Analytical Paper

December 23, 2013 To Sarah Lawrence College Admission Committee Regarding the requirement of the analytical paper I will like to explain why I have decided to include an analytical essay that was made in pairs. Throughout high school most of our assignments were made in teams, especially those who involved analysis or research and the few individual ones were usually uploaded in the high school educational platform. The platform only registered the assignments of the corresponding semester and at the end of each term the system deleted all of the previous uploaded assignments and courses in order to put the courses and tools needed for the following semester. Also, many of these rarely had professor comment. also need to be mentioned that the end of each semester I erased most of my school works in order to have enough space for the following semester However, searching through the analysis and research assignments, I found that the closest ones to an approach of individual work and that could reflect in a broader way my academic work were the analytic essays we did for Literature class. Even though these essays were made in pairs, both of us include our stance and merge it on the essay. Therefore the enrichment and analysis stances were deeper. In these essays we usually compare a book and a painting common theme in which we could either highlight its glaring resemblances or abysmal differences of the idea’s representation. In the following essay the topic discussed was freedom and how it is depicted in Life is a Dream from Pedro Calderon de la Barca and the painting The liberation of St. Peter by Batistello Caracciolo .


Analytical paper

Transcript of Analytical Paper

December 23, 2013

To Sarah Lawrence College Admission Committee

Regarding the requirement of the analytical paper I will like to explain why I have decided to include an analytical essay that was made in pairs.

Throughout high school most of our assignments were made in teams, especially those who involved analysis or research and the few individual ones were usually uploaded in the high school educational platform. The platform only registered the assignments of the corresponding semester and at the end of each term the system deleted all of the previous uploaded assignments and courses in order to put the courses and tools needed for the following semester. Also, many of these rarely had professor comment. also need to be mentioned that the end of each semester I erased most of my school works in order to have enough space for the following semester

However, searching through the analysis and research assignments, I found that the closest ones to an approach of individual work and that could reflect in a broader way my academic work were the analytic essays we did for Literature class. Even though these essays were made in pairs, both of us include our stance and merge it on the essay. Therefore the enrichment and analysis stances were deeper.

In these essays we usually compare a book and a painting common theme in which we could either highlight its glaring resemblances or abysmal differences of the ideas representation. In the following essay the topic discussed was freedom and how it is depicted in Life is a Dream from Pedro Calderon de la Barca and the painting The liberation of St. Peter by Batistello Caracciolo .

I completely understand that the analytical essay would have been preferably an individual work but due to the circumstances mentioned before, the analytical paper Im presenting is the one that,in my opinion, represents better my academic work and the way professors had evaluate me through high school.


Ana Laura Galindo Ortega


The liberation

And having myself more soul, do I have less freedom? (Pedro Caldern de la Barca)

The liberty, as intangible as valued, has always been of great importance for the human being, due to the fact that without it, it is impossible to act according to peoples desire, take decisions and exercise our will. Therefore the confinement and jail have been used as much for to punish, as for avoiding the actions of a person. This topic is represented in an unvarnished way in la Vida es Sueo, of Pedro Caldern de la Barca, and in the painting The liberation of Saint Peter, of Batistello Caracciolo . Both works date from XVII century, previous era to the Renaissance, in which it was pursued the strengthening of catholic faith, but also the human freedom was widely discussed.

In the case of Segismundo,in La Vida es Sueo,he is locked up in order to avert bringing on a supposed misfortune to his kingdom, an idea that was a result of a prediction made by the stars; whereas in the painting The liberation of Saint Peter, Saint Peter is imprisoned by the king Herodes, thus avoiding the dissemination of catholic ideas.Both of them, encounter a glorious instant, of enlightening in the moment in which the so longed liberated is reclaimed. Leave; because in this desert, a numerous army of bandits and plebeians acclaims you; the freedom awaits you; hear its accents (De la Barca, 86). The previous quote from La Vida es Sueo, comes from the third scene, third act, in the moment in which the people eulogizes the true king, helping him to escape of his unfair confinement, just like the archangel assists Saint Peter in his escape.

In conclusion, when achieving freedom a level of rebirth, which is obtained through justice, is fulfilled, perhaps not in an autonomous manner, but with the assistance of an exterior force. Although the precedent works are represented in different ways, the idea of liberation is always the same.

**Liberated: Translation from the mistake made in the original work. The correct word should have been liberation.

** Total grade:6.5/7


Caracciolo, Batistello. Liberacin de San Perso.1615. leo sobre lienzo.Pio Monte della Misericordia, Npoles.

De la Barca, La Vida es Sueo. Mxico: Ediciones Leyenda, 2011.

Evaluation sheet for Art and Literature comparative essay

Names: Ana Cristina Loredo Melndez I.D: A0132204 Ana Laura Galindo Ortega A01331379



The essay has the following format: Times New Roman 12 and line spacing of 1 . Its length is no longer than one sheet and it contains the evaluation sheet in the back. (.25).25

The essay contains three paragraphs, following the IBC(introduction, body, conclusion) structure (.25).25

Introduction: Present the purpose and the topic in a clear way.(.5).5

Body: The essay establishes a comparative paragraph through a quote that exposes a least one difference or a similarity.(1)1.0

Conclusion: Expounds a closure for the analysis, and a final evaluation of the topic presence in the compared texts. (.5).5

Analysis and argumentation

The essay presents an analytical proposal of comparative character that leads the whole essay and the argumentation. The essay has clarity of language.(1.5)1.0A wider description of the painting was needed

The comparative show argumentation to set out either the similiarity or the difference (1.5)1.5

Grammar and MLA

The essay only contains one grammar or syntactic mistake (1.0)1.0

Both the quote and the bibliography correctly apply the MLA format.(.5).5
