Analyzing Magazine Ads

Advertisements By Mii

Transcript of Analyzing Magazine Ads

Page 1: Analyzing  Magazine Ads


By Mii

Page 2: Analyzing  Magazine Ads

How Ad works

In each slide, there will be an advertisement. For each advertisement, I will explain how the Ad works: the human need it expresses to, the strategy that it uses, and how they attract readers.

Page 3: Analyzing  Magazine Ads


It shows the values: freedom using values association so that consumers will buy the car

The green grass and open air in the middle of somewhere shows that there’s no one around to bother or order you around. Also the green trees, say that the car is eco-friendly since it isn’t contaminating the grass.This will appeal to people who want to be eco-friendly and reduce global warming.

The color contrast between the grass and the car makes the car more attractive and beautiful. Also the reflections on the car show its beauty.

The road and how the car curves with it, represents how the car is elegant and (seems) easy to drive.

Page 4: Analyzing  Magazine Ads


The human value that it shows is power.

The advertisement uses putdowns so that people would come to (in this case) your country.

The image is a game of chess and how it compares to the competition for tourists in a country. The white chess piece symbolizes Singapore. The piece is about to fall off the board, meaning it is falling out of the game. While the black chess piece, Jeju, is safe and right in the middle with no other chess piece on the board. That makes it look significant, special, and a more successful city than Singapore. Representing that it is a great place to visit.

The quote clarifies the image. The message is saying that I am rising above Singapore. As if Jeju was now looking down on Singapore.

Page 5: Analyzing  Magazine Ads

#3The human value used in this advertisement uses is happiness.

The Ad is using values association to attract consumers.

The picture shows kids smiling and having a great time. Symbolizing that using the ink would be good and bring happiness.

The color is really bright and “perfect” in the pictures, so the reader would think that the ink would give really nice pictures.

Placing the ink at the bottom makes it look like the ink was the object that made the good pictures.

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#4The advertisement uses guilt to help sell their product.

The quote gives a guilt feeling to the reader. It is saying that we pollute and the pollution would stay there, so it would be best not to pollute.

The factory at the bottom represents Shell. It is producing flowers to say that it doesn’t pollute and it does help the earth. When reading the quote and seeing the picture, the reader would feel guilt that they aren’t helping the earth. Then they would think that they should use Shell products so they could be eco-friendly.

The human value this Ad uses is love.