereby we save the high tariff on

such goods into America.


p lo Dale" Bicycle Dn'


50c. is a Gem.You Should Have One.


nomy and utility beyond all

question.We also handle tnis oil in

three other grades known as

Vacuoline Engine, Arctic Engine and the Heavy Dark Lubricating Oil.

It is about time to think of

placing JOUT Orders for pictureframes for the holidays. Wehave the finest assortment - of

new and unique designs eversent to the Tslat ds. Spare us

a few minutes of your timeand we will show you thesamples. They are BEAUTIES.

P 1 .

DAI NIPPONHotel St., Arlington Block,

Keeps constantly receiving- - via everysteamer from Japan, Freshest andNewest of DRESS GOODS.

Full stock of everything- - Japanese.

DAI NIPPON,Hotel Street, Arlington Block.

MRS. J. P. P. C0LLAC0,


Nestle Milk ta t r infants nas. Oaring 2f '

years, grown in favor with loth d' ar.cmothers throughout the world, and is now an- -

questionably not. only the b'-s- t substitute formothers' milk, bur. the fd which agrees withthe largest percentage of infants. Ii givesstrength and stamina to resist the weaic;nir.s;effn ts of hoi weather, and has saved the s o:thousands of Infant. To any mother Bendingher adJres, and mentioning this p..per, we v I

- en I x:iii-'.e- s and description of Nestles FoodTho. Leming & Co., Solo Atf'ts. 20 Murray St., N"



Holiister Drag Company, Limited,

Fort Street, Honolulu, II. I.

remained till 1S57. After leaving ETC-Lahai- na

he visited his old home in etc..Ilaasachnsettfl and returned to the HJST INislands with his wile, settling in JHonolulu. They resided in this atcity until 1S72, when they return-ed to Boston. Their two sons.ttenry and w alter, were horn inthis country.

Mr. Austin was one of the mostprominent lawyers of the countryHe did a large trust business, andmany of the title deeds are made inids handwriting. Although he hasnever visited the country since hisdeparture in 172. Mr. Austin heldlarge property interests, particu-larly in the business portion of Ho-nolulu.

About the ContestComplaints having leeii made t

this office regarding certain mat-ters connect I'd with the bicyclevoting contest the management ofthe AWJEBCTSn begs to announcethat:

No one connected with the editorial or business department ofthe Hawaiian (iazette Companywill be permitted to ride in the crace.

The price of the Apvkrtiskk isfive cents. If any one knows of itbeing sold for less than that priceby newsboys r agents will confera favor bv notifying this office.

Any subscribers receiving theirpaper with the vote cut out willnotify the business manager without delay.

Page 7: and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he will march ou this city. ... J 1pan submitted to those from China at the conferenceconcerning



.11 0 v m. C. & C.J Mounted j:itrolman Spillner fellfrom his bone arnl broke his leg atthe corner of King and AlafMUrtreets at f o'clock yesterday morn- -

Th V M. C. A. on lifMni in t- -

tonight.Then was a Cabinet meeting

yesterday morning.Th-Claudi- brought nine leper- -


I can find y u a tenant or rent youwhat vou want.

Buying and Sellingresi ikn e propkrtt,bi'ii..'in; lots.acreage propkrtt.

If you want to buy call on me. !f youwant to sell list your property with me.

3fn-ri- i Maui Sunday morning. Surmann.A -- facial t-r- of Court i- - Older-- The Mioses Parker gave a delight-

ed in the uBy Authority' column, ful bating party to their friendsLadies' day at the courts of the la- -t night. After rowing about in

Pacific Tennis Club tomorrow after- - barboi enjoying the moonlight.D(M,M the party went aboard tne P.

Hitchcock where supper was servedThe Woman - Kxchange has re-- an,i dancing indulge! in to music

opened at the new rooms 111 King furnished by the Kawaihau Club.J. D. Shafer who arrived on the

The engagement of Mi Carrie p y . S. China called at thisCastle to Karl P. Huchholtz is office shortly after the arrival ofannounced. that vessel. Mr. Shafer is on his

Medeiro- - & Co. tell you ahout wy around the world, havingfits and misfits in their advertise- - started from New York City onlent today. October 5th. He was very enthu- -

siastic over Oahu's beautiful littleBaleakalawa, arrested Detec- -by ci and Btarted out immediately tolive Hu.hui yesterday. He is held sethe sights.

i r i r . lie wa- - taken to the hospitaland his injuria-- attended to bv Ir.

A meeting of the Sharpshooterswas held in the old Legislative halll;i- -t night. Only twelve membersirere present. It was agreed tohave a friendly shooting match atKakaako hutts on Saturday, theteam- - to )' picked out by the ser-geants. All members of the Sharp-shooters Company should be pres-ent.

Division 7. Citizens Guard, haveresumed target practice. The oldbutts on S. M. Damon's land atMoanalua have been abandonedand a new range has been set upon William Cummins' land at Ka-lih- i.

A shed is one of the newacquisitions. Last Sunday a squad

f twenty men went out in a 'busto the new place. Some very good

1 rr 1 ascores were maue. ine ngnt isconsidered very much better on the( laml th:tn at M"nalua.

NOTICE.THE wo t ; kxchange hasre- -

innHl for imtinp in the new room at 111Ktn -- trt Th- - I unrh iHpartaient will(,peri 011 h llll) A , November 1st. PatronHue i riusre.l. 4i:t.r)-4- t


S. V. I I DI.RKK,Sole Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

Address: B. R. FOSS,Soliciting Agent.

For Rent or Lease.

H AT DES I K A It LK ANDCO M M ODIOUS. . . . . . . 'U' I I Lpii r a r a kt 1 mr Hi 1 1 1 wt f hi

....t. 1 : 1

lit? .1'.-'- ' ' I. ' Ull I I IIOU ,

large parlor. dining room, four bed r i.dressing room, bato room with allnTen- -ien es, store room, pantry, glass closet and I

kitchen with range. The upper Ho .r r,,n- -

tam tour lar.?? tei r n. tih utii u........ B.I. . -. . w . '

.. . I AAA

i 1 ' oiiijur c: t aci vajin 'juaiici, 9MMH0

3Tw2?2l IZZIZLZSand fruit trees, the latter in full bearing.

To a desirable tenant, the rent will be low.F.r full particulars, apply lo

K. F. BICKEBTON,4131-t- f Telephone SW.


tockhol Jers of the Honokaa Sugar Com-pany will be held at the office of P. A.Bchaefer & Co., on WEDNESDAY, Octo-ber .W. 1895, at 2 p.m. H. KEN J KS,

Secretary.Pated Honolulu. Oct. 2, 18U5.

4131-3- t 1702-- 1 1


thi: ann ( a i. mi:i:tin; of thkstiifkholders of the reihY Sojrar Mill, willbe hei.i at the ..tli t F. a. Schaeter Ac

on THURSDAY, October si, m atp.m. H. RENJES,

Secretary.Pated Ho:. ..lulu. Oe:. --M. lJo.

4184-4-1 170- - it

FOii KENT.- LAIUiK. Cool Room, BAND30ME- -

uru died, suitable tor one or two per--kiuk. in a central localitv; privat- - fam- -

Also, one or two cool rooms for iujlepnjts. Address "R..'1 A pvkktiskr office.

4188-S- l.


ASM ALL COTTA'iE OF TWO ROOMS,etc.. centrally situated, suitable

for two gentlemen. Applv toDK. JOHN S. McOBBW.

412iVtf Hotel treet.

HUSTACE & CO.,Dealers in


Which we will sell at the very lowest marketrates.

Telephone No. 4-- 4-

FLO U RHas gained the con-

fidence of all con-


Prices below any

other No. 1 Standard

Flour in the mar-




Theo. H.Davies&Co.,

Sole Agents,

Mutual Tel. 266. p. O. Box 158.

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I.

COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise, Fine Manila Cigars,Chinese and Japanese Crockery ware,Mattings, Vases of all kinds, Camphor-Woo- d

i runks, R.-itta- Chairs. A HnAssortment of Dress Silks, ChoicestBrands of Chinese and Japanese Teas oflatest importations.

Inspection of New Goods respectfully solicited.

Commercial Saloon,Cor. Nuuanu and Jteretania Sts.

T. KEVEN, Manager.

COOL FRESH BEEROn Draught and the Standard Brands

of Bottled Beer.Fine Whiskies, Brandies. Wines and French



COCKTAILS when you havea thirst on (Thurston).


Wm. G. Irwin President and ManagerClaus Spreckels - - - Vice-Preside- nt

W. M. Giffard Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter --- Auditof



Oceanic Steamship CompanyOf San Francisco, Cal.


First-Clas-s Market in Every Respect.

Besides carrying a Full Line of Meatswe make a specialty of



WESTBR00K & GARES,Proprietors.


Old Stand, King Street

Baby's 0

Happiness i

depend on good health.If it gets proper food, itis a jolly, laughing.

ood tempered babv. rf the food lacks any of r

the essential elements of yan infant food; baby is Qgoing to hare a hard &time of it. Zk

Bartlet's1 Food

from wholesome grainhas been carefully pre-pare- d,

and gives univer--sal satisfaction. Its a Q.perfect infant food, con-tainin- g

vitalizing andbrain producing ele- -ments. f


Agents.Oilman Bros., Boston.

E. VANDOORN & CO.,Dealers In

Hondo, info 10 telle Ctgars.

We also carry a full line of Tobaccos,Pipes, etc.

Ice Cold Drinks a Specialty.Step in on your way to the city front

and get a cold drink and a good cigar.




Accountants and Commission Agents.


era Bra MiIConveyancing and Legal documents drawnup. Drawing and tracings made. Trans-

lations in French, German, Spanish, Por-

tuguese, Dutch, Italian and Hawaiian.Bills collected and accounts adjusted.

Office: 308 Merchant St.


THK Sl'BSCRIPTION LIST OF THKHawaiian Kelief Society is now ;ipen at theoffice of the Union Feed Company. Sub-scriptions for any amount will be jiludlvreceived. oKO. H FAIROHILD,

F. W. MACFAKLANE,4093-- tf Subscription Committee


THE MISSES RICK. LATE OF MEL--bourne, have located on King street, Waikiki ot J. U. Atherton, and will take pupilsfor tuition in Pianoforte and Hinging I ele- -

phone 8iSf). lot'.)



entered into partnership for the purpose oicarrying on a General Ketail Merchandisebusiness in the town of Hilo. Ilanu ofHawaii, un ler the rirrn name of Hoshida,HigaJd and Oompmnj .

HOSH IDA.(,g"ed) HIGAKI.Hilo. Oct. 11, 1S95. 4120-2-


Maui, will not be responsible tor anvdebts incurred in his name without writtenorder f om him.

ATTAIN D.TAYLOR.October 12, l,-&-5. Lnhaina. Maui.



A NEW 4 - FATHOM HAWAIIANcanoe. Applv to

4107-- tf .1 M MONSARRAT.


ion street. Apply toM. D "MONSARRAT4111-t- f


Notary Public,Brokerage, General lUminem akpiiv,Accident Insn nmt, nrt'-Safe- s.

C. D. CHASE,406 Fort Street. Tel. 184.

ISYOURSILVERWARESterling Silver or onlv marked so. Everyhousewife has he.irj of the Gorhams,Silversmiths. When they stamp anyarticle sterling silver you can rest it is sterling silver.

We invite the pi hi ;c ' tourists especially)to make a thorough examination of ourstock and prices in Sterling Silverware,Souvenir Spoons, Plated Ware. Watchesand Diamonds. Native Jewelry manu-- !

lactured in unique designs and to order.

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,FORT STREET.

Wenner fc Co.'s Old stand.

F. W. MAK1NNEY,Searcher of Records,


Certificates of . . Title.Having had fifteen years' experience as

a Searcher I am prepared to do all work intn line reasonably and accurately.All Work Guaranteed to be Absolutely Correct.

Office: 318 Fort Street.fW. O. Smith's Office.)

W. J. STODDART,(Successor to Farrer & Co. )

Wittier on Jewe erRepairs of Every Description.

Wire Jewelry made to order,Musical Boxes repaired,


First-clas- s Work. Moderate Prices.

HOTEL STREET,Opposite Kliitr Bros.' Art store.

Hand made and imported Harness, Sad-dles. Bridles and all Horse and CarriageGoods. Prices are ritrht.


C. R. COLLINS,P. O. Box 496. 337 Kin. street.

4079 near Nuuanu.

CRITERION SALOONFort, Near Motel Street,

Have just received a consignment ofthe famous


Malting Company's Beer in BulkTRY IT.

Popular Brands ot Straight ood al-wa- ys

on hand .

c. j. McCarthy,Manager.


13 ACRE6 ORANGE GROVE: ALL INgood bearing; one mile from centre of townand situated at corner of Main street andOntario avenue. The above is in a highstate of cultivation, well watered and inone of tbe most beautiful localities in Cali-fornia. The riarty owning the same is nowresiding in these islands, and needingready money, is willing to dispose of at abargain for cash, or in exchange for cityproperty. Parties wishing to purchase wiflne furnished with good references at River-side. Full particulars will be cheerfullygiven bv calling or addressing

GEO. A. TURNER,Real Estate and General Business Agent.

308 Merchant street. 4!9-t- f


Tiles for Floors and for Deco- -rating Purposes.


-. Manila Cigars .. .


Sole Agent, Waring Block.Telephone 094. P. O. Box 462.


Cook's Music School.Prof. Cook, for fifteen years prin

cipal of Cook's Musical Institute,Portland, Oregon, La prepared to givepiano, voice and hakmony lessons.For terms, apply at the .Studio, VVar-iug- 's

Building, Beretauia street.

Reserved for Professor



Hawaiian tioat House,

Foot of Richards street,Have tine pleasure boats of all desQripttons for rent by ihe Lour or day.Moonlight Boating Parties.

City Carriage Companyhave removed to the corner of Fortan,, Merchant streets, Telephone No.ll3 First-cla- ss enrriages at all hours.

John rt. Andrade.

To My Patrons and FriendsI have just opened at my office, 113

Bethel street, ilouolulu, H. I., anart Exhibition of the lates' designsaud 'ovelties iu Embroidery Work,Drawn Work, Rope 6ilk, Kensingtonw.. b,. I would respectfully invite you and your friendsto call and inspect these goods.

B. Bekoer8EN.

Bedroom 5et, Wardrobes,tee Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps.Ruga, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Steamerand Veranda 'hairs. Bed Lounges,Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets,Sewing Machines, Whatnots, MealSafes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowestCash Prices at the I. X. L., corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

mTWhen you wish to discontinuenouHekeeping let Chas. Hawkiub,1 n .r.,, i ikMiMMti'iiiiyiiiiiiiiiiL(iiriiii 1. 1 1 1 1 1 v y


t will avoid inoouvenience of sellingin pieceH or Rale. Kins; and AlakeaHtreete.

Cbas. Hawkins make estimate- - on all classes of painting, wallpapering and upholstering. All workguaranteed. King and Alakea streeto.

Sew ami secoud-hau- d furniture, all kiuds of second-han- d bocks,jewelry and diamonds bought andsold. Contracts for painting.

Chas. Hawkins.

If yon want to self outyour FnRNiTURB In its entirety, callat the I. X. L.

Beacb Grove, Waikiki, nearBishop's Hwitch Bathing aud PicnicResort. Reserves for families, ladiesand children. Terms reasonable.

Chas. F. Warren, Manager.

Patronize lianiwai Baths,Waikiki. Tramears pass the door.

W. 8. Bartlett, Proprietor.

For Bai fains tn New andrtecoml-han- d Furniture. Lawn Mow-ers. Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose,etc., call at the T X. L., ooruer ofVuuanu and Ring streets.

mmfG. K Harrison, Practical Pianoand Organ Maker aud Tuner, can fur-nish best factory references. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will receiveprompt attention. All work guaran-teed to be the same as done in factory.


rpn.AT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE ONeretania street. So. uu. at dresent oc

cupied by A. M. Sproutl, Emi.. and cont in-inp

8 rooms, kitchen and natlihouse, besidesouthouses.

41 il-t- f H. W. SCHMIDT .V: SONS.


IUI 111 t.-ll.lli-vil,

The Kinau and Claudine willtake away quite a nuinler of Hono-lulu ieople today.

Company A will give a hop atthe drill -- h d Thursday night. Agd time is leing prepared.

The voting in the ADVERTISEShicycle contest will close Friday',Noven 1 tier S, at s o'clock p.m.

The Hawaiian Hardware Com-pany tll more ahotit the points of

ex-elleiic- e in the steel air motor.A meeting of the trustees of the

Leilani Boat Club will le held atthe Hawaiian Hotel this evening.

Hashimoto was arrested vester- -

day afternoon for deserting contractservi. r in the Honokaa Sugar ftm- -

jtanv.The road j nrv ler-tin- l r n ,

damages for the new road fromNuuanu street to Liliha met yes-terday.

B. K. roam, acting for S. V.Lederer, is making a great manvsales of the StandardI'letlonarV.

It-.- - nnlor tlio TMnl. al.looj M-- rn uiii ;..rn v:,.:ible horse at noon today at hissalesrooms.

Y. (ieorge Ashley of the FinanceOlliee i- - confine I to hi- - hous- - atRemonil (irove with a serious at-tack of illness.

Officers of the Bennington reportseeing daily great numbers of fisharound their vessel ; sharks arealso numerous.

The Kawaiahau Club will play at Ti r 1 it Mf)i iiw p v nnrni iiki it- mm - " .....v v v A

a hop to be Riven by Company AThursday night

. , ,Jas. r. morgan win nave a sale

f- . ..

I I .1 I I I 1 I I It !VI 1 .l 1 111 I I I'll lilt j H trill !!next the ol,l Chinese theater, Oct--ober ;lst, at nn

Eight hunters went in the direc-tion f Waialua Sumlay after plover,ami pheasant, of which they se-

cured a goodly number.B. A. Jones ami family returned

from Waikane for good yesterday.They report having spent a mostenjoyable vacation in the country.

Mis ('alia J. Harrison, who hasbeen in this city for some weekspast haves for Tokyo today on theChina to resume her missionarylabors.

Willie Beckley has resigned his;position as operator at the tele- -

phone exchange to accept a letterposition as freight clerk n the

2KinauThe taking of testimony in the

Cranstoun-Mulle- r case is nearlycompleted. Mr. Davis, the attor-ney, will leave for his home by theWarriniiM, iue on Friday.

K. N. Hitchcock of Hilo has entered the law office of W . II. Castle,where he will study for six monthspreparatory to taking a law courseat Ann Arbor L'niversitv.


Miss Carrie Robinson, an oldehoolmate oi Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

I'.owen. i- - a pass-ngc- r on the Chinaen rute to China. It is the firsttime they have met for years.

The Punahou football team iswaiting t hear from the Parkerboys now at Mana. Hawaii, beforedeciding on what shall le donewith resKH t t forming a team.

The Mounted Patrol was drilledby Captain Cook on the Makikibaseball grounds yesterday after-noon. Quite a number of specta-tors turned out to see the drill.

Henry Topping and family ofDelevan, Wis., and Mr. Harringtonand family of Chicago arrived onthe China yesterday en route toJapan. They were guests of C. L.Clement of this city.

The statement that the ChoralSociety is dead, is erroneous. Noneof the officers have resigned. Asstated in the columns of this papera few days ago canvassing opera-tions are going on. A meeting willbe called in the near future.

SANDERS' EXPRESSTelephone 86.Pianos removed for $2.50.Save money by calling on us, as w

quote the lowest prices on all kinds ofhauiing. SANDERS' EXPRESS.

Telephone 86.

THE BOU8E LATELY OCCUPIED BYJudge Bickertou. on Alakea street, betweenHotel and Beretauia streets, on the Hotelgrounds, nearly opposite Pacific Clubbuilding. Applv to

JOHN S. McGREW,Hotel Street.

A FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 4 TOrooms, either on Beretania street or the

slope of Punchbowl. Must have a place forhorse and buggv. Address

C. D. CHASE.4130-- tf 406 Fort street.


Page 8: and - University of Hawaiimander, Colonel Petri, says that when expected rt enforcements arrive he will march ou this city. ... J 1pan submitted to those from China at the conferenceconcerning


Designed for Inside Wo-- k on

Factories and Public

Buildings,? 2

C- i - III

A.M. r u. pitdoaoioic : 1 4ft 5.1

- Prl ity fjti 2 5:53

! um 9:10 1 Yj 3:49 I 14

kg A'klkQM ! 4


2 j: -


? -4.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.4:44 ! 33 ?:47

3w Mill. 7:19 9:10 4: .3farl ;ity. 7:5C 4" 4 J

4t. Honolala... Ml 10 3:11 5 --N

On Sundays train wi!l leave WaianaetBsf7 p.a inataad ol 1:88 p.m. arriving inHono.ulu at 5:2' p.m.

r relent r rain trill ctrry enjfer ac-

commodationsG. P. !)isioa. h. J" mith,

4npnnr indent. Gen. Pks A Tkt. Airt.

THEin! I toflrffenr

rub t buiiilimm tuIssued Every Morning. Except

Sunday, by theHawaiian Gazette Company


u ript Ion Itsr-- :

The Daily Pacific Commercial Advertiser.Eight Pages.

Per month ' $Per months If paid in advance - 2 ocPer year in advance 8o:Per, postpaid to United States

of America, Canada or Mexico- - n ocPer i year, postpaid other foreign 14 oc

Hawaiian Gaette. Semi-Weekl- y, EightPages, Tuesdays and Fridays:

Per year. 104 numbers - - $ 5 ocPer year, foretgn countries - - 6 00

Psysble lavarisbly in Advance.

Advertisements unaccompanied bv specificInstructions inserted till ordered out

Advertisements discontinued before ex-

piration of specified period will be chargedas if continued for full term.

Liberal allowance on yearly and halfyearlv contr.i ts.

All persons desiring their advertisementssontinued must send a written order to

thdt effect.Where cuts are inserted they must be

ALL METAL, not mounted on wood,otherwise wo assume no risk of the.rpreservation. GEO. H. PARIS.

Business Manager.



October. 1MU5.

Steamship Line.

Steamers of the above line, running in

connection with the CANADIAN PACIFICRailway Company between Vancouver,8. C, and Sydney, N. S. W., and catlingat Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Suva(Fiji ,

Are Due at HonoluluOn or about the dates below stated, via:

From Sydney out) Suva, lor HMonfl Vancouver. B. t

S. WARRIM MV Novjn b r 2S. M IUWKRA" . Decenibe- - 2

From Viclorio onrj Vancouver. B.C.. lor

Suva oofl mms. W 4 KRIMOO" November 94S. M IOW ERA" Decern ber 24

Through tickets issued from Honoluluto Canada. United States and Europe.

For Freight and Passage and all generalinformation apply to

u r...,' p rr. j11160. H. UdVieS CC LO., LIQ.,( E N I K 1. AGENTS.



Hi li Service.

For San Francisco:The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-

land on or about

NOVEMBER Uth,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland :

The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

6 i MARIPOSA 5 9

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from San Francisco onor about

NOVEMBER 21st,And will have prompt dispatch with Mailsand Passengers for the above ports.

Tbe Undersigned Arc Now Preparedto Issue

Through Tickets to All PointsIN THE UNITED STATES.

For further particulars regarding Freight' Passage apply to


General Agents.




S.S.AUSTRALIAArrve Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.September M October 2October 21 October 26November 15 November 20

! he Steamer Doric Su Been Chartered.

A lever Flank Morvemenl t Gel 1 1 1

Paeeenajev Travel Prouit he Nt,rth.

The Occidental atnl Oriental Steamhip Company ha chartered another

great steamship to ruu on the linefrom this port to the Orient, the-- an Franci-c- o Examiner. The newacquisition is the -- teauier Dorn, a

i"t-- r -- hip of the Brlific, Ghielie andCoptic, ail owned by the OeeaoioSteam Navigation Company (theWhite Star Hue, of Liverpool. TheDori was huilt In ls-- 3 by Harlan 1 fc

Wolff of B-lfa-- t, and i a yteel rew.four-ma.-te- d ve-el- , 44 feet 9 inche-i- n

length, 44 feet 2 inches beam and 3o

feet 5 inches depth. She is elegantlyfitted with all modern improvement.-- .She is now heini; overhauled and re-

fitted for her new work and will probably make the run to Australia amigo to HonKk-- i n that way. 8' 0 is dueto Htart from the latter port for Xnuasaki. Kobe, Yokohama and San Fran-cisco 11 February 1-- t; due throuarh theGtolrfen (4a:e Pehruarv 25th. Fromtbenoe on the Doric will make regulartrip- - with the Belgic, Coptic andOaelic alternately with the China,Peru, City of Rio do Janeiro and CityOf Peking.

In hIhp of the Relcric. which ranground In the bay of Yokohama, the

company secured the tramp MeamerEvand ale, which is .lue here aboutSunday. She will return to Hong- -kouir and will there be relieved by'he Belgic. It is thought that theKvandale or some other freightsteamer may be kept permanently onthe run. Thi- - activity on the part ofthe company means that every effortwill be made to keep transpacific tradecoming into San Francisco. The company will have five steamers makingquick and regular trips acros-- , the in-

tention being to make up for the advantage the northern steamers havein distance by dispatch, and to keepthe trade where it has been for somanv years.

There are now three northern com-panies in the field for the passengerbusiness, the Canadian Pacific oulydoing well. It is now reported thatthe Japanese will put ou a Hue ofsteamers and the report is not doubt-ed, as it is known that they have anumber on their hands since the closeof the war that are not now needed astrausports or impromptu cruisers.The local companies are preparing tomeet these steamers in case they makeSan Francisco their port on this side.

It is the evident intention of thePacific Mail and Occidental and Ori-ental companies to fiuht it out thistime, no matter what the cost.Freight rates are being cut regardlessby these companies. The result isthat every steamer is coming In fullof cargo. The trade with the Orient

before since the capitulation of theChinese, and the aim of he local com-panies now is to get the same grip onpassenger travel they have on thefreight business.

St. Clair and Hansen.The last act in the drama

of the ETesper mutiny in which sec-

ond mate Fitzgerald was killed wasenacted at San Quentin on the 20thmt. when St. Clair and Hansenwere executed

Marshal Baldwin declined tohave anyone present as spectators,only those whose business war-ranted their being at the jail wit-ness- ed

the execution.

English Battleship Launched.Chatham (England). Oct. 19- .-

The newly constructed battleshipictorious was launched here to-

day in the presence of a largecrowd of spectators. This warshiji; tlie third lamest vessel of herclass provided fr by the naval de-

fense act of lS.o to leave the stocks.The Victorious is of l'o.ooO tonsdisplacement, 390 feet long andhas a cal capacity f lMMi tons.

The Satellite - Shaft Broken.Victoria (B. C), Oct. 21. The

liritish warship Nvmphe, whichsailed for the smith, en route home,this afternoon, has orders to call atAcapulco and assist the Satellite,

" I'M'M II ruaib. X lit.ympnc win tow ner nines outto sea. and !) will come to the Es-

quimau dock under easy sail toreceive repairs.

Going to Tahiti.Leon Gaillard has arrived in

San Francisco en route to Tahiti,where he will hold the position ofnaval and military instructor. Itis proposed by the French Govern-ment to educate the native boys inmilitary tactics. M. Gaillard willsail on the barkentine City of Pa-peete, which leaves San FranciscoNovember 1st.

FITS CFrom V. S. Jonrnal

Prof.W.H.Pfoko.who m:ik-- ! 3 specialty of Epilepsy,haa without doubt treatedand enred n;rr c :i- -t thanany living Phytic ian ; his Booceae is astonishing, Wflbareheard of cases crfSOyears'standingcnred by him.He publihesa valuable work on this disease which he

r.'N with a lare bottle of lr absolute cure, free toany sufferer who may send thoir P.O. and Expre-- s Si

We advi-- e anvone w:shimr a cure to adilrt'ss.Prof. W. 11. PEEK.E, P. D., 4 Cedar SU, New Yuri.

Daily Advertiser 75 cents amonth. Delivered by carrier.

- - - 4 ft K

nmumnl" ? B Bennington, Pigman, Hanaiei. KauaiAm ibip - P HHcbCOCfe Gat-- - an hranP.k C I Braut Jacobaen, Ltynn N'aml.-- hip Mane Harkfe!l, Walter-- . Liverpool,liark Albn Orifith. an Krar - .

Bk Ceylon Calhoun. Pepartow Bay.Bk R I EUtbet, Mf.rri-.- n -- an Fran'isco.t Aiu lurn-r- . Warlarxl. N-- York.

-: City of AU- - - Wi.liaiu-on- . Newcs'leBktne - N Castle, Hubbeid. B V-- cbr Bpokaaw Jamieaoo, Port Gamble.P M 8 B hiiia. Seabury. San Fran

x r a i. Wnert from iu-3- r

bk Alien Grove .Liverpool Iu- -

ir bk J C HtJujrer Brecnen lu- -

ier h H Harkfelri .Nvr York Dae- G Wilder ;8P I Nst 3

. ..- - If lowers .Colon! ea.. . V 1

W B Dm. ond. F s,, v jCASS Warriruoo .o!onies. . Nov8 C Allen B F N..v 31

A U 8 Coptic 'hina Nov r,

OAO88 ( :ty of Peking. China . I 'ec i

Bk Paul lenbere . Liverpool . Dec 30

BR V A I.- -.

Mcsiiav. (Jet. 2H

PMSS China. Seabury, from San Fran-cisco.

DBPA Kl DRB9.Monday. Oct. 2s.

Stnir Kaala. Thompson, for Waianae,Ifoknleia. Kahuku aixi Punaluu.

-- tmr Iwalam for Hanamaulu.Kilauea. Kahhiwai and Hanaiei.

atmr Lehua, Macaulay. fr Kaunakakai,Kalaupapa. Lahaina anil Lanai.

Bark Albert, Griffith, for San Francicoat 12 m.

Stnir KiriHU. Clarke, for Maui and Ha-waii at 10 a ni.

Stnir Kauai. Brown, for Makaweli andWaimea at 4 p m.

itnir OlOndine, Cameron, for Maui andHawaii at 5 p in.

-- rmr Mikahala. Halund, for Kauai at5pm

J A Cummins. Neilson, for Oahuports.


From San Francisco, per PMSS China.On 2H n B Beeha and wife. v w Dimond,Dr Brmli. Mi-- s J Mardonalo . John B Hoff-man, and 3 European steerage passengers.

BOKNCAHTKK At Waduku. Maui. October 15.

1895, to the wife of Fred. W. Carter, ason.

J ELLINGS October 27. 1895. to the wifeof R V. Jelling, twii s.

Diamond Head, Oct. 28, 10 P.M.Weather, clear; wind, light, X.The J. A. Cummins will getaway

today.The C. D. Bryant will sail for the

Sound tomorrow.The Lehua. Kaala and Iwalani

sailed for island ports yesterday.Both the Kauai and Hawaii took

coal from the Pacific Mail wharfvesterday.

The U. S. S Bennington hauled !

into naval row vesterdav. She willload coal todav.

The hark Albert. Griffiths mas- -ter, will sail for San Franciscoabout noon today. j

The Kauai, at 4 1 m., and theMikahala. at .r l. in., will sail forKauai ports today. j

The schooner Spokane is still inthe stream. It is not known justwhen she will haul alongside.

The Kinau and Claudine will sailfor Maui and Hawaii ports at 1Ua. in. and 5 i. m restart ive-lv-.

It i vt-r- v . .reliable that tht barkCeylOD will 'et awav tdav .i

tMk on ballast at the Pacific 1 . i 1

wharf vesterdav.The Australia freight has been

discharged from the Oceanic dockand the place i- - now occupied withthat of the bark S. X. Ca.-tl-e.

The S. X. Castle discharged hercariro o( moulding sand at the,Oceanic wharf yesterday. The Cas--1tie will finish discharxinc on or I

about Wednesday, after which shewill take on -- iiiiar for San Fran-cisco.

The P. M. S. S. C hina. Seaburymaster, arrived yesterday. sixdays from San Francisco. Sinbrought six cabin passengers forthis port. A large number are intransit for Yokohama ami a few lrHongkong. Fine weather was ex-perienced the whole way. On Oct.27th, at ":" p. m.. the Chinapassed the Australia, bound forSan Francisco.

The P.M. 8. S. China will sailfor China and Japan at 4:30 p. She will be busy all daydischarging the 375 tons of Hono-lulu freight taken to San Fran-cisco by the Rio de Janeiro duringthe cholera epidemic.

Ia Co. W. Tta. Pr. Sa. mooii'i phabbh.

i a 3 lf Fnll Mood-7 Oct a.

7 9 9 10 11 12 g. Last QuTM. Oct 11.

ll L il - lL V Moon21 n 23 26 26 001 8- -

Hf"1 a'rOf OB X9 80 31 P Oel IB.

It Is a drv powder which can he pre-par- eJ

for use by simply stirring in COLDW ATER, and can he applied hy any oneand will always produce good work.

It is VERY WHITE, extremely reflec-

tive :md hardens on a wall like stone andwill take any tint.

It will last for years and is unaffectedby gases.

One coat covers hetter than two coats ofoil paint or whitewash.

It can be used on any surface and for

all classes of work, even for the finestdecorating.


This Is for Outside Work.

Such as Fences, Outhui dings and Labor-

ers' Quarters. It is a thick paste to be

diluted with cold water; stands rain andexposure, as well as oil paint, and costsbut a fraction as much.

GO mmAdapted for Dwellings, Offices and PublicDwellings, or any other place whereK ALSO MINE is used. It will not rub,discolor or scale off.

LUCOL.A new Paint Oil. It comes raw and

boiled; is superior to linseed, and coverswith one-thir- d less lead and pigment to thegallon

P. and B. Compounds and Papers.


1. 6. Irwin l k mlAgents for tbe Hawaiian Islands.


Utl lies,


Housekeeping Goods,AND


Agate Ware, Rubber Hose,



Tin, Copper 8 Sheet iron worK.


NewGoods, New Goods: at :

GOO KIM'S, 411 Nuuanu Street,Importer and Dealer in


Dry and Fancy Goods.By the latest vessel we received a Full

Line of Gents' White and Brown PanamaHats and a Full Line Lawns, Ginghams,and Trimmed and Untrimmed Ladies' Hatsin Latet Patterns, etc., and a Full Line ofBest Black and Green Chinese Tea inpounds or boxes. Call on' us for your fineS litings. We guarantee a fit. Pricesm derate, GOO KIM, Proprietor.



A Model Plant is not complete withoutElectric Power, thus dispensing witbsmall engines.

Why not generate your power from omCENTRAL Station ? One generator canfurnish power to your Pumps, Centri-fugals, elevators, Plows. Railways andHoists; also furnish light and power fara radius of from 15 to 20 miles.

Electric Power being used saves thlabor of hauling coal in vour fteld, alswater, and does awav with high-price- d

engineers, and only have one engine tlook after in vour mill.

Where water power is available it costsnothing to generate Electric Power.

THh Hawaiian Elhctric Companyis now ready to furnish Electric Plantsand Generators of all descriptions at shortnotice, and also has on hand a largsstock of Wire, Chandeliers and all Elec-trical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt atten-tion, and estimates furnished for Lightingand Power Plants; also attention is giveato House and Marine Wiring.



Importer and Dealer la

Carriage MaterialsOf Every Description. Including


Spokes, all sizes; Savern Wheels,Wood Hub Wheels, Sawed Felloes,

Bent Rims from r to inches.Dump-Car- t Shafts, Wagon Poles

Double Trees, Single Trees,Wagon and Cart Hubs, ail state,

And a Full Assortment of

Trimmers' Materials,Carriage Hardware. Norway Iroc,

and Steel Tires.

Having a long experience In the carriage business 1 am prepared to supphcarriage builders, plantations, etc., withfirst-clas- s materials, personally selected, atthe very lowest cash prices.

All Island orders will receiva promptattention.

MASONIC BLOCK.Corner Alakea and Hotel Hi i mm.

Telephone No. 350.

Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!If Sugar is what you want use

FERTI LIZER.The Hawaiian Fertilizing Company

just received per " Helen Brewer

50 Tons Soft Phosphate Florida,150 Tons Double Superphosphate,300 Tons Natural Plant Food,25 Tons Common Superphosphate

Also per " Martha Davis" and othervessels,

Nitrate of Soda,Sulphate of Ammonia,

Sulphate of Potash,Muriate of Potash & Kaintt

High -- Grade ManuresTo any analysis always on band ar

made to order.

A. F. COOKE, Agent.

ne Reason (or msgAdvertisers use the Adve-

rtiser because they get pro-fitable results from theiradvertisino; in it.

They know, also, that eachone pays a like price for alike service.

Advertising space is notgiven to one house in orderthat it may act as a decoyduck for others.

No "discount" for one,"special discount" for ano-ther and "extra special dis-count" for still another.

Like price for like serviceis the only fair way.




SOOMMO lpa will leave for and arrivefrom Sao Francisco, Vancouver andSydney on the following dates, till the-- lose of 1896.

a. a? rl 001.0 LC Lbav HoholdliU. 8am ':' n Fob Sap Fbakciscon Vajicocvsb OB VAWCOrVBB

'ht or Abtmt"bins Oct. 29 Aust-a- l a Oc. 96tnstralia .Nov. 15 ' Mmveri . . Nov. 1

Mariposa . . Nov. 21 Coptic Nov. hrfiowera Not. 24 Mon ai ... .Nov. 1 --

Ausoptic Nov. 28 ; ralir. .Nov. 2nA'arnmoo . Dec 24 ' Warruuoo. . . . Dec. 2"tv Peking.. Dec. 28 t'ity Peking. .Dec. f

I 1 see.iowern , Ian. 1

H -- '.,-. loff teal Kerortl- -


THR..Msm - o- 3r 73

Son Jo 29 973.W( 7 2 10-- 3

Mom SI W SI 1 -Tae ."J Ji rj : l T5 l- -

WM j.i . ;. !

Thu H iH 3o P0 NNEFri J.'. 00.1 001 NNE

. : -

ire fttid 1

- 5I y r - - c ?- X- -

p.m. A.m. p.m. A.m.Mon 30 12)2 0M .57 6 12 1 5 2 1.'9Tom .. 29 12 5 i. 31 7.20 7.11 6. 2 .11 i-

a n. p.m.lWed SO I.SS 1.33 7 43 8. 0 2 6 25 3 37

Thnn SI 2.90 ".10 8 U 6. I 6 2 4.i7Frid. . I 139 3" 9.3 6. 3 6 24 .1St ... 9 3.36 : 13 9. 4 10.29 . 4 . 2 10

Sun. a 4.12 3.4 9.31 11.11 6 . 4 5 23

THROUGH LINEFrom S. F. for From Sydney for

Sydney. S. F.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

monowai. Sept 26 Mariposa, Oct. 17Alameda, Oct. 24 Monowai, Nov. 14


GostonLine of PacketsSHIPPERS will Please Take Notice

that the

Bark HOLLISWOODWill Leave New York for this port on or

about SEPTEMBER 30th.For further information apply to Chas.

Brewer Sc Co., 27 Kilby street, Boston,Mass., or to

C. BREWER & CO., LTD.,Honolulu, Agents.

Fnll moon on the 2nd at 4h 47m a.rn

A t Gazette Office.