Ancill tasks analysis ppt

Ancillary task analysis BY SOPHIE TRIEVNOR

Transcript of Ancill tasks analysis ppt

Ancillary task analysis


For part of the ancillary tasks we are required to create a double page spread and 3 posters to promote our documentary. We intended to go for a channel 4 type documentary; this meant that we had to do research as channel 4 has a very specific format and layout to their posters. Research was also required in producing a double page spread for a TV listings magazine. We decided that it would be appropriate to do an interview with the documentarian with questions regarding the production of the documentary, also due to the subject matter of our documentary we felt it would be suitable to also provide information on Mormonism so that our audience could know a bit about the documentary content. And for our posters we wanted to provide the basic but effective look from channel 4 posters. We intend to use relevant imagery and symbolism associated with Mormonism and religion.

Main heading: the whitebold font stands out against the dark background to catch the reader’s attention. Thetitle is also appropriate dueto the article being abouta vampire show based around two brothers.

Double page spread analysis TV listing magazine layout

Background: the background image shows the three main characters. It is engaging and relevant to the article.

The date, time and channel that the programme is aired can be seen here, this informs the reader where and when they can watch the show.

Extra information: the spread includes extra information about the characters and which actors portray them. This extra information is engaging and will help readers understand the plot and article in more detail.

The text is very small, this means more info can be included and allows the page from looking too busy. It also allows the images to still be busy. There is also a sense of continuity as the writing here is the same colour and font as the title.

Colours: the image colouring helps set the right atmosphere and correlates with the programmes genre. It makes the spread attractive, engaging and more enjoyable to look at.

Channel 4 documentary poster analysis layout

Classic channel 4 poster font – memorable and original, everyone associates this font with channel 4 (documentary) adverts/posters

Channel 4 logo, telling people what channel the program is on

Dark skies – pathetic fallacy, imagery links with dark subject matter. (missing children)

Location – china, use of very famous landmark great wall of china reflects how important the subject matter is

More grim imagery – posters of missing children on the famous landmark, shows relevance and is engaging. The posters can be seen to cover the wall very far back, symbolising how big the problem is. Entices audience making them want to view the documentary.

Double page spread analysis TV listing magazine layout

Large image, relevant to article. Happy image with soft, neutral colours, sets a calm atmosphere and seems like a happy interview therefore engaging reader

Title placed at bottom of page. This is unusual placing as the title would normally be at the top centre of the page. This makes the spread stand out and unique, making it a memorable read.

Quote picked out and made bold, this gives the reader a sneak peak and will hopefully encourage them to read the article. This is a very typical layout for a double page spread; simple, easy to read and visually attractive.

Channel 4 documentary poster analysis layout


The first thing seen is the title as it stands out and then the tagline. The connotations derived from the title suggest the documentary is about drugs, and this assumption is supported by the tagline containing the word ‘junkie’. Due to this topic being one that stimulates human interest an audience is inclined to notice this over other titles – much like the natural human interest in murder. Although this is not a poster for a drugs documentary, it captivates and engages an audience.

Well known font, informing of time

‘Part of the cutting edge series’ – this tagline is engaging due to its descriptive use of vocabulary ‘cutting edge’ short, sharp and intriguing


Who reads TV listing magazines?

People who are interested in TV shows, who want to know more of the stories, exclusives, sneak peaks, information about the characters and actors along with interviews with the actors and the people involved with the production of the show.

For our double page spread we wanted to engage our audience so we will be trying to include all of the above as this will hopefully captivate our audience.


TV listing cover language analysis

Language is basic and informal. This makes it easy to comprehend and more accessible

Personal – ‘don’t miss your bigger, better..’ – talking directly to audience, feels more private

Masthead – clear and bold

‘THE BEST FILMS EVER’ Big, bold positive text that is capitalized this way deliberately to engage audiences’ attention.

TV listing cover language analysis

Puff – boost of status – offer relevant to audience and magazine as it is a television company advertisement on a TV listing magazine.

Plugs and cover lines – relevant TV information, language is basic and easy to read

‘new series revealed’ – relevant to picture, acts as selling line. Draws audience in with persuasive language

Bold font – stands out, easy to read, attractive but not too elaborate, keeps cover simple and not too ‘busy’

Poster language analysis

The lack of writing on the poster encourages a dark and sinister feel. The language used is dark and un-inviting, however this draws in the audience

The simplicity of the poster and language helps to make it memorable and stand out. This will attract more of an audience as they are curious to find out more

The writing tells a story. ‘friend outcast killer’ it gives a sneak peak on the assumed journey the documentary will take, the three stages go from happy – the audience likes the orca on the front, - to outcast – triggering sympathy that inevitably turns to fear and an unsettling feeling as it is followed by the word ‘killer’. This is very effective as the language is so simple, yet has so much influence on how the poster is viewed and how the audience feel upon reading the poster.

Poster language analysis

The language here begins to tell a story. The double usage of the word ‘divided’ sparks curiosity. This is carried forward by the lack of information which makes the audience wanting more. All they know is the tag line and where to find and view the program.