Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi lar microsoft word (microsoft office 98 ve üzeri versiyon-lar)...

ISSN: 2147-1061 Özel sayı / special number/ numéro spécial ANAYASANIN YENİLENMESİ RENEWAL OF THE CONSTITUTION RENOUVELLEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION (Proceedings of the International Rounde Table organized by IACL / AIDC, Istanbul, 28-29 april 2011) Yayına hazırlayanlar / Edited by / sous la direction de İbrahim Ö. Kaboğlu Jean Marcou Christina Murray Anayasa Hukuku Araştırmaları Derneği (Anayasa-Der) Yayını Published by the Association of Research on Constitutional Law (ARCL) Publiée par l’Association des Recherches en Droit Constitutionnel (ARDC) Anayasa-Der, IACL (Anayasa Hukuku Uluslararası Derneği) üyesidir ARCL is member of the IACL/ ARDC est le membre de l’AIDC LEGAL

Transcript of Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi lar microsoft word (microsoft office 98 ve üzeri versiyon-lar)...

  • ISSN: 2147-1061

    zel say / special number/ numro spcial


    RENOUVELLEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION (Proceedings of the International Rounde Table organized by IACL

    / AIDC, Istanbul, 28-29 april 2011)

    Yayna hazrlayanlar / Edited by / sous la direction de

    brahim . Kabolu Jean Marcou

    Christina Murray

    Anayasa Hukuku Aratrmalar Dernei (Anayasa-Der) Yayn Published by the Association of Research on Constitutional Law (ARCL) Publie par lAssociation des Recherches en Droit Constitutionnel (ARDC)

    Anayasa-Der, IACL (Anayasa Hukuku Uluslararas Dernei) yesidir

    ARCL is member of the IACL/ ARDC est le membre de lAIDC


  • Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi Journal of Constitutional Law / Revue de Droit

    Constitutionnel Hakemli Dergidir / Peer reviewed Journal

    Cilt: 1 / Say: 1

    Volume: 1 / Issue: 1 Yl / Year: 2012

    Yayn Sahibi / Publisher:

    Sorumlu Yaz leri Mdr Responsible Manager:

    Yaymcnn Ad / Name of

    Publishing Company:

    Basmcnn Ad / Printed by:

    Basld Yer / Place of Publication:

    Basm Tarihi / Publication Date:

    Ynetim Yeri / Place of


    E-posta / E-mail:


    Yayn Tr / Type of Publication:

    Legal Yaynclk San. ve Tic. Ltd. ti. adna Sahibi ve Genel Yayn Ynetmeni On Behalf of Legal Yaynclk San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Publisher and Executive Editor Av. / Aal. Ltfrrahman BAZ (Sertifika No. / Certificate No. 16191) Prof. Dr. brahim . Kabolu Legal Yaynclk San. ve Tic. Ltd. ti. (Sertifika No. / Certificate No. 16191) Tel.: 0 216 449 04 86 Net Krtasiye Tantm ve Matbaa San. Tic. Ltd. ti (Net Copy Center) (Sertifika No. / Certificate No. 13723) Tel. 0212 249 40 60 nn Cad. Beytlmalc Sk. No: 23/A Gmsuyu/Beyolu-stanbul 2012 Bahar /Spring Bahariye Cad. No: 63/6 Kadky/stanbul Tel.: (216) 449 04 85 449 04 86 Faks (Fax): (216) 449 04 87 (Sertifika No./Certificate No. 16191) [email protected] Bu dergi ylda iki say olarak yaymlanan yerel, sreli hakemli bir hukuk dergisidir/ This journal is a peer-reviewed national law journal published two times in a year

    ISSN: 2147-1061

  • Dergiye yaplan atflarda AHD ksaltmas kullanlmaldr. For citations please use the abbreviation: AHD.

    Katkda bulunmak isteyenler iin iletiim bilgileri/

    All correspondence concerning articles and other submissions should be addressed to:

    E-mail: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Bu dergide yaymlanan yazlarda ileri srlen grler yazarlara aittir. Articles published in this journal represent only the views of the contributors.

    Copyright 2012 Tm haklar sakldr. Bu yaynn hibir blm, Legal Yaynclk San. ve Tic.

    Ltd. ti. ile Prof. Dr. brahim Kabolunun yazl izni olmadan, fotokopi yoluyla veya elektronik, mekanik ve sair suretlerle ksmen veya tamamen

    oaltlamaz, datlamaz, kayda alnamaz.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means, without the prior expressed permission in writing of the Legal Yaynclk San. ve Tic.

    Ltd. Sti. and Prof. Dr. brahim Kabolu

    ANAYASA HUKUKU DERGS Bahariye Cad. am Apt. No: 63 D. 6 Kadky stanbul

    Tel: (216) 449 04 85 449 04 86 Faks: (216) 449 04 87

    nternet adresi: /

    E-posta: [email protected] / [email protected]


    Profesr brahim . Kabolu, Marmara niversitesi

    Profesr Necmi Yzbaolu, Galatasaray niversitesi

    Profesr Sibel nceolu, stanbul Bilgi niversitesi niversitesi

    Profesr Bertil Emrah Oder, Ko niversitesi

    Profesr Sevtap Yoku, Kocaeli niversitesi

    Doent Eric Sales, Galatasaray ve Montpellier nivesiteleri

    Doent Sultan zeltrk, Yeditepe niversitesi

    Doent Selin Esen, Ankara niversitesi

    Doent Ece Gztepe, Bilkent niversitesi

    Doent ule zsoy, Galatasaray niversitesi


    Professor Rainer Arnold, University of Regensbourg

    Profesor Csar Landa Arroyo, Ponticia Universidad Catolica del Peru

    Professeur Yadh Ben Achour, Universit de Cartage

    Professor Eva Brems, Ghent University

    Profesr Meltem Dikmen Canikliolu, zmir Ekonomi niversitesi

    Profesr Osman Doru, Marmara niversitesi

    Profesor Marcelo Figueiredo, Pontifica Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo

    Professeur Thomas Fleiner, Universit de Fribourg

    Professeur Laurline Fontaine, Sorbonne nouvelle-Paris 3

    Professor Lech Garlicki, European Court of Human Rights

    Professeur Tania Groppi, Universit de Siena

    Professor Vicki Jackson, Harward School of Law

    Professor Mo Jihong, Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

    Profesr oanna Kuuradi, Maltepe niversitesi

    Professeur Jean Marcou, Universit de Grenoble

    Professeur Bertrand Mathieu, Universit Paris-Sorbonne

    Professor Jean Morange, Universit de Limoges

    Professor Christina Murray, University of Cape Town

    Profesr Erdal Onar, Bilkent niversitesi

    Profesr Merih den, Ankara niversitesi

  • Professor Raul Pangalangan, University of Philippines

    Professor Michel Rosenfeld, Cardozo School of Law

    Professor Martin Scheinin, European University Institute

    Professor Eivind Smith, University of Oslo

    Professor Adrienne Stone, University of Melburne

    Professor Elena-Simina Tanasescu, University of Bucarest

    Profesr Turan Yldrm, Marmara niversitesi



    1. Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi, ylda iki say olarak yaymlanan ha-kemli bir dergidir.

    Journal of Constitutional Law is a peer-reviewed journal published two times in a year.

    2. Dergide yaymlanabilecek yazlar, Anayasa Hukuku alann il-

    gilendiren ierikte her trl makale, karar incelemesi ve kitap incelemesi ile evirilerdir. Yazlarn dili, Trke veya dier Avrupa dilleridir.

    This is a journal of law focusing on legal issues concerning Constitutional law. Articles, case notes and comments, discussions of legislative development, book reviews and other similar type of papers which are written in Turkish and in other European languages are welcome.

    3. Dergide yaymlanmak zere gnderilen yazlar baka bir yerde

    yaymlanmam ya da yaymlanmak zere gnderilmemi olmaldr. Articles that will be sent to the editor should not be published

    elsewhere nor be submitted to other journals simultaneously. 4. Yazlar microsoft word (microsoft office 98 ve zeri versiyon-

    lar) formatnda (doc veya docx dosya uzantl olarak) yazlm olmaldr. Ayrca yazlar, aadaki ekil artlarna uygun olarak kaleme alnm ol-maldr.

    Kat Boyu: A4 st: 2.5 cm; Alt: 2.5 cm; Sol: 2 cm; Sa; 2 cm Metin: Times New Roman, 12 punto, 1.5 satr aral, iki yana

    yasl Dipnotlar: Sayfa altnda, Times New Roman, 10 punto, 1 satr ara-

    l, iki yana yasl Articles should be submitted as microsoft word (either with doc or

    docx file extensions) documents (microsoft office 98 or higher versions). Articles should be written according to the following style guidelines:

    Paper size: A4 Top: 2.5 cm; Bottom: 2.5 cm; Left: 2 cm; Right; 2 cm Text body: Times New Roman, 12 points, at 1.5 line spacing,


  • Footnotes: Times New Roman, 10 points, at 1 line spacing, justified

    5. Her yaz, kaydedildii bir CD ile ya da elektronik posta yolu ile microsoft word formatnda editre teslim edilmelidir. Yaznn basl ola-rak teslimi gerekmemektedir.

    Softcopy of the article either on a CD or as an attached microsoft word document via e-mail should be submitted to the editor. There is no need to submit any hardcopy of the article.

    6. Yazyla birlikte yazarn (veya yazarlarn) adna, unvanna,

    alt kuruma, ak adresine, kolay ulam salanabilecek telefon nu-maralarna ve elektronik posta adreslerine ilikin bilgiler de editre ula-trlmaldr.

    The name(s), formal position(s), institutional affiliation(s) and contact details (especially e-mail(s)) of the author(s) must be clearly included with the submission to the editor.

    7. Dergiye gnderilen makaleler Trke ve ngilizce balk ile

    hem ngilizce hem de Trke zet ksm iermelidir. Each submission should contain a Turkish (only for Turkish

    authors) and an English Title, as well as structured Abstract in Turkish (only for Turkish authors) and English.

    8. Dergiye gnderilen makalelerde, ilgili makaledeki konuyu ta-

    nmlayan Trke ve ngilizce uygun anahtar kelimeler bulunmaldr. All articles should be accompanied by sufficient number of

    keywords in Turkish (only for Turkish authors) and English that reflect the content of the article.

    9. Dergiye gnderilen makalelerde kullanlan kaynaklar, makale

    sonunda kaynaka olarak alfabetik srada verilmi olmal ve kullanlan kaynaklar dipnotunda veya metin ierisinde ksa olarak yer almaldr.

    All references cited in the text should be numbered in order of mention in the text and should be given abbreviated form in footnotes. They should be listed in full form at the end of the article in an alphabetically arranged bibliography as well.

  • 10. Dergiye gnderilen makalelerin yazm bakmndan son dene-timlerin yaplm olduu ve baslmaya hazr olarak verildii kabul edilir.

    All submissions are regarded as ready to publish and already proofread by the author himself or herself.

    11. Yayn Kurulunda ilk deerlendirilmesi yaplan makaleler, ano-

    nim olarak hakeme gnderilecek, hakemden gelen rapor dorultusunda makalenin yaymlanm