Ancient Greek Music, Instruments and songs that are saved until now

The Ancient Greek were the first people that made songs and were able to remember them without being able to read or sneak a peek at them. In fact, that was absolutely fascinating for the time they were living in, I mean without any writings nobody, besides them, was able to sing a song as long as Omiros’ <<Odyssey>>. Nowadays, we can’t make it without any notebooks or books that give us the chance to figure something out for example sometimes when we aren’t sure about our history lesson we open our books Ancient Greek Music, Instruments and songs that are saved until now


Ancient Greek Music, Instruments and songs that are saved until now

Transcript of Ancient Greek Music, Instruments and songs that are saved until now

The Ancient Greek were the first

people that made songs and were

able to remember them without

being able to read or sneak a peek at

them. In fact, that was absolutely

fascinating for the time they were

living in, I mean without any writings

nobody, besides them, was able to

sing a song as long as Omiros’

<<Odyssey>>. Nowadays, we can’t

make it without any notebooks or

books that give us the chance to

figure something out for example

sometimes when we aren’t sure about

our history lesson we open our books

Ancient Greek Music,

Instruments and songs

that are saved until


and look at the text we have to learn

by heart.

Now here is some information about

the ancient Greek culture and

especially about their music:

By the term <<Ancient Greek>> music

we call the whole musical culture

that came with the ancient Greek

history and studied mainly from the

8th century BC onwards as before this

season, there are few and limited

songs. In Cycladic culture (late 3rd

millennium B. C.) are found musical

performances that used harp and


In Minoan civilization (middle 2nd

millennium BC) are found musical

performances that depict musicians

with lyre and channel.

In Mycenaean culture (2nd

millennium BC)are found musical

performances that depict musicians

with lyre and channel as well as other

instruments from cultures of

Mesopotamia and Asia. They also

constructed theatres with excellent


To sum up, we can all figure out that

without the ancient Greeks we

wouldn’t have songs, music or even

instruments or if we would, they

would have been invented much later

and they wouldn’t be as developed as

they are now. So we all understand

that we owe many things of our daily

life and culture to the Ancient


Musical instruments:

As for their musical instruments,

these were strings, percussion and

wind instruments. The strings were

commonly type of lyre, as 1Chelys,

barbitos, guitar, formigx, Psalter, in

the late seventh century BC at least

dates the harp (Triangulum), while by

the end of the 4th century BC the

ancient testified pandoyrides

(stringed lute type), which are

considered to be ancestors of the

modern tamboura and bouzouki, both

construction and etymologically.

Τhe instruments were usually single or

double, lances, with dual 2glwssida 1 *η άρπα (τρίγωνον), χέλυς, βάρβιτος, φόρμιγξ και πανδουρίδες (έγχορδα του τύπου λάουτου), και τέλος ταμπουρά. 2 *Στα πνευστά συγκαταλέγονταν συνήθως οι αυλοί, μονοί ή διπλοί, με διπλή συνήθως γλωσσίδα, σαν τον σημερινό ζουρνά και οι σύριγγες, μονοκάλαμες ή πολυκάλαμες. Κλασικός στην ελληνική λογοτεχνία είχε γίνει ο συνδυασμός της λύρας (ή κιθάρας) με τον αυλό. Ένα ακόμη όργανο της εποχής αποτελεί και η ύδραυλις, το οποίο, λόγω της μεγάλης του ηχητικής έντασης, χρησιμοποιούνταν συχνά σε εορταστικά και αθλητικά γεγονότα (π.χ. ιπποδρομίες).

typically, like the current zournas and

syringes, monokalames or polykalames.

Classic Greek literature had become a

combination of the lyre (or guitar) with

the flute. Another instrument of the era

is the hydraulis, which, due to the large

volume of sound, often used on festive

and sporting events (e.g. racing).

Percussion was the krembala or rattles,

drums, cymbals, as well as various Syrinx

and bells (bells). Using percussion was

not so widespread in the ancient Greek

musical scene, as in Dionysian rites

orgiastikoy character, where was using

mainly drums, bells and kymbalα.

<<Thank you for all the advances you

offered and your contribution to modern

Greek culture!>>

The modern Greeks

Κρουστά ήταν τα κρόταλα ή κρέμβαλα, τα τύμπανα, τα κύμβαλα, καθώς και διάφορα σείστρα και κουδούνια (κώδωνες). Η χρησιμοποίηση του κρουστών δεν ήταν τόσο διαδεδομένη στα αρχαία ελληνικά μουσικά δρώμενα, όσο στις διονυσιακές τελετές οργιαστικού χαρακτήρα, όπου γινόταν χρήση κυρίως τυμπάνων, κυμβάλων και κουδουνιών.

The End!!!!!