and the Environment - Introduction - West Coast Ballast...

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Assessing the global threat of invasive species to marine biodiversity Jennifer L Molnar, Rebecca L Gamboa, Carmen Revenga, and Mark D Spalding Front Ecol Environ 2008; 6, doi:10.1890/070064 This article is citable (as shown above) and is released from embargo once it is posted to the Frontiers e-View site ( © The Ecological Society of America Please note: This article was downloaded from Frontiers e-View, a service that publishes fully edited and formatted manuscripts before they appear in print in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Readers are strongly advised to check the final print version in case any changes have been made. esa esa

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Frontiers inEcologyand the Environment

Assessing the global threat of invasivespecies to marine biodiversityJJeennnniiffeerr LL MMoollnnaarr,, RReebbeeccccaa LL GGaammbbooaa,, CCaarrmmeenn RReevveennggaa,, aanndd MMaarrkk DD SSppaallddiinngg

Front Ecol Environ 2008; 6, doi:10.1890/070064

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Invasive species have transformed marine habitatsaround the world. The most harmful of these invaders

displace native species, change community structure andfood webs, and alter fundamental processes, such as nutri-ent cycling and sedimentation. Alien invasives havedamaged economies by diminishing fisheries, foulingships’ hulls, and clogging intake pipes. Some can evendirectly impact human health by causing disease (Ruiz etal. 1997). Although only a small fraction of the manymarine species introduced outside of their native rangeare able to thrive and invade new habitats (Mack et al.2000), their impact can be dramatic.

The impacts of invasions may be seen locally, but thedrivers of biological invasion are, to an increasingdegree, global. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of infor-mation on invasive species at the global scale. TheConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has identi-fied the need for “compilation and dissemination of

information on alien species that threaten ecosystems,habitats, or species, to be used in the context of any pre-vention, introduction and mitigation activities” (CBD2000). Most data have been compiled at local, national,or regional scales (Ricciardi et al. 2000). Data that doexist often do not have consistent formats or definitions,and are therefore not easily comparable (Crall et al.2006). Many datasets also lack information regardingecological and economic impacts, and are thereforeunable to inform risk assessments or to catalyze effectivepolicies across national borders.

Once alien species become established in marine habi-tats, it can be nearly impossible to eliminate them(Thresher and Kuris 2004). Interception or removal ofpathways are probably the only effective strategies forreducing future impacts (Carlton and Ruiz 2005). Withlimited funds, establishing priorities is key, so that moneyallocated for prevention of invasions is well spent.Prioritizing actions requires knowing which species arelikely to be most harmful to native ecosystems (Byers etal. 2002), current distributions of these species, and howthey are likely to be transported to new regions.

This paper describes a new effort to quantify the geo-graphic distribution of the threat of invasive species tomarine biodiversity worldwide. We present an analyticalframework that allows users to capitalize on existinginformation by: (1) integrating data from diverse sourcesin a uniform manner; (2) systematically scoring thethreat of each alien species to native biodiversity; (3) col-lecting information by geographic units (marine ecore-gions), so that data can be summarized and analyzed withother datasets at this scale; and (4) documenting intro-duction pathways for each species. Using the informationcompiled to date, we also present some initial findingsfrom this dataset. This is not an exhaustive analysis, butillustrates the utility of the database, and provides some


Assessing the global threat of invasivespecies to marine biodiversity JJeennnniiffeerr LL MMoollnnaarr11**,, RReebbeeccccaa LL GGaammbbooaa11,, CCaarrmmeenn RReevveennggaa22,, aanndd MMaarrkk DD SSppaallddiinngg33

Although invasive species are widely recognized as a major threat to marine biodiversity, there has been noquantitative global assessment of their impacts and routes of introduction. Here, we report initial results fromthe first such global assessment. Drawing from over 350 databases and other sources, we synthesized informa-tion on 329 marine invasive species, including their distribution, impacts on biodiversity, and introductionpathways. Initial analyses show that only 16% of marine ecoregions have no reported marine invasions, andeven that figure may be inflated due to under-reporting. International shipping, followed by aquaculture, rep-resent the major means of introduction. Our geographically referenced and publicly available database pro-vides a framework that can be used to highlight the invasive taxa that are most threatening, as well as to pri-oritize the invasion pathways that pose the greatest threat.

Front Ecol Environ 2008; 6, doi:10.1890/070064

IInn aa nnuuttsshheellll::• Marine invasive species are a major threat to biodiversity, and

have had profound ecological and economic impacts• Developing effective prevention strategies requires global

information, but most datasets are local or regional• A new database, containing a simple, quantified threat-scor-

ing index and introduction pathways classification, provides acritical tool for objectively comparing marine invasionsworldwide

• Initial results confirm earlier assessments of the primaryimportance of shipping and aquaculture as introduction path-ways and of the high levels of invasion in the temperateregions of Europe, North America, and Australia

1The Nature Conservancy, Seattle, WA 98101 *([email protected]);2The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA 22203; 3The NatureConservancy, Newmarket CB8 8AW, UK

Marine invasive species JL Molnar et al.

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new insight into patterns and processes of global marineinvasions.

� Scope of the assessment

This assessment is focused on the global distribution pat-terns and impacts of alien species on native species andhabitats in the coastal marine environment. Species thatprimarily occur in and modify human-managed waters(eg aquaculture) have been included, but only theirimpacts on native biodiversity are documented.

There are multiple ways to define “invasive species”(Lodge et al. 2006). Recognizing the limitations and prac-tical needs of a global study, we use a broad definitionthat includes any species reported to have become estab-lished outside of its native range (Richardson et al. 2000;Rejmánek et al. 2002). This differs from the narrower def-inition used for public policy purposes, which requiresthat the species cause negative economic, environmen-tal, or public health impacts (eg US Federal ExecutiveOrder 13112 1999; McNeely et al. 2001), but it allowsincorporation of information from a broader array of datasources. We devised a threat scoring system to indicatethe magnitude of species’ ecological impact and invasivepotential within the global framework.

We report non-native occurrences by ecoregion, usinga biogeographic classification recently developed formarine coastal environments (;Spalding et al. 2007). Ecoregions are widely used for con-servation planning and strategic analysis by major conser-vation NGOs (Olson et al. 2001). Marine ecoregionshave been defined as “areas of relatively homogeneousspecies composition, quite clearly distinct from adjacentsystems” (Spalding et al. 2007). They are containedwithin marine realms, which are defined as large areas ofocean in which biota share a similar evolutionary historydue to isolation or other factors (Spalding et al. 2007).We selected these units of analysis because they are globalin scale and commensurate with the resolution of thedata in a way that is useful for ecologically guided,regional risk assessment. Additional research was oftennecessary to convert data reported by political units (egcountries, states) into biogeographic terms.

We developed our data collection methods to allowconsistent documentation of information across taxa andhabitats. Related ongoing assessments of terrestrial andfreshwater invasive species will be reported elsewhere.

� Database development

We collected information on marine invasive speciesfrom a variety of sources and compiled the information ina geographically referenced database. In addition to non-native distributions by marine ecoregion, we documentedhabitat types, native distributions, and introductionpathways for each species. We also collected detailedinformation about the threat that each species posed to

native biodiversity, using the scoring system describedbelow. A description of our data collection methods isprovided in WebPanel 1.

Input data were restricted to published sources or other-wise highly credible, publicly available datasets, with arobust scientific framework; all sources are referenced inthe database. We initially targeted datasets that coveredbroad spatial scales and taxonomic groups. Regional,national, and some sub-national datasets, along with lit-erature and internet resources, were used to supplementdata gaps and provide information at a finer scale. Datacollection is ongoing. The database is available online( and will be updatedperiodically.

Threat scoring system

The number of alien species in a habitat does not indicatethe level of threat posed to native biota or the damagealready done. Many species establish in a new habitatwith few disruptions, whereas others alter entire ecosys-tems or put native species at risk of extinction. We devel-oped a threat-scoring system, based on several existingthreat classification systems (Cal-IPC 2003; Salafsky et al.2003; NatureServe 2004), to capture information on thethreat posed by alien species.

Each invasive species was assigned a score (where dataallowed) for the following categories: ecological impact,geographic extent, invasive potential, and managementdifficulty (Panel 1).

The “ecological impact” score measures the severity ofthe impact of a species on the viability and integrity ofnative species and natural biodiversity. For example, thegreen alga, Caulerpa taxifolia, was assigned the highestecological impact score (4), based on its ability to out-compete native species and reduce overall biodiversity(Jousson et al. 2000). The sea slug, Godiva quadricolor, wasconservatively assigned a lower score (2), because its onlyknown impact is feeding on one taxon – other sea slugs –with no wider effects documented (Hewitt et al. 2002).

The ecological impact score was assigned globally foreach species, not for specific occurrences. For consis-tency, this score reflects the most damaging documentedimpacts, although geographic variation and diversity ofimpacts were also noted where available. Where impactinformation was ambiguous, we were conservative andassigned a lower score. Because we are assessing the eco-logical impacts of invasive species, we have, to date, onlyincluded species for which we found documentation ofecological impacts, or lack thereof. We did not track howmany species were excluded due to this criterion. Webelieve that the most harmful species are also the bestdocumented, so that even at this stage, our work has arepresentative coverage of these most harmful species.

Species not captured in our database probably have rel-atively low ecological or economic impact and mayinclude microorganisms whose introductions are largely

JL Molnar et al. Marine invasive species

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unrecorded and whose impacts remainpoorly understood (Drake et al. 2007).“Geographic extent” captured the scale ofeach species’ invasive range. It was definedrelative to ecoregion size, instead of byabsolute units (eg area, length of coastline),to allow use across marine, freshwater, andterrestrial environments. “Invasive poten-tial” is an estimate of the magnitude of thecurrent or recent rate of spread and thepotential for future spread after introduc-tion to new habitats. The “management dif-ficulty” score indicates the effort required toreverse the threat, remove the species,and/or manage its presence.

Threat scores were necessarily semi-quantitative, but they correspond to cate-gories that differ substantially in threatlevel, with clearly defined parameters forassigning individual scores (WebPanel 1).This enabled us to include a broad range ofinformation and to use the same categoricalscoring across marine, freshwater, and ter-restrial habitats.


To consistently document introductioninformation in our database, we needed aclassification of marine, terrestrial, andfreshwater species pathways that wouldallow for the capture and summary of datawith various levels of detail. We based ourframework on the outline developed by theUS National Invasive Species Council’sPathways Team (Campbell and Kriesch2003; revised by Lodge et al. 2006). Thisteam developed “a system for evaluatingthe significance of invasive species path-ways” into and within the US, broadlydefining pathways as “any means that allows entry orspread of an invasive species” (Campbell and Kriesch2003). Although this system includes routes of introduc-tion that others may consider to be vectors (Carlton andRuiz 2005) and categories are not always mutually exclu-sive, it allows the practical categorization of commonlyreported information on pathways and vectors. We modi-fied this system slightly, to better fit a global assessmentand made category adjustments to allow effective gather-ing of data by species (Panel 2).

Using this framework, we documented all known andlikely pathways for each species in our database. We onlyincluded pathways to new habitats, not methods for localdispersal. We were not geographically specific (eg werecorded that a particular species could be carried in bal-last water, but not the specific ports between which ittraveled). We documented additional introduction infor-

mation, including whether the introduction of a speciesvia a pathway was intentional or accidental.

� Assessing the extent and impact of invasivespecies

We have compiled information from over 350 datasources. The database now includes 329 marine invasivespecies, with at least one species documented in 194ecoregions (84% of the world’s 232 marine ecoregions;Figure 1). The dominant groups of species in our databaseare crustaceans (59 species), mollusks (54), algae (46),fish (38), annelids (31), plants (19), and cnidarians (17).

We scored all 329 species for ecological impact andgeographic extent. The mean ecological impact score was2.55 (SD = 1.04) – halfway between “disrupts singlespecies with little or no wider ecosystem impact” and “dis-

Panel 1. Threat scoring system

Each species in our assessment was assigned a score for each of the following cate-gories (where data allowed), to indicate the magnitude of the threat it poses tonative biodiversity. The scoring system was devised so that it could be applied con-sistently to different types of species and to those living in marine, freshwater, andterrestrial habitats.

Ecological impact 4 – Disrupts entire ecosystem processes with wider abiotic influences3 – Disrupts multiple species, some wider ecosystem function, and/or keystone

species or species of high conservation value (eg threatened species)2 – Disrupts single species with little or no wider ecosystem impact1 – Little or no disruption U – Unknown or not enough information to determine score

Geographic extent4 – Multi-ecoregion 3 – Ecoregion2 – Local ecosystem/sub-ecoregion 1 – Single siteU – Unknown or not enough information to determine score

Invasive potential4 – Currently/recently spreading rapidly (doubling in <10 years) and/or high

potential for future rapid spread3 – Currently/recently spreading less rapidly and/or potential for future less rapid

spread2 – Established/present, but not currently spreading and high potential for future

spread 1 – Established/present, but not currently spreading and/or low potential for

future spread U – Unknown or not enough information to determine score

Management difficulty4 – Irreversible and/or cannot be contained or controlled3 – Reversible with difficulty and/or can be controlled with significant ongoing

management2 – Reversible with some difficulty and/or can be controlled with periodic man-

agement1 – Easily reversible, with no ongoing management necessary (eradication)U – Unknown or not enough information to determine score

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rupts multiple species, some wider ecosystem function”.Most species have been found in multiple ecoregions(mean geographic extent score of 3.98, SD = 0.19). Wescored 324 species for invasive potential, with a mean scoreof 2.05 (SD = 1.03; “established/present…high potentialfor future spread”). The 268 species scored for managementdifficulty had a mean of 3.56 (SD = 0.71), indicating thatmost are difficult if not impossible to remove or control.

A primary driver for the development of this assess-

ment was to provide a means of distinguishing relativelylow-impact invasive species from those with potentiallysevere detrimental effects. We defined “harmful” invasivespecies as those having ecological impact scores of 3 or 4(disrupting multiple species or wider ecosystems). Usingthis definition, 57% of species in our database are harm-ful, ranging from 47% of cnidarians to 84% of plants(Figure 2). The database also allows a geographic perspec-tive; Figure 1 shows the number of harmful invasive

species by ecoregion. Our data reveal high levels of inva-

sion in the following ecoregions:Northern California, including SanFrancisco Bay (n = 85 species, 66% ofwhich are harmful), the HawaiianIslands (73, 42%), the North Sea (73,64%), and the Levantine Sea in theeastern Mediterranean (72, 50%).Realms that feature the highest degreeof invasion are the Temperate North-ern Atlantic (240, 57%), TemperateNorthern Pacific (123, 63%), andEastern Indo-Pacific (76, 45%). Theleast invaded realms are the Southernand Arctic Oceans (1, 100%, and 9,56%, respectively).

We documented known or likelypathways for all 329 marine invasivespecies, with a mean of 2.0 pathwaysper species (SD = 1.1). More than80% of species were introduced unin-

FFiigguurree 11.. Map of the number of harmful alien species by coastal ecoregion, with darkerred shades indicating a greater number of species with high ecological impact scores(3 or 4). Ecoregions in which only less harmful species have been documented areshown in dark blue.

Panel 2. Pathways framework

We used this framework to document known and likely pathways for each marine species in our assessment. It was adapted from theNational Invasive Species Council Invasive Species Pathway Team,with “pathways” defined broadly as “any means that allows entry or spreadof an invasive species” (Campbell and Kriesch 2003). This outline has been summarized to highlight sub-pathways for marine species; seeWebPanel 2 for full outline with all sub-pathways.

Commerce in living organisms pathways• Live seafood trade• Livestock• Aquaculture and mariculture activities

• Enclosed facilities• Stocking in open water

• Pet, aquarium, and water garden trade• Bait industry• Biocontrol• Nurseries/garden/landscaping• Agricultural and forestry species trade• Plants and plant parts as food• Other animal trade• Other plant trade

Other human-assisted pathways• Ecosystem disturbance• Climate change

Natural spread

Transportation-related pathways• Modes of transportation

• Air transportation• Freshwater/marine transportation

• Ballast and/or fouling• Ballast water and sediments• Hull/surface fouling

• Stowaways in holds• Superstructures/structures above the water line• Dredge spoil material• Canals that connect waterways

• Land/terrestrial transportation• Items used in shipping process

• Containers – both exterior and interior• Packing materials

• Tourism/travel/relocation• Mail/internet/overnight shipping companies

Numbers of known harmful alien species

No Data 1–2 3–7 8–15 16–30 31–56

Other alien species reported

JL Molnar et al. Marine invasive species

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tentionally. The most common pathway formarine species in the database was shipping(ballast and/or fouling; 228 species, 57% ofwhich are harmful). Of the 205 species withmore detailed shipping pathway informa-tion, 39% are known to have been, or arelikely to have been transported only by shipfouling, 31% are transported only by ballast,and 31% are transported by either ship foul-ing or ballast. The aquaculture industry isthe next most common pathway (134species, 64% of which are harmful; Figure 3).

To demonstrate regional variation, keypathways into the most heavily invadedecoregions were determined by aggregatingthe known and likely pathways of speciesrecorded in those ecoregions (Table 1).While shipping pathways are generally dom-inant, aquaculture is an important conduitfor invasions on the west coast of the US,while the Suez Canal is a key pathway intothe eastern Mediterranean.

Among the 359 data sources compiled to date, 47%are from peer-reviewed literature, 33% are from otherpublished reports, 11% are from existing databases andatlases, and 3% are from unpublished reports (a list ofdatabase sources is provided in WebPanel 3). Mostspecies were initially entered into our database usingother databases and atlases, which, in almost everycase, were compiled from the peer-reviewed literatureand/or by regional experts. Additional information wasobtained from the literature and reports. The accuracyof the patterns we found is dependent, in part, on the

reliability of the data sources we used. Of course, evenwith reliable sources it is probable that, over time, cor-rections will be required. Necessary amendments mayinclude incorporation of new studies or correction oferrors from original field assessments, but environmen-tal, evolutionary, or stochastic changes may also neces-sitate revision of the information in our database. Forexample, a heretofore benign, non-native speciescould invade a new niche and become a greater threat,or a native species could adapt to consume or out-com-pete an invader.

� Identifying research and informationneeds

We documented more information on well-studied regions (eg US, Europe, Australia)than on other areas. Regions with a smallnumber of invasions reported may contain few,if any, invasive species, but it is likely that atleast some of these gaps are the result of a lackof research, monitoring, and/or public report-ing of information.

A large number of ecological and economicimpacts of alien species have been documentedby others in regions identified as highly invadedon our map (eg San Francisco Bay, Cohen andCarlton 1998; Hawaiian Islands, Smith et al.2003; North Sea, Eno et al. 1997; Mediter-ranean Sea, Galil 2006). It is probable thatalien species are also affecting regions thatappear, on our map, to be less invaded. To see ifshipping data could act as a proxy indicator foridentifying areas where invasions may havegone undetected, we compared our data onharmful species introduced via shipping in well-

FFiigguurree 22.. Number of species in the dominant groups that fall into the highesttwo categories (3 or 4) of each threat score.













Total number of species

Ecological impact = 3 or 4

Geographic extent = 3 or 4

Invasive potential = 3 or 4

Management difficulty = 3 or 4

Crustacean Mollusk Algae Fish Annelid Plant Cnidarian

FFiigguurree 33.. Number of marine alien species known or likely to be introduced bythe most common human-assisted pathways, with the proportion scored ashigh ecological impact (3 or 4) shown in a darker shade. Percent of totalnumber of species in assessment (n = 329) is indicated.



Canal construction

Aquarium trade

Live seafood trade

0 50 100 150 200 250

Number of species

Harmful alien species (n = 187)

Other alien species (n = 142)






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studied regions (US excluding Alaska, temperate Europe,Australia, New Zealand) with separate shipping indica-tors (number of ports and shipping cargo volume) in arecent year (2003) by ecoregion (Halpern unpublished).We found statistically significant correlations betweenthese shipping indicators and the number of harmfulspecies reported (using a generalized linear model fornumber of ports – number of harmful species: t = 6.94, SE= 0.0019, df = 32; for shipping cargo volume – number ofharmful species: t = 5.81, SE = 5.2 x 10–10, df = 32). Thus,the magnitude of shipping activities could potentiallypredict the risk for harmful invasions. These shippingmeasures do not account for the origin of incoming ships,susceptibility to invasion, changes in shipping patternsand volume (Drake and Lodge 2004), or variation inquarantine standards and shipping operations. Shouldsuch refinements to shipping data become available, it islikely that even stronger relationships would be observed.

Given the correlation between shipping indicators andharmful invasions, regions with high port traffic but fewreported invasions probably contain more marineinvaders than we have documented. Notably, we wouldexpect this to include east and southeast Asia. Data maynot have been collected in these regions, or results maynot be easily available to researchers in other parts of theworld. It is our hope that the establishment of global datarepositories or networks on invasive species (eg GlobalInvasive Species Information Network; will encourage more detailed research and therelease of additional information.

Together with more thorough geographic coverage,better reporting of ecological impacts would help to closethe most substantial and immediate information gaps.Our database includes only those species with docu-mented ecological impacts. Several hundred invasivespecies known to exist in places like the MediterraneanSea (Mooney and Cleland 2001) and San Francisco Bay(Cohen and Carlton 1998) were excluded becauseimpact information was not reported. These particularsystems are already highly invaded, but a more completeassessment of impacts would improve understanding of

likely effects in other regionswhere those species are found.We are making our databasefreely available online, toencourage further submissions;this will improve reporting andrefine our knowledge of globalinvasion patterns.

� Conservation and policyapplications

Using data collected in thisassessment, we can identifyglobal patterns and draw pre-

liminary conclusions that may be applied to conservationand policy efforts. Here, we discuss several ways in whichour database could be used to inform policy decisions.

Informing regional strategies

The database allows us to examine patterns of the knownpresence of marine invasive species and the distributionof their threat. The number of harmful species in eachecoregion provides an indication of the level of degrada-tion from past invasions as well as, perhaps, the pressurefrom future invasions. This information could help policymakers to understand the trade-offs as they choose how toimplement decisions and invest resources.

Prioritizing pathways for prevention efforts

Identification of the most common pathways for intro-duction of harmful marine species (Figure 3) can informand support international policies aimed at preventingsuch introductions. Our results, based on the largestdataset compiled to date, clearly confirm earlier studies(eg Ruiz et al. 1997; Minton et al. 2005) and point to ship-ping as a major global pathway. This provides a powerful,objective argument in support of ongoing efforts toimprove ballast water management practices (egInternational Maritime Organization’s Ballast WaterConvention and Management Programme; Even so, the major impacts of ship-foulingspecies suggest that ballast water agreements alone maybe insufficient. We also confirm earlier studies describingthe role of aquaculture operations in marine invasions (egNaylor et al. 2001). Stricter, industry-wide control mea-sures could be developed and legal and enforcementstructures strengthened to restrict intentional and acci-dental introductions of harmful species.

Our assessment data can also be used by policy makersin specific regions (Table 1). For example, in the twoecoregions that extend along the coastlines of Oregonand Washington State, including the Puget Sound, aqua-culture is the most common pathway for introduction(71% of non-native marine species documented in these

Table 1. Key pathways for most invaded ecoregions

Number of harmfulEcoregion species (% of total) Pathways (% of harmful species)*

Northern California 56 (66%) Shipping (71%); aquaculture (71%)North Sea 47 (64%) Shipping (83%); aquaculture (57%)Western Mediterranean 43 (66%) Shipping (77%); aquaculture (55%)Oregon,Washington,Vancouver 41 (65%) Aquaculture (73%); shipping (68%)Levantine Sea 36 (50%) Canal (61%); shipping (58%)Puget Trough/Georgia Basin 35 (64%) Aquaculture (74%); shipping (69%)Celtic Seas 33 (66%) Shipping (76%); aquaculture (67%)Aegean Sea 31 (53%) Shipping (55%); canal (52%)Southern California Bight 31 (72%) Shipping (81%); aquaculture (71%)Hawaiian Islands 31 (42%) Shipping (68%); aquaculture (39%)

*Species may be known or likely to be transported via more than one pathway

JL Molnar et al. Marine invasive species

ecoregions were introduced by aqua-culture). Most of these introduc-tions probably occurred accidentally,through oyster farming (with intro-duced species hitchhiking on shellsor equipment). Of the 33 speciesknown to be associated with oysterfarming, 55% are harmful, and mostare difficult if not impossible toremove or control (26 of 28 speciesscored for management difficultyreceived a score of 3 or 4). In thisregion, policy makers and conserva-tion practitioners should be workingwith the aquaculture industry to pre-vent any future invasions, by im-proving practices and perhaps limit-ing new operations.

Our data could inform biosecu-rity measures by helping to identifyspecies that have not yet invadedan ecoregion or realm but have had considerableimpact in similar habitats elsewhere. Our use of biogeo-graphic units will be of value in identifying “similar”vulnerable ecoregions, and more refined data aboutship movements and habitat suitability would furthersupport such work (see Hayes et al. 2002).

Informing introduction decisions

Species are often introduced to new habitats for theireconomic benefits or to meet development needs (egaquaculture). There may be an initial economic gain, butif a species becomes invasive, it can cause serious, unfore-seen economic and ecological damage. These risks ofinvasion have often not been factored into decisions onspecies introductions (Naylor et al. 2001).

Our impact scores offer guidance on the merits ofthese intentional introductions. For example, oystershave been deliberately introduced into coastal watersworldwide, to be cultured for food. One species in par-ticular, Crassostrea gigas, has been introduced in at least45 ecoregions (Figure 4). Its high ecological impactscore (3) should cause decision makers and regulators toreconsider plans for introduction of this oyster into newareas. While its harvest brings economic gains, the eco-logical impact of introductions of this species are poten-tially dramatic. Oysters play a role in many estuarineecosystem processes; altering their abundance or distrib-ution causes complex changes. Furthermore, when oys-ter populations are supplemented with alien oysters,other alien species can piggyback on their shells(Ruesink et al. 2005). Global information about distrib-ution and impacts could inform risk assessments anddecisions about whether, and how, species should beintroduced in the future.

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� Conclusions

The new invasive species database provides a powerfultool for understanding the patterns and processes ofmarine invasions. The current data holdings already rep-resent the most comprehensive collection of informationon marine invasions worldwide. By quantifying impactsand describing pathways of invasion, our data frameworkimproves our ability to assess threats and impacts andallows valid and consistent assessments between loca-tions, habitats, or taxonomic groups. Work is continuingto expand this assessment of marine invasive species andsimilar analyses are underway for terrestrial and freshwa-ter species.

Initial findings confirm earlier studies and point toshipping and aquaculture as the most critical pathways formarine invasions globally. At the same time, regional dif-ferences in dominant pathways are highlighted.

The information we have compiled can begin to informthe large-scale strategies necessary to prevent futureintroductions. This global perspective allows researchersand regulators to better consider where and how invasivespecies are likely to be introduced and invade in thefuture. This can help to inform risk assessments and deci-sions about potential future introductions, as well as thedevelopment of species- and pathway-specific regulationsand geographically targeted policies.

We have also identified some disparities in informa-tion resources on marine invasive species. In particular,there is clearly under-reporting of both microorganismsand low-impact invasive species, and there appears tobe a geographic gap in our knowledge regarding largeparts of east Asia, where invasions are highly likely, butlittle published information exists. We hope that theseobservations may catalyze and encourage efforts tomake decentralized data available and direct futureresearch efforts.

FFiigguurree 44.. The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) has been intentionally released andcultured in coastal waters around the world. It can dominate native species and destroyhabitat (ecological impact = 3). The map shows its distribution; its invasive range isindicated in red, its native range in blue.

PresentUnknownNative range

Marine invasive species JL Molnar et al.

� Acknowledgements

The authors thank the following people for their help andadvice: P Kareiva, JM Randall, EC Underwood, A Holt, FTCampbell, JM Hoekstra, MD Jennings, TM Boucher, and APierpoint. CD Canham and TH Tear provided useful feed-back on an early draft. We also thank BS Halpern for the useof unpublished data and JC Robertson for creating the maps.

� References Byers JE, Reichard S, Randall J, et al. 2002. Directing research to

reduce the impacts of non-indigenous species. Conserv Biol 1166:630–40.

Cal-IPC (California Invasive Plant Council). 2003. Criteria forcategorizing invasive non-native plants that threaten wild-lands. Viewed23 Mar 2005.

Campbell F and Kriesch P. 2003. Final report by the NationalInvasive Species Council’s Invasive Species Pathways Team ofthe Prevention Working Group. Viewed 30 Aug 2006.

Carlton JT and Ruiz GM. 2005. Vector science and integrated vec-tor management in bioinvasion ecology: conceptual frame-works. In: Mooney HA, Mack RN, McNeely JA, et al. (Eds).Invasive alien species: a new synthesis. Washington, DC:Island Press.

CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity). 2000. Alien speciesthat threaten ecosystems, habitats or species, as adopted byConference of the Parties 5 Decision V/8. Viewed 23Feb 2007.

Cohen AN and Carlton JT. 1998. Accelerating invasion rate in ahighly invaded estuary. Science 227799: 555–58.

Crall AW, Meyerson LA, Stohlgren TJ, et al. 2006. Show me thenumbers: what data currently exist for non-native species inthe USA? Front Ecol Environ 44: 414–18.

Drake JM and Lodge DM. 2004. Global hot spots of biologicalinvasions: evaluating options for ballast-water management.P Roy Soc Lond B Bio 227711: 575–80.

Drake LA, Doblin MA, and Dobbs FC. 2007. Potential microbialbioinvasions via ships’ ballast water, sediment, and biofilm.Mar Pollut Bull 5555: 333–41.

Eno NC, Clark RA, and Sanderson WG (Eds.) 1997. Non-nativemarine species in British waters: a review and directory.Peterborough, UK: Joint Nature Conservation Committee.

Galil BS. 2006. Loss or gain? Invasive aliens and biodiversity in theMediterranean Sea. Mar Pollut Bull 5555: 314–22.

Hayes KR, McEnnulty FR, and Sliwa C. 2002. Identifying poten-tial marine pests – an inductive approach. Final report forEnvironment Australia, National Priority Pests,%20K.R%20et%20al.,%202002.pdf. Viewed 9 Jan 2007.

Hewitt CL, Martin RB, Sliwa C, et al. (Eds). 2002. NationalIntroduced Marine Pest Information System. Viewed 7 Jul 2005.

Jousson O, Pawlowski J, Zaninetti L, et al. 2000. Invasive algareaches California. Nature 440088: 157–58.

Lodge DM, Williams S, MacIsaac HJ, et al. 2006. Biological inva-sions: recommendations for US policy and management. EcolAppl 1166: 2035–54.

Mack RN, Simberloff D, Lonsdale WM, et al. 2000. Biotic inva-sions: causes, epidemiology, global consequences, and control.Ecol Appl 1100: 689–710.

McNeely JA, Mooney HA, Neville LE, et al (Eds). 2001. A globalstrategy on invasive alien species. Gland, Switzerland andCambridge, UK: World Conservation Union.

Minton MS, Verling E, Miller AW, and Ruiz GM. 2005. Reducingpropagule supply and coastal invasions via ships: effects ofemerging strategies. Front Ecol Environ 33: 304–08.

Mooney HA and Cleland EE. 2001. The evolutionary impact ofinvasive species. P Natl Acad Sci USA 9988: 5446–51.

NatureServe. 2004. An invasive species assessment protocol: eval-uating non-native plants for their impact on Viewed 4 Aug 2005.

Naylor RL, Williams SL, and Strong DR. 2001. Aquaculture – agateway for exotic species. Science 229944: 1655–56.

Olson DM, Dinerstein E, Wikramanayake ED, et al. 2001.Terrestrial ecoregions of the world: a new map of life on earth.BioScience 5511: 933–38.

Rejmánek M, Richardson DM, Barbour MG, et al. 2002. Biologicalinvasions: politics and the discontinuity of ecological terminol-ogy. Bull Ecol Soc Am 8833: 131–33.

Ricciardi A, Steiner WWM, Mack RN, and Simberloff D. 2000.Toward a global information system for invasive species.BioScience 5500: 239–44.

Richardson DM, Pysek P, Rejmánek M, et al. 2000. Naturalizationand invasion of alien plants: concepts and definitions. DiversDistrib 66: 93–107.

Ruesink JL, Lenihan HS, Trimble AC, et al. 2005. Introduction ofnon-native oysters: ecosystem effects and restoration implica-tions. Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst 3366: 643–89.

Ruiz GM, Carlton JT, Grosholz ED, and Hines AH. 1997. Globalinvasions of marine and estuarine habitats by non-indigenousspecies: mechanisms, extent, and consequences. Am Zool 3377:621–32.

Salafsky N, Salzer D, Ervin J, et al. 2003. Conventions for defining,naming, measuring, combining, and mapping threats in conser-vation. Bethesda, MD: Foundations of Success. Viewed 7 Sep 2004.

Smith JE, Conklin EJ, Hunter CL, and Smith CM. 2003. Theimpact of invasive algae on biodiversity and coral cover inHawaii. In: Pederson J and Moll R (Eds). Proceedings of theThird International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. LaJolla, CA: California Sea Grant.

Spalding MD, Fox HE, Allen GR, et al. 2007. Marine ecoregions ofthe world: a bioregionalization of coast and shelf areas.BioScience 5577: 573–83.

Thresher RE and Kuris AM. 2004. Options for managing invasivemarine species. Biol Invas 66: 295–300.

US Federal Executive Order 13112. 1999. Invasive species. 12 Apr1999. Viewed 21 Mar2007.

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WebPanel 1. Data collection methods

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JL Molnar et al. – Supplemental information

We have developed a data framework in which we doc-ument information about individual invasive species,including their non-native range extent, threat to nativebiodiversity, and introduction pathways. Building onexisting datasets, we have integrated information froma wide variety of sources and developed a geographi-cally referenced Microsoft Access database of marineinvasive species.

Our aim was to enable efficient and consistent datacollection through effective design of the database andcriteria (described below). To aid in this, we used data-base fields common to other data collection effortswherever possible (eg IUCN SSC’s Global InvasiveSpecies Database [GISD], Thisallowed us to collect data from those sources moreefficiently, and will make it easier for others to incorpo-rate our data into their work.

We present data only on marine species in this publi-cation, but we are collecting data on freshwater andterrestrial species in parallel efforts, using consistentmethods.

Information about data collected in our database andhow we made decisions on documenting information isprovided below.The database is available at

General species informationWe collected data on species that are establishedoutside of their native range and have the potentialto impact native species and biodiversity. Species thatoccur in and impact human-dominated habitats (egaquaculture) have been included, but only theirimpact on natural habitats and native biodiversity hasbeen recorded.

We documented basic information about each species,including:

• Scientific name• Common name• Whether the species lives in marine, freshwater, and/or

terrestrial habitats• Higher taxonomic group (list based on “organism type”

in GISD):

o Algaeo Ascidiano Bacteriumo Bryozoano Ectoproctao Funguso Invertebrate – annelido Invertebrate – arthropod – crustacean o Invertebrate – arthropod – insect

o Invertebrate – arthropod – othero Invertebrate – cnidariano Invertebrate – ctenophoreo Invertebrate – echinodermo Invertebrate – mollusko Invertebrate – mollusk (snail)o Invertebrate – platyhelmintho Invertebrate – porifera (sponges)o Nematodeo Planto Protozoao Tunicateo Vertebrate – amphibiano Vertebrate – birdo Vertebrate – fisho Vertebrate – mammalo Vertebrate – reptileo Virus

ReferencesIn an index of references, we noted bibliographic citationinformation and the type of documentation for eachsource.

Type of documentation – measure of reliability of dataused to score, based on Cal-IPC (2003)• Peer review (PR) – published, peer-reviewed scientific

evidence or floras/faunas• Report (RE) – non-peer-reviewed, published documents

and reports• Compilations (COMP PR/RE) – source that is a compila-

tion of data from PR and RE sources (eg existing data-bases of invasive species)

• Expert opinion (EO) – confirmed, unpublished observa-tions by a qualified professional

• Anecdotal (AN) – unconfirmed, anecdotal information

Geography and habitatIn addition to non-native occurrences by ecoregion(described below), we collected descriptive informationabout distribution and habitats for each species, wheredata allowed. References for these data were docu-mented.

• Origin – description of the native range of a species • First introduction – description of the first reported

introduction for which we found evidence• Non-native distribution by country and other geographic

units – Our focus was on documenting non-nativeranges by ecoregion, but many data sources reporteddistributions using different units. We have capturedthis information in text fields.

• Habitat description – text field describing the habitats inwhich a species is found

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WebPanel 1. Data collection methods – Continued

The categories used to assign each score were devisedso that they can be applied consistently to different typesof species and to those living in marine, freshwater, andterrestrial habitats.

Scores were assigned globally for each species, not forspecific occurrences. For consistency, we used the worstdocumented case to score a species. If data wereambiguous, we were conservative in assigning higherscores.

Below are descriptions of how we scored the threat ofspecies and collected supporting data.

Ecological impactEcological impact measures the severity of the impact ofa species on the viability and integrity of native speciesand natural biodiversity. The following information wascaptured in the database:

Score4 – Disrupts entire ecosystem processes with wider

abiotic influences3 – Disrupts multiple species, some wider ecosystem

function, and/or keystone species or species ofhigh conservation value (eg threatened species)

2 – Disrupts single species with little or no widerecosystem impact

1 – Little or no disruption U – Unknown or not enough information to deter-

mine score

Text Description – succinct description to supportscore, including, if data allowed, description of thewider abiotic influences, ecosystem and species dis-ruptions, and including geographic variation in impactif applicable

Sources – cited documentation for score anddescriptive text

Species were scored based on the worst documentedcase, with conditions in that case noted in the textdescription field. Occurrences and conditions wherethere was less of an impact are described in the textdescription as well.

We were conservative in assigning higher scores whendata were ambiguous. For example, if a species is known

• Habitat – Species were noted as living in one or moreof the marine habitats in the following list. To maintainconsistency with existing databases, we based it on thehabitat list in the GISD and included some additionalmarine habitat classes. This is not a formal classificationof marine or coastal habitats, and we would also pointout that the habitat classes are not mutually exclusive –many are nested or overlapping. Where relevant wedocumented multiple habitats for species:

o Aquaculture facilities o Benthico Brackish water o Canalso Coastland o Coral reefso Estuaries/bays o Fouling communitieso Intertidal zones o Mangroveso Marine habitats o Rocky habitatso Shallow lagoons o Wetlands

Non-native occurrence by ecoregionWe have documented the non-native range of eachspecies, defining non-native occurrences as ecoregions inwhich a species is established outside of its native range(marine ecoregions:; Spaldinget al. 2007). Reference(s) were included for each ecore-gional occurrence.

As a rough indicator of the reliability of these data, wealso noted whether an ecoregional occurrence waswithin the geographic scope of references used. Forexample, if a database of invasive species in theMediterranean Sea states that a species is also found inthe Philippines, we included that occurrence in the data-base, but noted that it was outside of the geographicscope of the data source (until we can confirm theoccurrence with a source from that region).

Threat scoresSpecies were assigned a score for each of the following(where data allowed) to indicate the magnitude of thethreat that it poses to native biodiversity: “ecologicalimpact”, “geographic extent”, “invasive potential”, and“management difficulty”.

Our four threat scores are based on systems pro-posed by Salafksy et al. (2003), NatureServe (2004), andCalifornia Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC 2003).The fol-lowing chart roughly compares the criteria of each toour scores:

Salafsky et al. NatureServe Cal-IPC

Ecological impact Severity/synergism Ecological impact Ecological impact

Geographic extent Scope Current distribution and abundance Ecological amplitude and distribution

Invasive potential Timing/likelihood Trend in distribution and abundance Invasive potential

Management difficulty Reversibility Management difficulty na

Type of documentation na na Level of documentation

JL Molnar et al. Supplemental information

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WebPanel 1. Data collection methods – Continued

to have economic impacts (eg fouling ship hulls), but itsimpacts in natural habitats have not been studied, wewould assign it a low ecological impact score, pendingmore available data. Potential but unverified impactswere noted in the text description.

Some examples of the types of impacts that weassigned to each of the categories:

4 – Causing large scale changes such as: altering commu-nity structure, causing localized to widespreadextinctions, altering native level of activity (eg clog-ging waterways, altering natural topography)

3 – Disrupting changes impacting more than a smallnumber of species without causing localized extinc-tions, competition with threatened or keystonespecies, changing balance in ecosystem

2 – Causing minor impact to a species or species groupwith no wider known impacts and without causingextinctions

1 – Established, but little or no known impact; may belong-term resident, coexisting with native species

Geographic extentGeographic extent measures the current extent of thespecies outside of its native range. The following infor-mation was captured in the database:

Score4 – Multi-ecoregion 3 – Ecoregion2 – Local ecosystem/sub-ecoregion 1 – Single siteU – Unknown or not enough information to deter-

mine score

Distribution within non-native range – locallypatchy, locally pervasive, regionally patchy, regionallypervasive (approximate division betweenlocal/regional is ecoregion)

Text description – succinct description to supportscore

Sources – cited documentation for score anddescriptive text

These categories were developed to indicate order ofmagnitude differences in non-native range, using a sys-tem that can be applied across marine, freshwater, andterrestrial habitats.We distinguished between the cate-gories using the following criteria:

4 – Spans three or more ecoregions, cross continental,trans-oceanic

3 – Established in no more than two adjoining ecore-gions

2 – More than one occurrence within one ecosystem1 – Single locality

As an additional description of the non-native distribu-tion of a species, we noted the following, if data allowed:

Locally patchy – sightings or small communities estab-lished in localized areaLocally pervasive – dominant to similar flora/fauna inlocalized communityRegionally patchy – small, independent populationsspanning two or more ecoregionsRegionally pervasive – dominant characteristics withinall/most regional occurrences

Invasive potentialInvasive potential measures current/recent rate ofspread and potential for future spread once introducedin a new habitat.The following information was capturedin the database:

Score4 – Currently/recently spreading rapidly (doubling in

< 10 years) and/or high potential for future rapidspreading

3 – Currently/recently spreading less rapidly and/orpotential for future, less rapid spreading

2 – Established/present, but not currently spreadingand high potential for future spreading

1 – Established/present, but not currently spreadingand/or low potential for future spreading

U – Unknown or not enough information to deter-mine score

Text description – succinct description to supportscore and other information (eg description of disper-sal methods, past invasions, and geographic variation)

Sources – cited documentation for score anddescriptive text

We used both quantitative and qualitative descriptions ofthe spread of invasive species in a new habitat to assign ascore.We distinguished between the categories using thefollowing criteria:

4 – Species has spread/invaded rapidly (doubling in < 10years) after past introductions, indicating that it islikely to spread quickly after new invasions

3 – Species has spread/invaded after past introductionsand/or is likely to after new invasions, but not quicklyenough to be scored a “4”

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WebPanel 1. Data collection methods – Continued

2 – Species has not yet spread/invaded into the habitatin which it has been introduced, but it has charac-teristics/traits that indicate it is likely tospread/invade

1 – Species has not – and is not likely to in the future –spread/invade once introduced

Management difficultyManagement difficulty measures effort required toreverse the threat and/or remove the species.The fol-lowing information was captured in the database:

Score4 – Irreversible and/or can not be contained or con-

trolled3 – Reversible with difficulty and/or can be con-

trolled with significant ongoing management2 – Reversible with some difficulty and/or can be

controlled with periodic management1 – Easily reversible, with no ongoing management

necessary (eradication)U – Unknown or not enough information to deter-

mine score

Text description – succinct description to supportscore

Sources – cited documentation for score anddescriptive text

We used information about past or ongoing eradicationand control efforts.We distinguished between the cate-gories using the following criteria:

4 – No known successful form of complete removal,eradication, or control

3 – Removal and/or control require significantresources and effort; complete removal may requireroutine scheduled maintenance on regular basis

2 – Removal and/or control do not require significantresources and effort, but seasonal controls andmonitoring may be required

1 – Known occurrences have been easily detected anderadicated; no recurrence or spread after eradication

PathwaysWe documented all known and likely introduction path-ways for each species in our database, adapting a list of“pathways” developed by the US National InvasiveSpecies Council’s Invasive Species Pathways Team(Campbell and Kriesch 2003; refined by Lodge et al.2006).Their task was “developing a system for evaluat-ing the significance of invasive species pathways” with

“pathways” defined broadly as “any means that allowsentry or spread of an invasive species” (Campbell andKriesch 2003). Although this system includes routes ofintroduction that are elsewhere classed as vectors(Carlton and Ruiz 2005) and categories are not alwaysmutually exclusive, it allows the practical categorizationof commonly reported information on pathways andvectors.We modified this system slightly, to better fit aglobal assessment and made category adjustments toallow effective gathering of data by species.

A summary of the marine pathways used is in Panel 2,and our full pathways list is provided in WebPanel 2.

The following information was captured in the data-base for each species:

Pathway – This field captured how a species is broughtto new habitats (not local dispersal after it has beenintroduced).We documented all known and likely path-ways for each species.The field was populated from thelist of pathways described above (Panel 2,WebPanel 2)

For each pathway of a species, the following was alsodocumented (as data allowed):

Introduction – describes the release itself (after aspecies travels on a pathway to a new habitat)

• Intentional – deliberate release, authorized or not• Accidental – unintentional release, hitchhiker• Not human assisted – natural migration

Documented – this field allowed us to distinguishbetween pathways that are known for a species,and thosethat are likely (eg due to habitat, species vulnerabilities)• Known – documented case(s)• Probable – likely pathway for a species and/or for spe-

cific introduction• Possible – potential pathway (eg based on species


Cause – describes the driver of an invasion on a path-way (eg specific industries, food resource, ornamenta-tion)

This type of field has been used in other databases tospecifically describe the cause of one introduction, but itis difficult to repeat this level of detail in a global data-base. We are capturing typical/known modes of intro-duction, instead of the details of one introduction. Forexample, for the introduction of a diatom via the “ballastwater” pathway, we usually can not get enough detailedinformation to narrow the cause to the type ofship/industry.

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WebPanel 1. Data collection methods – Continued

Description – text field to capture details about intro-ductions (eg specific cases)

References – documented for each species’ pathway

� ReferencesCal-IPC (California Invasive Plant Council). 2003. Criteria for cat-

egorizing invasive non-native plants that threaten Viewed 23 Mar2005.

Campbell F and Kriesch P. 2003. Final report by the NationalInvasive Species Council’s Invasive Species Pathways Team ofthe Prevention Working Group. 30 Aug 2006.

Lodge DM, Williams S, MacIsaac HJ, et al. 2006. Biological inva-sions: recommendations for US policy and management. EcolAppl 16: 2035–54.

NatureServe. 2004.An invasive species assessment protocol: eval-uating non-native plants for their impact on Viewed 4 Aug 2005.

Salafsky N, Salzer D, Ervin J, et al. 2003. Conventions for defining,naming, measuring, combining, and mapping threats in conser-vation. Bethesda, MD: Foundations of Success. Viewed 7 Sep 2004.

Spalding MD, Fox HE,Allen GR, et al. 2007. Marine ecoregions ofthe world: a bioregionalization of coast and shelf areas.BioScience 57: 573–83.

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WebPanel 2. Alien species pathway framework

Adapted from NISC Invasive Species Pathway Team’s outline (Campbell andKriesch 2003)

I. Transportation-related pathwaysA. Modes of transportation

1. Air transportationa) Wheel wellsb) Cabinc) Cargo holds

2. Freshwater/marine transportationa) Ballast and/or fouling

(1) Ballast water and sediments(2) Hull/surface fouling

b) Stowaways in holdsc) Superstructures/structures above the waterlined) Dredge spoil materiale) Canals that connect waterways

3. Land/terrestrial transportationa) Cars, trucks, buses,ATVs, etcb) Construction equipment and firefighting equipmentc) Trains, subways, metros, monorailsd) Hikers, horses, pets

B. Items used in shipping process1. Containers – both exterior and interior2. Packing materials

a) Wood packing materialsb) Seaweedc) Other plant materialsd) Sand/earth

C. Tourism/travel/relocation1. Travelers themselves2. On baggage and gear3. Transported pets/plants and animals transported for enter-

tainment4. Travel consumables

D. Mail/internet/overnight shipping companiesII. Commerce in living organisms pathways

A. Live seafood tradeB. LivestockC. Aquaculture and mariculture activities

1. Enclosed facilities2. Stocking in open water

D. Pet, aquarium, and water garden tradeE. Bait industryF. BiocontrolG. Nurseries/garden/landscaping

1. Whole plants2. Plant parts

H. Agricultural and forestry species trade1. Whole plants2. Plant parts

I. Plants and plant parts as foodJ. Other animal tradeK. Other plant trade

1. Whole plants2. Plant parts

III. Other human-assisted pathwaysA. Ecosystem disturbance

1. Short-term disturbances that facilitate introduction2. Long-term disturbances that facilitate introduction

B. Climate changeIV. Natural spread

JL Molnar et al. Supplemental information

WebPanel 3. Marine data sources in database

In general,“databases and atlases” were the initial sources of species that we included in our database.We then used“articles and reports” and “other web sources” to supplement species information on occurrences, pathways, andthreat scoring. We have not included all the information available in each of the local datasets listed.

Databases and atlases

Database/atlas name Access information

IUCN-ISSG’s Global Invasive Species Database


FIGIS: FAO’s Fisheries Global Information System

AquaInvader: Database of Aquatic Invasive Species of Europe

NAS: USGS’s Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database

NIMPIS:Australia’s National Introduced Marine Pest Information System

CIESM Atlas of Exotic Species in the Mediterranean

NEMESIS: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center’s National Exotic

Marine and Estuarine Species Information System

NatureServe Explorer

Australia Weed Database

Invasive Plants of Canada Project

CERC’s Introduced Species Summary Project


Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Non-Native Aquatic

Species Summaries

Baltic Sea Alien Species Database

Invasive species in the Pacific northwest Boersma PD, Reichard SE, and Van Buren AN. 2006. Seattle,WA: University

of Washington Press

Intertidal Marine Invertebrates in the Puget Sound

Exotic Aquatics on the Move:A Joint Project of National Sea Grant

Network and Geographic Education Alliances

Caspian Sea Biodiversity Database


Belgian Forum on Invasive Species’ Harmonia Database

APIRS Online:The Database of Aquatic,Wetland, and Invasive Plants

Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species List

NOBANIS: North European and Baltic Network on Invasive Species

JNCC’s Non-native marine species in British waters: a review and


MarLIN:The Marine Life Information Network for Britain and Ireland

Invasive Aliens in Northern Ireland

Government of Western Australia – Dept of Fisheries: Introduced

Marine Aquatic Invaders – A Field Guide

Alien Species in Swedish Sea Areas / Frammande Arter / Svenska

Hav – Sweden

Alien and Invasive Algae in Hawai`i

Marine Algae of Hawai`i

Invasive Species of Long Island Sound

Harmful Plankton Project:The user-friendly guide to harmful phyto-

plankton in EU waters

University of California–Davis,Agriculture and Natural Resources




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WebPanel 3. Marine data sources in database – Continued

Articles and reports

Author Title Year Website Journal/report information

Ahyong S Range extension of two invasive crab species 2005 Mar Pollut Bull 50: 460–62in eastern Australia: Carcinus maenas(Linnaeus) and Pyromaia tuberculata(Lockington)

Ahyong ST et al. First Mediterranean record of the Indo-West 2006 Aquatic Invasions 1: 191–93Pacific mantis shrimp, Clorida albolitura Ahyong 2006_1_3_Ahyong_Galil.pdfand Naiyanetr, 2000 (Stomatopoda, Squillidae)

Akyol O et al. First confirmed record of Lagocephalus sceleratus 2005 J Fish Biol 66: 1183–86(Gmelin, 1789) in the Mediterranean Sea

Aligizaki K et al. The presence of the potentially toxic general 2006 Harmful Algae 5: 717–30Ostreopsis and Coolia (Dinophyceae) in the North Aegean Sea, Greece

Andreakis N et al. Asparagopsis taxiformis and Asparagopsis 2004 Eur J Phycol 39: 273–83armata (Bonnemaisoniales, Rhodophyta): genetic and morphological identification of Mediterranean populations

Andrews JD Effects of tropical storm Agnes on epifaunal 1973 Chesapeake Sci 14: 223–34invertebrates in Virginia estuaries

Armonies W What an introduced species can tell us about 2001 Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 209:the spatial extension of benthic populations m209p289.pdf 289–94

Ashton G et al. Global distribution of the alien marine 2004 13th International Conferenceamphipod Caprella mutica A/fri_a_e_am/Gail_Ashton.pdf on Aquatic Invasive Species

Ashton G et al. Rapid assessment of the distribution of marine 2006 Aquatic Invasions 1: 209–13non-native species in marinas in Scotland 2006_1_4_Ashton_etal_1.pdf

Avent SR Distribution of Eurytemora americana Unpublished report:(Crustacea, Copepoda) in the Duwamish River people/oc549/savent/projects/ University of Washington,estuary,Washington duwamish.htm School of Oceanography

Bachelet G et al. Invasion of the eastern Bay of Biscay by the 2004 Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 276:nassariid gastropod Cyclope neritea: origin and 276/m276p147.pdf 147–59effects on resident fauna

Bailey RJE et al. Predatory interactions between the invasive 2006 J North Am Benthol Soc 25:amphipod Gammarus tigrinus and the native 393–405opossum shrimp Mysis relicta

Bailey-Brock JH A new record of the polychaete Boccardia 2000 Pac Sci 54: 27–30proboscidea (Family Spionidae), imported to PS541.htmlHawai`i with oysters

Baker P et al. Nonindigenous marine species in the greater 2004 Tampa Bay Estuary ProgramTampa Bay ecosystem /public/gom_net_pub_products/DOC/ Technical Publication

Tech-02-04-Invasives.pdf # 02-04

Bakir K et al. Contribution to the knowledge of alien 2007 Aquatic Invasions 2: 80–82amphipods off the Turkish coast: Gammarposis 2007_2_1_Bakir_etal.pdftogoensis (Schellenberg, 1925)

Ballesteros E et al. Mortality of shoots of Posidonia oceanica 2007 Bot Mar 50: 8–13following meadow invasion by the red alga Lophocladia lallemandii

Band-Schmidt CJ Culture studies of Alexandrium affine 2003 Bot Mar 46: 44–54et al. (Dinophyceae), a non-toxic cyst forming

dinoflagellate from Bahia Concepcion, Gulf of California


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WebPanel 3. Marine data sources in database – Continued

Articles and reports

Author Title Year Website Journal/report information

Barse AM Distribution of the swim bladder nematode, 1999 From the 1999 SouthernAnguillicola crassus, among Chesapeake Bay physio/barse1.htm Division of the AmericanAmerican eels, Anguilla rostrata Fisheries Society Midyear

Meeting held in Chattanooga,Tennessee

Bellemo G et al. First report of a filamentous species of 2001 Bot Mar 44: 541–45Desmarestia (Desmarestiaceae, Fucophyceae) in the Lagoon of Venice (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)

Bij de Vaate A et al. Geographical patterns in range extension of http://article.pubs.nrc-2002cnrc.gc. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 59:Ponto-Caspian macroinvertebrate species in ca/ppv/RPViewDoc?_handler_ 1159–74Europe =HandleInitialGet&journal=cjfas&


Bilecenoglu M et al. Range extension of three lessepsian migrant 2002 J Mar Biol Ass UK 82:fish (Fistularia commersoni, Sphyraena 525–26flavicauda, Lagocephalus suezensis) in the Mediterranean Sea

Bilecenoglu M et al. Range expansion of silverstripe blaasop, 2006 Aquatic Invasions 1: 289–91Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin 1789), to the northern Aegean Sea

Bjaerke MR et al. Effects of temperature and salinity on growth, 2004 Bot Mar 47: 373–80reproduction and survival in the introduced red alga Heterosiphonia japonica (Ceramiales,Rhodophyta)

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Bolch CJS A review of the molecular evidence for ballast 2007 Harmful Algae 6: 465–85water introduction of the toxic dinaflagellates Gymnodinium catenatum and the Alexandrium“tamarensis complex” to Australia

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WebPanel 3. Marine data sources in database – Continued

Articles and reports

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WebPanel 3. Marine data sources in database – Continued

Articles and reports

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WebPanel 3. Marine data sources in database – Continued

Articles and reports

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Zettler ML et al. Distribution and population dynamics of 1995 Arch Fish Mar Res 42:Marenzelleria viridis (Polychaeta, Spionidae) in a 209–24coastal water of the southern Baltic

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Other web resources

Title Website

Alaska Invasive Species Working Group: Marine Audio Conference

Aquatic Nuisance Species: European Green Crab

Aukland Museum

Australia identifies marine pest threats (2003 release)

Australia’s NSW Dept of Primary Industries: Factsheets

Avian Web: Canada Geese

Battle of the Black Sea Jellies

Centre for Aquatic Plant Management's Information 7: Canadian Waterweed

Chesapeake Bay Program

Crustikon – Crustacean photographic website –ø Museum – University of Tromsø (author: penicillatus.htmC d’Udekem d’Acoz)

CSIRO’s The Web-Based Rapid Response Toolbox

Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s Dock Watch

Defense scientists discover introduced marine species media release)

Ecoplan News Issue 58,com_docman/task,doc_download/Itemid,1075/gid,324/

Elkhorn Slough Research: Least Wanted Aquatic Invaders

Examples of marine invasive species introduced via shipping industry

Exotic Species of San Francisco Bay

FAO Fishery and Aquaculture country profile – Bolivia

FloraBase:Western Australia Flora

Gammarus tigrinus, a new species in the Gulf of (Baltic Sea Portal)

Government of Western Australia – Department of


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Other web resources

Title Website

Gracilaria salicornia

Greater Chicago Cichlid Association

Guide to Marine Invaders in the Gulf of Maine

HELCOM (Helsinki Commission) 1/2005 Newsletter

Hemigrapsus takanoi in the Eastern Scheldt

Identifying Harmful Marine Dinoflagellates: Harmful Dinoflagellate Taxa

Invasion of the Jellies: Unwelcome Visitors to the Sea

Jax Shells (Jacksonville, FL)

Jellies Zone

Marine invasive species at our door steps: Seychelles is early measures (author: Bijoux J)

Maryland DNR: Harmful Algal Blooms in Maryland

MIT Sea Grant's Introduced and Cryptogenic Species the North Atlantic

MLPC – Hemimysis anomala, shrimp

Museo Di Storia Naturale – Di Venezia: Bursatella leachi

NOAA NMFS – Southwest Regional Office

Non-indigenous aquatic species of concern for Alaska – Sheets

Overview of the Conservation of Australian Marine (Report for Environment Australia 2002)

Poisonous Red Sea Pufferfish Reach Crete

Polysiphonia Ecology: Invasions (author: S Skikne)

San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project

Seastar threat grows in southern Australia (1999 release)

Sierra Club Comments for the US Coral Reef Task – 10/24/06

Southern Ocean Amphipoda Checklist

Synopsis of Infectious Diseases and Parasites of Exploited Shellfish

The Indian River Lagoon Species Inventory Marine Station at Fort Pierce)

UNEP-GRID Fact Sheet: Hemimysis anomala GO Sars,

University of Michigan Museum of Zoology’s Animal Web

University of Tartu: Benthic Invertebrates

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Other web resources

Title Website

USGS’s Florida Integrated Science Center – Gainesville

USGS’s Marine Nuisance Species

WA State Noxious Weed Control Board’s Information common cordgrass (Spartina anglica)

Weed Information Sheet: Hygrophila costata

Why do jellyfish sting? (author: B Galil)